1953-01-19 Regular Meeting392 Meeting of January l2l '19539 continued. Mr. Trask told the Board he understood 6ur`volur.teer Fire Departments were extinguishing forest fires which should be controled by back firing to protect the forest, r6hich he said should be burmed over this manth before the sap rises in the trees. The Chairman thei. brought up the matter of persons dumpitig trash along the highviays. The prob•em of disposing of trash and rubbish iti the +arger communities of the Coutity : from a star.dpoint of sanitation as we," as unsightiy had become a serious problem proposed remedy ? was demonstrated by moving pictures e?:hibited by BSr. J. B. Edwards, County Health Laboratory Director and Mr. Ratph B. Ho,land, Rurai Sar:itarimra, " by the use of 'land fi"s,•excavatior, and coverage. It was suggested it may be advisable ! to confer with the Clty as to what it contemplates doing to dispose of Its trash, that we may be able to use its equipment if we cah +ocate a dwnping spot, or residents in the severai commur,ities dump the trash at same designated and approved spot qnd the County cover it up. Mr. Love suggested that the matter be referred back to Yir. Edwards and Mr. Ho].land . to compile the iriformation and bring it back to the Board with recommendationst in the mean- . time we get in touch with the City to see what can be Porked out. ?? Upon motlon of D6r. Trask, seconded by t?r. 0'Shields, Cour_ty bi•ls i:o. 2029 to'2+56 were ?lj approved for p,yment. Thi?ting then adSourr,ed. ? i? 9`l.- -•-y - C• e rk . ? VJi•mington, A. C., January +9, 1953. The reguTar weekly meetirig of the Board wzs held this day at 10:00 o'c•ock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman ai:d Comrmissioners Thurston C. Davis, Claud 0'Shielcls, Ha, J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorsey Itarsder: Be1.•amy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend E.K.Bickett, Pastor of First Christian Church. Copies of the miiiutes of the Board for meetlrig of January '129 '953, havir.g been malied to each member of the Board, the same rras upon motion of Air. Davis, approved. ?? The Chairman read a statement of the budget prepared by the County Auditor for the six months ?r period ending December 31, 1952, shon,?ing that a,• departments have operated plthir. the budget, which was termed a very good report by the Board for which the Department Heads were commer.ded by a unar:imous vote. A petition signed by 23 property owners petitioning the County Commissioners to request r?6'7 the State Highway and Public Works Commission to pave the "higger Head" road iri Cape Fear Towr,ship which ruris from Highway 421A through the Flemington Vi,,age section to where it intersects the Carolina Power and ?ight Company's roadg a distance of ij miles in iength, said road also used as A schoo+ bus route on?which-athirty-one houses are located, wes upon motion mf Mr. Trask, seconded by Bur. Love, unarimously approeed. ti ^,?/ No obsectior.s were indicated by the•Board-to the application of Miss D?iargaret B. Armstrong jn" and Lena Shepard for a State Permit to sell beer on route 31 and 4e, Dawson Street, respective•y9 KAuthorization wa.s received from the Civi, Aeronautics Administrstition grariting our request to _?,n?D se+l certain d6prgciated Airport haintenance equipment at the airport by adverxisement for `«'-' sealed bids to be received, Nhichl-was'orciered:-Nlr. Trstisk suggested that cor.sideration be given to working out a sale or trade by vihich a drag +ine could be ecqvicafcl in;exchanae far some,.ofs:the equipment. . ?i??'?? ahd Chairman Auditor ?ith showirig the a new t bookkeeping o machineolding tax deductionsea set riev; up by rthe f Couity payrol" - A+etter written'to Mz. T.H.Davis, President of Piedmont Air•ines, iiviting him to come down ???and offer suggestions in the interest of his mair,tenance shop here cras approved, and the Board agreed to raeet with him at the airport at 4:15 P.M. Vdednesday. _ ? A4etter was received from the United States b:arine Corps Air Statioii, Cherry Pointginviting bids for cleanirig and rehabi+itating the aircraft fuel system at the sirport for future use. As the same is merely for our informatior,, no action was taker.. Ir.structions were givei. to write the State Highway ar.d Public Works Commission why the traffic.'^-.:t ?y 'ight at 46th 5treet and Olear:der Drive at Winter Park was abandoned, and a.sk that the same ' ,,?:;. ?4? be reir,stated as requested by bIr. Raymond D. Christman for the residents of Winter Park. . . -,?•,a? ? A report of receipts and disbursements of Iew Hanover County Airport for December was received and filed. A r.eport of election of new officers and committeemer, of the Production and - GMarketing Administration, was received and filed. A report of the Wi+mington Port Commission for secord quarter October •st, through December 3;+:, was received aiid fi+ed. • y A statement was received from the State Board of Public YPelfa re advising that $"53,786.25 was ser:t to this County in December for Old Age Assistatice, Aid to Dependerit Childrent Aid to Permaner:t+y and Totally Disabled arid for administratiori..`•'. ' • ,, ,eQiUpon motion of bir. Love, seconded by Yir. Davis, the Board approved a contract with Associated Avation Underauriters, 90 Johri Street, Nevr York City, grantitig the right, privilege and consession to se » annual and short term travei liisurance po+icies at the sirport through the installation ,nd operation of automatie dispensing maehines, ir- cor•sideration of payment of rental to the County ir, an amount equa, to 13% of all moneys deposited in all such machines or $12.00 per month whichever sha,, be the greatest. . L_ . Meeting of Jariuary -v9, 195?, continued. 5 The Po••owing 'sdaied bids for the sa•e of Count:y owned tec,ant houses ar.d o?d terminai ?ui+d3ng at the 3lrporty as advertised, were rece2ved and publiely opened and read: . BUILDIhGS ON OLD RED CROSS SAI%ATORIUM SITE : 4 room house n.ain 5 Room white Al• bidgs Sma+l B4dg 3 B•dgs occupfed by Hospital bungalo & property e&st side now He7an Roeers. Buildiue.Doctors Buildin g.thereor: brick earaee, occuo„ e. W.E.Gut+aw.......... $450.00 H.B.Lud].um & 9ons ............... $350.00 D.R.d4urray ................................V9,000.00 Kirby Dariie+s ............................. 1,025.00...... ........ ...$235.00 tAilbur west ..................... . : .. .......($3,425.OOre3ecLed) ? O.R.Parker . ...................... $480.00.(,$s;18§.OO.Sor.a'tt-.buildings.)........... $705.00 Terminal Building 0. R. Parker......... $333.00 H. B. I.udlum dc 5oris.. 375,00 Buildines on Gordon-Couz.tv Y.ome Road 0. R. Parker ". n orth er.d, house occupied by H.C.Gar,risor .............. .. . $'135.00 n 2. Tveo story house next to A;r. Garrison ............ ... .... elll.00 " 3. Next two houses south of the two story house@ '140'.00 each $280.00 H. C. Garrisor.: House north of two story house............................. 350.00 J. W. Guthrie Y.First house south of two story house ....................... 375.00 Upon motion of Mr. Davis, secor.ded by MIr. Love, the bids of the highest bidders were c?.s acce..pted, eacept the bidsfor the mai'n Sanatorium buiiding which were refected and the -- said building reserved for the County's use. Kll members voting affl.rmatively except Mr. 0'Shie+ds who asked to be recotde@ as r,ot votir:g. _ L'pon motion of hir. Iovet secoi.dad b}, b:r. Davis, ik;r: G. Rossie Thompson was granted a rental ?'+`ease to operate a sar:dv;icYi coi.sessior: or, the fir?t flour of the new airport terminal a??? buildir.g at a rental of $50.00 per month or. a trial basis for a period of two'moriths as ? of February ?, 1953. A./Yr. Hortor; reported progress on the various drainagf; projects nov+ uiiderway in the Cour,ty; the additior.;of t,;`rs. ti'Jilliam D. Burris to the taz ^isting persora.el to take ttiat extra ? work o:f the Auditors Office. The Chairman, az.d Comrhissioners Dauis and Trask reported on a vary successful session / for Tax Supervisors a;,d County Commissioners at the Is,stitute of Goverrunerit; at ChapEl ..,?(Clx- fiill Jsr;uary 1j, and l4i;h, neva'+uatiox? of property aiio other vital questions v?ere - discussed wnich proved very iiiteresting to have observed that our County viithout having made 'large Expenditures for a reva+uation 3.s<.?in equa" good shape as those who did ar.d who fai?ed to achieve their objectioe. Tt was said the group wou?d be here th9.s spring to attend the 7,egion Convention acid v+ilz be glad to discuss these matters with us. The Chairman recommended the p+anning of along range farm program for the benefit of our iiistitutions, and should request the services of the Farm Advisory Counci" to that end, ? which was agreeab'e to the Board. iLr. iiorton reported. on his visit of a"' the Couiity lax Iisters and stated he found that on?y a.bout one PSfth had listed in h4asonboro ai-d i:arnett ;;lid one tkiizd iil Federal Foint.- He found the Cape Fear Lister doing a good job, having Iisted 'itt'le better than half inc'+uding farni reports. Io'r. Horton askr:d the press to stress the r:ecessity of the tax payers to ,ist their taxes before February ist, to avoid the '10% pezialty that wi'+y:be added for 'late listing, at that time. ? N'r. George H. Hutaff appeared to ask if the havy takes over the Airport wil+ 1t ii.clude the p:emises now occupied by the Board o: Education. He vJas told it wou•d. He also ca•'ied attention to a drainage condition that should be co;r°cted there. Upon motion of Mr. Aavis, seconded by Mr. T.ovc, County bi?'+s Tao. 2,57 to 2203 were approved J'?I2ba'' for payment. The fol+owing good and lawfu• persons were drawn to serve »_s jurors in the Superior Court for the tria" of civi, cases for the two weeks civi'+ tern beginning February 2, 1953% r,v; . N.W.Jackson, '129 Rutledge Dr. M.V. E.Vl.Stacy, Rt.2, Box 290A. `• ' 708 Orar:gE St. Clyde E. Bfason VFi,,ie Owens, 902 Dickerson St. , Leon Cg &IcDuffie,Jr. 1.39 Forest HilIs Dr. 1,awrei:ce l01. Cox, C259 Rt.]., Box 29. . R.B.Kin@sbury, 208 N. ?,th St. Lewis R. Hughesy.C2jt Box 718. John A. Yopp, Rt., . J.C'.Ao'+leman, +,$p, Williamson Dr. M.V. Marion F. Ho,lemai,, Rt.3 Box '35D. E.H.Kirr,aur, 2E49D, Teffersori St. J.I.Cherry, Rt.'+, Box 251. G.N. Ormsby, 8'15 N. 3rd St. L.K.Brar.ch, 3 Wooster St. C.YJ.Hornady, Rt.2, Box 324B. H.Harrelill 192', Per.der Ave. Benjamin Kingoff, 30, N. 15th St. Ne,zar Pearsall, Rt.", Box 270. R.?.Schaar, Cast'+e Hayiie, Rt.l. • Crowe," C'+ark, Rt.•, Box 243. Mrs. E+Sz.C.Farrom, Rt2, Box ?75• He?aneth L. Hum., Kure Beach. Wm.C.Riggs,Jr., 215 Pinecrest Parkway. Thos. C. Vaught, Rt.3, Box 60.0 Geo.G.7ynch,Jr., 406 Forest Hills Drive. John C. Free,and,Jr. '73E Shearwater Dr. E.A.Reyx,olds? P.O.$ox 7, Wrightsvil,e Heach. I.L.Jacksori, 304-Maryl.and Ave. 1ir'.B.1ea1ker, 220 Keaton Ave. C.D.Grims'ey, 2515 Jefferson St. Fentress Sper?cer, 309 N. ?6th St. ' Albert S.H.Bor,eyt 21, N. 9th St. Gertrude E. Johnson, '152 Co•onial Vi,'+age. Herman L. SaiidersqJr. Rt.1, Box 228C. A.H.Grifflth, -118 S. Van Buren St. I ? 39 4 Meeting of January 19, 1953, continued. For the secorxl week- E. W. Sti'lman, 219 N. 23rd st. H.O.Thomas, F.O.Box 934. G.T.Hardwick, Box 394, Swrmer Hil' Leon E. Su.llivan, Rto, Box 148A. 4Y.E.Taylor, 202, Metts Ave. J.T.B,antor., 109 S. 7th St. 8oe W. Padgetts Wrightsvi•le Sound. Ennis E. Boney, 114 b;arket St. Jas.R.Jones, Box 505 City. Maggie C. Andersob, 2519 Princess St. Road. Chas.W.Lockardl' 345 Colociia', Vi,.,age. L.J.Z`yard, Ht.3, Box 268. Harry Patelos, 208 S. 3rd St.. John M. Holt, 314 Divie Dr. N,affitt-Vi••agE. Hol+is C. VJard, IOIA, Pdarrioc? Drive Y.V. Ralph Lewis, 917 S. 4th St. rrank C. Strauss, 202 u:aryland ave. C.E.Wil,iams, 140 Co,or.ia, Vil-tafe. Herbert L. Parker, 418 S. 4th St. S.C. Core, I-C Lake Forest. J.L.Henry, % F.E.Livingston. Aubrey T. Teachey, +924 Kleir, Road. P.H.Bumby, Rt.3 Kerr Ave. Ha.rold Abrams, ;39 Hydrangea P•ace. A.Yi.7 owrimore , Rt.2 , Box 92. Y?.H.Alexander, Rt.+. J.N1.Smitht 9 Court F- _.ake Forest. H.G.Jackson, IlCt.B, Iske Forest. Jas.T.Turner, -IlOBI Wil•iamson Dr. M.V. C1.yde W. Clark, 34 Vr'ood,awn Ave. ti.J.Star,ing, 707 S. 5th St. JO?'1II R. .4dams, 1503 Rankin St. C.T.Tiarren, 137 Woodlawn Ave. G.W.Butler, Rt.3. FJ.D.I,ee, 2524 Princess St. Road. W. R.h:eri•i tt , +05 Va7.ce St. The meeting then adjourned. , -ll. Cle rk . ? • Wiimir,gton,,,..C., jas.uary 26, '1953. The regular weekly meetii.E o£ the Board eras hel<i this day at •0:00 o'clock A. hi. Present: R.T.Hortoi., Chairman and Commissiot:ers Claud 0'Shie^ds9 Thurstoci C. Davis' :- . Ra'iford Trask and Count;; Httori.ey biarsder, Be?"am3;. • The meeting was opec.ed Pr3th priyer by the •Reverend Thos.B.Ruff, Pastor of Delgado aiid Topsaii Yresbyterian Churches. Copies of "he misiutes of the meeting of Jar.uau 19, '953, Were previous"y furr.ished each member of the Board. , Upon motioi. of n?r. Trask, secon@ed by L'fr. Davis, the Board appropriated 9G350.00 out of the profits received from the Alcoholic Leverage Coi.trol fui:ds for the purchase of a two-page '05 advertisement ir. the American T.egion PragTam Booklet r.ova being prepared £or its State Convention here June 10, through l3ih, 1953, which in the opinion of the L'oard will be to the Couiity's ir_terest for advertising 1ts resources and advantages, The request was preserated to the Board by DSessrs C.D.Hogue and john J. Burney,Jr. Upot, motior: of Mr. Davis, seconddd by Mr. 0'Shie•ds, the Board approved the paymer.t of $6,244.62 to Community Hospital,which represents the amount of State ai.d Federal funds ? deducted from the Cour,ty's appropriations fo^ Sustenat-ce patierits from Julp l,•95', through December 3", 1952, for which due cor.sideration wi,l te givei, and proper adjustment wilT be . made wher: the hospital case r:oer per,diiig in the Supreme Court will te handed down, as agreed % at a joint sessiorL with the Commur,ity Hospita• Doard Jat_uary 20, '953• A comrnunication was received irom Yir. E.E.Beaty, n?ai:ager of the Rea• Estate Erar_ch, 6th Naval District, Charleston, S. C., advising that bids solicited for the construction of the additional ? runway ad3acent to the NE-SW runway ai; the Airport. Aut.horiiy has been requested of the Department of the Piavy iri 4Tashingtoii,D.C., to accept the -owest bid submitted, and it cor.temp,ated that upoi: receipt of such approva• the cor,tractor wi•, be authorized to proceed. Mr. Beaty further advised tkat the Bureau of Yards and Docks has informed his office that the lease agreemer.t submitted or, Lehalf of the Board of Commissior,ers are r.ovi receiviug fu"" consideration and result of such dei;ermiiiation will te received at an early date. T Rebecca lavrrer,ce Hall, co,ored Home Agent appeared to comp,aiii of the failuI`e of the T'?ustees ?(:C of Chestr,ut StrEet Px•esbyterian Church, co,ored,to provide an•adequated stove for heating the quarters occupied by her Departmerity 52J Red Cross Street, as per agreemei:t of September 259'950, was received for investigation in coi.i_ectior: with the rei.ta, terms. The'County Attorney advised that he had prepared the bi^l requested to give the Courty Commissioners authority to fix fees in the Register of Deeds Office ard the probate fees iri the -? ' office of the Clerk of Court. The Board unanimously approved and directed the emplo,rment of a surveyor to '+ocate and map the balai,ce of the •ai-d owned by the County in the Hdtiover Gardens-Gordon Road and Smith Creek areas ? back to the Timme Corporation 'line, to enab•e the County to ascertain rhat and is left there that may de disposed of to the best advantage. • A1 etter was recelved fi-om lir. i.E.44'hitfield , 8tate Highway Division Frigineer? advising that electrica'+ supplies have been ordered for the Northeast Cape Fear River Dridge lighting system?•r,:; and the State Highway Electrical force wi,, do the work necessary to restore,the lighting system • as.soon as the materials are received. The Chairman reported that a survey of i.he Tax ?isters shoned that nproximate]y one half of City ?jq""? and County tax payers have '!isted, which is above the average at this time. . ? Dr. Fred H. Coieman, Coroner, appeared to say that Duke Hospital was pressing him for paytpent of $350:00 for Medico-Legal Investigatior, ir, the case of the body of r4rs.Emi.ly Corine Baysdent a resident of Onslow County found deac] in a parked automobile at Carolina Beach ir.b4ay '7552. Paymer,t has heretofore beer. declir.ed for the re&son it has not been established that the crime • was committed in i,;ew Hanoder County. Hovaever, unora motior, of t4r. Trssk, seconded by Mr. Davis-, instructions were given to vrrite Ons,ow County to the effect that, if in the event, Ivevr Hanover County shou'vci pay the said bi " c•aimed by Duke Hospita•, and if it vias 'later estab"ished • that the crime was committed in Onslow County, wi „ Ons,ow Cour:ty reimburse this County in the amouni., so paid.