1953-03-23 Regular Meeting409 Neeting of Niarch 16, 1953, contirnied. . , _ ? ??A request of N,r, W. L. Shepard £or improvements to a drainage condition on New Bern Avenue near the Cape ? Fear Lumber Company, on the Market Street Road was received for investigation. order to conserve the limited burial ground at the County's Oak Grove Cemetery for pauper burials, the ?Chairman suggeste3.that the Board give some thought to the burial of bodies a sufficient depth to permit the placing of one above the other within the same space. The Chairman presented a list of the following buildings at the airport to be so13 with CAA permission: p T102, T105, TlOb2 T116, T117, T393 and T960. . A copy of the text to appear in the State Magazine advertising the Sixty Annual Azalea Festival was received and filed. ??`?? The Chairman announce3 that the Myrtle Grove drainage canal work will be ready to start middle of this week. ?/ U?X/Reports of airport receipts for Febraary and March 3,6,9; Wilmington Public Library and Hoolanobile, and Housing ?Q Authority of the City of Wilmington for February were received and filed. Annual report of New Hanover County Production and Marketing Administration was received and filed. No obJections were raised by the Board to the application of Alice B. Nelson and Arthur L. Teachey,Jr, for a State Permit to sell beer at "The Four Winds" Restaurant on Avenue K- Kure Beach. ? A communication was received from the Federal-State Crop Reporting Service advising that the tax lister £or ?uX ?Fe3eral Point township who prepared the Farm Census report for 1953, attaine3 a rating of 99•7%• Upon motion, i.nstructions were given to write Mr. Fred Jor3an concerning his complaint with reference to damage to his oat patbh by drainage work and moving pipe over the same on County airport.land, an3 to advise him that in the opinion of this Board the contractor appears to be responsible and not the Cou7tty. And in view of the fact the Navy may take over the airport at any time now, in which event the County will need the land for its use, not to plan putting in any future crops on the land in o,uestion. ' The Chairman reported an ir.crease of $1,034,680.in real estate values for 1953 over lsst year assessments, A greater increase would have been shown but for the removal of considerable property by the Ethyl-Dow Chemical Co., in Federal. Point township. Things brougnt to the attention by the Chairman to think about for future action; From a standpoint of economy: Matter of reducing administrative cost of the operation of the ABC stores, an3 called attention to our ABC Board ? a7.1 time Chairman at a salary of $5,880.00 and two associate members at $5,580.00 each per year plus clerical , ataff as compare3 to Onslow County three members at ,?'p10.00 each per meeting per month. This appears to be a wasteful spending of money and our County should be omitte3 £rom it. Associated Charities with a$30,000.00 buaget . appropriation should be set-up under Welfare Department which would be a saving, should come to some agreement about it. p Staditun situation, baseball group,games on Saturdays, requested by Wilmington Clippers and 3abcock-4Jilcox Compary teams. Wilmington Clippers ha.ving oreviously been given the use of the Stadium for Saturday games. /-_ Tne County Attorney advised that vrhat we 3o in connection with the Sta3ium use, should be subject to City use ? when we turn the Stadium over to them. The Chairman spoke of the Hewlett Salary Bill and asked as a matter of business, Where di3 he get his facts to base his figures on? ,_?`?.p?SUpon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, County bills No. 2746 to 2878 were approved for payment. r?? The meeting then a3journed. ?-. K Zf _ ;L Cle Wilmington, N,C., March 23, 195V The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R.T,Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Iove, Raiford Trask, and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend H.B,&3skerville, Pastor o£ Princess Street Presbyterian Church, colored, Copies of the mir.utes of the meeting of March 26' 1953, having been flus'nished each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. pon motion of Nr. Love, secon3ed by Mr. Davis, a bid.o£ 6.1.,950.00 by E.B.Towles Construction Company n ,?+OUwas acceptea for the purchase of a 25 foot Tirolcin Trailer, C-2 type, Airport Surplus equipmentg they being the highest bidder sutanitted on re-bid account of duplicate bia by J.1J.Sunter and E.B.Towles Construction Company as sale at the Airport I7arch 11, 1953. ? %)O?J The Board approved a suggestion of the Chairman that we extend to all a cordial invitation to our Sisth Annual Festival and hope their visit will be an enjoyable one an3 wi21 come back again to visit us. 14r. O'Shields urged that extra help be provided to keep the premises at the Stadium in order and keep it clean for the pleasure of our visitors here during the Azalea Festival. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconaed by Nrl Love, Mr, John J. Burn??Jr., was appointed as Assistant District Solicitor for New Hanover County on recommendation of District S icitor Clifton L. Moore, for a term from .?! April 1, 1953 to December 1, 1953, at a salazy of $3,600.00 per year, in accordance iaith an Act of the General Assembly passed at its 1953 session. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Nr. Davis, instructions were given to write a letter to Mr. J.Ludie Croom, Chief o£ the WilminEton Fire Departanent, congratulating him and his firernen £or the9r efficient work in ? controlling the recent £ire at the Wilmington Terminal Warehouse Compary, and his successflzl efforts and good judgment ir rataining the use of the Fire Boat which played an important part in bringing the fire under control. -A I :4.10 .. Ne.eting o£ March 23, 1953, oontinued. ? Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the County Attorney iaas authorized and directed to follow through i•rith the proper division of the interest between Idew Hanover and Pender County in the Old Bridge ? Keepers Cottage at the abandoned Northeast River Bridge, by quit claim deed, and than the same be advertise3 £or sa?e. ,J,? The Chairman presented a list of 181 pieces of City-County owned real estate acquired by purchase for taxes, _Iwv which was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by 1•',r. Davi§p referred to the Chairman to contact the City for the purpose of making arrangements to o£fer the same for sale, and if necessary to have the said lots re-appraise3 for abasis o£ establishing a sales price. Upon motion of 14r, Trask, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the Boar3 voted to sell to Mr. George H. Huta£f City- V County owneu property in block 186 at $1a00.00 per lot, ? The Chaixnrian called attention to the Third District IQeeting of County Commissioners at White Lalce Narch 25th, C and urged that any members of 1;he Boar3 and the County Suditor and County Attorney, who maJ find it convenient, to attend the meeting. .\? The Chairman told the Board that the dragline had been moved from the Cror3on Hoa3 to the I4yrtle Grove Sound drainage, and the next p7.ace scheduled £or work would be the area back of the John C. Wessell 1lzberculosis Sanatorium, ? With reference to inuying a new dragline the Chairman told the Board a new one would cost $22,500,:(l0 less ? $3,500,00 trade-in allovrance on the old machine, or we would have to spend approximately $1,000.00 to repair / the Old machine. It tiras agreed to go along on narts and repairs to the old machine as the best offer. ? The Chairman brought to the attention tiie matter of an indigent patient who was admitte3;to Community Hospital £or delivery of an ill.egitimate child. The patient had a small amount of money and services were set-up with "• a private doctor , She was readJ to be discharged on the Sth day, but was he13 over until the 9th day pen3ing settlement of a$15.00 doctors bill. It was 3iscussed at length an3 it was agreed to take the matter up with l?F \ the New Hanover County D4edical Association: The following motion o££ered by t-Ir, 0'Shields, secorrled by 14r: Trask, ?Y was unanimously adopted: Tliat no patient shall be admitted to the hospital as an indigent poor and service case if he or she has a private doctor, an3 no indigent poor and service case will be allotired to incur any indebtedness, nor shall , any indebtedness be incurred in connection with any indigent poor and service cases renaered, prolonging the stay in the hospi'tal. p? Upon motion of Mr. DavisI secorr3ed by Mr. Love, tne County Attorney was instructe3 to write our Congressman . _?yA to use his good influence to get a bill through the Congress that oroul3 permit Local Goveriunents to use the files of tne Social 5ecurity Board for the pwrpose of locating deserting fa-thers of illegitimate children that they may be ma3e to support them. Upon motion oF T4r. Love, secon3ed by I;r. Davis, the iJilmington Clippers }3aseball Tevn was granted the use of ` Legion Staditun for night ball games April 8, and 9, provided they will pay for the lights and all other expenses in connection with the same. Tlie Chairman reporte3 the re£rigerator at the T,B.Hospital was ina3equate and it would cost 5'n245.00 plue $25,00 £or installation for a larger one. It was agreed on motion by Mr. 0'Shields to have the Goro Refrigeration ? Service check the same for e£ficiency. ?v Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secon3eu Yrf Mr. Davis, the Board approve9 the purchase of a sli.ding projector for the Colored Home Demonstration Agent for use in connection with her 4_g Club work. Nonthly reports of the Board of Hea3,th and Nursing Report, Airnort receipts, and report of Colore3 Library _ " for February were receive3 and filed. ,Q ?,Y?F J • - A report was receive3 from the State Board of Public Wel£are advising that N555,706.75 was sent to this County f Old A or ge Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, APTD Grants and Administration for the month of FeUruary. ppp??, No objections were raise3 by the Board to the application of George T. and Idicholas Faka.kis for a State Permit to sell beer at "Zebra Bar" #18 an3 20 Carolina Avenue Souty, Carolina Beach. ? Unon motion of 14r. Trask, it was agreeable to the Board for the Babcock and Wilcox Athleti.c As5ociation to use ?S Legion Stadium for baseball Saturday Day-ti.me gaznes; April ll, 25? N,ay 91 23; June 13, 27, August 1,15, 29,1953?. rovided s ti f t t - ? p a s ac ory arrangemen s iaill be made with Mr. Rhoda Farrow to clean up the premises etc, - C? L?•?`l An invitation to attend the Spring meeting of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association at Cape Fear Hotel ,larch 26 and 27, was received and filed. ' A financial report of Associatea tharities for February was receive3 and filed. Mr. Trask suggested that Nir. Eugene Bullard, President of Associated Charities, and Plir, J.R,Hollis, Supt.of Public Welfare, come before the Board next meeting to discuss matters pertaining to the administration of Public Assistance. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secon3ex by N,r, O'Shields, County bills 140, 2899 to 2925 were approve3 for payment. The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. ?