1953-01-26 Regular Meeting? 39 4 Meeting of January 19, 1953, continued. For the secorxl week- E. W. Sti'lman, 219 N. 23rd st. H.O.Thomas, F.O.Box 934. G.T.Hardwick, Box 394, Swrmer Hil' Leon E. Su.llivan, Rto, Box 148A. 4Y.E.Taylor, 202, Metts Ave. J.T.B,antor., 109 S. 7th St. 8oe W. Padgetts Wrightsvi•le Sound. Ennis E. Boney, 114 b;arket St. Jas.R.Jones, Box 505 City. Maggie C. Andersob, 2519 Princess St. Road. Chas.W.Lockardl' 345 Colociia', Vi,.,age. L.J.Z`yard, Ht.3, Box 268. Harry Patelos, 208 S. 3rd St.. John M. Holt, 314 Divie Dr. N,affitt-Vi••agE. Hol+is C. VJard, IOIA, Pdarrioc? Drive Y.V. Ralph Lewis, 917 S. 4th St. rrank C. Strauss, 202 u:aryland ave. C.E.Wil,iams, 140 Co,or.ia, Vil-tafe. Herbert L. Parker, 418 S. 4th St. S.C. Core, I-C Lake Forest. J.L.Henry, % F.E.Livingston. Aubrey T. Teachey, +924 Kleir, Road. P.H.Bumby, Rt.3 Kerr Ave. Ha.rold Abrams, ;39 Hydrangea P•ace. A.Yi.7 owrimore , Rt.2 , Box 92. Y?.H.Alexander, Rt.+. J.N1.Smitht 9 Court F- _.ake Forest. H.G.Jackson, IlCt.B, Iske Forest. Jas.T.Turner, -IlOBI Wil•iamson Dr. M.V. C1.yde W. Clark, 34 Vr'ood,awn Ave. ti.J.Star,ing, 707 S. 5th St. JO?'1II R. .4dams, 1503 Rankin St. C.T.Tiarren, 137 Woodlawn Ave. G.W.Butler, Rt.3. FJ.D.I,ee, 2524 Princess St. Road. W. R.h:eri•i tt , +05 Va7.ce St. The meeting then adjourned. , -ll. Cle rk . ? • Wiimir,gton,,,..C., jas.uary 26, '1953. The regular weekly meetii.E o£ the Board eras hel<i this day at •0:00 o'clock A. hi. Present: R.T.Hortoi., Chairman and Commissiot:ers Claud 0'Shie^ds9 Thurstoci C. Davis' :- . Ra'iford Trask and Count;; Httori.ey biarsder, Be?"am3;. • The meeting was opec.ed Pr3th priyer by the •Reverend Thos.B.Ruff, Pastor of Delgado aiid Topsaii Yresbyterian Churches. Copies of "he misiutes of the meeting of Jar.uau 19, '953, Were previous"y furr.ished each member of the Board. , Upon motioi. of n?r. Trask, secon@ed by L'fr. Davis, the Board appropriated 9G350.00 out of the profits received from the Alcoholic Leverage Coi.trol fui:ds for the purchase of a two-page '05 advertisement ir. the American T.egion PragTam Booklet r.ova being prepared £or its State Convention here June 10, through l3ih, 1953, which in the opinion of the L'oard will be to the Couiity's ir_terest for advertising 1ts resources and advantages, The request was preserated to the Board by DSessrs C.D.Hogue and john J. Burney,Jr. Upot, motior: of Mr. Davis, seconddd by Mr. 0'Shie•ds, the Board approved the paymer.t of $6,244.62 to Community Hospital,which represents the amount of State ai.d Federal funds ? deducted from the Cour,ty's appropriations fo^ Sustenat-ce patierits from Julp l,•95', through December 3", 1952, for which due cor.sideration wi,l te givei, and proper adjustment wilT be . made wher: the hospital case r:oer per,diiig in the Supreme Court will te handed down, as agreed % at a joint sessiorL with the Commur,ity Hospita• Doard Jat_uary 20, '953• A comrnunication was received irom Yir. E.E.Beaty, n?ai:ager of the Rea• Estate Erar_ch, 6th Naval District, Charleston, S. C., advising that bids solicited for the construction of the additional ? runway ad3acent to the NE-SW runway ai; the Airport. Aut.horiiy has been requested of the Department of the Piavy iri 4Tashingtoii,D.C., to accept the -owest bid submitted, and it cor.temp,ated that upoi: receipt of such approva• the cor,tractor wi•, be authorized to proceed. Mr. Beaty further advised tkat the Bureau of Yards and Docks has informed his office that the lease agreemer.t submitted or, Lehalf of the Board of Commissior,ers are r.ovi receiviug fu"" consideration and result of such dei;ermiiiation will te received at an early date. T Rebecca lavrrer,ce Hall, co,ored Home Agent appeared to comp,aiii of the failuI`e of the T'?ustees ?(:C of Chestr,ut StrEet Px•esbyterian Church, co,ored,to provide an•adequated stove for heating the quarters occupied by her Departmerity 52J Red Cross Street, as per agreemei:t of September 259'950, was received for investigation in coi.i_ectior: with the rei.ta, terms. The'County Attorney advised that he had prepared the bi^l requested to give the Courty Commissioners authority to fix fees in the Register of Deeds Office ard the probate fees iri the -? ' office of the Clerk of Court. The Board unanimously approved and directed the emplo,rment of a surveyor to '+ocate and map the balai,ce of the •ai-d owned by the County in the Hdtiover Gardens-Gordon Road and Smith Creek areas ? back to the Timme Corporation 'line, to enab•e the County to ascertain rhat and is left there that may de disposed of to the best advantage. • A1 etter was recelved fi-om lir. i.E.44'hitfield , 8tate Highway Division Frigineer? advising that electrica'+ supplies have been ordered for the Northeast Cape Fear River Dridge lighting system?•r,:; and the State Highway Electrical force wi,, do the work necessary to restore,the lighting system • as.soon as the materials are received. The Chairman reported that a survey of i.he Tax ?isters shoned that nproximate]y one half of City ?jq""? and County tax payers have '!isted, which is above the average at this time. . ? Dr. Fred H. Coieman, Coroner, appeared to say that Duke Hospital was pressing him for paytpent of $350:00 for Medico-Legal Investigatior, ir, the case of the body of r4rs.Emi.ly Corine Baysdent a resident of Onslow County found deac] in a parked automobile at Carolina Beach ir.b4ay '7552. Paymer,t has heretofore beer. declir.ed for the re&son it has not been established that the crime • was committed in i,;ew Hanoder County. Hovaever, unora motior, of t4r. Trssk, seconded by Mr. Davis-, instructions were given to vrrite Ons,ow County to the effect that, if in the event, Ivevr Hanover County shou'vci pay the said bi " c•aimed by Duke Hospita•, and if it vias 'later estab"ished • that the crime was committed in Onslow County, wi „ Ons,ow Cour:ty reimburse this County in the amouni., so paid. + • 39? . Meeting of JanUary 26, +953, continued. Aletter was redeived from Mr. F. H. C•aridge, State Forester, o£fering the servicest advice and cooperation of-his Department to aid us in checking over our forest "ands in r cor,nectioc; with our program to thin-out the trees necessary on the Castle Hayne, B'tue Clay . Road, Airport and Ntiriter Park tracts of ?ar.d. Aletter recdlved from Hnr. H.E.Henriksen comp+ainii.g of a bad drainage conditlon at hls P1:1ce of business on highway 74/76 near Hugh N,acBae Park, caused by additioria, run-off ??"Yllllwater from grading and widening the highvaay which has interfered with his septic tank system, ar:d asked thzt a drainage ditch be provided dovan the side of his fence to uross ' under the proposed Hei,riksen Avenue to drain into the dltch that rui;s par•a,,ei with the DGasonboro Loop Roadg and to fii'r in the wet side with mar' rock to take care of the water damage caused by the highway, was referred to the Chairmati to handle. a petitior, of 66 property owtiers requesting that Hez.riksen Avenue i.r; VVlnter Park, Fiarnett _ //?? township, be p^ved from US 74/76 to the Masonboro L.oop Road, a distance of approximate].y d`?? 5001'Seet, on which the community building and a drug store are 'loeated, was upon-motion of Mr. 0'Shie+c;s, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved and referred to the State Highway ar,d Fublic Works Commission for its consideratian. Upon motion of ilir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, paymez;i: of $12.00 per day for a maximum:.,of four weeksi to Duke Hospita• for operption Sor Iuther H. Rogers hew Hanover ?'av County indigent ir. State Sar.atorium at Vtil son, :, . C. I for which we have beei: paying fifty cents per day since October '199 +45't aras or, recommendation of the Doctor who thinks he - cat: be cured if he has the operationt was granted. . The Chairman reported on Urair,?ge work at Cast•e Hayne and future plars for drainage at the Natiotial Guard-HutaPf, L?iyrtle Grove, Seagate aiid Y;rifhtsboro areas. p At the request of Mr. Dale K. Spencer, PrincSpa, of New Har.over High School, the dates of MaY 29th or Sn case of rain the 30ih, '9531 aEre reserved at *egion 8tadium for High Schoo] ' CRmmer:bemei;i exercises. ,01\Y40E?DA report of Airport receipts for January 17, and 21, and fir,ancia, report of the Co•ored ?L#brary for December were received and fi7_ed. ?7h?e Upon motioi; of Mr. Trask, seconded by Lir. Davis, the Board approved an abatement of a•l • taxes, interest and per,alties and costs charged against the United States of America in Maeonboro township as Projects No. NC3-102'79 3-1029, 3-1072? 3-"0739 3-1074 inclusive? Pnd . a,, of said lands are hereby reieased aiid discharged fFom atiy liens or claims of Nevi Hanover County for the years •9501 '195+, and -1952, as ref•ected upora the books of said County, on account of the remova• of-buildir.gs from'thF said Housirig Autnority Projects in 1949. An audit report of the A.B.C. Board for the six months period ending December 3'1 1952, was received at.d referred to the Cour.ty huditor. AleLter vras received from iur. I.F'.Yarcroft, Secretary of Veterari's Homes, Inc., advising , that paymei:t of $42,047.59 to the Tax Coi'ector for Cfty and County taxes due by Veteran's Homes, Ir:c., for the year ei.dir,g DecemUer 3`,/,952, was paid under protest ir; order that the merabers of Veterar.'s HomES, Ii.c., may at alater date re-open negotiations for a reduced tax valuation oi. its property. lto Actiof. vjas takez:, n?No objections were raised by the Board to the application for a State Permit to sell beer at 1200 Market Sireet, submitted by 7eRoy Browi_. Upon viotior. of Ylr. Trask, seconded by iv'ir. Davis, Mr. R. S: Haxre1?,_E,±or, Co,lege,N.C.t was ? granted ar. abatement of poll taxes listed ai?d paid in error for the years 195+ and ?952, and ? the same vias ordered refunded. H.E.DukegJr.9 was abated ;v".00 per:alty aot iisted taxes in ? b7asonboro townshlp, due to the facc he tried to ^ist property for taxes in ?952, but the Auditors office alas urab•e to locste the property at that time as the same tvas recorded ?ate in Derember '195". Abatement was recommended by the Cour.ty Attorney. Tas:es charged against lots 29 and 30 St. Joseph, Fede.ra+ Point tovinship, in the name of V.A.Stefano for the years ,9491 l450 and 195', wereordered cance,,ed on=2,ecount of double charge and error the same was sold to Barber Ar.r. Jones in ?948; naho has lfsted ac.d paid the taxes on same sIr,ce that date. No actioxi was taken in the matter of abating the pera'lty, costs and interest or. back taxes due by J.td.Bryant on lots 1 to *12, iii b+ock D. Pinehurst, vihtch property it was said, he offered to g3ve to the city for use as a park, hut offer was declined. Collectioc: of thetback taxes due on same by suit is now in progress. A metter brought to the attei.tioc. of the in 1948 for taxes due on the property of . taxes permitted to accunulate siiZCe that investigation and report to the Eoard at • Paymetit of $13.50 fo? a governor, 62.8'7 charged against the T.B.Haspital statior. further investigatioc:. Board bq the Chairman as to why ajudgment obtained Dan Quin+ivan, b•ock 5009 was never enforced and tirne, was referred back to the Chairman for the next meetii.g. 'or a cigarette lighter and $?1.00 for inspection wagon by Rara2y-Chevrozet Company,was declined pendir.g The Chairmar, repo:ted viznd-storm danage to the T.B.Hospita^ bui,di[g wiiich is covered by it.suia_ ce, cahich damage is i.ow being c.hecked by the i..surancE adjusters. Also correctior. of ?"r9 a drair.age cor.ditioz: st ?he hospita^ and a,so reported progress on the Court House clear,ing ?l' project which wi,, be comp^eted soon. A comp•aint of h?r. Homer T. Bryan that a house assessed , for taxes on 9.6 acres of iar,d iii redera* Pcint tovanship was reincved ir. 1949, but is still Csx charged for taxes is now beinp i:;cestigated b-y the Tax A.ssessors. `5 Upon motioi: of I.ir. Trask, secondeo by &9r. Davis, Coui.ty bi-s ,_os. 2204 to 2238 inc., were acppam ? approved for payment. ' The meeting then aujourned. Z5?7ii.? .VI. 3? r C, e rk . _ ?? ?,?