1952-12-08 Regular Meeting Vuilmington, N. C.7 December S, 1972. ihe regular weekly reeting of the Board vras held i:his day at i0:00 o'clock A. Il,. rresent: R. T. Horton, Chairman, aiid Cor,miesini,ers Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis? Ha" J. Love? Raiford Trask ar.d Cour,ty Attorney Nfarsder. Be1'+amiy. The meeting was opened wit;h prayer by the neve.reiid bii°. nlfred X. Dudley, Fastor of the tidinter Fark Presb,vteriar. Churc'rc. Copies of the mis.utes ci t}ie meetir.g of Decenber 1, 1952, having been furnishec, to the mer,ibers oi the Board a.:d app:oved, reGdinE of the saMe v:as tnereiore dispensed with. ,t,',uIrs. Veri;a Be-E Ioa;ery, Home Demoz.strat5.oi; Hger.t ar_d 'n:iss Sammie Lee Jones Assistant ? a? ?Home Demo?.strat:io.. l??-er?t; su?mitted their ;eports for '.ovember togetlier twith their ar:nual report for 1952, ??=ii;cn %,as receiveu ar:d fi.i:ed. aqMir. D. D. r3aggett, presented his Statistical riepcrt fo° 1'ovember, anso his A„nuai Ivarrntive Report for 1952, vohich vrere received anu filed. Tne ai,nual report of I,:r. ioster r.uvards, Clerk of the 3uperior Court, of publi.c fwds in - his har.ds as of December 1 1 ?952, was received and upor_ motion Wd5 referred to a corr.mittee ?CSC of the Chairii,a.ii Ii;r. R. T. Hortoii, ar_d Corilnissioners Trask and Davis for cYiecking and approval ar.d a copy of the same orGered published ir, the nevrspaper, ai.d the origina.i filed voitn the Register of,Deeds as the lar, direets. UPoi,rn,c?.io,k of I?ir. I'iavis, second2d by ;.1r•. i'rask, the Board approved a reqtzest to petition the ?tate Iiighv;ay and Pub-lic 'v;orks Commission Highj,,ay Safety Depa.rtment to estabiish a ??35 mi-le per hour traific zosie over the L'.asonboro 7',oop and Carolina Beach highraays approach ? at Mot.key Junetion far the s8fety of tne sehcol children ;r. that area, ar:d the matter of rnovi.r.g hedge that, obStrizCts••a;;cl ear view of trafii.c in that area was received for ir.vestigation. liPon ,uotion of 1',4r. Trask, seconded by !?;r. 0'ShSe'ds, the D'oard voted to _, struct iaffl S. HOVoOl 1 , iiev?,y ap1JO1k1teU tiSSiSta'i.t Y'c12'i:. Ar•PTIt t0 SuCCEBCi TEW15 i'ES7.g2"iE?d Gk?-?? e?fectivF Jar:uar;? 19??, to put Sortki eve,; e,^iort t, o sti;nulate at.d I-ui'd up the 4-H Club ??.,r ?:ork in this Coui.ty sutficiei.t 1.;o vaarrai.t a coz.ti..uat;or, oi t;1e services of ar- tissistar.t A?-'.Tlt. Sd(T:' t0 be passed 6T. t0 i:(1e faPGIAlS ?'.Oi:i.C.i.' fOT' I'@COGililEi:uai,?0i S, k surcty bcnd ior R.E.CY,ristt;as as Cu„stat,e of redera, ioir.t; Tcwr.ship; ti»it'h the Nat;ct:al Surety C3;-pc:uti-o.. as ?urety, c:as referrE?d to ;i:e Couti.v i,'toriiey, at his request, / for correct-Aon with ';Ze 3uret.y Cornzany. A report of the rire 1i.sre;,'„ior. Ccr.,,;,ittee of i.ev; car.over Coilrity held 8:00 P.Y.., t;ovember 25, 1"52, v,it;h a,, mernbe,~s prese:.f;: Ee?7.srs iuai.ford Ti•usk, S. E. Browi., Ivey•McGee dr.d F. B. 6+right, repolted that the Committee },as set-up stai,daro :or equinmer.t etc., t:at wil 1 neet the , rec,uiier,iei.ts o° the :,orth Garo'ir.a ??ire ii,surar.cs Fwti;_? Sureau for reduction ir. I?'ire Ir.surai.ce t ? ??Raes. The Co,:mittee furthei? ra;:orted the io-ov:-inp Volunteer Fire Dopartments as - 1n4 orgax.i.zad ar.d eligible t,o T'PCr:iCE $?200.00 iro..-, the Cour_"-y Fur.d l'or Fire Protection upon signi;.g of cor.tract: Captie ;iayr_e, Ogden, Se&galle, Fiii,ter Park ai:d 'v4rights"oro. Furthsr that Firc Departmer,ts_e,igible 'uo receive montnly paymei.ts for sei'vices rei.dereu are: • Winter ?ark for October ai.d itovember - iruck Castle Hayz,e for :,over?iber - irai,er - Jirightsooro for October aiid November - Trusk a?d irailer. Upur. notion o.i i:tr, 0'Ehie,cls, secoi.dcd by ,,Ir. Trask, Lhe-rs-port was dcceptsd. At the suggestior_ of the Iio;.orable ieo Carr, JUUgC Presidi.ng December Civi7 ierm or the ' Superior Court, 1952, that a sneciag term oi i.ne Superior Courtfor i^eva Har:over Cow.ty for - ? the trial of 26'rie case o1' fiousi,,g iutnority of the City oi` Vilmington vs itiehard A. Shew, et an, which case was sal,ei.dared prempCoi-idiy for tri'al 05-i I.'or,day, I'ieceiber 8th, but could r.ot be reached for trial becaase oi the ui,usua, lei,gth of time coiisur.ied for trial oi the case of Broad£oot vs Delk-Seery Compaziy et a' , Ar.d because of 'blie a} narant cor.gestioi. of the triai . (iucket a#.d ptzblic i;iter=st ir.vu,aed i;L i.'ric nousi,.g rutnority cGse, the dttori.eys for the • Plaintiif aY.d Defei.dents bei..p ii: agreemei.i., as vie- as the Tocal 15ar kssocidtion- iHEitr;FOFcE ;3E Ti' iiF.uOrVED L'nat the Boal'G ef Coi_,,,ty Cormmi.ssioners of ;.ev "'.ar.over Coui,iy in ' reguldr ID6t't1i.F 8G581i1b''ea, f'?el1Tq, tt!e UZ:t ll,ter'est CGU'C Qe SES'VEd; Ul`idY7.17,ously request the Hoi.orable W. A. Devi;:, Ciiiet ,,uetice of tr,e Supre;.^.e Guurt oi ;.oi•th Caro,ii.a, to oruer a special ter.;; ui the Superior Court, ioa. ; ev,, ::a, ocer Coui.ty; for i;ne triGl of civil cases, to r,. COliVel.2 Oi; Iv.ot.day, J2.t,U31';% )',-iC!, '?jJip dt.d tO COI,?.?_..i_jUB 1(... 0..e {ie"r.it, -q i.i?dt d JUd$E' '0@ 1S51giiEa to hold said sp?cia^ terrr.. Ti:e foraFoi.,,c-, reso,uti.oi auopteo or. motion i:iade by i;ir. Davis si.d secor.ded by imr. GSSnields. liriun motio.. of i.ir. Trask, sec:oiiued ':'7•. Davis, the 3oard autliorized the paymeiit of 4'25.00 to Sadgwar ruiieral Aome: for er,iua,;ning the body rif l:G;,Cie Freen??n, co'ored Goo,it,y i;.di-ent , '???patiei.t vrho died at johi: C. ?filesse„ 'uberculos?s Sai.atoriwn Saturday,November 1 1 1952 .. too late to secure l;urial permit wY11C11 w,3s delayed ui.ti, Dionday, heiice the necessity of , emba,miii?-- the body. The matter of sigiiiiig a proposed leuse and use ag-reemerst wiL'n the Skycoacn «+ii•lii,es , Ii.c., , oveting eei•tair, privileges at B,uetYier.ttial Airport, which has beer. per.clir,g io-r some time, was brougn{, up for final dispositioi,, arid L.r. Trask moved that i.he signing oi the contract 1 by the Gour,ty -be declined on t.Yie grour;ds oS certaif, a"eged ui.ethica' prectices at the field;' ar,c; ii, view of their"..faziizre to furriish certain letters oS recommer.dations fror.i other ? airports they Yidve used whicn were oromised, stat3ng some vieeks ago tiiny ??°el•e put ir, the mails, as brought to tile ati.entioi; by LIr. I72vis, tne motioi; was tilerefote`sec6md6d by ia1rl Davis, a.nd the question put to vote by the Chairman. btr. 0'Shields ai.d 7:ove voted against the motion, i:ir. 0'Shiei_ds statitig that ir, doii.g so he did r.ot fee-, that sufficient eviderice had Uceii shown to dei.y them a contract or to warrant such actioik. A tie was declared ar.d the Chairman voted for the motion to deciine es•ecution oS' the contract and the rnotioi, was carried. And i'u- was fur.ther ordered that tne Skycoach i,irlir,es Agency be given noti.ce to terminate its use of the airporL anq vacate i.he premises riot later than DecemUer 31 ? ?952• i AK 1-lipo,. motiu:: of P:ir. Davis, s,ecorded b? ::r. I.ove, Liie foilo?^tinF dlere??ppoir?ted tax. iisters ? for their respective tovrz:ships :or the ye2_• '953i ol• zEcominei:datioi. of the Cou;.ty Auditor: r '-391 Cape Fear Toloiisnip Har.ie"t 16o.l, " iiarnett Itio.2. 't P+iasonboro. Federal 'roii?t ''• Vvilminpton I4 IU n i. Tay Assessors L1, 1,4 ":;rs. Geo. W. L'filkiiis. T . b:ay. Lii•s. Ssllj E. Pierce. ;irs. 7,aila iri. Horne. i;irs. Clifi *ewis. ,j .ri.v7oml-,le. Yi.i'.'Toori7JY. I_. E. $eiiE2'. ria:iy S. l;?:cGirt D. A. i3er riiig. pon inotiu:, oF nir. 0'Shields, second<d b} F?ir. Davis, %ir. R. T. Hor?on, Chairinan of he Boa.i•d, vras nar.-,eu iay 5upervisor for ;eur Eai!over Cow.ty for tYie year -1953• v ? IIpon motioa of Lr. Love, secos,ded by IvTr. Davis, Charity firowii Licnuai,r.iiig, 80 years o1d colored ii,digent citizen,vaho is ready to be discharged from the iiospital, aiid l.o place ?o go, vias on recon;mei.dation of the Sup?., of Public Welfare, adr.:itted to the Ccunty Home_ a.s ar, iiunate. A detailed report of income ai.d disbursements of iveva riat_over County Air»ort for i?ovemUer vias received, and upot, motion of 14r. Davis, seconded by I,(r. 0'Shields7 accepted ai.d filed.. _??el circulation report of the 4'Ji^mingtoi: Public i.ibrary, Bookmobiie aild Carolina Beach ?M Woman s Club Book Statiosi ior „ocenber r•i,,s receiveu and fi,ed: notice v;as received fro:n the State 'Doa.rd of ti„otmer.ts ar,d Appea-r, upholding the action ^c- of the ;vew i:ar;over Coui.ty ioaru oi rublic 'J.elfave, termir,ati;tig ki%d to Depe:,dent C}iildreii allotmeiit to Ruth I.1'i7ls Bullard Ov;e;:s; oi. accourit• o£ che havii.g marsied A,r:a sne dnd her hiisband are able to work, tnet-e£ore,accordis,n to the State policy the criildren are i,ot deprived of support d..d care. P. report v;as receiveu fror, tthe Back Taa Co-lcctor a.dvis?i,g iiiat Y6,446.72 was collected ' foi, the City, W6,804.49 for the CGUi,i,y; a tuta^ of 13,25, .21 back taxes co,lected ^ for tne moi,th o:" november. rv0 objecti0i,y w2PF 1'a.iseU U},l i'iic- i;OaZ'a tO il1P ..?)p'1oblti0i: OI' A. & P. Store 08 a. 3rd, Si.., r11:d J.i..JOt'li,SOn,.il"'., S°idg3'u@, iOT' 8 S1:ctP pEI'Cl:ii. 'cO G2" bFPT'. ?Yi,A licecise acreeme„? grar.ti::g the use of t;ipn ??iter.sity Hur,?vay iightirig System at P?ev1 Har?over Cour.ty r':irport, wac received from i,he uvelsuach Co1'noratioz. oi Fhilacielghia ur der their pater:t rigiiis :?o. 21,572295• !! -c-sport of the activities oi the iureGu oi identiii.ca.i,i.oi. for bovember was received and tiled. ipon rr,otion of Mr. 0'Shields, secoi:ded by i4ir. Trask, abataments to correct err.ors in the ? following tax lists were autnorized; for the year '195- unless otherwise stdted: Iottie L.I. rulford on a valuation of $475.00, Pt. Eultei lot 45 ii, block 240, account of doub1 e chaig8. Tesl?e _D?``de, Pt.lot 9 ax:d '+ots 3,4,7, Queei.s Point, Hari,ett township, , abate taxes fo.r 1947 threuph 1952 account of error ar.d dauble charge. ivlrs. Gue C. Bellamy abate ta;:es on bne mal_e and two female dogs listed an'error and double charp,e. T.. Graham 1Valton, house and part of lot 43 in Sectioi. 1 , Shore Acres 4`3,400.00 Cnargea in e:ror. J.S.Stone south part of lot 43, north part of loi; 42, 5ection 1, Snore Acres S670.00 for 195' account of ezror arid double cha.rge. Same lis'Lleci ai.d paid 'uy r.Graham Y1a1toi... rred D. ti7i'liams {l?635.G0 nersorial propert.y, po,l ai,d dog accoui.t of c.ouble cha.rge. E Pt. lot 2.1 ir. t-lock 1G2 F'775•00 charged ij, error. Cha.rge same to Dai,?a, :.ev;kirk v,ho ov,ns the same. D.C.Eilers; abate cost a.i.d ir,terest $5•£30 cnar€ed ae?.-i:st ta,.e? o,, lot 10 VJilsoil Divisionl Ga :e rear 'I'ovanship accous?t of efr•or ur the ta, off ?ce crec_iti,.? iiis tay payment to David Ellis oii 2.98 acres oi lat:d, I't. Hermli,a€e, fvr i}:E7. year 1949• _ a ies?ut..? of \ev___i:at ??er Cnut.tJ', _ 1 pX A i equest of i,ir. B.G.iituV;iitc?y/fur ac, a'?a.terr,ec,t of tares oi. a valuai;ion or E-'S80.00 1? 949 Chevi•olet Car wni.cn 11e claiins -t,as rio1. ir, tris State durir.p, the year 1952. Ae'state8 he is iii the c.i'OlEd 52I'ViCE d.l.d i;fle GkP i''b.5 kcpb w:itt1 .`i1Cl 1R iclili]l,P1.qgE'. i?:2Y'y'luY1C1 Hl.d i4OT`SOl1S5 V8, where 11 ^1 s stat'oned A%ac ar`c•-IlilPfl l:i.lPSG ii, Cc.Ti hP G^G-wi. ':ftai. 1'lE; '.-bteC1 tIle Cal iUT' i,E1F8S e'S0Y!il]eT'2. T'tEC? ?`,i'..:.t YiE. \'d2S sacce:3?t;, ].i: lOCc':tlfig d 4+ashiiig I.^.c1C11'lri@ t0 take care Of riU Jai, '?L',i1QT'yE>:ieI:SE dt t?'aE COai,i.y i: I:?1CrilIiB £2t Up riY ?1'CTOVUlEylS Claai?res JUi. SlOti USPQ. lrlZ llkaC,illile Wci5 1n,pe..tEd Gr,a purchase recor.mer?ded by cir.Euger.e Bullard at $°2'75.OO,the same equipmei!t would cost new from ?'J00.00 to ?II00.00. iJFor, mof.9_o,. oS :1r. i:ask, sCCOiided by Davis, purchase of the r,:achii?e a1 a price oS $275.00 ?'.as autnori?,ru b? the 3oa3d. ? e ?a 1 , ? The Chair;:31. fEAO t 72 COUT:t'y' ?.c,?me 8 ?c?uestior:, a ?>45 ??l?lb. l?l"1B wa.shing P.]aC17ii.c iii ? - Pifrsuai.t to dgreei?;er.t i•edched at a joii,'? meEti:.F ol' the Coui ty Commissioners ar.d City Coui:cil held July 16, 1952, '_rat the Cit; tal.e cvei the opeiat?o;i of the nureau of Idei.tification ir, its e„tirety; the Couc:ty Lavii.r utligate8. it.s :elf to only its pronortioiiute oart o£ eight moi,i.ns expei.se for 1952, was Urou€ht to the atte?til-ion for the purpose of putti..€:. the agreemei.t i,.1o eifect, ut the DI'Opei' a.d tne same v;as refe:,ea to the Gity ai-.d Cow ty P,i.':ori.eys to =i?!cure such ltpis,<:t_'oi; ?,ccersary to that end. 1iie Chairman reiioi•teu firogress or. L*is lirog, i..f. ardiiiuge vrork ir. the beacli area.s ii, t,he southez•r_ pari, of the cou,rty5 aT_C'1 li. U1dEL' 1•O nchieve the besi; resulta possible, it voaz? agreeau, e t!ith: the: voard:to tiava ::r. OtLo it. HECht, ooi, Conservatioriist viith Ckie United Stdtes Departmei,t of AFZicul tuie; look ocer the situatior, ax,d give us the bet.efiL of his kr.owledge irL suc}L mattere. Effort v?,:s maue to coz,tact Lir. id:incy concerriii;g repor'ued damage to his nouse at Hanby EeGciz caused by dynamite Ulastitig in coririeetion with the drairiage viork11 but i.o one vias at i:ha? home. _ ui,on motior; of ;tir. Tre,sx; secondFd by i:-ir. I,ove, Coui,ty emp?oyees tirere granted i,ime off for the Christmas Hol idays fi°om 1 2:00 o'cl ock noon'rt'ednesday, December 24th to 8 :30 ti.iv',.? ? _ P;:cnday, DecemUer 29tn '952• ?8 ur) i':4eeting of Deceriber 8, -1952, continued. i"r. Dauis asked that corisjderation be given to instailing city water at the Home ??j6?l9!?TOr,t a:.'staradpuir:t of health of the ;c.mates, ar?d for t'?e protection of the property ii, case of ar. emerge:,c5-. tipoI-1 reco;;.mei:dation of the Chairman autYiority vias grani;ed to have the herd of cows at the Cow.ty }ioine wormed r2r,d checked foi• Bar.g's disease. Upo;: rr,otior.g county bi-is ;vo. ?i'0q t;o 1815 Ii,c.? v,ere dpproved for paymeiit. The meetii.g tnen adjourned, .a. . ? VJilmir;gtox,, December 15, l952• The regular vaeekly meeting of the Board was he, s this day at 10:00 o'Eiock A. M. . Present: H.T.Horton, Chairmar, and Cojinissioc_ers C-aud G'Shie,ns Thurston C. Davis, Hai J. I.ove. Naiford Tr3sk and Cour.t,y Attorr?ey i,'arsder. Be„amy. ? The meetinF wns opei e:9 v°i.th prayer b,y the F,everer.d Dr. B. F'ra,nk Ha-il Pastor of Pearsal, Memorial Presbyterian Church. ,25 A meeting of the Southeastern District: 'dJelfare Conferer.ce vras announced to be held in the r- Electric Bui,ding, 320 Chesti.ut Stireet, 10:00 o'clock.A.P'., December l7th,1952. Copies of the mir_utes oS the neetinp, of Deceraber 8, -952, having beer: furi:ished the members of the Eoard, the same were upon moti.on of i;;r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved and reading of the same dispensFd v-i.th. Pursuai:t to request of Lhis Hoard December 8th, 195"2, a special term of the Superior Court, for the trial of civil cases, was called by the Ftor.orable 1'J.A.Devin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, for or.e week heginting Jar:uary 5, l 95?. , Ic,structions vaere €iven to advertise the Old Red Cross Sar.atorium property for sale, by c?5 sealed hids to be received a't 1.0:00-o'c4'ock A.M., December 29, '952• The County J Commissioi,ers reserving the right to reject any ard all bids, or to accept aily bid that may.appear to the best interest of the Cour.ty. The Chairman reported that the washing machirie for the OounY,y Home ai.d Jai" 'aur.dry has eoJ' beer. purchased at a cost of ?;?_75,00 as authorized, is i.n operatior, and is provi.ng very ? satisfactory. T.he Chairman further reported on the prog-ress of the drainage project - a in the beach areas of Federal Foint, after inspect-on of the [rloT'k vaith Lr. O.R.Hecht. Soi'+ Cor.servatioi;ist of the Uriited States Denari.me:.t of Agriculture; and also the` ?.. party who has been haulirig the ex.cavated dirt from the car:al wi"'+ do the blasting if we wiil furriish the dynanite. Upon motion of L;r. Lovel seconded.by 1"r. Davis, Hesort Air?ines of NIiami, Fia., i'Vere DeL?granted pernissior, to use B,uethentYa- Airpor•t as an internnediate fuet stop on its ?(aA Air-roate from .Neia, York via Philadelphia and L"iarti?infton to t,`iani, togethes vith pern;ission to alloF: its passei.gersto ere?oy the Eacil-ati,eF nrovided at the airport, as requested in their.'!etter:of December-8; 79,52, iT--lepa, and approveC. by the. Cour:ty AttorneyL,-provided a satisfactory agreer.ier.t car; be reacP:ed. • Ai: ezecuted copy of quarLtity purc"ase of o9.' ar.d g-rease cor:tract1v.;ith the Gu"f Oi'+ Company; v,as received ac.d £iled. Faithfu'+ Performance Bvnd for the VJestein Waterproofing Conpany as principal in the amouT.t ?,of ?'3,470.00 with the Cei.tz•al Surety ,rd l.t:sur?ance Corporation as Surety for cleaning l?'' the exterior of the Old Court }-!ouse Buildir.g, ras receivec, ai-d upon rmotior. of Mr. Tove, secor_ded by Mr. Davis, accepted. Upor: motion of Trlr. Love, seconded by Vir. 0'Shields, Yirs. Blanch Shaw Rice, 12-K nesbitt 1?_?n Court, who is ready to be discharged from the bospital and no one to care for her at her CW?""?apartment? vrap on recommeT.dation of tYie Supt., of PurliC Welfare, granted temporary '-' admission to the County Home as a pay petient at $30.00 per motith. no objections wex•e ii_dicated by the IIoard to the anP'ication of I,izidwood L. Adams, At.71 Putarket Street Hoad, ar.d Ear, V. Dai'+, 14 S. 2nd St., for aState permit to sell beer at ;?.,. the 'locations shovrr.. A statemerit was received from the S,tate i3oard of Fublic V,Velfare advisir_g that ¢?52,948.00 ? SS wa.s sent to this County for Ole Age Assistarce, Ai.d to Dependent Chi?!?dren, Aid to the Permanar:t-ly and Tota"y Disabled ai.d for Administr.ation for the month of t;ovember. ,',,,,p ,?A report of the Board of Health, ar.d a report ol' the Executive Director of the Hcusing ? ?Authority of the City of VJilmiti?tor, for i?overnber, eiere received ar.d filed. n A request of the }leirs of W. M. E4organ £or ari abat;emer.i; of ta3,es on a valuati.oii of $150.00 ? household ar:d kitcnen turr.i,ture charged oi. real estate list for lot 20 ii, block l2, Fort 'r'isher, statir.g Lhat there is no house or. said 'ot, v;as contir.ued for further ir.vestigaCion. The questiori of reva'uation of" real estate for L'ne quadrennial period begirsiipg Jaruary 1, 1953, wus discussed at length, but actior; held in abe5rance for further study. ?pon motion of 2e9r. Davis, seconc9ed b??1?`r. ?ove, rio objections were raised by the Board Lo the re-interment of oid bodies of nersons in t,ew Faiover Couity proposed to be ?L?exhumed a,d transferred by Ue g6vej7nnent from an old cemetery ir the Sunny Point Government Ammuriition area of ST•ur,swick Cour,ty, :;at-nb expen6e to this Cour.ty, subject to any permit required by the Board of Flea-ith for re-interment in this Cout.t,y.