1953-02-16 Regular Meeting400 `. - SS - ?5s Wilmington, N. C., February 9, 1953 - Continue3 Miss Helen V. Cheek 2518 Harrison St. Rudolph Howell G. Riley Davis John F. Benditz E. L. Marshburn Mrs. L. A. Taylor Paul E. Powell Jesse A. Shealy R. L. Jenkins Harry S. Taylor May 0. Stanley J. D. Stafford Jos. H. Crump Robert G. Smith N. Ep Eberson A. E. Horne C. J. Keen Wm. A. Hing 2939 Adams st. 100 Colonial Uillage 2905 Market St. 507 Lake Drive 23 Brookwoo3 Ave. Rt.3 Box 56 A Rt.3 Box 134 1718 Orange 5t. 2308 Market St. Rt. 2 Box 201 C 720 Dock St. 219 N. 7th St. C-33 Box 343 A N., 13th St. Rt.3 Box 73 A 2025 Klein Rcl. 1509 S. 5th St. For tne second Week beginning March Qth: . .. Walter H. Amick . 213 Maryland Ave. Callie J. X. Williams • 118 N. 13th St. B. P. Saffo , /320 Red Cross St. L. D. Bordeaux 2;Church St. Robt. D. Dixon 2521 Van Buren St. Steadman Raynor 711 N. 5th 5t. Thurman Raynor 817 Grace St. Moody Naylor 2848 E. Jefferson St. J. A. Sneeden 801 S. 16th St. 0. C. Hill, Jr. 711 S. 3rd St. Thos. M. Sellers 515 S. 2nd St. F. E. Crowell 2323 Narket St. Jas. R. Carter 1912 Klein Rd. C. S. McCandless, Jr. Rt.2 Box 301 A Robt. F. Bellamy 507 Chestnut St. A. G. Millican 2304 Metts Ave. Nor;nan Stuart 21512 N. 6th St. H. S. King . 1401 Castle St., Mrs. Ethel S. Brown W: C. Cooper Jos. C. Penley Oatherine S. Webrenberg Geo C: Woodbury S. C. Johnson, Jr. M. D. Watson T. S. Underwood C. E. Mobley T. L. Brown Clyde M. Robinson Horrar3 E. Edgerton Arthur Oriole Naomi Yopp Chester Tyson A: M. Williams Robert Hales John M. Smith 3zz s, 4th St. 704 Orange St. 206 Rutledge Dr. M.V. % Willetts • 73 Pinecrest Pkwy. 204 Uirginia Ave. 515 S. 2nd St. 15-D Nesbitt Ct. 618 N: Qth st. 208 S. 16th St. 504 S. Front St. 1921 Woolcott Ave. 2868 Adams St. P,o.Box 357 2102 Gibson Ave. 1601 S. 4th st. 1504 Ann St. 4 Ct.-0 Lake Forest The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. , Wilmington, N. C. February 16, 1953. The regular weekly-meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton,. Chairman and Commissioners Dlaud O'Shields, Thurs.ton C. Davis, Hal. J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney t9arsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. R. R. Johnson, Pastor of Penticostal Holiness Church, Copies of the minutes of the meeting of February 9, 1953, were previously furnished 'each member of the Board, and upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board granted a request of County Department Heads to put County 0£fices on a five"?forty hour week working basis if uniform hours be observed and meet puhlic service. The hours of 8130 A.N,., to 5:30 P.M., was suggested with one hour for lunch, leaving it, however, to the Department Heads to work-out satisfactory working hours. N,ost of the Departments have for some time maintained ohly skeleton crews on Saturdays, and it was also brought to the attention that some 75% of the Counties have gone on a five-day forty-hour week basis. Members of the County Welfare Board, Nir. Cicero Yow, Nir: Dan Cameron, Nrs. Eba Long and Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent, appeared at the invitation of the Board to answer charges that some persons receiving sid come to the Welfare Departanent in taxicabs for their checks thereby creating a parking problem at times in the court house parking lot, and others who are receiving assistance who are not entitled'to it. Mr. Hollis sutsnitted a written report on the matter, stating in part that no cabs have been noticed in the parking lot by his office force or people in other parts of the building with whom he had talked.- That most checks are distributed by mail and at the present time only seventy checks per month are de- livered at the office, all of.which,are t;ot delivered in one day, but in a period covering more than a week. ? Was unable to report on two people reported to have received checks and then got drunk and their fam- ilies did not receive ar?y benefit, as he did'not lmow the names of these persons. A number of case workers appeared to explain the duties of their respective positions and to tell of the investigations made in each case. At this point Mr. Davis asked what can we do about so many children being born out of wedlock. Don't we encourage it by our aid contributions? Something should be done to stop it. The question of en- . larging the Welfare.Board:s membership to provide a larger contact for a broader study of cases wss discussed,: At this time the Chamman read the resignation of Mr.. Dan Cameron as a member of the County Welfare Board. In resigning Mr. Cameron said i feel the Welfare Board could operate more efPective]y if it had a larger Board membership, and would recommend a ten to fifteen man board to nrovide a greBter contact. Mr. Cameron asked that it be understood his resignation had nothing to do, or was influenced by any investigation now being made of the lJelfare Department. After an :)ffer of Mr. Yow to work with any committee to secure better and proper laws for the operation of the Llelfare Department the di.scussion was concluded. Upon motion of Mr. Love, s ebonded by N?r, Trask, `the Aoard went onrecord approving SB 98, introduced by ^ C S C McIntyre et al., to require the filing in the office of the Clerk,of the Superior Court the names, ad- dresses and amounts paid to all persons receiving public assistance etc., of ary nature under any wel- fare or public assistance program, and requested our Representative in the Legislature to give it his' support. The matter of purchasing an automatic voting machine submitted by the Automatic Voting Machine Corpora- _?tion of Jamestown, N. Y., at a cost of $1,500.00 for the machine, or at a rental of $150.00 per.year, which would mean a great saving of time an3 expense to the County, was received £or consideration with the city. The Chairman reported that Addison Hewlett, Jr., our Representative in the Legislature, requested that the proposed bill concerning the operation of the local Bureau of Identification be prepared by the County and City Attorneys as soon as possible. ? ]s a ^ , Wilmington, N. C., February 16, 1953- Continued ? v?, 'The Chairman reported completion o£ the timber cruise of the Airport and Castle Hayne tracts by the State Forester, showing approximately 87,700 board feet on the Airport and 50,000 board feet on the Castle Hayne tracts. The next in order would be to cruise the timber on the Hugh MacRae Pa'rk site, /??c] which the State recommends, which met with the approval o£ the Board. However, Mr. O'Shields ?, stated it is the consensus of the MacRae family, the donors, that it be preserved as a virgin forest. No objections were indicated by the Board to the applications for 5tate Permits to(sell beer at S 1200 Narket Street submitted by LeRoy Harrell, John Niforo, 1120 Princess Stre.et,/. George, 922 Grace Street and A. W. NcSee, Rte. 3. ? ?. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, payment o£ $50.00 to the Daughters of the American ?h Revolution for advertisement in their book3et was approved, it appearing to the Boar.d that the same will be to the County's interest £or advertising its resources and advantages. An insurance policy with the New &ngland Insurance Company, policy No,1465 for $5,000.00 coverage 1\1)YJAV on three dwellings east side of Castle Hayne Road, renewal date February 2, 1953, was ordered can- celled for the reason the said buil.dings have been sold. ? A corcnunication was received from Gapt. S. P. Zola, USN District Public Works Office, Charleston,5, C., aNqadvising'that construction started February 2, 1953, on the eactension of runways and other improve- J ments at the New Hanover County Airport. A representative of Bernard J. Siviur, Court Record Binder of Ninneapolis, Minn., appeared in the ?q?interest o£ securing a contract to repair the record books in the offices o£ the Clerk of Court and ?C, Register of Deeds, with metal back binders instead of re-setiaiug, was asked to furnish A-1 specifica- tions for basis on which to ask for bids, inasmuch as other parties are interested in doing the work. A petition of 17 property owners o£ Harnett Township asking for improvements, paving if possible, a road which runs from Bradley Creek to White Avenue near 5eagate, a distance of approxiffately three and half blocks on which six houses are located. And, also another petition of 11 property own- ers of Masonboro Township, asking for hard-sur£acing a road which runs from the Masonboro Loop Road at Myrtle Grove School, thence toward the Sound for a distance of approximately three tenths of a mile, on which five houses are located, was upon motion approve3 and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for consider6tion. A request of the Wilmington Housing Authority to ssk the State Highway and Public Works Commission to take over and maintain Vance Street and Worth Drive in Maffitt Village as shown on a map attached ? to the letter of request. It appearing to the Board that due to the expansion of the Babcock-Wilcox Company together with increased activities in that area, the addition of the said streets to our County Highway System is necessary, and to that end the request was upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, second- ed by idr. Love, approved and referred to the State Iiighway and Public Works Commission for its con- sideration. A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Boolffiobile, and Colored Library for January was receiv- F%ed and filed, The Board noted with pleasure the increase in the County's Boolanobile circulation over ?\V the past seven months, and that this month's circulation is the highest yet for the period. The ?- Board expressed appreciation of the Boolanobile Staff giving the best service possible with the pres- ?-???nt inadequate facilities, and to advise that the Board is giving consideration to the replacement -i?A af the old truck with a new one as soon as possible. II State Certificate to operate pressure boilers at the John C. Wessell T.tberculosis Sanatorium was re- ceived from the State Bureau of Boilers and Inspection. A request of the Town of Wrightsville Beach through its Nayor Julien K. Taylor, that this Body approve; "- --- , its request for State Highway assistance to provide rock to build necessary walls and fill in between jetties constrneted^on the west side of Waynick Bouleaard across £rom the Town Hall to restore that ""--? area lost to erosion, that was dedicated to the use as a public playground for chidren, and to pro- tect the Highway from damage by fUrther erosion, was granted, and that Mr. L. E. Whitfield, State Highway and Public Works Division Ehgineer be advised of this action. An application to admit J. T. Wilkins to the County Home for recuperation was held in abeyance for further investigation. Iater it was found that due to the overcrowded condition of the County Home, the Superintendent of Public Welfare will place him in some boarding home. _,',y Upon motion the County Auditor was authorized to attend a session for County Accountants at the In- `?v?ory r ,???'?A report of Airport receipts for February 11, 1g53, was received and £iled. G ? ?? Health Department Nursing report for January was received and £iled. 4.- stitute of Government at Chapel Hill, Wednesday, February 20th. ?Reports of the Houstiing Authority of the City of Wilmington, County Electrical Inspector for January (S W? were received and filed. A request of Johnson Hooper to redeem his property in block 325-SWi93 NWM4, bought in by the City and ?sqt?i County for taxes, was approved by the Board at a price of $322.47 provided he can make the necessary arrangements to pay cash for the same. His request to redeem the property on an installment plan basis of payment was declined. Upon motion of P4r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board authorized and directed that necessary abaternents be made to correct errors in the following tax charges £or the reasors shown: Andrew HoWar.d, block 19, lot y, Sold to Solomon Sternberger who lists and pays the taxes on same, Abate account of double charge, aRlerror. Heirs of Betsy Ebr, block 59, Paz't lots Q and 5, 33 x 165 feet in size. C,?C. Holmes ComrmSSioner forolosed_the same for taxes in the name of W. H. Williams, inadvertently only 33 x 85 feet of the property was sold for taxes and bought in by the City and County. The back taxes should be ad- justed and the balance of the property not included in the sale should•be re=opened on the tax books in the name of W. H. Williams. Sarah Smith, block 4, Pt. E1N&W1?1 6, double charge, owned and listed by W. P. Farrar. Pnnie E. Simmons, block 36, WM part of lot 1, ta7ces due for the years 1936 through 1942. Tax judg- ?-? ment for $566.57 docketed in 1938, no further action was taken to collect. The tex offi.ce claims • the same is barred by the Statutes o£ Limitation: A statement was received from Mr, C. R. Morse, Tax Collector showing a total amount of commissions paid to Attorneys by the City and County £or tax suits and collections for the year 1952, $1,396.18 for the County and $1,252.43 for the City, making a total o£ $2,648.61. g?..A request was received over the telephone from N,r. E. E. Seaty, I+,anager Real Estate Branch, Public Works Office, Naval Ease? Charlest?,n, S. C„ later followed by letter, asking the Commissioners to A 402 Wilmington, N. C., February 16, 1953.- Continued, modify the Airport Use Agreement between the County and the Navy: That the same be limited to a term of from 20 to 25 years, and the same may be terminated by the Government at any time during.such term upon the declaration of a National Ffnergency; and Dcempting operations of Civil Aircraft from filing flight plans as a requirement to the use of the airport by such operations; and To eliminate therefrom any requirement that the County will be furnished a formal release ` £rom the Civil Aeronautics Administration. - ?j The matter was discussed at length, and a motion offered by iMr. Trask to grant the request, and let them work it out with the Civil Aex•onautics Administration, failed o£ a second. A surety bond for John Eiward Griffith as a Justice of the Peace in the amount o£ $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation a.s surety, the said amoi:mt being fixed by law, was approved by the Board r' upon approval by the County Attorney, ? Upon motion instructions were given to advertise for sealed bids for repairing the storm damage to John C. Wessell Tliberculosis Sanatoritun. ?h Upon motion of Nr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No. 2415 to 2457 were approved for payment. Mr. Frederick Willetts appeared to Tain urge consolidation of the Port Commission and Wilmington Bureau oF Rates and Industry and let the responsibility to operate it be taken over by the City. ? The Chairman brought to the attention some folks operating here - migrating north-and south pumping out septic tanlcs which does not necessarily eliminate the cause of the trouble; but no action was taken. A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., February 19th, 1953. - „C Clerk. Wilmington, N. C. February 19, 1953. Pursuant to recess taken February 16, 1953, the Board met this day at 10:00 o1clockA.M. Present R.T,Horton, Chairman and Cirrnnissioners Clsud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and County Attorney Narsden Bellamy. Also present-i5r. E.E.Beaty, I'anager of the Real Estate Branch, Public Works Office, Naval Base, Charleston,S,C., and Ns. Joseph Norwood,District Airport Engineer, Civil Aeronautics Administration. -? The Chairman announced the meeting was called for the purpose of considering a four point plan change in the Airport Agreement with the Navy, requested by A;r, E. E. Beaty, A;anager of the Real Estate Branch, Naval Base, Charleston,S,C. , ? The followirg resolution was upo.n motion of Commissioner Trask, secon3ed by Commissioner Davis, adopted after each paragraph was read and unanimously approved separately, except paragraph two which was approved by a two to ` ? three vote. The Chairman and Cotmnissioners Davis and Trask voting for, an3 Commissioners 0'Shields and Love voting against, for the reason eapressed kry b1r. OtShields,' that he was not satisfied the County would be eligible for funds or financial provision wou13 be made to set up separate facilities for civil aviation use if • •- the agreement should be suspeiA3ed in case of a£uture National Efnergency; RESOLVED, that the proposal of this Board dated February 14, 1952, a3dressed to the Department of the Navy concerning the conveyance of title to the United States of America of part of the New Hanover County Ai'rport, Wilmington,N.C,, shall be amende3 by eliminating therefrom any requirement that the County Will be furnished a fox'r•?a.l or written release from the Civil Aeronautics Administration , and that ary other provision of the said , proposal not inclu3ed in the agreements executed by this Board on October 27, 1952 pertaining to the coriveyance of title of the said airport to the Unite3 States shall be withdrawn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVBD, that the Unitea States of America may at its election mo3ify the joint use agreement eaecute3 by this'BoaTd-on OctoUer 27, 1952, to provide that the proposed agreement shall be limited to a term of twenty years and may be terminr3ted by the United States at any time during such term upon the declaration of a future National Fanergency by the President or by the Congress, and that such agreement shall be suspended during • the period of such emergency, an3 that upon termination of the emergency as declared the agreement shall 'continue. ` BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED, that the United States shall be requested to modify the proposed agreement further by providing therein that the said agreement may be subject to further negotiations between the parties thereto as to_ an er.tension thereof upon:termination of, the agreement, but in the event the United States determines that this provision may not be inclu3e3 in the proposed agreement such a-provision shall not be included therein. BE IT RESOLVF;D FURTHER, that paragraph six of the said joint use agreement executed by this Board on October 27, 1952, may at i;he election of the Unitei States be modifie3 to include a statement expressly exempting operations o£ Civil Aircraft £rom filing £light plans as a prerequisite to the use of the airport by suciz operations since it is the opinion of this Board that flight plans should not be required. cyUpon motion o£ Commissioner Love, seconde3 17y Cor,¢nissioner Davis, by reason of added personnel upon occupation , of the sirport, the 8oard hereby grants the Navy the use of buildings T964, T978, 1960 and land north of the A3ministration Buil3ing for the use of the Navy for refubiing and parking area, provided the same tiri].1 not interfere with commercial flying, • A question raised by.Mr, Trask,concerning the County's use and improvements to.the apron at the en3 of the'NE-SW .(,\*'?z'unway was agreeable for County use as that is not included in the plans of the Navy to use. ? ? AConcerning the disposition of the Airport surplus equipment, Mr. Beaty sai3 it was up to the Civil Aeronautics )).}? Administration to hanlle with the County, however he will take it up with Cherry Point Officisls and let us hear ' ?r- ? from him. •,C n? ?