1953-02-19 Regular Meeting402 Wilmington, N. C., February 16, 1953.- Continued, modify the Airport Use Agreement between the County and the Navy: That the same be limited to a term of from 20 to 25 years, and the same may be terminated by the Government at any time during.such term upon the declaration of a National Ffnergency; and Dcempting operations of Civil Aircraft from filing flight plans as a requirement to the use of the airport by such operations; and To eliminate therefrom any requirement that the County will be furnished a formal release ` £rom the Civil Aeronautics Administration. - ?j The matter was discussed at length, and a motion offered by iMr. Trask to grant the request, and let them work it out with the Civil Aex•onautics Administration, failed o£ a second. A surety bond for John Eiward Griffith as a Justice of the Peace in the amount o£ $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation a.s surety, the said amoi:mt being fixed by law, was approved by the Board r' upon approval by the County Attorney, ? Upon motion instructions were given to advertise for sealed bids for repairing the storm damage to John C. Wessell Tliberculosis Sanatoritun. ?h Upon motion of Nr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No. 2415 to 2457 were approved for payment. Mr. Frederick Willetts appeared to Tain urge consolidation of the Port Commission and Wilmington Bureau oF Rates and Industry and let the responsibility to operate it be taken over by the City. ? The Chairman brought to the attention some folks operating here - migrating north-and south pumping out septic tanlcs which does not necessarily eliminate the cause of the trouble; but no action was taken. A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., February 19th, 1953. - „C Clerk. Wilmington, N. C. February 19, 1953. Pursuant to recess taken February 16, 1953, the Board met this day at 10:00 o1clockA.M. Present R.T,Horton, Chairman and Cirrnnissioners Clsud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and County Attorney Narsden Bellamy. Also present-i5r. E.E.Beaty, I'anager of the Real Estate Branch, Public Works Office, Naval Base, Charleston,S,C., and Ns. Joseph Norwood,District Airport Engineer, Civil Aeronautics Administration. -? The Chairman announced the meeting was called for the purpose of considering a four point plan change in the Airport Agreement with the Navy, requested by A;r, E. E. Beaty, A;anager of the Real Estate Branch, Naval Base, Charleston,S,C. , ? The followirg resolution was upo.n motion of Commissioner Trask, secon3ed by Commissioner Davis, adopted after each paragraph was read and unanimously approved separately, except paragraph two which was approved by a two to ` ? three vote. The Chairman and Cotmnissioners Davis and Trask voting for, an3 Commissioners 0'Shields and Love voting against, for the reason eapressed kry b1r. OtShields,' that he was not satisfied the County would be eligible for funds or financial provision wou13 be made to set up separate facilities for civil aviation use if • •- the agreement should be suspeiA3ed in case of a£uture National Efnergency; RESOLVED, that the proposal of this Board dated February 14, 1952, a3dressed to the Department of the Navy concerning the conveyance of title to the United States of America of part of the New Hanover County Ai'rport, Wilmington,N.C,, shall be amende3 by eliminating therefrom any requirement that the County Will be furnished a fox'r•?a.l or written release from the Civil Aeronautics Administration , and that ary other provision of the said , proposal not inclu3ed in the agreements executed by this Board on October 27, 1952 pertaining to the coriveyance of title of the said airport to the Unite3 States shall be withdrawn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVBD, that the Unitea States of America may at its election mo3ify the joint use agreement eaecute3 by this'BoaTd-on OctoUer 27, 1952, to provide that the proposed agreement shall be limited to a term of twenty years and may be terminr3ted by the United States at any time during such term upon the declaration of a future National Fanergency by the President or by the Congress, and that such agreement shall be suspended during • the period of such emergency, an3 that upon termination of the emergency as declared the agreement shall 'continue. ` BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED, that the United States shall be requested to modify the proposed agreement further by providing therein that the said agreement may be subject to further negotiations between the parties thereto as to_ an er.tension thereof upon:termination of, the agreement, but in the event the United States determines that this provision may not be inclu3e3 in the proposed agreement such a-provision shall not be included therein. BE IT RESOLVF;D FURTHER, that paragraph six of the said joint use agreement executed by this Board on October 27, 1952, may at i;he election of the Unitei States be modifie3 to include a statement expressly exempting operations o£ Civil Aircraft £rom filing £light plans as a prerequisite to the use of the airport by suciz operations since it is the opinion of this Board that flight plans should not be required. cyUpon motion o£ Commissioner Love, seconde3 17y Cor,¢nissioner Davis, by reason of added personnel upon occupation , of the sirport, the 8oard hereby grants the Navy the use of buildings T964, T978, 1960 and land north of the A3ministration Buil3ing for the use of the Navy for refubiing and parking area, provided the same tiri].1 not interfere with commercial flying, • A question raised by.Mr, Trask,concerning the County's use and improvements to.the apron at the en3 of the'NE-SW .(,\*'?z'unway was agreeable for County use as that is not included in the plans of the Navy to use. ? ? AConcerning the disposition of the Airport surplus equipment, Mr. Beaty sai3 it was up to the Civil Aeronautics )).}? Administration to hanlle with the County, however he will take it up with Cherry Point Officisls and let us hear ' ?r- ? from him. •,C n? ? 403 Meeting of February 19, 1953, continued. The resignation of the members o£ the Wilmington Port Commission as a whole body, was presented, and the Chairman stated he regretted this matter came up. There was intention $VG to go along with requested i?av proposal, and hope they will cooperate with us and have Afr. D. C. Sissons their Connercial Agent continue further with the Port Commission Board for the present. Upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconde3 by Mr. Love, the resignation of the members of the WilminEton Port •? ?'? Commission was accepted as of March 31, 1953. During the meantime the Boar3 will make plans for a workable agreement with the City for carrying on the program of the Wilmin&ton Port Commission. Mr, Frederick YJilletts who was present, speaking for hiuself, sai.d all dealings, if he stays on the Port ?- W Commission Board, will be 3one in the open, nothing underhan3ed, to complete conclusion to re-organization. ? ? It was then agreed and ordered that for the benefit of the public, a statement clarifying the Port Commission ? ' Present: R,T.Horton, Chairman and Corrmissioners Claud 0'Shiel3s, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J.Love, Rai£ord Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened.with prayer by the Reverend Ns. Thomas B. Ruff, Pastor of Delgado Prest?yterian ChUrch. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of February 16, 1953, having previously been mailed to each member o£ the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, approved. A petition of 46 property owners of Wrightsboro Acres Development, Cape Fear township, asking for har3sur£acing of roads through Wrightslxoro Acres from US-117 and L,21; East- inclu3ing Sheri3an, Fern, Isurel and Long Leaf Drive r' as per map attached, whirh sai3 roads serve twenty-two families, and this being the thir3 petition presented, eas upon m6tion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, unanimously approved an3 referred to the State Highway and Public Works Comtt,ission with the request that the same be approve3 for hardsurfacing at the earliest moment possible. / SV Washington's Birth Day, FeUruary 22, being a legal holiday and falling on Sun3ay; Monday, February 23, was set r(' ? by the Board as a holi3ay in observance thereof, and that being the date of the next regu].ar meeting, a recess was taken urstil the next following regular meeting, 10:00 0'clock A,ld., Moraiay, March 2, 1953. situation The regular be weekly,me prepared £or eting the of the press. ?`Gi?., /l. ? . S erk. Wilmington, N. C. Narch 2, 1943. ?jkBoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Upon motion of t?,r. Davis, seconded t3r IQr. Love, a bid of $4,432.50 sulxnitted by N,r. bJ.E.Starnes for the urchase of approximately 87,700 boar3 feet for standing timber on the Airport tract, an3 approximately ? Q1 50,000 board feet on the Castle Eayne tract, as advertised, was acceoted he being the highest bidder. The said'standing timber to be removed from both tracts within a geriod of four months from date hereof. The only .-)ther bid receive3 was from Casey Lumber Company at a,totaL price bid of $4,300,00. Nir, W. B. White, State A'agazine Representative, appeared in the interest of_securing a double page advertisement for the State N.agi2ine featuring the Azalea Festival in its l,arch 21, issue, stating the City of Wilmington '?had in3icated it would go along with the County on a joint cost basis of $350.00 for a double page a3vertiseaient. A motion then offered by N,r. Love that the County take the a3vertisement with the City and clarify the same `J with the Azalea Festival Committee to the effect payment will be made out of the County funds if available, otherwise will be deducted from the Azalea Festival appropriation, faile3 of a secona when it was brought to the attention that no appropriation had yet been ma3e to the Azalea Pestival CorrQnittee. A substitute motion made by Ns. Trask, and seconded by i?ir. Davis, taas carried on a two to three vote to take the •' •?5 a3vertisement with the State Magazine at a cost of $175.00 to the County on the affirmative vote of the Chairman, and Commissioners Davis an3 Trask, after a motion was made by Mr. Love an3 seconded by Mr. 0'Shields to appropriate $500,00 to the A2alea Festival Coimnittee, L1pon motion of hir. Davis, seconde3 by 14r. Trask, the County Attorney was instructea to prepare a deed conveying the plot of land at Legion Stadium to the State of North Carolina for the proposed National Guard . Armory site as per map su}mitted by'the Adjutant General's Department date3 February 17, 1953, and to provide ?. in said deed that the same will revert to the County if an3 when it ceases to be used for armory purposes, and present the same to the Board for approval. A request of Harbor Island residents and property owners presented by Mr. R. M. Kermon, Chairman of the Committee, for County aid to assist them to improve the drainage conditions at Harbor Island, to get rid of the svrface water to enable the proper functioning of their septic tank sewerage system. The Chairman also reported on an irbspection of the cora9ition, and suggeste3 washing out the drain lines anci putting in tile where necessary, ana also the installation of a curb on the road shoulders would he1p. Mr. Kermon ? further stated a petitiori to have the Highway Commission take over the roa35 in Harbor Island for maintenance would be sulanitte3 later. The request was received for further study. Upon motion,.' the Board approve3 a request of Mr. Frederick Willetts to petition the State Highway and Public tlE+?I?S Works Commission to inclu3e the £o?lowing roads in Devon Park, Harnett township, in our County Highway System for maintenance:- Jennings Drive, Winsm_Boulevard, Stratford Boulevard, Larchmont Drive and Iatimer Drive. ? All oT-fhe -said streets shown on the map presented are pave3 an3 serve 56 families. A letter was receive3 from the Honorable A3dison t3ewlett$Jr.1 our representative in the Legislature, urging prompt action by the City and County with the view of reaching some plan to relieve the critical hospital situation occasioned by a recent Supreme CourL deca.sion, in time to secure any legislation that may be necessary before adjournment of the Legislature., which, he said, is expecte3 within the next four or £ive weeks. The County kttorney said he was about to bring up the same question and advise3 it was of such importance to call an immediate joint meeting of the City, County and Hospital Boards to find some plan by which the . situation could be relieved, possibly by a re-division o£ the ABC funds for the operation of the hospital, The Board then set the date of Thursday, Narch 5, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., for a joint meeting with the City ?C Council in tbe Grand Jury room, court house, to discuss the matter. -A