1955-10-10 Regular Meeting? 1 , Y . 4 , i Mee YOctober 3, 1955 - Continued A pe9tition submitted Mr. N)rederick Tdilletts, Jr., requesting that various roads in Piney Acres, Harnett Township, be included in the County Highcaay System for State Nlaintenance. It appear- ? ed that all the roads are paved and are sixty (60) feet wide on iahich 45 houses are located; was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved and referred to.the State High.,}a,ayN,and Public ?dorl?s Commission. . ? ? A?,N?•?,a A petition submitted by ten (10) property ocaners requesting State P1ainLenance - graciing and draining South Carolina Avenue in Wilmington Beach Extension, Nbderal Point Township, which runs from Ethyl llow Road to Cape Fear River of approximately half uri.le on which four (4) hous- ?s are located, and also - A petition of twenty (20) property ocaners requesting that Green P'orest Drive in Harnett Town- ship which runs from Long Leaf Hills Drive in a"II" and returns to Long Leaf FIills Arive, be included in the County Highway System for ma.intenance. This road is paved and is approximate- ly half(1/2) mile in length on which nine (9) houses are located; were upon motion of Mr. E. L. ]iroadhurst, seconded)by Mr. Trask, approved ai7d referred to the State Highiaay and Public Works Qommi q,n. ?Pi. al? suggested that promoters of Subdivisions should be made to submit plans, if possible, to provide proper drainage system when the Subdivisions are being laid out. 'The Chairman rec- ommendecl' that Developers submit plans on a voluntary basis aloilg with petition to be suUmitted to t1r. Hecht for investigation for proper drainage and follow l2is,recopmendati6ns, iahich was upon moti of Tir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Alayhan, approved. ' •- • _ - ' .C.?r1 /J . ,• ,• ,?y.r ''C . r . , vA report on Hurricane Hazel damage at Commwiity Hospital was receivecl ancl turned over to the Count? A ditor„ to handle witii the Insurance Adjustor. , (J?yt? ? a IIpon motion of`mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. riayhan, the following was unanimously adopted; with respect to the County's policy in the matter of coordinating the County Employes Local Retire- , ment S,ystem caith Social Security: That the County is ready to pay its 2% as has been provided in the Budget for 1955-1956 (610,000.00). It will Ue left up to the employes of the Count,y by showing their preference - in the election to be held October 26, 19550 if they are wi.lling to put in,the additional 2% in `.' or er have the additional Social Security coverage, t was unaniinously agreed by the Board that by the next Legislatui°e they wou.ld o on record ask- ing Lhat the local Retirement payments be reduced from the County's part from 5? to 3%, and Prom the employes that it be reduced from 4% to 3°fo. Inasmuch as the recent audit clearly shows that , there is a surplus amounting to over ($118,000.00) existing in this FZnd and the reduction will in no way effect the coverage as intended by the Statutes and that the decreased payments will be sufficient to carry on retirement as intended. In addition to the local retirement iF the Social Security plan is adopted the County will match the employes contribution which will mean the Cowity will pay 5'Y40 (2% for Social Security and 3% for Local Retirement), and the employe will oontribute 27o Social Security and 3% Local Retirement, thus providing a douhle coverage of retirement. In case oP death will t alce care of families that have not been covered in the past by the Local Retirement System. , .t A news letter for September.was received from the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation , Department, which is of interest to Farmers and other Agricultural Agencies. ".? repo?f the Veterans' Service Officer for September was received ancl filed. • ? ?. ?. ldessell Tuberculosis Census Iieport for weelc ending September 30, 1955: , °p White patients 8 Nonresidents - 0 Negro " 12 Vacant IIeds - 12= White male 4; SJhite female 4; Colored male 2; Colored female 2. Discharged - 0 , Admitted - 0 . lliscussion of the audit report of the County's books and records for the fiscal year ending J? 30, 1955, was postponed until next meeting. Con motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 24532 to 24564 were ap- proved for payment. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst..the meeting adjourned. 7 4 . ?erlt. T,1iLnington, N. C., Octoh -?gr 10-- 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.3%1. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Conunissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Iiall, Jr., Ernest R. riayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Aucli tor. \ 7 < The meeting ivas opened with prayer by tne Reverend L. A. Thotnpson, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. ? , Copies of the minutes of ineeting of OCtober 3, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of e Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, ap- proved. ? 44ehairman presented a letter of confirmation received from General Edward F. Griffin, Di- rector of Civil Defense, that our application for $3,500.00 for the rental of a dynafog ma- chine and equipment, to be applied toward the purchase of the machine, to expand our, M squi.to Control rogram, has been approved by the Federal Civil llefense Administration.? , T''?"?, ? `? `r`? Upon m tion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded Uy Mr. Hall, the Chairman was grant?d? the auttior ty to employ an experienced man to build storm sewers and catch-basins and supervise prison labor in connection «ith the Harbor Island drainage project, and to pay his salary and the purchase of additional pipe and incidentals out of ?1,000.00 raised by the property oNaners to be reimbursed out oA Y6, 50.20 Fbderal Relief ?nds ?ahen received. . I?eMM?`?y?? . Commis4ioners Hall and Broadhurst having previously been appointed as a Gommittee to represent .. the County in the selection of a new and suitable location for the Law Library, and Messrs. James B. Swails and David H. Scott having been appointed by the New Hanover County Bar Associ- ation as their representatives in the matter, a meeting of the Committee wa.s called to be held ? following adjournment of this Board, with the view of reaching some agreement. ? A ? Afeeting of October 10, 1955 - Continueci ,., y-, The Cliairman read a letter he directed to Mrs. A. J: Lee, Social Service index recottunending full endorsement anfl cooperation of this Board of a suggested project by Mr. N. A. Avera, of the Social Security Office, to have a survey or census talcen of all residents of the County ., who are 65 years of age or over, wl7o have iiot filed for various reasons, but who would be eligible.for participation in old age grants, Fahich he estimated would bring an additional $200,000.00 monthly into this County, which would be an added asset to our overall economy .,? as well as to take such persons off the relief rolls locally if this program could be ar- / ranged. The same was approved as a worthwhile project. l The Chairman read a Tetter received from Mr. R. Eugene Brown, Secretary of State Board of Allotments and Appeal, wi.th reference to Equalizing Fund Payments. Since equalizing money is allotted to help to provide the County's part of assistance payments; gave notice that these payments will not be made in full if expenditures for assistance purposes are less • than the amounts Budgeted as the County's part. "bbr Example`!, he said, "The estimated a- mount of equalizing money to be paid "B" County is $5,000.00 on•a total Assistance Budget %• (County's part for OAA, ADC and APTD) of $40,000.00 which leaves $35,000.00 to be raised , from County funds. If it is found tliat the Cennty will spend as the County's part only a total of ?35,000.00 for OAA, ADC, and APTD, no equalizing money will be paid. If this• County spends $38,000.00 out of a total of $40,000.00 the County would receive $3,000.00 , _ equalizing money. In other words, equalizing fund payments ai•e made to supplement what the , County spends for money raised by the County." , A copy of a letter written to r1rs, A. J. Lee, Jr., Secretary, Co;mnunit,y Council, was receiv- ' i ed from Mr. John A. I'errell, Executive Secretary of the North Carolina Niedical Care Commission; ? advising the following Conunissioners requirements for licensing Nursing Homes in connection " of the possibility of converting the present County Home into a Nursing Home: • 1. General Tnformation Kegarding the Licensing of (Nursing) Convalescent Homes • Job No. 1613. 2. Chapter 131, General Statutes of North Carolina, Article 13-A, Iiospital and (Nurs- ing) Convalescent Home Licensing Act, Job A?o. 1607. _ 3. Rules and Regulations for the Licensing of (Nursing) Convalescent Homes in North Carolina. Job No.1608. 4. AppliCation for Licerise to Operate a(Nursing) Convalescent Home, Job No.1609, iu ; / duplicate. • ?i If the local officials plan to operate a facility conforming Lo the legal defini-? tion of a Nursiug Home, steps for obtaining a license should be taken in accordance with the enclosed.instructious.!' A letter was received f rom Mr. Ldally Dwiham, President of North Caro.lina County•Commission- ers Association, urging Mr. Horton to accept the appointment as the Associatioris Liaison rep- resentative to the Board of Alcoholic Control, which would enable the Chairman to familiarize himself with tlie problems of tkie different Boards and Commissions to lceep this Board inform- ecL as to matters that would be to the best interest of the County., His appointment was up- on motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Broadhurst, unanimously endorsed by the Board. A report on inspection of I3oilers was received from Lumbermans Mutual Casualty Company, rec- ommending that a blow-off line at least 3/4" in size be installed on the cast iron 13oiler ? #NC 31759 in the Juvenile Home, and also recornmended that the automatic feed control device be raised approximately 2 inches. Aiain Boiler Room - American Radiator Cast Iron Boiler #NC 7389 and Hot Water:storage tank #NC 8550 - Relief Valve on the Tank is not approved type Valve, recommended that it be re- placed with an ASME approved'Velief Valve at least 3/4" in size, set to release at not more than 125 pounds, Another inspection will be requested as soon as the above improvements are. made. ? A report of tkie Grand Jury for the October.Term was received ancl filed. !.. An invitation was received to a ttend the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Civil Defense Organiza-.• _ tion's first physical test at 3:30 P.M., November 9. The test will consist of mass evacuation of the entire downtown area during normal business condi_ti.ons. / Draoline Drainage report was received showing that 9506 feet completed in the Blaclc Swamp area;. Pionthly reports wei^e received fY•om: Wilmington Public Library and Bookmobile; Cowity Ntirm ? Agent; New Hanover County Tuberculosis and Health Associa.tion and Soil Conservation. k Swine report was receaved from the County F'arm showing - for Se?tember: 106 pigs on hand up to 75 poi.u7ds 8 Slaughtered •. , C' 57 Shoats 75 to 150 pounda 2 Lost - 1 crippled f 10 Hogs 150 to 250 Powzds 1 wiknown ? 14 Sows 2 Pigs Barbecued and used ; 1 Boar 1500 lbs, of Pleat salted for curing 0 15¢ -$225.00 ? A stateinent was received from the State Board of Public Welfare advising that $65,323.25 Statel - and•Federal bluids sent to this County in August for OAA,AllC, APTD and Administration. ; 1,Payment of $1.00 to the State Departmeizt of Labor for certificate and inspection to-operate ' Steam Boiler #ATC 31789 in the Juvenile Home, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, payment oP $100.95 Insurance Premiwn to the ' Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, fire and theft coverage for County Auto N'leet , ? Schedule, was approved. , Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, enlargement of the Court House parid.ng 'lot by converting the Princess Street side area of the Court'House lot now p3anted to shrub- bery, into additional parkii7g places to,relieve parking conditions on the streets, was approv- , ed. . The audit report of the County's books and records for the fiscal year ending Jwie 30, 1955, prepai^ed by Cherry,Bekaert and Holla.nd, CPA's was discussed. It was reported by the County ' Auditor to be in accord with a previous audit report he submitted to the Board. L? Nieeting of October 10, 1955 - Continued The Certified PubliC Accountants in their comments, said, "mhere has Ueen no real improvements in the County's Accounting System sinee their previous examination and recommendations a year, , ago, and reiterated that the present'Accounting System and methods are antiquated and cumber- some, and reconunended tlzat consideration be given to the installation of a System that will meet the recommendations of the National Committee on Government Accouuting. The.existing System of internal control is inadequate and weaK to the point of being hazardous, ax?d recom- - mended the establishment of a formal program of continuous internal auditing of all Departments by qualiPied County EmPloyes." Also said, "The method and basis of valuations of the fixed properties belonging to the County are inaccurate and inconsistant, and recoinmended that a complete inventory of all fixed proper- ties be compiled and costs or fair market values, whichever is applicable,be_assigned to each," , In their opii7ion a better.Accounting System woulct be more efficient and economical to opera.te, and at the same time produce information vital to the management o#' the fiscal affairs of the County. Likewise an adequate Accounting System aiid program of internal auc3it would facilitate a more. effective and economi.cal exanunation by iildependent Auditors. ? As to the above recommendations, Mr. Love said,'bur Accounting System, ivhich has been in use for a number of year•s is working out all right at the present tirue." Upon motion oP Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board on recommendation of the County Audi- tor, reduced the County's fixed properties assets by striking off the amount for the Old Sec- tion o,f?James Walker Hospital and set it up under some other appropriate heading. , Uther recottvnendations suggested by the County Auditor: Charge off Bridge-Keeper's Lodge $100.00, and revise the assets set up for Airport and Oak Grove Cemetery, and charge off pre- ' vious insolvents, wei^e all taken under consideration. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. Walter A. Wells iaas granted an abate- ment of $4.44 not-listed penalty charged against Block 6; Eastover Subdivision, Wilmiizgton - Township, for the year 1955. It appeared that he showed good faith, having listed other pro- , perty thi.nking this was iricluded. , . Upon motioil of Mr. riayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 24564 to 24699 were approved for payment. . Inasmuch as some of the members of the Board will be in attendance upon the '21st Internation- al Conference on Assessment Administration in New York City, October 16, thru 20th, the?regu- lar weekly meeting of the Board for Nionday, Oetober 17, will not be held, and an adjourment was talcen until the regular meeting to be held October 24, 1955. . i ???/! ttl? ?Y / k. v Wilmington, N. C., October 24, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Re-iford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. •? Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend K. E. Queen, Superintendent, Wilmington llistrict Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of the last regular meeting held October 10, 1955, having previously been mailed to each merriher of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. , IIpon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved a revised lease to the Go.vernment for land and construction of buildinb for Radio Equipment at Bluethenthal Air- port by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, for the installation of a Remote Transmitter F`acility which includes sites for Localizer, Glide Path and Engine Generator. The Lease-ef- fective July 1, 1955, supersedes and replaces the former Lease (C2ca-2333-A) dated Aiarch 27, ? 1951, and shall remain in force until June 30, 1956, and may at the option of the Government be renewed from year to.year, but no renewal thereof shall extend beyond the 30th day of June 1965, and the Chairman was authorized to sigi the sane for and on behalf of the County. The Board also, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authorized the renewal of the five-year contract, which has just expired caith Piedmont and National Airlines, for the_use, of the facilities at 131uethenthal Airport. ' Mr. L. R. Blalee appeared to ask for improvements to a road,leading to a public landing in the "Dunbar Plantation!' area at 'rliddle Sound, Harnett Toianship. He was giaen State Fbrm R-10, on which to prepare his petition for submission to the State Highway and Public [Jorks Commission for tne relief requestefl. ' A request of Mr. S. M. ?Edwards, 105 Lee Drive, for Free License to peddle fruit and vegetables in New Hanover County on account of being a disabled World idar II Veteran, was received for legal investigation and approved if it is found to be authorized by Law. . . 1 - Mr. Arilold Peterson, Superintendent of City Parks and Recreation appeared to inform the Board of advertising space the County is entitled to in the program of the Carolina's Professional Golf AssociaEion Tournament to be held at the Municipal Golf Course, October 31 thru November ? 1- 3, s.ponsored by the City arid County. A'letter was received from the Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Car- olina, a dvising that the Chief Justice has assigned Jucige Clifton L. Pioore to hear and deter- mine any and all controversies in Civil actions or proceedings not requiring the intervention of a jury, pending in the County of New Hariover, during the week beginning 24 October 1955, as, providecl b3* General Statutes 7-70.1. ^ _ , In view'of an election to be held Wednesday, October 26, to g.i.ve tlze members of New Hanover Coiulty Retirement System an opportunity to determine if they desire to b e placed under the Soc- ial Security System. A ineeting will be held in the Recorder's Court room at 4:00 o'clock P.PS., October 25 to Clarify any questions the members may choose to ask in connection with the two Systems. , • ?