1955-10-03 Regular Meetinghieeting of September 26, 1955 - Continued School Bbnd Coupons I'aid - Continued Coupon No. Issue Bond No. Amount ' 4' 6/1/52 Series B 721-1000 280 at ? 16.25 $ 4,550.00. ' 3' 511-515 5 at 16.25 81.25 ' 3 546-560 15 at 16.25 243.75 3 631-642 12 at 16.25 195.00 ' 3 671-699 29 at 16.25 471.25 3 700-720 21 at 16.25 341.25 4 6/1/52 Series C 1-63 63 at 5.00 , 315.00 ' 4 ' 64-153 90 at 6.25 562.50 ' 4 154-198 45 at 7.50 337.50 4' 199-448 250 at 30.00 70500.00 " 4 449-648 200 at 5.75 1,750.00 4 649-993 345 at 7.50 2,587.50 • $ 44,830.00 SCHOOL BOND AATTICIPATIQN NOTES 1 3/4 11/15/51 3 1 at 87.50 87.50 ' Total Coupons ?$ 44,917.50 Total Bonds and Coupons NEld HANOVER COUNTY HECONCILICATIUN BONDS AND COUPONS PAID - JUNE 30, 1955 COUPONS OUTSTANllING Coupon No. Issue Bond No. 4i 100,917.00 Amount 54 7/1/18 ,63 1 at ? 25.00 ? 25.00 55 7/1/18 64-66 3 at 25.00 75.00 33 7/1/37 77 1 at . 13.75 13.75 28 1/140 81 1 at 11.25 11.25 4 6/1/52 Series B 335-340 6 at 15.00 90.00 4 6/1/52 346-349 4 Eit 16.25 65.00 4 6/1/52 511-515 5 at 16.25 81.25 4 6/1/52 546-570 25 at 16.25 406.25 4 6/1/52 587-591 5 at 16.25 81.25 4 6/1/52 614-642 29 at 16.25 471.25 $1, 320 . 00 ? Bank Per Statement $1,320.00 Upon motion of Mr. Trask, the meeting then adjourned. Ofs:. .? 9?la ? k Wilmington, N. C., October 3, 1955. 1he regular weelcly meeting oP the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: kt. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask,.J. Im. IIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. L. Broacihurst, Cicero Y. Yow, County A1:i.orney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Fteverenc( L. A. Ta3*lor, I:xecutive Secretary of the Wilmington Presbytery. . . • Copies of the minutes oP meeting of September 26, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst,•ap- proved. . _ ' The Commissioners received from Mr. Louis T. Nioore, Chairman of the Neca Hanover IIistorical Com- mission, the Silver Service the County gave the.USS New Hanover (ARA-73) Nohen the Ship was com- missioned at the North Carolina Shipbuildinj Yards here in December 1944. The Silver Service was recently located thru the efforts of Mr. Dloore in a Naval Warehouse at the IIellevue Annex of the Naval Gun Factory in the llistrict of Columbia where it was placed when the ship was de- commissioned on July 30, 1946: Upon recommendation of Mr. Dloore, the Service was placed in the custody of the North Carolina Colonial llames of America for safe-keeping and display in the Cornwallis House, southwest cor- ner of Third and Niarket Streets, on condition that the same will be insured a;ai.nst theft and. fire and will be r.eturned to the County Commissioners, at any time, upon request. A receipt for the Service, in accordance with the,foregoing, was received fY°om Mrs. Anne T. S. ]3ellamy, President of the Society. • -y"" 'd -'? ?1,/{' PIr:"c. R. Dforse, Tax Collector, made his report oP settlement of' 1954 taxes as shown below which was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, a ccepted.subject to the check of the CertiPied Public Accountants. The insolvent list was ordered turned back to Mr. Morse to make further efforts to collect the unpaid taxes,for a period of one year, on motion offered by Mr. Trask and seconded by Mr. Dlayhan. , . ? sp ?^ \ 5 ? + ' { Meeting of October 3, 1955 - Continued Statement of 1954 County Taxes charged to the Tax Collector: Listed as per abstract Real Estate and Personal Property ? 1,222,034.82 Late and Not Listed Real Estate 57,169.49 Automobile I3ook 19,654.42 1,298,858.73 Less Abatements 10,130.47 • $ 1,288,728.26 Listed and Collected by Tax Collector 31758.90 Penalty Collected 40006.88 Advertising cost collected 114.66 ? 1,296,608.70 Real Estate Sold for taxes ? 39,622.25 Late and Not Listed sold for taxes 90800.44 Insolvents - Personal Tas Book 210154.88 Insolvents - Automobile Tax Book 15,720.17 Taxes Prepaid 3100091.98 lliscount al3owed 1,957.85 Collected by Tax Collector and deposited in The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company 898,562.55 ? 1,296,910.12 Over - $ 301.42 The Ynsolvent List for 1954 prepared by the Tax Collector in accordance with the Law was received and filed. . , r ? ? . r 'Phe 1955 Tax Books together with the necessary orders required by Statute, were then presented to the Board by the County Auditor in the ainounts oi:' $1,354,528.41 Taxes due the County, and $1,339,462.61 Taxes due the City of ldilmington, making a total of $2,693,991.02 which was upon ? motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, accepted and ordered turned over to the Tax Col- . ? lector for collection. " ? • • '_, i - Surety Bond for Mr. Christopher Roger T4orse as Tax Collector, in the amount of $37,500.00 for the County, with the National Surety Corporation of New York, as Surety, the said amount of Bond hav- ing been fixed by the Coiumissioiiers, and approved as to form and execution by the County Attorney, was upon motion oP Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Diayhan, approved by the Board. ` With reference to a previous custom of abating not-listed penalties if the tax-payer comes in and ? pays the amount of.his taxes on or before January 1, it was upon recommendatioi7 of the Chairman, ? ordered, that abatements will not be allowed except thru action of the Board to be included in the %minutes Uefore auy change is made in the taxes charged. Pir. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court appeared to requestadditional permanent help in d?r his office to be used in Superior and Recorder's Courts oti account of increased work. IIe sub- C mitted a statemerit giving 1949 as a startiilg point a:s that was the last year additi.onal permarient heJ.p was added to his staff, showzng an increase inrevenue from: ? Superior Court fees, fines and forfeitures 22.13% Recorders Court 53 °fo Recorders Court - Increase ii1 cases 40.6 °fo X ' Superior Court Civil Cases 60 Superior Court Civil Cases disposition of WU cases over 90 f Superior Court Civil Terms increased 400 % ?W?? ? ?Lhir. Edwards asked for $1,600.00 aplr opriation to supplement $800.00 allowed in his Budget for tem- porary extra help, for the e:nployment of one permanent clerk, stating that future extra help ioill not be needed if the same is allowed unless the Legislature further increases the work-load of his office. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secondecl by Mr. Mayhan, his request for additional permanent help was granted at an additional cost of $1,600.00. ? Upon motion of Mr? Trask, seconded by Tir. Broac7hurst, $1,600.00 was ordered transferred from the I Emergency N?und to meet the expense for the employment of' the estra permanent help allowed the Clerk 9?f Superior Court. C r. Eclwards said certaiil fees in his ofPice have not Ueen increased since 1914, and some fees slzould ?be increased. Tl1is question was discussed ancl referred to the County Attorney for recommendation nd opinion. / mr. H. M. Loughlin, Engineer in charge of the Sand Dune Re-habilitation worlr in the unincorporated beach areas, reported that he held a meetino with the contractors interested in the work, Thursday night, SeptemUer 29th, wlzich included Continential Construction Company, General Contractors, and Coastwide Construction.Company, Hailover Company, John T. Poreman, Hortoil Construction Company, Wm. S. l+luiderburg, J. V. Tomberlin and George W. Talman Construction Company. Each t furnish one / bulldozer. The project is set up at ?p24,110.00, each share to be approximately,$?,763.75. IIe id work will begin this week, wind and tides being favorable. •, " - ? ety Bonds for J. J. Mohn, J. Q. Butler and C. E. [di.lson as Justices of the Peace in the amount of §1,000.00 each, with the American Bonding Company ai7d National 6urety Corporation as sureties. ., rThe said amounts fixed by Law, and the Bond approved as to form and execution by the Count,y Attor- , were upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. IIall, approved by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, a bill submitted by Cherry, Bekaert and Iiolland, CPA's in the amount of ?4,575.00 for auditing Neca Hanover County for the fiscal year ericling June 30; 1955, wa5 approved for $4,000.00, as agreed, balance to be paid out of the Board of Health, IIoard ?of`Education, County Retirement and Officers Relief Budgets other Departmen:ts of the County. r?The Chairman reported a very satisfactory State Industrial PPOmotion meetingat Raleigh, September /2-29. Some plants have come to the County and others are interested in 3ocating here. A very ood address was made by the Governor. letter was received from Wilhelmina R. Laws, Negro District Home Agent, advisiizg that Rebecca L. ?all, County Negro Home Agent, after several months on leave of absence, [aill return to work on October 1, 1955. . ? ? . ' I ? 1 , Y . 4 , i Mee YOctober 3, 1955 - Continued A pe9tition submitted Mr. N)rederick Tdilletts, Jr., requesting that various roads in Piney Acres, Harnett Township, be included in the County Highcaay System for State Nlaintenance. It appear- ? ed that all the roads are paved and are sixty (60) feet wide on iahich 45 houses are located; was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved and referred to.the State High.,}a,ayN,and Public ?dorl?s Commission. . ? ? A?,N?•?,a A petition submitted by ten (10) property ocaners requesting State P1ainLenance - graciing and draining South Carolina Avenue in Wilmington Beach Extension, Nbderal Point Township, which runs from Ethyl llow Road to Cape Fear River of approximately half uri.le on which four (4) hous- ?s are located, and also - A petition of twenty (20) property ocaners requesting that Green P'orest Drive in Harnett Town- ship which runs from Long Leaf Hills Drive in a"II" and returns to Long Leaf FIills Arive, be included in the County Highway System for ma.intenance. This road is paved and is approximate- ly half(1/2) mile in length on which nine (9) houses are located; were upon motion of Mr. E. L. ]iroadhurst, seconded)by Mr. Trask, approved ai7d referred to the State Highiaay and Public Works Qommi q,n. ?Pi. al? suggested that promoters of Subdivisions should be made to submit plans, if possible, to provide proper drainage system when the Subdivisions are being laid out. 'The Chairman rec- ommendecl' that Developers submit plans on a voluntary basis aloilg with petition to be suUmitted to t1r. Hecht for investigation for proper drainage and follow l2is,recopmendati6ns, iahich was upon moti of Tir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Alayhan, approved. ' •- • _ - ' .C.?r1 /J . ,• ,• ,?y.r ''C . r . , vA report on Hurricane Hazel damage at Commwiity Hospital was receivecl ancl turned over to the Count? A ditor„ to handle witii the Insurance Adjustor. , (J?yt? ? a IIpon motion of`mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. riayhan, the following was unanimously adopted; with respect to the County's policy in the matter of coordinating the County Employes Local Retire- , ment S,ystem caith Social Security: That the County is ready to pay its 2% as has been provided in the Budget for 1955-1956 (610,000.00). It will Ue left up to the employes of the Count,y by showing their preference - in the election to be held October 26, 19550 if they are wi.lling to put in,the additional 2% in `.' or er have the additional Social Security coverage, t was unaniinously agreed by the Board that by the next Legislatui°e they wou.ld o on record ask- ing Lhat the local Retirement payments be reduced from the County's part from 5? to 3%, and Prom the employes that it be reduced from 4% to 3°fo. Inasmuch as the recent audit clearly shows that , there is a surplus amounting to over ($118,000.00) existing in this FZnd and the reduction will in no way effect the coverage as intended by the Statutes and that the decreased payments will be sufficient to carry on retirement as intended. In addition to the local retirement iF the Social Security plan is adopted the County will match the employes contribution which will mean the Cowity will pay 5'Y40 (2% for Social Security and 3% for Local Retirement), and the employe will oontribute 27o Social Security and 3% Local Retirement, thus providing a douhle coverage of retirement. In case oP death will t alce care of families that have not been covered in the past by the Local Retirement System. , .t A news letter for September.was received from the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation , Department, which is of interest to Farmers and other Agricultural Agencies. ".? repo?f the Veterans' Service Officer for September was received ancl filed. • ? ?. ?. ldessell Tuberculosis Census Iieport for weelc ending September 30, 1955: , °p White patients 8 Nonresidents - 0 Negro " 12 Vacant IIeds - 12= White male 4; SJhite female 4; Colored male 2; Colored female 2. Discharged - 0 , Admitted - 0 . lliscussion of the audit report of the County's books and records for the fiscal year ending J? 30, 1955, was postponed until next meeting. Con motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 24532 to 24564 were ap- proved for payment. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst..the meeting adjourned. 7 4 . ?erlt. T,1iLnington, N. C., Octoh -?gr 10-- 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.3%1. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Conunissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest R. riayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Aucli tor. \ 7 < The meeting ivas opened with prayer by tne Reverend L. A. Thotnpson, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. ? , Copies of the minutes of ineeting of OCtober 3, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of e Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, ap- proved. ? 44ehairman presented a letter of confirmation received from General Edward F. Griffin, Di- rector of Civil Defense, that our application for $3,500.00 for the rental of a dynafog ma- chine and equipment, to be applied toward the purchase of the machine, to expand our, M squi.to Control rogram, has been approved by the Federal Civil llefense Administration.? , T''?"?, ? `? `r`? Upon m tion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded Uy Mr. Hall, the Chairman was grant?d? the auttior ty to employ an experienced man to build storm sewers and catch-basins and supervise prison labor in connection «ith the Harbor Island drainage project, and to pay his salary and the purchase of additional pipe and incidentals out of ?1,000.00 raised by the property oNaners to be reimbursed out oA Y6, 50.20 Fbderal Relief ?nds ?ahen received. . I?eMM?`?y?? . Commis4ioners Hall and Broadhurst having previously been appointed as a Gommittee to represent .. the County in the selection of a new and suitable location for the Law Library, and Messrs. James B. Swails and David H. Scott having been appointed by the New Hanover County Bar Associ- ation as their representatives in the matter, a meeting of the Committee wa.s called to be held ? following adjournment of this Board, with the view of reaching some agreement. ? A