1952-12-01 Regular Meeting381 .eetirig of i?'ovemUer ?A, 52, contiiiued. Upon n,otioi, of hir. Davis? seconded by ivir. 0'Sh-e'ds, iiistructions vrere givet, to re-advertise the Gla Reu Cross oaiztor•,um property l'or sa,e. Upori motiai of F,"r. ilavis, secor.ded by i.:r. Love, Couz.ty bi',s Pio. ?502 to 1596 inc., were at;proyed for naymei.i,. • A 7etter v:ac received fi-on: L;ie u?;':;ce oi 'i,he St,ate ?Ii.sura.:ce Department, advising ?that a secoi,d r,?eeticig to discuss pi?oblems of riuxul F'ire i-rotectior. vrill be held at / 10:1,G o' clock A.I,. ., DccemY>er 31 'GSr, i„ t.hc As ser,,b, y roora o£ the na,?•an Cour.ty :.ibrdry ir. Salishury, P?or•th Caro,Sna. At the cor:clusior, c,f t,nis meetii.F u- membFrs oi `,he 3oard iricludirig tiie Cotu,ty yttoi•ney exnres;ed their raPep al.d sir.cere apureciatior, of the fine aiid successfui CCW9A. service rei.tiered hi? t,ir. Addisoi. iievr,et:t, Sr., i.he retiring Chairman, ?ifter thirty-six years of contii,uous se'rvice of vJhicn thirty-tvro Years was devoted to the duties as Chairnian of this Boa_rd. Tne meetir.g was thei, acl?ourned. i C, erk. 1'iilmix??;tonj :u. 0.7 Decernber il 1952. the regular weekly meet.irig of tne Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.iC. Present: Commissior•.ers Ciaud 0'Shields, Thui•ston C. Davis, iia, J. ?ove, Raiford Trask, R. T. Horton aYid County kttorr,ey iFTarsdeh Bel.lamy. Commissioners Haiford Trask ar.d R.T.Fiorton; newly- e?ected, ar,d Cla.ud 0'Shieids, re- Jn?,n,s^ eiectedCou;.ty Comrnissionersat i.he lsst gei_ara; ,lection naving qua,lified by Previously takii,g tLhe oath of oPfice belloi-e the i:or.orable *.eo Carr, judge Presiding, December Civi7_ Term of the auperior Coust ?952. tifter the meet.i.t,E vaas oper.ed cii;h prayer by i;he Reveiei.6 johr, E. J,awrer.ce, Pa=tor oi the Sul?set Parx 'r3aptist CYit.trcn, the Bozrd proceeded to re-orgar.izat:i.ai.. Fee?itig it would be to the best i,.trresi; oi ii,e Ceur.t; in tiie pzompt ard efficient ?/ di=patch oi its busii?4ss, ?'r. G'Snie,us n;oveur.'?i,ut a mar.ager or administrator Ue ? ?; ai,poiY.ted to ca7 r;; out i1:s*ructioi.s ?_i.d poZicies te be set-up Ly the five member group of thi.s Lody. 5'he nlotioi, v,as secoi.ued by :,,r. Iove but ieiled on the t.egative vote ofi ComrniGsior.ers Uavis, iiortoil ai.d "i'rask. lvii.TPaSiS ft'G-', ila t113t. 1:f1.E be5'L 1T.tEI'ESt COl1l Cl C1P SePVed 'by COlltll.1112".g Li.11E p.rese, t policy of admii?ist,«tior., f.ornir?«ted ?'r.H_i.Hort'on to.fi'l the office of Chairman of this Board. The nomii,atio?. ??F:?s secer?ded by ;'r. Davis. i?ir. 0'Shields ther, nominated L Q44 i?".r. Davis ior electioti of Cnairrnan of this Bc;dy. The r.orii;atior, ?^.,as secor,ded by P.:r. Iove, but isir. Davis dec.lir.ed tne r.omi.r.atioi:. :•:omii,ations were ther. closed, A vote r-as taken c,n the fii•st noninatior, ar_d A4r. R. T. Horton v;as electeq Cnairinan of L-he Board for a term of or,e year begii.T ing as of'this' datelvar:d er.ding the firsi i;ici.day in Dacember 1951 on Y,he af'firnative vote of Commissioners Tras};, Davis and Hortoti. L?r. Horton then took the Chair. - - Upon motio•r, of Ivir. Davis, secoi;ded by iN,r. Trasit, T,ir. G'Shie,ds was elected Uice Chairman --?? of tile Boad, and upor, notior? o£ 14r. Davis? secot.ded by P;r. C'Shields, i,:arsden Bellamy _was re-eic?eted Cotinty Attorr;ey and Thos.K.VJoody, C?erk oi the Board. / peoi, The foliowing resolution ir, a,.preciatioi o: tne. ?ong, efficieY?t at?u yaluable service ?- ?` rendered this Cour.ty and the Buard by Il:r. Addisos, fiewlett, 'Or., 'Llhe ret5.ring Chairmar., Vwp? vas preseiited ar:d read by ivir. Davis tivho movecl its adOpt1.07i, was seconded by b,r. G'Shields ar:a ui.2i.amcusly a.doptEd: " GJHEREAS AUliI60I. HEY'JTr:iT ) SR. ?z:hS EEe;t: r". ,',;IIZt,h OF i:IE I E:rr fiA, utirtt COI?I' TY BGF i3D OF COi.'i41SSI0RFR8 FOR liiE F'hST Tii].ii,'Y SI:, V?Ari5? iiHV"ii?i. :;EHVL7'Ii1iiii' TEO OF THF. Yr?FS bo BOELitD CF,.v i.I-MHfl; AI.D u-iHLREi?S :,:n. rL:GJLETT i;h6 I.All'ri`r'liLLi DI3CF.4NGED iiiS 7L'TIE."-. 'iG iiIE Er,ECTGFvjTE AriD IiI5 CGU.iY, YI:L' viiT'ncA S i'A. L?1T HA' :, CiV'i: ? J;.:ii.;,F16 I:LY OF f;1o 111YIF HND ErFOP,l i0 iHE G1ir,tiTEST aLtil,,-Tl?G3 rOP, T:I;1 bETT?:,?ti;i;;l C11 TiiE CG? i i?' F.i,D '?fii iF>GPLE 'IetiO LI'vE iHiREII.; Ai.D'aertr',itEAS ;iS 1''R. iiE'sTi,Z7'T :i4F., 67rT'nED i;Ai.U?'E? CGiTI?,TY ti CHRIS'I'IAN LEADERSHIP ti'iHICH ;iNS StiUM14 l1l? GLiu`_'rii:DIP,C -MM."iLE) AItD P:r`.EREAS k.`? b1ii. Hi,ti;Li=1T D 'r;IS rELTUi11r.N H:; A COUT,TI CO:.:i`:ISS10bLR LOi:GiR liikN :,: Y GiriEii iXRTH CArOL1LIA'I,':-lAVIP.G ni.EW FTECTLL TG SUCfi AP; 0'r'FICE, -? AnD 'E:HEf?EA5 ?;in. rii;?iuT,i;TT `t;ITH V7?;IOI. i??uD FOizESIGHi _?1!5 I'OSTEiv?li l.i,A LEi:I iiIS EVFnY ErFuFii Tv rnOJEC`1'S FiAVIK FOH ^1fiiI:; iJI3I1d(?1'E GGAi TriF uFiO7/7H3 L°-vLLOP,"•+:r.7?T ti::li PHOSFFRITi Oi^ iHE COL'"Tr hS 1, V?ii?OLF tiivD Wi,'EREb6 I14 i'fiE TRYIT?G i'1;:E5 +i).Tii l'iHICH TFii. COU TY 'v:i'.S FkCLD DUnING POF,TIOriS OF HIS TrAUfir OF OFFICh?? i??n. HEl`e;,ETT'S i;UII;.SEL' 1?L'v'ICE t?Te7 K'L.Oi;eLEDGi i,F COii:;TY' fiDT,'i;,ISTiAii";? riF I:STRUEhTAT, 11, KF.;LPIiv'G TtE COU;.iY iil SGT71':D FI:la";CIni, CO:.DIT10T7* bE TT 7'HF,REr0i37 PT`:OLVEP TI;AT :17: P:E!:i TTA;:CT,?I:R CO'J ^5.' BB&PD OF CUP%E115fiI0fiER03 I., SES6ICi; THIS riiiST DrY OF i;.CF.i,IBFH; ?9j2, rLB? ICLY Ei;PitiSS IT? HPFnf:Cl.ATIOi? OF TFu LONG AI?D VnLUED SEn`v'iCE OF %Zii. ADDI:'•GT. fi7?'iLE'!'T1uR.1 t+:, ii CG:CU;.Tl CG;?I'.;1SSIMER, :+:,T'i T'tiAT ':'HiE 1-11,30-LU'I'10N DI: S?ftE(.D Ow :iH] l;:I[,t17.'i?.v OF T:iiS i:Ec,iI7.Gj C: PY OF :il+1P RI'SCyUiIO?:. BF'1i,G SEi:T 'i0 :oiR. HE"II,liTT A;,D GIJF?,. TG 1;-iE i':w, 3 t!:•J i?,DIO." I ??? Puleeting of December 11 1952 cor:tir.ued. C? Upon motioi. of hir. 0'Shields? seconded by h1r. Davis; the. Board voted to `orego certai.. - '' ,ecescary a;,pointmer.ts ur.ti, such time thE Boar2, 11Gs had. opportur.ity to discuss ther.z. ? ourety bond for nir. Foster Edwards as Clex-k of the Superio-r Court ir. the amour.t of ?2>1OJ0.00 with the Fidelity and Caaua-ty Compar:t? of New '1 rY as surety, ai.d also surety bond for isir. R. ?.. E7ack as Register of. Deeds ii. , une amow,? of f'1O?Cvv.009 wii;n the . Ur:ited Si;ate; r^idelity ar!d Guwrar.ty Ccr.12any 1s surety, both amounts 'of the said borids havir,g bees, iixeci by the Cow:t;; Coi:-,Lissioners, and the bor.iis npproved as to forrr: aud execut:ioi: Uy the C u; Ly, rittoi;.ey, vucfe upo;i motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shieldsg approved by the aSfirr.L,tiLc aote oS a„ the R1F.G]D01`S oi the Bo:ird. PaYmei:t oi W130.00 to i,r. 'V;. D. Utc;r:lej a:.d iiis ??'Pe Mrs. ti,ma C. Stokley, Y'i1?iCh • represents 3 Z'EiUIla Oi tllE pUl'Cf1aS2 iI'iC2 D2xiQ i0i' c1 ;fliC@' Of 'ld?1(l 11', ij3Tliel;t tOWi,3hip Ln the case of :.ev I'ai.uver Cou.,.ty vs Virrir.ia Dore et.al; for the collection of back taSes, ;;as upoi. r.:otiol. of ?o've, seconded L-y I,.r. Davis, ai:prov,ed, or, order of the . '''i.orable ooi1.i -j . Eurl.ey, iiesicieut Juiiga o!' the Eighth J„dic:al Dis{.i•ict, aY1G recommended I ,?y the Cou,:t;y? tittori.ey. it c<ap st,ov;i. :hat all ta?-es uue oi. tne,said property nad been paid prio.`• to ;iie co:lroei:cen:er,t o` the suit for the sa,e of the =ame, ar,d apparently said property vaG sold tPiroupiL f.i7ror. 1+r. audit rEport of tne Ctty-Cvui,t? Cci.snlidat;=d'Ta3 Office ior i:ne year 195?, nrepared by ? ?.E.D:cCabe ri1Q COTI]j);i;iy C.P.hs, Li?q. 1'"CEIVEU 3.l: f6iE'L'I'ECl t0 the COUitV FiUC'17.tOP. ?.y i.o oUjeci;ior.s viere ind_caten 'cy the Eoard to 'Liie ar,nlicati.on of i.1l.l,i;lis for a 5tate Perif:lt i.0 SEl, beer lYl 'i.Ll1S Ci!Uirt), al`, 3'OC&t_OTl UYl the CflS'tiB :iay„a i'kJBG. The Coui.ty Ht:torney ca,lec attei,tion te the reqi,iremer,t uf a, re-assessmei.t ol' a,,, real estate in t:_Ie Coui.i,y as of Jar.udry 1, 1953s and urged that some thouVht be given to thai; end. - ? xpostpoi;ement of slzch acti.on caii oxny be had tnrough legis7ative er.actment. :v?r. hzarova, Easterr. Disti°ict Mai,a.ger for Sky?dach ai.rlines bE-eriqy anpeared to object ? to the short nii,ety day term le?ise ar.d use agreement at Bluethenthal Airport, ar,d asked that the yearly agresmeiit of date oP SeptemUer 1 1 1952, suhm9.ti,ed be executed ar.d put ii.to elfect. rl mot5on was the,. offered by Mr. 0'Shie,ds to authorize the e.recuti.oii of the coi:tract £ailed ot a second. A moLioi. ther. offered by is;r. Trask to refu5e the signiug of the contraft also iai'ed of a second. -{? After further discussion a motiox: i•ras c.f:ernd by ;rlr. I,oae to rescitid the action of this 0 Board of November 70, 1952, @rai.ting a r.i.r.ety day lease Lo the Skycoach Air,ii,e hgency for ^ certain use privileges at Bluetnei.thal Aiiliort. ihe ;7oCior r.as seconled by RIr. Davis and carried. ' Jpoi; motioi, of 0'Sfii.e,ds, tecot:ueu by ;,.r. ?ove, furtl;ei• discussior. of the foregoitig Ma i{;2T' i;+d.S pUStpOt:E(? ut?Yl° ` T.?'3; t`. T'E?;U'S;."' TIPF'?li.€ ; a.O;.C1c1 f , ??ecember $, ' 952 9 ?^Jlt}1 i.l'12 view of givir.g• a; ansver or, !,he , i,u:i- coi;tract b,sie at ;.'r.at i,ime. li])Oi, I10ti0i, Of ,.'P. llaC1S? SP_COT.:]Ed r?, i,l. 0 15`!1B'r35, 1k-2'• W. Ii. Wh1tYi2y CJ1S aviarded the ccr,+,ruc? to c;3iF foi, ?he Court ;:?u=e Tuv.e?• ?'loc' ior the comit.g year at ?;-10.00 ner moi,l;h, as iorr?erly. ` Upon motioi. of I,Ir. Ioce, secondeo by ]?.ir. Davis. ??r. R.L.Blacic, Register of Deeds was -q,authorizeu to a':tend a 3 day, session Sor Regitten of Deeds at the IhsLitutE of Goverr,ment 1.? Chapel Hill , Decer^ber 9,.1 011? 95?. ' . .. ?? 1?'.oi,thly i•eports of the Veterai.s' Se?•vice Officer? :ae?;ro :ior.ie Demotistratioil r?geiit and. `?r? J?/ Cour.t3° Electrical Inspecto: for October viei•e receivec :rd filed. Aletter vaas received rrom u.i.'v'Jashit.ato,., Frii,cipal of Wi•,istor. Iiidustrial School ? thar.ki„e, uYie Board foi• the--?,;500.30 con??ributioi, tov.ards liiie r,ew bard w:iform= recentiy purchased. Unoi. n.otio;. of Icir. ? ove, secoi.aed by ;. r. Davie, A.r.Ciimstead1jr. , Cape Fear Township? 1`.ns gPfinted a[. dbci.tElTlE.l.tOi 1;%z;:ES Ot. a Va'U3:.lOi. 01 personal properi;y brouElht iOfP'aT'G? f?tOL. :.t Ui2Vi0US 'i9i.jt.?' p1.Q Ct131'gEV it. E1'POP c^.S' IiOi. '1Si:e(? 10P tt1P. year '?j)2. I'L. VJcls St10Wri {.f.Fzt GT']TSi:2iiCi C136 I'G-s iL?F1 ii. ;i"..stead-Sal em SiiiCe f..iigUSt 1 951 , 8.1.d had i o perso;.al propeit,y in this Cow,ty to I ist;. 'A ? upor. motioi of :'r. lidvis, secoi:ded oy ;,i-r. Tove, Cowt? Ui.lls I:o. -1497 to "702 ir;clusivei _-?e? vrere a_,provee tor pa.ymet;t. Tiie meetii.L, 'Lnei: ad jouri;ed . ,.e2??l. %__•- o - ._ C, erk. ? i i. , : w