1953-01-12 Regular Meeting390 Meeting of January 5, '1953, contii,ued. _ hy Upon motion, the Board 8rproved the payment of $50.00 for dentures Por Jennings Russ, patient at State Sar,atorium. The AssoclationnofrCounty a received urging o the J.Henry Board to uattend aCtwo ad yoschooisfore County Commissioners at Chape• Hi••, January 13 and '14. • .. A report was receiyed from the Tax Collector advising that $6,662.40 was co+lected for the City, and $5,'7']6.63 for the County, makitig a tota• of $?,2,403.03 back Laxes co•lected for ? the month of December. . W Instructions were given to v?rite Sgt. A. H. Clatk, District Officer in charge of the State Highway Patroit commer,ding him on his 1 952 safety patrol record showir,g a decrease in accidents ,- and fatalities ir this district under •95'16 . ? A report of hat.gar and terminal rent and resale of gasoline for the Airport ir; December was received and filed. The Chairmat; told the Board he had secured a scheduled +ist of appointmenta from the County Tax T.isters, but per diem payment for the Tax Assessors have not yet been PBached. . A request of the Trustees of Free Gospitat Mission that the building at 4+i Wright Street, ?• lG? bTOCk 34, which has been occupied atid used for church purposes since October 1951, be placed ' on the tax free list, was upon invsstigation granted, but their request for an abatemei,t of •-the 1952 taxes on same was declined. A request of Mr. A. B. Grimsley for ar, abatement of the *952 taxes charged against vacant lotA -?-? 19 21 91 and 109 ir. block B, Greetifield Terraxe, purchased by the Trustees of Epworth Methodist " Church on which to erect a church bui'dii:g y has declir,ed for the reason they dfd not get a L deed for the said property unti, Niarch ?952. The Commissioners agreed to meet at the A3rport 2:30 P.Ai.9 Suesdaq bthg to further investigate ??? the matter of offering the O+d Termina• Buildir:g for sa,eq also tenant houses on the Old Red Cross Sanatoriuta site and bui+dii.gs oi: Cour.ty Home land south of the Airport, and the matter of the ter.ants vacating the bui^dings to be advertised for sa+e. _ ,..?.iIt vras agreeable to the Board for the successfu, bidder or bidders to use the railroad tracks ?l1??"'? at the Airport for bringing in supplies ar;d materials for construction work there. Upon motion of Mr. 1 ove ? ir.structi.ons eiere givec: to write the State Highwaq ar.d PubT ie YVorks Commission requesting that the trees in the short curve at the intersection of the road leading fron b9onkey Junction si;d IJlyrtle Grove Sound Roadg be removed to er.able turns to be made thelr with safetyg was unai.imously approved. The Chairman toid the Board that 8.49l.00 was •eft of the $5,000.00 budget appropriation for drainage, with six months to go. ,, . ? It w*as agreeable to the Board to do drainage work in the Cast;e Hayr.e area after completion of the present drainage commitments. ..,? Upon motion, duly seconded county bills Nos. 1934 to 2026 were approved for payment. The mee ng then ad3ourned. C•erk. - ? . ?dilmington11N.C., Jat.uary i2, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vaas held this day at +0:00 o'ctock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman ar,d Commissior.ers Claud 0'Shie'ds, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Ralford Trask as'.d County tittorr,ey L;arsder: Be?'amy. . The meeting was oper:ed with prayer by the Reverend C.G.b9cCarver, Pastor of Sunset Park Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes o£ meetings of December 22, 29 and January 5th, having prepiousiy been mai'led to each member of the Hoard, the sarqe were upon motior. of Mr. Davist seconded by Mr. Trask, approved. , `,. , - DGr. 0. R. Parker appeared to ask that the'CorcJnissioners accept his bid for the purchase of the bui"dingsg or buildings and +and, Old Red Cross Sanatorium property, he,submitted at meeting . of December 29t He stated he Pras 3nfozmed the Board would not ask for further bidsg and would ?j agcept the bids submitted by himself ax.d Mr: Daniels. However it was the action of the Boa.rd -/ that the bids receined be taken under consideratior,. After due consideration vias given, the Board exercised its authority and rejected all tiids submitted, finding, that in its opinion, ` the buildings were worth more tliar: offered in said bids,and ordered that the same be re-advertised for sale by sesled bids to be received '10:00 o'clock A.DG.? January ?9> '1953• . A request of VIr. Z.V.Woriey1 Gordon Road, to purehase a small strip of county owried ?ard •ocated back of the lot receritly sold to t5r. H.C.Garrison7 just off the Gordon Road facing the State Prison Camp, was referred to the Chairman and the C,erk to investigate the same ar:d report to the Board at a subsequent meetTng. -• ? Upon motion of Mr. 7ove, seconded by Yr. Davis, the Chairman was authori2ed to have pipes Iov:ered and pump installed at the Tuberculosis Hospita- to adequately drain the boi+ers. 391 &Ieeting of January '12, 4953 continued. The Chairman told the Board:a •J horse power motor had been insta,,ed to operate the ?\1?,t'furnace stoker in the Court House Ar.nex at a cost of $99-.09 for the motor insta'+ed iU`?` by the janitors, which is approximately 650.00 vr>der the cost of the best price secured for furnishing and insta•ling a motor to replace the old motor worn out. - Three owners of the twin Cessna Ai:rplane have agreed to the sale of the same to satisfy a -Q2'f_fA/ renta•-storage c•aim -b-f-OW50.00 due the County, and that same has been advertised for bids to be received Tanuary 1.9, 1953, Messrs Alari A. Illarshall, Jas,B.Swails and C.D.HogueaSr.t ' appeared to further urge the Board to approve the proposed bil+ to estab,ish a 2aw Library_ for the Pub).ic Officers and the Courts of the County. After the matter was?discussed at length it was upor, motlonl?.ofcMr:-Loiret seconded by B2r. Trask approved, PROVIDED, howeverg that the same shall be amended to l,imit the.,ife of the proposed bi•l to a period of four years and that the said I.ibrary be provided ui.der the bi7., without cost for the purchase of oP malntenance of the same. - Draizyage vnork was progressing nicely in the Market Straet Gordon Road area, that two culverts o`r. `tf"ie? r ori wi• l be it.creased in siZe to take e$re<?of the drainage and that Mr. A.K.Pha**ard, State Highway tiaic;ter:ance Engineer was cooperating in ? this effort. In view of Piedmont Airlines contemp,ytiug relocating their Winston-Salem ..,qo?cshops aletter had been writter. invitii.g them to locate their shops at B,uethentha, Field. Mr. Horton recommended pair,ting the out side trim of the Court House during the present cleaning program arid paving the Court House parking lot, and suggested using a cold-mix Por paving. It vaas the p*easure of the Eoard that b3ds for'the paintingt sud re-submission of bids for the paving be secured at the same time, ard that the paving area be checked I?inc,uding the area in the rear. Mr. Horton further stated a revieer of the budget for the six months period wil• be ready at . the r,er.t meetir,g. Mr. Horton urged Lhat a,± owners of farms ar.d acreage for Farm Census statietics be listed i with Lhe Tax Listers and not wait untii the last minute to report the same here, explaining that the inforraation gSven the tax listers is mere+y for farm census stat2stica, purposes onsy and not for additional taxes. And recommended the Board's approva, of a central location for the •isting of taxes, stating Mrs. P71lkins 'listed taxes strictiy at her home and is getting besL results. . _ Complairits of the in-efficieney of the jury seatst J8nitors hqne made good bottoms and ??'VAY? the same are now satisfactory. A petition of twelve property owners prepared on State Forn R,10- requesting paving Kinston Avenue in Fernside subdivision, Harnett township, which runs from &Iarket Street Road to the A.C.*, Ra32road tracks, 1922 feet ii. •ength on which five houses are ?ocated, was upon motion of tvir. Davis, seconddd by btr. 0'Shie,ds, approved and referred to the State Highway asid Pub•ic Works Commission. - 1 Instructions were given to check with the State Highway 8afety Division to Yscertain the status of request for raduced speed limit on Oleander Drive. A metter brought to the attention of the Board by fi2r. Horton,that payment for Coroner Jury ?pp? fees be put on the same basis of payment to the indi.9idua, as other jurors are paid, instead of alump sum to the Coroner for distribution, was upon motion unanimously carried. With reference to a question brought to the atter_tion by L?:r. 0'Shields concerning jury tickets presecited to the Tax Co•lector for payment, which custom has been to cash the /. tickets ir, cases where no taxes are owing the County by the person to whom the ticket ' ?- ,is Yssued, or to apply all or so much of the amount of the ticket necessaryto the paynent of taxes due the Cow:ty. Tt was the conser,sus of the Board that the custom be continued as heretofore, and that this it:formatiot; be pub'icized. . A petftion of 12 residents of t/he Oakley Community addressed to Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr., requesting replacement of the old bookmobi!e with a new one to assure them a continuation of this service was received and instructiozis were given to advise the petitioners that the County is now in the process of purchasing a new bookmobi•e to provide a better service. - Aletter written by the Chairman to Mr. Joseph Norwood; Dlstrict Airport Engineer, CAA., ?-? requesting authority be secured to sel'+ cert,ain equipment which was transferred to the ` Airport by the United States Government iuhrough the 9Par Assets Adtninistration, which said equ2pment is of :io use to the Airport, or has been worn out$ was submitted to the Board " and approved. Aletter was received from Mrs. Pau, T. Cantweli and Mrs. Kate M. Lye1l, requesting a reduction of the assessment on their property 870 H4arket Street, block 159, account of ar?noyance occasioned by the use of the ad3oining armory building ifto(r dances, was referred to the Board of Equalization and Review fos tons#fldgation. No objections were indicated by the Board to the applicatioii of Lary G. Pistoiis for a ? State Permit to sell beer at 200 Princess Street. ' Upon motion suthority was given to p+,ce the ?8 inch drair. pipe in a drainage ditch at wir,ter parkgfurnished by bFr. Har+'ee Borker,hagen, and cover it up. A request of the Caro+ina Pocver and I,ight Company for a 60 day extension in ].isting its taxes, vias granted. Mr. 0'Shie•ds brought up for discussion the matter of a proposed bit, sUggested by _ Addisor. Hew,ett, Jr.$ at meeting of December 29, for the appoluZtment of an Assistant State _9 S/ Solicitort and cited the 1913 Pub"ic T.ocai Laws which provides that the State Solicitor ?i car. call or, the County Solicitor for assistar,cet aihich the Cowaty Attorr:ey advised is stil1 the "aw? Therefore Mr. Davis moved arcd it was seconded by bir. 0'Shie,ds ar:d carrled, that in vlew of the !913 Act giving the State District So?icitor authority to call or. the Cour.ty 5olicitor, ttaat the same be cal+ed to Mr. Hewlett's attention and he;give consideratlon. Mr. Horton a nounced that monthly reports of the Board Conmittees be continued unti, first meeting in Februarv. . I 392 Meeting of January l2l '19539 continued. Mr. Trask told the Board he understood 6ur`volur.teer Fire Departments were extinguishing forest fires which should be controled by back firing to protect the forest, r6hich he said should be burmed over this manth before the sap rises in the trees. The Chairman thei. brought up the matter of persons dumpitig trash along the highviays. The prob•em of disposing of trash and rubbish iti the +arger communities of the Coutity : from a star.dpoint of sanitation as we," as unsightiy had become a serious problem proposed remedy ? was demonstrated by moving pictures e?:hibited by BSr. J. B. Edwards, County Health Laboratory Director and Mr. Ratph B. Ho,land, Rurai Sar:itarimra, " by the use of 'land fi"s,•excavatior, and coverage. It was suggested it may be advisable ! to confer with the Clty as to what it contemplates doing to dispose of Its trash, that we may be able to use its equipment if we cah +ocate a dwnping spot, or residents in the severai commur,ities dump the trash at same designated and approved spot qnd the County cover it up. Mr. Love suggested that the matter be referred back to Yir. Edwards and Mr. Ho].land . to compile the iriformation and bring it back to the Board with recommendationst in the mean- . time we get in touch with the City to see what can be Porked out. ?? Upon motlon of D6r. Trask, seconded by t?r. 0'Shields, Cour_ty bi•ls i:o. 2029 to'2+56 were ?lj approved for p,yment. Thi?ting then adSourr,ed. ? i? 9`l.- -•-y - C• e rk . ? VJi•mington, A. C., January +9, 1953. The reguTar weekly meetirig of the Board wzs held this day at 10:00 o'c•ock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman ai:d Comrmissioners Thurston C. Davis, Claud 0'Shielcls, Ha, J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorsey Itarsder: Be1.•amy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend E.K.Bickett, Pastor of First Christian Church. Copies of the miiiutes of the Board for meetlrig of January '129 '953, havir.g been malied to each member of the Board, the same rras upon motion of Air. Davis, approved. ?? The Chairman read a statement of the budget prepared by the County Auditor for the six months ?r period ending December 31, 1952, shon,?ing that a,• departments have operated plthir. the budget, which was termed a very good report by the Board for which the Department Heads were commer.ded by a unar:imous vote. A petition signed by 23 property owners petitioning the County Commissioners to request r?6'7 the State Highway and Public Works Commission to pave the "higger Head" road iri Cape Fear Towr,ship which ruris from Highway 421A through the Flemington Vi,,age section to where it intersects the Carolina Power and ?ight Company's roadg a distance of ij miles in iength, said road also used as A schoo+ bus route on?which-athirty-one houses are located, wes upon motion mf Mr. Trask, seconded by Bur. Love, unarimously approeed. ti ^,?/ No obsectior.s were indicated by the•Board-to the application of Miss D?iargaret B. Armstrong jn" and Lena Shepard for a State Permit to sell beer on route 31 and 4e, Dawson Street, respective•y9 KAuthorization wa.s received from the Civi, Aeronautics Administrstition grariting our request to _?,n?D se+l certain d6prgciated Airport haintenance equipment at the airport by adverxisement for `«'-' sealed bids to be received, Nhichl-was'orciered:-Nlr. Trstisk suggested that cor.sideration be given to working out a sale or trade by vihich a drag +ine could be ecqvicafcl in;exchanae far some,.ofs:the equipment. . ?i??'?? ahd Chairman Auditor ?ith showirig the a new t bookkeeping o machineolding tax deductionsea set riev; up by rthe f Couity payrol" - A+etter written'to Mz. T.H.Davis, President of Piedmont Air•ines, iiviting him to come down ???and offer suggestions in the interest of his mair,tenance shop here cras approved, and the Board agreed to raeet with him at the airport at 4:15 P.M. Vdednesday. _ ? A4etter was received from the United States b:arine Corps Air Statioii, Cherry Pointginviting bids for cleanirig and rehabi+itating the aircraft fuel system at the sirport for future use. As the same is merely for our informatior,, no action was taker.. Ir.structions were givei. to write the State Highway ar.d Public Works Commission why the traffic.'^-.:t ?y 'ight at 46th 5treet and Olear:der Drive at Winter Park was abandoned, and a.sk that the same ' ,,?:;. ?4? be reir,stated as requested by bIr. Raymond D. Christman for the residents of Winter Park. . . -,?•,a? ? A report of receipts and disbursements of Iew Hanover County Airport for December was received and filed. A r.eport of election of new officers and committeemer, of the Production and - GMarketing Administration, was received and filed. A report of the Wi+mington Port Commission for secord quarter October •st, through December 3;+:, was received aiid fi+ed. • y A statement was received from the State Board of Public YPelfa re advising that $"53,786.25 was ser:t to this County in December for Old Age Assistatice, Aid to Dependerit Childrent Aid to Permaner:t+y and Totally Disabled arid for administratiori..`•'. ' • ,, ,eQiUpon motion of bir. Love, seconded by Yir. Davis, the Board approved a contract with Associated Avation Underauriters, 90 Johri Street, Nevr York City, grantitig the right, privilege and consession to se » annual and short term travei liisurance po+icies at the sirport through the installation ,nd operation of automatie dispensing maehines, ir- cor•sideration of payment of rental to the County ir, an amount equa, to 13% of all moneys deposited in all such machines or $12.00 per month whichever sha,, be the greatest. . L_