1953-05-11 Regular Meetingi4eeting of May 4th, 1953 ^ Continued -1+- r1 letter was receivei from the Secretary-Treas,, of the State Associstion of County Commissioners advising that the annual meeting wiJ.l be held at the George Vanderhi].t Hotel, Asheville, June 21 through the 24th, 1953; and ;>ayment oi $25.00 1953 Association IIues was approved for payment. No objections were raised by the Board to the applications for State Permits to sell beer submitted by: ` E. A. Loveless "Ocean Plaza" Carolina Beach ' R D NcCall "Baxter's" - Ialce Pa rk Boulevar3, Carolina Beach . . -IQora Bell Stone & i+irs. Head Shelly "Red Pig Grill" Carolina Beach Highway -A1rs, Minnie Carter Shelly "Home Delivery Servi ce" - 101 N. QSth St., Winter Park -H. L. Horne & 0. C. Moore ° Riverside GriTl" Castle Hayne, N. C. - Loren a C. L. Case "Renes & Genes° Cape Fear Blvd. Carolina Beach _Manton Howard Hill "Hill's P.lace° #3 Harper Ave., Carolina Bcach -James A Jones " The Abibi" 124 1?iarket 5t., Llilnington, N. C. c -C. C. Gray "Gray's Coffee Shor" Highway 421, near Carolina Beach -t,7rs. F.r.anlclin Carter "Greensboro Grill" Carolina Beach. ?1)7he following monthly reports were received and filed: vS'ir o?rb receints for April 21st. Healtl Department Nursing Report for March. Veter_ans' Service Officer ??x9?' £or April. Consolidated Boar3 of Health for 1-;arch. ?y?,o?A report was receieed fron the back tax office a3vising that $2,538•56 was collected for the City? ??r\ and s"r3,526.71 fnr the Cot;nty, making a total o£ $6,065.27 back 'taxes collected for the month of Anril. A statement was receiveu from the State Board of Public -Welfare shoviing that y;53,749.30 was sent to this Cotmty for N,arch ior• Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, A.P.T.D. Grants an3 for Ad- ministrcction. A request of the WiLminCton Fire Department Recreation Club for the use of the Stadimn for tiao Major league baeeUall games in Kpril 1954• Zhe first to be played betxQen Washington and Cincinnati on Friday, April 2, / 1954, and the other bet5aeen Boston'Eed Sox and ?hiladelphia Phillies on Tuesday, April 6, 1954, was upon motion of i,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, grantea.- County bills Ido. 3290 to 3140 i,rere apnroved £or payment. fp\'%The £olloii' ng goo3 and laxful nersons tirere drai,m to serve as jurors in the Superior Cou-rt for the trial of criminal cases for the one iaeek term beginning May 18, 1953: Jos. W. Jordan, Rte 23 Box 289 E. B. Sneeden, P,O. Box 255 Henry R. Jonnson, 21p24 N. Jefferson St, W. P. Beal Rte 3, Box 246r. N. U. Oldenlnitt].e, Jr. 106 Boraen Ave. J. T. Long, 113 Will.ianson Drive L7agene Bryan, Rte 3, Bor. 277 R. E. Conner, C;06 Sunset Avevue H. K. Pouell; Rte 3 L. W. Carroll, 16 Pinecrest Terrace D. B. Peterson, 121D tfarion Drive hN 0, T. Trawick, 136 Yfard Str.eet MU J. A. Scott, 114 Y,enwood tlvenue L. E. blard, 1923 Idun Street R. G. 'dilliams, 2945 Ada.ms Street L. K. Schmidt, 36 Woodlawn Avenu.e Frank Lucas, 805 Chestnut Street G. J. Launbert, 10-A Lake F'orest S. H. Coward, 403 Dock Street ldilliam hlillioner, Rte 2, Box 205B 0. M. Hartley, 171 Spo££ord 1•Lills • Alex S. Hall, % WS&TCo B. C. Yerton, 308 Chestnut St. Claud T. Jeiaell, Rte 2 Kemp Lovett, 221 Davie Drive The meeting then adjournea. r "" .- ^7?! Clerk ? . H, C. Cra£t, Rte 2, Box 106A C. W.. Shackelford, 1602 Ann St. E. H. Howard, 108 S. 8th St. C. D. White, Audubon Blvd. C. F. Malpass, 2109 Plaza Drive J. R. Windzgl, 2704 Jefferson 5t. Wm. A. Rogers, 2108 S. Front St. J. G. Spell, 8-B Idesbitt Court,s Chas. E. Estes, 507 Sunset Avenue Carl V. BaUson, 14 Morningside Drive C. V. Blackburn, Jr. 7-G ?.ake Forest J. C. Snith, 23 lJashington Street - W. T. Jackson, 614 Queen Street J. D. uradley, 2935 A Jefferson Street Bernice C. BryanJ S. 41st Street W. F. Won3erly, 14.13 S. 3r3 Str.eet T. A. Shepard, Sr., L,08 S. Sth Street Jas. C. Lewis, 157.2 S. l,tn Street Jas. C. Sarman, 8 Ct. H, ?.al:e Forest W. M. Wilson, 107 N. 7th Street Jos. D. Lei7ine, 1115 Grace Street Chas. E. Craig, Jr. 310 Greenfieid St. R. A. Ho1J.i5ay, 114A Wi].iiamson Drive 14V C. J. Cook, 2347 A3ams Street Louis E. Simmons, 2849C, Jefferson Street Wilmington, N. C., 16ay 11, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this 3ay at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners C1aud O'Shields, Thuxston C. Davis, Hal. J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney 14arsden Bellamy. Copies of the minutes of the Board of April 20, and May Q, having previously been furnished each memUer o£ the Board, the same were upon motion of hir. Davis, seconded by Nir, 0!Shiel3s, approved. 41g Sames B. Swails, Dtziley Aumphrey, Wallace Idurchison, rdembers o£ the Executive Coamiittee of the Local Bar ??? `Association appeared as sche3uled at meeting of I?fay Qth to further press tlieir ounosition to the use of a ? s?'-I2icrofilm Recorder for recor5ing papers in the Register of Dee3s Office, and also to the closing of the Reg- ister of Deecis, Clerk of Superior Court an3 Tax Offices on Saturdays, reconunending thel* stay opon on Sat- 1 nes between the folloring resolntion e was madopted: AoiatiMnn a aa mee0t?ng o of • A'ay C /th? after l whim c the l ? the Bar, £ Sso "Upon motion o£ 7'•1r. Trask, seconded by Air. Davis, the schedule oi wcrking hours £or County employes ?¢Qadopte3 at Lieeting of April 13, 1953, tiras amended as folloias: That all County ofiices shall be open for the transaction o.f business 3aily £rom 7:30 A.M. to 4:30P.M., on I,onday thru Friday of each weelc, and on Saturdays bettireen the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon where nec- ess3ry, Departrnent Heads, in their discretion, using such number of clerks on Saturdays necessary for the transaction of business. IInployes working on Satur3ays shall have the time o£f on Lle3nesdays.° The Committee then strengly protested the idea of using a Microfilm Recorder for recording oapers in the Register of Deeds Office, stating as before, that it made a poor record, illegiUle and more expen- -? sive, claiming the old systein of typeiaritten records to be the best an3 less eye strein. -A 420 -z- i?:eeting of 1?ixy 11? 1953 - Continued Mr. J. E. Iaws, Register of Deeds oi Orange Cowity was present and stated the Microfilm syston has ? been in use for two years in his County and has proven very satis£actory and thet no coniplaints have been made against its use, before or after putting the systea in operation. "Just needs a little cooperation from the latayers?"he saidl"bearing in mind the pho'Cographic system when preparing their napers, also the necessity o£ having clean ribbons, clear typing etc." ' , Mr. Peacock, representing the I4icrofi]m Company insiste5 that with patience, traine3 1)er8onnel and ? proper prenaration of documents, recording bJ the tQicroiilm nrocess would be satisfactory, iaoul3 save ? tiune, space and money. Upon motion o£ trir. Trask, s ec.;n3e;i by D',r. 0'Shiel3s, an additional sixty days trial was grantea to enable their representative to irork out the trouble spots wi1;h the emplbye-operators and to demonstrate to the lai.pjers what can be 3one to save time, money and space'by proper pz•eparation of papers to be micro£i.lmed. Upon ruotion of Mr. Traslc, secondA3 by Mr. 0'Shiel3s, the Board voted to nurchase half paEe advertisement in the hlay 27th issue of the, Charlotte Observer Vacation Guide at a total cost of $105.00 jointly with the Cit3r of idilmington, subject to the approval of the City, to be paid out o£ nent years budget after Ju].y 1, 1953. The Board feeling the same is to the best interest oS tne County for advertising its re- sources and advantages. Mr. Horton to13 the Board the dragline drainage work at Myrtle Grove would be finishea this week and the next projer,t would be back of the Tzberculosis Hospital to Bradley Creek..which iaas aoproved by the Board, - /? An offer of Reverend T. P. Noe to se7.l the County certain lots in block 551 for enlargenent of the Oak Grove Pauper Cemetary, without naming a price, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, receiceu for investigation. A copy of a letter written by h1r. John W. Crawl.ey, Secy-Treas, of the Wi.nter Parlc Uolunteer Pire De;xlrt- ment to hlr. I{enneth Scott, Chie£ Engineer Ivorth Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau and his rep]y was ?J,r received, concerning an invitation to?meet''crith delegates of the various fire departments of the County and the County Comriissioners, in order that a program might be developed in accor3ance with Bureau Stan- dards. Mr, Crawley to advise as to when a meeti.ng can be held later. A letier was receive3' froru the Wi].mington Chamber o£ Cor.unerce expressing apnreciation of ;.ts Agricultur.al ? Committee for the splendid supnort and cooperation given by the Commissioners in successfully putting on bfi the First Annual Azalea Ro3eo in connection wit.h the Azalea Festival. They further advi.sed a net Profit ?C clear and above all cost in the ar:otmt of $3,000.00 turned over to the Agricultural Committee. Nr. Horton brought up the matter of garbage 3isposal which has become acute in certain sections o£ the County, over which the Board of Health is much concerned, and presente3 a letter received from A7r. Charles ?2A M. White, Chie£ Insect and Rodent Control Section San;tary Ehgineering Division o£ the State Board of Health, enclosing a copy of regulations governing the disnosal of garbage and r efuse in Guilford Coixnty, foll.owing a meeting with llim and the Board of Health cal]_ed by the Chairmari concerning this matter. Ac- cording to law, it apnears that the garbage noia being »icked-un by pricate collectors cannot be dumpe3 in the open or fed to hogs unless cooked, therefore instructions were given to advise'them of the lat-r and seek their cooperation inasauch as the County has no legal authority to use tax money to acquire and mai.ntain disposal sites vrithout a vote of the people. p Upon motion of hfr. Davis, seconaed by Mr. OtShields, the Board agreed to meet its proportionate part of the expense tiiith the City for the cost of Students' Goverrunent Day luncheon at Community Center 12:30 P,M., May 14th, at 70¢ per plate. A].etter taas received from Mr. John L. Morris, Vi.ce President of ldational Airlines concerning change in scheattled lights at Bluethenthal Field. L A letter iras recei.ve3 from the Colored fiome Demonstration Agent thanking the Roard for its support given their Clu.b uork. ' A letter of appreciation was receive3 from the ?ialker and Pierce Nursery for the dragline canal- throu?h p?lj their pronerty, draining the area on i;he Gordon Road. A letter received £rom 14r, George E. Hughes asking that "SIAW-CAILDREiJ PI.nY7NG" signs be installed on the ??5 corners of eachstreet in Devon Park, in which approximately 59 homes are located, was referre3 to tfie Safety Divi.sion of the State HiChiaay and Public Works Comnission. A difference of opinion having arisen as to the comrarative bids sutanitted by Raney-Chevrolet Company and \b? Cape rear Motor Sales on the Boolanobile Bo3y awar3e3 to R.iney-Chevrolet Comnany t•;ay 4th to meet the specifi- -?' cations aslca: for in the bid advertisement, based on Boyerton Baker Bo3y, and bid of Cape Fear 14otor Sales 1dno.proposed to furnish a Boyerton Baker Body, was raised by a'Boyerton-Ba]ter representative. The Raney- Chevrolet Comnany having submitted a low bid to furnish a body in accorciance tirith the specifications re- queste3, 17r, Love moved tnat their bid, accepted by the Board at meeting of hia,y 4th, to flirnish the said unit, stand as awarded. His motion fai].ed of a secon3. The matter was then referre3 to the Raney-Chevrolet Company and the Boyerton-Baker representative to work out a satisfactory understanding and agreement among themselves, and further action tabled pen3ing thei.r report to the Boar3. A letter received £rom Mr. G. C. Stromsoe concerning improvements to the street in 3800 bloclc on Peachtree Street, in West Audubon, iras referre3 to the State Hi.ghwa5r and Public 6Jorks Com;,:ission. pN?' The 1953-1954 Budget Estimate Forms preparei by the County Auiitor were presented to the Boar3: QI A request of Ephesus Seventh Day Adventist Ghurch to purchase a City-County ownea lot in block 119, ad- jacent to their nroperty, on which to erect a ahurch building, was received for investigation. The Chairman announced that an aerial map prepared for the County tiaill be ready for delivery this week. No objecti3ns were raised by the Board to the apclication o£ C._W._Honeycutt & W. S. Barbour, Harper Avemze, Carolina Beach and Ernest R. Wood "Maggie and Jiggs" on New 4lrightsville Beech Highrray, for a State Permit to sell Beer at the respective locations shown. A report of A'r?ort receipts for April 27, 30 and May 5; ldilmington Public Library; Home Demonstration Agents; County Farm Agent and the FJ lmington Colore3 Library for April Urere receivea ana filed. -' opi)C5 Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills No. 3441 to 3493 were approved for payment. ? ,nD The following good and lawflil persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the 5uperior Court for the trial of civil cases for tiie two weelcs term beginning T4ay 25, 1953 and £or the one week Criminal teim beginning ? Sune 8, 1953: ? -3- 421 Meeting of May 11, 1953 - Continued Pirst Weel: Civil E. M. Allen, 7r., 68 West Drive, Lake Forest Marvin R. Droege, 2833F Adams Street C. F. Taylor, C-25- Box 28A Jas, T. Mathews, 11D West Drive J. W. Taylor, C25 - Bor. 51C C. H. Jenne, 35 Lee Jrive Hughey A. Pearsall, 2729 Harrison Street H. H. Jones, Rte 3 Helen K. Melton,Rte 2p Box 177 F. L. 4larlick, 102 S. 41st Street Bennie Harris, 510 S. 6th 5treet Ad3ie B. Headen, Rte 1, Castle Hayne John King, P.O. Box 92, Castle Hayne blrs. N;amie L. Cain, 2004 Creasy Avenue R. B. Hodges, P.O, Box 1324 M. G. Allison, 12 Dock Street Jessie J. Jenkins, 21C Nesbitt Ct. W. E. Sanders, Rte 1. Secon3 Week Civil: Robert Hunter, Rte 1. Guy C. Pitts, 84 P3necrest Farkway W. G. King, 1404 Princess Street S. F. Bowers, 108 Red Cross Street Hugh M. Smithson, 2002 Perry Avenue L. R. Lynch, 308 N. 2nd Street H. B. Clemmons? 106 Red Cross Street Chester ldassey; 904 Dawson Street Cecil Turner, 514 Narket Street J. W. Auld, 2854 Adams Street C. C. Pridgen, Jr, Rte 3, Dox 253 Ernest R. Croom, 1214 S. Qth Street A. J. Watkins, Sr. RI'Dl iJm. G. Beinert' 208 Borden Aver.ue E. W. Clemmons, Rte #3 F. R. Scott) 818 S. 5th Street E. W. War3, 221 S. 6th Street D. Patelos, 1506 ?rincess Street For the Criminal Term: Geo. T. Matkins, 207 S. Sth Street L. C. Dixon, 512 Wooster Street C. H. Cook, 22 Spofford Nills E. W. Sikes, 405 Br'unswick Street Henry M. Willians, 214z Casi le Street Harry J. Farrow, 1808 Nun Street Major A. Dukes, Rte 3 . H. L. Allard, 2714 Jackson Street Alton B. Powless, Rte 3 Clarence W. Peterson, 703?'N. 4th Street H. T. Gurgamts, 922 N. Qth Street Chzrlie Lanier, Rte 2, Box 320A " D. 0. Price, 233 Vance Street, IAV J. E. 7ho pson, 202 Williamson Drive, A:V J. N. Brand, Jr. 208 S. 3rd Street L. C. Bryant, C25 Box 28EE Jas. L. Walker, 303 N. 23rd Street H. M, i?urn, Jr,, 205 Grace Street , Alton, R. Bass, 519 S Qth Street Henry M. Harrell, 13-P I.ake Forest Eugene Small, % Finlcelstein's Marie A Lockf'aw, P.O. Box 50.$ G. M. Goo3ru, Jr, Rte 2 U. J. Heath, 127 Graham Street MN H. R. Ghisholm, P.O. Box 582 The meet,ng then a 3journed. Clerk ? T. B. Magill, Jr, 212 Orange Street Bruce Miller, 311A Calhoun Drive N,U M. J. Smith, 64 West Drive, Lake Forest Andrew C. Taylor, Rte 2, Box 229 C. T. Watkins, 7 Bordeawc Avenue P4rs. J. W. P4organ, Rte 3, Box 31 M. S. Bradshaw, 314 Camobell Street Mrs, Florence Schadt, 806 Central Blv3. Herbert Ward, 312 Willar3 Street C. G. We3ster, Box 392 Community Drive Norman Alford, Rte 1. Lee Ftui Howe., QOS N. Front Street C. F. Farless, Rte 3, Box 241B Nance T. Ribinson, 707 N. 3r3 Street lJalter R. ReLister, 501Z Castle Street Wm. T. Sawyer, 1612 Castle Street T. A. Reynol3s, 10q Princess Street Evelyn H. Buck, 2005 Metts Avenue rarl R. Rich, 100 Colonial Village Peter Balafas, 22 S. 2nd Street E`. M. Avery, 10-F Nesbitt Court I. W. 4lillis) 1912 I4un Street Ralph L. Evans, 617 Dawson Street ? Joe Simon, 2107 Bran3on Road Rollie M. Wxlton, WriEhts?i lle Avenue WP Jas, P. Blanton, Jr., 1105 Orchard Avenue Mrs. George Bennett, 211 Colonial Drive C. R. Tzylor, Rte 3, Box 31-D Mrs. W. F. Peace, 522 Dock Street B. E. P4cLawhorn, 2207 Chestnut Street C. M. Blackwelder, 20 N. Jackson Street J. F. Swann, Jr. Rte 1, Sox 225 Carlie Mi11is, Rte 3, Box 141 Flxlton Sullivan, 215 Meares Street Jas. C. Mur3ock, P.O. Box 418 0. T. Thomas, 109 Vance 5treet, riV , Mrs, r_.ila M. Hayes) 1711 tdun Street Geo. M. t•tann, 201 Kenwoo3 Avenue Ivey Thompson, Jr,, 14-B Nesbitt Court N. W. Pridgen, 111 Rutledge Drive, MV M. Wil.son, 415 Dodc Street Bernice J. Simon, 111 Bor3eaux 1lvenue John A. Jenkins, Bos 713 Carolir.a Beach Henry D. Scoggins, 27 Wrightsville Avenue Filbert Godfrey, 1 Terrace Walk B. H. Seawell, 28480 Adams Street 14. ?. Rtines, Rte 1, Dox 262 Henry S. Hall, 150 Colonial Drive A. H. Hillard, Jr. 202 Virginia Avenue Najor M. Ward, P.O. Box 1556 Robert G. Rankin, 312 Dock Street Nirs. Sarah Z. Cox) 1729 Carolina Avenue A. Hart, fi3 Court Q, Iake Forest R:ndolph Robbins, 92842- N. 4th St:eet W. V. Hursey, Box 91, WriEhtsville Beach Marvin Brougliton, 309 Greenfield Street Roosevelt Gurganus, 320 Wright Street Henry 0. Foy, Rte 1, Box 222 J. M. P. Joyner, Jr., Rte 3, Box 27A Harry L. Skipper, 113 Davie Driv e, NV B. T. Oresnell, 221 Calhoun Drive, MU Wi]mingtonJ N. C., May 18, 1953. The regatlar iaeekly meeting o£ the Baar3 was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shiel3si Thurston C. Javis, Hal J. Love, Naiford Trask, C. F. Smith, County Auditor and :iars3en Bellamy, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer Uy the Reverend Mr. A. K. Uu.11ey, Pastor of blinter Park Fresbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meetir.g of May 11t 1953, having previously been furnished to each member of the Doard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconde3 by Mr. Love, approved. Doubt having arisen with r eference to the body specifications £or furnishing a boolanobile on same basis used in tne constructior, of a Boyerton-Baker Body, submitted by and auarded to Raney-Chevrolet Company May 4, 1953. ,IIhQlnThe Boar.a., upon motion, rejected all o£ the said bids and ordered that readvertisement be made for new sea.l- ed bids to be receiae:; for furnishing boolanobile, quoting on body and truck chassis separately, and,on both as one unit, on specifications to be furnished by the County Auditor. ?rA ietter was receive3 from the Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C. concerning schedule service by ?npa Nati-:nal Airlines at Wilmington, alvising it wou13 inquire of Nationa7. as to what prompted their recent 3e- cision to reduce schedules, and whether in its opinion the present service at Wilm_ngton is adequate, an3 will advise us later.