1952-11-03 Regular Meeting37 I u4eeting of Uetooer 27, 19577 ce.iti:.uec. 'No oUject?ons ??;ere ii:dS.catea b; the board to tYie applicdt5on of Beil Zorna and S.O.Millican --?W' for a State permit to sell beer at btarkEi Str:-et axid Castle riayi,el respectively. the _ng_ordii:ance via,s adoz)ted: Upor, moi:ioii of P,ir. "irask, seco,iL9ed 'oy ivTr. Tove,/Br? IT GfiDhri:ZD;and it is h?reby oraained by r the board"oPl. Com,missioner.s oi ;l?av, iia.nover Coui,ty, by v-ir4nr,e of the power and authority • ,?, -given by iaw? that the sdle oi bPer and/oi, vrir,e irom l0:00 o'clock A.if,, to -12:00 o'clock noon ox, edch SllT1C7ay, be ar.d the same is hereb57 prohibited, in that part of_New Hanover Cour.ty not emprececl iii the corporate liir?ites o£ any municipality or i.ncorporated town the reii,. x reouest of Mr. J. D. Beatty for ai. abatement of .12¢ iriterest and ti:1 .00 cost charged ?against lots 45/55 in block Yv- Vlrigntsville Beach for the yea.T 195', stating he did not receive the proper r?otice of the tayes ciue, thinking the same was ir,cluded in the taxes he paid or. other 'Siriphtsvi}le 5each property, vias preseizted by Mr. Davis Ormsby? but no • action v{ras taicen. Unon motioi, of Ptr. Iove, secor?ded by ieir. Davis, Ira Addison Stewart a physicaily disabled ,A-M^4-citizen was on recommer,dation of the Supt,lr of Public vJelfare, admitted 'Qo the Cowzty Home as a pay patient at $40.00 per mor.th. The matter of purchasing a Piney-Bowrers Mailing ieiachine at a cost of $636.43 for handling ,,?ANy-4Jal, Cour:ty out-going mail was presented by the Cour,ty Auditor and received for further information as_ to its advaritage to us. Instruetior;s v?ere givert 'uo coritact the Board of Education, advising that if it is interested -5AW---in takii.g over Legion Stadiwn for operai:ior,, i,ne Cor?missior.ers vaould be glad to have them meet with us next ?ionday for a discussioi; of the ma.tter. Upon motion of L;r. 0'Shiel,?s, seconder, b; TrGsk, payment. tills nwnUer 1034 to 1072 1^iere approved for The merting tner, adjourned. Clerk. .? --- - ?^ . iNi,,?ir,€>i.on, P.ovember 3, 1952• ihe refrulai• v,eexly meetii.€ of the 3oar•d was he,ci at 16:00 o'c,ock A. 114. Presei.t: Acid;.soi: ?iev??,et,t, C:naii•mar., C,aud G'Shi.eltis, Tnurstoi; C. Davis, IIa, J. Love,,,. ' haiford Trdsk ar.d County Attori.ey :,°arsdez yellary.' : ? ?`A report of the activities of the Fiome Demonst:ratioi, r,getit ai,d .4ss5.staiit for October `"-C lvas received ar,d filed. r Q9-(??,_r. D,_D. Bageett, Cour.ty Far•m Agert, submitt;ed his report ior October which vaas received ar.cl ylCy ordered filed. ,vir. Eaggett ekpressed h:.s nppreciat_on foi' i:lie use of the Stadaium for holding ? the recent Fat a).d rive 5',ock snovi. tvir. James R. Bei.son, City i,iar.aoei• anpeared to discuss the proposed disposition of T,egioii Stadium ? ar.d to assure the Board.of the City Councils continued interest?vrithout iriter£erer.ce with ar,y plans previouel.y ,;xit7'e- with the Board of Educatioti for the operation of the same, 40 r.ould be i.t.terested in acquiring tne same if a p7aii_cou?d pe viorked-out'.to continue..the operation of the Stadivm oii a satisiactory basis ui.uer the City's Recreatiorial Department)Which 4'JOUld be i.o no '?reat a%aditiona, er.uei:se wit'r, the equ5_pment they have available. Er. Davis expressed himsE,f as fee'+it,j? the Cii.y i= ii. a tetter r?ositi.o:, t.o tskF over tiiF 4tadiur„ thai, any other - Apei,cy. The Cour,ty AttiO1IlYU &tl(1(leJi,ed ti?at it, may be i.eceFear,? to have special legislation • to turr. the Stadiw:. ovei to thetCity. :,o act.io,. isas takei.. IInon motion of i?,r. Love, secor.ded b-v i;'r. TrasK; ai. anpronriation of $,200.00 was granted the ?.? Ocean Highooay Associatioi; oui• o; thp advertisir?g fund to advertise ard promote Nortn-South tourist trazfic over u.S.17, thicn,in the opinioie.of the I3oard?cuou?d be_to.the.Cout?ty's •• advantage for advErtisinp its advar:tages anc resources. n?„?;uf,r. rredericx'v'villetts appeared to a_k that a drainage cor.Uition r?e??r the T.E.Hospitai be ,?? ? corrected. And that the ditcn at Devon Park be cleaned out to elimii:ate the mosquito in that fast g-rovaing development. K. 0. B):rgwin appeared to ask the Commissioners to s5.gn the contract permittitig Skycoach e?ir'!ines Agency i o use the airport for its rion-schedu7ed flights, or to conti.i:ue the matter ur.til Iu1r. John A. Stevens, attorney d'br• the airline retui-ns to the City. l;o objections were ir.dicated ai.d the matter vras again postponed u:,tiq nekt meetisig. Upor; motior: of 1.4r. Trask, seconded Ly i,:r. I,ove, the q,;estioi, of refui.cii.g ?130.00 purchase pr•ice to_Pvir. Vi. D. Stlokley for approxim«tely tH;o acres of or? t_7e Scotts Hill road -1' ar? west of the idine i.;ile ?ost, he purcnased at a tay =ale, ;or tne reasori he claims that the taxPS were paid up ta ciate by the ovvi.er before the sale tl-ok p'ace; ai.d that the uvarier is ? sti,lin possess-ioii of tPie propert.y, was coctir.ued vi,ti, next, meeting to give the Coui.ty sttorney opporturiit'y. to look i:.to it i'urtner. inis actiloi, v?as ta}:ei, after a rr.otion ofFered by :,ir. Trask, ai.d secor.ded by ivir.?ovE to al'ow a, refur:C; of ??F,,30.00 iess ?'45.00 ior court costs ai.d advertisiug, anc] Attorney fees; ??as t°?ithdrati?an. Chairman and members J.C.noe kt the ir.vitation of the noard Octobet 27? Dr. Jol?i: i.fioggard) ar.d E.A.La.pey>? :3nd Busitiess ::.ai,ager Jonr, G. M.arGhall o£ the Board of Education appeared to oiscuss the matter of takir,g over the Stadium onerations. Dr. Hogpard opened the discussion by stating the school Board r,,ould on?, vcai.t i` to expaiid the schom system, and a=ked that a tei. to tN"EI.ty year lea=e be giver, coizsideration to et.ab'e c,asses to be assigned there i;o make improverents. Tvir. NTarshall said that the schools electrical, plwnhii?p ancJ carpenter crews could be useo to adva;,tage ir: the maintez.ance of the Stadiun by weaving the scliool house mair.tei,ance efforts into t:he Stadium work. hiter co;.siderable discussioi; the matter ti:as received for further consid erat ion. '3`71? `? ?•? Meeting of ;;ovemher 3, 1952' coiitinued. Jnon moti.on of Itir. Trask? seconded by ivir. D.avis, abatement;s to correct errors in the followii;g tax li.sts vrere autnorized : r F MariPr, R4.1-1amy and W.h,.Hevulett: cai.ce, i,axes on .93 - 2.14 and 2.3 acres of land Middle Sound. Disc, aimed?:-for tize years 1947 through ,0/52. Sar.rie was sold to Ii.C.Sidbury. IJ.r.Foy, double charge o.i lot 7'ria,i:gle adjoini.ng Vdoodcrest 6300.00. Owned half interest rrith tir.M.Hill, L:r. Hiql sold him his half i.nterest ar;d :ur. Fov vaas char.geo twics om-the same lot ir: error. _ i?.T.F•ov charged vrith c3.88 acres at $7?P7? .00, sold il.34 acres to i.T.Padgett ii. 1 95a , without. creuiting ^oys assessment, aY,ater..ent grar.ted on a valuation of 4670.00 i'or the year 1952, ar.d ai, a:sessment of $1"370.00 ordered charged against Padget oi: I-ot ?13'7.54 acres Castle Garcieiis for ? 95, to correct the error, r..akir,g Padgets total asses;mz?,t kon the said nropei•t; ti;670.00. fliarx J. -Nuv,irth, Vailriirirtori township, graiited az, aL-atenent'on txo' .'?o-.+";-axes cha.rgeo three T,ir,ies i;. error ior the year 1952. C_}[,r.._3 •p7leY, 'RriEh`„sville Beac:i, {'.??lCG.00 real esi,dte a::u pol? char€ed in error for ?95e. W. Jr? y2?OE;.00 0. t?,o ca:s i:. i_ar:.ett t.owt.snip chargeo v;ith C:ty taa-,s in er•ror? lOr ii. E. 'v11^Snri? y,•e-1650.v0 t'v00 Gi, l0" l+AI 11'. 1''OCk 54, $U1.G8t Park cYiarged ii. e7 ror for 1052. C. T. Embry, 'WiI rr?..,to.: toi^?li,sii:p, y1.015.00 ; erso:.a, propsrty rrought , FO1'wciPd Oi7 iiQt 'i5t2Ci 15T. 1:. P:'POP. t IesJ?ICLL Of Da'i;]iCOI'E f0I''9)P . l'l .8S Brothers,Inc.? Zi?c?tOi. i04iL5'i?iLy error ?.. r??r•cc;.a' j?:OUci'i,?, 'iSt,7 1?j)2. T)lySSP..6 1';dntt1i75j 1,1;1.lI.;7.i.gtOT'i t0wnSti-:•]n_77230.00 nafSOi.S' 'p'.•PO-"C! v r'C.l)i..lv C1'37np, 11ctcCl in i8L1E, Of IJ.iT.uB.I.Kliic al50 fOT 195 f. N . ?.'. il ,i:liSGl':. :.c.SOi?GPO i,Gv??.Sl1ii'i. y;' 1j0.v7 ;G1:t?'.'G C??aT'gE O:. TOt ?F'9 South Giear.der for 1 r.. 195? a1.G 197?. SG' d i.0 dl:d' =E. t_?:i h,t,' '17.n .iv1Y:E),; . . u; on rroiio: of h;r. "i1dSK, st cor.ded 'r• I".c. Lavl.s, na,ymai.t of $509.21 to i4r. Y1.J.Batson for labor, dynaRite; Cas ar.d oi" used ?i.b,asting drair.age car:al ir. the Carolina Beacki?4rea v;as apnroved. Jpon moti.or. oS i;:r. Davis, secor.ued by :."r. Trask, Ingram E,ijah Hovie 75 years old Coui;ty iridigent ?ho has been livii;f, with his siste.r.. Tht sister has had a stroke ai.d is no longer able to take care of }iim, was upoia recommFr,da,tion of the Supt., of rublic 16e,fare, admitted to the Cewnty f;ome. A repozt of the Vetarai,s' Officer for Oetober wds ieceived ai:u fi-led. No objections were iudicated by the Boa.rd to dismaritling the oic3 control tower cab atop the main hangar dt the airport requested by y4r. v;.3i.Elder, Ger:eral Safetq Hgent CAA, as the same is confusi.r;g to pilots flying aircra£t not, radio equipped vrho watch the old cab for light signal instructions just prior to lai:ding. , 1he question wds raised if the Coui.i;y vvi,l otserve E,ectioi, Day ;November 4, as a noliday. The ar;svier was no, iiLasmuch as each Pepartment Head niay operate as it sees fit toward permittitig ar,y of it;s personi.el time out to vote. „ ?^the ChairMar: presei.ted a commur.icatio,. receive; r'roa: Charles C. Iiartman Architects requesting considerat.ior. of tneii- qualificatloi,s aiid services as Architect-Engineers ii, coi_r.P..Cti01: 4.ith i,he proposed nev airport ydeu.nist°ai`ot. nui.ldii,g. ?.o actioi. voas taken. uLOt". 1TlOi,l01. Oi ..ii. T1"v'.Sk, :£C:'iY.62(] t'7V 1'1'. L8P15 LOUI.tf t]7lls lv'O. 1034 ?`.G 11$4 472P2 approveu for payn&r,t. ihe meeti.c.€ ther, adjoUri.ed. C' e rk. - f 1h'i1 e1ii.aton1 ;;. ?., November 10, 1952. ihe regu,dr weeKly ;:.eeti,.r of Y.iie Lodi•d w-s Iie,d this day at 10:00 o'clock A. Y. Freser.t: i+ddisoi, ilev:,ett, Chair:;ai,, Claun 0'Sh:e,ds, Thurstot_ C. Uavis, Hal j. Love,. ' Raiiord Trask aid Cour.ty yttorney ;Jarsce:. Beilamy. nebecca T.. Ha" , colored iiome Deu.oi;stratiot. Ageiii: subn,itted her report of ti-ie activities ol' her depa:tment for October ca;iich vaas received and i'iled. lipon motioi, of ;?;r. Trask, secor.ded by ;:4r. Davis. Skycoach Hirlines ageney of Virgi,lia5 Inc., w-,s gra,Y.ted pern ssion to r?ake stops at Bluethes.t!,a'+ xirport for iion-schec3u'+ed flights on a moiith to month/b?F-Wfor a period of ninety days from date hereof. john A. 5tevens,Attorney appeared for the Airlines Agency,and its 7ocai-ivianager Tair. C. 0. Suits rias present. The above action vtas taker, subject to at,y tir:iied States Governmerit rights. ,dr. Richard H. Shevr appeared to preser,t a reouest i;o establish a schoo" bus route, to eliminate a railroad crossii;g; grorr: Sou'u-h Ole,?i.der Drive therice a'+ong 1.hE south side of the Atiantic Goast J,ir.e Ii3'liPOaG Company Fselt Line viest to 17th Street, ther.ce south to -? u4arste,ler Street, t:Ler,.ct west or. i;tarst--lier otreet t,o i4th Street, thence south on l4th Strr>et to hidder Street, i.hei.ce vest or, i:idder 5t:reet to i3tn SUreet, ther.ce sou.th on 13th Street to ?ake 'r'orest Scrool. vrhich i:.c:ludes aUou? 60o feFt of richt of way in the Coui,ty outsiaa the City 'imits a;,o approximately teri block is, the City. fiig-ht of way in the County to fol'ovc Ci"y st,r•eets if e3;`,e;.ded. iiic reo,uest v;as unor: rootior. of iuir. Love, scconded . by i?:r. Lavis, api;roved subject to a; nro;ra.l. oS the City Cou::ci1. c ^?ie. copy oS thc trsti:?o?1}? by E. ?oyu ?or ;,ev. i:U,over Coui.ty, the City of S's'ilminatoi. at:d tkia ililmir.vtoi, CYia;,icer of Con.merca, ::efore the Civil Aeronautics Board, Yidshirigton,D.C., 1Yi tilc rriatter Oi i,i1e COI71hii:?;Lt7.Ci? Oi 1vHi;.'0i.8' AlY" 1n2S ?"'ltkl COlOri12-i A7.P'1riES ? IY'iC. , W1S received a.,d fi,ed.