1953-03-30 Regular Meeting41 ?? Wilmington, N. C., Masch 30, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this 3ay at 10:00 otclock A.M. Present: R. T.. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Faiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. E. W. Pate, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, . Copies of the minutes of ineeting of March 23, 1953, having previousl,y been furnished to each member of the Board, the same crere upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved, Mr, Horton reported he had contactd 11r. Gore with re£erence to the inefficient operation of the walk-in re- £rigerator at the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and would go down there in the morning with Mr. Gore to explain the proper handling of the freezing, defrosting an3 general operation of the same to the per- sonnel there, which if given the proper attention should function satisfactory, qeA communication was received from Commi.mity Aospital showing inerease in hospital rates to become effective ???? April 1? 1953, also amendment of the By-laws, Rules and Regulations to conform with a recent action of this Body - not incur any indebtedness for services rendered indigent poor and service cases by private physicians. `4.00V In connection with the above m3tt'er, i+Ir. Horton reporte3 a conference was held with Dr. C. B. Davis, Health t??y OSiicer, anx Corru-nunity Hospi.tal Administrator to the effect the City, County, Community and James Walker ftos- pital will 3raw up rules and regulations and submit the same later for approval. With reference to the bleacher incident last rriday, I%arch 27, Mr. Horton said he felt the Commissioners were - ? unjustly critici.zed when they (Chai.rman 3iorton, and Commissioners Davis an3 Trask), in defending their posi- ?\? 'tion when they questioned the authority of Lhe Azalea Festival Committee an3 the City Manager to erect bleacher seats along the sidewalk in f ront of tlie court house on Third Street. The matter was discussed at length and A4r. Horton aske3 the t3oard to approve the action taken by the three Commissioners ( the Chairman, Mr. Davis and Mr. Trask) Friday, March 27, requesting that the bleach?rs not Ue erected any £urther than the iron £ence - on the Court House Proper.ty, and that the Commissioners,were perfectly willing for the blcachers to ranain up on this portion of 1:he property on the Court House site, they feeling we were provi3ing 2/3 of space and that the CitJ cou13 provide the other 113 on the soutn side of the City Hall. It was discussed and mentioned that if tlais Board had irnown that bleachers were needed for'either dignitaries or any disab].ed persons the County would have been gl.ad to fu.rnish and erect the bleachers at no cost to anyone. It cras brou8ht up for vote on motion ? of Mr. Trask and seconded by Mr. Davis, and was carried by the affirmative vote of the Chairman, Commissioners ? Davis and Trask. Nr. Love voted no,for reason, due to his absence, as he was serving iaith the Southeastern IJorth Carolina Beach Association as a nember representing the Board of County Commissioners, entertai.ning the Ameri.can Shore and Beach Preservation Associ.ati.on. Mr, 0'Shields voted no with no excuse given. Mr. Horton told the IIoard request had been made for the Stadium bleacher seats at the golf course £or the use of the Golf Tournament April•2-5. Mr. 0'Shiel3s moved that twelve seciions be furni_shed, it iaas seconded by Nir. Love and carried and the Chairnan was instructed to have Nir. FarroUi provide the same. ??erti£ied copies of Acts to create a Lv4r Library, and appointment oF an Assistant So]_icitor, were received ?S from the Secretary of State and turned over to the Clerk oi the Stizperior Court. Ns. Frederick Willetts, Chairman of the Wilmington Port Conunission, read an3 nresente3 to the Board a£inal ? report of its presen't members, an3 resume dealing with the '!'hird Quarter of the current £iscal year J,imzary 1, to 10 14arch 31, 1953. D'r. Willetts then told the Boar3 the Port Commission Secretary and'the Executive Of£icer were now our charges, and asked for the release of the old members. The Port Commissionwas then given a rising vote of thanlcs for their good xork. r Mr. Horton reported a most enjoyable and beneficial meeting oi the Third District meeting of the County Com- missioners at White Lalce Narch 25th along the lines of bu3getary matters, since some problems came up, in the ??- past had been discussed, and said it iaas a step forwar3 in unification. The next major discussion wou13 be on ldelfare problems. The matter of a full time Secretary tirnich appeared to be very necessary to keep informed during the Legislature in the Capital area, ' Mr. Horton reported an attractive of£er on the gtate Highway garage site on the Castle Hayne Road, and was upon motion of 14r. Trask, s econded by Air. Davis, instructed to ask the State Highwag Commission what their ',---JZ?`' future plans are as to mov°ng the garage to a new location near tne Prison Stocl:ade, whi_ch was contemplated . but deferred until it could be 3etermined what the'Navy would'do toward occupying the airnort, with the view of the County selling thz garage site on bids. ' ? - Mr, Da.vis raise3 the question o£ the City cooperating witn the County in disposing of the City-County owned lots bought in for taxes. The County Attorney advise3 the matter could be handled by suit for partition if it becomes necessary, r Surety Bonds for Abert Pernell Herring and William Farl Williamson as Justi.ces of the Peace in the a mount of -_Pj0!?' ?1?000.00 each with the Aational Surety Company as surety, the said amounts have been £ixed by law and the ? bonds a2prove3 by the County Attorney as to form and execution,iaere upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded 6y Mr. Trask, anproved. A final drawing of the area anfl discription for the National Guard 'Armory site at Legion Sta3ium wac received from the Adjutant General's Deportment? but no further action was taken at this time. The Chairman announced the retiremerit of Mrs. Bevlah Piner, Clerk in the office o£ Associated Charities effec- --? tive as of April 30, 1953, upon aavice of her physician Dr, W. C. Nebane. ? The Chairman read a letter from Mr. W. 0. Lambeth area Conservationist advising progress in the preparation ?S)2alh_of a soil drainage map for New Hanover Cowzty? which shoul3 be ready for delivery at any time now. ?qL?j6 X. report of Airport receipts for March 24, were received and filed. A petition of 88 property owners was presented requesting State maintenance £or a road in Harnett Township which runs from 29acMillan Avenue to US 74/76 known as Pine Street an3 Washburn Street, and road £rom US 74/76 to Wrightscille Avenue lolown as Wallace Avenue, both roa3s a distance of one mile in length on which approx- imately fifty houses are loacted. Was upon motion o£ T4r. Davis, seconde3 by Dir. Trask, anpro ved and re- £erred to the State HighUiay and Public Works Commission for its approval. 412 . ? O` ? 0?'? -2- Meeting of March 30, 1953 - Continued The followi.ng good and lutJful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of civil cases for the ttao weeks term beginning Apri1 13, 1953: Z. V. Vernon, 213 Calhoun Drive, M. V. Jas. E. Dix, Jr, 90 Spofford Mi.lls E. A,Thomas, 503 N. 5th St Abram Solomon, Rte. 3. E. F. Capps, 300cL I?arket St. Yhn. W. Lewis, 221 I'?emaood Ave. A. K. Suimnerlinf 2900 Jefferson St. E. F. Bryant, 210 Keaton Ave. Jisn Cox, Rte.2 Box 323. Chas. L. Humphries, 2729 Van Buren St. D. A. Car,nichael, 712 S. 5th St. Chas. F. Lu.cas, Rte 1. Preston C. Iting, 2011 hietts Ave. K. L. Bliz2ard, 306 N. C. Avenue H. T. Schmus, 2521 Washington St. A. A. Dizor, Rte 3. Secnnd Week- Robert P. FdwarSs, Box 378 Summer Hill H. B. Garrison, 513 Park Tarrace Keith Kimbell, Jr. Rte 1. M. J. Hodgood, 106 1Aeares St. N. W. Humphrey, 202 S{enwood Ave. Henry P. Smith, Jr. 307 N. 4th St. Theo. N. Ingraham, 502 Sunset Ave. James Rhode9, 2020 Creasy Ave. Irving Schwartz, 255 Lake Forest Parkway R. L. Cooper, 2935 Gs Adams St. Ftrs, Elizabeth P. Williams, E7 Oleander Ct. M. R. Leary, 10£3 Calhoun Dr, Jack H. gykes, 2204 Chestnut St. E. A. Kerr,.1709 Orange St, Macmill.an Antley, 406 Walnut St. L. H. LewisJ Rte 2, Box 133 Walter Randall, Rte 3, Box 88 Johnnie S. Robbins , g N. 17th St, Harry E. lJalker, 308-21- S. 2nd St. P. K. Rouse, 107 N. 8th St. Mrs, W. F. Dent, 104 N. 16th St. D. R. Ydard 311-D Ca]houn Dr. Milton E. Hot,tell, 2106 Princess St. Rd. W. E. Schnell, 266 L3ke Forest Parlnaay Honnie M. Caldtaell, 20 S. 3rd st. C. T. Wilkins, 221 Brunswick St. W. A. 4Jells, 1706 Ann St. T. R. Bonhvn, 105-A Marion Drive, 1•;U Miss hiary S. Allen, P.O. Box 675 I4anuel Cobos, 2935 Jefferson St. Severt N. Olness, 125 Lake Forest Parkway George i4iller, Rte. 1. E. F. Hill, 119 Lake Forest Parkway Clarence R. Williams, 420 Carolina Ave. A. E. Davis, 615 Surry St. Nrs. J. S. Poovey, 815 S. 6th St. F. ]:. Hintze, 609 Central Boulevard S. G. Williams, 1734 Orange St. Maek L. Harrelson, 49 L.:ike Forest Parkway Wm. Schwartz, Apt.9-4 Oleander Ct. ' Lacy Todd, 305-C Catiioun Dr. MU J. T. Culbreth, 413 5 6th St. B. H. Uptergrove, 209 Marstel].ar St. A. B. Russ, 703 Central Bou].evard F. R. Stegal, Rte 3, Box 2675 J. H. Pfobley, 114-H, Wi].liamson Dr. W. C. Fagle; Rte #3 L. F. Bass, Jr. 123-A I4arion Drive, Mv L. R. R-iines, Box 176 Carolina Beach Frank R. Piner, Rte 2, Box 297 Kenneth H. Benson, 2707 Van 13uren St. J. A. Mmzn, Jr. 2218 Chestnut St. ' , ,.- f With reference to relieving a back-log in the drainage betrreen the railroad track an3 Highway in the ' Leeuwenberg 3ra.inage area, the Chairman told the Board the drainage crew wi.ll go back there to place the culvert after the l+{yrtle Grove drainage worlc has been finished. A reply was receive3 from the Headquarters Sixth Naval Base, S. C., to a letter iaritten by the Airport N,an- ager requesting the Government to eacecute a Hold Harmless Agreement to place liability damages in connec= tion with the present temporary use of the Airport by the Tiarine Coros,' The Nav?al Base a3vised it would take considerable ticne to get such an agreement throuph, and ca.lle3 attention to page 4, subparagraph 2, of the supplemental instrument of transfer dated May 7, 1948, wlzichps'ovides the Government shall be obligated to ray for damages caused by such use, and therefore believe the County is protected against any loss or damage which may result through use of the Airport by the Government in its operations. In the opinion of the County Attorney the same witl take care of 3amages. ?pW Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, instructions were given to advertise for the nurchase of a? a Tractor and PQotaing Machine with necessary attachments, £or the Airport, on sealed bids to be opened and ? considered at meeting of April 13, 1953. ?t`; Upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, s econ3 e1 by Mr. O'Shields, County Bills No. 2926 to 3004 were anprove3 for payment. ?.`?' Unon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by blr. O'Shields, the Board recommended tha"t a sma11 portion of the Countyts lsnd at Castle Hayne be used for State Roadside Drive-In parlting. Inasmuch as the City of£ices, Banks and Building and Loan Associations willtie closed N,onday, April 6th, the , Board, upon moti.on of Rtr. Trask' seconded by Mr. D'3V1S' voted to observe Monday, April 61 1953, (Easter Mon- ?(? C day) as a holi3ay for Coi.u7ty Offices also. The same being the date of the regizAar meeting of the Board, a recess was therefore taken until the following ne:ct regular meeting 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, April 13, 1953. Clerk .? The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was held Wi]mington, N. C.., April 13, 1953. this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman an3 Co*cmissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden.Bellamy. The meeting was opened with nrayer by the Reverend 14r. H. E. Beaver, Fastor of the Wilmington Gospel Tabernacle. CG Copies o£ the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board held 14arch 30, 1953, having previously been furnished each member of the Board, the same were upon notion of I4r, Davis, seconded by i-ir. O'Shields, approved. _ a" The following two bids for furnishing Tractor an3 Mlower for the Airport, as advertised were received: i Orre11 Fa.rm Fr,uirnnent Comrany - 14ode1 8N Ford Tractor $1,350.00 6' Rear ,i N03,fer 273.86 - .,?'1,623.86 R. F. Hall & Son- ,Iodel MT Tractor with Battery, Starter and Lights 1,722.50 M20 Center I:ounted 14ower with 6' Reg. Cutterbar 258.75 1,981.25 - Special Discount 300.00 - $1,681.25 ,