1952-10-13 Regular Meeting, 37 • Meeting of October 6, 1952, continued. a ? A request of Mir, J. A. FIewett that the y?46, , ta7:es ?0.1- error for the year l951 and prioi, 37 paid by him ir? September ?952t in ? for the reason he has sitice beenadvisedbythe?e aminirgdattorneyrthat?heYhasPciobtit?eunded to the said lot, the same haviiig previousl; been foreclosed by f;irby Sidbury, was referred to the County httortiey for opinion. Upon motiot, of Mr. Davis, seconded by ivir. Trasks the _Board authorized and directed that our boilers at the CoLU.ty iiome be fired by hired heip instead of trusties ir, the future, one during the ciay a.nd one at night, requested by the fiartford Steam Boiler Company , who carry our ii,surar:ce on the same. ' Ui;on motioi, of i:?r. Davis, seconded bz Mr. Trask, payment of ?25.00 to Dr. Vd.Ivi.Coru.or, phys3cian and pathologist at James 'Walker l,?emorja, Hospital t for testifying as an expert , witt.ess ii, ilhe case of State cs Browi: 'r_ough, as.d $50.00 i;o John J. Burney?Jr.j Attorney appointc,d by the Court to represent the defendet,t iri the case of State vs Cora EtYtei Hendersonl vaere approved ori the oraer of the 'ronorable 'J+.H.S.3ergwyn, Judge Presidir,g. Upon motion oS ;air. D-avis, secor.ded by Yr. Tra-sk, the Board authorized ar;d directed the paymei.t of M .00 to bir. M.H.L'ar;der, C.E., for preiininary survey an8 map of County ovrned iats east of the Legion Stauium. Any member of the Board, ur.d the Cour,ty Kttorney and the Couc.ty Auditor, vTho may find it , ??`1?., convei:ient, were author'zed to att:end the annual Supervisors rneeting of the Tax Supervisors Associa.tion to be held at the Institute of Goverr:ment at Cnapel Hill on : ovember l3th through the l5th 7952. audit report of the Board of HeaTth for the fiscal year eridirig'Juue 1952, prepared by ,--a' Tvir. Aarry W. Cherry, CPA., was received and filed. The meeting ther? adjourned. le rk . ' v:i I mii.Ftoi., ?t . C., Octcber 13. 195r?.- The r•egular wee;r'y ,,eeti;.k of t'ie Boui•ci wds helci at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Freseiit: bddisoT. riec:ieLt, Cha;rmai., C•aud 0'ohie•czs, itiurstoi. C. Davis, Hal J. Love, , RaiPord Trask ai u Couity A,i,uri:ey I°arsdei. Be'lae:y. , Upon motior., 'ulilliam H. Guy,.:,r., 2536 Buri.et.t. iiou,evard, u,iln:iigtoi. to?,.Jnship, was granted ?qyL aL, abaten;ei.i; oi ta)es cw. tu the Cicy oi.'y, for 195?, o,, a valuatiox, of 4290.00 or, a1941 . Chevrolet auf.or,obile kept ii. possess-oi of h:is wi,'e ir ila,ri.ett: towi.ship where she resided dt;ring hi.s stay ii. the i avy. _ tipo: motiou of I.,r. •ovE; secoi,de6 by i i. ?'2as'?, I.Ir. 0. G. Vvhitiock was granted an abatement --?' of ?;5.6: ii.tejest ur.d .GG sales cost oz Eari.ett toivr_ship pronerty for '195, , which he st3ted he came ii, to prepay, bu? the Auditors Office dio 7.ot i) clnde the said property veitn ni: list io; prepayments. ;v',r. S;?muel D. Ci1ii.i..is,Jr., ir. the ravy N!ar grai;ted an ' abaten,er.t of tayes on a valuatiot, of ?l,G75.00 persona, properi:y ai.d ??.00 polHarnei;t i;owiship, aecount oi duplicat:e , isi:ii,g. It ?,,ac shovrn he list,ed his aut:omobile ai d other persoi.a, property for 1952 or: January ?, 2nd the same was listed agai7, by his wife or. hugust 111 '552. ivYr. G. E. HP-at:.ett Cape Fear "'oi,)r.ship, was grar,ted ar. abat.ement of po,, taxes foi- Harnett account of double listing, poll tsae: having also beer listed irt Cape Fear for the year 19?')2. Amos Fiughes, Harr,ett Lovz't.ship, v.las graY,fied an a.batement of tayes or. one female dog listed i:. ex ror for the year 1951. Iie iOHS charged vrith two female dogs says he has or.ly„one fer,iale and ui.e male dog. KabeL-C_. Cooroer, 'vrilniiretor. tou+nsh5.p, was gra.nted an aba.temerit of taxes or. a va-luation of $6110.00 oi. a1y49 Buick autouobile charged in error at $', i,700.00, shou?d have beeti ?,LI )090.00. •. ' Upor. mot:ion of Ivir. 0'Shields', seconded b•y, I,1r. Love Col• H. E. Boyd was authorized to attei.d merger hearing, iii Vdashington, D. C., latter ?art of tYiis mot-ith regardizig two alterr atives- -,-?rferger of Coionia'r and F.astern kiriines or Coloni.al and Eational Airlines. , Upoii motion of Mr. Davis, seconded b; Wr. I?oJe, Uack tax.es charged agairist ?ot part of Fe, i e? l , H?rnett towi ship, ir, the ?r?oL.i t of r;82.20 for the years 194" to 1943 ar.d 1944 thr.ough 1951? iai the r.arr:e of Flag W. 4di'liams, s ordered caz.ce,led on accow:t of doubie cilarge ?rid the suit for tayes brough;; aoair_st nir,. orderFd stopped, oi`; anvise_?if the Coui,ty'titty. ?roperty is liste,3 by Lawrence 3e3:ki.is vaho i?as paid the 'taxes o,? the same through the year 195' • aletter iwas receircd iror.? L:r. ??hr. ii. ?o):? Cnairr,as: of the Arriculturai CommiGtee of the ' ?pMr??hanber of Cornmerce, explFssit.a tnai.ks io ?7embers of the Doard for their cor,tributior. te the Daii•y Cali Snow. . . " Notice was received fror.i Dr. j nhr. T. Hog?;ard that a meeting of the ABC Con,posit.e Eoard would October 2?? ?Q)?. ---pi-c--be helti ii, the Cou.i_t,y Commissioiiers oif'ice at 3:00 o`clock P.T?:.9 Upon motioe. of Lir. 0'Shie'ds, \ secoi:c]ed b? ivlj . 7oae, aii offer of the heirs at law of J.R. ar.d Annetta Berry, tkirougn their Htt,oriieY ;%?r. r,dFar L.Y"ow, to purchase City-Coui.ty ovrned 1.ot 1 1 block 6) f.:ercer P,ace at a nrice cf ?250.00 ?vas accepted ?atid the Ch?irman and the Cleric of the Boaru re nereby authorized ai,d directed to to si.gn a deed Sor same ii, the name oi' the Cour,ty A1 etter of iiiv9tation to atter,d a meeting ir. Sal isbury oli. October -1 71 1 952, w'itn referei cE ? P,,,to fiurai Fire Pxotectioi.. The Board decided that id,r. rial J. Love attet.d if he is ir, i,hat territory at that time. H letter was received froru pr. NI. N. I,eary advising that at a meetir,g of the Board of Trustees ?No? of Corrmur?ity Hospital Septeniber 24 1 19527 the Boa-rd reaeived the resignatior: oS t,ir. E.Haynor Vviison, effective October 11 1952• P,'ir. 0'Shie,ds questioned delay in replacing resigned men ar.d suggested a joint meeting before appoir.tments are made, neplacements shouls be n:a.d? without delay. ? 3'7 2 Meetir,g of October 13, 19'7, continued. Mr. Davis moved that we recommend Dr. F. W. Avai,t to the City, for appoiritment or the -J Board of Tyustees of Cor.imuiiity HosDital , h:is motion t,.as secoi.ded Uy Mr. 0'Shields and carried. - ? Uoon motior, oF Iulr. Davi=, seconded ty i.'r. T.ove 5 i;r. . J.'v; . Guthri.e vids ailowed to purcha se a parcel of la,id from ieew fiax:over Coui.ty ii. L'ape Fear Tovri:ship, on wliich to coristruct a home, adjoii;ing a'lot recei,tly sold to N_.C.Garrison. ;Yir. 0'Shields moveu t-hat aletter oi' commei,datior, and aupr•eciation be vuritten to the Chief of Police of the 'uii.l;r.;ngtoi. rolice :iepartment, i;he Sheriif ann State Highway Fatrol, on -? the smooth atid efficient hand'inE of traific at the naleign-Ideva Hanover High footba,? game at I.egioi. Staciium Fri.day ..-I€nt, October iG, 1952. riis motiar, was seconded by L4r. ?ove aiid carri ed . lipcn r..otioi: oi I,'r. irask, secor.ded r5 Love, the Board authorized the sale of the titriber trees oii the east side of the Airport to the higiiest bidder or. sealed bids to be received after t_otice b7- acivertisen,ert has beer. g.ivezi. Upcin Totior, of Mr. Davis, Geeonded by Mr. fi'Shields, iiistructions tivere g?ven that_ inquiry rAIbe made to Mr. Hun;phrey I..arshal, for procurenient of cinder Ulocks at ivlaffitt Village for buildir.g a wa-I, at Legior. Stadium. R corr,munication vias received irom Tvir. J. R. Bes:son, City I:.ai.ager, that a price of not less thar: #1,000.00 was su.ggested for the sale of City-Cour.ty ov+ned property, patt of 'lot i, in block 200. i3r. G'Shi,eds moved as.d it was secoi.ded by Nir. r,ove and carriedg that ii; the interest of the pubiic the property be advertised foy sale. Upon motiori, duly seconded, Coizi.ty bi,is i,o. 603 to 996, Iric., were anproved for payment. The meeting was tneY rece•3sed to roeet viiti7 ?.ational ar?d F`.edmond r-iepresentetives at the A1T'DOPt itt 11:i Jr O1C'OC=: h.l... , ?i The meetin'g W15 I1E'(l ]'f, ttlE 1?1I'jJOI't ierrniiial DU.].'C?1C+r' dt 1':15 A.M. iOT' 2. d1SCU5510ri 021 rental.fees for Fiedmor,t kiri::,es ai,d 1,atiot.al A-ii,ines. Ii, attendance were: Mr. W. E. Golden, Assistairt to the OosrationG ,':iai.aEer of Aat:oual Airliues, itir. R. D. Iiagar„Vice'Fresideizt,'F Piedmont eir, ines_and i:"r: Ben'',<icGee; Sal es i,:aiager, Fiedmont. Thei.r proposal to pay on the fo,lowing basi.s svas n& acceptable to the Commissioners: Counter Space 120 square feet at ;3.50 per squa•re foot $420.00 Off:iCe SpaCO 480 ° " it 2•50 " " " 11200.00 CT2w 81id Storage $pdC2 600 ?? n u' ?.2 5 tr n 750•00 ,zoo 25370.00 , wnich would equa-I ?2,370.00 per year. Our proposal: ?o rent ?200 square feet at y:?.50 per square foot per year, or ?at, amount of $3,000.00 per year for each airline, which vas not immediately acceptable to them. ? The meeting was thei, adjoo.rned with the ui:derstaudiur, tY:at the xirline Representatives ' o'?svould coiitact their Home Offices for further discussion of our proposal and rei?ort at a ?a? later date. Davi6 "++. Orms' ? Acting C-lerk. _ ? - Vliimington, ;6. C., October 20, 1952• The regular week'+y meetiiig of the Board was held a.t 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addisor. Hewlett, Chairnan, Cla.uci 0'Snields, 7'lnirstoc. C. Davis, Raiford Trask and County tittorney ijiarsden Eiella.my. . A request of Iyir. 'Vi. E. Pocae,1 for a,. abaternEnt of the 1952 tayes on house assessment on lot .= ?qk at Caroiii,a Beach cahicn he said was removeri for State i;ighvvay ri€ht-of-ivay ir. 1951 was recommended for app^oval to Lhe Tovri. of Caro,ic.a ueach. , Upon motion of I1:r. 0'uhie'+ds; secoi:ded by ;vir. ilavis, a. request o; Mr. Foster r,dwards? C"erk Cc? of the Superior Court, f'or ai. ertz•a typist to heI p catcn-up firith thB.V?ork in his'offic?., --- was graiited for a period izot• to e.?czea tv??o moiiths at a sa,ary o£ $i50.00 per month.. -?' Upori motior, of i„r. Trask, secoi,ded by i"i . Da,cis, actior? on a proposed iease Uetweeii the County and Skycoachieir7ines Ageiicy,Ir.c.s concer:iiig the airport,, vdas postponed ur?til next iJionday to give oDportunity to study the same. -bIvlr. Gariarid S. Cu.rrin appeared tn iiivite the Corm;ssi.oners to attend the awarding of pri.zes .(@5? in the Seventh Ai,niial 3icycle rarape, October I ;i;h through the 25th at the Boys Brigade? sponsored by the locai Yost Lraveiers Protective kssociati011. iuo objectioi;s vrere raiseu oy the Board to the applicatiot. foi• a State Permit to se'l beer -?? at 5e2.breeze, submitted by T,oris 4a. GJade. ? A comrr.ui,ication was received froin the 5tate Department of Pub7.ic Vseifare advisir.g that .$47,892.50 was sent to this Coi?nty in September for Oid age Assistaa.ce, Hid to Depeudent _ Chi'+dren, Aid to Permanei.tly a.nd Totally Disabled and tldministratior.. v ,