HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-20 Regular Meeting3'7 2
Meetir,g of October 13, 19'7, continued.
Mr. Davis moved that we recommend Dr. F. W. Avai,t to the City, for appoiritment or the
-J Board of Tyustees of Cor.imuiiity HosDital , h:is motion t,.as secoi.ded Uy Mr. 0'Shields and
carried. -
? Uoon motior, oF Iulr. Davi=, seconded ty i.'r. T.ove 5 i;r. . J.'v; . Guthri.e vids ailowed to purcha se
a parcel of la,id from ieew fiax:over Coui.ty ii. L'ape Fear Tovri:ship, on wliich to coristruct a
home, adjoii;ing a'lot recei,tly sold to N_.C.Garrison.
;Yir. 0'Shields moveu t-hat aletter oi' commei,datior, and aupr•eciation be vuritten to the Chief
of Police of the 'uii.l;r.;ngtoi. rolice :iepartment, i;he Sheriif ann State Highway Fatrol, on
-? the smooth atid efficient hand'inE of traific at the naleign-Ideva Hanover High footba,? game
at I.egioi. Staciium Fri.day ..-I€nt, October iG, 1952. riis motiar, was seconded by L4r. ?ove aiid
carri ed .
lipcn r..otioi: oi I,'r. irask, secor.ded r5 Love, the Board authorized the sale of the titriber
trees oii the east side of the Airport to the higiiest bidder or. sealed bids to be received
after t_otice b7- acivertisen,ert has beer. g.ivezi.
Upcin Totior, of Mr. Davis, Geeonded by Mr. fi'Shields, iiistructions tivere g?ven that_ inquiry
rAIbe made to Mr. Hun;phrey I..arshal, for procurenient of cinder Ulocks at ivlaffitt Village for
buildir.g a wa-I, at Legior. Stadium.
R corr,munication vias received irom Tvir. J. R. Bes:son, City I:.ai.ager, that a price of not less
thar: #1,000.00 was su.ggested for the sale of City-Cour.ty ov+ned property, patt of 'lot i, in
block 200. i3r. G'Shi,eds moved as.d it was secoi.ded by Nir. r,ove and carriedg that ii; the
interest of the pubiic the property be advertised foy sale.
Upon motiori, duly seconded, Coizi.ty bi,is i,o. 603 to 996, Iric., were anproved for payment.
The meeting was tneY rece•3sed to roeet viiti7 ?.ational ar?d F`.edmond r-iepresentetives at the
A1T'DOPt itt 11:i Jr O1C'OC=: h.l... ,
?i The meetin'g W15 I1E'(l ]'f, ttlE 1?1I'jJOI't ierrniiial DU.].'C?1C+r' dt 1':15 A.M. iOT' 2. d1SCU5510ri 021
rental.fees for Fiedmor,t kiri::,es ai,d 1,atiot.al A-ii,ines. Ii, attendance were: Mr. W. E. Golden,
Assistairt to the OosrationG ,':iai.aEer of Aat:oual Airliues, itir. R. D. Iiagar„Vice'Fresideizt,'F
Piedmont eir, ines_and i:"r: Ben'',<icGee; Sal es i,:aiager, Fiedmont.
Thei.r proposal to pay on the fo,lowing basi.s svas n& acceptable to the Commissioners:
Counter Space 120 square feet at ;3.50 per squa•re foot $420.00
Off:iCe SpaCO 480 ° " it 2•50 " " " 11200.00
CT2w 81id Storage $pdC2 600 ?? n u' ?.2 5 tr n 750•00
,zoo 25370.00 ,
wnich would equa-I ?2,370.00 per year.
Our proposal: ?o rent ?200 square feet at y:?.50 per square foot per year, or
?at, amount of $3,000.00 per year for each airline, which vas not immediately acceptable to
? The meeting was thei, adjoo.rned with the ui:derstaudiur, tY:at the xirline Representatives
' o'?svould coiitact their Home Offices for further discussion of our proposal and rei?ort at a
?a? later date.
Davi6 "++. Orms' ? Acting C-lerk.
_ ? -
Vliimington, ;6. C., October 20, 1952•
The regular week'+y meetiiig of the Board was held a.t 10:00 o'clock A. M.
Present: Addisor. Hewlett, Chairnan, Cla.uci 0'Snields, 7'lnirstoc. C. Davis, Raiford Trask
and County tittorney ijiarsden Eiella.my. .
A request of Iyir. 'Vi. E. Pocae,1 for a,. abaternEnt of the 1952 tayes on house assessment on lot
.= ?qk at Caroiii,a Beach cahicn he said was removeri for State i;ighvvay ri€ht-of-ivay ir. 1951 was
recommended for app^oval to Lhe Tovri. of Caro,ic.a ueach. ,
Upon motion of I1:r. 0'uhie'+ds; secoi:ded by ;vir. ilavis, a. request o; Mr. Foster r,dwards? C"erk
Cc? of the Superior Court, f'or ai. ertz•a typist to heI p catcn-up firith thB.V?ork in his'offic?.,
--- was graiited for a period izot• to e.?czea tv??o moiiths at a sa,ary o£ $i50.00 per month..
-?' Upori motior, of i„r. Trask, secoi,ded by i"i . Da,cis, actior? on a proposed iease Uetweeii the County
and Skycoachieir7ines Ageiicy,Ir.c.s concer:iiig the airport,, vdas postponed ur?til next iJionday to
give oDportunity to study the same.
-bIvlr. Gariarid S. Cu.rrin appeared tn iiivite the Corm;ssi.oners to attend the awarding of pri.zes
.(@5? in the Seventh Ai,niial 3icycle rarape, October I ;i;h through the 25th at the Boys Brigade?
sponsored by the locai Yost Lraveiers Protective kssociati011.
iuo objectioi;s vrere raiseu oy the Board to the applicatiot. foi• a State Permit to se'l beer
-?? at 5e2.breeze, submitted by T,oris 4a. GJade. ?
A comrr.ui,ication was received froin the 5tate Department of Pub7.ic Vseifare advisir.g that
.$47,892.50 was sent to this Coi?nty in September for Oid age Assistaa.ce, Hid to Depeudent _
Chi'+dren, Aid to Permanei.tly a.nd Totally Disabled and tldministratior..
h'3lmington, N. G.
October 22, 1952
A regular meeting of the Council of the City of 'iiilmington wae held Sn the
Council room on the ebove dste at 1Os00 o'clock AM,., Presents Itfayor I'ihitelpre-
siding, Councilmen Y7ade, Lane and Capps; City Maneger Benson. Absent: Councilman
Doran and City Attorney Campbell.
Rev. John Lemence, Paetor Sunset Perk Baptist Church opened the dieeting with
The Clerk read call for furnishing the Police and Fire Department Oniforme.
The Ueyor inquired if there saaa anyone present deairing to file e bid who had
not alreadq done so, and there being none, declared the time closed for filing b1ds.
Councilman Wade made a motion which vras adopted, to deFer the opening of the
bids upon call just read until other matterc on the egenda are dfaposed of on
account of a number of citizena in the audience waiting to be heard.
The Clerk read call fbr furnishing automotine equipment to the various de-
partments of the City of IYilmington.. The A±syor inquired if there was anyone present
deairing to file e bid who had not already done so, end thero being none declared the
time closed for filing bide. Opening of those bids was also deferred for the purpose
outlined above, with advice to the respective bidders present that they would be
notified tvhen tho Council directed the opening of said bida.
? Mr. R. H. Nolland was present in the interest of the reaoning of a parcel of
property at Oleander DrYve and Mimosa Place Phich is still imder discusston and so
Far, unapproved. He preaented two sets of reatrictione on the residentiel property
which wae requested by ad9acent property ownera, one oP which conteined the deaignation
o£ s perk and one of wh4ch the park was eliminated since last meeting, and requeaf,ed
the City Council approve one of the sets submitted today so that he may proceed to
have the map and reatrictions recorded. 61r. Holland called attention to a comment
made hq a representative of the people in Countrq Club Pinea vicinity at leat meet-
ing, and read fYrom the minutes said stetement referring to 'parka' as being undseii-
able and a breeding place for crimes; to tirhich N,r. Hollami vigorously obfected,
pointing out that our parks in his opinion is one of the citg's best departments,
hrnaever, if the people vrent the park auggestion removed from the reetrictiona it
' would be agreeable to him; although, he felt it should remaitt. He also atated that
he ob3acted to some comment'made at last Council meeting whfch refleoted on the
einceritq and integrity of the orrnera of the property proposed for re2oning, to-wit:
Na. Bergen, d's. Penton and himself..........
Councilman i°ade remerked that, at last Council meeting after objection oP
those present to the city's acquiring that portion of property, lots 7-8-9'for parke
purposes, sdthdrew that item ami asked that it be removed from the restrictions, whioh
hea been done.
Nr. John Bright Hill was present and stated that he ia sorrg that Mr. DeChampa
ie not present thia morning; that,, he is sure that there was no intentiott on the psrt
of hia group to reflect on the sincerity and ability to carry out the agreement of
the ovrners of thia propertq...... that as he recalled, the only point made was, that
the restrictions could be changed; howener the graup felt that as long sa the afore- mentioned gentlemen, Holland, Penton and Bergen remein owners oP the property there
would tae noattempt to change the restrictions; also, if perheps two or three.yeare
from today the present owners decide to aell they might sell it to someone who would
change the restrictione. He also steted thet Nr. Harnhill, Attorney, and his group
. have tried to work out some agreement on the site which would not effect the re-
strictiona as presently drawn; hocrever, they are asking thet the following be in-.
cluded in the restrictione: "At the end of restriction 8, "Provided, however that for
and 3n coneideration of the sum of One Dollar, the receipt of vrhich is ac]rnowledgel
by the ownera, and other valuable considerations, these restrictione shall hot be
changed unless spproval is secured by a majority af ths Lhen ownere of the fo2lowing
lots 15 end 16 in Pine Court Development; Lots 35, 36, 54 and 55 af Country Club
Pinea, and lots 10, il, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 of Country Club Pinea Extension De-
velopment; this would aeaure the present ownera of the adSacent property that the
restrictions wouid not be changed tv+o or three yeara from aow; elso, that restrictfons
shall run until January 1, 1972, or 20 years.
Nr. Holland at this point remarked that, this ia a rather novel and unusuel re-
queat; that 2ae cennot see why an adjoining development should hane control over another
development; that, it ia the owner's itttention to develop and sell the reaidential
property under dfacussion,9 lot by lot; that,3t is not the intention to sell the
property ae s whole. •
° 2 -
Mr. Thos. H. « ight, Jr., speaking persor.al],y and for the reop2e of that
vicinity stated that he toot wanted to say that he end his troup did not question.the
integrity of 64easrs. Hollandt Penton and Bergea, tha9;, he is sure the presant oraners
intend to go through rith the3r plans, but someth:i.ng unforeseen can change the pic-
ture over rhich the Council might have no cont•rol in the fuinme; that, the peop2e
vrant to keep the reatrictlons on the proper4q for 20 years.
- Mayor {9hite commented,, that he too,, felt that 4t was unuaval for a dev-
elopment in another area to seek control o!' restrictiona in another developmettt, mhich
r.estr3etions when recorded speak for 3tself. Councilman Capps agreed that it wae quite
afa.Hollend stated that he 3e willing to give the people in the area v+hat
bheq want, that, he had.no objection to the,aforesaid requssts being eontained ia the
Thereupon, Covncilman F'ade moved that, based upon the presentatioa fust
made bq 6'r.Holland in behalf of the o-onera of the properties,, that the Council nccept
that tender of N,r.Aol2and that that the folks in the ares who are requ4ating sai@
inclusions,.get together eeith 1?5!. Holland and redraft the restrictions and bring same
)xick to the Council for approeal. The motfon was secanded by Council::an Cappa and
unanimously adopted.
The City T9anager stated that he ciwld like to make an observation, not
f.or the purpoae of cont3mzing the diecussion,'but so far as he can determinej, this
is the first Snstance v+here parks hsne been barred ia any sectiion of the city; that$,
he 4s frankly conceraed; that, parka have been aekno4+ledged as being beneficial to
all sections of the city; that our nery best residential sections have gone all out
far them and hatne given properCy to s4ake parka available; Lhat, thn str.tement made
i?n reference to the rark is in his opinion putting a atigms on purks in our city;
that, neiphoorhood parks are very helpflul to neiphborhood children and nursee
cering for children.... 6"a,yor White comRented that, he v+ould personally like to
see the park item stay in the restrictions; that the Council 4a establishing a
precedent in el3minating same.... Covncilman Pade made tha observation that, what-
ever the group agreas to in the restr2ctions.. he Pill go along witli it. Ms. Holland
and Pfr. Hill retired for thepurpose o£ redraf'ting the rastri dYona ae agreed to.
? - -
Drive &
Pdr. l". F. Schellp Realtor was presert Yor the purpoae of requeating *'ter
the City to run an 811 ceat iron water ma3.n from Carolina Beach Road along Park4raq Iines to
Bouleverd to hisobvelopment lmo:vn as Hanover Heighta. The Citq Manager read a memo- Schell
Pfiriat.m PlOID MD. Churchill, t7ater Superlntendent, presenting aa eatimete of the cost Develop-
of running said vater line as followa: Materials cost - $17,759.30; labor $7,150.00, ment
total of ;24,909.30. The Msnager pointed out that he had discussed this matter vith '.'enover
both 6k-. Schell and 141r. Churchill previously, end it appeared that the city has svail- Heighta
able water sup~ly to take care o£ thistdditYonal demen; that, the demand being)sei-
dential and should not greatly increaee the auppa,y.
Councllman Pade moved that the City Council approve the•request of ll.r.
Schol]., for rater connect£ons and laying of pipe and all o£ Ehe impsonements per-
taining therota uuder the supervision of the.cYty at the expenae,o£ the Schell "
RoAlty Company, according to the figures of the City Water Supexintendent, b`s.
Churchill and the City lnanager; and when it is done according to the good prac-
tice-snd under the supervision o£ the city, the entire project be as other proj-
ects vndertaken ty the C3tq Council end so authorized and neaeassry papera be
drawn and signed to this end and when the pipe ktas been laiA, it becomea a part
of the citq's syatem and owned by it. The motion wae eeaonded by Cou?ci7man Cappa
see this developments
snd unanimously adopted. fas. Cappa remarked theb, he is glad to
that, it r?ould give ycung men en opportimity to buy ho?s without the hardship of
such e large dorm-psyment. The instl]ation of water linos outside the city limite
wea brought up and the Nayor pointed out that the subjeat mould in all probbbilitq
be discussed at the mPetinp of the Leap,ue of Munieipalities aext montuh in RaleigH.
W. §chell discussed"with Council the poseibility of the installetion
o£ some Yire hydranta in the aforementioned development... It rea pointad out by
the Oity 1';anaper that, if h,qdrant3 are placed in this development outside the city
lito3ts, the city would be expected ta ftanish fire protection under normal obeaer-
nation; that, if there is a fire hydrant on a corner, the people v+ould expect it
tole uaed.. r"r. Capps stated that he would not be in favor of the city buying hy-
dranta-for this development; hoevener, Mr. Schell replied that 4t ras his intention
to provide the hydrants if the city mould set them. The P.9anager flirther ststed tflat
the setting of the hydranLs by tfle citT covld he worked out provided proper motion "
is made to protect the citq. Thereupon$ Coimcilman rade noved thet upon flather
reovest of Ltr. Schell in bPhalf of his developmont Hanover Heighte,, that the City
rapprove the setting of fYre hqdranta in this development at the expenae of the
Schell Realty Comparty, and that the aation of the Council wlth referonce ther?to
does not Sn an,v manner obligate the citq to flrnish fire protection. The motlon
wse seconded by Councilman Capps and unanimoua]y adopte8.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Emanuelsons, 113 South 16th Street anA A'a. A. M. N+odern
Lewia were preaent, and raquzsted the Council to make no changes in the block in Laundry
Mre Thos. H. i;right, Jr., 3goaking persor.ala.y and for the reople o£ that
vicinity atFSted.that ha toop wanted to say that ke and hAs moup did not yuestion the
integz3ty of 6lessrs. Holland, Penton and Bergea, that, he is sure the prosent ormers
intend to go throuph vitIi the3r plsns, but somethAng unforesesn can ehange the pic-
ture over which f,he Council might have no control 1n the Yufnre;,that, the people
rant to keep the restrictions on the property for 20 yeara.
Ptayor @bite commented' that he too, fe18 that it was unusval for a dev-
r elopmeTrE in aaother area to seek control of restrict4ons in another developmeat, vihich
? xeatr3ctSona when recorded speak for itself. Covncilman Cappa agreed that it waa quite
Mr.Holland stated that he is c,illing to give the people in the area v+hat
bhey want, that, he hAd no object3on to the aforeasid requesta heing contained 3n the
restffictiona. ,
Thereupon, Covncilman i"ade moved that, based upon the presentat3on 3ust
made by 6's.Hol2and in behalf of the o-wners of the propertiesp that the Council accept
that tender of Ms.Holland that that the folke in the area nho are requ4atinF said
inclus3ona, get together cvith R's. Holland and redraft the restrictions and bring eame.
back to the Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Council::an Capps and
The City JY,ariager stated that he vould like to makr? an obsercation, not
for the purpoae of continuing the diocussion,'but so far ea he can determine, this
is the first instnnce where parka have been barred in any eectiion of the cityj that,
he is frankly conceraed; that, parka have been aclmoyvledged as being beneficiel to
all sections of the cityg that our very bes2 resfdential sectlons have gone all wt
£or them and haoe giaen propertq to make parks available; that, thn etntement made
in referenee to the rark is in his opinion putting a atfgma on parks in our citq;
thatp nelpMborhood parks are verq helpf'ul to neiehborhood children and nuraes
caring for children.... D.".a,yor Whfte commeated that, he rvould personally like to
see the park item stay in the restrictions; that the Council is eatablishing a
precedent in eliminating same.... Councilman Wade made the observation that, what-
ever the group agroes to in the restrictSons, he r+ill go along Pith it. Mr. Holland
and PEr. Hill retired for thepurpoae of redrafting the restrictiona as agree8 to.
Drive &
ffimosa PS
rlx. W. F. Schell, Realtor was present Por the purpose of requeat3ng ?"ter
the City to rtm an 8" cast iron rater meln fxom Carolina Beach Road along Parkway lines to
Boulevar8 to hiscbveloFment Imown as Hanoner Heights. The City Manager read a memo- Sche11
randvm from Mr. Churchill, Watar $uperintendent, presenting an estime.te of the cost Deve2op-
of rixnninp said water line as followas Materials cost -$17,,759.30; labpr $7,150.00, ment
total of w.2/,.9909.30. The Msnager pointed out that he had diacuased this matter with ?'enover
both Pa• . Sche7.1 and 11lr. Churchill preniously, and 3.t appeared that the citq has anail. Heights
able water sup-ly to tske care of this Aditional deman; that, the deman8 beingaeai-
dential and should not greatlq increase the aupply.
Councilman Pade moved that the City Couneil approve the request of I1r.
Schell, for water connectiona and laying of pipe and a11 0£ the improvemexrts per-
taining,thereto under the supervision o£ the city at the expense of the Schell "
Realtq Company, according to the figures o£ the City ?Pater Superintendent, L'.r.
Churchill and ths City Manager; and when it is done according to the good prac-
tice end under the superviaion of the city, the entire project be as other proj-
ects undertaken by the City Counci.l and so authorized and necessary papera be '
drawn and signed to this ead and when the pipe has been lai.d, it becomea a part
of the aity's system end owned by it. Ths motion wae seaonded by Counci.lman Cappa
and unanimouely edopted. Nr. Ceppa remarked that, he 3a glad to see thie development;
thst, it riould give young men sn opportvnity to buy homes vrithouC the harciship of .
auch a lerge davn-payment..The instllation of water 11nea outside the eity lim3te
was brought up and the M$yor pointed out that the subfect c+ould in all pxrobbbility
be dlscuesed at the mpetinp, of the League of B4unicipalities next mon"„h in Raleig?^. '
Mr. §che11 diacusssd with Council the poeaibility of the insta11at1on
of some fire hydrenta in the aforement3oned denelopment... It Ras polntod out Yy
the City 1:'anaper that, 3f hydrants are plaPed in this development outsida the city
limitas, the city would bp expected to flamfeh fire protection uader normal obeaer- ,
vation; that, if there is a f3.re hydrant on a corner, the people would expect it
to ke use8.. r'r. Capps atated that he wovld not be in favor of the city buqing hy-
dranta for th3s development; hmveverg Mr. SchelY replied that it rrae his lntention.
to p'rovide the hydrants if the citq would set them. The P.tanager flurther stated that
the setting of the 2?ydrants by the city could be worked out provided proper motion "
is made to protect the city. Tk?ereupon, Counci].man rade moved that upon further
reoueat of G1r. Sehell in behalf of his development Hanover Heighta,, that the City
approve the setting of fire hqdrants in this denelopmon2 at the expenao 04 the
Schell Realtq Company, and that the action of the Council with referonce thexp.to
doea not in riny manner obligate the city to flanish £iro protection. The motion
wae seaonded bq Cotmailman Cepps and unanlmously adopted. ,
ar. gna ?Ara. c. F. Emanuai8on, 3.3.3 south 16tn street ana nrz. A. M, Moaern
Lev+is were preeent, and requeated the Council to make no changea ia the bloek in Ieundry
1n vvhich they love as to zoni.ng olassificdtion. lt rvas poinL•e(i ouu- by them theb thoy
understood that i.'r. Harrellt ov+ner-operator of the PIiodern Laundry has requeated the
iasuance of a permit to reruild his garage at the rear of his laundry which burned
sometime ago, and which garare was non-confr,rming at the time it wae destroyed. idr.
and Plxs. Emanuelson elso compleined about the operation of trucks and equipment uaed
in connection w3th ?'r. Narrellos I.aundry, stating that the uae of the -driver+aq by
heavy equipment and trucks had caused the walls in their home to crack. That, the
drivev+sy which was requested paved aometime ago had cracked and brokAn up and the
condit3on has not improved.
The Citv 1Janager pointed out that in Nonember 1951, 1dr. Narrell, cet the
fnarage; equest of the city had constructed•two concrete runmays in his alloy to relleve the
uisance eomplained oF by the nei?!hbora; that, he is now reauest3ng to rebu3ld hia
homever, on acscount.o£ sazne being a non-conforming busineass ft ean ohly be
permitted on a hardahip baeis... It wala pointed out after ftiurther oomplaint b,y the
neighbora, that ?.'.r. Harrell has the r'ght to do what he wiahes with hie own properLy
as. Iong as he ebays withia the law; fihat, the garage is to be bu41t of fireproof
naterials and 3hould not be a hazard tn any manner.
Counci7.man t"ade moved t-hat the request of Mr. L. B. Aerrell as outl4ned
b3* the City 6ianager be rPCeived, a+id the matter go over until next meeting; and that
no official action be taken by thc Counefl until these people in the •vicinity are
notified. Z'he motion waa secondeP by Councilman Lane and unanfmously adopted.
At this tima the Brard of County Comsissioners appeared and the joint
bodies entered 4-nto joint aeasion to itlscuse matters of joint interest to them.
Present from the 'aounty Board werea Mesars: Herrlett, O'Shielde, Lave,
Davis and Traek. Mayor rbite aresiding. Commu.r.ity HospitBl,
In ope,ning tkie Jiscussioa on the N,ayor 9hiite annouaced
for the benefit o£ the Coun',q CommiasionFrs that he had received ree9gnatYoas from
Dr. G. B. i7esae1l and 1?r. T. D. I,atta and upon presentat4on to -the ity Council,,
? the Cow,cil took no actior. except to ask that Dr. Vlessell and ;;ir. Istta reconaider
their resignations and c,rntYnue to serve wh3ch they egreerl to do for a tnhile; and
slnce then, he stited t'ret he had also received a resignation from r. R. "ilson
which hed not been hstdled todate; further, that he hed receivad recoumiendation
from the Communitq Aoa,)3ta1 recommenaing that Dr. R. T: Sinc]air be appinted to
fill the unexpired te•m of.Dr. Wesseil; however, it ia h4a uaderstanding that
sccording to the Dukf Foundetions it hsa ru1e6. that no practicing phyaician can be
e member of the Boaz3 of Trustees of•CoAmunity Hospital, ao.that will eliOiaate
Dr. Sinclair. Coutta1man 17ade remarked that, he wanted to reiterate hie remarks
of last meeting; t!at, he atill is of the opfnion that there ie a poseibility of
qorking out p1ans that nould ba beneficial to the entire coa:muniEy and have for •
its purnose eaorAcig and better operation,,looking to the General Aseembly meeting
in Januaxy and p1saing necessary lepislabion to this end mak?.ng poasib2e the oper-
ation of the trr, hospitala by one boand and one Managemeat. That, he hnd talked
mith a numbex rP business men and there was not one that did aot aee some merit
in this surga3Aott; and, ftrther that 3f the spstem is not rvorkable and not desir-
able, there s'.ovld be no reeson to proceed further with th- matter; howener, it ie
his opSniori 4nat the supgeation 4s wortky of conaideratioa.
Follrnvlnp fwrther discusaioa relative to the resignatioas oP membere .
of the Boar: of Trustees af Community Hoapital, Mr. Hewlett adviss8 that he hed
talked Mr. Ietta and also with Dr. 7essel2 and theq had a8vised that they
viould co•d,inue to serve until the tmo bodies workec] out some definite program.
niayor riIEe$ added that, thfs was his inFormatfon also. .
Comnise4oner O'Shielde requested that he be advised of the mffiber
s.43 ;r,_yj,q of the Trustees oP the hospite2. The nrayor namea the truatees as fal-
1owra Nlr. L. D. Iatta, Chairman, Tf:r. Geo. ^;. Rresk, Dr. Pn. N. Laeryr, Dr. J. C.
K'eear311D Councilman ^. Ronnld Iane, Coaunissloner Hel J. Love, 6Sr. F. Albert
$r:r.?ti, 1. R. ':"12son and E. M. Butler.
Councilman i^ede moved thQt the joint bodies appreciating the Pine
r-ork ot Dr. reseei2 and Lfr. Lstta, ask them to cont4nue to serve ae members of
tha aoerd of Trustees of the Commuttity Hospttal at the wishes of the jotnt badiea.
Tho motion was aeaonded bq Commissioner OtSh3slde and unanimausZy edopted.
It r+es pointed out that the bodies only for consideration et this
'Ume, tro vacanc3ee, Ur.. Trask and T. R. rilson.
Mapor --hite remarked that he felt that rhen there are vancanciea on
?he said hcspttsl to be considere@, the Eoard of Trusteos should be given en op-
nortunity to recommend.... the.City Menager advised that thia was aontaiaed in the
by-laws of the hoepita2; that, the9 'may' recmmrrend.
Thereuponj, Commiasioner O'Shielda moved that r:r. JunSue Council be
oppDinted by the joint bodie's to the Board oP Trustees of the Community Hospital;
and advlsed that the County had already neted upon th3s appointment. The motioa
was seconded b9 Counoilman Capps. stating
Cauncfl.man t"ade ofFered a subs33tute motion/that, he ie not object-
ing to the procedure,_however, it seeme that the bodies should fol].ow theproeedure
over the yeare, and movec3 thAt the right o£ the trusteea to recommend be not taken
ewey 4bom them at thia time, but adn3end ther. that ne have the vacancies and if
they care to make reoommendatione me vill be glad to coneider eame... Rqayor ribiLe
edvised that this was his feeling elao; that$ someoae might be appoipto8 that wqu3.fl
not ac4ept no
Tig r workt
, . i. - '
? Comsiasioner O'Shielda remsrked, thst h?;feels that Council is
? qv,A'! ifSed Communit
and r.ill work, and also.be an asset to the Board. Hospital
Councilman Wade's svbst3tute mot3on did not rece3ve e second, Bd Trust
Commissioner O'Shields motion, aeconded by'Covncilman CApps vvas put to a
vote and r+as unanimously adopted. t,Ar. Junius Counci2 was therebg, appofnted e member
of the Board oF Trustees of the Communitq Hospital.
CoUnci7.man Wsade etated that, sinee the b6diea had changed the procedure,
im.0-ved tat b7r. Bob Berman be uppoihted also to the Board oP Trustees of Community
ep?.tal. .. 1Jfasor *hite and Couricilman Lane rixpressed the desire to see the board
e some recorr?:endetion, Theresspoa, Counc3lman 19ade r?ith-dreva his motion, attd the int bodies agreed to allovaing the trustees ?to make the other appo3ntment to the
ard. '
City P?ianager Beneon brought the County? Commiasioners up-to-tlate tnith whst Go].ored
the ?4ty had done and setion tsken by the Covricil in reference to the Colored Library; Library
a2so, th^t s3nce the report bg the committee to the Couacil, further discussion between
the members oY the commfttee and the members of the two boards and anothex proposal
suggeated, Mhich he feels has considerabie merit. It appanrirrp that both the. City and
County had appropriated to the Colared Librarq "`2,500.00; it also appears that the
said 2ibrary can operate on a less amount of flutda, and a suggostion was made that we'
not re-organize the present board, but let them operate through thts Piscal qear mith
the purpose and 3ntentiott of re-organizing next qear; that., vae not attempt to prescribe
the3x operating procedure, but look tocvard provid9ng a librsty bui2ding construetecT and
owned by the city and covnty; that, if the present libraryr aan operate on leas moneg,
or 11500.00 each by the City and Ccimtq, thls nould make anailable funds that coutd
iro toward providing a nem truilding; that.. the committee kas diacuased this matter with
var£oua ipF+mYera of the County board, aad because of the d3f£e„ence of op3n4on and think-
? ing on the part of some, he Ss br4nging it back to the boards for consideretion and re-
commendeO..that the report of the committee to the joint bo8fee be approved and that
th4s present board oF trustees contimie untYY the end of this fiacal year and that the
city and countq contribute $1500.00 each e.nd the present board operate the library
ae they see fit until thie time expires; end thst they make no coIImitments beyoad the
amounts appropriated.
It cvas maved and aeconded that the recommendat3on of the committee as
offered by the CSty Niana.p,er be.approved and that the "ity and Couaty appropriate the "
amount of $1500.00 each to the Colored Library. The motion evea put to a note and vsa
11NAtlimously adopted. ?
Councilman '"ade mmred that the L":ayor and Chairman o£ the Soard o£ County
(lommisaioners proceed to appoint a special committee to eontinr.a, in consulitation
mith iDapresentatSvea of the colored pnpuZa'tion.. efforte toctard providing a nevr build- n
ing for the Colored Lfbrary. The motion was aeconded by Coimrisaioner O'Shields and
unanimoue2y adopted.
The City Menager reported sale nf city-arnmty oxnee' property at IUEh and Report
Grace Streets at a price of $1750.00, subject to approval of the Countq of New Hanoner. sals of
Councilman 1^ade stated thata beinp e Realtor for thirty yeare, fle £eels city-
this pr4ce obtained on the eforesa4d property ie an escellent price and moved that the countq
$oint bodiee approve the price offered of $1750.00. The mot4on wsa aeconded by Commr orrxied
Trciak. propertq
Cpmnisaioner O'Shields InSected a quest3on for h9s pereonal on2iphtment,
as to •whq there wera lettera written to enly a£eay Real ^state men relatino to the
sale of the aforeeaid.property, stAting that th2re might have heen others Snterested
ia b3ddfng on eam?.
The 3ty 64enager explalnecl that there sppeared to have been onlq fovr
people ahowlng intereet in the property, and thet the matter had beoa be4ore both
boabcla several tlmes and thet there had baon-evoxal artieles in the ner+spager re-
Iative to aame and.s3nce tho notice to these people that an o£fer of ¢:1,000. had
beott made for the property, ono dBOppod out of the pfeture, 2eaving three remain-
ing individuals 4nterested 9.n it; r3nd 3t was fe,lt that rece4ving aoaled hids was
the beat procedttre, mhtch ssse °o22owed.
Commiasioner Trask remc3rk^d that he thought the price offered was a
very good price, but in the f'utura he felt that anothes procsdure should be £ollowed,
and give others a.n onportun4Ly to bSd. .... Commissioner Hecvlett stated that, the
c3ty and county has conei.derabla property obtained ttiroul?h tax sales c+hich shouYd
be diepoaed of and get it back on the tsx booka.,
The motion ecas put to a vote and vras unsnYmously adopted, confirming
the sale oF the aforesaYd propertq'st the price of $1750.00 to F. F. Livingston,
Agent for Dr. A. !d. Crouch, Jr,
Councilman P``ade moved that the nembers of the to 3oint boefes be fur-
niehed a copy af the 31ating of all propert3ae owned by the eity end county acquired for taxes for the purpose of ineking reaommendat3ons in tfle di3poaition oF any portion
oP the propertiae, so thst the asid propertiea mey be returne8 Lo the Lax booka; Lhis
to be done at the ssrliest pmctiFal date. The mQtipn waa aecopded by Cp#iestoner.
Love and unanimouely adopted,
" Cor.missioner HerlEtt stat°d tiY18{'i' he felt it a Food idea to evaluate the pro-
pertq, anddvertise it all at one time. CovnciLnan '•',ac3e added, that, he did n6t think ary
of the propertq should be sold for Iess than the amount the city and county has in it.
An offer from Clara Corbett to buq a tract of city-county property in block Offer
350, pt 2 and 3, betaeen 1307 and 1315 VortA 8th street was cont4.tmed with the City 1t4an- to pta
-° ager for draval.tig of•plat, investieation of amount the c3ty and county hea 'n the propertq ehase
and 1hrinp, back for ection o£ the ounci2. prop.
' .. ' .
'. Rev. E. r. W.organ, D. L. Graham, Ftta Mae Pierce and Rev,,D. H. Baskernille Appro.
appeered before the joint bodies and rea.ueste8 an appropriation from each to asaist in V117te
the purchase of Band Uni£orms for the "'i111ston High School.Band. Hi Sch
Corviseioner Davis obaerved, tha$,.^we are just]y provti of our other tuo Band
bands, and we are just as provd of our colore8 bctnd", and moned that N500.00 eacfl Unifor
from the City add County be approrpriated £or iie aforesaid purpose. 2he motion was seo-
onded by Councilman Nade and uaanimouslq adopted. '
The $oint meeting adfournedo and the Oity Coimcil contitrued with it'e order
of business. 12.e15.
1Ar. Henry C. BostD fox,vaw Counoil mambera g)peared before the Council and Claim
presented complaint and clalm for damagea to hia home in 97oodlawn cihich &e allegea H. C.
occurred dtr4ng his abaence from rilm4ngton and dtaing the imprrnrements in the F'ood- Hoat
lawn area. Mr. Sost further stated that even the mounds to his home, as well as hia
' ahhrubbery mas deatroged by vehicles used in the improvement program turning aroun8
and parking thereon. He fUrthea° statad that he hed contacted the Citq t7anager, and had
filed claima against the Contractore Towles-Cline and T. E. Cooper; that, he had ae-
ceived reply fram Tovalea-Cline Construotion Company deny:ing any liability, and T. ??.
Cooper hae not yet rep].ied; that, the fact that the improvement progrem and the whole
traosaction is a 9oint proposition and the city heving contracted thilg ob, he ia -
bringing the aatter to the attention of the Gity for r?corA. G?r. Bost e?vised the
City woul.d pursue the matter with the contractora. .
Reporting for Councl.2 infcrmation of traffic signe in the Cityo the Traffic
City flanager advieed that the Police Denartment had made a eurvey of aI7, the signe 53gns
end reported that the city hea at the present time 430 traffie oontrol signa, erectec3
encl maintained by the State H4ghv+ey snd the Citq of ti'Oilmington; thatj, hereforn, the
State has not been erect3.np reflectorized eip,ns in th- city but noro they are replacing
a11 control signs with reflectorized signa; that, the State has a piece of equipment
which,is very expensive, locate8 in Fayetteville which they v3e to repaint and recoat
their signe, and they have instituted a-program to reflectorise all of their signe
on strsets that are a portion o£ the etste highway system; and they hane offered
to paint any signs for the citq et no cost to the city, i£ we deliroer them to the
location for said painting. He further advised that the city's aigns are novi arouad
90 percent reflectorized.
A'r. W. ll7 Hill and P1.r. R. H. Holland returned to the Council c;ith the OlsanBer
agreed upon redra£tecl reatr3etlons onthe reaidential sect3on at Mimosa P2ace and DrYve and
Oleander Drine, v+hich contains the change efter paragraph 8, carrying the restrio- Mimiea P1
t4ona on said property to 1972.
TherPUpon.. Counci7man Tade moved that; the City Council do nor+ approve
the declaration and restrictiona on i>'imosa Plaoe and Oleander Drive as indicated in
the declaration made by Mr. Pavl A. °ergan and wife, Henrietta H. Bergen, same $eclar-
ation having been agreed to by all partfea concerned, includinr those who represeut
the residente of the vicinitq adjaceat to the properLy to be reaoned for residential
purposeap and that eame te racoraea on the booka in the office of the Register of
Deeds and a copy filed fia the vault oF the Cqtq of 'Wi].mington as a part and parcel
of the City Councilmeeting C7edaeadeys October 22j, 1952. The motion was seconded by
Councilmaa CapPe and unenimously adopted.
Councilman Pede move.d that the Council request the ti:o partiea repres-
enting the trlo grouns 3nterested to retlre to the Pegiater of Deeds Office and have n
the said declareitSon recorded and bring back receipt to this Council for record. The
motiontise aecanded and duly adopted. .
Counc47snan FadA further moved that the map on tho saSd develonanent ae
presentad be approved and executed bq the P:9ayor and be also recor,4er7; aeme having ?
met ell requirmnents of the R-1dA section of the Zoning Ox7lnanoe. The motlon wes
seconded by Councilmen Lene and unanimouslq adopted. n
Councilman *'e8s expreese8.in behel4 of Cfty?Counoi2, appreciation and
grntitu89 for the attitude ahown by the tvvo groups here this morning... h'r. Hill
IikeRisa expresaod appreciation to the Council for the patience and consideraCioa of
their c•roblems.
' After the A':anager had read the Zoning Ordinance changing frcm residentiel Clea.
to'cor.urorcial the trect of land to bo u3e 3n quention, the Council deferred action there- Dr.
on for the present time. " M. Ple
'!'he Purchasing Pp,ant apneared r+ith i:hA bids receiced earlier c3uring this Bids
, ptlng.01 thA_direetion of the ftyor' hr p;oceeded with the opening of the seid bids
on Autemoti7e equipment as followss
Cape Feer 1.°otor Sa1es
btarks Machiner Company
Baker Fquipment Company ".
P"itchell Distribut4ng Company
E. F. Cranen Coa,pany see tabulation for prices*
Twin States Equipment Company
N. C, Equipment Crmpeny ,
lfill and Contractors Supplq Compeny
• Raneq Chevrolet Company
Counc47man Ttade moned that a12 bids be received and referred to the City
PhanageA, Rachas3ng Agent, Department heads and tre City Attorney for tabu2.ation, re- °
port and recommendstion to the Council. The motiott waa seconded by Councilman Carps and tman3mously adopted. '
At the direction of the fA.ayor, the Airchasing Agent proceeded to open bida "
rec^ived on Police and Fire Uniforms as follows:
Belk-Beerv Comnaqy
Fleishman Brothers ' aee tabuletion for pricea*
DlLugin Vrothers
bouncilmsn Cappa moved that the bids juat opened on Police and Fire Uni-
forms bp reFerred to the Chief of the deparCments.. thp Purchacing Agent, C'ty Glanager,
and City Pt'torney for tebulatfon, report and recosrmendation. The motion was seconded "
by Councilman IanP and uaenimouslyadopted.
The meeting recessed to and tmtil 2:30 PPd
2:45 PM.. The Council moeting reconvoned with the follov+ing membsre
present, Mayor r"hite, presidinpn Councilmen l9ade, Capps and Lane; City Naneger Benaoa.
P."r. P.ye Page, Jr., appeared bbfore the Council with a letter, confirming Olesnder
a statement that he au,d h3s father agree that if the prnperty 3n queation to he rezoaed Drive Rc
to e C*1 CemmPrcial Dfstrlct trh3ch eoill permit thsm to build a newspaper plant and office lfimosa
` that they mil7. return tb the `'ouncil for di.rection and adv3se should by axy remote pose- Place
ibil5.ty they be forced to'abandon bhe construction plans. He asked thit the complete ,
let+er be made a part of the m3nutes of today's mnting, 6layar CJhite atated that aince
he le£t the recessod meeting, he was assur-d by an P.frtorney that the letter Nfr. Page ,
has just read wauld be just as bfnding as if the in£ormation vere contained in the
'Loning Ordinance changing the classiF3cation. -
Councilr.ian rade moved that the City Council receive, adopt and approve
the lefcter just mad by :+r. Page and hims-lf and thvt it become s part of the action
of thfs Council today, and that the ordinanco prepared by the City Attof+ney v+h1ch is "
in conformitq vii;h the Zoning ].aw ??a??he property in question from it's prese?
statue to that of C-1 Cor.unercial/ar. ?lia ? map accor.:panying this action be also made
a par't of the find2ng;, end approne8 b5 the Council; and it flzrther be nade e part oP
this act4on mF and that all of the offieial action approving the mao and thP restric-
tions be recorded in the miirutes and the regiater of deeda effice, and that if for
any reason the publishfng Co:-pany, F'ilm3ngton Star-Nc3wa finds it impossible to er-ct ,
on the above described property a newspapar plant, that the City Council raill see to
it that proper advertisement is suthorized and psid for by bhe cfty of 7vilmingtong
notify£ng all of the prcoerty owaers in the mcin3ty or any one that might have an
interest therein, that the Council is poing to consider the matter, advising the
date of hearing, requesting the gresence of those 4nterested if they desire to be
hertrd. The motion was seconded bv Councilrtan Lane and unanimously adopted.
Couaci]man i'dade flzrther moved that the City Council in:conformity with
action previously taken by the Council th4s morninp, relatiae to the rpzoning o£ the property in aueation, now receiae and acknovrledge the r eceipt of the recordSng oP
the deZclaration of restrictions in the office of the Repister oP Deeds and that it °
be made a part of toc'fqy's minutos. The motion was secondPd by Councilaun Ieae and
uaani.mouslg adoptpd.
rt?e Cii?y ?furr,gcr. p?•ee=?=:ed f?:: lr,.f?z?-_,qtra;; np ?;1;, Ccv?ei'i, raemm?andam tu Report
the City Council through the City Me,nager, Police T-rafFic and SafeCy Commfttee Rsport, Traffic
Ahich wes previously requeatec3 4 City Counci]., s eopy of which '!s attached horeto and Safety
made a part of'these minu2ts. Committs
Caunci].tnan l"ede movod that the entire reprnrt bo approved and thnt all of
the recommendations anntained thoreon be accepted bj- the Council and requeat made
upon the City Msnager to eee that a21 of the recosmnendatlons are put into affeat at
the earlieat deve possible, egae and except that part of the report with refarence
to one-neq atreetsy in that certain members oF the Couaoil have a different opinien
, and are thinking 04 the final findiaga on the queation ot Off Street Prskiag by Sup-
reme Court, and what effect it will have oa one-waq atreeta as3ecommended bq thia
` comittee; this hsa for ite purpose of not putting iato operation that part of sai9
report, but at the earliest practical moment the Manager an8 members of the Gity
Council cen all gs°ee Bhat this pa.^t of the report be put into effect ott a basis aP
at least a trial and if it doeo not work, then the Council w31I look to other recom-
meadationa to flork ofit the aituat3on in the downtown erea. And also, the reoommenda•
tione submittea be given to the,H4ghway, 3treet and Sefety Cammittee for it'a conaider-
ation; andthat wherever expenditures are necoseary and not provided for in the budget,
thst recommendation of the City Manager will be conaidered by the Council. The motion
wae aeconded by Councilman Cappa and unanimousiy adopted.
The Citq L4eneger aleo presented Parking Survey by the Police Department
after which they make recommendationa for matering the folloving lxationaa
Front Street from Walnut to Red Crosa (both sides)
Ttalntu Street Yrom Front to Second (both aideo) recommenda
Grace Street from Second to Third (both aidea)
Cheatnut 3treet from Third to Fourth (both a3.drea of stzeet with excep-
tion of loeding zone to be set up ott South side of Chestnut eaet of 9rd
Stroot ea reaommended before; that is, beginning from eaatern pedestrlan
aone and estendirg 379511 Eset on the south sida aS Chestrnit atreet).
That Chapter 14, section Q7 of tha City Code be amender3 to read 66
mimites insted of 30 mimites and that 60 miaute metera be inatslled in
the 500 block of Nortb Front Street adjacent to the ACL peaeenger atatione
That the meters that are Aocated on Merket Street from 3econd to Thirt3
be chattged from 60 minntes to 2 hour meters. (both sidea but particulsrly,
on the South eide oP this s4seet.) See oopy of recommendations and expls-
nation of stsvey attached to oPficiel rooords.
The Gity Mattager explained in deta3n to ehe.t extent the preeent parking
facilities are beiag used in the City.
Counollman Wade obaerve8 that, he ia not 2n opposition, bnt Aas oP the
opinion that tnumber one snd two eeill effeet the people at the Atlantic Coast Line RR
Compary. "I em aniUlly aLrong far tfle Coaot Line, Mr. Wade eaid, thatp Prom time to
time these Polke have esked ns to coneider them !n extendiM the meteP sonee. lb
aa4ed Chief PadrYok if he coul.d aot eliminate one and tro, and make a ouraey before
metering theee tWO looations to eea if he can provide the employeea at the Coait Line
afth parking spacea to Oake up for the epaces they will lose if inetered, poesibly oa
Rnter Street.
Conacilman Wede moved tLat the Conncil approve all of the recomendatione
eupplied by the Police Departmeat regarding.parking, eacept umber one, and request
? ChieP Padrick to make a snrvey loaking to making evailable parlcing speces on YPatez
street or eleewhere. Tke motion Ras secandsd by Coimoilmaa Lene and unanimonely
, adopted.
The City Nanager preesated letter Prom Nfr. Chae. C. 8artman, Architect,
conPirming agreement regardiag Architectnral work on Amphitheater for the City of
67ilmingtoa, propoaing to furnieh asid rnork for a fee of 6% of the total coat ot the
consEruction workp inalnding p2umbiag, heating and electrical eork, and reoomended
that thie eork bo axarded to Chas. C. SeMcmea, Architect.
' bouncilmen Lane move8 that the City 1Ganager'e reaommern]etioa be approved
and that the aaaid for Arohitectural nork on Lhe.Cltq's Amphitheater be made to Chne.
C. HarGman for the fee of 6$ aa outiiaed 3a tie proposal. The motioa nas eecon8ed by
Couttci].resn Cappa and nnan3mous3.y adopLed.
. " k y Anatd
The Mayor reed a Yetter lrom Na. Cook, of the Unl.veraity oP North
Csrolins, advieing that he eou2d 11ke to come 8own and look aver the old nexepagere
ehich are etill in the Covrt Aouse, looking to obLafning asme Yor the IInivereity.
Crnmci].man wa8e moved Chat the Cotmail re.qvieaE the 1.ibrer3ang, 2dra.
8arpsr to eee to it,tliat theee papere are moved to a loaation ia the library er
elaewhere, and the city egree to asaiet in mov7.ng them over here eo they mey'De
inapeeted and giaen Lo the IIniveraity of North Cpolina, eave and ezcept Par the
recox3e needad here to fill in the mieaing onee 3n the librazy, tLie to be done
prior to the arrival as Mr. CoA1c for inspecLion of the pnpera. The motion wae
eeoonded by CouncYlman Cappe and nnanfmonsly a8opted,
?I 01]
Old ?
..:?::.,.,....ie.,:+. 1.1.'. :....va::...... .
- 8 -
Councilman Pdade auggested that a lstttor be iarittsn to Mr. A. G. Smith, Re-fUel-
Manager Texaco 011 Compsap, folloceiag up ac%ion o4 the Council at a previous meeting, Aag Sta.
looking to aetabliehing a re-fueling etation here for ocean-goSng ahips.
- -
IIpon recommendation (C the City Attorney and City Manager, CouaciIman Lane Settle°
moved the aettlemtn of Claim of Mrs. Efattie Hurriae, for infuriee svatained in Pall ment
on bearea StresL between Seeottd and Third Streets an or about the 22nd daq of Novdm- cleim
Icnanimously er 1951, in the amrnmt of $300.00. The motion wae aeoonded bq CouneSlroan Cappe and
? . a
%he Citq Manager reporting on the sale of Citq of Wilmington Watez Seie of
Bonde adviee8 that eaid?Bonds were sold to Branch Beak end Traat Compax?yi wilsono, Bonde
N. C.0 People fletional Hank of Cherlottesvilles Pa., and R. H. Brooke & Companys,
Rlchmond, Va., at 2.6543 end eocond high at 2.6782. 1'here aere six bide submitted.
The City Maaager reqneated the Council to mske ]mowa their wishes es ta
reaervatione to tHe League of Maaic3palitiea meeting in Ralaigh Rovember 9°116
IIpon informatioa..f.rom the C1ty Manager thet BOr.Huteon aoulc3 be in ths Hutaon
c3ty tomorraw for the prpoee of discusai.ng the Fire Repart nSth Cmmcil, a meeting wae report
aeheduled Lo be held at 3tO0 o'clock tomoxxow at City Hall. ,
Tho City D6anager adviaed that he had noe received en ample aupply of City City
keye to prooide keye reqneeted by Cotmcfl sometfine agof that coeL of the keys aould &eyo
be $3.7$ Por each keq ehich doeo nott incinde the ooat of,engsavi.ag. No fvrther action
nae takea.
The City Hanager reported that aceording to information received, the ??
oYficial opening of Thalisa H&11 has not materialiaed.
Counoilinsn Wade reac3 e letiter !rom lAr. Johnaton adviding that ge hae 8a11
been ua?able to obt8ln s an€fic4e:?t number of ladfea for the openiag olayf an9 reqneet- P].a9
ed that Council renesi it'e raquaet thaL the Thaliea Aeeaciatioa, becanae of their
fine oooperaCion with the City GovermextE !n the reatoratioa of Thelien He]1, to pre-
pare auiteble p]sy for a ro-opening to be pat pn bq them ahich will be eommenenrate
aith the xonaiott and that they be notified of thia ecLion by the City lmnnger. The
motion aee seeon8ed bq Counci7aian Cappa aaa uaanimouelyr adogted.
. . ?
Slter report of the City Pdaaager ee to requesta for ad83tional trafiic Pomea
lighte and better Poliae eupeTVieion arn3 protection to achool ohildrea, he eaplaiaed traffle
to the Coflacil that inaemuch ae additional Folioe OfPieera are not avsilable to eapply ot4lcera
this addiLiomI pTOteetion, he ie thinking and aorkSng on the poaeiMlity of neiM
women for this pork. The matter ase eontimue8 with the City llsneger and Police Dep-
ertment for ftather conaideretidn of neing Aomen for thia piapoee end for eleo cheok-
ing overtfine perking iathe doaatrnm eeotion. ,
? - -
Mayar White read a letter 1rom Mi. Lan4a T. Mcore, in whioh he encloeed Declaan-
a oopy of the original oopy of the"Wi2mington Feclaratioa o! Tadependence" Ahioh I9r. tioa of
Moore oPfere to be place8 in the erahevee of the 81ty of VPilmingbon, eapeoislly ae InBepenB<
they relate to the ahange in gwernmeat in Idwrember 1898. enee
- • •
Mayor R'hite breught to the attention of Councl2 membera the deeirabil-
ity of revieiiig the City's Qarbsge collection ordinsnce, prov9.ding for auitnble 8ontainer
eontalnere, aaa the aurbing of fliea and other disabcceeable uneenitatioa aov exie- ' snd coll.e
ting here, tian
. ? ?
Couaailman Capps reporLed reqveet for loading and m].oading sonee for.
kindezgarten children et 5th and Narket Strse4s, or eome type of regulation whieb sones
aould aupply eafeguerd faa children during cerEain )tonra. The matter eae left aith 5th &
the City Neaager. ?
, • - - .
Dook Cmmcilmen Cappe reportACl complaint of Idra. L. E. Farthing, 5th sffi
ftaage ftreet regatding condition of a vacant lot on the aoutheeet ooruer of SEh oeoant
and 8teoW Doek. ' 1ot
Tde minutea of Council meeting Octobet 8, end 15, aere approved. MlauEeo
- • -
CounoiIman WaBe turned over to the City Mensger memorandum to check
the followiag corditfoaet WnBe re-
1. Reuea motion res Br39g,e acroee the River. Port+#
2, Report treeh on etreet 628-613 OrenBe Street other then regu2er dayp
!or oolleotion.
3. Check CeaEeen property 8 rivenryy SS Park, 210 W. diorth Carollna l[vs.
? .
o g _
4. Reetore 'right tian on red' aign on traftic light at Mai°ket St. &'Forest H111a Dr.
5. Request minute inapection of sSdeAe2k 2smding to ttreet immedlatelq in front of
Carolina ApartaeaCe. W FiPe fe11 there Satsarday afternoon, vas not eoverlyr
injured, but painf'nlly braYeed about her body'and face. I raported this mhile
construotion wae underaoay,
- . •
Shere boing no Yurther busimea, the meetiag ad'ourne8.
Reapectltilly eubmitted,
Mery B. Southerland
Ivfeeting of October 20, 1952 ? contiiiued,
Cvmmunicatioi,s v-e?e recsivEd from the St;?uLe, isj.g;iv:a;r ai.a Public 'viorks Co;rmission advising
septemberi30,o?g?2.roads were added to our Cot?i.t;,7 iiighway system at its meeting he?d
? Park tivei.ue, vdinter Park.
?Bonnam P.ver.ue, F.ariteLt S`ov?;,snip.
--Yaupoc. x CyPress Diive) Triasonboro Townshi.p.
-Gree,.v:ay hve.,.ue ai,d z,ullvrater Drive, Harnett Towr.ship
?.i I'8Yiiil1.'ii StiE;Et' C.nrIIPi.;t Z'Ct'.!ilSllip.
_Is,rliiigtor, Avemze, Cape f'2ar TOVJY.Sftlp
.L'aple Aveiiue, 'riarne'bt it
,Dixie tivenue, it t7+
I?Lnop c;oad, from US 17 to US 17, iiarnett Township.
Jpon mot?oi, of t4ir. Trask, secouded by Tutr. Davis? the $oa.rd rescinded its actior. nf October
'13thy 1952? directing the advertisement of City-County owr;ed property £or sale;Pt.1,ot'l.? in
block 200a ar.d aecepted the bid of Dr. A. A4cR. t,rouch, Jr., to purchase the same at a price
of $1 ,750.00 as per nis bici suba;itted to City Nat;ager J.R.Bei.son at,d ir. accordance with
iv?r. Ber.son', letter of October ?4, 1952, _a.1id the Cnairman and the Clerk of l.nis Eoard are
hereby authorized and directed to sigi: a deed cor.veyizig the sa.me to Dr. Crouch, upon payiner,t
of the purchase price as aforesaid? ii the name of the Coui.ty. This beir.g the highest oi three
tids received and appears to represent a good price for the property.
The ,3oard agreed to meet witki the City Gouncil at
°p 4'lednesday? October 22, 1952, 9;o co„sicier tne appo
Mar,agers of Cotiin-iuriity hospital , and other r,ia ttcrs
joint mEetirig.
,Los? H copy of the minutes of tne meetii,g of the Fsoard
August 20, l952, wez•e received ui.d :"iled.
the City Hall 10:00 o'clock A.N':.,
intment of inembers of the Board of
'Unat rr,ay properl,y come beSore the
vP Trustees of Cornunity Hospital of
Jpon motio:: of IMIr. Uavis, duly seco,,den, i:irs. Doi.iiie lioderick Orr I,ewis, wtiite; ;;-d
-???- Luci.i.da dtviood Ber,der, coloreu, t.v!o ii.diFent citizei.s, anable t.o care for themseives,
were on recorrimei,ciat:or, of tP:e Supt., of 1•ub:ic i`:E,farc; adiaitted to tne Couit}> Home. ?
lne Chairmar, annouiiced i,na't it vrou.ld be i.ecepsary ?o clear viith the Civil Aeroi,autics
?\ ''Admi,nistr•atior. i.he ri€h?? co eel, ai,d re;-cve 'tiie tin:ber :rom the east oortion of the
;:irport property. Durirg the r,Fdrit:irie i.i.st,ruci.ions vrere given to have the tirr;ber cruised.
?With reference to renL due`'vy ii:r. James C. ieia.?.7.FLOI. lUZ' L252tof the Airport &angar.
The Board decided that -ii he lvill ,;ay up 2ll iie ov;es acd square the account by 14'ovember /
ist 19521 tn.e Cormmi?SSUTiEPB will reduce t.,e h«,irar rei.t to $,100.00 per month to be (
retroactive i?. e:'feci, iro;a tne date of ,aFt settle:^ent. v;hicn vtas through Ma3'?'95i • ?
And iurtner directec] t.hat he be givei, writ?en r.otice to tiiat effect a.t or.ce.
upOYi mOt1?T: Of ir:l'. va.V].S. SECOT:t'Ed by i.il'. ??Sh1F'US abai.emer.ts vrere SUtf10T'iZ20 i:0 COI'T'P,Ct
-?-?aue4? Pirors i.n tP2 i0"pw1I"ig ?d}; TI.StS:
1'd.H.Sta,nlEy, $.",-?,0^v0.00 nouse assessmer.t charged -ji, error, 1viasoi,toro Torvnship ior ?952.
Ur.ited Sons az.d "uauphters, Federa, Poir.t, ca.lice, tares oi, V5-acre?"t3ankg I.and account of
doubic cha.rge. Same listEd ai,d ta.,es paic3 Ui Hrs. of C. B. Parme-le, for years 1940 through 1952e
W.h.FonviF2,Jr., Harnett tor;i_snip, ?o% 4. 'r.a.rriss ido.].aouble charge, ior years 1950 through
1 952. Same listscl ar,o tar.es naid by ?.,; .;;:ir.tz, B. E. Gsrland, 1`ii., ;?,ij .?tor? to??:; ship, doub'+e
cnar€e 1 951-. lji:s. ;a;ary t:iaxv;el 1, a I-esiciPi 1: of Cape Fear tovr.,shigI ch=,rgeu wii,Pi CiLy taxes
i?. ej•ror. iiarriett to-wi.ship, douule listii,g of Perso,.al , ro, 1 a:.i; Dog for 1 97%•
iv;rs. Da;i,.S.y_,1.. Sterr,oerge'vvriFkitsville neach, F300.00 per=o;a, proPerty exemptior..
iames C,._F_r-je.cidYy, i;asonboro, City tayes only. ti resider.i; of Masonboro charge-' vritn City Tdxes
in error. James C. r,,PV•is? 4'liimi10t01., ahate oxi a va-luatioi, of $;29,574.00 invetitory listed
at ?3,2$6.00 charged at $32,860.00 iri errore tiIIUPEy. 1ll. D«nie7s_, Vvi,wi.i.gton, City Zaaes oi;iy
a raside,nt of Harnett chargec; vaith City taxes ir. error. Ch;irzrei7s Shop, Vlilrr,i.r:ptor,j $231230.00
Fixtures, Goods at,d ivipse., charged ir, error, shoulc, have been 4,T6,320.00-2bate on a vaTuataon o£
y16,910.00. A. G. i+in3805i vJri.phtsvil,e avex:ue, City taxes oi.ly on a va-luation of Z.660,00
a residetLt of Iiari.ei;t charged vritii City tar.es in error. Johi? C. i?ortoi,jJr. 5 W;? , rOd.00 persoiia.,
charged ii. error ior 195?. Eodie B._Jo.tlrfson,Jr., Cape rear, -Au??omobi.?e-kept with him a,t
Camp Yi., mer,I..,T., January 1 1 1 952, sba.temer,t on a va1 tzation oS $;720.00. Reba. J. irlcCarty, Cape Fea
?460.00 charged v;itii City tayes 1T, error. Thomas Gd. Perry, a resident of Harnetit township chargeu
wi th city. tar.es in error o;: a valuatior. of Fi?0.00 anu po7 l. TYLomas J. But7 er,Jr. , $730.00
oij rord car charged as a1ajG mode, at :"950.00 skioulo. have been, 1940 mode" at $220.00.
Ito,y Brown, Vr'rightsvi-e £eacti, V,3E0.00; double c%iaz-ge. f:axi.ett tovrnship, listed ir. Wilmii,gtor,
fOP iy>;ff. niClvil"817 nYitl6S', VVi'fli?.I,ci,Oi. i,OVti:SfllP, OveraaE' p0" taxES CYlsrged ir. error fOT 1952.
E.G.rridgen, I:iasoi.L-oTOj blocY. C, laLs 69?70 ar.d 71. Sunset Park, Church propei•ty-Tax Free?1952
on a valuation of ?30.00 as.d pai.alty foi r.ot ,?Jstii:g. Arkuusas ruel Oil Company, $369620.00
persoi;a, property :iti ;,lasonboro eharge?: v;it:, C1t`.V i.d`P; 11_ Frror• for ?952. J.Y.Tinga, Cape Fear,
moved to Ithica,:,.Y.June 105, ai.:i ioo}: nis cai vaith him. }lis .iot,ner listed37L77f?or`him ir, errox
at ki10G0.v0 for 1952. :;ohi.r.ie :.?. br\ant,I)r., douUle list;ing poll tar.es?Y?+il mii.gton township
1 552• uvilningto;L t'r'eSi'iyt6_rt' 'Prustees, 1'orig??tsv?-le i:each, block 2, ?oL 28- iviar,se. ?;9OO.GO for
7 952. ,.
?Upon motion of Lir. Davis, seconrieq by ;r. 0'Shieltis, Couni,}> bill s P:o. 997 to 1033 were
a.pproved ?or nayment. ,
Zne meetirAg ther. adjourne=d.
Il. "'7 ' e r•k.