1953-02-02 Regular MeetingF' 396 Vvilmington, N. C., February2, '53. The regular week•y meetiJg of the Board was he•d this day at 10:00 o'clock A. IDi. Prestnt: R. T. Horton, Chairman arid Commissio:,ers Claud 0'Shie,ds, Thurston C. Dsvist Hal J. Love, Raifard Trask ar.d Coui,ty Attorney n4arsden Beilarny. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverec:d Lir. S. h. Houck, Paster of Bethany Pres- byerian Church. Copies of'the mitiutes o£ meetii g of Jac•.•aary 26, 19531 Yavii g beeti mai^ed to each member of -?? the BoardT ?ize same were upor, moti.on of L1r. Davis, seconded by n:r. 0'Shieids, approved. Mr. R. F. Shew appeared to ask that he be assured that he will be perm'Ltted to list the 1953 taxes for Royal aiid F,eming in this County without being per.a•ized ?0% for ?ate ?istiig after February ?st, staiii_g he h:3d requested ar, exte;tioi. of time by letter dated January 27th, 1953. - Mr. Cyrus D. Hogue, Sr., loca, Attori.ey appearsd to oppose Lhe passage of an Act introduced ir, the L•egisiature by Pddisoi. Hev;lett, jr., tJevr Har,ove-r Coui ty Represent?4tive, that wou'd ? authorize the County Commissi.oners of New H?.i;over County to appoir.t an assistar.t to the Sol- ? icitor of the Eighth Solicitoria, District to assist iii the prosecution of the Crimiia, Dock- etof the Superior Court of•tvew Hanover County, at a salary of not 'ess than $300.00 per month, Mr. Hogue called atteitioi. to the '9-13 Act which provides thai the Couity So7icitor of Reeord- srs Court shall assist the State 5olicitor wher. called upon, and ir;asmuch as tiie Cour.ty Sol- icitor is provided with azi assistai:tg there can be rio earth^y reason why an assistant to the District Solicitor shou•d be appointed. The matter was discussed at +ength aY,d tabled for further consideration. The Chairmars suggested that on beha'+f of the Board and himself we go on record with ar, expres- sion of appreciatiox. and thanks to the people ai,d the pregs for their finB cooperation Sn tax "isting tiirough the mor.th of January. The Chairman further recomnended that the *10% pei.aity for late +istirig be imposed on the sma'-i percei:tage who have not coppera{.ed, bnt v+ii, give them the charce of listir:g by exte.sdir.g the tiree to P'ebruary ?Oth, with 10p penalty for late ??? ,istir.g to be added, which said pei?a,ty wi•l be apated if such tax payers will come forward ar.d pay the amoui?=t of iheir taxes ort or before Jartuary 1, 954. Alist of those ivho have J not listed their taxes on or before February ?C, •953, CJl'1 be turr_ed over to the Grand Jury March l, 1953 for its aetioi.. The foregoing was upoi_ motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. ? Davis, adopted. ' ?jThe Chairmai: reported or: tir?ber cruise ???ith the i+ssistant State Forester a:d would cut a," ? timber ir. the area at the airport that vri?? be takes. over by the :davy ar.d thir.r:ing process in --Q` the balance of the area ddjoining. The Castlv.e I!Iayno tract v+as :scommended for eutting as c-lose as possible. The Chairmaii ai,r_oui ced a meeti;,g ii: R.•e1rh February l2th coi,cernii g a Goverrirrient T.V.Edu- ? catiora', Chai.ne, set-up and that Vvi•mington had beei mer.tioned as one of the favored C.Lties -G in the State and urged that represeitatives from the County, City and 5choo-, Board attend the meeting. The Chairman brought up for discussioi the mat.ter of securing lepislative authority to give the Cou,ty Commissior:ers the right to fix ard adjust salaries of Cour,ty Officers, except in ? cases under the Merit System, to ei.ab•e the Board to comgensate Public Officia's when the ? occasiui, arises, for their ef;orts ai,d acc-omplishnents in streaming their denartments for ? greater efficier:cy ar:d economy. The Coui:ty Attori:ey advised that consideratim was beii g given by the Legisiature to the passage of a State-v:ide Act to that effect. Hovaever upon motion of D6r. Trask, secoiided by P,lr. Davis, the Board voted to have a Specia' Act prepared for this County for passage'in the ever.t the proposed.S.tate-wide bill should riot be passed. Ger.era.l John Hall Mani.ing, the State Adjutant General, appeared ir, the interest of 'tocating a? ??? site for a proposed Nationa, Guard i?rmory building for Conpariy I, Loca) -A`atiozia, Guard Ui.it, \,with State and Federa'+ funds, at an approximate cost of ?,100,000.00. He told the Baard he J?m had iuoked over a site at Legion Stadium aid found it to be most satisfacY.ory ar.d good fac- itities, and would need 160,000 square feet for the buildir:g site and off-street parking. The matter was discussed at •er:gth and the Chairman T_amed Ccui.ty Commissiorters 0'Shie•ds ar.d Trask and City Counci,maD E. S. Capps as a coaunittee to woik on the request with the view of locatitig a site ar:d report back to *.he Board. The City Cour:ci, ras 9TVited to add additional members of its Board to the comraittee if it so desired. Mayor E. L. YJhite ai_d City Councilmen J. E. I. Wade, E. 3. Capps, Gordon Doran, City tZanager Tames R. Benson ar.d City Attori.ey Yd. B. Campbell were preset.t and a joii,t meetii:g was he'd for the purpose of nisnussirg the matter of the City takii_g over I,egion Stadiuni for future opera- y tior, with its facilities. The Cuur.ty Attori.ey advised that tt;e Courity wou'd 'nave the legal Y rigirt to ?ease the Stadium to the City, but it was agreed by tiie Cit:y ai:d Cour.ty Attorneys ? that iri case of the trai,sfer of tit•e it srou^d requlre LeeisiaCive authority. Iri any ever:t, it was ur:ac,imously agi•oed that future r.eeds and activities of our Schoo, Board at the Stadium would be provided and takeT. care of as lzas beer. doi.e ii. the past. If the City should offer to buy the Stadium Mr. Trask sugpesl:ed that the City re-imburse the County in the amount of the purchase price paid foc the trrounds v+hich the records show was w'5,000.00, but *hat thought was not pressed wher. it was brought out by t,Gr. Berson L-hat the greater the cost to the City to acquire the facility, •onger woudd be the de•ay in deve•oping it for use. E2r. Wade stated it r+ould mark at, outsta:.dir.g ever:t ii; history if *he County wou•d give the Stad= . r-7 ium to the City for V .00 and other cot,siderations to cor.tic:ue its use for the bei,eflt of all the peop,e of the County. and to stipu,ate purposes for which it is to be used in the transfer ' of tit•e, ar.d that legislatl:ve authority be secured to make the transfer, and that cor.sider- atioi; be giveri to a,lottii.g the southern part of the -gand for the Armory site. A motior. was $hen offered by Mr. Trask ai;d seconded by B1r. T_ove acid carried that we tra?;sfer ??\4y Board Legion be tperu?ittEd "to coitinue `'/{:he luse o of f the $same for its eeve?{?s 1 ase.d aactivitJes as ait: t the School and that the Stadium vrill cor.tii,ue to be used for recreatioi,al, educationa, and mi,itary purpos- es, ar.d the said property to revert to the Courity if a.i,d wheti it ceases to be used for the pur- poses intended. A", of such coJditions, provisims ai:d other thir.gs necessary to be considered by tt}?.City and County Attori,eys in preparing the instrument of trar.sfer of the property, ac.d preparatior; of the bi^, for I.egislative enactme).t authorizit.g the traL,sfer of the property from 3.. , , ?i r,A ? 39! uVilrringtcn, K. C.} February 2, ?95:, continued the County to the City. Upon motion of Mr. 4Vade, seconded by I41r. 0'Shie'+ds, the two Boards theii voted unani=.,: mous,y to hold a celebration on the grounds at Legion Stadium rrhen the trac,sfer of the property takes p?ace aiid that a committee be set up to work out the details to - that er.d. ? Action on the resigriation of N:r. L. D. Latta as a member of the Board of Directors ?p of Co:nmur.ity fiospital was postpoi:ed until after the opiniot-I in the hospita" case now perding 1t the Sup:eme Court is hai,ded doti,nn. Upon motiori of fl4r. Capps the first tentative meetir g date to discuss the Rate Bureau and Fort Commission matter was referred to iviayor YVhite to set the date. The City Council then expressed its sii,cfre thaiks on behalf of itself ar;d the people as a whole for the mutual saiisfactory har:dlii:g of the Stadium matter, ard said a formal rFSOlutior, to that effect vrill ue adopted at tYieir next meeting. ' A petitiar. of 30 property oNrt:ers o:: Pe: chtree Stree* ii_ VJii.ter Park urging the paving of'said street be given priority over Pa;k tvenue for the reaseri Peachtree.Street has been prepared for immedidte paving, wh?,e the @as ?iijes and pipes taill have to be 'low- Y ered ar.d other necessury preparatioi,s made oi, iark Avet_ue which tiiS" require time to put it. order. Dur=:.g the mearitire the resider.ts u;d school schildren on Pe4chtree Street wil, be put to great, incor:venier.ce clue to the viat condition of the road by re- son of such de?ay. ThE request was unai.imously approved an6 referred to the Late_ Highway Commission for its coiisideration, No objections were ii,dicated by the Board to the app?icatinn of Bishop Price to se'l" ? beer at 408 S. 7th Street. Aletter was received from ;Vir. T. A. E»riy,. Inspector of Jaiis, advisi;-g that he was glad 'f- to report tnat the cot.dition found at the Jaii, duriiig his inspectioil on Jar:uary 14th ,a`, were deciaedly more favorable that, the two previous ir.spectioi.s. The peint job had been conpleted and gei.era, conditions through out showed much improvement it) housekeeping prac- tices aiid management. Norie of the irmiates corifined on this date had any complaint to ? make regarding cor:ditior,s, food or treatment. -5L/A report of the Home Demonstratioi Agent ai:d co^ored Home Agei.t for January were received ,?C/and filed. A report of gasoline sales and rent co•lected at the kirport dated 7anuary J? 31,'1953 was received and filed: A"etter was received from the Iiistitute of Governmer.t advisii,g that p^ans were Ueing ?,,?t made to hold a SE"1'1P,S of distri.et rneetiugs for.County Commissioners in Apri1 to discuss the legislative activity of the Ganera', Assembly, some additior.a, County problems etc. Will advise later 2bout the exact time ai:d place. It vras agreeab'e to the Board to permit Johison Hoooer redeem his property in b-lock 325 bought ir, for taxes, upon paymei.t of the amoui,t of $322.47 due the Ctty and County. A repo:t of the Annual Meeting of Associated Charities was received and filed. It was agreeable to the Board for the Tax Collector refwid the $575.00 to Mr. R. J. Yow / paid by him as the highest bidder for lots -1 through ?2 in block D? Piiiehurst, sold for /?Q?? taxes in the case of Tdew Hai.over Coui:ty et a, vs J. N. Bryant, or. order of tY.e Ao-norable Johs: J. Burney, Res:ider t Judgeg to the efiect that tlie. Court is of ttie opii.ion that the service iri said eause was r,ot good and the sale vas void. - No objectiois were taised by the Board to the Cow.ty buria'V of the body of Fiil•ie James, coi ored , 9„ 5outh 9th Street wlio died at the Commw itq Hospita', Jar,uary 3'1 1953, and turned over to Sadivar Funeral home for buria, by the ti9elfare Department, as a Cowzty in- digent aeith five chi,dreii and no furids cr insur.ance, and who was previously receiving ; aid from the Associated Charities. A n appreciation received from the Weifare Department to the Cotuity Home as a physica*ly disabled ii,digent ...--?i will make her life ir:surar.ce policy for Si185.00 with ginia, over to the County. And that investigatioi. bi anything toward her mair.tet.ai3ce. ??PUpor; motion of htr. Love, secor:ded by bir. Davis, ? ed for payment. Ttie meeting tlieii adjourned. i1.9e- - -P4, Clerk. to adrait Willie Hai+ Green Su•'+ivan citizen was approved provided she the Life Insurac,ce Company of Vir- ? made to ascertain if she can pay Cour.ty bi1.'s I:o. 2239 to 235$ were approv- , ? Vlilmington, N. C. February 9, 1953• The reguiar weekly meetir.g of the Eoard ia?as he•d this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Charimaii, and Comnissioners C^aud 0'Shie,ds, Thurstot, C. Davis, Hai J. Tove, Raiford Trask aiid Couiity Attorr>ey Yiarsden Beilamy. The meetir.g was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. Nii'+ton J. Boone, Pastor of Masor,- boro Baptist Church. Copies of the mir.utes of ineeting of February 2, GeiBoard, and were u•porL motion approved. ? '953 were mailed to each menber of the Upon motion of bYr. 0'.Shie,ds, seconded by Nr. Love, the Board awarded the cot.tract for ? pavir,g the court house parlcit.g Iot to Mr. L. R. Armstrong on his bid of $:12.00 per ton Awfor furnishing and laying in pluce P•ant b;ix Asphalt, Type I, 60% rock li" t-hick, which he says wi-+ require 120 tons. He beii,g the "owest bidder, ar:d required to give perform- ance bor.d ii: an amour;t equal to the amoui;t of tYie bid and indenulity bond to insure the Cour.ty agaii.st damage or liability in connectiori with the work.