HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-10 Regular Meeting'3`71?
`? ?•?
Meeting of ;;ovemher 3, 1952' coiitinued.
Jnon moti.on of Itir. Trask? seconded by ivir. D.avis, abatement;s to correct errors in the
followii;g tax li.sts vrere autnorized :
MariPr, R4.1-1amy and W.h,.Hevulett: cai.ce, i,axes on .93 - 2.14 and 2.3 acres of land Middle Sound. Disc, aimed?:-for tize years 1947 through ,0/52. Sar.rie was sold to Ii.C.Sidbury.
IJ.r.Foy, double charge o.i lot 7'ria,i:gle adjoini.ng Vdoodcrest 6300.00. Owned half interest
rrith tir.M.Hill, L:r. Hiql sold him his half i.nterest ar;d :ur. Fov vaas char.geo twics om-the
same lot ir: error. _ i?.T.F•ov charged vrith c3.88 acres at $7?P7? .00, sold il.34 acres to
i.T.Padgett ii. 1 95a , without. creuiting ^oys assessment, aY,ater..ent grar.ted on a valuation
of 4670.00 i'or the year 1952, ar.d ai, a:sessment of $1"370.00 ordered charged against
Padget oi: I-ot ?13'7.54 acres Castle Garcieiis for ? 95, to correct the error, r..akir,g Padgets
total asses;mz?,t kon the said nropei•t; ti;670.00. fliarx J. -Nuv,irth, Vailriirirtori township, graiited
az, aL-atenent'on txo' .'?o-.+";-axes cha.rgeo three T,ir,ies i;. error ior the year 1952.
C_}[,r.._3 •p7leY, 'RriEh`„sville Beac:i, {'.??lCG.00 real esi,dte a::u pol? char€ed in error for ?95e.
W. Jr? y2?OE;.00 0. t?,o ca:s i:. i_ar:.ett t.owt.snip chargeo v;ith C:ty taa-,s in er•ror?
lOr ii. E. 'v11^Snri? y,•e-1650.v0 t'v00 Gi, l0" l+AI 11'. 1''OCk 54, $U1.G8t Park cYiarged
ii. e7 ror for 1052. C. T. Embry, 'WiI rr?..,to.: toi^?li,sii:p, y1.015.00 ; erso:.a, propsrty rrought ,
FO1'wciPd Oi7 iiQt 'i5t2Ci 15T. 1:. P:'POP. t IesJ?ICLL Of Da'i;]iCOI'E f0I''9)P . l'l .8S Brothers,Inc.?
Zi?c?tOi. i04iL5'i?iLy error ?.. r??r•cc;.a' j?:OUci'i,?, 'iSt,7 1?j)2. T)lySSP..6 1';dntt1i75j 1,1;1.lI.;7.i.gtOT'i
t0wnSti-:•]n_77230.00 nafSOi.S' 'p'.•PO-"C! v r'C.l)i..lv C1'37np, 11ctcCl in i8L1E, Of IJ.iT.uB.I.Kliic al50 fOT 195
N . ?.'. il ,i:liSGl':. :.c.SOi?GPO i,Gv??.Sl1ii'i. y;' 1j0.v7 ;G1:t?'.'G C??aT'gE O:. TOt ?F'9 South Giear.der for
195? a1.G 197?. SG' d i.0 dl:d' =E. t_?:i h,t,' '17.n .iv1Y:E),; . .
u; on rroiio: of h;r. "i1dSK, st cor.ded 'r• I".c. Lavl.s, na,ymai.t of $509.21 to i4r. Y1.J.Batson for
labor, dynaRite; Cas ar.d oi" used ?i.b,asting drair.age car:al ir. the Carolina Beacki?4rea v;as
Jpon moti.or. oS i;:r. Davis, secor.ued by :."r. Trask, Ingram E,ijah Hovie 75 years old Coui;ty
iridigent ?ho has been livii;f, with his siste.r.. Tht sister has had a stroke ai.d is no longer
able to take care of }iim, was upoia recommFr,da,tion of the Supt., of rublic 16e,fare, admitted
to the Cewnty f;ome.
A repozt of the Vetarai,s' Officer for Oetober wds ieceived ai:u fi-led.
No objections were iudicated by the Boa.rd to dismaritling the oic3 control tower cab atop
the main hangar dt the airport requested by y4r. v;.3i.Elder, Ger:eral Safetq Hgent CAA, as the
same is confusi.r;g to pilots flying aircra£t not, radio equipped vrho watch the old cab for
light signal instructions just prior to lai:ding. ,
1he question wds raised if the Coui.i;y vvi,l otserve E,ectioi, Day ;November 4, as a noliday.
The ar;svier was no, iiLasmuch as each Pepartment Head niay operate as it sees fit toward
permittitig ar,y of it;s personi.el time out to vote. „
?^the ChairMar: presei.ted a commur.icatio,. receive; r'roa: Charles C. Iiartman Architects
requesting considerat.ior. of tneii- qualificatloi,s aiid services as Architect-Engineers
ii, coi_r.P..Cti01: 4.ith i,he proposed nev airport ydeu.nist°ai`ot. nui.ldii,g. ?.o actioi. voas taken.
uLOt". 1TlOi,l01. Oi ..ii. T1"v'.Sk, :£C:'iY.62(] t'7V 1'1'. L8P15 LOUI.tf t]7lls lv'O. 1034 ?`.G 11$4 472P2
approveu for payn&r,t.
ihe meeti.c.€ ther, adjoUri.ed.
C' e rk. -
f 1h'i1 e1ii.aton1 ;;. ?., November 10, 1952.
ihe regu,dr weeKly ;:.eeti,.r of Y.iie Lodi•d w-s Iie,d this day at 10:00 o'clock A. Y.
Freser.t: i+ddisoi, ilev:,ett, Chair:;ai,, Claun 0'Sh:e,ds, Thurstot_ C. Uavis, Hal j. Love,. '
Raiiord Trask aid Cour.ty yttorney ;Jarsce:. Beilamy.
nebecca T.. Ha" , colored iiome Deu.oi;stratiot. Ageiii: subn,itted her report of ti-ie activities
ol' her depa:tment for October ca;iich vaas received and i'iled.
lipon motioi, of ;?;r. Trask, secor.ded by ;:4r. Davis. Skycoach Hirlines ageney of Virgi,lia5 Inc.,
w-,s gra,Y.ted pern ssion to r?ake stops at Bluethes.t!,a'+ xirport for iion-schec3u'+ed flights on a
moiith to month/b?F-Wfor a period of ninety days from date hereof. john A. 5tevens,Attorney
appeared for the Airlines Agency,and its 7ocai-ivianager Tair. C. 0. Suits rias present. The above
action vtas taker, subject to at,y tir:iied States Governmerit rights.
,dr. Richard H. Shevr appeared to preser,t a reouest i;o establish a schoo" bus route, to
eliminate a railroad crossii;g; grorr: Sou'u-h Ole,?i.der Drive therice a'+ong 1.hE south side of
the Atiantic Goast J,ir.e Ii3'liPOaG Company Fselt Line viest to 17th Street, ther.ce south to
-? u4arste,ler Street, t:Ler,.ct west or. i;tarst--lier otreet t,o i4th Street, thence south on l4th
Strr>et to hidder Street, i.hei.ce vest or, i:idder 5t:reet to i3tn SUreet, ther.ce sou.th on
13th Street to ?ake 'r'orest Scrool. vrhich i:.c:ludes aUou? 60o feFt of richt of way in the
Coui,ty outsiaa the City 'imits a;,o approximately teri block is, the City. fiig-ht of way in the
County to fol'ovc Ci"y st,r•eets if e3;`,e;.ded. iiic reo,uest v;as unor: rootior. of iuir. Love, scconded
by i?:r. Lavis, api;roved subject to a; nro;ra.l. oS the City Cou::ci1.
^?ie. copy oS thc trsti:?o?1}? by E. ?oyu ?or ;,ev. i:U,over Coui.ty, the City of S's'ilminatoi.
at:d tkia ililmir.vtoi, CYia;,icer of Con.merca, ::efore the Civil Aeronautics Board, Yidshirigton,D.C.,
1Yi tilc rriatter Oi i,i1e COI71hii:?;Lt7.Ci? Oi 1vHi;.'0i.8' AlY" 1n2S ?"'ltkl COlOri12-i A7.P'1riES ? IY'iC. , W1S
received a.,d fi,ed.
Ineating of i'q-vember 10, -0,52, cof.t.'s,ued.
A report was received frorri the Psack. Tax Co-ector shovaing that 0,784.70 was co'+lected
, 1?116Y- for the Clty and 6P.5,0II'J.68 for the Coui,ty, making a tota'+ of $8,872.38 back taxes •.•.?
xIXs coiiected for the month oT October. In answer to A qUESY.1011 raiEed 'oy :ir. v':,iijlelds; ir: the opinioi, of the Cow:ty kttorney
JGP the County vrould iava i,i,e right 'to uec3uci: or oi' set ai y tares due by a tax payer wher,
he prsse:;ts a jur3, ticket foi' paymant.
Unon motion of lifr. 0'Shie,ds, seeot,<9ec3 Ly 11•:11'. !'oce, naymet.t of k40.00 i,o the State
Hospital at Goldsboro for one mon'uhs-treatment ior porothy Bell Jonnson'for alconoiism,
r oi; request oi the Clerk oi' the 5uperior Court7 vas approved.
A communication ?-as rece9ved fror.: the Board of Eaucation advising that i£ it would take
over the oneration ot the Stadium,suggesi.ed by L'rie Coui ty Commissioners, it maq find
lb? itself exceeding the limits for wnich eclucational fut.ds may be legally or appropriately
employed, but assured the Board, hovrever, t:hat as in the past, the Schoois will give
fullest assistance in the upkeep arid preservation oi this cour.ty property.
linon motioi7 of l4r. Tove, seconded by Nir. Davis, the Board autiiorized the pa.yment o£
?37.50 per month to Car;cer Society Home at 1,umberton,;r.C,,for?board'and: trfatment for Jas,r.
Fveeks,for incura8le c'anc2r.-IIr: ;CTdeks'is i,oW,an, inma:te of the Cour.ty Home,. and his removai
p to the Caiicer Socinty Home was recoimmended by the Doctors.
64V A report of the activities oi the Bureau of Ider.tificdl,ion for October vras received and fi.led.
? A communicatior. .^ras received i'rom Lhe State Board of Pub,i.c L'telfare adcisi.r.g that
a'49,162.25 iF,as sent to this Cou.r.l,y for October for Old yga kssisiance, Aid to Dependei.t
Ch;.ldren, A.id to 111ye Permai,ei.tly and lota-;y,Disa-b,eu ar.d ior 9dmir.istratior..
A copy of the mir_utes oi the Board of 'i'rustees o,- Commwaity :-Iospital f-or September 21,1952,
iol'o?ving tax lists were authoriZed:
C. A. Rackley, Lot 82i Y 222 Paul.ine Ave.? $p200:00 oouble charge. Same listed for 195,
tiy T,ouis E. Straughan. Lilliam S. Small, ?"t&40.00 double charge on automobile for 1952
1 isted by Typewriter Insp`ectior; Uompar.y. Geo_.S.Ja_c1?,sQ?? a resident of i?lasonboro 1952,
charged v;ith City Poll in e:ror. C.tiu.DOyett.e, house on ?ot 5, in blocY 3, 1`dilmin?tor.
Beach charged in error for 1952 0?. va a,uatioti of ?+,?800.00. C. W. Johnson, 8?8 Green Street,
refund taxes paid on a val uat;ion of $385.00 account of error, doub, e charge. Ta,xes paid
1?/6/52, receipt_I?o. 9677. J. P. .?e???ton or 1.ucille i,. Hardemar,, Cape Fear `?ov;nship
vras grai,ted an abatemer.t o£ tay:es on a va1uation of $?5,950.00 on .75 acres fiighway #40
I,ot 86 X 144 and ?ot '+82 X 321, i;i?nvrGa- 40, ar.d I,ucil'e i.. Cruise oi, 2. caiuation of ti300.00
on tract in rear 48 X102 D?c E part 5ai. Souci. 'I'Yie purposa 'of the ah,?;tement is to correct
an ernor in the descript'?on ai.d assessnterit ot. tYie property iT: order to piace the same on
the tax r.ecords correctiy. Therefore, in lieu of "ic above,it vras ordered tnat r,ucille
N. Cruise be ciiarged v:ith the fo"owi,.C deGcribec. proper•t5? at i;he assessment =hov?m:
Cape 1 ear i ot+.?izs.hip-
, Tracts D. a E. part San Souci az.d tract in rear 118 X 702, Land $950.00
four Uui?dii;gs "2,?50.00, ?otal assessment_$9?i00.00 ..
?SK? subr?i?ted a Uid of ?3,?70.00 to c?ear. t?e e?:`.erior of the O?d Court House Bui
waUps on rne?otionceived aofi.d B,r. iilT?aed.
H Charlotte i?irn 1°;fio re?ics?ec.ts-ey c clonde2adi.byed i t.ir.ne L Vdi,ovem,i ;.Ft aba o; t Saviementrs.gs to a corre irust ct Ceormparorny s in buiiding
The same v;as re.ierred to the :neribers of the Ecx:rd ar.a Cour.ty Tttorney to read ?di ovengr . at.d
submit their recommer.dat:;.o?is to the ?iosrd aL r?ext u?oiic5ay's: 'regu':ar meeting.
1951, agadnst lots 2/9/ in block D, Greenfield. Personal property was listed :egular and
listed at "?7,i00.00 to T'4,l•50.00 was received for further consideration.
-? - Elizabeth C. 0'C.oraior, house cliarged in erro.° o;: lot 19, in block 90 Carolina Beach,?;1)y000.00 fc
year 1952. ? Erlgade i3oys Clt3b, $1,500.00 accoui;t o,` double charge on 'lot 30, Country Club
? Piries, cha:ged* in ei ror for 195.1, Sair.e solci to 'rF .C .Sutton 2/22/50 and listed by nim for 197' •
3:atie_TqT._riow.e.rsa $;l,2?v.'uG for-195p and 195a,, dnd ?l,,15•QO for *1952, a.ccount of 'jouble
charge on lots 16/23,-in b,ock e-, Fox Divisi.on. Sanie sold_ to itatie K9.ng 9/15/49 ai;d listed
by her for 19i0, 1951, a.ri3 19j2. Ruth C.i'ralther, 1Dt 1'7 in block 6l , Caro'it,a Eeach charged
in error for the year ?95?? at ??300.00. Same_so; d. to tti?i, 1 iam Be,?avance ar.d ?sited by nim
for 1952. W. . ._Fyd.x,arci_s ?,2 .88 interest and $1 .50 cost for delayed payment of ta.xes on
-5VV6, in block 2i , City, account- of error ir, cnarging same to 4daltom tviace,y Edwards for 1951,
ai.d was therefore not i;icluded 3n his notice of taxes payab?e for 1951• H. E. Hayes, $665.00
personia property br.ought forward from a previous year and charged in error as not'listed for
charged on other rea-, estate lS.st.
A request of Nr. G.E.Bal,ard, 402 S. 17th Street, for a'reduction of Nachi?ie Shop Equipment
ivith reference to the request of irir. 4i.D.Stokley that the Couy.ty refurid 1,130.00 purchase
price kie paid for anproximately two acres oi latid,east oS a culvert,west of the Aine Mile Post
US fiighway -17, he pux•chased at,,a tax sale aLpainst Virginia. Dore, et al ., the County
6ttorney recommenned 4hat Mr. R.ici'.KeFmoii,.tattort,ey for iv,r. Vi. D. Stokleylbe requested to
make a motion asking the Court to order the Cour.t} Corunissiot,ers to pay ?he 9'''30.00 purchase
back to him for the reasor.s stz'u-ed ir: hi.5 corr.i.iunicatioi? o.i September 20, 1952•
1952, and the 195-e t
? A question raised b5 :Vir.
coi?rectr;ess of f??1e taxes
? Focivie,,e Rea' ty Compas.y
Sout.h l+orfolk,8a., conceri_ing the
ti.P.3,and 1202 tii,r.e Aver.ue,
due oii 1 o? -1 5 7 ii-, bi ock 10v+
a;;es vaere adj'ustrd Getweei, h2
at the t,ime of the sa.le, was
hich he claims t,o have sold February
aud the Uuyer through the Mloore-
refer,ed to the broore-Fonvie,le Realty
' 3'? ?
Meeting of ;%ovember 10, 1952 1 cor,tiriued.
An otfer of 1vir. aIton D. Rivel:bark, I
e906 i?,art.et : treet, to purchase lot 41 on
Pauline tice;iue at $225.00, tivt,;ch ;-;as sold icr taxes a.1d boug'.,t-5.n by the County,
at 8170.86, was received at,d upon mction of ;v;r. ?ove, secoi.ded by It1r, 0'Shieids
vras ordereci anpraised for,value and advertise the sam,e.for sale.
Upon motion of i:4r. Love, seconded by l,r. Dav=s? the lrus ee.:_ of Wrightsville Beach
_?d?? Nethodist Chu.rch were gra,.teu Qi, atater?;ent of taxes or. 2 va-luatior, of ei ?700.00
charged against lots -708, G.F;.I and J, ir, block I , Shore Acres for the years -7951
and 1 9521 for the reason the sai<i lots vlere purchased for the sole purpose of erecting
_ -a building thex•eon for the s;:(,lusive use for church purposes, tivhicn is now in process
of raising iunds to that ei.d,(
u,?on motion of Kr. G'Shie,ds instruetions were give.: to vrrite the Caroli;;a Fo•,z,er ar.d
? ?-?- Light Cornpa;:y ar, eyprpssion of our gratitu.qe ior their' having cel?cted a site in this
- Coui,ty ior til2 iocatior, of an er.ormoizs .team Gar.erating Electrical i•iant, ai.p for t'r,eir
coniidence in this Cout..ty as eLidenced by stzcfi acti.on..
LTpon rnotion of idr. Davis, seconped by Mr. Love, Coiu-.ty Bi?is no ?-155 to i32l were
approved for payment.
The meetir.g thei? adjourned. ?
C, e i•k .
17ilmington, N. C., Idovember 17, l952.
- The reguiar weekiy meeting of the Board lvas held ut i0:00 o'clock A. iku.
Present: Hddisoi, Hevrlett, Chaircr,aii, Clnud 0'Shie7ds_, ihurston C. Davis, fial J. Love,
Raiford Trask and Cour:ty Attorney Iv,arsdei. be? lamy.
Resignation oi ,diss Sammie I,ee Joties as tissistant F.ome Agei.t of hew EaT.over County - ,
effective December 31, 1952, addressed to Ivirs. :,iary L. LTcAllister, Soutneastern Distr?.et Home Agent, State College Statioi,, Haleigh, ... ?., vras p:ecei,ted aid upo;i mo{.ion of
Pdr. I,ove, seconded by Ti:r. Davis, vias accepted v;ith regret. It is I,i.ss Jones piaris to
be married early it. Jai,uai,y and make her hor,;e iii hev. Bern.
? Nrs. Ai,ha Belle *owery, i':ome UemonsLrat:oi. Agei.t thEri prrse..ted t:iss Ediath Rogerson
? a?"who wiii graduate ir. Home Ecui?orlics at i;asterr. i1.C.Col,ege, recoinruei,ded by the State
Extension Department to succeed iciiss jones as Assistant Iiome Ager.t, vihich said appointment
rvas upoir, motioi. of Mr. L'avis, secoi.ded by ;:ir. G'ohi.e,us, dnproved, atid Prliss Rogerson vras
ur,anir:ously employed t0 T8?JlaC2 i`;iSS JOli65, resigried.
Inasmuch as the Board of Laucatioy, has ir.dicated its viithdrawal of ii:terest ir. taking '
over Tegion Stadiun operations. Lir. james R. neison, City 1Via11ager,appe.ared to furtner ,
pursue the matter in the interest of the City, and tnought it could be best har:dled by
a commiti;ee or a joint meetiizg of the City and Cotu.ty Cor•:nissioners as to necessa.ry
tras.sfers or tiiorking agreemerit. hir. I.ove wouid recommei,d turning the f'aoa-tity over to .
` the City or, along iease basis ratYier than the Cour,ty xalinquishia?g its intArest in the .
property. It was the Cour.t,y kttori,eys opir,ior, that leglislation would be r.ecessary to
trai.sfer the facility to the city either by long lease or sale. At the suggestion of
N:r. Addisoi; Hewlett the retiriiig member and Chairman of this nody, the matter vaas postponed
until after December i, 1952, wneiz the newly electeu member of the Board, bir. Falph Horton
_ will take his seat oi, tna.t ,datet dnd will be qualified to et ter into ari officiai qiscussion
of the matter, at a joint meeting of the City anci Coui.ty Boards proposed to be .held early
in Decen;ber for further consideration of the,same.
t??,p'b A report of the Wilmirigi,on r^ublic I.?ibrary and Bookmo 1 e oi
lipon u,o?:i a -
?•oi, of 'S.?' ??cld.., secor.ded `r :?;r. Davis+ the contract for StBdill Cl23ri1T1g the
i,"r. ? "?_ exterior-of the old Court riouse buildi,:g v:as awai•ded to uiesteri. 4iat;erproofing Compar,y of
St. ruuis, ioi?:ssourz? throug'r? 'heir CY.iariotte; N. C., oifice, at a price of $3,470.00 in
accordai.ce with their bid of i.ovember 1, 9521 tihat;iii the onii?io; o£ the Board, beii;g the
best bid obtaii:able di'P,I' due advertisemecit r:as made. `
lipon motion of i:r. Davis, reconded by i,ir. ?ove, 3.:r. i??al lace Henry Styron, Spanish-American
?`?var 'deterar, was granted temnorary aq?'?issioi. 110 tlie Cow ty Horne as a pay patient at $40.00 ,
per month pending adm:ssion to ?ne Soldiers riome. Recomraended by the Supt., of Pub'+ic 4Jeifare.
An application of Ivlrs?! Queenie T?eonarQ Lewis, 15K Lesbitt Court, for admission to the
`?y,Cour.ty Home vaas referred back to the 'vielfare Departmerit for checking into her financia?
?'(f??'" status vrith the vievi of ascertainii,g if she is in a positi.or, to contribute any thixig
toward her rr,air.tenance at the Courty i3on,et ai.d report to the Board at a suUsequei;t meeting.
"?h repor{; oi Associated Charities for October v?as received ar.d filed.
l?'4'?` l
U?on niotior, of i?:r. Tove, seconded b} P?;r. Davis, VY1l 1 18ID Fere?l I Harr,ett towi?ship, was grantc?d
ar, abatemer?t of cost ai?d iiiterest on his 195? taxes account of delayed pay?ment, for the,
reasori he is ar; oid perisio;ier v;ith oiie leg ?vno inteiided t.o puy his 195, taxes last year, but,. ?
? a"through error paid his 195- taxes instead, therefore thii.hing his 195, tayes were paid.
Gethro_Parker, 706 11. iOth 4t., was gra.nted an abate;nent of taxes or, a valuation oS $400.00 househoid and kitchen furr.iture listecl in error above its true value ior 1949•
Ty?r. Rossie Thompson appeared to r,egotiate for a iease on the resteurarit space in the new .
? termiiia? tuiiding at Bluetheiithal F.irport?and if successfu??if he vzi, 1 be permitted to move
?i.?. the nroposed new terciinaa bui'+ding on the eaSt si8e of the field in the event the Navy
?0,?? takes,.over the present terminai building aiid anothe? terriinai b1?iiding i's constructed. .
- f.;r. 0'Shields raised the question oi dealing v,?ith public property and asked that bids be
asked for by advertisement to be received tu?til 10:00 o!c,ock A.M., December i, 195' for ,
leasing restaurai.t space in the new termina- bu?, ding . Utilities consisting of Vlater,
Lights and Heat to be furnished by the 'Cotu?t;. Consession rights in buildiug to be inc}uded
in bid. The County Commissioners reserve the-ri.gnt to reject any ai,d all bids, or to
accept anY bid that may apnear to the best interest of the Courity. Upon :mmta?o? of'?Tr. Davi§
seconded by Mr. Love? t?e ioregoir?g v.as adopted. ,.
fOctober i?•?••s re?eived and filed.