1955-10-31 Regular Meeting?. Wilmi.ngton, N. C., October 31, 1955. , The regular weekly meeting of the Board was he2d this day at 10:00 o'cloelc A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissinners Raiford Trask, J. M. fIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E..Broad#iurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor., The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend L. R. Pearce, Pastor of Mount Olive MethodFi.st Church, colored. ' Copies of the minutes of ineeting of October 24, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same iaere upon mo$ion of Mr, r4ayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. ? A request of the Wardens and Vestry of St. James Church,, presented by rlr. Peter Brown RufPin, to abate the 1955 taxes charged against the property oP Mrs. Cary llavis MacRae in Block 154, purchased by St. James Church April 19, 1955, and also to abate the 1955 taxes charoed against the Church on the Wootten property in said block, purchased by St. James Church some years ago and taxes on a one-third basis of value on account of part of the buildin was rented for com- mercial purposes, which said building was torn down in May 1955, and placeall of the said two (2) parcels oP property on the Tax-Free list, on account of the same owned by the Church and used exclusively for Church purposes, was upon oiotion of Mr. Trask, seconded by P4r. Broadhurst, granted. As to the P1acRae property, from the date of purchase April 19, 1955,,and as to the, ldootten property ft^om the date of removal of the building, May 1955. The following three resolutions were upon motion of rir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimous- i 'ly adopted: ' ? •? / 1. tJHEREAS; the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistance lien { against Piattie Lockhart filed in Lien Boolc No. 2, Page 190 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said'County; and idHEREAS; the property owned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repairs and the PeoPles Savii7gs & Loan Association of GJilmington, North Carolina, has made a loan to said lienor, subject to the said Old Age Assistance lien being subordinated to the lien of the said Savings and Loan Association;and , SdHP.REAS;,it is deemed to be to the best interest of the County that said Loaii be made to enable the lienor to make the necessaiy repairs to said property, and that the County lien for Old Age Assistailce should be subordiilated and made inferior to the lien of the deed of trust to G. Dudley Humphrey, Trustee for said Association. . NOtd, TI3EREFllHE, BE IT HESOLVED: ` 1. That it is to the best interest of New Aanover County that the repairs be made to the property of the said lienor located in Bloclc 3090 part East rtiddle 11 714 Swann SCreet, Wilmington, North Carolina. ? 2. That the lien of New Hanover County, recorded in Lien l3ook 2, Page 190 a;ainst Mattie Loclchart, is hereby subordinated to, and made inferior to the lien of that certain deed of trust executed by Mattie Lockhart to G. Dudley Iiumphrey, Trustee for the Peoples Savings and Loan Association in the amount of i850.00, and duly recorded in the Office of the Register oP lleeds of New Iianover County on the 28th day of October, 1955, and fw^ther that the Chairi;ian of this Board be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter the subordination of said lien on the docket in the OPfice of tlze Superior Court of Ne[aiian- over County. 2. C+THEFtEAS; the County of New fIanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistance lieri against Loman Brunson filed in Lien Book No. 2 Page 350 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County; and • IdIIEREAS; the property owned by the said lienor is iii need of necessary repairs anrl the , Citizens BuiLding and Loan Association of Wilmington, ATOrth Carolina, has made a loan to said lienor, subject to the said Old Age Assistance lien beu7g suUordinated to the lien of the said Building and Loan Association; an3 6'IiEREAS; it is deemed to be the best interest of the County that said Loan be made to -efi- able the lieilor to make the necessary repairs to said Property, and that the County lien for Old Age Assistance should be subordinated and made inferior to,the lien of the deed . of trust to TSardsen Bellamy, Trustee for said Association. NOW, TIiEliEbtiHE;, BE Ii RESOLVED: 1. That it"is to the best interest of New Hanover Countythat the repairs be made to the property of the said lienor located in Block 350, part of taest end of Lot 5, house at 1302 North 7th Street, Wilmington, iVorth Carolina. 2. T11at the lieii of New Hanover County, recorded in Lien Booli No. 2, Page 350 against Loman Brunson, is hereby suLiordinated to, and made inferior to the lien of that certai n deed of trust executed by Loman I3runson to Marsden Bellamy, Trustee for the Cit- izens Building and Loan Association in the amount of $1,150.00 and duly recorded in the• office of the Register of Deeds of New Aanover County on the day of 1955, and fur- ther that the Chairman of tliis Board be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter the subordination oP said lien on the docket in the Office of the Superior Court of Nesa Hanover County. 3. WHEREAS; the County of New Hanover is the holder of record oi' an Old Age Assistance lien against A4aggie Caine Sheridan filed in Lien Boolc No. 2, at Page 287-1 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Couit of said Couilty; and ? ?v'HL+'REAS; the property osaned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repairs and the, Citizens Building and Loan Association of Wilmington, North Carolina, has made a Loan to said lienor, subject to the said Old age Assistance lien being subordinated to the lien of the said Building and Loan Association; and TdHGREAS; it is deemed to be to the best interest of the County that sai_d Loan be made to enable the lienor to malce the necessary repairs to said property, and that the County lien for Old Age Assistance should be subordinated and made inferior to the lien of the_deed of trust to Piarsden Bellamy, Trustee for said Association. ' NOli, T1IEI{EMRE, BE IT RESOLYLD: 1. That it is to the best interest of Neca Hanover County that the repairs be made to the Property of the said lienor located in Block 54, southwest quarter of Lot #2, house #807 South lOth Street, Wilnungton, North Carolina. 2. That the lien oP ATew 1Ianover County, recorded in Lien Boole No. 2, Page 287-1 against Maggie Caine Sheridan, is hereby subordinated to, and made inferior to the lien I of that certain deed of trust executed by Maggie Caine Sheridan to Alarsden Bellamy, Trus-',q tee for the Citizens Building and Loan Associatinn in the amount of $600.00, and duly re-;-, corded in the OPfice of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County on the day of , 1955, and further that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authr?', orized and dii°ected to enter the subordination of said lien on the docket in the OffiCe?; of the Superior Court of New Sanover County. ' ? . 1 \` ? t; 1 , ' ? ? Meeting of October 31, 1955 - Continued - , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. T. M. Jeffords and Dr. G. R. C. Thompson were re-appointed to succeed.themselves as members of the Boxing and Wrestling Com- mission,, as provided under Chapter 921 of the Session Laws of 1945; Mr. Jeffords for a term of four (4.) years and Dr. G. R. C. Thompson for a term of two (2) years retroactive as of April 2, 1955 in order that the dates will conform with the unexpired term of Mr. W. K. „ Rhodes on April 2, 1957. • This b eing the last day set by the Conunissioners for organizations to file their applications to share in the distribution of the County'qAdvertising Flmd, the foTlowing allotments were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved for the following organizations in the amounts shown; the lioard feeling it would be to the best interest of the Cowity for ad- vertising its advantages and resources: . , State Magazine - Azalea Advertising $ 220.50 Junior Chamber of Comirierce, Annual Publication 25.00 Wilmington Alerchants Association 200.00 Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association 500.00 Crippled Children Fund 500.00 School Bands and Band Booster's Clubs 800.00 T+Iilmington Chamber of Cmnmerce 500.00 Carolina Beach Chamber of Corunerce 250.00 Junior Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Conunittee 800.00 Azalea Fk-stival Committee (City-County Luncheon) 1,000.00 Total.Allotments ................ $ 4,795.50 i ?.. ? ? Balance left in Advertising Fluid 204.50 $5,000.00 Surety Bond_?for J. C. Lon as a Justice of the Peace with the National Surety Corporation as surety in the penalty of ?1,000.00, the said Bond ha"ving been approved as to form and execu- tion by the County Attorney, and the amount set by Law caas upon motion of Mr. Playhan, second- ed by Mr. Hall, approved by the Board, and payment of 410.00 premiwn for the same was approv- e as provided b,y Law. 7 A petition and right-of-way agreement was received from J. P. Newton and others of Cape F'ear Township, to operate a dragline on and across their property for•the purpose of draining the area from the Blue Clay Road to Prince George Creek to connect with a canal at that point. 13, - An invitation was received from the Assistant Home Agent and Assistant k'arm Agent, to attend New Hanover 4-H Clubs Annual Achievement night on ATovzmber 3, 1955, 7:30 P.Ai., at the Wri gits- boro School. The boys and girls who have completed their 1955 projects will exhibit their work in the School Cafei:eria, An invitation was received f rom Mr. F. A. 4Satthes, Jr., President of the Wilmington Art Assoc- iation, Sponsors of the U. S. Navy Operation "PALETTE", to be their b est at the showing of the Art Exhibition at American Legion Hall, 3rd and llock Stieets, Monday, October 31, 9:00 A.hi., until 12:00 noon. Coffee will be served for the Commissioners and the County Auditor at 11:45 A.M. . An invitation was extendecl the Board to attend the Annual Carolina'•s P. G. A. Golf Championship Bar}quet, Cape Pear Hotel 7:00 o'clock P.A1., November 1, and Golf at rlunicipal Golf Course 10:00 A.M. he Chairman reported that'construction of the Sand Dunes in the unincorporated Beach areas dam- P'T9?0 - aged by hurricane storms siiould be completed today, and said the work is holding u,p better this year than last October, and bills for the work will be submitted tomorrow. The Chaii^man Purther reported that Mr. E. E. Beaty, hianager of the Real Estate Branch, Sixth Naval Distsict, Charleston, S. C., was lzere last taeelc to clear up some un-completed work, drainage and removal of trees at the Airport, ancl was able to negotiate agreement and settlement for the removal of certain trees from private.property that was a menace to the Airport by obstructing the Tower view of apnroach- ing planes to the Navy runways. With reEerence to a suggestion that the County remove the trees, it was agreed that was not our obligation, and inasmuch as the Navy negotiated the deal we stay out of it ancl ti7e Navy handle it with the property owners for removal of the trees, stumps and so fortri. • ? The Chairman reported upon his attendance of the DiStrict Tieeting of the Board of Directors of the State Associatiotz of County ComnLissiotlers at Chapel Hill, October 28 and 29, as one of the finest meetings we have had. The Organization will work caith the County and State Denartments, and any proposed legislation will be brought back Por discussion. Mr. Horton has been appoint- ed to serve as liaison to the State Board of Alcoholic Control aiia Mr..Hall ,Veterans' Officers work. . ? • -/A letter of Lhanks and appreciatinn was received from Mr. ICenneth Back, Executive Director of National Association of Assessing Officers, for the outstanding contribution the Chairman made to the suceess of their 1955 conference held in A'eca York City, October 16, thru 20. "In my op- ` ion", Nir. Back said, "Ttiis year's Conference was the finest one ever conducted by NAAO, and much f its success is due to the excellent job that you did as a member of the Panel of Experts". d The Chairman further announced new building at Chapel Hill, Ltstii;ute of Government for local Counties, will be completed January 1; will be a meeting place for County folks and County Govern- ment.fo'r educational purposes in County_Government; living accommodations and rooms at no c'ost. . t „ e .r. A bill for $262.50 was received by.the Sdelfare DeparLment from North Carolina Piemorial Hospital, Chapel I-Iill, for expenses of hospitalization for a 31-month old colored male infant, Ellis McNeil, 924 North 9th Street, Sailmington, N. C.; County ptitient who was transferred from McCain State Sanatorium to North Carolina Necnorial Hospital for treatment of a head injury by falling from his crib at P1cCain, was upon motion of P4r. 33roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Trask, endorsed for paymeiit out of the State Pool ILu?d inasmuch as it appears to be an obligation of the State S/anatorium. I ?A copy of the Labor Market for October which s erves Brunswick, New Aanover and Pender Counties, i/a?s received from the Employment Security Commission of ATOrth Carolina, t A letter was received from the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Conmerce urging that letters be written to the Chamber as to what advantages procurement of a Presbyterian College woixld be to this Community, same to be used in presenting evidence to those deciding the issue between num- erous towns, that the College should be located here. . Meeting of October 31, 1955 - Continued A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the All S.eashore I3iohway Associa.tion at riorehead City, October 18, 1955 on the Pia.rsh hlosquito Control, Proposal for State Ownerslzip of one or more dredges for.keeping small harbors open, maintaining small channels and filling in marsh land for mosquito control, was received from the All Seashore Highway Association. John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for week endi.ng October 28, 1955: CaYLite patients 9 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 14 Vacant beds 9= ldhite male 4; White female 3; Colored male 1; Colored female 1. Discharged 0 . Admitted 2- Corine Pollock Brown, Colored female, 905 Cleveland Alley Pirs. Ann Williams, White female, 207 Tenn. Avenue. Mr. T. D. Love reported on the result of the October 26, Employe's Election on Social Secur- , ity as follotas: ? 139 Qualified Voters 22 Voted for Social Security 101 Voted against Social Security The County Auditor reported that over ?900.00 of the $10000.00 appropriated for the Harbor Island storm drainage repairs has been spent and asked that additional appropriation be:made. hir. Horton said i;he work th2re is progressing very nicely, when we get a check fY^om the Gov- ernment we will be in good shape. He advised that expense bills coill be azt tomorrosa and recommended that payment of all bills be held up until the check is received, which was, approv- ed by the Board. The following recommendations were received from PSr. T. D. Love, Taz Supervisor, of a plan for Revaluation and Equalization of property values. The same was received for study: OctoUer 31, 1955. I .TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY CONIDiISSIONERS: ? You are familiar with the fact that under the St<xte Law each County is required to have a revaluation of property at regular intei^vals, this to be doiie so that tax values might be kept in line iaith actua,l va1 ues and as a consequence there will Ue a reasonable equal- ity in our property taxes. This County has not had a revaluation in a nwnber of years and as a consequence ? there is a decided inequality in values and some taxpayers are paying more than thei.r share and others are paying less. S1;eps shoul.d be taken to correct this situation thru a revalua- tion or equalization program. You have appointed me as your Tax Supervisor and in my desire to correct the situation referred to above I caish to make the following recommendations: 1. A complete revaluation of each parcel of property in the County by compet- ent personnel is needed and desirable but this caill cost a large sum of money and p.lace addi- tional taxes on us all. It is my opinion that we can accomplish the goal desired without this large expenditure. In handling adjustmants of real estate in the Spring of th,is year I am sure that you saw that property in a neighborhood was usually in line but various neigh- borhoods were badly out of line with each other. In my plan we would take the City and di- vide it into zones and these zones would contain property equally valued. After zoning same we would then have competent local real estate people go into these zones and ap,praise a num- ber of places in each zone as to actual values today. Then with tiiis we could value every piece in thie zone. Now of course, there would be some exceptions and they would have to be valued by a separate appraisal. As an example: . We have a ten (10)-block zone in tahich the values are now equalized. Fle would appraise ten (10) places on today's value and then apply the appraised value to the val- ues now on the books and determine today's value of the entire ten (10) blocks. Please look at the map before you of the City and you will see iahat I mean. I will go into this matter with more detail at your convenience. The entire City could be revalued in tlv.s.way. Pro- perty located out of the City would be handled in the same way. The Beaches caoiald be rela- tively easy and the many sub-divisions in the County would not present too big a problem. Please understand that there are some flaws in this paln but they could be remedied. Now, when this revaluation is completed and we get our total valuation on to- day's market prices, we could then determine the percentage of same iae desire to use for tax values. Por example, if we found that we had 330 Aiillion Dollars, Iwould then r ecommend to you that we place tax values on same of one-third of value. This would give us a taxable val-"' ue of 110 Plillion Dollars as we now have and the levy of 20 cents for School Supplement and 5 cents for Wilmington College would yield the same amount as now. We would have to see tha't. ? additional tax dollars were not raised by the revaluation bu?we would have an equalization.in payment of taxes. In other words, some people would paq more and others would pay less; iri- i equality would be erased as far as possible. It would be necessary that you inform the public flilly of your plans and de- sires and urge their whole-hearteel support. We should solicit and receive the support of oure local real estate people. I have persoilally talked to a large number of the real estate peo-, ple and they are of the opinion that my plan will work and accomplish a large degree of equal- ization. Support of the Press caould be most desirable. • Before any values are changed on the books, we should urge all taxpayers to come in and see the appraised values on their property and if after an explanation they were confident their property was improperly valued then we could have their property appraised " separately. Local appraisers should be hired and paid an agreed-upon price for their serv- ice and I hope that this couid be ar-ranged with the Real Estate Board. Lones could be divid- ed among various appraisers. , Meeting of October 31, 1955 - Continued Plan for Revaluation and Equalization - Continued . The cost of this plan should not be excessive and I believe that it could be financed within our present tax rate. The time to complete same would be determined by the amount of appraisers we used. It could be completed by the time for our 1957 tax values and certainly not later thaii our 1958 tax values. You had a tax advisory group of local Citizens together sometime ago and iP you think well of this plan Iwould like to present the plan to them. 2. This recommendation.is in regard to valixatiou of new sub-divisions. For an example - an owner.of twenty (20) acres of land decides that he wants to sell same off in lots. He has his land mapped and laid off in lots and runs streets and roads into same and generally improves the property. If my interpretation of the Lasa is correct - when this is done these lots should all be assessed against the owner. This is not doue and the lots are alloiaed to reinain as acreage on the :books. The lots are only separately assessed when the owner sells to ailother owner. This has apparently been the practice of this County .for a number of years, and I ask that you consider this situation and determine if the Law should be carried out or should we continue as we have. I b ring this matter up publicly as there might be good and sufi'icient reasons for this matter to r,emain as it is. 3. My reconuuendation here is relative ,to the values being placed on l.ots in new sub-divisions. I am listing below what is happening on this: . . Sale F'rice Valuation for Sub-llivision Count,y Per vot Tax Purposes . - $zooo. # 200.00 #i 1500. #z 1500. - zooo. 600.00 #3 " 1000. - 1500. 300. - $400. #4 " 1000. - 1500. 350. - 450 . #5 " 1500. - 2000. 350.00 #6 " 1200. - 3000. 250. - 600. #7 ' " . 3000. - 4000. 450.00 #8 " 3500. - 5000. . 450.00 #9 " 700. - 1000. 300. - 400. , #10 " 2000. - 2500. . 500.00 #11 . " 2000. - 3000. 450..- 500. #12 " . 1000. - 1200. 250.00 City of Wilmington 5ub - Divisions Sale Price Per Lot Valuation for Tax rurposes #1 $? 1200. - ? 1500. ? 500.00 #2 1750.00 600.00 #3 2500. - . 4000. 600. - $1150. #4 3000. - 5000. 1000. - 1500. #5 3000. - 3500. 900. - 1000. You cailrery readily see.that.there..is very little consistency or reason in the values Ueing placed on these lots. With very few exceptioiZS the values shoul.d all be increas- ed substantially to have the owners pay their proper proPortion of the tax load. Lots.in some instances as you see sell for the same and one lot owner pays three tiraes the taxes as the oth- ers. Anothei group is paying Pive time the taxes on property that is of practically the same value on today's market. ISI One of the recognized appraisers in the County has told me if this situation was corrected we would have coi7e a long way in our Equalization Program. This situation has Ueen shown,to a large number of business men and other property otinlers and_ they were all in a- greement that it should be corrected inunediately and I am recommending to you that this be done. The 1956 tax values on these lots should be changed and put in line witlz other values.in the County. This would Ue a step forward and would izot allow this unfair tax situation to exist for another year. If I understand your Tax Assessor cori°ectly, he is in favor of this being done but is continuing.to alloza these ridiculous values to be placed on these lots as the first lots sold had these values placed on same and he does not want to get theru out of line. Recent legislation allows you to change these values in a non-revaluatioi-i year. In conclusion, Gentlemen, let me say that there is nothing punitive in these recommendations. IL is my desire to equalize values and I am sure that this is your desire. We can take some of these forward steps inunediately and let me urge that you do this. - ` Aespectfully yours , Isl T. D. Love - Tax Supervisar ,J The resignation of Mr. Cicero P. Yow as County Attorney effective November 1, 1955, was. then '..formally presented to the Baard by the Chairman. Mr. Horton on behalf of the Boai^d., told Mr. Yow that it has been a pleasure to have worked with him on County matters as well,as from the •SLate and Pederal angle, and aecepted his resignation with profound regret. The Chairman then said the position is now open for appointment of a successor. Pfr. Trask said he was in favor ?- of consolidating the positions of,the Assistant County Solicitor and County Attorney fron a standpoint of econmuy, whicli would mean a substantial saving to the tax payers. Mr. Hall and Mr. Broacihurst,both expressed themselves as Favoring consolidation of County jobs when practic- al, but did not feel this saas the time to do it. Mr. Hall then submitted the name of Colonel John Briglzt Hill for the position, no otlier names were submitted, and he moved that he be ap- ,,pointed to fill the vacancy, nis motion was seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst and Colonel John Bright 'I3i11 was elected County Attorney to succeed Mr. Cicero P. Yow, resigned, for the unexpired term ending the N3.rst Monday of December 1955 on the affirmative vote of Commissioners Hall, Broad- hurst and Mayhan. Commissioner Trask not voting. +lh reference to fleet liaUility insurance coverage foi° various Departments of the County, the same was referred to Insurance Committee for cost and recommendations. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, Caunty bills No. 24782 to 24958 were ap- proved Por payment. The meeting theila djourned. -A