1952-12-15 Regular Meeting?8 ur) i':4eeting of Deceriber 8, -1952, continued. i"r. Dauis asked that corisjderation be given to instailing city water at the Home ??j6?l9!?TOr,t a:.'staradpuir:t of health of the ;c.mates, ar?d for t'?e protection of the property ii, case of ar. emerge:,c5-. tipoI-1 reco;;.mei:dation of the Chairman autYiority vias grani;ed to have the herd of cows at the Cow.ty }ioine wormed r2r,d checked foi• Bar.g's disease. Upo;: rr,otior.g county bi-is ;vo. ?i'0q t;o 1815 Ii,c.? v,ere dpproved for paymeiit. The meetii.g tnen adjourned, .a. . ? VJilmir;gtox,, December 15, l952• The regular vaeekly meeting of the Board was he, s this day at 10:00 o'Eiock A. M. . Present: H.T.Horton, Chairmar, and Cojinissioc_ers C-aud G'Shie,ns Thurston C. Davis, Hai J. I.ove. Naiford Tr3sk and Cour.t,y Attorr?ey i,'arsder. Be„amy. ? The meetinF wns opei e:9 v°i.th prayer b,y the F,everer.d Dr. B. F'ra,nk Ha-il Pastor of Pearsal, Memorial Presbyterian Church. ,25 A meeting of the Southeastern District: 'dJelfare Conferer.ce vras announced to be held in the r- Electric Bui,ding, 320 Chesti.ut Stireet, 10:00 o'clock.A.P'., December l7th,1952. Copies of the mir_utes oS the neetinp, of Deceraber 8, -952, having beer: furi:ished the members of the Eoard, the same were upon moti.on of i;;r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved and reading of the same dispensFd v-i.th. Pursuai:t to request of Lhis Hoard December 8th, 195"2, a special term of the Superior Court, for the trial of civil cases, was called by the Ftor.orable 1'J.A.Devin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, for or.e week heginting Jar:uary 5, l 95?. , Ic,structions vaere €iven to advertise the Old Red Cross Sar.atorium property for sale, by c?5 sealed hids to be received a't 1.0:00-o'c4'ock A.M., December 29, '952• The County J Commissioi,ers reserving the right to reject any ard all bids, or to accept aily bid that may.appear to the best interest of the Cour.ty. The Chairman reported that the washing machirie for the OounY,y Home ai.d Jai" 'aur.dry has eoJ' beer. purchased at a cost of ?;?_75,00 as authorized, is i.n operatior, and is provi.ng very ? satisfactory. T.he Chairman further reported on the prog-ress of the drainage project - a in the beach areas of Federal Foint, after inspect-on of the [rloT'k vaith Lr. O.R.Hecht. Soi'+ Cor.servatioi;ist of the Uriited States Denari.me:.t of Agriculture; and also the` ?.. party who has been haulirig the ex.cavated dirt from the car:al wi"'+ do the blasting if we wiil furriish the dynanite. Upon motion of L;r. Lovel seconded.by 1"r. Davis, Hesort Air?ines of NIiami, Fia., i'Vere DeL?granted pernissior, to use B,uethentYa- Airpor•t as an internnediate fuet stop on its ?(aA Air-roate from .Neia, York via Philadelphia and L"iarti?infton to t,`iani, togethes vith pern;ission to alloF: its passei.gersto ere?oy the Eacil-ati,eF nrovided at the airport, as requested in their.'!etter:of December-8; 79,52, iT--lepa, and approveC. by the. Cour:ty AttorneyL,-provided a satisfactory agreer.ier.t car; be reacP:ed. • Ai: ezecuted copy of quarLtity purc"ase of o9.' ar.d g-rease cor:tract1v.;ith the Gu"f Oi'+ Company; v,as received ac.d £iled. Faithfu'+ Performance Bvnd for the VJestein Waterproofing Conpany as principal in the amouT.t ?,of ?'3,470.00 with the Cei.tz•al Surety ,rd l.t:sur?ance Corporation as Surety for cleaning l?'' the exterior of the Old Court }-!ouse Buildir.g, ras receivec, ai-d upon rmotior. of Mr. Tove, secor_ded by Mr. Davis, accepted. Upor: motion of Trlr. Love, seconded by Vir. 0'Shields, Yirs. Blanch Shaw Rice, 12-K nesbitt 1?_?n Court, who is ready to be discharged from the bospital and no one to care for her at her CW?""?apartment? vrap on recommeT.dation of tYie Supt., of PurliC Welfare, granted temporary '-' admission to the County Home as a pay petient at $30.00 per motith. no objections wex•e ii_dicated by the IIoard to the anP'ication of I,izidwood L. Adams, At.71 Putarket Street Hoad, ar.d Ear, V. Dai'+, 14 S. 2nd St., for aState permit to sell beer at ;?.,. the 'locations shovrr.. A statemerit was received from the S,tate i3oard of Fublic V,Velfare advisir_g that ¢?52,948.00 ? SS wa.s sent to this County for Ole Age Assistarce, Ai.d to Dependent Chi?!?dren, Aid to the Permanar:t-ly and Tota"y Disabled ai.d for Administr.ation for the month of t;ovember. ,',,,,p ,?A report of the Board of Health, ar.d a report ol' the Executive Director of the Hcusing ? ?Authority of the City of VJilmiti?tor, for i?overnber, eiere received ar.d filed. n A request of the }leirs of W. M. E4organ £or ari abat;emer.i; of ta3,es on a valuati.oii of $150.00 ? household ar:d kitcnen turr.i,ture charged oi. real estate list for lot 20 ii, block l2, Fort 'r'isher, statir.g Lhat there is no house or. said 'ot, v;as contir.ued for further ir.vestigaCion. The questiori of reva'uation of" real estate for L'ne quadrennial period begirsiipg Jaruary 1, 1953, wus discussed at length, but actior; held in abe5rance for further study. ?pon motion of 2e9r. Davis, seconc9ed b??1?`r. ?ove, rio objections were raised by the Board Lo the re-interment of oid bodies of nersons in t,ew Faiover Couity proposed to be ?L?exhumed a,d transferred by Ue g6vej7nnent from an old cemetery ir the Sunny Point Government Ammuriition area of ST•ur,swick Cour,ty, :;at-nb expen6e to this Cour.ty, subject to any permit required by the Board of Flea-ith for re-interment in this Cout.t,y. '386 Pdeeting of December 15, 1952, continued. ?. The Chairmai, ar.r.ounced that a Tax Listers 5choo1 session wil'+ be cor.ducted i.n the Court House Tuesday morni,ng at 10:00 o'clock for the benefit of tax listers before ! ei:teri.i,p upon their duties January ist. \??J A suggestion of the Chairmun to check the old Court lIouse buildi.rlg aYd muke such repairs necessary while the process of cleaning t"e same is being done, met vrith the a,r,proval of ihe Board. P,:r. 0'Shields again brought up the matter of abar,doning the custom of appoir.ting special committees from amonp the members of the I?oard for assigr:ments to the various v3` County functions and moved that the same be abo,i.shed. PiIr. Hortoi: then asked A1r. Trask to take the Chair to permit him to 53l'. VJlj:l i^hat vae have rus, into iri the past on a two or ? three mar, Committee. we fir.d discrepai.cy ol opir,i.oiis, and to tny judgment viould be better to disolve these old com?m9.ttees 9:, or9er to v:o_k tov;ard a r?ore ei:icier.t goverr,ment, ar.d to that end secotided Mr. 0'Shi.e,ds r.:oti.ori, a::d it x,•ras ui.ar.i-n:ousl? carried. ? The foliowinr., good at.d lawTuT aersons vrere drawn to serve as juroi?s in the Si.iperior Court ? for tYie trial of civil cases £or the or.e ireek speci.al civi.' term beginning Jai:uary 51 1953: ? L.C.Rozvai:, ?69 rake i'orest; Purkv;a5. R.B.Jacksoi_, 705 S. Front St. G .I .Perry, i3t .1 . L"Falter r.. 1'Food,Sr., Ht.3. S.A.Branton, ?0l 1:. 6th St. Rebecca n?arks, Oleander. Jas.Hye Crer.shaw, ?802 Summer Hill. W.B., eivkirk, Ht.2, Box 82-A. Ja s T,. Ki;:g ? 1304 Queen St. Kiahadies I3aJCley, 15, Snoliord P:Ii' ls. P.E.Garver, 5 Garver R4fg.,Co. Wm.J.CrabUs, 235 Iiyrdangea Place. I,.D.Burriss, Ht.3, Box 238A. Harry Anderson, 1305 S. 4th St, ta_argaret R. Shar.. on, '780l Ar,n 5t. VJi?son Rogers, 308 S. 6th ,5t. T..G.Wiilis, Ht.3, Box A. Yt.C.Rivenbark, Ytc:CA. ,? . . I3.C.Tompkins, 205 Calhoun Drive, L.af1'itt Yil-lage; T.A.Poi,rell, 12, T,'organ Street, Maffitt Vizlage. i3,? ..Tones , 'T927 Wr5 ghtsville "ve. t:Ts. IM.li.Shepherd, 107 N. 13th St. Ethridge D. Barnhill, 317 Davie Dr. Maffitt Village. 11.13.Petersor,, 309 Castle St. °aro'd N. IIornematn, Rt.3. - D.H.VJhite, Box 205 City. Claude Pierce, jr., Ht.2. Box 309. - B.P.:.Thomas, 112C Vfilliamsoi Drive. C.* .Bridgemar:, 147 Spof;ord P.Ii,ls. Robt.O.VTilsori, i4 Ct.C, ]'ake Forest. = Geo.H.Lester, 915 S. 211d St. Far.nie D4ay CramUo, 506 VUooster St. C.7,.Rovan, 605 Surry S.. Ka.te P:T. Davis, RFD 1. Kaur.o A. T,ehto, 1507 ;aarY.et St. Victor R. Johi,son, Rt.3, Box 1,7A. For the Crimiiial Terril beginniz.g Jar.uary 12, ?943: 1 Jack P. West, 15 Ct.T, Lake Forest. G. colucci, Box 527. Laridis H. VJe1sh, 150' I:iarket St. Geo.M.Melton,Jr., Box 20, C. Rt.2. S.B.Shimp, 309 S. 46th St. T.A.Crews, Kure Beach. 3.A.Gaylo;, Ht.2, Eox 83. A.Td.Sbiolar,Jr., Ht.3, F3ox 258A• A.Ut.Best, Rt.1, Box 189• J.D.'Natkit,s, 705 iti. 51;h St. Geo.R.Ca.r•i;on, City. R.P.Andersot., 1603 Orange St. Philip Serra, 707 Prir.cess St. T .E.Herrir:g, Rt.i_. John A. Kalagis, uox 76 Caroi,na 3each. Hezekiah P:ixoz., Cast,e Hayne. A.F.Lee, 41, Chestnut St. R.G.Shep?rd, 1906 Perry Ave. T. A. Tartt, Rt.3 Ilox 135• E.J.I.eoi.ard, 3ox ?85 Car. Beach. 1,.C.Vereen, 1'1 1,1arsteller St. Thos.P...Griffith, 307 Chestriut St. fierbert Bor-deatlx, 20 P;. Harrison St. H.?.G?rrier, Castle Hayr.e, Rt.'+, Box ;)02. Hrt;hur Furl.ova, Ht., , Eox 239. J.C.Bordeaux, '1223 S. 3rd St. Roger H. Smith,Jr., '1908 P+ui. St. C.A.Iuotres, 302A, Vdilliamson Drive, M.V. J.*.5ut`ori7 23-17 Princess 5treet Hoad. Edv:ard Sapp? 319 Wi'+liansoi. Drive Ie1.V. j.fl.Dud,ey,Jr., 6,0 Colwel'i Avenue. F.I:.Griffith,Jr., 1812 Church St. Roy la . I:'organ, 129 Spofford Ia'_i„ s. Stuart I4?. Nock 2522 J.C.vlhite, 19'76 Woolcott Ave. .. Iferbert D. Futrelle, Rt.3. ? Upon motior,, duly seconded Coui.ty bills PIo. 1816 to '7872 were approve8 for payment. The ?eeting ther. adjourned. C"erk. ?