1955-12-05 Regular Meeting.? Meeting of November 1955 - Continued THAT WHEREe15, the 81st Congress of the IInited States, First Session, adopted House Documert 87 providing for the improvegent of Wi1miug.t9n liarbor, North Carolina, and authorized cer- tain work to be performed by Public Law 516, 81st Congress, known as the River and Harbor Act of 1950, approved 17 May 1950; AND W1iEREAS, as a pa.rt of said project certain requirements are made to secure local cooper- ation on tY.ie part of local interests as set forth in the report of the Army Engineers as fol- lows:. Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements,• righla of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for construction And subsequent maintenance of the project, when and as requi.red; and hold and save the United 5tates Free from damages due to the con- struction and subsequent maintenance of the project. AND WHLRLAS, the said Board of Commissioners beiiig cognizant of the importance and Uenefit to be derived by the people of New Hanover County, growing out of said proposed improvement, desires to guarantee to the United States of America the local cooperation required for the aforesaid improvement. NOId, THLREPCl1iE BE IT RESOLVi,D that the County of Nesa Hanover guarantees to the Unites States of America that in consideration of the construction of the aforesaid improvement the re- quirements of the United States of America as to local cooperation will be met and that it will release the United States of America from such damage grGaoing out of the construction of the aforesaid improvement as and cahen such releases are required, and that it kdll hold ; and save the United States of America free froiu claims and damages resulting from the improve- , me1nv?,t9.,??/ Upo niotion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, County bills No. 226 to 286 were approved for payment. • • The following good and lawful persnns were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases for the one week term beginning December 5,1955: ? A. L. Bandcroft, 4806 Wiightsville Avenue Paul G. LeGwin, 202 Northern Boulevard -Sd. E. Outlaw, 332 Castle Hayne Road C. B. Register, 25 Terrace [4alk W. Clark Bellamy, 611 Market Street S. T. Gresham, Jr., P. 0. Box 55 73enjamin H. Smith, Jr., 206 Lake Forest Walford Jones, 117 Dare Street John C. Long, 115 Ward Street Benj. R. King, 3807 Oleander Drive V. W. TicKenzie, Rte:3 - Box 120 A. F. Teague, 206 Calhouii Drive S. 0. Yopp, 206 Castle Street Lewis T. Fales, 2-C Nesbitt Courts - Andrew Georbe Coffin, 307 North 46th Street Jesse Pi: James, 4200 Market Street Road M. H. Kellum, 612 South 3rd Street Randa ll L. Skipper, Rte.2 - Box 413 L. C. Edens, 2807 Piarket Street J. P. Cox, Jr., 610 Chestnut Street J. A. Barnes, 200 Virginia Avenue Wrenn ie Piurray, Rte.l - IIox 143 Andrew M. Coston, 1516 Castle Street L. C. IY?ench, 1220 Dock Street Lester G. Batson, 11-P Lake Village V. fi. Brindell, 12 South 17th Street George Canoutas, Kure Beach W. S. Rourk, 227 Page Avenue John C. Norton, Jr., 228 Pinecrest Parkway J. M. Jenkins, 314 Cape Fear Boulevard Hugh ICelly, 45072 WrightsviJ.le Avenue A. C. Nichols, Rte 3. - Box 335 Robert E. Uwens, 105 E. Tenn. Avenue R. H. Pace, 412 Sunset Avenue Thomas W. Perry, 3807 Peaehtree Street Geo. L. Smi.th, 103 South 5th Street S. H. Porter, 2711 AIarket Street H. M. Leneane, Box 341-A, Carolina Beach James C. Sanderson, Box 712, Carolina Beach Wm. D . Bridges, 125 Rutledge Drive J. F. Rouse, 4934 Wrigl-iLsville Avenue J. P. Pillsbury, 1724 Orange Street Albert Croom, 313 Cas"tle Hayne Road Jas. F. Calhoun, 31 L9ayne llrive C. L. Prevatte, 1502 Dock Street Russe ll Brinson, Jr., 2005 taoolcott Avenue F. P1. Hintze, Sr., 609 Central Boulevard Chest er K. Hayes, 403 ATOrthern Boulevard J. L. Holomon, 18 Pinecrest Terrace A..M. P4orris, 2220 Brandon Road DeGemb]r Fbr the Special/?lixed Term for the trial of criminal and civil cases, one week beginning December 12, 1955: , E. P. Davis, 312 Carolina Avenue L. G. Willis, 3710 Park Avenue Lacy G. Sidbury, Jr., 2521 Monroe Street F. F. Prevatt, Jr., 2223 Brandon Hoad W. Ai. bbgleman, % Tide lsater Power Company E. H. Aycock, 210 Maryland Avenue M. A. Peeler, 102 Nortliern Boulevard tdm. A. Bernway, Box 522,Carolina Beach R. B. Page, Jr., °fo Star-News J. D: Shipp, 3-G Lake Village Tdm, D. l,Tright, 206z Dock Street John M. Smith, 12 Idest Drive ,.William Pabrick, 109 Colonial Circle W. H. Holley, 7=E. Lake Village E. D. Johnson, Box 264,Wrightsville Beach Earl M. Smith, liox 109, Carolina Beach W. K. King, 517 Chestnut Street Wm. W. Hook, 4 Court °N" Lake Village Clifton P. Greer, 6-P Lake Fbrest 0. C. Barefoot, 123 Sumter Drive Edwiri _ L. Exznis, 711 Marlcet Street Floyd Wilkins, Rte.2 - Box 407 B. W. Nash, 231 Lwnberton kvenue H. A..Mercer, 2110 Creasy Avenue Carl B. Rehder, Jr., 68 IJest Drive ' James A. Atlzinson, 107 Borden Avenue J. C. Worunack, 9 idrighLsville Avenue A. B. Stanley, 225 Vance Street C. C. iJestcott, 2108 IQein Road Acie Kinlaca, 2-Q Lake Village H. C. Johnson, P. 0. Box 238,?%rrightsville Beach Sdill.iam K. Russell, 1029 North Lincoln Court A. C. Pverett, 9-Q.Lake Village J. N. Jolly, 2515 Harrison Street E: E. Dye, 2516 Jefferson Street Robert J. Iiarriss, 421 Castle Haynekoad Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, secondecl by Pir. Playhan, the meeting then a djourned. 0??, Cl.erk. 000? Wilmi.ngton, N. C., December 5, 1955. . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. IIorton, Chaiiman and Couvnissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. IIall, Tr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Briglit Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, Coun- / ty Auditor. The meeting was opened caith prayer by the Reverend Horace rIilton, Jr., Pastor of Winter Park Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minui:es of the meeting of ATOVember 28, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same xoere upon moti.on of Air. Broadhurst, seconded by Tir, fIall, approved. . ???, 11 'A ,22 r1•eeting of December 5, 1955 - Continued ,1\"Phe Board then proceeded Lo re-organization: ? . . The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day and this being the ` meeting at which a Chairman is to be elected, Mr. Hall moved that Mr. IIorton be re-elected , Chairman a nd hls motion was seconded by 1,1r. Prask. A substitute motioiz was offered by Mr. Broadhurst to limit the Chairman's duties Prom full time Administrator to Presiding Officer over meetings of the Board, on a six (6) months trial basis. $is motion failed of a second, and also having been declared out of order as not beiub in accordance with the Law, as such change could not be made except by authority of an Act of the Legislature. Thereupon, Mr. Broadhurst withdrew his substitute motion, and a vote on the First motion was takeil and 14r. 13orton was re-elected Chairman of the Board for a term oP one (1) year beginnijig as of this date and ending on the first P1on- day of December 1956, all memUers voting affirmatively except Mr. Mayhan who voted "No". ' Upon motion of Mr. IIroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. Raiford. Trask was re-elec- , ' ted Vice Chairman of the IIoard to act in the absence of the Chairman. Thomas K. tidoody was re-elected Clerk of the Board, and Colonel John Bright Hill was re-elected County Attorney , ? A renort of current and delinquent taxes collected by the Tax Collector was received for the ? periods shown belota: Current taxes: OctoUer, 1955.,,,,,,,,. ? 256,791.29 ? November, " ......... 229,155.03 ' ? 485,949.32 ' Delinquent taxes: July, 1955 ......... 50287.08 ? Atl,ust, " ......... 2,672.52 b September, " ......... 41346.05 October, " ......... 21641.23 , •?' / November, " ......... 3,074.05 . 18,020.93 . ` , . f The County Auditor said that 6165,000.00 more taxes have been col.lected thisye;r so 'far, thru?. November than last year, on the 1955 levy. 411A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from the Caswell Training School, Kinston, N. C., for the County's donation to their Christmas Ftu1d, in consideration of the Children. I 1 from this County in the Institution. +'' The Chairman re orted , p good attendance at the exercises held at the Airport, 4:00 P.Ai., Decem- ber 2, 1955, dedicating the New Terniinal Buildi.ng, X ° 14AIil3PAT X. PEIVI\tIATGTUN TLRMINAL ° And the erection oP a plaque in recognition of his achievements in local aviation,,and the v following resolution read by Mr. Hall, iaas upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. ASayhan, unaiiimously adopted: ` WHEREAS., in the early Ninteen Aundred and Ninteern, lJari^en K. Penriington, a ventur- ous and amUitious youth realized the possibil.ities of entertainment and conunercial value of local aviation, and . . . WFIEREAS, to that end secured pernission to use a cleared area approximately three miles east of the City of Wilmington, later to be known as Audubon PYeld, where airp7.ane Plights were arranged with the use of a small airplane, and ? IdHL+'REAS, the venture proved of sufficient success that passenger flights were arrang- ed to nearUy smaller Communities, and WHEttEA5, the venture gained such popularity to stimulate local aviation to the extent that a larger field was necessary to meet the demand of local interest, and -owned ld1IEREAS, steming from that effort a County/field was established adjoining the Coun- ty Home land atld was dedicated on May 30, 1928, to the memory of Lhe late Arthur I31uetlzenthal, who was the first citizen and native of our County to malce the Supreme Sacrifice in-[Jorld War One. ' NOW, THEkL+'FURF BE IT RESOLYED, that in reco gilition of Mr. Pennington's long qears of effort and promotion of aviation industry, both Recreational and, Covunercial in our County, this Plaque is erected, and this Building dedicated, December 2, 1955, in honor of his out- standing achievements in aviation, as I ° IJARREN K. PEilNIhTGTON TERP4INAL " AND, that this be officially adopted as part of the minutes of the Board oP County Commissioners as of date December 5, 1955, as a record of this dedication. ' NE[V HANOVER COUNTY 130ARD OF COPIMISSIONL+'RS /s/ - By H. T. Horton\Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr. ? L. E. Broadhurst Ernest R. Piayhan Raiford Trask ? (Appeari_ng on the Plaque) ?u " WARREN K. PEPININGTON TERMINAL IN RLCOGNIT30N FbR PIOArEERYNG ANll PkO1fUTI0N 0 F AVIATIUN IN NEW HANOVLR CGUNTY TtIIS TLRiVIIRTAli IS DEDICATEll IN FIIS HONOR DECEMBER 2, 1955 BOARD Ol+' COUNTY COPDiISSIONERS • R. T. HOR^1aN, CHAIRPIAN RAIFOHD TRRSK J. M. HALL, 7R. ERNEST R. PIAYHAN L. E. BROADI3URST n ` Meeting kof!December 5, 1955 - Continued ?rr GAcknosaledgement was received from Colonel R. L. Hill, United States Di.strict Engineer, of r receipt of our resolution in connection with the improvements of Wilmiiigton Harbor and Cafie ' Fear Ri.ver channel. He said, "His office has reviewed the resolution ancl finds it to be satisfactqry." ?l News Bulletin of the National Ri.vers and Harbors Congress was received concerning the Fourth Regional Conference of the Neia England Region held in the Statler Hotel in Ilartford, COIlIl., October 27, 1955, showing what the ATew Englanders are doing. Have unaizimously adoPted resolu- ' tions requesting the Congress of the United States to appropriate a total of $57,250,000.00 .' for F7ood Control, Navigation, and Beach Erosion projects in the New Enbland States in the fis- ? cal year of 1957. "This shows how they are putting their efforts together to secure funds. We should get together and not go to sleep; the Chairman ertiphasized. " Upcion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. PTayhan, Mr. W. Allen Cobb was appointed to the office , of Assistant Solicitor for New lIanover County for the year 1956, on recommendation and nomina- tion of Mr. John J. Burney, Jr,, District Solicitor of the Eighth Solicitorial District, under authority'a9d in accorclance with Chapter 134, 1953 Session Laws of North Carolina. Six (6) checks re6eived fx^om Walker Taylor IiZSUranee Agency, aggregating $43.37 covering f'ire dainage,at the Cgunty Home Dairy, August 20, 1955, were turned over to the County Auditor. • f¢?. 7- TFe CYiaii^man presented a copy of his letter to Mr. C. D. Douglas, Controller State Board of Education, advising that the amowit allowed for Capital Outlay on the tax levy for the School , year 1955-1356 was $21,000.00, which amounted to a tax rate of .0210. ? The'diatter of acbepting a Consent Judgmeni: to correct an error in descriUiiig a parcel of land ? of James H. I{elly and wife Laura A. Kelly, in Cape Fear Township, so,ld for, taxes in 1929, which described a tract containing five (5) acres by mistake, which'should have been a 4-ni acre tract • located near,by or adjourning,the five (5) acre tract, was continued for PurLher study. A/letter was received from Air. Bert L. Zuver, Past President National Association of Assessing : Uff'icers, eltending his sincere thanks to.the Chairman for his able participation in the Con- ? ference in New York City. "I heard many favorable covmients regardiiig your part of our Pro- gra?3n?n 'P17ursday, Octubei^ 20," he saicl. ,, . / A?petition,of sixteen (16) property owners for improvements to a road in Fbderal Poiizt Town- ship by sand-elay construction, which said road runs from the intersection of the D4yrtle Giove LooP Hoad with the Patalanda Road, thence westward to the Carolina Beach Iiighway, a distance of approxiiuately one (1) mile on which seven (7) houses are located, as shown on sketch attached, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved and referred to the State ' ?Highway a1d Public Ldorks Cor.uuission for consideration. lox JLL?o ?n recoimnendation of Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, the Pollowing tax listers were upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, appointed for the vai^ious Tuwnships for the year 1956, and the Tax Supervisor was given authAi°ity, in his discretion, to apgoint additional tax list- ers if and iahen needed should the occasion arise: . Cape Fbar Tocanship Mrs. Geo. W. Williins , Iederal Point " Mrs. J. C. Tlyatt . Plasonboro " rtrs. G. W. Pielton or John Iiirkham , Harnett No. 1 " Mrs, John LeeuwenUurg Harnett No. 2 ° Airs. Sally Best tdilmington " 11r. J. H. Womble " " Mr. J. H. Gerdes " " Mr..Sd. P. Toon " " Mr. J. L. Gholson i ) In order to expeclite the tax listing work in the Office of the Tax Supervisor, his Office Per- sonnel are hereby authorized to qualiEy by taking the oath necessary to perform the duties of tax listi-ng. . The Tax Supervisor aruiounced that he will arrange to hold a School for instructing the Tax List- ers as to their duties prior to entering upon their duties January lst. The 13oard itarther confirrned its action of January 31, 1955, not to alloti any extensioiz of time for listing taxes for 1956, after January 31, 1956, escept busiiiesses by prioi arrai7gements to be made Por extension of time on account of limited time for tµking inventories and closing their books, and preparation of tax returns in the hands of their accountants. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, Presented the folloNaing letter he prepared to be attached to abstracts to be mailed out to Corporations, N'irms or Indivicluals in business prior to Tas List- ing time: "TO CORPORATIONS, PlkthiS OR IIdDIVIDUALS IN BUSZNESS: to INVENTORIES: In fillii7g out your tax abstracts for 1956, we wish to call7your attention your listing oi' lnventories, Supplies, etc., (all to be listed under "Inventories!'). 1 New Hanover County is asking that you list these items at 100°fo of your cost as showiz oiz your records. The County will then use 40% of'this listing in figurinb your tax Uill. NIACIITNG1tY, F'tX7'URES & EQUIl'MENT: Please list these items at 100°fo of original cost figiu es as shown on your records. Also state the amount of accrued depreciation against these cost figures as of January 1, 1956. The County caill use 40% of the depreciated value of these items, but not less than 25% of the original cost in Piguring your tax bill. Your Automobile ancl Trucl:s shoulcl izot be included in these figLU es as they are to be listed separately. AUTOPiOBILESAND TRUCKS: These iteins caill be assessed according to the"1956 Red Boolc"of Average Cash Values, These values will be inserted for you during or after your listi_no is made. 2 ' Meetine of llecember 5, 1955 - Coiitinued I.etter to Corporations, etc., - Continued IriPORTANT : : .. Iigures furnished on this Tax Abstract and Listing should agree ?aith your xecords as returned to the State and P?deral Government for Income Tax purl?oses. • If tiiere are any questioiis, please call the Tax Supervisor, and he will be glad . to assist you in any way possible. TAX SUPLRVISOR • TAX SUPEEtVISC1R 'S OFFiCE • NEjd I?IANOVLR COUIQTY WZLMINGTON, N. C. •• • January 1; 1956." 'The Tax Supervisor reconunended tliat arrangements be made to have the Rural Toxanship Tax J?ist- ers meet their appointments in their respective Townships during the first two (2) weeks of January, and for the last two (2) weelcs at the Court House for the convenience of the tax paq- s, which ?aas agreeable to the Board. A check Por $250.00 [aas received from the?Citizens of Harbor Island for repairs to their drain_ age system, and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, secoi?ded by Mr. Trask, a like amount was appro- priated out of the funds received to the Harbor Island Citizens Drainage Project budget to en- ? a?ble tpe County Auditor to clisburse the same. ' Upon m?otiotl of Mr. Hall,,fseconded by Mr. Trask, the Board granted a request of the County Au- j,cb.tor to transfer $p67.50 fY?om the Emergency Ilznd to Auditin wider the Tax Collector's budget ,. to meet the expense for auditing the tak books which cost '835.00 and only $767.50 was appro- priated. Also, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, $50.OO??aas authorized and clirected transferred from the Emergency Nland to Office Equipment under the Sheriff's bud- get to supplement the budget appropriation of $25.00 to meet expense for repairs needed. The Annual Report of Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Public Ntinds in his /GV hands as of December 1, 1955, shoising: ? Total amount of Public Fiznds Individual Savings Accounts ?$ 1020345.03 Unclaimed Non-support in Recorder's Court 22.00 1020367.03 The same was received and referred to a Committee f'rom the ]3oard composed of Cormiissiotaers, ' Mayhan, Broa.dhurst and the Chairr?an to check the same ivith the County Auditor and then order= ed published as the Law directs, and the original ordered filed ?aith the Register of Deeds. ? Mr. Edwards requested that an audit be made oP the approximate quarter of a million dollars, Alimonq and Restitution Funds wlu ch passes thru his Office annually, which zs not included ' in the General Audit. He•said he would be satisfied for the County Auditor to make the au- dit, which ?aas agreed. v ? .:' p ?• ? Plonthly report for October was received f4?om the Consolidated Board of Health, and reports for November were received from the Colored Home Agent and 4-H Clubs, and Veterans' Service OfY'icer. P?ederal-State Crop Reporting Service instructinns were received from the State De- parl;ment of Agriculture. John C. Idessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwv Census report for weelc ending December 2, 1955: ?.? T?Thite patients 8 Nonresidents 0 ? ? •?„v C Negro ° 14 Vacant beds 10= l+'hite patients male 5; ?male 3; Colorec? ?Z male 1; female 1. llischarged 1- Leroy Wright, colored, 920 South llth Street, November 25, 1955 - 10:45 A.M. . Admitted 1- George Rivers, colored, 826 Uawson Street, r November 75, 1955 - 3:15 P.M. It appearing that Piedmont Airlines have voluntarily asked to increase their landing fees at the Airport, and National Airliiies to decrease their landiizg fees under the five (5) year re- newal contract, the Chairman announced that a meeting will Ue held on Thursday of next week ?aith them to discuss the matter. i The Chairman announced a Christmas Party for County Employes, I+Y?iday night at [dhite's Lodge, k hat beii?g the only date prior to the Christmas Holidays the Lodge ?aill be avai].able. Invitation to Uid on Gosernment surplus property was received from the General Depot, United States Army, Schenactady, N. Y., covering numerous items. The purchase of an Air Condition- ? ing Unit for the Court House at an approximate price of ?2,247.00 ?aas discussed briefly, but ?u no action taken. ? \ r Upon motion of Tir. Trask, seconded by Tir, liall, Esau Clayton, colored indigeizt citizen, was ? granted temporary admission to tlie County Home on statement and recotmnendation of tYie Superin- ? tendent of Public Welfai°e, that having failed to get State Aid Por disabled group because he will soon be able to go to work following recent surgery. It will be cheaper to keep him at' the County Home than to pay room and board, and the doctor thinks he will be able to go to work C ? by Psarch 1. _ Upon motion of P9r. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 2£7 to 418 were approved i ??payment . y• % \7 The Meeting then adjourned. , ?J . 'y.?. *rk. . , ? ? ,