1953-05-26 Regular Meeting11i]sr.ington, N. C., Yiay 26, 1953. ? 42e Puxsant to recess taken 14a3r 18, 1953, the Board met this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Fresent: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thw•ston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. ' The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. A. K. Dudley, Pastor of Winter Park Presbyterian • Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting o£ the Board of Iday 189 1053, having previously been maile3 to each member of the Boar3, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconde3 by Mr. Love, annrove3. N,r. Louis T. 19oore, Chairman o£ the IJew Hanover historical Con,?nission anpeared to te].1 the Commissioners the Board of Ejucation shoul3 have a program to teach the historical 'uackground of our City and County in our „_ School System, and sugr:ested that I4rs. Ida B. lfellum be put in charge of the proEram, she having recently prepared a bookl.et of vitzl local historical facts published unde* the snonsorship of the Stamp Definance Chapter o£ the National Society Daughters o£ the American Revolution. Also calle3 al;tention to the Sam- uel Bear plaqu.e at Isaac Eear School set too far back from the entrance to be seen. Also, the School buiiding noir being constrWed at Harbor Island named b y the Eoard of FJ3ucation as "Wrightsvil].e Beach . School", and not locate?7sRou:d have been name3, he said,for some outstandi.ng person, and suggesteu tlie --?- names of Dr. E. A. Alderman, George Davis and Corrielius Harnett, It was agreed that these iratters be dis- •- • cussed and considei•ed at a joint meeting witli the Boaru of Education with Mr, tfoore present, inasmuch as 1-revious requeet concerning these matters have apparently been overlooked. Mr. Horton and Ihr. Davis rerorted on their recent visit to C17aoe1 Hill in the interest of secvring State aici ier the Tuberculosis Hospital which they reported iaill Ue available to counties maintaining and sup- rC' porting a Countf T. B. Hospital approved by the Boar3 of Directors of the State 2ltberculosYS>System in the arriount of K.50 per patient day for each me3ical i_ndigent person receiving care and treattnent £or tubercu- losis in said hospitals, payable qua'rterly, under which our Tuberculosis Hospital will qualify. It was al- so pointed out thnt in tne event the State Hospital expansion pr.oject at T?cCain should fail, this would be the logical place for a large sanatoriLUn. , Upon rotion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by i+',r. Davis, the Board voted 'to turn back the Cane Fear Armory Build- / ing, 81i? Market Street„ to the i`.ilitafiy Co-,pany in accordance with the original lease`and subsequent agree- V ge E. Yid.:er? collect- ?nents. An3? that a break-down o£ the rentals under lease of the build9,ng to I•Ir. Geor + ed to 3ate, be furnished the Board, - Upon motion of ;•fr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, instructions were gicen to re-advertise for sealed bi3s to C. be received for the purc::ase o£ a boola.iobile, ueing the sane soecifications previously aflvertised, base3 on ?e a t-;odel-12 Baker-Hoyerton Boiy, or equal. The 1951-1952 au:ii-i:.-af tlae Coun'C;,r Bool:s and Records was brought up for d±scussion, and items appeari•ng on Page 4, under Niscellaneous Receivables, $299.23 iaere refers•e3 to the County At,torney, and County Aucitor for recomnendations. Otl-ier items 3iscusse3 were School Regular and Suoplement and Books Account, and over- draft occasioneu by £ailuse to trans£er necessary fimus iro:-i the Countf's General Acr.ouni; i;o 'the School I4xnd bank account prior i.o t.he close of tne fiscal year. Change of_s;;stem of keeninC accounts for ;:artial pay- - rueni;s of fines and coets, restitution for darnages, and unclaimed witness fees oi which somc of the iteins are paid out in casti when calied for, was recorimende3 by the C.F.A., that fun3s should Ue depositea in separate Uar.}: accounts and paid out by prenumbered warrants for +_he Recorders Cour-C. A motion of£ered by 11r. 0'Shields that !.,e Jn3ge and Asaistan"lark oi the ftecor,:ers Court get together with Mr. C. F. Smith, the Countf Aud- •• itor and ti•rork out a satisfactgsy_ sys_tem fail.ed of a second. 9nd tne Chairman sugLested that the Boar3 mem- be*s take copies of the audit repo-t home with them to study for han3linE at the neht meeting. The Clerk presented to the [3oard . Notice of Sale o£ $1,000,000 School Building ]3onds, Series B, prepared by the liocal Goverrusent Commission, and was instructe3 to aavertise the same in accor3ance with the Law, , Upon motion o£ Nir. Davis, seconded by 14r. Love, Tom Davis, colored, #4 Colliers Alley, was granted 'three (3) ?nonths stay at the County Home to enahle hir.i to stay in bed with his feet elevated for ten br twelve weeks ?'(? recommended by Dr. Brandon who oper?ted on his feet for the Rehabilitatiun Dep4rtment. Tne same was in- vestigatea and recoi:iciended by the Welfare DepartAnent. Upon motion o£ A:r. Davis, seconded by Phr. Love, payment of $100.00 to David Sinclair, Attorne3r, on order of S? the Court, for services rendered the Defendent, Freddie Taylor charged with Burglary and I?ape, May Criminal Term of the Superior Court, 1953. NOy,(,e,Upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by 7?u. Love, the Boar3 accepted the recomnendations and report of the ? Comnittee (Mr. C, F. Snith, County Auditor, and i+tr. D. G. Pa3gett, City Auditor), to turn the entire inven- Jj*0\ " tory of the Port GoTM.mission over to the City at a value of $1,593.56. The County to deduct its one-tl-iird equity in the same , or $531.19 £rom the anticipated cash surplus of the Port Commission. A notice of the annuil meeting of the New Hanover County Tuberculosis and Health Association, June`1o 8:00 ?.M., in the Electric Building Auditorium, was received. A sur•oey covering of the County lan3 lying between the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks, US Highiaay 117, the Gordon Rpad and S}nith's Creek, showing what we have leit there, w.hich is indicated in red on the map . prepare3 by idr. Henry M. Von Oesen, C.E., was pre'sente3 to the Boar3 by the Chairman. Action on a request of Scipio Haw}:ins to pwrchase a Count3r-City owned parcel o£ land in bloclc 252 at a price ' Ugt?of $150.00, urhich is assessed at $150.00, in which the City and County have $223.00 in it, was postpone3 •? £or £urther investigetion. Upon motion of NIr. Trask, secon9ed by 14r. 0'Shields, the Boar3 unanimously voted to discantinue County ap- ropriations to Associate3 Charities at the end of this fiscal year June 30, 1953, and that no County appro- riation iai.ll be provide3 in neact year'; budget, as it is the consensus of the Board that the sane is a duplication of our other charity agencies. Hourever, if the Associate3 Charities Board wishes, it may ap- pear before the Commissioners to show cause why the appropriation should not be discontinued. check £or $15.00 was received fron the Navy £or heat, 4tater, lights and seweruge furnished at the Airport for the period Fehruary 16, thru liarch 31, 1953. Upon motion of 14s. Davis, sec:nded by 14r. Love, the Chairman or in case of his absence, the Vice-Chairman, " ??NW11)tas,appointed as a member of the C,reetiizg Committee of the American Legion Convention to be held here June ?. lOth, 1953. ?No objections were indicated by the Board to the application of the follol•ring for State Pennit to sell beer at the locatior.s 'shown: . David Alexan3er. Drum, "Carolina Pool Roorn", Carolina Beach, Horace Allen "Al7.en's Place", Seabreeze. S. D. •Barnhill, "R & J Grocery", 1311 Dawson Street. Rex Bu-nett and Lewis Price, "Rex's Sandwicli Shop", aouth Boari Walk, Carolina Beach. Bessie R. Byrd, "Causevray Gri11", idrightsville Soun3, Herbert Theo3ore Fisher, "Deluxe Grill"? Corner Aarper Avenue and-Csroli.na Beach Avenue, Carolina Beach. Rubie A. Lewi,s, "Lewis' Grill" i -4,4 _2_ Meeting of May 26, 1953, Continued Harper Avenue, Csrol?_na Beach. James N. Masseros, "Batona Drive-In", 34 Lake View Boulevard, Coro'lina / Beach. E. J. Smith, Sr., "Castle Street beivice Station Grill", 1220 Castle Street. Williar.is Brothers, "Topper Grill?", 1200 Market Street. . Notice of £inal decision on appeal of Uirginia Elizabeth Carter for Old Agc Assistance which rtas termin- ,? G?LI ated April 91 1953, because of sufficient inco:ne in the hone, was receive3 from the State Board of Allot- ments and Appeal. Notice tiras received for a meeting for the developnent of the 1954 Agricultiiral Conservation Progratn to be 1 J(y? hei3 41zes3ay, i+:ay 26th at 7:30 P.1•f,, in the P.M.A. Offices, room 101 Custom House. The Chairman announced that a meeti_ng will be held with the City and ;iir. Hines June 8th to consolidate the -Cl/? rabies problem under one hea3 and report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ? It was brought to the attention that the effort to eli*ainate the mosquito was started too lAte in the sea- ? son to be most ef£ectice, it iras suggested it should be done in Marcli for spraying their Ureeding places, also the matter of the Cit;/ tirorking up to the County lir.e in the 5unset Parlc area,and the Cotmty take it - _QD £raa there on. The Chairman announced a supplY of 5% DDT on hand an:i the offer of 14r. Trask to use their - plane for dusting the breeding areas, all of which cras receive3 to be folloured-up to see what can be 3orie about these matters, an3 report later. Meaoria7. Day falling on Saturday, i+lay 30, 1953, and that being a holiday for County Etnployes, no ad:iitional - C? time off was allotaed for observance thereo£, . A letter writi;en by the Chairman Pliay 22, 1953, to thr. 3{irby Daniels, Superintendent o£ the County rione ad- ? vising that 1,7r. Rivenbarlc would be made 5unerintendent of the Farm Prisoners and all heads and work creias ` GX %tiaorking out of same, beginning May 25, 19532 to enable I?ir. Daniels to give closer supervision of the County C Home and Hospi.tal, which tail.l not e£iect his position in thc capacity as Superintendent, or earnings, met . ? th'e Board's approval. , ? The i;hairman announeed that representatives of the Real Estate Branch of the Sixth l?aval &?.se, Charleston, _ S. C., will meet 2:30 P.i4., Monday June lst, to discuss matters pst'taining to the Airport Contrsct, and re- u ques'ted that the number of persons attending be kept to the minvnum. r The Chairman announce3'recei.pt of $12,500.00 £rom the American Bakeries Company which represents our half -?? share of the sale price for the L'ity-County owned property at Second and Orange Streets, ? Upon motion of hir. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, County bills No. 3589 to 3664 were approved for pa;/uient. The ;neeting then adjourned. - ? •+ ??• ?' - ! , Clerk ` ` Wilmington, N. C., June 1, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was,held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. , Present: R. T. HorLon, Chairman a n3 Comuissioners Claud O'Shicl3s, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. In ve, Rxiford Traslc and County Attorney Marsden Bellarqy, - Copies of the minutes oP the meeting of May 26, 1953, having been previously maited to each menber of the Boar3, the same were upon notion of I?s. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. • • The Chairman tol:i the Board that the person who has been doing DDT 3usting work is out sick and when he re- turns will find out the cost etc., for dusting the mosquito breeding places in the County. The Chairman reported on an inspection o£ drainage with 1vs. An3rews in the area north end of State Ports and • ? Sunset Park. Foun3 that the drain is fille9 up with a vegetable growth. Mr. An:irews will furnish a surveyors plate of the area, and that hand ditchir.g can take care o£ the situation. He also reported the culvert un- '• • der the railroad bed was too high. , N,r. Horton announced the resiEnation of Mr. IiirUy Daniels, Superinten3ent o£ the County Home to become effective' ? July l2 1953, account of the ba.d health of his iai£e, having su££ex-eci a hesrt attaclc, finds it necessary to move ? her to a quieter place. Nr. Daniels who has been in the County's emplo;? for forty-one ycars is eligible for ? maximum xetirenent benefits which uas re£erred to the County Auditar to put into effect upon his retirerient. ? c N,r. Farl W. Brown requested that he be allokred one taeeks pay in lieu of vacation. He was a former ernploye o£ Neia lIanover County at the Stadium and later at the County's Oak Grove Cemetery on an hourly basis December 15, .. - Q 1951 to March 3rd, 1953, was upon motion of Mr. Traslt, seconded by Mr.. Love, granted three days pay in lieu o£ vacation for period worked January, February an3 Iriarch 1953. ? Letters were received from Senators Willis S7nith and Clyde R. Hoey in repJ,y to our letter to the IIureau of 3Car3s .? p? and Docks, Washington, D. C., concernir.g the County-P7avy B1ue?Lhenthal Airport agree;nent} advising that officials --G`1-, in the Navy Department as well as the CAA had advised that word has been given to proceed with the acquisition of the required lan3 for this project, which was delayed on account of t?ie temporary freeze which was placed upon military co,istruction in February 1953., mi?is restriction has bcen lifted and negotia'tions will continue ., for acquisition of the fielfi. ' Upon motion of Mr, 0'Shields, secon3ed by b;r. Love, the Boar3 approve3 the execution of a contract between the ? United States Department of Justice, Judicial District Eastern 1Vorth Carolir:a, Immigration District #5J an3 the -• County oF New Hanover for the safe keep'ng, 'care and subsistence of prisoners and of persons detained as aliens un3er authority of any IInited States Staute in the New Hanover County Jail, at the rate' of $1.00 per 3ay per person for a period not to exceed three years £rom 14ay 16, 1953• An3, the Chairican of the Soard of County Com- missioners and the Sheriff oF New iianover County were authorized to sign the same in the na.me of the County. Notice of foi-mal hearing on aj,peal of Sophie Holmes Alfor3, Nora Alfor3' Carroll an3 Idella Ilxtch Sessoms in the matter of OM and APTD assistance, in the offi.ce of the Idevr Hanover County Department of Public Welfare June /+, 1953, was received £roa whe State Board of Allotments and Appeal, i, A request of A1r. ESerett J. H31e, Co-Chairman o£ the American Legion Junior Baseball Comnittee, for the use of Legion Stadium for Jtmior Baseball g¢mes June 13, 17) 24 and Ju1y 1, 6, and g, was upon motion of Mr. Davis,. ? seconded by b4r. Love, granted. Mr. Hal J. Love moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to sell at this time $1,000,000 School Building Bon3s ^ pursuant to the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $?,993,000 School Bonds of the . County of New Hanover"' adopted bp the Doar3 of Comraissiuners on April 7, 1952; NO[d, THEREFORE, SE IT RSSOLVi:D by the Board of Comnia,sioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: , ?