1953-04-13 Regular Meeting412 . ? O` ? 0?'? -2- Meeting of March 30, 1953 - Continued The followi.ng good and lutJful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of civil cases for the ttao weeks term beginning Apri1 13, 1953: Z. V. Vernon, 213 Calhoun Drive, M. V. Jas. E. Dix, Jr, 90 Spofford Mi.lls E. A,Thomas, 503 N. 5th St Abram Solomon, Rte. 3. E. F. Capps, 300cL I?arket St. Yhn. W. Lewis, 221 I'?emaood Ave. A. K. Suimnerlinf 2900 Jefferson St. E. F. Bryant, 210 Keaton Ave. Jisn Cox, Rte.2 Box 323. Chas. L. Humphries, 2729 Van Buren St. D. A. Car,nichael, 712 S. 5th St. Chas. F. Lu.cas, Rte 1. Preston C. Iting, 2011 hietts Ave. K. L. Bliz2ard, 306 N. C. Avenue H. T. Schmus, 2521 Washington St. A. A. Dizor, Rte 3. Secnnd Week- Robert P. FdwarSs, Box 378 Summer Hill H. B. Garrison, 513 Park Tarrace Keith Kimbell, Jr. Rte 1. M. J. Hodgood, 106 1Aeares St. N. W. Humphrey, 202 S{enwood Ave. Henry P. Smith, Jr. 307 N. 4th St. Theo. N. Ingraham, 502 Sunset Ave. James Rhode9, 2020 Creasy Ave. Irving Schwartz, 255 Lake Forest Parkway R. L. Cooper, 2935 Gs Adams St. Ftrs, Elizabeth P. Williams, E7 Oleander Ct. M. R. Leary, 10£3 Calhoun Dr, Jack H. gykes, 2204 Chestnut St. E. A. Kerr,.1709 Orange St, Macmill.an Antley, 406 Walnut St. L. H. LewisJ Rte 2, Box 133 Walter Randall, Rte 3, Box 88 Johnnie S. Robbins , g N. 17th St, Harry E. lJalker, 308-21- S. 2nd St. P. K. Rouse, 107 N. 8th St. Mrs, W. F. Dent, 104 N. 16th St. D. R. Ydard 311-D Ca]houn Dr. Milton E. Hot,tell, 2106 Princess St. Rd. W. E. Schnell, 266 L3ke Forest Parlnaay Honnie M. Caldtaell, 20 S. 3rd st. C. T. Wilkins, 221 Brunswick St. W. A. 4Jells, 1706 Ann St. T. R. Bonhvn, 105-A Marion Drive, 1•;U Miss hiary S. Allen, P.O. Box 675 I4anuel Cobos, 2935 Jefferson St. Severt N. Olness, 125 Lake Forest Parkway George i4iller, Rte. 1. E. F. Hill, 119 Lake Forest Parkway Clarence R. Williams, 420 Carolina Ave. A. E. Davis, 615 Surry St. Nrs. J. S. Poovey, 815 S. 6th St. F. ]:. Hintze, 609 Central Boulevard S. G. Williams, 1734 Orange St. Maek L. Harrelson, 49 L.:ike Forest Parkway Wm. Schwartz, Apt.9-4 Oleander Ct. ' Lacy Todd, 305-C Catiioun Dr. MU J. T. Culbreth, 413 5 6th St. B. H. Uptergrove, 209 Marstel].ar St. A. B. Russ, 703 Central Bou].evard F. R. Stegal, Rte 3, Box 2675 J. H. Pfobley, 114-H, Wi].liamson Dr. W. C. Fagle; Rte #3 L. F. Bass, Jr. 123-A I4arion Drive, Mv L. R. R-iines, Box 176 Carolina Beach Frank R. Piner, Rte 2, Box 297 Kenneth H. Benson, 2707 Van 13uren St. J. A. Mmzn, Jr. 2218 Chestnut St. ' , ,.- f With reference to relieving a back-log in the drainage betrreen the railroad track an3 Highway in the ' Leeuwenberg 3ra.inage area, the Chairman told the Board the drainage crew wi.ll go back there to place the culvert after the l+{yrtle Grove drainage worlc has been finished. A reply was receive3 from the Headquarters Sixth Naval Base, S. C., to a letter iaritten by the Airport N,an- ager requesting the Government to eacecute a Hold Harmless Agreement to place liability damages in connec= tion with the present temporary use of the Airport by the Tiarine Coros,' The Nav?al Base a3vised it would take considerable ticne to get such an agreement throuph, and ca.lle3 attention to page 4, subparagraph 2, of the supplemental instrument of transfer dated May 7, 1948, wlzichps'ovides the Government shall be obligated to ray for damages caused by such use, and therefore believe the County is protected against any loss or damage which may result through use of the Airport by the Government in its operations. In the opinion of the County Attorney the same witl take care of 3amages. ?pW Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, instructions were given to advertise for the nurchase of a? a Tractor and PQotaing Machine with necessary attachments, £or the Airport, on sealed bids to be opened and ? considered at meeting of April 13, 1953. ?t`; Upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, s econ3 e1 by Mr. O'Shields, County Bills No. 2926 to 3004 were anprove3 for payment. ?.`?' Unon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by blr. O'Shields, the Board recommended tha"t a sma11 portion of the Countyts lsnd at Castle Hayne be used for State Roadside Drive-In parlting. Inasmuch as the City of£ices, Banks and Building and Loan Associations willtie closed N,onday, April 6th, the , Board, upon moti.on of Rtr. Trask' seconded by Mr. D'3V1S' voted to observe Monday, April 61 1953, (Easter Mon- ?(? C day) as a holi3ay for Coi.u7ty Offices also. The same being the date of the regizAar meeting of the Board, a recess was therefore taken until the following ne:ct regular meeting 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, April 13, 1953. Clerk .? The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was held Wi]mington, N. C.., April 13, 1953. this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman an3 Co*cmissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden.Bellamy. The meeting was opened with nrayer by the Reverend 14r. H. E. Beaver, Fastor of the Wilmington Gospel Tabernacle. CG Copies o£ the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board held 14arch 30, 1953, having previously been furnished each member of the Board, the same were upon notion of I4r, Davis, seconded by i-ir. O'Shields, approved. _ a" The following two bids for furnishing Tractor an3 Mlower for the Airport, as advertised were received: i Orre11 Fa.rm Fr,uirnnent Comrany - 14ode1 8N Ford Tractor $1,350.00 6' Rear ,i N03,fer 273.86 - .,?'1,623.86 R. F. Hall & Son- ,Iodel MT Tractor with Battery, Starter and Lights 1,722.50 M20 Center I:ounted 14ower with 6' Reg. Cutterbar 258.75 1,981.25 - Special Discount 300.00 - $1,681.25 , . . PFRSONh'EL RULES & RFGULATIOIdS ? FOR IeTEW H!!tdOVER COUidTY WIL'dI;iGTOTd, I'10RTH CA.ROLITdP. ji I AP?ROVF,D qY - BOARD OP CQUIdTY CO'ifi1ZSSI0b4ERS j P.PRIL 13, 1953 . v <? PERSONNEL RULES l?ND RE(:ULATIONS For the purnose of establishing a uniforn bnsis for dealing with var- ious personnel mntters of the County of New Hnnover, :Jilmington, North Carolina, the following rules and regulatior.s have been compiled: Legal Holida,ys Legal holidays hereinafter designated sha11 be observed vith pay by -cgular, full-tine County employee, unless sueh employes are required to be on regulnr duty: IJew Ter.r's Day, i4ashington's Birthday, i:icr,wriel Lay, Indenendence Da,y Labor Dnyo Arniistice Day, il;anksgi.ving Day, Christmas Day, f,nd the dey e.fter Cl.:ir.tmns, ;Yhen a holidfly fr•.lls on Sundav, the 1'ollowinC Mondey will bo obse;vod,. Annuv.l Leave Each regulrzr, full-time enploye raho. he.s -worlted °or thE County far one, yeer or lonrer sliall oc entitled to emiual lerave w.ith pw,y- in the ataount of twe calendar wns}:a in erir.h fisual ye;r. Annunl lenve shall Ue acrued as o.f the do.ta aa enplope snters the servie nf the County. In speci?l cases, at the discrcti= o° the Di:psrtrEnt H,ctd •nd County Commissioners, an emplo;,e iaho ha.s been in the service of thc Count,y for six r:tonths may Ue granted one celendar caselc of his an- m:.al lenvc. Ti*Ze lost b,y an emploVe by rcacon of leave of absence without pr,y or tin:c oth:_rwise not wcrktd or pr, id for, shetll not be considered in co.*,iputing oarn- ed allovinncos of annuel leavo. Vacation sohr,dulcs for employes in all departmonts sliFll 5o developud b;/ Dc3partment Iieeds. It shall be the policy af ee.ch Densrtmcnt Hecd t• schedule the vacltions ovar as tividc a period as possible in ordor to obni:te, insofar as oossiblo, the need for a tenporcir,y inorease in pcrsonnel. hn,y unused portion of the r,llow<nce of s-.nnu: 1 leave shall expi:•e st ' the cnd of thc next succecding fiscal vus;r. However, an exten,ion of six nonths ' may be allowad upon certification by the Denai•tr?ent Iiecid that it cias impracticaale ? _ 2 _ to allow tine off for'vacation privilvges bocause of an unusun.lly hoavy volume of work, inz.oility temporarily to replace the emplo}re, or such other reasons as are satisfc:ctory to thc Dene.rtnent tiead, Any employre who has voluntcrily sepe.rated fron the service vaill be cn- titled to compunsation,for any unused portion of nis cinnual ler.vG allowance for thc pr?ceding year ^.nd of the current year to the date of separation provided he }:°, bvcn in the service af the County £or une year or longer. Sick Lc:a.ve i,cery retuler, full-tir.ie c:Mnloyc: sna11 bo granted siek lerzve vaith ful-, nsy c.° onc calendar day for us.ch »onth o£ scrvice, Any unused sick leave nay bA ac-=ulated fron one fiscAl year to the next to a m.aximum of six.ty enlendar dnys; all of wn_ch sht_11 bs paid for nt Pull tiMe whenever needed. After sixLy daya zti si::l; le<ve have been acctunulated, an eeaploye who has been in thc service of the ."ounty less than ten years ma,y continue to accumulate au additianal cixty duys ;;it:.ch will be pc,id for at 50;%d of his selary, but if Any such leave is unused v+he:i th; employe has bcen in service ten yetzrs, it becoraes available nt full pay aftor thet time. Any enploye who hns been in the service of tlie County for ten or mn:-e ,years, howevc;r, may cont.inue to accumulete sick lec,ve at full pny mntil 120 ciays hevr; boen accurmlated. P.fter an er.±plo,{e has besn in the service of the Count.y for t-,,enty yeArs, he may bcgin to.accunuluts un addi.tionr_1 120 days ivhich will bo paid fnl' Ct 500 of !iis salary whenever nveded,* In the ew nt an emuloye hr.s ust;d hi3 aoouraulated sick le?.ve, he mt:.y elect, subject to the spprovel of the DeParti-:unt Her.d, to use part o,°. his c.nnue_1 lenve ns sick leeve to avoid losing pay 3 for thc ocriod of illnecs in excess of iiis accuraulc:ted sick leavo. A cErtifice.tc from ra reputablE physic3an m¢y be roquired as evidence ef t`ie illness bofore compcnsation for the neriod o£ illness is e.llowed. E=loyes who hnve taken sick leavo with or without pa.y may be reinstc:t- ed in the Coiznty's service after the expiration of u reasonflble perio d, providing * Sec• puga 6 - 3 - they are in condition ti perform the services requirod. Tha County's obligati,)n in the grantinr of accumulated sick leave ceas- es the monent an emplo,ye is soparetc3d from his job, aither volunte.rilv or other- wise. In arder to get the mntter of accumulated leEive on u detinite basis so that oach oriploye will know to tialiat he is entitled ctnd the County v+ill know the eztont to .u::ich it is obligated, the follov+ing method will be used. The service record of ee.ch employe up to Jcinuary 1, 1953, will be compiled and tho amount of ci.?k leave ,ah;ch uould have been accumulated without sickncss dotermined. This accu:nulation raill be divided .in helF ¢nd the o.rtount so arrivcd nt wi11 form the be.sis fron vrhich additional sick leave will be accunulated in accordance with t`ic nbove achedule beginning JQnu¢ry 1, 1953. Leave of Absence ti'rithout PaV Leaves of absence without pay may bo granted by the Depn.rtment Hend with the apnroval of the Corunission for a period not to oxcecd one yer.r. Upor.. e..;niiation of the lo?ivo, the employe will be roinstpted to the position held bc:i:re the ler.,ve wes grsntod if such position still exists end is unfillod. Failure o_° the emnloye to repnrt Promptly at the expiration of the lenve will be consi.dcred cause for dis!nissal. Such leavo will be grAnted only tivhen it tivill not result in unraus prejudico to the interests of the County. • Any full-time, rugulnr cmplove holding a?osition in the County service who shxll be ordered inductud into the Armod Forces ef the United Stetes for train- ing, or service, shall be gre.nted e lee.vo of abscnce without pay for the duration uf his service and for e period of sixty calendar dnys following his honorable dis- chr,.rgo. Upon the tormination of such sorvice •r at eny timo duri.ng the Pollowing sixty-doy period, the enploye will hnve the right to return to hi.s position pro- vided it still exists enri the er.nploye is still otherwiSe quetlifiad. Such an em- ploye will net su!'fer any?loss of reting, seniority, or demotion o£ any kind w}iat- -4 - socver. Vaenncies resulting tror.i lcaves granted under this section r•rill be fill- ed onl,y on a temporery basis. Absence Withoizt Leave P1o cmploye muy be nbsent from duty withnut pernission of the De;p..rt- mcnt Hcs.d, After three dcys absence vai`.hout lc:pve the Depsrtment fiead may de- elare the nosition *iaca.nt unless the e:mploye's absence is sntisfactorily er.ole.ia- _3, Any such-nbsEnce shall be tivithbut p^f, Energency Leaoe In r,use of deeth or sc:rious illness in his immcdinte Family, e:e,qul:.i_ Fnl;-titao eniploye may be granted lcr:ve of absenco with pay for c pa:iod ngt ':., exce;ud thrac days. "L:nerii.ete family" is definod as ivifo, husband, chilci, t:r,'..h er,sister, r.Frent, cr ather relative ]iving in the sanc household, Transfers It ShIIll bE the policy of the County Governrent, insofar as £ensib7e tu trsnster emPloves pc:r.r,nnently ur temporr_rily from one department to enothes :ehc.n such trans£ers wi11 holp to pl:ce erployes where thev do thcir moct effec'r ive vork and will lessen the neeessity for m&I:iar; tenparary nppointnEnts to h:.ndia peek denr.,rtilent loe.ds. Domotions Tkiis form of pena.lt;;• for disciplinar,y purposes moy be Mado by Dcne.rt- munt Heads, when nn c;aploye ia nnt giving satisfuctory er,rvice in the posi.tion hc holds, yet dnes not descrve dismissal £rom the sarvice, nnd givos ovidencc of abilitV te perform wor.k of n different type. J Suspensions Suspsnsions nre temporn_ry sepe.rations for disciolinary purposos where " the cause is net sufficiently grave for dismiesal. Fn emp2oye mey be suspended vri.thout pe:;; ?i the discretion oF his Departmont HEad, for such pcriod of time ne - 5 - the gravity of the situn±,ion ;aav w:srrz.nt, Msmissnls Dismissnls are discharges or separrtions made for miaConductj inoffic- iancy, insubordination, he.bitufll tardinoss, or just cause. A Departnent Head may disriiss rn emplo,ye in his dopnrtnsnt at an;r tine. A regulo.r full-tirae cmplnyc shall receive a sevcn-day noticc of disnicsnl or shr.ll be ppid for one week's w,-ic if senorated at the time of nntice of dismissal, providcd he lias been employ- ed bv the Coimty for onc consecutive ,year or more. Laa-Offs lJhen it is neccssery to reduce the numbar of ompl.oye> en A,: C.unty pe:yroll becau3e of l;:ck ot' work or funds, or mnteri= 1 ch!:ntf;s of KU.i:i.e; ;•_ organiz2tiun, the Apartment He.:.ds shnll undertc.l-e a thorouyh investir;ati.on r.f `:io nveUlEM, Cousidcrntion viill be givon to the type of activi tic;s to be cartailed ard the cla:>ses nf po,itinns to Ue nffected. In determining which cmployes sl•_:'..'. affer,ted, snd r.ll other things bc ing equnl, du!; con;iderr:tion s}iall bo give•i the ctaploye's IonE,tn o£ sorvice mitn the County. $uggestions r.nd Compl^.ints The Cammission will welcome augr;estions from thu Ikpa:rtmunt Hends and employes £or improving the persnnnol system. Such sujqestions may bc sent to the ChairMr.n er tho Bonrd of Com;nissioners in a let±E:r or n:-,orrndun or by per- sonul interview, If it hecoraes epparent th"t ch"ngas in un;? nart of the system nre necr:ssai•y or dosiraolc;; thuy will be radc. For thnse in the County service r+ho believe they hove bccn dis- crininc;ted ag.ainst cr unfuirly treated, the Departncnt Heud mry, at such ti:ne .ts designated by him, nako nrovision £cr }ieHring such ertployes' compls:ints or griev- r,ncus with v viaw to settlin;; the proolem. - 6 - Excoptions ExcePtions to the _bove rules ma.y bo madL at the discretion of tho Bor_rd of Conmissiontrs in cases involving unusu?.l or exceptionel circunstr.,nccs. * Sick LecLve - continucd I£ nn enployo does not miss any drys due to sicknass, his siclc ler:ve •!?r.u,ulation woulci be figured as followss One d;,y pe:r month ut full pcr during first five yeera. C-, dsy ner nanth nt half pa,y durinZ the next fice ,yenrs. Upon ren.ching his tonL-h yenr of service his necumu]uted de.ys nt h__f p.y will becone availcble at ft.tll p.^.y nnd he v+ill hcvo n mc.xi.nmu*a a: 72(, d_,r'_ ; c full p.y to his credAt c.nd ca$1 xccuuiulete no r.iore tire until he r-s oeen t:r:c „ounty tvrent;v years. iihc:n he ro?chcs the tivent,y ,yuar mark he cen berin to :xocur?ul^.tc ona additinn.=.1 &%r per nonth at halE pc+,y until he re• ches nis thirtieth yecr crit;! •:. ._ I -),.?nty at ±uhich ti rtc he vaill hr.ve the me,xiMUri accumulr.tion of 120 c:r,,ys at P?A',i pa,y snd 120 dekys axt hf:lf on.y. Of course it is extremely unlikely thlt any employe will be lucky . .+ eneuj?h to work for tnirty or even ten years without sickness. i3owever, it is i*npoi•tant that as fora days as ::re cbsolutely necessar,y be loat bec-.use of sickness so titat et:ch u*aploye will hevc as nuch c.ccunulated leave as possible to his crod- it to be used r•rhen needud in the event of sorious and lc.ngthy illnc;ss tivhieh night occur at any time. E1 1 pcrmnnc;nt full-tine employes nre or shrll bc coversd unricr a re- tirencnt or pc:nsion nlnn in cunformity witL thc provision o£ Ch:•.nter 669, Ses- sion Laws of 1943, as amcnded. , L A?B #hore Etulse and Rcgulationa eure auuject further tq tha ProsS.n4ona . I; C2tagLsr 676 vP the Axtalio J2noe:1 I.nrr6 08 1939 orsatine a Gtvi7. &ervic*'C4smLs. fiO3Y 6.Z tiEW li.BISD'Vt)T Cr:i1T1 ,?? 413 Meeting of Aprill 13, 1953 - Continued , ?JJpon motion of,Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by idr. Love, the bid to furnish One $N Ford Tractor and 61 Hezr ???Q.f? Mounted hlower at a price of ??1,623.86 submitted by Orrell Farm Fquipment Company vras accepted, they being the loiaest bid3ex•s. Mr. H. E.'D'eHatt, Chief of {:he Winter Park Volunteer Fire Departir.ent presented a map shoiaing the area to be covered by its £ire protection service which includes a three mile radius basing from his service station at Winter Park, iahich wou13 reach out to the iaest side of the Carolina IIeach Road. He fur-ther E(;ated it was planned toipsrchase new and a dditional equipment inclu3ing a 5,600 gallon tank truck, an3 asked the Board's approv31 of the same to enable them to meet the requirements of the'North Carolina Fire Insus•ance Rating Bureau that would mean a 7¢ insurance rate reduttion on the .?m].00.00 valuation. Upon motion of ils. Davis, seconded by 11r. 0'Shields the matter was referre3 to Llie New Hanover Colu7ty Volunteer I'ire Inspec- - , tion Committee!f'or its anproval. Dr. Fre3 H. Coleman, County Coroner, apneared to 3iscuss Eees allowed him £or his services; stating the amount for investigations is inadeauate for the time and work required to mako certain investigations for n'??w',,ich the naacimum £ee is set by latia at $3.00, and $10.00 per day for holding inquests plus travel expense, and asked for a re-adjustment of the fees. The question o£ pJacing the office on a salary basis was dis- cussed and•Dr. Coleman iaas askea to furnish the Board with a statement of fees paid and ti-me devo:ted to _ the office with the view o£ reaching an average or, which a basis cou13 be established for salar,y, £or further study anu report back to the Aoard at a subsequent meeting. Mr, R. A. Shetr appeared to say he was in favor of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board system, but opposed the advertising of w)iskey in our newspapers as it tend to encourage the use of whiskey among our young peo- {? ? ple and urged the Cormnissioners to ask the ABC Boa.rd to request the Distillers to discontinue the advertis- ing of whiskey in our netirspapers. Thereupon Nir. Davis moved an3 it was seconded by Nir. Love and carr;ai, that i;he New Hanover County Alcoholic'B'?verage Control Board be requested to take such action necessary un= der its power o£ control, to have Distillers discontinue the advertising of whiskey in our local neiaspapers in an effort to discousage the inarchase and use of wiiiskey among our young people, rather than to encourage it through adyerti.sements. Mr. OtShields voted no for the reason that he as a member of a raaio staff, a public infornation agency, iahich has the right to accept any program it sees fit including beer and wine programs up to 14% alcoholic content, or to reject any progran considered objectionaUle, and iaould therefore hesitate to be interfered ?rith by an outside agency. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, and carried, that th=s Board go on record aporoving House Bill tdo. 1157 intz•oduced by the HonoraUle Roy C. Coates of Johnson County, to create the position oi - ?.--? Supervisor of.Alcoholic Edcuation in the State School Systen, dealing with the dangers o£ alcohol and nar- coties, and request our Representative in the Legislature to give said Bill his fu11 support. In vietr o£ a State enlarge:ner.t program to fl:rther eacpan3 its Sanatorium at I,cCane, N. C., due to the er.- ? pansion of fabilities at Fort Bragg, the Board; upon motion of A'1r. Traslc, seconaed by Nir. 0'Shields, approv- ?05p ed the action of the Chairman by letter to Governor IInstead Anrit 3rd, offering our 32 bed Tuberculosis Hosoital to the State of idorth Carolina £or the treatment of tuberculosis in the southeastern section of the State, which we believe would solve its problem and be a saving to the Stste as well as our County. Upon motior.of N?r. Trask, seconde3 by Mr. Davis, Boy Scout Troops in this area were granted the use of the ?d?Q?-013 Northeast Cape Fear River Bri3ge-Keepers site at Castie Hayne for their activities, without charge or rental for same. And instructions were given to write the State Iiighway and Public Works Commission to give the County a quit claim deed for the property, and to further clari£y and a3just the title to the same between Neta Hanover and Pender County as their respective interests may appear. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, secon3ed by Mr. Trask, the Board approve3 a new schedule of working hours to be ? observe3 by all Cour.ty Department Heads, presented by the Chairman after polling the various departments as to the best tiiorkable agreement anproved by the majority, on a trial basis £or the period beginnirg April 27 ana ending tYirough September 27, 1953. Sa.id working hours tolz observed are from 7:30 A.M. to 4:30, for - the five-day week. n'?OIt was agreeable to the Board to have a microfilming machine set up in the Court House £or recording papers in the Register of Deeds and Clerl: of Superior Court Of£iCes on a month's trial basis. Upon motion payment o£ a bill to Quinn-NicC-owen Company, Warsaw, N. C., for %0.00 for hearse service rend- " ered in t;aY.ing the bo3y of Mrs. W. E. Baysden from Idilmington to I?uke Hospital on or3er of Dr. Fred H. oleman, Coroner, was approved, provided the agreement crith Onslot•! County to pay this County for fun3s ?aid advanced Dulce Hespital £or legal examination of the body wnich was.found parlced in an automobile at • Ca'rolina Beach is broad enough to incJ_ude payment of the same by Onslow County in the event it is later shown that the crirce was comnitted in Onslow County. A letter was.received from Mr. J. R. Ber_son, City P;anager, a3vising he is in accord with continuing the oFeration of the Port Comrnission Office until such time as tHe position of Manager of the Bureau of Rates . an3 Industry has been filled by the City and the new man reports for duty, and such time thereafter as may ? be necessary in order to consoli_date the toro offices without resulti.ng in a stoppage o£ the work being carried on by the Port Commission. The exppnse incurred by the conti.nued operation of said of£ice will be pai3 £rom £unds presently held in the Port Commission F1znd, A letter was received £rom Mr. D. G. Sissons in aclmowledgement of our letter of March 31, agreeing to carry on the functions o£ the Port Commission Office until such time as consolidation can be arranged ? wit? the organization to be set up by the City Management. nPUpon motion bf Mr. Dsvis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the following 1h:les and Regulations for the Furpose o£ establishing a uniform basis £or dealing with var_ous personnel matters of the County of New Hanover were adopted subject to the approval of the County Attorney: ! ? ' r- 414 -z- Meeting of April 13? 1953 ^ Continued A letter was received fron Mr. J. R. Benson, City Manager, advising it was agreeable to the City Council to sell the City-County tax foreclosure property as suggested by the County Commissioners, a£ter a list has been made an3 the several tracts screenai to determine i£ there is any municipal or industrial use that might be made of the properties, an3 to that end suggested that the County Au3itor and City Auditor prepare such a list showing needed information ior proner i3entificxtion, _-`?'\? With reference to the matter of trash disposal by land-fills method suggested b;? the State Board of ??`( ?`( Health and as used in Guilford County, the same was referred to tdie Chairman to further 3evelop a pro- posed program as to locatiors an3 cost. *A.cop?? of a letter from Atayor E. L. White to Nr. J. Holmes Davis, Jr., President of the Cape Fear Country / ? Clvb was received, extending thanl:s on behalf of New Hanover County an3 the Cit3 of Wilmirgion for his ?V£ine cooperation with the Azalea Festival by making available the use of the Cape Fear Country Club for the luncheon given for our distinguished guests. y A schedule of rate charges sugPested £or events at Legion Sta3iwn prepared by Mr. Rhoda Farrow was receiv- ed for studJ. A copy o£ a letter £rom N,r._ W. E. Stanley to Mr. J. R. Benson, City A1anager, calling at'l.enti.on to a re- , cent offer submitted by Mr, George Hutaf£ to purchase two (2) 7.ots of City-County o"me3 proPerty back J C? of his apartment houses 903 an3 905 Princess Street, ask;ng in the ir.terest of safety in the event (5f.fire, and the convenience of his tenants, that he be notified before this property is sol3 to anyone, and sub- mitted an offer of $l;12.50 per lot £or same, and requeste3 that he be given the first refusal o£ this property, was received. With re£erence to the proposed purchase of a new boolanobile, insi:ructions were gi.ven to request Mrs. Harper, Librar;an? to be present at'our next Nonday's taeeting to consider with us the selection of the best facility ?b from what aie have before us within the lirice range Gre have available. And, to advertise for bids for the purchase o£ the same 3elivered here. " Ilue to the unsatis£actory heatine provide3 the colored Home Agent at 527 Red Cxoss Street, ar.d in view of a savi.ng in rent cost, it was agreeable to the Aoard to provi3e an office for her Department in the Court House. „ The following reports were receive3 and or3ered filed: CAA Docket No. 5666 and 5569, Br9.ef of the Post Office_Depar•tment to E?caminer E3ward T. Stodola, in the ? C?{, matter of the Fastern-Colonial, Acguisition of l?ssets, and llational-Colonial Integration Investigation. ?1^? Wilmington Pub].ic Library, and Boolmiobi7.e. Mrs. Verna Belle T,owery, County Home Agent. Rebecca L. Hal1, ?'? ler, Colored HoTe Agent. D. D. Baggett, County.Farm Agent. Wilmington P9x+- Cn*?nission attendance report. ,Qr Vet?ran?s,Service Officer. Airport Receipts and Disbursements. Bureau of _Iaentification, and Back Tax ? Wrw? 0£fice showing $3,386,87 col7.ected £or the City, $3,663.78 for the Oounty, makin?; a totsl of u7,05U.65 back 1a???i.?,?ta.xes col lected ior the month,of hiarch. -?" The matter o£ purchasing a new dragline ior drainage work was discussed, and the Chairman called atten- tion that advertisement ha3 been made for sea.le3 bids to be received at meeting of Anril 20, 195:, fur furnishing the same. ? Due to the imsatisfactnry manner in ?rhich Mr, J?mes C. Pennington has handle3 his airgort account with ??b tl?e County and rio anparent effort }?eing made to better the same, instructions ?aere given to notify him ?? that unless his account is nri3 up on or be£ore Anril 30, 1953, his agreement wi.th the County will be terminated an3 he vacate the nremises ar_3 surrender Possession of the s ame to the County on siid date. • Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, instructions were g5vc;n to request Nir. ,ToseFh Norwood, IiN)District Airport &g.;neer to secure authority for the County to dispose of miscellaneous odds and ends of ...Q? surplus airport equipsnent. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0!Shields, 3enttL*es for Carl Westbrook, cot;nty gatient, at State Sanatoritmm, recommended by the physician i.n charge, was anthorized at a cost o£ not to exceed p1+5.00. i . ? No objections were raised by the Board to the aPpli.cation of thP following ;ersons fnr a State permit to ? sell beer at the locations snotim. ?. , Herbert Lee Barber, "Lee's Drive-In" Carolina Beach ? Barber Hayda, "Silver pollar" 5 Cape Fear Boulevard, C?-olina Beach ? George Hyda, Sr,, "Board4ralk Canteen" l. Cape Fear Boulevard, Carolina Beach ? Clyde K.ing, "Faircloth Olister Roast" Wripht svil7.e Sound - Mrs. tlalter M. Toad, 16J. M. Todd Grocery" 613 Castle Street, Wilmington ?`A petition of 11 propert,y oi?mers in West Audubon asking for drainage of area betrreen Park Avenue and ? Peachtree Street, between Floral Parlcway and 39th Street, was received an3 anproved an3 oraered placed on the agenda in nroper order•. Upon motion, duly seconde33 instructions were given to request the State HiEhtaay and Public Works Com- mission to have trafiic lights installed at the ihtersection of the CarolS.na Beach and River Roads, in- ?Oay tersection of the New and Old 47rightsv"ille Beach Highways at Wri.Ehtsville Sound, to e?.iminate a serious a` traific hazard at the two intersections as well as to provi3e an ec,ual share of trafiic movement over the highways tnere. Instructi.ons were further given 'to a sk for areport on our request of Febi-xary 9, 1953, for reinstateTent o£ the traffic lipht remove3 from the i.ntersection of Oleander Drive and 46th Street at Winter Park. ?O, Certified copies of the fo?lowing Acts nasse3 at the 1953 session of the Legislature were received: ? H. B. #746 - To fix the salaries of certain officials of IQew Iianover County. H. B. #166 _ Authorizing t11e Count;;r Co.missioners to fix the fees to be charge3 by the Register of Deeds an3 Clerk of Superior Court, Sheriff and Constable, in certain instances. H. B. #350 - To rePeal Chapter 117 of the Public L3Ld5 0£ 1943, and Chapter 135 of the Public Iaws of 1941, relating to allotment of a Portion of the t1BC xiui3s to Wilm?.ngton Port Commission. H. B. #784 - An Act relating to the division of Liquor profits in 1Vew Hrjnover County. H. B. # 81 - An Act to establish a Iaw LibrarJ. Upon motion of Mr. Davis County bi11s Ido. 3005 to 3196 were anproved ior paylr?ent. V T$e meeting then adjourne3. ? 3? L i ? / - 4?p .- Clerk