1955-12-13 Regular MeetingWilmington, N. C., December 121995. { ?" , This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of the Board, no quorum appeared and a re- cess was taken until 10:00 o'cloclc A.M., Tuesday, December 13, 1955. • Wilmington, N. C., December 13, 1955. Yursuant to recess taken Monday, December 12, 1955, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, Ernest R. r4ayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. ? The`'fneig iias opened with prayer by the Reverend W. C. White, Pastor of FYrst Christian Church. ? The Commissioners remaiiled with heads bowed for one minute in respect to the untimely passing of our employe, Deputy Sheriff, Everett F. Jeffords, December 8, 1955. ' Copies of the minutes of ineetiiig of December 5, 1955, having previously been mailed to each mem- /)9ftthe Board,ithe same wei^e•upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. ? Upomotion oP.TIr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the County Attorney was authorized and directed to.accept judgment for the County in the case of New Hanover County - VS - James Ii. belly and wife Laura A. ICelly, C. K. Moore, Trustee, Plartin Schnibben, et al, to correct the de- .scriptien in a Commissionert deed to C. Heide Trask for a 42 acre tract of land in Cape Pear . Townsliip purchased at a County for2closure tax sale, which said description erroneously cover- ed a five (5) acre tract of land near the same location of the 42 acre tract of land intended to be conveyed,.and the follotairig description is hereby authorized and substituted to cover the four and half (412) acre tract of land to correct the error as set out in said judgment, to-wit: Beginning at a small branch at Henry i{elly's corner, thence with said . . Kelly's line N. 7°W. 7 chains to a stake - Kelly's corner; thence with , R. Jordan's line S. 83 E. 9 chains to a stump - R. Jordan's corner in ? a small branch; thence with said branch to the beginning, containing 4-1/2 acres more or less, being the same conveyed by B. G. Worth and wife to Noah Boney and iaife by deed registered in IIook 18, Page 593 of ? New Hanover County Registry, and being the same lands conveyed by Noah Boney and wife, Mollie Boney, to James H. ICelly and caife, Laura I{elly, in 1909, and recorded in 13oolc 59, Page 251. ? . xA check for $300.00 was received from the Citizens of Harbor Islaxid for repairs to their drain- age system, and upon motion of P1r. Trask, seconded by Mr.•Broadhurst, a Iike amount was appro- , priated out of the General Flu1d Emergency Nlu1d to the Harboi Island Citizens Drainage Project to enable the County Auditor to disburse the same. That Chairman announced that a total of ' $pl 0??5.00 has been receivea from the Harbor Islarid Citizens to date. • ` (eks aggregating $342.34 were received f rom various Insurance Agencies covering wind storm damage to Gommunity Hospital and turned over to tYie County Auditor. Up?o :ion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authority iaas given to transfer $200.00 from the County Home Emergency 1'und to Nledicine and Veter•nary under County lilarm budget to meet the expense for the purchase of hog cholera serum. An"dffer submitted by the•Reverend G. D. plcIvey, 1115 N. 7th Street, to purchase a parcel of tax foreclosure property in Blociz 325, Lot 30x75 feet in size, beginning 90 feet from the Sjd corn= er of 7th and Nixon Streets; for the ^lrustees of Warner's Temple A?IE Church, at n price of " $300.00, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broacihurst, accepted subject to Rhe ap- proval by the City, and the Chairman and the.Clet•k of the Board are hereby authorized and direct- ed to sign a deed in the name oP the County transferring the said prnperty to the Church upon ., receiiat of the,purchase price. O%A^ ?a? The Cnairman presented to the Board the two-year lease agreement, properly executed. betsaeen the Co wity and Cape Fear Amateur Radio Club, Prepared by the County Attorney, for tile use of a por- tion oP the old Officers' T4ess at the Airport, located across the street Prom the old Officers' C1uU and formerly known as Army Bui7.ding No. T-170, in consideration of repairing the building and keeping sarne in repair, and for services to b e rendered cluring any future emergeiicies such as the several hurricanes tha,t have struck this section cluring the past two (2) years, and so forth; the said agreement haviilg been authorized at meeting oT November 28, 1955, was approved aqnc]„o?dered. filed. Petitions prepared on State Form R-10, for improvements to the following roads [aere received ' and upon motion of Mr. ]3roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Trask, were appioved and referred to the State Highiaay and Public tdorks C mnmission: • 1. , Tcaenty (20) property owners requesting improvenents and drainage to Jaclzsonville Avenue in Iiarnett. Towilship ia3ii.cli runs from US-17 to Frailklin Avenue for a distance of approxi- mately 1000 feet on which ten (10) houses ai^e located. • pi°operty 2. Nive (5)7owilers to improve, mair.Lain and surface 41st Street, Winter Park, Iiarnett Town- ' ship, which runs fran Oleander Drive to Peach lree• Street, a flistance of two (2) Blocks on . which four (4) houses are located. ' • 3. Twenty-Two (22) property owners requesting grading and surPacing Afyrtle Grove Avenue in Federal.Poii7t Township, which said road rund from IIS-421 to the Inland Waterway, (Afyrtle ??t?Grove Sound) across Prom New Inlet for a distance of aPproxiutately 4/10 of a mile on which 'I,three (3) ?houses are located. v? The Chairman reported receipt of a check for $2,793.27 from General Ediaard F. Griff'in, Director, . Cowicil of Civil llefense, for New Hanover County Project N. C. -ls, Cotinie-Diane-Ione Huri°icanes, Piosquito Coiitrol fcr libdei^al Disaster RelieP blunds, cal:ich wil.l meet full payment for the cost of l the Mosquito Spraying hiacizine Projeat expense. ? An`invitation was receivecl from Mr. Rossie Thompson for the Conmiissioners and their fanulies to atiend a Buffet Supper given by Rossie's Grill at t17e Wai°i^en K. Penriington Terminal, 7:00 P.P4., ; Pecember 16, 1955. Letters of i:liaiiks were received from the 5taf;e Training SChool for Negro Girls, ICinson, N. C., . and P,astern NorLh Carolina Trainu.ng Sehool for Boys at Rocky Ivfount, N. C., for the County's clo- . nation to theii^ Christmas Fluzd in consideration of the children in the said Institution from this County. . .• ? , 26 9eting of ?ecember 13, 1955 - Continued , / A conununication was received from A1r. J. C. Bethune, Executive Secretary of the State I3oard.- ? of Assessment advising that under Section 704 of the Revenue Act, bonds, notes and other iarit- ten evidence of debt are subject to intangibles peisonal propei^ty tax at the rate of 25% per ?100.00, of which the Countzes receive 80% of tFze ta,x paid on these items. In orcler to ob- taiai complete inforniatioi-i as to deeds of trust, rnoitgages, chattels and liens recorded in the Register of D'eeds Office, they are planning to suUscribe to a confidential Credit Service, which xaill give information as to the maker aild to the oianer as to the type of written evi= dence of indebtedness, face amount and terms of same arld the type of property used as secur- ity. He further advised that the Credit Bureau of New Hanovei County Reporting Service ob- tains this information from the Register of Deeds Office and will cost $3.00 per month or ?36.00 per yer.ir. The Intangibles Tax Division has a budget limited Uy the 1955 Legislature ancl have only sufficient funds to pay for this service for October, November and DecemUer, and requested that we pay for this infonuation service on an amlual basis if possible. In- asmuCh as th.i.s was started last year by other Counties which increased their intangible tax receipts, the Board, upon moti.on of rir. Trasle, seconded by Pir. Mayhan, aFproprial:ed $1S.00 for this service for six (6) months at $3.00 per month for the balance of the fiscal year, payable to the Credit Bureau of New Hanover, P. 0. Box 1675, [dilmington, N. C., requested by Mr. Bethune. The Chairman Lold the Board tlze Contractors who ciid the sand dune ioork at the Beaches have not ? received their ruoney and had to borrow money from the Bank and were anxious about it and have been calliiig daily to Pind out something. T+Ihile he was in Raleigh Monday, he cal.led at the Governor's Office and General Edward F. Griff'in, State Direci;or Civil Defense, iaho advised we" should hear something soon as to when payment will be made. The Chairman reported on his attexldance upon the ATOrth Carolina Industrial Development Confer- ence in Aaleigh, llecember 12, and said that it was agreed that on all-out State-wide plar? should be adopted instead of iizdividual Conmiunities bidding for industry, %rith all i'ully co- operating would be most desirable and successful to secure new industries. Each of us back home should qualify for wizat zae have to offer, and submit our qualifications to the State Plan to pass on to Industry. The C1laiiman also pointed out that ideas and things brought out at - the recent discussions concerning a location for the proposed Presbyteiian College here will . be good for future use in the Iildustxial effort. The Chairman urged that thought be given to murals of thii:gs we can produce together with oth- , er interesting facts be displayed at our Airport Termi.nals to attract Industry. The Chairman reported that $100,000.00 is promised to be set up by the State for Federal-State Hurricane Welfare Rel.ief in disaster areas. pon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Revereiid J. S. Crowley was granted a refund ^?f $125.00 bid price he paid for four (4) acres tax foreclosw°e propei^ty, SeptemUer 25, 1953, - ? described to be located on the Plank Aoad near Ugden, Harnett Township; for the reason he is , unaUle to locate the said land. Provided he will re-convey the said ,property back to the Coun- ty by deed to be approved by the County Attorney. / > rvcAa letter was received from Air. Walton T. Allen, C.A.E., President of Natioizal Association of Assessing Officers-, advising the re-appointment of hir. R. T. Horton as the 1956 NAAO Chairmaii for the State of -1VOrth Carolina, in i°ecognition of his past accomplishments a»d outstanding contributions made while serving as NAAO Chairman for the past year, i A copy of a letterwritten by i?ir. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, addressed to the Na, was, :??received couceriling replacement of wires feeding the runway liglits damaged by the Navy C mitrac- ??` tor iahen he was digging ditches and widening runiaays at the Airport. It will require aUout l1'a? 2,500 feet of additional cable to complete the job by the Navy. The repairs have been author- ized by Cherry Point Navy Ofi'icials, but the worlc has not yei: Ueen completed. 1 Upon n:otion of Pir. Broadhurst, seconded by DIr. Playhan, the Board approved the payment of $30.70 additional insurance premium to H. G. Latiner & Son Agents, for ?j2,500.00 increase in Tire and extended insurance coverage on five (5)-year County ScY;edule Policy No. 32-403113 iaith the Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Canpany of CJorcester, Piass., to correct error in coverage ef- ? fective December 13, 1955. . ee NOVember reports were received from the County Home Agent and 4-II Clubs, County I`arm Agent,-to- C' gether with their annual reports. ?blonthly reyorts for November were received from Idilmingtoiz PuUl.ic Library, Wilmiiigton Colored ? Library, Qj,rport Cash Receipts foi°"November 18, 25, and 30; and Ne?as-letter of the State As- ?SOCiation of County Commissioneis. Copies of letters received by SENCBA-from Raleigh of late, relative to the part SLATCBA is tak- ? ing in the Hurricane Rehabilitation Program being directed by Governor Hodges, weie received ? from Mr. Jaclti Farrell, L+'xecutive Pianager oY SEP:CI3A. AA report of the Grand Jury, 1955 December Term of Court, was received and fYled. J? ? A statement toas received from the State.Department of PuUlic ldelfare showing that $6.6,725.12 was sent to this County in October for OAA, ADC, APTll and Adntinistration. ? ?. John C. F7esse1l Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn Census Report for week ending December 9, 1955: /k)?AWhite patients Negro „ ,?. . T . ? ? ? 7 Nonresidents- 0 13 Vacant Ueds - 12 = tdhite Male 5; White Fbmale 4; Coloi^ed ma.le 2; Co1= 76 ored feiiiale 1. Discharged - 2 - Theodore Matthews, eolored male, transfex^red to idest- ern Saizatoi°iwn, I31ack Mountaiiz, N. C., DecemUer 7, 1955. Dfrs. Cora R. Holmes, Idhite female, 100 Maryland Avenue, llecember 8, 1955. Admitted - 0 Upon motion of PIr. Broadhurst, secoiided by Mr. Mayhan, $375.00 was authorized appropriated out of the General 1+'und Emergency Nluld to Radio Station under the Slieriff's budget, to meet the ex- pense for pai°ts and emergeney repairs to the Raclio Equipment,needed in addition to the $500.00 budget allowance set up w7der Service Agreement. Instructioizs [aere ;iven to include estimated Cost for parts ancl emergency repairs in the maintenance contract next year. L_ Meeting f Deceuiber 13, 1955 - Continued I ? .?° -LJith rePerence to the questions appeariiig on the back oT the tax lists for 1956, as to the amowit of purchase price the property osaner paid for their land, and in his opinion what is today's market value and so forth, to be used as information in the plan to equalize assess- ments. On motion of Mr. Trask, it was the consensus of the Board that the Tax Listers Ue instructed that the information asked for saill b.e purely voluntary. , The meetimg i:hen adjourned. DA C:l erk . , ? WiLviington N. C., December 19, 1955. 11-JA00 /? h 6 Aw-? The regullar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Present: R. T. Iiorton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. fIall, Jr., Ernest , R. T4ayhan, L. E. Broa.dhurst, Colonel John ]3righti Hill, County Attorney, T.••ll. Love, Coun$y Audi to r . ' The Cowuissioners paused for a few moments in silent prayer before entering upon the business of the County. , . Copies of the minutes of ineetings of December 12, and 13, having previo.usly been mailed to , each member of the1oard, the sarae were upon motion or r?r. Mayhan, seconded by Air. Broadhurst, a ?proved. ? ?-?? Inasmuch as the Cowlty only received $61.73 taxes from the sale_of four (4) acres tax fore- clo"d_John James land in Harnett Township, located on the old Plank Road.near Ogden, bought in by the Reverend J. S. Crowley at a tax sale September 25, 1953, and the balance of $63.27 caas appliecl to costs and Attorney's fees, and it appearirg that Reverend Crowley is unable to locate the saicl laizd, the Commissioners could not see their way clear to legally refund . ?125.00 purcllase price to Reverend Crowley on condition that he re-convey the land to the County as agreed at meetiizg oP December 13, and upon riotion of Mr. Broadkiurst, seconded by P4r.,Ha11, authorized aiid cli rected that a survey be made to locate the land in question, i°ec- . omr.iend,ed by tkie Chairraan. At this Chi^istmas Season, ancl appropriate, greetings and best wislies were extended the Cowi- , ty Employes and thanks for the number oP Christmas cards received, and to the women person- nel for the decorai:ions. . i . Upon motio?authority Saas given to close the Coiulty Offices from iioon FYiday, December 23 - until 8:30 A.P1., Tuesday, Decemher 27, 1955, in observance of the Christmas Holidays. Pay ei of $50.00 fees to Mr. Clayton C. Holmes, Attorney for services rendered James A. Tew in the rnatter of Petition for Writ of IIabeas Cor,pus by James A. Teca, a Petitioner at State Priso?n Camp tt303, taas apuroved on order of the Honorable Clifton L. Moore, Judge Presiding. A letter of thanks was receivecl froia Stonewall Jackson Trziiv.ng 5chool, Poi° the Comlty's contribution to their ChrisLmas Itu1d in consideration oP the Uoys fi^om this Ccuntg in said Istitution. , Upon r.lotioii of iN1r. Hall, secoizcled by Mr. Broadhu•rst, Pir. John William Sellers, 206 Oakcrest Dr-ive, Harilett Townsriip, a disabled Veteran of (Jorla IJar II, caas exempt from the payment of '. poll taxes as provided by Laxa foi° disabled World ldar Veterans. No objectioiis were indicatecl by the Boarcl to the United SLates Dzstrict Engineer extendiiig the tinie on the permit issued to Mr. J. M. Everett, Everett's Causeway Yachtel, for dredg- ing ancl construction of a pier in front of his property on the southwest side of the Cause- taay to Wrightsville Beach. It is desired to extend the,expiration date of the permit from 31 llecember 1955, to 31 DecemUer 1956. . ` The Board extended'congratulations to Radio Station «SPD for its t'i.i1e efforts for having won the appointment as a Conelrad Radio Station by the I'ederal Civil Defense Administration, the Air Force and the Federal Conunwlicatinns Com;nission in their aru-iouncement of a special join£ aiaard to 1300 of the Nation's Radio Stations, in recognitioil of public service to the people of tl??e?U?nited States tYu u participation in the Coilelrad System Emergency Broad.casting. ? , F?.?d?ii7`g a conference ivith the Chairman in Raleigh, Tloiiclay, December 12, a copy of a letter written to Honorable Thomas N. Goodinan, Regional Administrator, Rebion Tlu°ee, Federal Civil Defense Administration, Thomasville, Ga,, was received tron General Edward F. GrzfPin, State Directoi° of Civil Defense, urging early action foi the payment of the'Coiznie, Diaize, Ione" • Project shoian as $62,466.18 with applicants' funds and value of supplies amounting to $12,116.50, le2ving a request for Federal Grant in the swn of $'50,349.65, fpr emersgency storm damage repairs in the uizincorporal;ed areas of the Couilty. The woric requested in this pro- jeet application iaas completed sometime ago and the Contractoi^s are in dire need of some payment./ A copy of a lewas received from Aarold W. Wells &, Son, Agents, advisiug that $1,000.00 ^ fire and extended it7surance covsrage has been placed on the Airport Building T-170 for the Cape Fear A?teur Club, which appears adequate and was approved by the Board. -uusL Officialio?ice a.n was received from NIr. R. Eugene I3iocan, Director of Public Assistance, folloia- ing up a discussi.on of the County's Assis tance situation, taith the Chairman and AIr. IIollis, Alonclay, December 12 in Ral.eigh, to the effect that if additional State money can be secured ? for Public Assistance payments to he].p the Counties in the hurricane areas,,additional money shall 7?e provided,,to supplement the County's part. Three (3) cleclL?s ia?ere received f'rom F. E. Livingston & Compan,y, A;eilts, aggregating ?50.51 with the Central Niatual Insurance Conpaily, account of Pire clamage to the County Iiome Dairy and the same,ttuned over to the Cow7ty Auditor for creclit. . C6'?'i'n '1'17VX" Aclmo«ledgement was received from the family of the late Mr. Lverett F. Jefforcis, Jr., witll greatful appreciation for the Corr+missioizers Iiind expressioiz of sympathy in the passing of ?,Mr. JefPords, who served the County for maizy years as a lleputy Sheriff. \ L -A