1953-03-09 Regular Meeting405' Meeting of March 2, 1953 continued. A copy of USCG regulations concerning the handling of explosives at water-front facilities was received from Capt. L.E.Kelley, US-CG. k letter was received from VeterWS Homes Incorporated requesting the County for a refluid o£ $8,710.49 account of 1952 taxes which they say represents the difference in taa as re-computed on a basis of assessment at 33 1/3% of cost instead of 76% of the total cost which the3 claim is an error. •I A complaint of assessment on a plot of land in Ifiasonboro township was receive3 fron E.P.Blanchard,Jr., and ??dx filed for review by the Board of Eo,ualization and R.eview. A letter was received from Mr. I. C. Wright, Attorney, concerning the cancellation of taxes due by ? Y -r? 7.N.Bryant included in suit for collection, which he claims par.t to be cancelled or barred by the ten-year ,'-' statute of limitations. No action was taken on recommendation of tHe County Attorney that the.matter should be 3ecided by the Court. ? . Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mr, R. S. Harrell, box 183 Elon Co1l.ege,N.C., was ,Qy granted a refun3 0£ poll taxes paid for the years 1951 and 1952, charged in error. It appeared that he is a resident of Alamance County and liste3 and paid poll taxes there for 1951 and 1952, as per his receipt No. 645 and 666 respectively. A request o£ the heirs o£ R.B,Freeman for an abaLement of taxes on 195.6$ acres of land in Federal Point "?Ja,v,, township taken over by the Government for use as tower for airforce in 1951, was upon motion of Mr.O'Shields, seconaed by Nir. Davis, referred to the Chairman, County-Attorney and County Auditor with power to act. A requeet o£ Qhas.G.Fadely, 3210 n St., NW-Washington,D,C., a non-resident, for abatement of poll taxes charged in error for the year 1952, was granted upon furnishing a statement that he has not reside3 in New Hanover County since January 1, 1952. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shield5, seconded by Nr. Davis, L.E.Hudgins was granted an abatement of not listed penalty charge3 against property in block 318 for the years 1949 through 1952, account of being in Korea ? for the past three years and property rente3 to Shell Oil Compar?y and thought they were listing it for him. His request for abatement of sales cost and interest was declined. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Yx. Davis, County bills No. 2488 to 2563 were approved for paymen't. County Commissioners copies of recent cases handled by.the County Welfare Board covering Old Age Assistance, ?j Ai3 to Dependent Children and aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled Grants were receive3 from the L y Welfare Department. The £ollowing good and law£u1 persons were drawm to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of ? civil cases for the two weeks term beginning March 9, 1953: .i . Mary N.Corbett,1817 Perry Avenue. David Robbins,1063 N. lOth St. J.A.Roberts,803 N. 4th St. N,ary P. Wilson,1702 Park Road Greenfield. E.F.Wells, 306 Davie Drive, Maffitt Vil, O.B.Romeo, 411 S. 2nd St. Jas. Cecil Morgan, 215 Vance St. Ernest L. Clark, 57 Wooa2lawn Ave. Love Skipper, 810 Central Boulevard, Jas.J.Denning, 703 N. 3rd, St. T,F.Watkins, 11 Bordeaux Ave. J. E. Coggins, 2934-F, Jef£erson St. M.P4.Noore, 110 N,organ St., M.V. M.B.Ward.Jr,, Rt.2, box 45. J.E,King,139 Wrightsville Ave. Jas.D.Sumner, 1011 Ma.rket St, H,W,Williams, 110 Park Terrace. Duncan R. Smith, 309 Williamson IIrive MaPfitt Uillage. C.C.Smith, 74 Finecrest Parkway. Mrs.Evelyn F. Hammond, 164 Colonial Drive. Martin Brunjes, 103 S. 8th St. J.W,Wenberg, P.O.$ox 895. John E. Veasey, 1911 Church St. H,R,Hinson, Rt.l, Box 298. ? Far the seconi week- F,L.Walker, 4 Court L, Iake Forest, J.P.Wilson, P.O.Box 1651. Henry A. Johnson, 35 Woodlawn Ave. C.H.Jordan, P.D.Box 938. M.V.Skipper, 114 N. 8th St. R.L.Burriss, 2905 Adams St, Thos.C.James, 1914 N,arket St. W,J.Mathias, 2430 N,orrroe St. W.A.Knott, 204 Vance 3t- Iltaffirr Village. Wilson Mills, 13th & Castle St. Thos.G.Lovett, 19 S. 8th St. Julien D. Martin, 314 Orange St. G.S,Wallace, 612 S. Front St. Jas.B.Bolton, Box 161l6Wrightsville Beach. J.H.Tillman, Box 236 Wrightsville Beach, W,E.Watson, 1813 Swruner Hill. William Cottle, 231 Kenwood Ave. Sam A. Simpson,Jr., 2834 Adams St. L,N,.Hudson, 8 Castle St. Paul J. White, 22-M, Iake Village. A.A.Arnold,Jr., 20 6t.B, Iake Forest, Jas.R.Bennett, 117 S. 7th St. Frnest L. Greenough, Rt.3. J.E.Hicks, 133 Woodlawn Ave. The meeting then adjourne3. it_ rk. ! • Llilmington,n,C „ March 9, 1953. • The regular weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. I „ Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Comnissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love,Raiford'Trask, County Auditor D.F.Smith and County Attorney Msjssden Bellamy. ?-pS City Councilmen present to take joint action on the proposed redistribution of expenses of the Hospitals tt?'and Board of Health, and profits of the ABC Board: Mayor E.L.White and Councilmen E.S.Capps and Gordon Doran, ?City Attorney W.B.Campbell and City Manager J.R.Benson. James Walker Hospital: Allan A. Narshall, Vice President Board o£ Managers, Isaac C. Wright, Attorney. Addison Hewlett,Jr. New Hanover County Representative in the Legislature. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church,colored. Copies of the minutes of the meetings of Fehruar,y 19, and March 2, 1953, were previously furnished each member ?.?.. . el of the Board, and upon motion of D9r. Davis, secon3ed by Nir. 0'Shiel3s, were approved. J F' 406 Neeting of March 9, 1953, continued. In an effort to assure the continued operation of James Walker and Community Hospitals for the indigent sick, .np account of City-County financial aid up-set by a recent decision of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, the 0?? following proposed re3istribution of expenses of the Hospitals and Board of Health and profits of the ABC Board, ? recommended by Nr. C,F,Smith, County Auditor, and A1r. J. R. Benson, City bianager, to provide that the expenses of the three institutions shall be borne two-thirds by the County and on e-third by the City, with the division of i ABC profits to be made one-half to the County and one-half to the City, was upon motion of City Counci]man ' E. S, Capps, seconded by County Cor,imissioner Thurston C. Davis, unanimou sly adoptea, and the City an3 County Attorneys were instructed to pre pare the necessary bills for legislative enactment to put the same into effect, as of July 1, 1953. The full proposal recommended by the County Auditor and City Manager, follows: - ,' PROPOSED EXPENDITURES N.H.COUNTY CITY OF WIL1?,INGTON TOTAL ital J. W. M. HosP 33,333.33 161666.67 F: 50,000.00 Community Hospital 762000.00 38,000.00 1142000,00 „ Board of Health 57.974.00 28.487.00 56.961.00 Total 167.307.33 83,653.67 250,961.00 ' PRESENT EAPENDITURFS ? J. W. M. Hospital 25?000.00 252000.00 50,000.00 Community Hospital 57,000.00 572000.00 114„000.00 Boar3 of Health 28.987.00 57.974.00 86.961.00 Total 110,987.00 139,974.00 250,961.00 : ' . Dif£erence 562320.33 (56,320.33) ---------- PROPOSED DIVI3ION OF ABC PROFITS ABC Nlunds 165,000.00 165,000.00 330,000.00 ; PRFSENT DIVISION OF ABC PROFITS , ABC Flxnds 1100000.00 220,000.00 330?000.00 Dif£erence 55,000.00 (55,000.00) ---------- From the above it can be seen that the County will asstnrie an additional expenditure of $56,320.33 while the .. City will be relieved of a similar amount. It will also be noted that the County will receive an increased income from profits of the ABC Boar3 of $55,000.00, while the City will lose.a similar amount. The expenses of the two hospitals have been borne equally by the City and County while the eatpense of the Health ? De rtment has been borne two-thirds the Cit and one-third b ? pa by y ythe County. The division of the profits from ? the ABC Board have been distributed ttiro-thirds to the City and one-third to the County. The proposed plan provides that expenses of the three institutions shall be borne two-thirds County and one-third ^,,,?-?/ by the City, with the division of ABC profits to be made one-half to the County and one-half to the City. i?" It is opinion that the foregoing represents a fair division of expenses and ABC profits an3 we recommend its acceptance by the two governing units. /sl C.F.Smith, County Auditor /s/ J. R. Benson, City Manager. (`?,. Mr, Addison Hewlett,Jr, our Representative in the Legislature was present and e?cpressed his appreciation for the (`Pq,???1 splendid cooperation between the City and County Boards in working out the problem. ?\ A communication received from the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington.Chamber of Commerce, concerning the ` staging of,the First Annual Azalea Championship Rodeo March 26 through 29, to take in thirty feet along the noTth side o£ the football field as a part of the rodeo arena, agreeing to restore that part of the field to as equal goo3 condition after performances, also to stripe off that part of the Stadium to be designated as reserve3 seats for the rodeo, and the matter of pulling the light circut breaker at the Sta3ium to cut-out the back fie13 lights and to proyide lights in front o£ the grand stand only, was upon motion of 1?ir. 0'Shie].ds., secon3ed by t•1r. Davis, approved together with a request of the Brigade Boys' Club to use the Sta3ium Bleacher` seats for Globe Trotters bchibition Game at Port Authority's Warehouse March 26, to be worked out in connection with other events at the Stadium. , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the following appropriations out of the advertising fund were + granted. The Board being of the opinion that the same will be to the County's interest for advertising its resources and advantages: Azalea Festival Committee $200.00 Azalea Open Golf Tournament 300.00 Chamber of Commerce Agricultiu al Committee, to use as it sees fit through this fiscal year 300.00 A fire having occurrel at the Wilmington Terminal Warehouse Company, Nutt and Harnett Streets about the time this meeting convened, and now it appears that it may 3estroy a number of lnu ldings in that area, the Eoard at 10:45 A.M., took a recess until 1:00 P.M. , r . Pursuant to recess taken at 10:45 A,N., the Board met at 1:00 o'clock P,M., with all members of the County Comnissioners present. Naps of the County Farm land and Smith Creek areas prepare3 by T•;r.?Henry Von Oesen, Civil Engineer, for the purpose of ascertaining what land location o£ same owneu by the County left after various sales have been made in that area, were presente3,. Report on same will be ma3e At a later date. The Chairman also presented letters from United States Senator Clyde R. Hoey and F. Ertel Carlyle, Representative in the Congress, assuring their ? support of Bill 5-925 Truck Trip Lease introduced by Senator Charles Soby, that wou13 kill the Bill for a one-way hauling which if passed would work a hardship on the Produce Farmer and Bulb Grotirers in this tra3e area, as well as woul3 be a vraste of money, waste of travel and man-power and a hinderance to the future develop!nent and growth of truck farming in this section o£ the State. The Chairman announced that the State Highc.my and Public Works Commission has agreed to take over five tenths of a ?A(j ;;5ile,of_the Old Negro Head Road for maintenance through Flemington Village connecting with the main highway? yut declined to include that portion extended towar3 the Pender County line on which no houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mrl 1rask, accepted. 4077 Meeting of March 9, 1953, continued. • A recommendation of Dr. R.B.Rodman for dentures for Joseph Stukes a patient at the 1lzberculosis Sanatoritun to sid in restoring his health, which wou13 cost $75.00 accor3ing to quotations furnished by Dr.N.N.Leary, was referred to the Chairman to handle to the best advantage through the Wel£are ?epartment and with power to act to meet the situation. Reports of the County Farm and Home Agents an3 Bureau of Identi£ication for February were received and filed. /*1?9_Instructions were given to secure a3ditional copies of the booklet on "Coroners In North Carolina", by N,r. Richard A. Myren, Assistant Director o£ the Institute of Government, for use.of the members of the Board. ,?,?,yAl'"?And the Chairmcjn was authorize3 to answer certain questions requested by the Institute of Government in ??`-` connection with its plans to con3uct a 5-day sehool o£ instructions for the new],y appointed ta.x Supervisors. ?WD Upon motion of h;r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Nr. Hal J. Love was appointed as the County's Representative , ? on the Boar3 of Directors of the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association £or the year 1953• Upon motion of N,r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board accepted an offer of Veterans of Foreign Wars to furnish six steel flag stafs with brass eagle atop, and national flag, plus holes to be drilled in sidewalk near the curb for setting the flag poles for displaying on Armed Forces Day, Flag Days an3 other special occasions, at a total oost of $15.00 per unit complate, subject to the apgroval of the County Attorney and County Auditor as to the fund out of which the expenditure can be made, if ar1Y avai.lable, in view of the fact it appears the advertising fund has been exhaustec, The Chairman reporte3 that he had a telephone conversation witn Congressman Carlyle Saturday an3 tfiat the iniormation came through him to the Star-News that there was no £reeze bg the Government on the Sluethenthal q,?a Field project, and in view of the 120 3ays extension granted the Navy to execute the airport lease having expired, would give the County opportunity to re-negotiate the same. When Mr. Horton suggested if tne County would go along with the Navy, taould the Government guarntee ample facilities at the airport to the , County. He said he di3 not think the Government could do that, but the matter was open for re-negotiation. --?.J Uoon motion,of Ns. Trask, secon-ded by Mr. Love, the Board voted to proceed with the sale of surplus equipment at the airport with the approval of the CM, on sealed bids to be opened at the airport 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, March 11, 1953. The Chairman also told of the proposed closing of the highway from the airport roa3 to Acor.n Branch for ?_ ?approximately ten days for the installation of drai.nage pipe by the Navy, but when it was proposed to later close the road perman ently from Market Street Rpad to Wrightsboro it wss upon motion of N,r. Trask, seconded by 17r. Love, opposed until a substitute passable road is provided. Upon motion of Mr. Love, secon3e3 by i•'s. Trask, the Cincinnati Reds Daseball Scouts were granted the use of Legion Stadium for day games April 16, through the 19, £or the purpose of spotting local talent for its baseball interests. The County Attorney advised the £ollowing bills sent to the Legislature as directed: To increase the munber of jurors to be drawn £or trials. Conveying Legion Sttzaium to the City. Exempting the County from the operation of the ten-year statute of limitations barring collection d)f ta3ces. To oblish the Port Cor.unission. The Buseau of Identi£ication Bill was sent up by Mr. Gampbell, City Attorney. Also postponement o£ bills for revaluation o£ property and to give Commissioners right to fix salaries, lwth bills proposed to be covered by State-wide acts, local bills to be suYmitted in case of failure of State-wide bills to pass. Upon motion of Mr:. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board vote3 to advertise £or bifls for the sale of ?y?M?O? surplus barracks on the east side of the Airport, which are o£ no use to the Nayy, and in view of the 120 3ays Nav? lease extension having expired. - A report was received from.the Back Tax,Office advising that $2,373.95 was collected for the City and '3,219•37 for the County making a total o£ $5,593.32 back taxes collecte3 £or the month of February. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconled by Nr, Trask, Mr, Frank Maynor was granted the use of Legion Stadium for Hot Rod Races Sundey, N,ay 17, 1953, by unanimous vote, if the same will not interfere with other . activities, N?r. Horton told the Cormnissioners that $300.00 personal property above exemption was being added to all non-resident tax lsits where no personal property returns have been made. The Chairman also announce3 that consideration would be given to advertising colored ownership of property for sale for taxes in the colored newspaper next fiscal year, which is now under contract with the . Wilmington Star-News to June 30, 1953. • i Mr. Trask brought to the attention the Star-News 1952 tax returns which shows only 017,500.00 was listed ? £or machinery not affixe3 to realty, $2,500.00 for office furniture and Fixtures and $5,030.00 for motor vehicles malcing a total listing of $25,030.00 for the year 1952. N,r. Davis recalling recent newsnaper statement that thay owned an airplane £or delivering papers to certain sections o£ the State, asked if the flying machine was listed for taxes, and exclaimed with great sunprise - Flying machine not lisb ? when he was told it was not . I?ir. Trask then brought to the attention the County could collect the taxes for the five previous years on property which had escaped taxation. Due to the fact these things exist and the little man cannot help himsel£ should be reconsidered and the Board given discreation when to act. . ?, Mr. Horton,then said this being a new Boar3 had deferred refaluation, but it should be reconsidered. Mr. Trask suggested that we have a revaluation an3 a3d a percentage o£ personal property valuation to be agreed upon to the property tax lists and set-up a perpetual listing . He was advise?', such a plan to that effect will be submitted later, ? Brougnt on,by apparent gross negligence of the Wilmington Star-News, 14r. Trask move3 and it was seconded ,(p,'?-, by A;r. Davis and carried that we have a general investigation of personal property listings especially as to ? improper listings of all industrial, Commercial and large individual Businesses. N,r. Love voted yes with the understanding the Chairman and the County Auditor will visit N,r. Eugene G. Shaw, Comzissioner State Department of Revenue to 3etermine the method of procedure, which was agreed. Mr. O'Shields askex to be . recorded as not voting. Upon motion of Ns. Trask, secon3ed by 24r. 0'Shiel3s, it was ordered that in the event a State-wide Bill giving County Commissioners authority to have a re-valuation of property if and when so desirea should fail to pass, that a local Bill giving the County Commissioners discreation, before two years are up, be passed. ??}S Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills No. 2564 to 2745 were approved for payment. The m/ eetipg then adjourned. Cleryr -A