1955-11-21 Regular Meeting,18 J Meeting of November 14, 1955 - Continued Drainage Report - ? October 12 - 6 men cleaning out - 1200 feet Ditch - Castle liaqne " 14- 28 - 48 " " " 3050 " " - tdri.ghtsbol°o • • " 31 - 8" installed 30 feet 30" pipe ....... - " .. - , November 1- 8" installed 28 feet 24" pipe ....... - " " 1- 5- 33 " cleaning out 800 feet ri„ht-of-way - " " 7 - 8 " dltChed 800 " " " " ` and installed 40 feet 30" pipe .... - Murrayville • " 8- 9- 22 " ditched 3800 feet ........... - Myrtle Grove John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending November 11, 1955: ? WhiLe patients 7 Nonresidents- 0 Negro " 14 Vacant beds - 11 =14hite ma3e 5; tidhite female 4; Colored male 1; ? Colored female 1. Discharged - 1- Mrs. Ann tdilliams, 207 Tenn. Ave., November 8, • 1955. ' Admitted - 2= Mr, llonald I{ellq, 212 Orange Street, November / 4, 1955. , Moses Brocan, Colored? Rte.l Box 269, City, ATov- ?.. ember 5, 1955 ' 9a` A letter was received from the Medical Hecorcls Department, Cotmnunity I3ospital, advising that r Moses R. Browm, age 78 of Rte.l - Box 269, Wilmington, N. C., was admitted to tt-ie Hospital, June f 11, 1955, and was transferred to John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium November 5, 1955. Mr. Love gave a brief rePort on his attendance upon Institute of Government Tax Supervisors' School at ChaPel Hill, November 9, thru the llth. Adjustments ancl equaJ.ization of Property tax ? values were discussed. Various ideas were expressed for handling the problem and all trying to? ? reach the same solution. As an overall picture it appears it would be easier and less expensive to adjust values of real estate thru an Equalization Program, and reconmiended that a form be pro= vided on the back of the Tax liists for questioning the tax payer at listing time as to his idea . of the present value of his real estate arid such other questions that would be helpful in reach- ing an equitable valuation for use in maleing a djustinents of assessments in accordance iaith his / plan which he has completed for subnussion to the County Cornmissioners and the Tax Advisory Com- mittee when they are ready to receive it. Air. Love said his program would be over a two-qear period at a cost?1approximately $60,000.00 which could be talcen care of in our tax rate structure, and assured the 13oard that in his opinion his plan will meet every requirement of•the Laxa and produce the results desired. A1r. Broadhurst favored the Revaluation Program if not at too great expense to maintain. 'Lhe Chairman reminded the ]3oard that Industry looked for a low tax rate, what it will cost them in dollars and cents. ? After further discussion no objections were indicated by the Board to Mr. Love as the Tax Super- visor, proceeding with liis recoiiunendation to provide space on the back of the tax lists for se- curing the information from the tax payer that would be helpful in carryiiig out his program. Upon motion of hlr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Tlayhan, Countq bills No. 70 to 159 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ' i ?7,h.. tdilmington, N. C., November 21, 1955. I{• ? I The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: H. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., r,rnest~R. Aiayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, Countq Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. r , , ? The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend E. W. Halleck, retired Episcopal Minister. ?J.Copies of the minutes of ineeting of November 14, 1955, having previously been mailed to each mem- ??? ? ber of the 33oard, the same were upon motion of P1r. Afayhan,. seconded by A1r. Hall, apProved. With reference to the sale of Lots 6 ancZ 14 in Block "A" Greenfie3d Terrace oianed by the Couilty ancl City, which wene erroneously included in the sale of lots from Willard Heirs to Mr. E. N. L Small, reported at the last me'bting, the Chairnian reported that the Tax Assessor had viewed the proPerty and recmiunended a sales' appraisal of at least $500.00. T4r. Small having indicated a desire to purchase the two (2) lots, the matter was referred to i;he Chairman to n:egotiate the ?Isale and with power to act. i Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board unanimously agreed to name the new Airport Terminal Build- -?? ing just completed, °Warren K. Pennington Ternu nal" in recognition of Pir. Peiviington's long years of service and promoter of aviation industry in our Community, and that an appropriate plaque honoring him to Lhat end Ue prepared for installation when the new terminal building is official- ly dedicated hy the Conunissioners Pollocaing the Thanizsgiving Holidays. The Chairtiian presented a check for $700.00,from Ringling Bros. -,Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, / ? Inc., for t6e use of the grounds at the Airport for a circus exhibition there NovemUer 16, 1955. The same was turned over to the CoLUity Auditor to be credited to}the tlirport AccoLmt. ?Mr. Hall conuuenting on the proposed location of the Winter Park( Voliuiteer Tlire Department Sta- ? tion's nearness to tlle Winter Yark School which was objected•to by the Board of Eclucation some- time ago, and referred Uack to t)zem to talce the matter up with the State Safety Cowicil inasmucll 2r as that is their obligation and have the same authority to handl.e that question as the County I qp Conunissioners. Nir. Hall felt that any suitable location would not be objectionabl.e as it would ? ?afford protection to the school chi7.dren and not a hazard, especia].ly that it has Ueen inclicated t? the station will be located at least three (3) bloclcs fron the School. ?\JAD County Auditor T. D. Love presentecl r,4eeipts from i;he Bank of New York for the Custodian Account f the Bank of Wilmington, $225,000.00 Cow7ty and Government Bouds to secure deposits of CountyNlznds in the Bank of Wilmington. , v- ? ? I 0 1 L, 19 g?v,ember 21, 1955 - Continued • f : Meet?ingio?NSll" • ? An'audit report of the Consolidated Board of Health and riosquito Control prepared by Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, C.P.A.'s for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, and paid for Uy the Board of Health, was received, showing; Statement of cas receipts and disbursements Operat- ' ing FYuid - Cash Balance at July 1, 1954 66,439.69 and -Cash Balance at June 30, 1955 -$3,535.62. Also break-down of plumbing permit colle ctioi7s and remittauces to the Tax Collector; and Meat Inspection l+lxnd. An audit report of the Consolidated Tax Office prepared by J. B. McL`abe and Coripany, C.P.A.'s for the Tax 5ettlement year 1954, showing the following statement which reflects a comparative • percentage of collections and credits covering tYie tax settlement for the years 1954 and 1953: ?. Cit,y of tdilmington Ne?v Hanover County , - - 1954 1953 1954 1953 Prepayment of Taxes 24.82/q 24.44°fo 23.800 24.11% Collectians by Consolidated Tax Office 68.34f 68.20% 68.79% 67.47f Abatements .76°0 1.60°fo .78°0 1.95% Insolvents 2.61% 2.600 2.83? 2.72°fo Tax Sales 3.47°a 3.16% 3.80°fo? 3.75°fo Total Insolvents $ 35,735.07 $ 35,888.61 $ 36,875.50 .1tw 32,271.77. J ?21$ tkudit was referrecl to the County AudiLor for s tudy and report baclc to the Board. .nAr / A??petitign taas received from 12 property owners of Harnett Township to gracle and maintain a sand-clay°,,Soad which rwls from US-17 at Oak Grove Baptist Church to Henry J. Southerland's home, and thence circling southwardly to Crisp home and therice back'to US-17, as shosan on sketch attached. The length of said road is approximately one and one half miles on cahich f six (6) houses are located and will serve as a School Bus route for the children in that Com- mwtity. Upori motion of Mr. Trask, seconded Uy Mr. Broadhttrst, the petiticn caas approved aild 7eferr?to the State Highcaay and Public Worl:s Conunission for consideration. ? `?? . , A peti ion oP fifteen (15) land owners of Cape Fbar Toivizship requesting drainage of farm lands in the Castle 13ayne area taas received andreferred to the Chairman to check with Mr. 0. R. - Heclit, Soi? Conservationist to decide the best way to hand7.e the situation. Q,CuNlhnlhb / ' A request of the Cape Fear Radio Club for gerr?ussion to use the building back of Dii. John A. „ Idestbrook's home at the Airport, and keep it in state of good repair and pield possession of , the`same to tlze County Commissioners a t any time if and when required, was approved by the Board and referred to the County Attorney to prepare an agreement covering the same for the Baa r_ d!s aPProva14 ~ c• ,?,? f Upon motion of Mr. riayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the followiizg Institutions and Train- ing Schools were granted doizations in the amounts shown belosa, to supplement their Christmas Fund for their iiunates in consideratkon of the inmates from tliis Cowlty in the said Institu- tioiis, being the same amowits appropriated.last year: Caswell Trainin; School, ICinston, N. C. $ 25.00 Eastern North Ca,rolina Ti^aining School, Rocky Diount, NC. 25.00 / Samarcand Manor, Eagle Springs, N. C. 30.00 State Training School for Negro Girls, ICinston, N. C. 25.00 _' C1 gr? Stonewall Jackson Training School, Concord, N. C. 30.00 Ameiican Advent Christiah Ilome and Orphanage, Live Oak,I'la., 25.00 Piorrison Training School, Hoffman, N. C. 25.00 $ 185.00 1)d ? +•r An application for admission of Mrs. Lourena C. Pepper Smith, 73-year old citizen of Mason- boro Township, to the County IIome as an inmate on account of the ill healtlz of her sister who is no longer able to iaait on her, and there are no others to wait on or care for her, i?aas on reconunQndaon of the Superintendent of Public Tlelfare, granted. ? ? Sa d dune work ilaving been completed in the unincorporated areas oP the l3eaches, the Chairman ' suggested that thought be given to what medium should Ue used to hold the sand and build up the dunes, thru the assistance of the Soil Conservationist Office. It was said that IIolland Grass was used on the Sdest Coast, however, inasmuch as the State group will come here next caeelc, will . discuss it wtth them. lluring the meantinie, we will continue our efforts to ascertain the best method of han?ling the situation. e,pt ?£ n a meeting oP the Farmers Advisory Council of New Hanover County held in the Office of the Cowzty Agent, Tuesday night, November 15, 1955, was received from Mr. A. Schlegel, Chair- man of the Cowlcil. "The general progmam and problems encountered during the past year were discussed, after which the Assistant County Agent, Mr. W. S. Howell reviewed the work clone in the 4-H Clubs for the past year. Mr. Ho.well explaiiied how the 4-II Clubs have improved during the past year. He also emphasized his gi^eatest problem, the lack of adult leaders. It was suggested that AIr. Howell contact leading farmers for pernv_ssion to refer his 4-H Club members to them as leaders. All members oi' the Council agreed to serve as 4-H leaders i.n such manner. It was agreed that 4-H members taking poultry could ch'eck with Mr. Piaurice Errnnert on Lheir Poultry problems. Mr. Jack PicCarley for Dairy problems; Mr. Case Leeuwenburg on Sw:ine prob- lems; Mr. A. Schlegel and Mr. A. G. Seitter on Vegetable problems and Mr. John Olson on Land- scaping problems. The group agreed that Mr. Howell was doing a fine .job of 4-H Club wark in "e County and «ished him to continue with his plans as outlined. Mr. Baggett's report and b? ktline of plan ,#'or the coming year was accepted, aiid the meeting adjourned." ?,?Y10'yl,?'. C, ?,v? f{ ? lne Chairman announced that the telephone in the Office of Civil Defense in the Court House has been discontinuecl'. (The Office was closed sometime ago and phone calls will be referred to/Mr. ,? Jqhn?1. Fhrr,er??1E???,ve Nianager of the SENCBA at" the Chamber of Commerce.) C?/yv-jy.o-w A l?tter of apciation was received from Pirs. Cornel3a R. Williams, Assistant liome Agent, ? for the talk Mr. liorton made at their Achievement Day Program. "The 4-FI C7.ubs are indebted to you for your most inspiring talk on 1111hat Price Security" at our County Achievement Day Pro,?ram" , s he? ? . ' / ;,?.., ' A bi?l?l for $500.00 annual subscription, was received from the Wilmington Chamber of Cotrunerce. This appropriat,j.on was previously granted at the meeting of October 31, 1955. btA ? ' A sistical report of the North Carolina Public SJelfare for period 1945 to 1955 was received and filed. f '?A NO. Tleeting of November 21, 1955 - Continued J ? ?A4onth3y reports were received from: James Walker Hospital; Consolidatpd Board of Health; Airport Cash Receipts deposited for November 14; State Board of Public ?welfare Census re- port for the County Home, showing: 58 County Home Inmates, 72 Prisoners and 2 Juveniles rIe;naining on hand October 31, 1955. ? Jo n C. Tdessell Sanatorium Censua Heport for week ending November 18, 1955: v? White patieiits 8 Nonresidents - 0 Negro " 14 m i . t)9)JP. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, for payment. Vacant beds -10 = White male 5. White fema,le 3?,\Colored male 1; Colored female 1. ? Discharged - 0 Admitted - 1- T1rs. Mollie Riggs, White f.emale, 18-A Nesbitt Courts, November 14, 1955. seconded by Mr. Trask, County bills No. 160 to 225 caere approved Upon niotion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Pir. Aall, the meeting adjourned. .' . . ??- il•. ?G?!_e _ ?'r . . (:1 k, ' Wi3.mi.ngton, N. C., Nover.tber 28, 1955, The regular weekly meeting of the.Board was held tlzis day at 1.4:00 o'clock A.M. ? Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., L. E. ' Broadhurst, Ernest R. Tlayhan, John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love County Auditor. The meeting was opei7ed with prayer by the Reverend Pfillard C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinity Pfeth- odist Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of November 21, 1955, having previously been mailed to ,,each meuiber oP the Board, the same were upon iziotion of Mr. PSa.yhan:, seconded by Mr. IIall, i approved. he lease agreement granting the Cape Fear Radio Club permission to use a building at the ?C Airport, back of the Airport Pianager's home, oi1 condition they make necessary repairs to the building and surrender possession of the bui.lding to the County in the event of an emergency, or if and cahen required by the Commissioners, was referred to the Chairman and County Auditor with power to act. ? Inasmuch as there are iio funds at all at this time i.ii the hands oP the Steering Committee with which to meet incidental expenses necessary in connection with the effort being made ? to locate a site in New Hanover L'ounty for a location for the proposed Presbyterian College, which if successful would provide greater religious, educati.onal and economic benefits to . our citizens; the Chairmtin suggested that the County with the City coopei°aLing, make an ap- propriation of q?1,000.00 each available for?he use of the Steering Cornnittee, to Ue replac- ed'taith funds if and when available f'rom their subscription receipts, was upon motion of / Mr. Hall, secended by Mr. Trask, approved. J y?.The Cnairman presented a checlc received froin the State in the amo.unt of $14,682.04 covering the County?s Pro-Rata share of Beer and Cdine excise taxes for period from October 1, 1954 thru September 30, 1955. ° ? The Chairman annoiznced that the plaque for the Sqarren K. Pennington Terminal caas in the pro- •?cess of making and if finished by Friday a short dedicational ceremony ?aould be held. at the ?AirporL Friday aPternoon, December 2, 1955, at 4:00 o'clock. , John C. Idessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report was received for the week ending Nov-ember 25, 1955: lJhite Patients 8 Nonresidents - 0 ? ? Negro " 14 Vacant beds - 10 = T4hite rnale 5; White female 3; Colored tnale l; ? Colored female 1. Discharged 1- Tdillie F'aison, 1707 North lOth Street, Col- ored male. Admitted - 1- Theodore Afatthexs, Colored male, 807 North ? 6th Street, November 23, 1955. A letter of thanks was r eceived from Mr. A. E. Huggins, President of?'`the Wilmington Merchants Association, for the contribution to their Christmas Street Libhting Program. He said, " Sae feel that it is a definite asset'to'our City and County to uiake it more beautiflzl at this ? season'of the year.' Our Christmas decorations ti2is year will be as pretty as any in North , Carolina." ? letter caas received from James R. Meadows, 14-,year old youth, a native of jJilmington, 512 South 2nd Street, now with his Ather who is in the service, located at Teddington, England, ,y requesting pertinent information concerning his State (North Carolina) for the preparation of a theme for his Eighth Grade School class. Instructions were given to furnish him with the information requested. / ?1t the regular meeting of the Board of 'Conunissioners of the Comity of New I?anover, State of ??9North Carolina, on the 28th day oi' \oveiuUer 1955, the followiik; resolution was presented by / the Chairman and read by Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., and upon motion of Mr. L. E. Broclhurst, and n't seconded by Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., and unanimously adopted: , , ? ' ?