1953-05-18 Regular Meeting-3- 421 Meeting of May 11, 1953 - Continued Pirst Weel: Civil E. M. Allen, 7r., 68 West Drive, Lake Forest Marvin R. Droege, 2833F Adams Street C. F. Taylor, C-25- Box 28A Jas, T. Mathews, 11D West Drive J. W. Taylor, C25 - Bor. 51C C. H. Jenne, 35 Lee Jrive Hughey A. Pearsall, 2729 Harrison Street H. H. Jones, Rte 3 Helen K. Melton,Rte 2p Box 177 F. L. 4larlick, 102 S. 41st Street Bennie Harris, 510 S. 6th 5treet Ad3ie B. Headen, Rte 1, Castle Hayne John King, P.O. Box 92, Castle Hayne blrs. N;amie L. Cain, 2004 Creasy Avenue R. B. Hodges, P.O, Box 1324 M. G. Allison, 12 Dock Street Jessie J. Jenkins, 21C Nesbitt Ct. W. E. Sanders, Rte 1. Secon3 Week Civil: Robert Hunter, Rte 1. Guy C. Pitts, 84 P3necrest Farkway W. G. King, 1404 Princess Street S. F. Bowers, 108 Red Cross Street Hugh M. Smithson, 2002 Perry Avenue L. R. Lynch, 308 N. 2nd Street H. B. Clemmons? 106 Red Cross Street Chester ldassey; 904 Dawson Street Cecil Turner, 514 Narket Street J. W. Auld, 2854 Adams Street C. C. Pridgen, Jr, Rte 3, Dox 253 Ernest R. Croom, 1214 S. Qth Street A. J. Watkins, Sr. RI'Dl iJm. G. Beinert' 208 Borden Aver.ue E. W. Clemmons, Rte #3 F. R. Scott) 818 S. 5th Street E. W. War3, 221 S. 6th Street D. Patelos, 1506 ?rincess Street For the Criminal Term: Geo. T. Matkins, 207 S. Sth Street L. C. Dixon, 512 Wooster Street C. H. Cook, 22 Spofford Nills E. W. Sikes, 405 Br'unswick Street Henry M. Willians, 214z Casi le Street Harry J. Farrow, 1808 Nun Street Major A. Dukes, Rte 3 . H. L. Allard, 2714 Jackson Street Alton B. Powless, Rte 3 Clarence W. Peterson, 703?'N. 4th Street H. T. Gurgamts, 922 N. Qth Street Chzrlie Lanier, Rte 2, Box 320A " D. 0. Price, 233 Vance Street, IAV J. E. 7ho pson, 202 Williamson Drive, A:V J. N. Brand, Jr. 208 S. 3rd Street L. C. Bryant, C25 Box 28EE Jas. L. Walker, 303 N. 23rd Street H. M, i?urn, Jr,, 205 Grace Street , Alton, R. Bass, 519 S Qth Street Henry M. Harrell, 13-P I.ake Forest Eugene Small, % Finlcelstein's Marie A Lockf'aw, P.O. Box 50.$ G. M. Goo3ru, Jr, Rte 2 U. J. Heath, 127 Graham Street MN H. R. Ghisholm, P.O. Box 582 The meet,ng then a 3journed. Clerk ? T. B. Magill, Jr, 212 Orange Street Bruce Miller, 311A Calhoun Drive N,U M. J. Smith, 64 West Drive, Lake Forest Andrew C. Taylor, Rte 2, Box 229 C. T. Watkins, 7 Bordeawc Avenue P4rs. J. W. P4organ, Rte 3, Box 31 M. S. Bradshaw, 314 Camobell Street Mrs, Florence Schadt, 806 Central Blv3. Herbert Ward, 312 Willar3 Street C. G. We3ster, Box 392 Community Drive Norman Alford, Rte 1. Lee Ftui Howe., QOS N. Front Street C. F. Farless, Rte 3, Box 241B Nance T. Ribinson, 707 N. 3r3 Street lJalter R. ReLister, 501Z Castle Street Wm. T. Sawyer, 1612 Castle Street T. A. Reynol3s, 10q Princess Street Evelyn H. Buck, 2005 Metts Avenue rarl R. Rich, 100 Colonial Village Peter Balafas, 22 S. 2nd Street E`. M. Avery, 10-F Nesbitt Court I. W. 4lillis) 1912 I4un Street Ralph L. Evans, 617 Dawson Street ? Joe Simon, 2107 Bran3on Road Rollie M. Wxlton, WriEhts?i lle Avenue WP Jas, P. Blanton, Jr., 1105 Orchard Avenue Mrs. George Bennett, 211 Colonial Drive C. R. Tzylor, Rte 3, Box 31-D Mrs. W. F. Peace, 522 Dock Street B. E. P4cLawhorn, 2207 Chestnut Street C. M. Blackwelder, 20 N. Jackson Street J. F. Swann, Jr. Rte 1, Sox 225 Carlie Mi11is, Rte 3, Box 141 Flxlton Sullivan, 215 Meares Street Jas. C. Mur3ock, P.O. Box 418 0. T. Thomas, 109 Vance 5treet, riV , Mrs, r_.ila M. Hayes) 1711 tdun Street Geo. M. t•tann, 201 Kenwoo3 Avenue Ivey Thompson, Jr,, 14-B Nesbitt Court N. W. Pridgen, 111 Rutledge Drive, MV M. Wil.son, 415 Dodc Street Bernice J. Simon, 111 Bor3eaux 1lvenue John A. Jenkins, Bos 713 Carolir.a Beach Henry D. Scoggins, 27 Wrightsville Avenue Filbert Godfrey, 1 Terrace Walk B. H. Seawell, 28480 Adams Street 14. ?. Rtines, Rte 1, Dox 262 Henry S. Hall, 150 Colonial Drive A. H. Hillard, Jr. 202 Virginia Avenue Najor M. Ward, P.O. Box 1556 Robert G. Rankin, 312 Dock Street Nirs. Sarah Z. Cox) 1729 Carolina Avenue A. Hart, fi3 Court Q, Iake Forest R:ndolph Robbins, 92842- N. 4th St:eet W. V. Hursey, Box 91, WriEhtsville Beach Marvin Brougliton, 309 Greenfield Street Roosevelt Gurganus, 320 Wright Street Henry 0. Foy, Rte 1, Box 222 J. M. P. Joyner, Jr., Rte 3, Box 27A Harry L. Skipper, 113 Davie Driv e, NV B. T. Oresnell, 221 Calhoun Drive, MU Wi]mingtonJ N. C., May 18, 1953. The regatlar iaeekly meeting o£ the Baar3 was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shiel3si Thurston C. Javis, Hal J. Love, Naiford Trask, C. F. Smith, County Auditor and :iars3en Bellamy, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer Uy the Reverend Mr. A. K. Uu.11ey, Pastor of blinter Park Fresbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of the meetir.g of May 11t 1953, having previously been furnished to each member of the Doard, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconde3 by Mr. Love, approved. Doubt having arisen with r eference to the body specifications £or furnishing a boolanobile on same basis used in tne constructior, of a Boyerton-Baker Body, submitted by and auarded to Raney-Chevrolet Company May 4, 1953. ,IIhQlnThe Boar.a., upon motion, rejected all o£ the said bids and ordered that readvertisement be made for new sea.l- ed bids to be receiae:; for furnishing boolanobile, quoting on body and truck chassis separately, and,on both as one unit, on specifications to be furnished by the County Auditor. ?rA ietter was receive3 from the Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C. concerning schedule service by ?npa Nati-:nal Airlines at Wilmington, alvising it wou13 inquire of Nationa7. as to what prompted their recent 3e- cision to reduce schedules, and whether in its opinion the present service at Wilm_ngton is adequate, an3 will advise us later. -z- 422 Meeting of May 181 19533 - Continued The Chairman announced that Mr. John L. Morris, Vice President o£ National Airlines was in town today £or Q? a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce at 3:45 P.T:., if any.of the members woul3 care to hear him. A letter was received from Mr. Joseph No-riaood, District Airport Ehgineer, CAA, A"ay 14.> 1953, guthoriz- ing the sale of certain Airport equipaent at the airport. A letter was receivea from Senator Clyde R. Hoey and Congressman F. Ertle Carlyle in reply to our letter .? to the Yards and Docxs, Departanent of the fiavy, Washirgton, D. C,? 14ay 6th, a cony of which was mailed to them, cor,cernir.g the 120-day option tiJhich ha3 been given to the Navy in connection with Bluethenthal Air- port and not having been exercised by the Navy iaithin the time limit was terminated an3 considered voi3 by the Boar3 at meeting o£ N.ay 4, 1953, assuring us the matter woul3 receive their attention. , Upon motion of A1r. Trask, secon3ed by A1r. Davis, the follou?_ng res?lution concFrning change in County Ro:d, _? was adopte3: WHEREAS, the State Higlnray and Public 4lor]cs Corranission has filed iaith the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, a map desisnate3 as Kerr lsvenue, showing a proposed relocation o£ a section of county road; and , county; WHERF,AS, it appears that this reloca+ion is for the best interest of the roa3 system of the said NOW, THEREFORE, the proPosed change an3 relocation as shown on the said map is hereby apnroved and ratified. , (j IIpon motion of hir. Love, secondea lDy h7r.OShields, the 1952-1453 Co*rununity Hospital budget in the ?VP amount of $57,000.00, was increase3 by #3,538.00 to meet tne cost of Launury equipment purchased. \ Upon metion of Nir. Davis, secended by Ttr. Iqve, the Optimist Club was granted the use of Legion Stadium bleachers for the Little League games at Optimist ball park this season. . ? ?ot' Upon motion of hs. Davis, seconded by tir. Love, the Boar3, on recommendation of the County Attorney, auth- orizea the rer.ewal of airport liability insurance policy e3cniring Mag 23, 1953, at an annttaJ. Premiun of ? $42'1.60. . ? Due to pressing biisiness needs, Nir. Daniel D. Cameron tendrre3 his resi?,?nation as Chairman of the John C. Wessell TSzberculosis Sanatorium which was upon motion o£ i.tr. Love, seconde3 by Nr. 0'Shields, acceptea, with regret; and instructions orere given to write Mr. Cameron an expression of the Bnarn's apPreciation £or the fine services he has rendere3 the institution. . A recommen3ation of t.he Chairman that, the Boar3 of County Co:missi,iners take over the mcanagement o£ John C. Wessell 1lxberculosis Sanatoriwn and operate it i.n lieu of its Board o£ Directors as of June 1, 1953, was upon motion of lvs. 0'Shields, seconde3 b3r 14r. Trask, unaniunousl;; adopted. ? -- , A petition of tvrenty-two (22) property owners £or improvements to a roaaway in Harnett Toumship i•rhich runs - _??? from i!arket Street Road to Princess Street Road north, at the beginning of the 3300 1>lock on h;arket Street ?. 1,? Road, an3 known as Lvans Street which is approximately one £ourth of a mile in length on uilnch fourteen (14) houses an3 two (2) busi,nesses are located, was upon motion of N,r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approvex an3 referred to the State Highway and Pu?].ic Works Comraission for its consi3eration. ,. Ivo objections were indicated by the.Board to the application of H. L. Horne & D. C. N,oore fos• State Permit ? to sell beer at "Inland Wateratay Grill", and B. F."Watson's Seafood hiarket", Carolina Beach. Upon motion of iMr. Davis, instruetions were gi.ven to tirite the Governor an exr°essic+n of onr tha.: ks for hav- ing appointed Mr. Heide Trask as a member of the St?ite Highway and Public WOrks Commission. The Chairman told the Boer3 he was a3vised by A:r, Hugh Morton that Mr. Thoinas W. Morse$ Suner.intendent of - P?,iy State Parlcs, would be in torm this week end, an3 he hope3 to contact him with the view of looking over.the HuFh MacRae Park landscaping proposal, to study the topographical map, if ready at that time, an3 meet. later to 3iscuss it, _0%0 Reports of Airrort Receipts and disbursenents for April, an3 i4ay 12, and 15; Housing Author9ty of.the City j??ot' Wilmington; ar3 Health Department Nursin@ Report ior April were receive3 and filed. _ \ -? Insnection re;>ort was received fr,m the Hartford Steam Boi].er Inspection an3 Insurance Company, a.dvising r4e)? tha.t on inspection of the 013 Court House Bo_l.er, no conditions were observed that required attention at this time, Arril 20, 1953. The Chairman presented a list of 151 City-County owned lots acquired by tax foreclosure which have been ?CC,,,t turned over to the Boar3 of Realtors to anpraise an3 will renort back next wPek with figures for anproval by this Bowr3 as te the sa.le Yirice v21ue. .? Unon moti,n of Mr. Trask, seconded by 19r. Love, the Boar3 aut.horize3 the sale of the airplane held by the County £or charges for N150.00. An audit report of the County Records prepared by Mr. tJil].iam C. Barfield, C.P,A., for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1952, was received an3 action postponed for furthe*'study. Upon motion o£ I+Ir. D'Shiel3s, seconded by Mr. Love., County bil].s Iv'o. 3494 to 3588 were anproved for payment su'oject to the a;,proval of the County Au3a.tor, A recess was then taken until lO:OQ o'clock A.M., May 26, 1953. /!. A4-f- ...Sy - Clerk /1", .