1953-05-04 Regular Meeting416 Meeting of April 20, 1953 - Continued _2 The Chairman announced that a meeting o£ intereste:i citizens wou].d Ue held at Oak Grove Church 8 P. M.0 lbesday 21st to discuss fire protection. ? Told the Board Hardtitare Dealers asked the Commissioners to support a Bill to ban air rifles. No action was taken, ? A request to have CaM7 Wright on Greenville Sound cleaned off for Girl Scouts, rfay 15th was approved. ``,,,,??The use of the Court Room, Grand Jury Room and Jurors Rest Room requested by the American T?egion Aux- `,'11?1`N' fillary for Jtu1e lOth throu? 13th was granted. ? The Chairman announca3 that the summer hours for County IDnployes 9:30 A.M. to L?:30 P.M,, will be nut in ? Gv ef£ect hfonday morni.na April 27th, 1953 through Septenber 27, 1953. Upon motion of D's. Davis, seconde5 b; ifir, 0'Shiel3s, County Bills No. 3197 through 3289 were approved for payment, . An offer of Casey LiLunber Company to purchase 30 033 pine trees left in Castle Hayne and Rock Quarry at a P? price o£ $300,00 and land at airport, (Trian gle between two roads) was approved, providel no cypress -? trees are cut or inclu.ded,in the sa.le. , Upon motion of hir. Davis, a recess was taken until regular meeting 10:00 o'clock A. bi,, May 4th, 1953. , i?Tyl? /? 34t ? - Clerk ? Wilmington, N. C.i May 4, 1953. li The regtlar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Comuiissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. D2,vis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney i?ars3en Bellamy. The meeting was opened with grayer by the P.everend Yir. Alexander Ndller, Pastor of St. Pauls Episcopal Church. Nr. A1ton A. Lennon, President of the Local Bar Association appeared with approximately thirty members of the Local Bar Association to protest the use of a 1•iicrofilm Recor3er on trial in the Register of Deeas Office for recording documents to replace the present method of recoraing by typewriter, and further pro- tested the schedule of sumn:er working hours £or County employes, and presented the following resolution a3o;?te3 by the Har Association: " A motion was made by James B. Swails that the Bar Association go on record as opposing the use ? of a photostit machine ior the recording of papers in the Register of Deeds Office of New Hanover County, and that all members of the Neur H_i,nover County Bar Association be constituted a s a committee to appear be- fore the Board of Commissioners of Nea Hunover County at their meeting to be held on N,ondap, May 4) 1953, to voice the protest of this Association against the use of a photostat machine for recording purposes in the Register of Deeds Office of Nei•r Hanover County. " A motion was made by Solomon B. Sternberger that the New Hanover County Bar Association go on recor3 as recommending to the fioar.d of County Commissioners o£ New Hanover County that the County Offices and the consoliciated City-County Tax 0£fice shoul3 be open on week days between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and '5:00 P.M,., and shoul3 be open on Saturdays between the hours o£ 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 A.N." Attorneys .James B. Swails, Woo3us Kel.lum, Dudley Humphrey, W. B. Campbell, and Alton A. Lennon spoke in opposition to the use of the Microfi]m Recor3er stating in part; " that the reoord is Poor, wi11 be a step backwards, not permanent and cannot compare with'the olct system. Eye-strain, imperfect, illegible record. EScpenses wou1.3 run high and record e:cposed to light would deteriorate rapidly, and a sked that it be abondoned in the interest of space, economy and eye-strain, and continue the use of the present type- writing system " The matter o£ sw,.mer working hours £or County employes was then discussed by Attorneys Aaron Gold- ? bergj John Bright Hill, Alton A. Lennon, George Rountree, Solomon B. Sternberger} R. I. Mintz and Woodus Ke11um, all were of the opini.on that the Register o£ lleeds, Clerk of Superior Court and Tax Of£icea should G,,,,?? ``be hept open at least three hours on Saturdays - 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.I.I. for the convenience o£ the public, _ ?+1'especially those who have no other time to attend to business in the Court House during the week 3ays with- q?? out losing time o£f. This shoul3 be 'taken carr o£, they said' by Department Heads staggering their work- ?yr ing hours £or employes, • The Register of Deeds stated that situation could be han3led in his office by himself and one clerk on Satur3ays. . The Clerk of Court said the 5=day work week proved to be good in his Department for efficiency and __6? economy. All clerks were up on their work better. The County Auditor said, "As to the early hours, as you 1:now, I was out of tokm all last week and have not yet had time to observe the ef£ect of the early hours in the office. As to the 5-day week, i.t fias definitely inereased the efficiency of the office because the eraployes have ha3 more continuous working hours, applied themselves and moral has been higher because of the Satur3ay off. There has been some one in the office practical.ly every Saturday, even though the doors were closed. We have ha3 no complaint from the public." At this point, Mr. Black, Register of Deeds, asked to show a comroittee of the Bar Association what can be done with the Microfilming Machine. I4r. Lennon said he thought microfilming was to be use3 only to preserve recotds, but use the o13 way for recording . ' Nir. Horton felt the photostat copy could be read equally as good as the originalj would cut the cost of overall pro3uction by anproximately 50%. or 67¢ against $1,20 per sheet. At the conclusion of the discussion it was agreed, upon motion bf Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shiel3s, j ther a sideation of the matters with conlrhth? view s o£ 18eaching e some t satiefBo? dy n olution aof the same, f?No fur- v? ther acti.on was taken. e P .?wr.. ? -2- Meeting oi May 4, 1953. - Continued This being the date set by the Board toreceive bids for the purchase of a Boolonobile as advertised, the following two bids were received, public],y opene3 and read: Ra.ney-Chevrolet Cor.pany: ' One ton £orward control chassis on which will be mounted a bo3y to meet specifications, ' net inclu3i.ng olu Bookmobi].e Trade-in $$,428.96 -(i0 to 75 days cielivery. Cape Fear Motor Sales: , Boyertown Baker Boolanobile with Ford F-500 chassis net including trade-in allowance on old boolanobil_e - 60 3ays delivery $4,797•50 `,,,,w? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the bid of Raney-Chevrolet Company tiras accepted, they being - i\,I?Jthe lowest bid3ers at and for the sum of ?`j/+,L,28.96, pa;/ment for sai3 boolanobile to be made upon del.ivery of same in accordance with the specifications. '• The questiin o£ pei-mitting Mr. George E. Kid1er continue the use of the City-County oaned Cape Fear Arti]]ery Buil3ing, 814 Market Street, for Saturday night dances 7:30 to 12:00 P.24., on a new annual rental basis of $3,17_0.00, whi.ch said Uui.lding was returned to the military unit, Headquarters BatterY 150th AAA Bn, April ? Vn?v*,0lst,•-1953,`same being the date the Organization returne3 to tdillaington and now occupied by it. Comna.na- ing Officer Lt, M. E. Beggs being present, stated that use of the building for aances o.r access to the build- ing by others wou7.3 interfere with his Company, The matter, however, was recei.ved for joint consideration with the City Council. The 1953-1954 Assistance rstimates sutanitted ly the County Welfare Officer for the State Board of Rxblic Welfare, showing the County's proportionate Ya.rt £or Old Age Assistance to be $59,850.00; Aid to Dependent •?-??' Children $30,699.00; Aid to Partial and Totally Disabled y9,600.00, and Aid to the Blind 511,469,00, was unon motion tentatively apProve3 in tne amonnts shown, subject to reduction before final adoption of the County's 1953-1954 budget. L]?J A letter was received from Dr.. Lllen 47inston calli.ng attention to the following policies which are in e£- .? fect with resPect to the aid to 3ependent children program: 1. F2nphasis upon utiliiation of the Etzgenics T3oard program which nrovides for sterilization of the feeble- minded, the mentally ill, and the epi.leptic on a careflzlly administered legal basis. Special emnhasis is being placed tzpon steriJ.ization of aid to dependent children mol;hers who come,vrithin the law, 2. Aid to depen3ent children regula_tions provide that o7.der children in the household must contribute from their earnings £or the support of younger brotherN and sisters to the er.tent of one-half o£ their earnings up to $75. per month. Whi1e this policy creates hardships for some young people, the policy is considered soun3. 3. Members of aid to 3ependent chi].dren families' including both the mother and o13er children i•rho are able to work, are expected to work when work is available, taking into careful account the requirements of the State DepartT.ent of Iabor; County Departments of Public Welfare keep in touch with the local employ- ment of£ice and the coun'ty farn, agent regarding the availability of work opportunities. Aid to dePena- ent children payments are to be reduced or suspended when seasonal work is available as the circumstances in each case with an employable member or members in3icate. When work which recipients can do is avail- able an3 is refuse3, the case should be terminate3 by the County Board'of Fublic 4lelfare. 4, In all cases accepted for aid to depen3ent children in which there has been desertion or abandonment notice is iiled with the proner law enforcement of£icials, The County Department of Public Welfare is not a 1aw enforcement agency. More care£ul attention should be given such cases by Local Law enforcenent off'cials and more emphasis should be placed on non-support cases brought before the courts interms of adequate support by the father £or the chil3ren and continued payment . ' Upon motion o£ I•fr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board accepted an offer o£ the American Bakeries Com- ?, ?pany? throuLh Mr. L. E. Allen, Agent, of u25,000.00 for the City-County owned tract o£ land on Second ?Ltsi.street immeuiately north of the Community Center Building, block 139, appror.i.mately 87' x 1651. Proceeds to be divided equally between the City and Cosnt.y, subject to payment of 5% commission to Mr. Allen by the City and County in connection with the sale, ruZd the Chairman ana the Clerk of this Board are hereby authorizecl an3 directe3 to execute a deed in the narne of the County conveying the said property jointly with the City of Wilmington to the lsmerican Bakeries Company uponreceipt o£ payment o£ the Irurchase price. The Board having been advise.a, by the City Clerk that similar action had been t alcen by the City Council. A letter was received from Mr. E. L. Rxnkin, Jr.J Frivate Secretary to the Governor, acknow'ledging our letter of Apri1 3rd concerning the matter of considering the use of oux TSZUerculosis Hospital in con- nection with the expansion o£ the State Sanatorit;m, a3vising that the Got>ernor had requeste3 that the same be re£erred to the attention o£ Mr. Carl Council, Chairman and Dr. H. S. Willis, Supt., of the North Car- olina Sanatorium. The Chairean raised the question as to the status of the Sureau o£ I3entification operation, the County's budget allotment having been pai3 out inaccordance with agreement with the City. How i•rill it operate from noia on. The same was postpone3 for joint action with the Ci.ty. Elarther action onrequest of the Boar,a, o£ E3ucation to close that Uart of Feachtree Avenue within the grounds of the Winter Park School was tabled pendinga93itional information fr•om the Board of E3ucation requested br ? the County Attorney, ? Upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, seconded e by i?,r. Trask, the Boara accepted a bi3 of Tulman Construction Comosny ?jp??A to furnish: 1- Model 25 Northwest 3A Yard dragline with bucket for the sum of $13,000.00 Less trade-in alloirance on o13 dragline 5.000.00 8,000.00 Net ' 1- Heil Angle Dozer Blade with controls 1i000.00 • $9,000.00 • they being the lowest bidders. The only other bids were received from: North Carolina Equipment Comnany - No3e1 25 Northwest Combination Clamshell Dragline Idodel 14WG-35 Bucyrus - Erie Hydraulic Bullgrader Blade $ 16,990.00 A'et 3,24.9.00 Net \ 4 1-7 ? J I, 41?g ?leeting of 14ay 41 1053 - Continued H. B. Qusley and Son - .. _3- Unit Crane and Shovel Corporation - Model 1020 E7ccavator complete with Dragline attachment, and Hendrick Dragline Bucket 17,209.00 Net Alternate #1 Model 1020A and Bucket . . 17,998.00 Net Alternate #2 Used unit Model 1020A $15,850.00 . Less trade-in alloiaance 4.000.00 11;850.00 ? In view of the fact that the 120-3ay option granted the Navy to execute a proposed agreement with the County £o: the use of the County's Bluethenthal Airport not havine been exercisxl within the time 7.9.mit? upon motion oP Mr. Davis, seconded by 14r. Love, the Board considere3 the sai3 option void. And the Civil Aeronautics Administration be authori.zed to finish the installation of the Instrument Landing Sys- tem in the Remote Transmitter Buil9ing to be provided. The proposed airport agreement to be re-negotiated with the Navy if desired, and to notify the Idavy of this action. Upon motion of ht*. Davis, seconded by Nir. Love, payment of 0350.34 to J. A. Jones Electric Company for ? repairs to oil switch and 37? IiUA Transformer burned out last swnmer at Legion Stadium, was apnroved. A request of R. rorest Hall, President o£ SENC Agricultural Development, Inc., to .lease on a long-time basis9 for a nominal rent, the Ekhibition Hall at Legion Stadium for the nOSpose of developing agri- cultural interest in Southeastex•n North Carolina by encouraging the further developmeni; of livestock, -?? i31e pasture lands, to encourage our youth in better management nractices?dcvelopment of higher qua7.ity herds of l.ivesto.ek etc., and to assist in developing Wilmington and New Hanover County as an Agricultural Marketing Center, was upon motion of 14r. Love, referred to tre Citg inasmuch as it will ta]ce over the operation of the Sta3ium. A letter was received from Mr, L. E. Wri.tfield, Division State Highway Ehgineer,alvising progress on the 1Vortheast River Bridge Lighting, which he hopes will be completed s oon. A bill for $75.00 in favor of Dr, M. N. Leary for furnishing a full upner and lower dentures for James Stukes patient at the Tuberculosis Hospital, recommended by Dr. R. P. Roaman, Physician in charge, as An aid toc:ard the restoration o£ his health was upon motion of P4r. Trasl:, s econded by Mr. Davis, aPnroved. This bill having been previously referre3 to the Chai*'man to check with the Llelfare Department with the view of obtaining the best price possible, but the work was nerformed and'services rendered the patient before the Chairman had opoortunity to look into it, and the patient has since been transferred to the State Sanatorium, Instructions were therefore given to ascertain by what authority the e3cpense was incur- red, and that it does not occttr aga=.n. ' A certified copy of an Act to provide for the me3ical care of the Indigent sick and af£licted poor of the County passed at the 1053 session of the Legislature, was received and nayment of $2.60 for the same was approved. ' A surety bond for J. T. rich as a Justice of Peace in the amount of $1,000.00 with the ATa.tional Surety .` Corp., as surety, the said amount being fixed by law, an3 tl?e bond approved as to form and execution iTy -?? the County Attorney, was accepted am3 na3rment o£ $10.00 premium was approved. An audit report of the ABC Board was received an3 tabled for further study. ? ?. Qn A letter was received £rom Mr. C. D. Gurganous, Head o£ the Social Students Dept,, of the High School, ex- `;e' tending an invitation to the Board to attend a student's presenta.tion of its Platform in nreparation o£ _15,cF Students Government Day, Ma.y 1LHth. No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States Ligineer granting a permit to J. H. Flzssell, ? Jr., to construct a bulkhead wharf and boat-house nea.r ldotte Channel fronting out from block "B" at the intersection of Wrightsville Beach Causeway and Islan3 Dri.ve at Harbor Island. Also, Mr, Bi17. Robertson for extension to the Kure Beach fishing pier and Mr. R. L. Roberts to construct a wharf in Aiotte Channel near WriEhtsvil.J.e Sound. A letter was receive3 from the Governor!s Private Secretary acknowledging receipt o£ ou.r letter of April 16, with reference to the appointment of Mr. Frederick Willettsi Sr,, to the Board of Trustees of East Carolina. College, assvring that thb Governor will give the reqtiest his consideration, prry? Upon motion the Aoard approved the p?.?;,mient of two weeks vacation salary to the wife or estate of the late W. A. Russ d±te for his services as former operator o£ the County dragline. An invitation to attend the Memorial Day 5ervices honoring a11 heroes who Paid the suoreme sacrifice dur- -? ng the Aattle o£ Fort Fisher and all Wars sinceJ at Battle Acre 2 P.I,,, D:ay lOth, was received from the Carolina Bea.ch Chamber of Commerce. Upon motion the Boar3 voted to guarantee a Piir. °ope, dragline operator, QO hours per tireek work at ??1.65 ?? ner hour recommended by Nr. Trask, provided, i£ and when weather conditions for dragline operation is unfavorable he can malce up the time iaorking at the airport. ? With reference to the matter of the &ar Association reo,uest to revise the e3rly working hours for County employes which were set by the Board, it was decided to let the hours stand as £ixe3 and adjust the trouble spots where found necess8ry. A schedu].e of area meetings to b e held over the State by the Tobacco Stablization Corp.,.to keep the County Coimnissioners and Tobacco Grotaers i.nforme3 as to the true purpose of the organization, was received from PQr, J. Henry Vaughan, Secretary of the 1Qorth Carolina Association of County Corunissioners. 1 F,y?A co;?y of a letter £rom the New Hanover County 7lxberculosis & Health Association to Dr. C. B. Davis, County Health 0£ficer, expressing the appreciation o£ the Association to the Board of He.,lth for 5.ts kindness in giving of£ice snace to the Association during the rast years. Stating the saving in overhead ma3e it possible to throw all available funds into develoFanent of the tuberculosis control. pro€ram. A letter was received from Mr. J. W. Andrews, City Elngineer,s3vising that repairs to the sidewalk on the Q, Third Street side of the Court House was being nade as per agreer„ent at a cost of $14.65 per cubic yard for concrete. The granite curb toie re-alligne3 at no cost to {;he County, which was agreeaUle to the Board. A letter was received from hirs, N,ary B. Southerland, Secy-Treas,, Cityr of WiImington Ehnployest Retirement .?`,}?!F1an3, advising that I?;rs. Beulah Piner, Clerk in the o£fice of Associated Charities, ha3 been placed on re- ?0,??'"? tirement at her request upon certi£icate of her physician e£fective April 302 1953, after 17 years service. She is 57 ye_rs of age is entitled to 37% of average salary for the preceeding tnree yea-rs, or $60.33 per month. r 5 ? r ? i4eeting of May 4th, 1953 ^ Continued -1+- r1 letter was receivei from the Secretary-Treas,, of the State Associstion of County Commissioners advising that the annual meeting wiJ.l be held at the George Vanderhi].t Hotel, Asheville, June 21 through the 24th, 1953; and ;>ayment oi $25.00 1953 Association IIues was approved for payment. No objections were raised by the Board to the applications for State Permits to sell beer submitted by: ` E. A. Loveless "Ocean Plaza" Carolina Beach ' R D NcCall "Baxter's" - Ialce Pa rk Boulevar3, Carolina Beach . . -IQora Bell Stone & i+irs. Head Shelly "Red Pig Grill" Carolina Beach Highway -A1rs, Minnie Carter Shelly "Home Delivery Servi ce" - 101 N. QSth St., Winter Park -H. L. Horne & 0. C. Moore ° Riverside GriTl" Castle Hayne, N. C. - Loren a C. L. Case "Renes & Genes° Cape Fear Blvd. Carolina Beach _Manton Howard Hill "Hill's P.lace° #3 Harper Ave., Carolina Bcach -James A Jones " The Abibi" 124 1?iarket 5t., Llilnington, N. C. c -C. C. Gray "Gray's Coffee Shor" Highway 421, near Carolina Beach -t,7rs. F.r.anlclin Carter "Greensboro Grill" Carolina Beach. ?1)7he following monthly reports were received and filed: vS'ir o?rb receints for April 21st. Healtl Department Nursing Report for March. Veter_ans' Service Officer ??x9?' £or April. Consolidated Boar3 of Health for 1-;arch. ?y?,o?A report was receieed fron the back tax office a3vising that $2,538•56 was collected for the City? ??r\ and s"r3,526.71 fnr the Cot;nty, making a total o£ $6,065.27 back 'taxes collected for the month of Anril. A statement was receiveu from the State Board of Public -Welfare shoviing that y;53,749.30 was sent to this Cotmty for N,arch ior• Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, A.P.T.D. Grants an3 for Ad- ministrcction. A request of the WiLminCton Fire Department Recreation Club for the use of the Stadimn for tiao Major league baeeUall games in Kpril 1954• Zhe first to be played betxQen Washington and Cincinnati on Friday, April 2, / 1954, and the other bet5aeen Boston'Eed Sox and ?hiladelphia Phillies on Tuesday, April 6, 1954, was upon motion of i,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, grantea.- County bills Ido. 3290 to 3140 i,rere apnroved £or payment. fp\'%The £olloii' ng goo3 and laxful nersons tirere drai,m to serve as jurors in the Superior Cou-rt for the trial of criminal cases for the one iaeek term beginning May 18, 1953: Jos. W. Jordan, Rte 23 Box 289 E. B. Sneeden, P,O. Box 255 Henry R. Jonnson, 21p24 N. Jefferson St, W. P. Beal Rte 3, Box 246r. N. U. Oldenlnitt].e, Jr. 106 Boraen Ave. J. T. Long, 113 Will.ianson Drive L7agene Bryan, Rte 3, Bor. 277 R. E. Conner, C;06 Sunset Avevue H. K. Pouell; Rte 3 L. W. Carroll, 16 Pinecrest Terrace D. B. Peterson, 121D tfarion Drive hN 0, T. Trawick, 136 Yfard Str.eet MU J. A. Scott, 114 Y,enwood tlvenue L. E. blard, 1923 Idun Street R. G. 'dilliams, 2945 Ada.ms Street L. K. Schmidt, 36 Woodlawn Avenu.e Frank Lucas, 805 Chestnut Street G. J. Launbert, 10-A Lake F'orest S. H. Coward, 403 Dock Street ldilliam hlillioner, Rte 2, Box 205B 0. M. Hartley, 171 Spo££ord 1•Lills • Alex S. Hall, % WS&TCo B. C. Yerton, 308 Chestnut St. Claud T. Jeiaell, Rte 2 Kemp Lovett, 221 Davie Drive The meeting then adjournea. r "" .- ^7?! Clerk ? . H, C. Cra£t, Rte 2, Box 106A C. W.. Shackelford, 1602 Ann St. E. H. Howard, 108 S. 8th St. C. D. White, Audubon Blvd. C. F. Malpass, 2109 Plaza Drive J. R. Windzgl, 2704 Jefferson 5t. Wm. A. Rogers, 2108 S. Front St. J. G. Spell, 8-B Idesbitt Court,s Chas. E. Estes, 507 Sunset Avenue Carl V. BaUson, 14 Morningside Drive C. V. Blackburn, Jr. 7-G ?.ake Forest J. C. Snith, 23 lJashington Street - W. T. Jackson, 614 Queen Street J. D. uradley, 2935 A Jefferson Street Bernice C. BryanJ S. 41st Street W. F. Won3erly, 14.13 S. 3r3 Str.eet T. A. Shepard, Sr., L,08 S. Sth Street Jas. C. Lewis, 157.2 S. l,tn Street Jas. C. Sarman, 8 Ct. H, ?.al:e Forest W. M. Wilson, 107 N. 7th Street Jos. D. Lei7ine, 1115 Grace Street Chas. E. Craig, Jr. 310 Greenfieid St. R. A. Ho1J.i5ay, 114A Wi].iiamson Drive 14V C. J. Cook, 2347 A3ams Street Louis E. Simmons, 2849C, Jefferson Street Wilmington, N. C., 16ay 11, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this 3ay at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners C1aud O'Shields, Thuxston C. Davis, Hal. J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney 14arsden Bellamy. Copies of the minutes of the Board of April 20, and May Q, having previously been furnished each memUer o£ the Board, the same were upon motion of hir. Davis, seconded by Nir, 0!Shiel3s, approved. 41g Sames B. Swails, Dtziley Aumphrey, Wallace Idurchison, rdembers o£ the Executive Coamiittee of the Local Bar ??? `Association appeared as sche3uled at meeting of I?fay Qth to further press tlieir ounosition to the use of a ? s?'-I2icrofilm Recorder for recor5ing papers in the Register of Dee3s Office, and also to the closing of the Reg- ister of Deecis, Clerk of Superior Court an3 Tax Offices on Saturdays, reconunending thel* stay opon on Sat- 1 nes between the folloring resolntion e was madopted: AoiatiMnn a aa mee0t?ng o of • A'ay C /th? after l whim c the l ? the Bar, £ Sso "Upon motion o£ 7'•1r. Trask, seconded by Air. Davis, the schedule oi wcrking hours £or County employes ?¢Qadopte3 at Lieeting of April 13, 1953, tiras amended as folloias: That all County ofiices shall be open for the transaction o.f business 3aily £rom 7:30 A.M. to 4:30P.M., on I,onday thru Friday of each weelc, and on Saturdays bettireen the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon where nec- ess3ry, Departrnent Heads, in their discretion, using such number of clerks on Saturdays necessary for the transaction of business. IInployes working on Satur3ays shall have the time o£f on Lle3nesdays.° The Committee then strengly protested the idea of using a Microfilm Recorder for recording oapers in the Register of Deeds Office, stating as before, that it made a poor record, illegiUle and more expen- -? sive, claiming the old systein of typeiaritten records to be the best an3 less eye strein. -A