1955-11-14 Regular Meeting, 17, . i,iilmington, N. C., November 14, 1955. ` The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ' Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman arxd Commissioners J. M. fIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. ' Broaclhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. c , The meeting was opened with prayer by Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of' November 7, 1955, having previot:isly been mailed to each mem- ber of the 73oard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. /A petition'prepared by 34 property ocaners on State Fbrm R-10, was received to pane and provide proper drainage to roads in Azalea Heights, Harnett Toianship, known as Azalea Boulevard now lrnown as 58th Street from Oleander Drive to the south four (4) blocks; Tulip Avenue now Tulip . Drive one (1) block east of 58th Street; Roseland Avenue noca Roseland Drive one (1) block on :. each side of 58th Street, and Verbena Avenue now Verbena Drive one (1) block on each side of 58th Street, as per map attached. (Note: The new names for these streets were assigned by the Post Office Aepartment). Total length of roads 3,600 feet estimated, on ?ahich 13 houses are located. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. I3a11, the?above request was approved and referred to the State I3igh- way, and Public Worlis Conunission. .?? In the sale of certain lots in Block "A" Greenfield Terrace from Willard to E. N. Small, Lots 6 and 14 otvned by the City and County were included thru error, thinking they owned?the said lots, ? therefore an of'fer submitted by Mr. Small to purchase the lots at a price of $105.00 or the a- ? " mount the City aiid County has in the same, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr, Broad- ,. hurst, referred to the Chairman to secure an appraisal price and hegotiate the sale with the - Cit,y with power to act. J Tiie ChEdrman announced that final invoices for the sand dune wonc completed at the Beaches will be forwarded to the State today. Th?e Chairman further advised that he had an opportunity to confer with Mr. C. Heide Trask, Third liYvision State Highway Commissioner, and he said the State Higt.iway Commission will go along with , us on tlze Harbor Island drainage project;1200 feet more of 15 inch pipe will have to be install- ed, curb work, ancl so forth. Y A Certificate of Insurance was received from R. B. Jones and Sons, Inc., Insurance Agents of - Kansas City, Missouri, showing that Neca Hanover County'is insured by the Underwriters at Lloyd's `of London against liability resulting from bodily injury and property damage coverage carried by Ringling Bros. - Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., in comzection with their Circus eghibi- " ti?On at the Airport, November 16, and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Dfayhan, accepted. / i A Tetter was received from the Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court advising that the i Chief Justice has entered an order for a special one-week term of Superior Court for New Hanover County for the trial of criminal and civil cases, beginning December 12, 1955., without the serv- ? i#s of a Grand Jury. No objections were indicated by tne Board. " A/eport of the Grand Jury for the November 1955 term of Court was received and'filed. ' An oFfer submitted by Wade Chestnut to purclzase a parcel oP tax*foreclosure'property in Block 310, 32x147 feet in size, beginning 92 feet from the SW corner oF 9th and Swann Streets; frorit- ing on 9th Street at a price of $375.00 was upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, ac- ?_ ;. cepted subject to Citq approval, and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board are hereby author- , ized to execute a deed in the name oP the County conveying the said property to the purchaser - upon payiuent of the purchase priee. , k , It was agreeable with the Board to go ahead with the repairs to the Cape Fbar Armory, 814 Plarket S reet with our labor, as agreed with the City. A?bill submitted by Mr. N'loyd Cox for advertisement carried in "Life Around ldilmington" Magazine during the P. G. A. Tournament, irithout having consulted the Cormnissi.oners or received their per- mission, was declined payment due to the circumstances. :x • An invitation was received from Southern Bell Telephone Company to attend Open House at their Plant, Thursday and Iftday, November 17-18 from 6:30 P.M. to 9:30 Y.M. to witness their automat- • ic "Operator" in action ancl other eye-opening things of inteiest in the operation of Southern Bel.l. I ' An invitation was received to attend tYie annual meeting of the New IIanover IInit of the American Cancer Society, Tuesday, November 15th at 8:00 P.N:., in the Sorosis Club Flouse, 116 North 3rd Street. Dr. Koonce,; Chairnian of the Executive Committee and President Elect of the State P1ed-, ' ical Society, will review the progress in Cancer Control on hoth a State and National level. A letter of appreciation for having had the opportunity to work as Secretary in the Office of Civil llefense in the Court House, and associated ( even tho indirectly) with the Conmiissioners and.the other nice people around the premises, was received°from Pfiss Helen Cheek, "After four (4) years of pleasant associations, am reluctant to leave my pleasant office," she said. Instructions were given by the Board to refer all ftiture Civil Defense calls to Mr. John H. , Farrell, Executive Planager SENCBA at the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. / t ..i ! The Chairman reported progress on the new Airport Terminal Building; shrubbery has been planted around the grounds and nicely eoiistructed building at low cost. [Jould lilce to tear down the ' old building before oPficially opening the new one. ` Called the IIoard's attention to approx- imately eighteen (18) motor vehicles in use in various Departments of the County not covered'.by liability insurance in addition to those that are covered. It was, therefore, agreed uPon mo- tion of Mr. Hall, seconded by A1r. Broadhurst, to include all of the vehicles in the Cowlty's P? 71eet Policy for Property Damage and Pereonal Injury coverage. The matter of aiaarding the contract to audit the_County's books and records for the fiscal year 1955-1956 was postponed for further study. / f i / Monthly reports were received from: County Farm Agen#/; County Home Demonstration Agent and As- sistant; Fiousing Author.ity of the Cit,y of Wilmington; Wilmi.ngton Colored Library; Airport Bu get Receipts and Disbursements thru October and Airport cash receipts for November 4 and 9. . -A ,18 J Meeting of November 14, 1955 - Continued Drainage Report - ? October 12 - 6 men cleaning out - 1200 feet Ditch - Castle liaqne " 14- 28 - 48 " " " 3050 " " - tdri.ghtsbol°o • • " 31 - 8" installed 30 feet 30" pipe ....... - " .. - , November 1- 8" installed 28 feet 24" pipe ....... - " " 1- 5- 33 " cleaning out 800 feet ri„ht-of-way - " " 7 - 8 " dltChed 800 " " " " ` and installed 40 feet 30" pipe .... - Murrayville • " 8- 9- 22 " ditched 3800 feet ........... - Myrtle Grove John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending November 11, 1955: ? WhiLe patients 7 Nonresidents- 0 Negro " 14 Vacant beds - 11 =14hite ma3e 5; tidhite female 4; Colored male 1; ? Colored female 1. Discharged - 1- Mrs. Ann tdilliams, 207 Tenn. Ave., November 8, • 1955. ' Admitted - 2= Mr, llonald I{ellq, 212 Orange Street, November / 4, 1955. , Moses Brocan, Colored? Rte.l Box 269, City, ATov- ?.. ember 5, 1955 ' 9a` A letter was received from the Medical Hecorcls Department, Cotmnunity I3ospital, advising that r Moses R. Browm, age 78 of Rte.l - Box 269, Wilmington, N. C., was admitted to tt-ie Hospital, June f 11, 1955, and was transferred to John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium November 5, 1955. Mr. Love gave a brief rePort on his attendance upon Institute of Government Tax Supervisors' School at ChaPel Hill, November 9, thru the llth. Adjustments ancl equaJ.ization of Property tax ? values were discussed. Various ideas were expressed for handling the problem and all trying to? ? reach the same solution. As an overall picture it appears it would be easier and less expensive to adjust values of real estate thru an Equalization Program, and reconmiended that a form be pro= vided on the back of the Tax liists for questioning the tax payer at listing time as to his idea . of the present value of his real estate arid such other questions that would be helpful in reach- ing an equitable valuation for use in maleing a djustinents of assessments in accordance iaith his / plan which he has completed for subnussion to the County Cornmissioners and the Tax Advisory Com- mittee when they are ready to receive it. Air. Love said his program would be over a two-qear period at a cost?1approximately $60,000.00 which could be talcen care of in our tax rate structure, and assured the 13oard that in his opinion his plan will meet every requirement of•the Laxa and produce the results desired. A1r. Broadhurst favored the Revaluation Program if not at too great expense to maintain. 'Lhe Chairman reminded the ]3oard that Industry looked for a low tax rate, what it will cost them in dollars and cents. ? After further discussion no objections were indicated by the Board to Mr. Love as the Tax Super- visor, proceeding with liis recoiiunendation to provide space on the back of the tax lists for se- curing the information from the tax payer that would be helpful in carryiiig out his program. Upon motion of hlr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Tlayhan, Countq bills No. 70 to 159 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ' i ?7,h.. tdilmington, N. C., November 21, 1955. I{• ? I The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: H. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., r,rnest~R. Aiayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, Countq Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. r , , ? The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend E. W. Halleck, retired Episcopal Minister. ?J.Copies of the minutes of ineeting of November 14, 1955, having previously been mailed to each mem- ??? ? ber of the 33oard, the same were upon motion of P1r. Afayhan,. seconded by A1r. Hall, apProved. With reference to the sale of Lots 6 ancZ 14 in Block "A" Greenfie3d Terrace oianed by the Couilty ancl City, which wene erroneously included in the sale of lots from Willard Heirs to Mr. E. N. L Small, reported at the last me'bting, the Chairnian reported that the Tax Assessor had viewed the proPerty and recmiunended a sales' appraisal of at least $500.00. T4r. Small having indicated a desire to purchase the two (2) lots, the matter was referred to i;he Chairman to n:egotiate the ?Isale and with power to act. i Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board unanimously agreed to name the new Airport Terminal Build- -?? ing just completed, °Warren K. Pennington Ternu nal" in recognition of Pir. Peiviington's long years of service and promoter of aviation industry in our Community, and that an appropriate plaque honoring him to Lhat end Ue prepared for installation when the new terminal building is official- ly dedicated hy the Conunissioners Pollocaing the Thanizsgiving Holidays. The Chairtiian presented a check for $700.00,from Ringling Bros. -,Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, / ? Inc., for t6e use of the grounds at the Airport for a circus exhibition there NovemUer 16, 1955. The same was turned over to the CoLUity Auditor to be credited to}the tlirport AccoLmt. ?Mr. Hall conuuenting on the proposed location of the Winter Park( Voliuiteer Tlire Department Sta- ? tion's nearness to tlle Winter Yark School which was objected•to by the Board of Eclucation some- time ago, and referred Uack to t)zem to talce the matter up with the State Safety Cowicil inasmucll 2r as that is their obligation and have the same authority to handl.e that question as the County I qp Conunissioners. Nir. Hall felt that any suitable location would not be objectionabl.e as it would ? ?afford protection to the school chi7.dren and not a hazard, especia].ly that it has Ueen inclicated t? the station will be located at least three (3) bloclcs fron the School. ?\JAD County Auditor T. D. Love presentecl r,4eeipts from i;he Bank of New York for the Custodian Account f the Bank of Wilmington, $225,000.00 Cow7ty and Government Bouds to secure deposits of CountyNlznds in the Bank of Wilmington. , v- ? ? I 0 1 L,