1955-10-24 Regular MeetingNieeting of October 10, 1955 - Continued The Certified PubliC Accountants in their comments, said, "mhere has Ueen no real improvements in the County's Accounting System sinee their previous examination and recommendations a year, , ago, and reiterated that the present'Accounting System and methods are antiquated and cumber- some, and reconunended tlzat consideration be given to the installation of a System that will meet the recommendations of the National Committee on Government Accouuting. The.existing System of internal control is inadequate and weaK to the point of being hazardous, ax?d recom- - mended the establishment of a formal program of continuous internal auditing of all Departments by qualiPied County EmPloyes." Also said, "The method and basis of valuations of the fixed properties belonging to the County are inaccurate and inconsistant, and recoinmended that a complete inventory of all fixed proper- ties be compiled and costs or fair market values, whichever is applicable,be_assigned to each," , In their opii7ion a better.Accounting System woulct be more efficient and economical to opera.te, and at the same time produce information vital to the management o#' the fiscal affairs of the County. Likewise an adequate Accounting System aiid program of internal auc3it would facilitate a more. effective and economi.cal exanunation by iildependent Auditors. ? As to the above recommendations, Mr. Love said,'bur Accounting System, ivhich has been in use for a number of year•s is working out all right at the present tirue." Upon motion oP Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board on recommendation of the County Audi- tor, reduced the County's fixed properties assets by striking off the amount for the Old Sec- tion o,f?James Walker Hospital and set it up under some other appropriate heading. , Uther recottvnendations suggested by the County Auditor: Charge off Bridge-Keeper's Lodge $100.00, and revise the assets set up for Airport and Oak Grove Cemetery, and charge off pre- ' vious insolvents, wei^e all taken under consideration. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. Walter A. Wells iaas granted an abate- ment of $4.44 not-listed penalty charged against Block 6; Eastover Subdivision, Wilmiizgton - Township, for the year 1955. It appeared that he showed good faith, having listed other pro- , perty thi.nking this was iricluded. , . Upon motioil of Mr. riayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 24564 to 24699 were approved for payment. . Inasmuch as some of the members of the Board will be in attendance upon the '21st Internation- al Conference on Assessment Administration in New York City, October 16, thru 20th, the?regu- lar weekly meeting of the Board for Nionday, Oetober 17, will not be held, and an adjourment was talcen until the regular meeting to be held October 24, 1955. . i ???/! ttl? ?Y / k. v Wilmington, N. C., October 24, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Re-iford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. •? Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend K. E. Queen, Superintendent, Wilmington llistrict Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes of the last regular meeting held October 10, 1955, having previously been mailed to each merriher of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. , IIpon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved a revised lease to the Go.vernment for land and construction of buildinb for Radio Equipment at Bluethenthal Air- port by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, for the installation of a Remote Transmitter F`acility which includes sites for Localizer, Glide Path and Engine Generator. The Lease-ef- fective July 1, 1955, supersedes and replaces the former Lease (C2ca-2333-A) dated Aiarch 27, ? 1951, and shall remain in force until June 30, 1956, and may at the option of the Government be renewed from year to.year, but no renewal thereof shall extend beyond the 30th day of June 1965, and the Chairman was authorized to sigi the sane for and on behalf of the County. The Board also, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authorized the renewal of the five-year contract, which has just expired caith Piedmont and National Airlines, for the_use, of the facilities at 131uethenthal Airport. ' Mr. L. R. Blalee appeared to ask for improvements to a road,leading to a public landing in the "Dunbar Plantation!' area at 'rliddle Sound, Harnett Toianship. He was giaen State Fbrm R-10, on which to prepare his petition for submission to the State Highway and Public [Jorks Commission for tne relief requestefl. ' A request of Mr. S. M. ?Edwards, 105 Lee Drive, for Free License to peddle fruit and vegetables in New Hanover County on account of being a disabled World idar II Veteran, was received for legal investigation and approved if it is found to be authorized by Law. . . 1 - Mr. Arilold Peterson, Superintendent of City Parks and Recreation appeared to inform the Board of advertising space the County is entitled to in the program of the Carolina's Professional Golf AssociaEion Tournament to be held at the Municipal Golf Course, October 31 thru November ? 1- 3, s.ponsored by the City arid County. A'letter was received from the Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Car- olina, a dvising that the Chief Justice has assigned Jucige Clifton L. Pioore to hear and deter- mine any and all controversies in Civil actions or proceedings not requiring the intervention of a jury, pending in the County of New Hariover, during the week beginning 24 October 1955, as, providecl b3* General Statutes 7-70.1. ^ _ , In view'of an election to be held Wednesday, October 26, to g.i.ve tlze members of New Hanover Coiulty Retirement System an opportunity to determine if they desire to b e placed under the Soc- ial Security System. A ineeting will be held in the Recorder's Court room at 4:00 o'clock P.PS., October 25 to Clarify any questions the members may choose to ask in connection with the two Systems. , • ? r Meeting of October 24, 1955 - Continued A lettei was received from Mrs. Alamie Doud Eisenhower, wiPe of the President of the United States, thanking Mr. FIorton for his letter o.f good wishes, on behalf of the Board, for the President's speedy recovery from a receizt heart attack. She said, "It means a great deal ? to the President and me to know of the prayers of the members of the Board of County Commis- sioners." , c The Chairman reported receipt of check for storm damage to Commwiity Hospital a nd Cape Nbar Armory Building, 514 Market Street. Comniunity Hospital is badly in need of repairs, and up= .on motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. tiall, the flznds received from the insurance were ' ear-marked to meet the expense of repairs needed. . I I , .. As to repairs to Cape Feur Armory, 814 Marlcet Street, at an estimated cost of $2',•775.48 joirlt- ly with the City, our part being §1,387.75, it wasagreed on motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by, ' Mr. 13roadhurst, to go ahead with our personnel to make certain repairs, storm damage repairs to receive insurance credit. A request of Henry J. idhyte, Administrator of Couununity Hospital, that the County advance $4,795.00 out of their Budget appropriation to meet the payment for the purchase of a Nation-` al Accounting Machine for the Hospital, and deduct the same from their monthly appropriations- in the following amounts, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst, approved: October 1955 thru March 1956 $ 400.00 per month April 1956 1$600.00 Aiay 1956 400.00 June 1956 395.00 A conununication was received from the•Federal-State Crop Reporting Service, Raleigh, N. C., advising that the 1956 Parm Census Report boolcs were being mailed out to the County, and urged that the proper official be named to complete the preliminary work as early as possible before the tax listing time begins January 1. On recommendation of the Chairman, the same was turned over to the Tax Supervisor to handle. i., ?Upon motioiz of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. P4ayhan, D. C. Roane, et al was granted an aUatement of $39.92 not-listed penalty charged agaiust his property in Blocl{s 223 and 519, City,for the year 1955 on recommendation of the Tax Supervisor. It appeared he listed other property for the said year, thinking this property was included also. i jA request of llr. J. W. Dickie for an abatement of taxes on a va.luation of $2,000.00 on house in Beaumont for the year 1954 on aceount of reduction of assessment on house made by the Board of Equalization and Review, April 4, 1955 for 1955 taxes. He asked that the 1955 reduction be made retroactive in effect for the year 1954 for the reason he paid the 1954 taxes under protest November 17, 1954, peijding action on his request for assessment reduction. The same was declined for the reason he failed to follow up his petition as required by Lata under Gener- al Statute 105-406. r? Upon i-iiotion of Mr. I3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Aiayhan, P. R. Smith was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $5,000.00 account of error inaddition of land and building assessments on Pomander Apartments, Wrightsville Beach, and a further abatement of taxes on a valuation of $9,000.00 recommended by the Tas Assessor on-account of Hazel Hurricane destruction of huild- ings for the year 1955 making a total abatement of taxes on a valuation of $14,000.00 which will leave the present total taxable values at $3,000.00 on land and $4,000.00 on bui.lding,' or a total taxahle value of $7,000.00. The Chairman and Mr. Hall reported on their attendance upon Lhe Twenty-N3_rst Iizternational Conference on Assessment Administration held in New York City, October 16, thru the 20, as a very successful and fine meeting. Among the high lights was a discussion of proposed Legislatioii to tax public property hereto- fore exempt, or to provide payment ii1 lieu o1' taxes xahich woula bring in some 40 odd million dollars in tax values, cahich iaould help the best average Counties. Equalization of Property values zvas discussed at length, on basis of current market value or percentage-wise. Financ- ing local govertvnent, and. so forth, all of which should be publicized thru the means of Raclio, Television a nd Newspapers for the education of the people. Mr. fIall suggested tnat the nwn- ber in attendance xaith diff'erent problems ancl opiriioris, should concentrate on some set prob-L lem to avoid confusion. After all he said ouf° County is no, better or worse than most other C onmiuni ti e s. p 4lonthly reports caere received from the tIousing Authority of the City of Wilmington, Ililmington l?ublic Library, County Home Agent, Consolidated Board oP Iiealth, State Board of PubliC Welfai^e Statistical report on County Home Inmates, Juveniles ancl County•Parm Prisoners. Statemeiit was received f rom the State Board of Public Sdelfare advising that State and ibderal funds in the a mount of $65,136.29 was sent to this Comity in September for OAA, AllC, AP1D and ? administration; Statement of Airport Receipts and llisbursements and Airport Cash receipts for • September 23, 30 a.nd October 7, 11 and 14. ? John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriun Census report for week ending October 21, 1955: ? White patients 8 Notzresidents - 0 Negro " 13 Vacant Beds - 11= t,lhite male 4; White female 4; Colored male 1; 721 Colored female 2. Discharged - 0 Admitted - 1- Johnson White, Colored male, 1009 Hutaff Alley October 6, 1955. County Farm Swine report for August, 31: On hand 116 pigs to 75 powids 14 Sows 59 shoats 75 to 150 pounds 1 Boar 16 hogs 150 to 250 pounds Parrowed 41 Lost 11 pigs destroyed by parent stock. No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States E?igineer granting a permit to, Carolina Power and Light Company to construdt overhead wires across the Intracoastal Waterway _ 100 feet above mean high water on the west side of Highway Bridge at Caro,lina Beach. ? L_ c Meeting of October 24, 1955 - Continued An invitation was received from the State Board of Public Tdelfare to attend the Thirty-Sixth Annual Public Welfare Institute to be he.ld at the Sir Walter Hotel in Ra.leigh on November 3-4, ?1955. ) ' - " - The Chairman presented a letter he receined from the Institute of Government advising him, as a member of the Directors, oP a meeting of the Board of Dis•ectors of the State Association of ? Cowlty Commissioners for Pftday and Saturday, October 28 and 29th at Chapel Hill, and-urged his ' attendance as there are a number of matters of importance on the agenda, iahich was agreeable to the Board. • ? `Action on .the resignation oF Pir. Cicero P. Yow as County Attorney to accept a similar position with the City of Wilmington as of November 1, 1955, was regretfully received and abtion on the same-postponed until next meeting to gi.ve the Commi.ssioners opportunity tostudy the problem of selecting a successor. Upon motion of ASr. Mayhan, seconded by Ptr. Hall, County bills No. 24700 to 24782 were approved , for payrient. The following good and lawful persons were draxan to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the second week October Criminal Term beginning November 7, and for the two weeks Civil Term Ueginning November 21, 1955: ? 7oe F. Ellis, 303 Tdright Street • Elmer R. Pettet, Rte.2 - Box 423 Thurber C. Dickinson, 8 Latimer Street Yates M. Barber, Jr., 7 Lee Drive W. R. Page, 1719 Orange Street 0. D. Curtis, 203 Borden Avenue V. D. Lockamy, Rte 3-Box 408 T. E. DSoody, 203 Keaton Avenue Kenneth A. Kirby, 333 Castle Hayne Road John G. ICuhlken, 1619 Ann Street Wm. T. Beck, 18 West Drive Charles F. Sones, 6-A Lake bbrest Afoi°ris C. Pond, 204 Vance Street W. E. Grimstead, 108 W. N. C. Avenue R. C. Sloan, 117 South 17th Street A. C. Carter, 1007 Mercer Avenue J. R. Hudson, 3804 Park Avenue N. F. Walton, 118 Keaton Avenue M. W. Gore, Jr., 36 Lake Forest Parkway Arnold Paclini, 323 South Ft?oizt Street . J. K. Burkhimer, 232 Calhoun Drive K. W. Hayes, 2868-C Jefferson Street• L. D. Moore, 1801 Princess Street Lloyd George Rogers, 110 Magnolia Avenue rI. D. Turem, 10 Plorningside Drive W. R. Dosher, Sr., 2014 Creasy Avenue W. H. Vollers, 2503, 2503 Princess Street Rd. Daniel 0. Dava.s, 2227 Camelia llrive John A. Anderson, 317 North 45th Street' W. A. Reynolds, Sr., 2-W Lake Village C. F. Sellers, 817 South Pront Street A. S. PicDonald, 65 Pinecrest Parkway Sam Aldriqge, Rte. 1- Box 298 Laul K. Ca"then, 2832 Jefferson Street W. F. Shaw, Rte 1- Box 28 W. E. Spooner, 1901 «oolcott Ave.nue Edgar R. Bullock, 1934 Church Street D. A. Herring, 214 Princess Street John D. Robinson, 2936 Adams Street SJ.. T. Rhodes, 3717 Wrightsville Avenue J. Earl Stanley, 52 Mercer Place H. D. Greer, 213 Borden Avenue LLoyd blorris, 405 Castle Street B. W. Alorrill, 206 North 12th'Street Piarvin Taylor;Clark, Jr., 406 Grace Street Leon Barefooi;, 1519 Castle Street Clayton S. tiorne, 4200 Peachtree Street Joel T. Piner, 2530 Burnett Boulevard Bruce E. Maylor, 37 Terrace Walk Harry L. Ptztch, 326 Calhoun Drive , For the two weeks Civil Term, beginning November 21, 1955: C. M. Coker, 541 Castle Hayne Road Howard D. Bridgers, 511 Central Blvd. John L. Henson, 329 Davie llrive Henry Betts, Rte. 3- Box 262 llavid J. Padrick, Jr., 1709 Ann Street Leo A. Sykes, 2204 Chestnut Street L. F. Simon, 312 Sunset Park Thanas L. rioore, 4103 Oleander Drive Edclie G. Pridgen, Sr., 3024 Adams Street D'Iichael Neeman, 2311'-z Chestnut Street. Luther 0. Sullivan, Rte.l - Box 10 D. E. Rackley, 11-0C Lake Village L. L. Martin, 36 Sdoodlawn Avenue Bert B. Parmenter, 3034 Adams Street Eugene M. 0'brien, 124 Davie Drive H. G. Sutton, 305 South 46th Street S. J. Roberts, 3-Q Lake Forest Joe Bland, Jr., 1213 S1est Avenue R. ll.,Mooney, 5112 Nun Street Homer H. Babii, 411 South 18th Street Alex C. Atkinsou,2725 Soutli Washington Street Iiarry Conway, 106 Meares Street C. D. Thompson, Jr., 4402 Park Avenue 0. C. Crasaford, 217 North 25th Street ? Eugene E. Casteen, 13-P Lake Forest• G. T. Newton, Jr.,*4410 [Jrightsville Avenue Albert Costin, 109 Mercer Avenue Clareilce Skipper, Jr., Rte.2 - Box 106 Charles E. F)Pedere, 128 Ward Street •Bennie D. Griffith, 2835-G Adams Street Clayton D. Burton, 3108 Market Street ' J. M. Shingleton, 3721 Market Street C. L. Jordan, 204 Wrightsville Avenue Arnold Ray Potter, 2716 Harrison Street R. G. Matthews, P. U. Box 162 Homer S. Goode, Rte.l - Box 47 The meeting then adjourned. Cl.erk. Wm. A. rloore, P. 0. Box 234 Wm. Batson, Jr., Itte. 2- Box 452-A Bennie C. Sdatts, 2512 Jefferson Street James H. Robbins, 316 Davie Drive W. D. Davis, Rte. 2- Box 18 Ralei gh R. Harris, 451 Castle Hayne Road H. L. Klander, 208 South 42nd Street K. M. Starrett, Rte.l - Box 497-B F. L. Glover, 211 North 23rd Street John H. Baldwin, 718 Ptarket Street Mary L. Stone, 200 Park Avenue E. F. Lotaery, 4317 Laice Street R. R. Ftztrelle, 305 Wrightsville Avenue G. A. Sutton, 140 Gordon Road Daniel R. Clemmons, Lake Pbrest Parkiaaq Prank Pellegrini, 219 Vance Street Delmas D. Haskett, 406 South 17th Street H. H. Hewett, 2005 Castle Street Norwood Orrell, 1619 Princess Street W. W. Walker, 2733 Harrison Street Eclward Lee, 212 North 22nd Street D. R. Smith, 309 Tdilliamson Drive Chas. E. Tiitchell, 18-N Lalte Village A. J. Rifter, Rte.l - Box 75 ' Harry Winfred Clark, 105 Tennessee Avenue A. R. Moore, 20 Kenwood Avenue N. N. Nelms, Jr., 160 Pinecrest Parkway B. A. Boyles, Rte.2 - Box 475• Geo. B. Nlztch, 303 Ldilliamson Drive H. W. Sass, 223 Tdriglitsville Avenue Jesse A. Gurganous, Rte.l ? Sara Lewis Hill, Rte.l - Box 146 L. F. Walker, 620 Rosemont Ti-ances C.Hayes, 1405 Chestnut Street H. N. Hayden, 2918 Hydrangea Place H. R. llzssell, 314 -B TJilliamson Drive ? I