1953-02-09 Regular Meeting? 39! uVilrringtcn, K. C.} February 2, ?95:, continued the County to the City. Upon motion of Mr. 4Vade, seconded by I41r. 0'Shie'+ds, the two Boards theii voted unani=.,: mous,y to hold a celebration on the grounds at Legion Stadium rrhen the trac,sfer of the property takes p?ace aiid that a committee be set up to work out the details to - that er.d. ? Action on the resigriation of N:r. L. D. Latta as a member of the Board of Directors ?p of Co:nmur.ity fiospital was postpoi:ed until after the opiniot-I in the hospita" case now perding 1t the Sup:eme Court is hai,ded doti,nn. Upon motiori of fl4r. Capps the first tentative meetir g date to discuss the Rate Bureau and Fort Commission matter was referred to iviayor YVhite to set the date. The City Council then expressed its sii,cfre thaiks on behalf of itself ar;d the people as a whole for the mutual saiisfactory har:dlii:g of the Stadium matter, ard said a formal rFSOlutior, to that effect vrill ue adopted at tYieir next meeting. ' A petitiar. of 30 property oNrt:ers o:: Pe: chtree Stree* ii_ VJii.ter Park urging the paving of'said street be given priority over Pa;k tvenue for the reaseri Peachtree.Street has been prepared for immedidte paving, wh?,e the @as ?iijes and pipes taill have to be 'low- Y ered ar.d other necessury preparatioi,s made oi, iark Avet_ue which tiiS" require time to put it. order. Dur=:.g the mearitire the resider.ts u;d school schildren on Pe4chtree Street wil, be put to great, incor:venier.ce clue to the viat condition of the road by re- son of such de?ay. ThE request was unai.imously approved an6 referred to the Late_ Highway Commission for its coiisideration, No objections were ii,dicated by the Board to the app?icatinn of Bishop Price to se'l" ? beer at 408 S. 7th Street. Aletter was received from ;Vir. T. A. E»riy,. Inspector of Jaiis, advisi;-g that he was glad 'f- to report tnat the cot.dition found at the Jaii, duriiig his inspectioil on Jar:uary 14th ,a`, were deciaedly more favorable that, the two previous ir.spectioi.s. The peint job had been conpleted and gei.era, conditions through out showed much improvement it) housekeeping prac- tices aiid management. Norie of the irmiates corifined on this date had any complaint to ? make regarding cor:ditior,s, food or treatment. -5L/A report of the Home Demonstratioi Agent ai:d co^ored Home Agei.t for January were received ,?C/and filed. A report of gasoline sales and rent co•lected at the kirport dated 7anuary J? 31,'1953 was received and filed: A"etter was received from the Iiistitute of Governmer.t advisii,g that p^ans were Ueing ?,,?t made to hold a SE"1'1P,S of distri.et rneetiugs for.County Commissioners in Apri1 to discuss the legislative activity of the Ganera', Assembly, some additior.a, County problems etc. Will advise later 2bout the exact time ai:d place. It vras agreeab'e to the Board to permit Johison Hoooer redeem his property in b-lock 325 bought ir, for taxes, upon paymei.t of the amoui,t of $322.47 due the Ctty and County. A repo:t of the Annual Meeting of Associated Charities was received and filed. It was agreeable to the Board for the Tax Collector refwid the $575.00 to Mr. R. J. Yow / paid by him as the highest bidder for lots -1 through ?2 in block D? Piiiehurst, sold for /?Q?? taxes in the case of Tdew Hai.over Coui:ty et a, vs J. N. Bryant, or. order of tY.e Ao-norable Johs: J. Burney, Res:ider t Judgeg to the efiect that tlie. Court is of ttie opii.ion that the service iri said eause was r,ot good and the sale vas void. - No objectiois were taised by the Board to the Cow.ty buria'V of the body of Fiil•ie James, coi ored , 9„ 5outh 9th Street wlio died at the Commw itq Hospita', Jar,uary 3'1 1953, and turned over to Sadivar Funeral home for buria, by the ti9elfare Department, as a Cowzty in- digent aeith five chi,dreii and no furids cr insur.ance, and who was previously receiving ; aid from the Associated Charities. A n appreciation received from the Weifare Department to the Cotuity Home as a physica*ly disabled ii,digent ...--?i will make her life ir:surar.ce policy for Si185.00 with ginia, over to the County. And that investigatioi. bi anything toward her mair.tet.ai3ce. ??PUpor; motion of htr. Love, secor:ded by bir. Davis, ? ed for payment. Ttie meeting tlieii adjourned. i1.9e- - -P4, Clerk. to adrait Willie Hai+ Green Su•'+ivan citizen was approved provided she the Life Insurac,ce Company of Vir- ? made to ascertain if she can pay Cour.ty bi1.'s I:o. 2239 to 235$ were approv- , ? Vlilmington, N. C. February 9, 1953• The reguiar weekly meetir.g of the Eoard ia?as he•d this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Charimaii, and Comnissioners C^aud 0'Shie,ds, Thurstot, C. Davis, Hai J. Tove, Raiford Trask aiid Couiity Attorr>ey Yiarsden Beilamy. The meetir.g was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. Nii'+ton J. Boone, Pastor of Masor,- boro Baptist Church. Copies of the mir.utes of ineeting of February 2, GeiBoard, and were u•porL motion approved. ? '953 were mailed to each menber of the Upon motion of bYr. 0'.Shie,ds, seconded by Nr. Love, the Board awarded the cot.tract for ? pavir,g the court house parlcit.g Iot to Mr. L. R. Armstrong on his bid of $:12.00 per ton Awfor furnishing and laying in pluce P•ant b;ix Asphalt, Type I, 60% rock li" t-hick, which he says wi-+ require 120 tons. He beii,g the "owest bidder, ar:d required to give perform- ance bor.d ii: an amour;t equal to the amoui;t of tYie bid and indenulity bond to insure the Cour.ty agaii.st damage or liability in connectiori with the work. r398 Wi'mitgtor., N. C., Februj:ry 9, l953•(Contimzed) ???y? The only other bid was received from E. B. Towles Coi.struction CompaT.y at a+ump sum price of $3,l 25.00. The fo•lowing bids for paintir,g the outside trim of Old Court House, as advertised, wrere recei?ed, pub•icly opened and read: Wilmington Decoratitg Comnany, both Court House Bui'C11J.gS, $3,765.10 Miller Bui,dit.g Corporatic.. 1,3'8.00 D. E. T.ee 1_1887 .00 Shaw Paii.t and Wa'l• Paper Compar,y ' i7059.00 Howard H. Willians 1092.00 City Decorating Compar.y _ 19980.00 Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the co7:tract for painting was awarded to Shaw Paint and Wal-w Paper Compar,y, they being the lowest bidders:at and for the sum of ;,- $,9059.00. They to furnish performance bond equa'+ to the amount of the contract and liabi'Tity ir,surance. Upon dotion of Ddr. Love, seconded by ilir. Davis, the Board agreed to purchase half page, ": ??.5 advertiseme. t irt the °'Retai'le7•" a Tdorth Caro,ii.a Retail Association publication covering the 6th aruiual A zalea Festiva, March 26 to 29th inclusive. Which advertisemtntt in the opiriion of the Counti Commissior,ers v?ill be to the County's interest to advertise its resources and advantages.? ? A complaint of Mr. F. R. Stega,+ of a drainare a, ong the Kerr Avenue highway at his kennel "? was referred to Mr. A. K. hial^ard State Highway Mainter,aiice Engii.eer. Mr. Louis T. Moore,, Chairmai. of the Nen Iiai,over tiistorica7 Commissior, appeared to urge that the Hugh IuiacRae Plaque be ii?sta^-ed at Hugh MacFae Yark at this time, ii:asmuch as the wid- ,ening of the highway there, vahich has beet? ho•ding up the ii.sta••ation of the plaque, is \,?"now compietedt and fu:ther it wou•d be desired to have•the plaque irsta'?ed before the Aza"ea _??? Festival v,hich will be he•d in t?arch. v-ir. h?oore also requested that the historical marker 40at Kure Beach be moved back to the highway vihere it can Ue observed. All oY which met withii the approval of the ficard through the proper channe"s. The f3oard also directed that the monumer.t at Batt•e ticres be c,eared at the same time. Mr. Charley Powel, appeared to ask that a bridge be replaced over the ditch which was re- movedi during the drainage work on the Cordor, Road ii. fror:t of his house. The bridge ap- -?? peared to be in such bad condition that it was not worth puttii:g backs ar:d it was recommend- __/,,?a ed to him to furr?ish the pipe and the Cowity wou^ d instal• • it for him. Upon motion of Mr. rl' Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board voted to have a clearer understandir.g aid agreement with the property owners in the future coricernii.g the rEmovai ai.d replacemant of bridges in coni ecticn with ary drair.age work. Mr. PoweNs request was takeii under consideration to see what relieP could be given. Mr. Thor Thorstad representing Record RebuiTdir,g Service of St. Augustii.e, Fla., appeared - with the Clerk of Superior Court ar.d Register of Deeds in the interest of repairing and re _v- habilitating a nuuiber of the record books in thefr offices that have beetr badly worn arid ?V broken by age and abusive handlir.g. Mr. Thorstad told the Board the cost for repdiring ?lv the books r•ras an indefiuite amount, but vuou•d be approaimate,y $,,800.00. The cost beitg in excess of 6,?000.00 the Couiity Auditor advised it aroumd be necessary to advertise for bids. The matter was therefore taken under adviseme,.t for further study. .- .V - - r . --?6rs. Herbert Cavenaugh appeared to ask for ar, a.r.propriation toward a$e9400.00 exper.se to be raised for a presex.tstion of two or three concerts by the I•orth Carollna Symphony Orches- tra for the schooi children here May l'ith, was told the Commissioiiers have no -lega-I author- ity to make such an appropriation, any proceedure oi that r.ature shouTd be through the Board of Educatlon to whom she was referre3. A request of Mr. Jack Pate that the Cape Fesr Recreatioi,al Compar:y be allov,ed to continue its rer;ta, of the Iegioi, Stadium Exilibitiot: buildii.g for ddr.ces, was received for consider- ation with the City Coancil in vierr of the City taY.ii.g over the Stadium. Upon motion of Nir. Trask, secor_ded by 1;r. Davis, the Board eT:dorsed a resolution adopted by the City Council ;vovember 1952, requestiz.g the State High;vay ar.d Public Nlorks Commissioi-, to provide at the_earliest practicable time a suitable and adequate North-South highway thru ? the City of VJi,mington, aiid give study to assd p^ai. for the cor.struction of a r.ew highevay bridge.across Cape Fear River at sone appropriate location leadiiig into the southern section of the City to re,ieve the traffic iow passing over the Northeast and Cape Fear River Bridg- es, all in the ir.terest of adequate trausportation, expai.sion a:_d "industrial grouVth, the e'limination of hazards ar,d the protectioi. of the public safety. - -? Operiing of the bids for the sale of part of surplus airport equipment wns postpoiied per.ding recelpt of CAA approval of additior:al eqiiipment that may be offered for sale. tr Cruise of timber ori the 20-25 acre airport tract nom iri process of completion, the dead- +ii.e for receivir:g bids was exter:ded unti'+ 10:00 o'c'+ock Tuesday morr;ii:g February 10, pend- ir.g rec.elpt of State report on the esti.mate, and the Chairmaii vras authorized to oper: the bids and make the award at that time. Upon mctio;, the Chairman ar.d the Couiity Auditor vrere authorized to atterid a meetii g a' ong _?../ with City and Board of Education representatives, ir? Rlleigh Thursday, February ?2th in be- halS of an effort to have W3lrnirgtoti iiicluded in a oroposed Govert:ment TV educatiui,a, channe', ? for six horth Carolir;a Cities. K,so to check some ^oca, tax lists against State returns. Upon inotion of Nir. Trask permissioi. was grr.i.ted a cex,tractor the use of the airport spur- track in coniection with the airport vrork. ? Upon rnotion of hfr. Davis, seco?.ded by Lir. Iove, the Doa.rd ui.animous?y accepted a-contract ?ar?Q' submitted by the Rober'L JaCkSOIi Conpai.y of Topeka, Kai,sas to furt.ish all materials and 'ah- or and rebui,dir_g ai:d electrification of the Court fiouse Tower Clock at a cost of $645.00. ? Upon motivn, the Board deciir,ed to reneva an insurar.ce policy rJith the Employers Siability ? Assurance Corporatiori coverj_ng the glass ir. *he airport cet.trol tower at an annual cost of ?'230.52 which ivill expire Februa ry 14, ? 95 i• No objections Kere ii;dicated by the Board to securilg surplus pucips and other fire fighting equipmei.t from Camp T,ejeune that may be available for our Volunteer Fire Departments. ,a • `1 il A,i., 1 1 f°? n - ,. ? . .. ? ''i. ? ti . k .* S _Wilmington, N. C., February 9, 1953. (Continued) C report of receipts and disbursements of the Airport £or January.was receioed and filed. An invitation to the members of the Board to hear Mr. Henry C. McFadyen, Director of Public Relations o£ the North Carolina Fducation Association, discuss the present legistative program as related to the progress of North Carolina schools, at St, Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, ?iiesday, February lOth at 8:00 o'clock, was received from Nnss. Katherine Von Glahn, Chairman of the Program Committee. Ca??.?"d request of the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to use the Staditun for- ? itileek of March 23-30, inclusive. Rodeo to be held in connection with the Azalea Festival. f April 29 May 1, inclusive. Second Annual Fat Stock Show and 5ale. September 16-19 inclusive. Fourth Annual Junior Dairy Cattle Shotir. was approved. report of the Veterans' Service Officer for January was received and filed. ? A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital for October 15,1952, -- 1?? was received and filed. - Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by N,r. Love, the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department was granted permis= a State Per- i? mit to sell beer on Highway 17, Rt.l, Box 415. ^ A report was received from the Tax Col7.ector advising that $7,017.93 was collected for the City, and $6,164.63 for the County, making a total of $13,182.56 back tares collected for the month of January. Payment of a bill for $3,470.00 to $ie Western Waterproofing Company, Charlotte, N. C. for cleaning the exterior of the Court House as per contract, was ordered held-up pending adjustment of damages done to the roof and broken slate caused by hooks punchirig holes through the same, causing leaks. ? repairs and fixed it up for their fire fighting use. sion No obj to mectionsntinue were the rais use ed of by the the CountyBoard's to jtheeep for one applica?ion year of in Mrs. I?{ considyrtle C.eration of haeing Cederberg for made necessary ? statement o£ boiler inspections and recommendations were received, and the Chairman reported that all ??h5? repairs called to the attention have been attended to., ?j A petition of property owners and residents for improvements to Strawberx'y Avenue in Winter Park was re- turned for correction and to have srime presented on State form required by the State Highway Coaunission. ? A letter received from Mrs. 0. W. Waters, 3914 Wrightsville Avenue, and Mrs. Uon J. Batdorff, 3910 Wrights- ville Avenue, asking that a vacant lot between their homes, which`they say is a fire, snake and mosquito ?ft\hazard, be cleaned off, was referred to the Board of Health and a copy o£ same sent to the Winter Park Fire Department. A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Boolanobi7.e for January was received, and filed. It was noted that the attention of the County Couunissioners was called to the gratifying increase in the Book- mobile circulation, and that it was sincerely hoped that a modern truck, capable of carrying a larger book stock, will be possible in the near future. Instructions were, therefore, given that the Librarian be advised that the County Commissioners are giving consideration to the replacement of the old truck with a new one as soon as possible. A fire inspection report of the County Home made by the State Board of Public Welfare February 4, 1953, stating the general conditi.ons are excellent, was received, and filed. •1 /c?,pILA report of the Bureau of Identifiation £or January was received and filed. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board voted to mal;e arrangements to deed a part of Legion Stadium property to the National Guard for Armory site for Company I, with the stipulation they will not put up a£ence more than 225 feet from the South end of the park and that the land North of that will be used for public parking, subject to the right of the public to use. The Chairman suggested that a Grand Jury investigation be made o£ the practice of certain persons secur- , ing aid through the Welfare Department that is not necessary, and such practice shouid be discouraged, and that effort be made to educate the folks to try to help themselves. Mr. Frederick Willeti;s, Sr., . /2S who was present suggested a thorough investigation of it, and told of one of his domestic help who quit his job when it interferred with his receiving assistance through the Welfare Department. Mr. Davis +.° agreed it would be best to weed-out the bad timber to provide better aid for the good. The matter was • discussed at length and Ns. 0'Shields moved and it was seconded by Mr. Love and carried that Mr. Hollis and the ldelfare Board appear before this Body next Monday for a general discussion of the matter. Mr, Davis brought to the attention the matter of an overcrowfded school bus, reported on January 27, 1953t of ninety-nine children on a fifty-four capacity bus. Further in£ormation on this subject failed iahen / it was learned that the employee o£ the Board of Fducation who keeps this record was not available. The question as to why small items of back taxes were permitted to be barred by the statute of limita= tions. It was saia to be difficult to get a lawyer to bring suit £or the collection of small. items. _?uV? The responsibility, the County Attotney said, is up to Mr. Norse, the Tsx Collector to employ an at- torney to collect the taxes by suit. Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. O'Shielda and carried ' that Mr. Morse be instructed to furnish a statement o£ the amount pai.d attorneys for collection of back ? taxes and report to the Board At the next meeting. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, County bills No.2359 to 2414 were si:proved for payment, The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases £or the two weeks term beginning February 23, 1953: Annie S. King 305 S. 17th St. J. 0. Sluith 806 M. 5th St. ' Franklin C. Smith 713 S. 3rd St. F. N. Jolly 220 N. 2nd St. Miss Carolyn I. idalsh Box 725 Fddie L. Wood 1506 Nun St. J. A. Munn, Sr, . East Wilmingtan L. G. Reaves, .. Rte. 3, Box 244A M. W. Beale 116 Spofford i-lills C. H. 41estI Jr, C-25, Box 34 A. R. Brinson 815 S. 5th St. Lowell Clark 205 Leke Forest Pkwy. B. R. NcRacken 1512 Nun St. Bobbie Taylor 2220 Gibson Ave, John Kannon 21 Mounngside Dr. W. G. Broadfoot City Iuther C. McBride 14 Pinecrest Pkwy. J. R. Hendrick 2730 S. Jacl:son St. 'A ' I 400 `. - SS - ?5s Wilmington, N. C., February 9, 1953 - Continue3 Miss Helen V. Cheek 2518 Harrison St. Rudolph Howell G. Riley Davis John F. Benditz E. L. Marshburn Mrs. L. A. Taylor Paul E. Powell Jesse A. Shealy R. L. Jenkins Harry S. Taylor May 0. Stanley J. D. Stafford Jos. H. Crump Robert G. Smith N. Ep Eberson A. E. Horne C. J. Keen Wm. A. Hing 2939 Adams st. 100 Colonial Uillage 2905 Market St. 507 Lake Drive 23 Brookwoo3 Ave. Rt.3 Box 56 A Rt.3 Box 134 1718 Orange 5t. 2308 Market St. Rt. 2 Box 201 C 720 Dock St. 219 N. 7th St. C-33 Box 343 A N., 13th St. Rt.3 Box 73 A 2025 Klein Rcl. 1509 S. 5th St. For tne second Week beginning March Qth: . .. Walter H. Amick . 213 Maryland Ave. Callie J. X. Williams • 118 N. 13th St. B. P. Saffo , /320 Red Cross St. L. D. Bordeaux 2;Church St. Robt. D. Dixon 2521 Van Buren St. Steadman Raynor 711 N. 5th 5t. Thurman Raynor 817 Grace St. Moody Naylor 2848 E. Jefferson St. J. A. Sneeden 801 S. 16th St. 0. C. Hill, Jr. 711 S. 3rd St. Thos. M. Sellers 515 S. 2nd St. F. E. Crowell 2323 Narket St. Jas. R. Carter 1912 Klein Rd. C. S. McCandless, Jr. Rt.2 Box 301 A Robt. F. Bellamy 507 Chestnut St. A. G. Millican 2304 Metts Ave. Nor;nan Stuart 21512 N. 6th St. H. S. King . 1401 Castle St., Mrs. Ethel S. Brown W: C. Cooper Jos. C. Penley Oatherine S. Webrenberg Geo C: Woodbury S. C. Johnson, Jr. M. D. Watson T. S. Underwood C. E. Mobley T. L. Brown Clyde M. Robinson Horrar3 E. Edgerton Arthur Oriole Naomi Yopp Chester Tyson A: M. Williams Robert Hales John M. Smith 3zz s, 4th St. 704 Orange St. 206 Rutledge Dr. M.V. % Willetts • 73 Pinecrest Pkwy. 204 Uirginia Ave. 515 S. 2nd St. 15-D Nesbitt Ct. 618 N: Qth st. 208 S. 16th St. 504 S. Front St. 1921 Woolcott Ave. 2868 Adams St. P,o.Box 357 2102 Gibson Ave. 1601 S. 4th st. 1504 Ann St. 4 Ct.-0 Lake Forest The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. , Wilmington, N. C. February 16, 1953. The regular weekly-meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton,. Chairman and Commissioners Dlaud O'Shields, Thurs.ton C. Davis, Hal. J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney t9arsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. R. R. Johnson, Pastor of Penticostal Holiness Church, Copies of the minutes of the meeting of February 9, 1953, were previously furnished 'each member of the Board, and upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board granted a request of County Department Heads to put County 0£fices on a five"?forty hour week working basis if uniform hours be observed and meet puhlic service. The hours of 8130 A.N,., to 5:30 P.M., was suggested with one hour for lunch, leaving it, however, to the Department Heads to work-out satisfactory working hours. N,ost of the Departments have for some time maintained ohly skeleton crews on Saturdays, and it was also brought to the attention that some 75% of the Counties have gone on a five-day forty-hour week basis. Members of the County Welfare Board, Nir. Cicero Yow, Nir: Dan Cameron, Nrs. Eba Long and Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent, appeared at the invitation of the Board to answer charges that some persons receiving sid come to the Welfare Departanent in taxicabs for their checks thereby creating a parking problem at times in the court house parking lot, and others who are receiving assistance who are not entitled'to it. Mr. Hollis sutsnitted a written report on the matter, stating in part that no cabs have been noticed in the parking lot by his office force or people in other parts of the building with whom he had talked.- That most checks are distributed by mail and at the present time only seventy checks per month are de- livered at the office, all of.which,are t;ot delivered in one day, but in a period covering more than a week. ? Was unable to report on two people reported to have received checks and then got drunk and their fam- ilies did not receive ar?y benefit, as he did'not lmow the names of these persons. A number of case workers appeared to explain the duties of their respective positions and to tell of the investigations made in each case. At this point Mr. Davis asked what can we do about so many children being born out of wedlock. Don't we encourage it by our aid contributions? Something should be done to stop it. The question of en- . larging the Welfare.Board:s membership to provide a larger contact for a broader study of cases wss discussed,: At this time the Chamman read the resignation of Mr.. Dan Cameron as a member of the County Welfare Board. In resigning Mr. Cameron said i feel the Welfare Board could operate more efPective]y if it had a larger Board membership, and would recommend a ten to fifteen man board to nrovide a greBter contact. Mr. Cameron asked that it be understood his resignation had nothing to do, or was influenced by any investigation now being made of the lJelfare Department. After an :)ffer of Mr. Yow to work with any committee to secure better and proper laws for the operation of the Llelfare Department the di.scussion was concluded. Upon motion of Mr. Love, s ebonded by N?r, Trask, `the Aoard went onrecord approving SB 98, introduced by ^ C S C McIntyre et al., to require the filing in the office of the Clerk,of the Superior Court the names, ad- dresses and amounts paid to all persons receiving public assistance etc., of ary nature under any wel- fare or public assistance program, and requested our Representative in the Legislature to give it his' support. The matter of purchasing an automatic voting machine submitted by the Automatic Voting Machine Corpora- _?tion of Jamestown, N. Y., at a cost of $1,500.00 for the machine, or at a rental of $150.00 per.year, which would mean a great saving of time an3 expense to the County, was received £or consideration with the city. The Chairman reported that Addison Hewlett, Jr., our Representative in the Legislature, requested that the proposed bill concerning the operation of the local Bureau of Identification be prepared by the County and City Attorneys as soon as possible. ? ]s a ^ ,