1955-11-07 Regular Meetingr16 Wilmington, N. C., Novembe?..7 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairrian and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Ma,yhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Count,y ? Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend 0. R. Anderson, Pastor of Seagate Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of October 31, 1955, having previously been mailed to each ?member of the Board, the same were upon motinn of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, approved. : The Chairman then recognized Colotiel John Bright Hill our newly appointed Coiulty tlttorney, and ? this being his initial meeting was welcomed by the Board. Messrs. Claud Efird, W. L. Nisbet and other members of the 141nance Committee of the Wi3.mington` ? Merchants Association appeared to ask that the $200.00 appropriation allotted them at the meet-. ` ing of October 31 be increased to enable them to meet the expense for street lighting and decor- ? ations for tlie Claristmas Holidays, statin that $750.00 had been requested earlier in the year, and that the City has been appropriating g ?1,000.00 for tliis expense, and they needed more money. Upon motion of i•Ir.?Tiask, seeonded by Mr. Broaclhurst, the Board voted to allow an aclditional ap- ?- prbpriation of $204.50 which is the balance left in the Advertising Ftind after allotments were • approved for various organizations at the meeting of October 31, 1955, mgking the total appro- ? I priation granted the Nlerchants Association for this fiscal year ;}404.50. The Chairman announced receipt of $955.00 from the Citizens of Harbor Island for repairs to thein storm damagaidrainage system which c.*ill run about $3,500.00 to do the job. Upon motion of Air. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, a like amount was appropriated out of the Emergency blind to the" ?Harbor Island Citizens Drainage Project Budget to enable the County Auditor to disburse the $955.00 received. . ? The Chairman announced receipt of 6700.00 for lease oi' portion of the Airport Grounds to Ring-'• , ling Brothers -Barnum-Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., for Circus there November 16, 1955, wluch was agreeable to the ]3oard. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved the payment of $35.00 to;" Robert E. Calder, Attorney appointed by the Court as eounsel for George H. Turney in,the matter of petition for writ of Habeas Corpus by George H. Turney, inmate in the State Penitentiary,, Raleigh, N. C., on order of the 2Ionorable Clifton L. Moore, Judge Presiding over the Courts of the Fifth Judicial District of North Carolina, . The Chairman reported applications in the amount oP $20,420.25 have been sent to the State for " espense of sand dune work in the unincorporated areas of the l3eaches, and stated the work had progressed nicely and saill be completed this week. We were also ready to send off todaq, in- -? voices for $¢3,103.63 for the rental of machine and equipment used in the mosquito eradictition •., program recently, which will be sufficient to purchase the equipment for flzrther use without , additional cost to the Co wity. The Chairman also brought to the attention of the Board that Hobson Jamison, Jr., was re-admit- ? ted to the County Home pending admission to the State Hosnitzl at Goldsboro on account of inen-, .' tal disability. • ? A request of Tir, L. H. Blake, Rte 1, - Box 242, an<i seven (7) other petitioners Por improvements , to a road in tlze Middle Sound section of Harnett lbwnship for which only thirty (30) feet right- ? of-way was offered in the petition, and 30iincli pipe needed for drainage along the said road, was referred to the Chairman t o work out caith Mr. A. K. Mallard, State Hightaay Ntaintenance En- gineer, as to what can be doffe. /Surety Bond for bir.B.`?d,' Dillon as a Justice of the Peace in the amount of $1,000.00 with the National 3iu•ety Corporation as surety, was upon motion accepted by the Board and the premium of $10.00 covering the same was approved for payment. ? rionthly reports were received from the jdilmiiigton Public Library and Bookmobile, Colored Home Agent and 4-H Clubs, Airport and airport cash receipts for Octob er 21, 28, and 31 and Veterans.' ? Service OfPicer. John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for week ending November 4, 1955: Sahite patients 7 Nonresidents - 0 . Colored " 13 Vacant beds - 12 = White male 6; White female 3; Colored niale 1; z6 Colored female 2. Discharged - 3= RoUert Lawhorne, Tdhite male, October 28, 1955 John Guyton, " " October 31, 1955 - Maybelle Nixon, Colored femal e October 31, 1955. . Admitted - 0 1 Recommendations conceriling revaluatioii and equalization of real estate values submitted by P1r. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, at the last meeting, was brought up for discussion. Mr. Love told" Lhe Board that in his opinion a large percentage of inequalities in assessments could be cor- , rected for next yeare He cited cases where land formerly assessed on acreaoe basi.s, was later sub-divided and assessed on a per lot basis at a low value, and without a revaluation, the lots were permitted to remain at the low assessment from year to year, notwithstanding the increased value of the property by reason of improvements and normal growth of the area. Urged that this condition be corrected by placing the property on a fair market value basis, and eliminate dis=- crepancies in relation to one sub-division with another. He further recommended zoning proper- ty in areas where the values are now equalized, appraise certain parcels within the area on a conservative marlcet value, and then.apply the new assessment to the entire area. When the whole.revaluation is completed we could determine the percentage we desire to use for talc val-, ues. Some folks, he said, have actually eomplained of the low assessment on Lheir nronerty, and would be glad to pay their just proportionate share of the tax burden. The Chairman would recommeild that each piece of property shoizld be individually assessed or} a coiiiparative uniform basis of value. / After further lengthy discussion, Mr. Love was irlstructed to work out the details of his plan, " and the Advisory Cor?uuittee appoi.nted by the Board sometime ago, be called together to discuss it.? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Alayhan, County bills No. 24959 to 24997 and bills No.l. to 69 inclusive, were approved for payment. The meeting Lheiz adjourned. ~? ` Cl«rk. I