1952-11-17 Regular Meeting' 3'? ? Meeting of ;%ovember 10, 1952 1 cor,tiriued. An otfer of 1vir. aIton D. Rivel:bark, I e906 i?,art.et : treet, to purchase lot 41 on Pauline tice;iue at $225.00, tivt,;ch ;-;as sold icr taxes a.1d boug'.,t-5.n by the County, at 8170.86, was received at,d upon mction of ;v;r. ?ove, secoi.ded by It1r, 0'Shieids vras ordereci anpraised for,value and advertise the sam,e.for sale. Upon motion of i:4r. Love, seconded by l,r. Dav=s? the lrus ee.:_ of Wrightsville Beach _?d?? Nethodist Chu.rch were gra,.teu Qi, atater?;ent of taxes or. 2 va-luatior, of ei ?700.00 charged against lots -708, G.F;.I and J, ir, block I , Shore Acres for the years -7951 and 1 9521 for the reason the sai<i lots vlere purchased for the sole purpose of erecting _ -a building thex•eon for the s;:(,lusive use for church purposes, tivhicn is now in process of raising iunds to that ei.d,( u,?on motion of Kr. G'Shie,ds instruetions were give.: to vrrite the Caroli;;a Fo•,z,er ar.d ? ?-?- Light Cornpa;:y ar, eyprpssion of our gratitu.qe ior their' having cel?cted a site in this - Coui,ty ior til2 iocatior, of an er.ormoizs .team Gar.erating Electrical i•iant, ai.p for t'r,eir coniidence in this Cout..ty as eLidenced by stzcfi acti.on.. LTpon rnotion of idr. Davis, seconped by Mr. Love, Coiu-.ty Bi?is no ?-155 to i32l were approved for payment. The meetir.g thei? adjourned. ? C, e i•k . 17ilmington, N. C., Idovember 17, l952. - The reguiar weekiy meeting of the Board lvas held ut i0:00 o'clock A. iku. il. Present: Hddisoi, Hevrlett, Chaircr,aii, Clnud 0'Shie7ds_, ihurston C. Davis, fial J. Love, Raiford Trask and Cour:ty Attorney Iv,arsdei. be? lamy. Resignation oi ,diss Sammie I,ee Joties as tissistant F.ome Agei.t of hew EaT.over County - , effective December 31, 1952, addressed to Ivirs. :,iary L. LTcAllister, Soutneastern Distr?.et Home Agent, State College Statioi,, Haleigh, ... ?., vras p:ecei,ted aid upo;i mo{.ion of Pdr. I,ove, seconded by Ti:r. Davis, vias accepted v;ith regret. It is I,i.ss Jones piaris to be married early it. Jai,uai,y and make her hor,;e iii hev. Bern. ? Nrs. Ai,ha Belle *owery, i':ome UemonsLrat:oi. Agei.t thEri prrse..ted t:iss Ediath Rogerson ? a?"who wiii graduate ir. Home Ecui?orlics at i;asterr. i1.C.Col,ege, recoinruei,ded by the State Extension Department to succeed iciiss jones as Assistant Iiome Ager.t, vihich said appointment rvas upoir, motioi. of Mr. L'avis, secoi.ded by ;:ir. G'ohi.e,us, dnproved, atid Prliss Rogerson vras ur,anir:ously employed t0 T8?JlaC2 i`;iSS JOli65, resigried. Inasmuch as the Board of Laucatioy, has ir.dicated its viithdrawal of ii:terest ir. taking ' over Tegion Stadiun operations. Lir. james R. neison, City 1Via11ager,appe.ared to furtner , pursue the matter in the interest of the City, and tnought it could be best har:dled by a commiti;ee or a joint meetiizg of the City and Cotu.ty Cor•:nissioners as to necessa.ry tras.sfers or tiiorking agreemerit. hir. I.ove wouid recommei,d turning the f'aoa-tity over to . ` the City or, along iease basis ratYier than the Cour,ty xalinquishia?g its intArest in the . property. It was the Cour.t,y kttori,eys opir,ior, that leglislation would be r.ecessary to trai.sfer the facility to the city either by long lease or sale. At the suggestion of N:r. Addisoi; Hewlett the retiriiig member and Chairman of this nody, the matter vaas postponed until after December i, 1952, wneiz the newly electeu member of the Board, bir. Falph Horton _ will take his seat oi, tna.t ,datet dnd will be qualified to et ter into ari officiai qiscussion of the matter, at a joint meeting of the City anci Coui.ty Boards proposed to be .held early in Decen;ber for further consideration of the,same. t??,p'b A report of the Wilmirigi,on r^ublic I.?ibrary and Bookmo 1 e oi lipon u,o?:i a - ?•oi, of 'S.?' ??cld.., secor.ded `r :?;r. Davis+ the contract for StBdill Cl23ri1T1g the i,"r. ? "?_ exterior-of the old Court riouse buildi,:g v:as awai•ded to uiesteri. 4iat;erproofing Compar,y of St. ruuis, ioi?:ssourz? throug'r? 'heir CY.iariotte; N. C., oifice, at a price of $3,470.00 in accordai.ce with their bid of i.ovember 1, 9521 tihat;iii the onii?io; o£ the Board, beii;g the best bid obtaii:able di'P,I' due advertisemecit r:as made. ` lipon motion of i:r. Davis, reconded by i,ir. ?ove, 3.:r. i??al lace Henry Styron, Spanish-American ?`?var 'deterar, was granted temnorary aq?'?issioi. 110 tlie Cow ty Horne as a pay patient at $40.00 , per month pending adm:ssion to ?ne Soldiers riome. Recomraended by the Supt., of Pub'+ic 4Jeifare. An application of Ivlrs?! Queenie T?eonarQ Lewis, 15K Lesbitt Court, for admission to the `?y,Cour.ty Home vaas referred back to the 'vielfare Departmerit for checking into her financia? ?'(f??'" status vrith the vievi of ascertainii,g if she is in a positi.or, to contribute any thixig toward her rr,air.tenance at the Courty i3on,et ai.d report to the Board at a suUsequei;t meeting. "?h repor{; oi Associated Charities for October v?as received ar.d filed. l?'4'?` l U?on niotior, of i?:r. Tove, seconded b} P?;r. Davis, VY1l 1 18ID Fere?l I Harr,ett towi?ship, was grantc?d ar, abatemer?t of cost ai?d iiiterest on his 195? taxes account of delayed pay?ment, for the, reasori he is ar; oid perisio;ier v;ith oiie leg ?vno inteiided t.o puy his 195, taxes last year, but,. ? ? a"through error paid his 195- taxes instead, therefore thii.hing his 195, tayes were paid. Gethro_Parker, 706 11. iOth 4t., was gra.nted an abate;nent of taxes or, a valuation oS $400.00 househoid and kitchen furr.iture listecl in error above its true value ior 1949• Ty?r. Rossie Thompson appeared to r,egotiate for a iease on the resteurarit space in the new . ? termiiia? tuiiding at Bluetheiithal F.irport?and if successfu??if he vzi, 1 be permitted to move ?i.?. the nroposed new terciinaa bui'+ding on the eaSt si8e of the field in the event the Navy ?0,?? takes,.over the present terminai building aiid anothe? terriinai b1?iiding i's constructed. . - f.;r. 0'Shields raised the question oi dealing v,?ith public property and asked that bids be asked for by advertisement to be received tu?til 10:00 o!c,ock A.M., December i, 195' for , leasing restaurai.t space in the new termina- bu?, ding . Utilities consisting of Vlater, Lights and Heat to be furnished by the 'Cotu?t;. Consession rights in buildiug to be inc}uded in bid. The County Commissioners reserve the-ri.gnt to reject any ai,d all bids, or to accept anY bid that may apnear to the best interest of the Courity. Upon :mmta?o? of'?Tr. Davi§ seconded by Mr. Love? t?e ioregoir?g v.as adopted. ,. fOctober i?•?••s re?eived and filed. ? 379 I.;eet-r.g of l;ovember 17, ? 952, co;.tinued. A request of ;elay Highsr.;ith for abatemer,t of $2.82 ii;terest ar:d $1.50 cost charged against 951 ;;a,,es ot. property ir. block 93, vras deciizied. A request of Lloyd M. Smith, 311 IN.C.Aver.uej for abatemer,t of k2,600.00 house he clains to have been charged in error on lots 12 and 13, in block 43 Suramer Hill °or the year 1952, vias r2ceived for fu^'Lher investigatlion. __!?p?,elinon motion of lir. i,otie, seconded by Pvir. Davis, instructior.s ware given to write the State Y.ighwzy ai.d ?ubilic 4`iortics Co;n-mission concernins the proposed lightir.g c. the Cape Fear Ricer Eridges. Upor, n;otioi of ':,ir. 7,ove, secor.ded by Tt:r. 0'Shields, Cour_ty bi,,s Yio. 7322 to lj01 were approved for payment. /? ihe fo,lov??ir.g good and lav;ful pFrsons. were drawn to serve as jurors it. the Superior Court ?? for the tria, of civi, cases for the tTc r:eeic Decenber Civil i'erm beginr:ing December -1, 1952: Editn E. F.irkum, Rt.2, fioy 173• C.F.Sellers, L'7 S. Frorit St. Isaac 6'J. Cooper, 618 S. ,.rd St. j.E.Kii.g, 7E 1.esritt i,ourts. i,:zs.jat.2 5. ve-almly, Box r_€,::iCs•ii, 305 Virgii.ia ive. i1.C.Godley, I A.D.11;a-ace? 640 S. F?or?i, ot. C.C.ViEBCOtLl 20N i.'E1;1 ?Jad. i:_arvir. i:o:r:e€ay ,3- Lavie Drive. Hzr. Phillips 20?. Crace :;i,. v,'.3.?,or.g i %407 :,;a*ket Si:. C.? .Harvi'l, Carc'it.2. Beach. Jas.Y..Giells, -10 iaiimosa P,dce. iv;rs. F. B. Lewis, 7.82' I:I17i St. Tviaria H. Dykers, G75, Doig j25. H.J.nogers,Jr., nt.l. n.G.Parker,Sr., 213 Vlright St. Thos.J.Cress, fit.3, Box 26. Pi .A Svra in, .Fit .? , Box 268. F..R.5hii:n, •104 T:iaci.Tl'laTi Ava. 'Va. Pk. I.A.'n".Tuiiller? Rt.<, Box 20111H. ? .L.F.oberson, 2i0 Lavie Drive,ivi.V. I?'.V;.Rochel ?e 4' j Iu. 5th St. E.V.SYiaw, 116 N. 7th St. L.J.vaooten, 2313 Chestnut St. Eecond week- Vi.'?'.Iia.s.sle;, u„ i.. 3rd St. Wm.E.Jer.kir.s,:,r. 1804 iv1&rket St. W.S.Stephe,.sor., 14 S. Front St. Kar, Ed'nolm, 302 i?'iaryla,.d Ave. e och. ;21 Wi-iamson L-rive. ,Gciiinzie, }?t.2, Box. 267• ??1.6 ?'rincess St i,oad. Pili'14 Bethea:.?lu S. 3rd St. 'i;.ii.'v`3;?Y., ??' S '%i:;l 5t. W.C.Cnerr;y, 1616 C3Si•io ui:SE°t. I. :i. ;Surray, 2516 Adams St Bcssi.e S. Y;illiams, 308 T;. 3rca St. 1".r,.I ei:ioyne , 2883 Adams Si.. _ Harry 'vJ. I,iason,Sr., 107 i,. 3ro St. Geo.fi.Zibelin, -108 Vr"rightsville Ave. i.Vd.Pittman 15 S. 5ti1 St. O.B.Kuhr, 1 16 Ivey Circie. GarlaYid L. Smith) 1604 Castle St. ? vI.S.Robi.nson,. 313 Anr, St. B-uudy E. rowler•, 4„ A,.C.i?venue. Freemaii °_'hrash, 143 Colonial Village. T.neo. ZezeSe,lis, 26 N. Front St. Ca.rl E. Tay ,orj '07 Py . Yor.roe St. Cliiton i.i. Crews, 1415-5 3rd St. D.H.Crer;shaw, Box 10,3. J _ • "c. ? . , jas.D.I.Fielch, "17 N. ?it'ii St;. i.C.Hi.iies, 208 P.. 17Y,h St. 5.4J.itovyan,Jr., 410 Queei: St. T .G.HdY'i'1s5, ]1.4 iuiarket Ei.. C.I.Greer, Ca:t, e iayr.e. r'.. i IY'T'$. BPtihBrdi: VI].,d.r'L+1?IleT_?. L')CU l/ra.la lilZrela. .ios.r.Brat.eb,Jr., 4,' Stjoiforci Trui,Is. V.ii..fIorrisoil , rit.-q. Fra..ces J. Iiusn, 4,t: i'. 7th St. Yete Plakas,.KurF beach. C. 'rIi.ngerty? 419 S. ''/th, St. E.V.iloore, Rt.3, Box 242.i, C.H.Ll?ES, 127 Lp.P2 uL. V; .T .i:'eaks I j02 Cer.t ral -Boulevar•d. " ru.P.Carroll?Jr., 715 Grace St. John D. i°le,,s, 2 Court C, *ake Fdre:ste4 D.Ii.ifauli,SLy ,J r. , nt.3 ? Box 52C Ghas V. Bai'ey, 411t Dock St. 'vr'.F.ftoach, 707 5 2nd 5't. Tvi.T.Davis, 709 Castle St. Sol Shain, 1403 Grace St. Thos.H.Wright,Tr., o T.H.L1'right. R.S.Johnson, 3'3 Amn St. 7'.hos.D.Core, 2'17 Princess St. Fiome B. Small, 2006 Brai,don i3oad. ?he meeting thei, adjourned. ?'?'? ?'. •, _Cierk. Geo.R.idarsha.l I,Jr., ?_,1 S. 2r.d St. iiobt.r,.i,_elciii, 227 Va.nce St., M.V. O.A.i;5., lemai-, 718) Co? we, l Ave. i207 iu 221 St. rarr, W. riei.trolis, Iit.3, Box,17C. ?709 Jefi2rson 5;-. TucI'le i;ewetti52? S. rroiit St. T,.E.PocaeT', 164 vpofford . S.F.T.°wi. ?Jr. , 80 Spofford I.1i' I s. iieyvrard C. Be}'amy 6 Cnurch St. e.1-.YattnEvrs, Rt.2. i.:a?;• 3rock, 15 N. 5t.1; St. =_ . i: 'nt.2 . i:.? .irlcPherson, 2725 Ja.ckson St. udm.r.Toms , 26 Terr2.ce Vr:alk. n.S.EngP:ish, '132 S 9tin St. E.i.Vdalton, 41-1 Castle St. D.1.Fridgen, 406 N. 4tn St. Mack Tyson, 2103 Gibsoi, Ave. "r:.B..Svlain, 2-1-?3 Brai:don Rcad. Ciias. D. Thompson, Jr., Rt.2, Box 62. Jas.B.ic:ir.tz, 2515 Priticess jt. Fi.G.johr.soi., tierightsville IIeach Claude H. Stanley927?6 Vaii Euren St. John J. Jones, 3 Court X, ?ake ForESt. -;vi1 mir.t? " oi ., i.. C.I ::ovember 241 1 952• The regular v;2?itly meetin, of t11e 3oard v,?s held at 10:00 o'clor,k A.ic:. Pr•esert: A;;c:ison Hev:lett, Chairmani ClQud G'Sh-je,ds, ihurstor. C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Ra].FoPd TraGlt and Cou,.t;;t;ttor:,ey ?,arsdsr. nei'amy. 1.71 V12vS Oi i'.ii. tid:]iSO:: FiP.v-lEtt vpij.ji°t1T'1Tig. fY'OT 1:hiS Board effective 3S Oi December 1 st 1 952 ; b;r. I,ouis T. ;+,oorc,?,'hairmai. of the i?ev; iiariover Historicai Com;ai=rion, appeared to dxpress his Goranissior.'-s appreciatio;: for the iir.e service and cooperation tv"r. rievalett has :ar.dered ?his County ai.d Co„imunity du.rii.g the years he has served as Chairrai. of thi.s Body. ialr. I?coee furt'rier ca"ed dtter.tioz. to the I` Good Citizen"' Plaque awarded I:ir. Hewlett by the Vioo6men of tne Alorld. ,:ir. D. D. Baggett, County Farm Demonstratior, Agent presented ivir. Vdi,iain: S. riowell recommeiided by the State Extensio,.-Department to succeed iuir-. C. Everett T.ewis wnoSe :esigi.dtion becomes effective January 7., 19531 as 83sistaiit County Farm uemonstration agerit for neva Har:over County, was upot, motion of Mr. Ikivis, seconded by iir. F,ove, api,roved on rECOmme;?dation of Pdr. D.D.baggett Couuty rarm Agent aud ifir. A. och?ege• , Chairmar. of tkie local Farmers Couricii t.ar,d C.M.Lri.ckhouse, D1='UL•ict ager,t i?.C. Ngi-icu,tural Exterisioi. Service. •