1955-12-19 Regular MeetingMeeting f Deceuiber 13, 1955 - Continued I ? .?° -LJith rePerence to the questions appeariiig on the back oT the tax lists for 1956, as to the amowit of purchase price the property osaner paid for their land, and in his opinion what is today's market value and so forth, to be used as information in the plan to equalize assess- ments. On motion of Mr. Trask, it was the consensus of the Board that the Tax Listers Ue instructed that the information asked for saill b.e purely voluntary. , The meetimg i:hen adjourned. DA C:l erk . , ? WiLviington N. C., December 19, 1955. 11-JA00 /? h 6 Aw-? The regullar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Present: R. T. Iiorton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. fIall, Jr., Ernest , R. T4ayhan, L. E. Broa.dhurst, Colonel John ]3righti Hill, County Attorney, T.••ll. Love, Coun$y Audi to r . ' The Cowuissioners paused for a few moments in silent prayer before entering upon the business of the County. , . Copies of the minutes of ineetings of December 12, and 13, having previo.usly been mailed to , each member of the1oard, the sarae were upon motion or r?r. Mayhan, seconded by Air. Broadhurst, a ?proved. ? ?-?? Inasmuch as the Cowlty only received $61.73 taxes from the sale_of four (4) acres tax fore- clo"d_John James land in Harnett Township, located on the old Plank Road.near Ogden, bought in by the Reverend J. S. Crowley at a tax sale September 25, 1953, and the balance of $63.27 caas appliecl to costs and Attorney's fees, and it appearirg that Reverend Crowley is unable to locate the saicl laizd, the Commissioners could not see their way clear to legally refund . ?125.00 purcllase price to Reverend Crowley on condition that he re-convey the land to the County as agreed at meetiizg oP December 13, and upon riotion of Mr. Broadkiurst, seconded by P4r.,Ha11, authorized aiid cli rected that a survey be made to locate the land in question, i°ec- . omr.iend,ed by tkie Chairraan. At this Chi^istmas Season, ancl appropriate, greetings and best wislies were extended the Cowi- , ty Employes and thanks for the number oP Christmas cards received, and to the women person- nel for the decorai:ions. . i . Upon motio?authority Saas given to close the Coiulty Offices from iioon FYiday, December 23 - until 8:30 A.P1., Tuesday, Decemher 27, 1955, in observance of the Christmas Holidays. Pay ei of $50.00 fees to Mr. Clayton C. Holmes, Attorney for services rendered James A. Tew in the rnatter of Petition for Writ of IIabeas Cor,pus by James A. Teca, a Petitioner at State Priso?n Camp tt303, taas apuroved on order of the Honorable Clifton L. Moore, Judge Presiding. A letter of thanks was receivecl froia Stonewall Jackson Trziiv.ng 5chool, Poi° the Comlty's contribution to their ChrisLmas Itu1d in consideration oP the Uoys fi^om this Ccuntg in said Istitution. , Upon r.lotioii of iN1r. Hall, secoizcled by Mr. Broadhu•rst, Pir. John William Sellers, 206 Oakcrest Dr-ive, Harilett Townsriip, a disabled Veteran of (Jorla IJar II, caas exempt from the payment of '. poll taxes as provided by Laxa foi° disabled World ldar Veterans. No objectioiis were indicatecl by the Boarcl to the United SLates Dzstrict Engineer extendiiig the tinie on the permit issued to Mr. J. M. Everett, Everett's Causeway Yachtel, for dredg- ing ancl construction of a pier in front of his property on the southwest side of the Cause- taay to Wrightsville Beach. It is desired to extend the,expiration date of the permit from 31 llecember 1955, to 31 DecemUer 1956. . ` The Board extended'congratulations to Radio Station «SPD for its t'i.i1e efforts for having won the appointment as a Conelrad Radio Station by the I'ederal Civil Defense Administration, the Air Force and the Federal Conunwlicatinns Com;nission in their aru-iouncement of a special join£ aiaard to 1300 of the Nation's Radio Stations, in recognitioil of public service to the people of tl??e?U?nited States tYu u participation in the Coilelrad System Emergency Broad.casting. ? , F?.?d?ii7`g a conference ivith the Chairman in Raleigh, Tloiiclay, December 12, a copy of a letter written to Honorable Thomas N. Goodinan, Regional Administrator, Rebion Tlu°ee, Federal Civil Defense Administration, Thomasville, Ga,, was received tron General Edward F. GrzfPin, State Directoi° of Civil Defense, urging early action foi the payment of the'Coiznie, Diaize, Ione" • Project shoian as $62,466.18 with applicants' funds and value of supplies amounting to $12,116.50, le2ving a request for Federal Grant in the swn of $'50,349.65, fpr emersgency storm damage repairs in the uizincorporal;ed areas of the Couilty. The woric requested in this pro- jeet application iaas completed sometime ago and the Contractoi^s are in dire need of some payment./ A copy of a lewas received from Aarold W. Wells &, Son, Agents, advisiug that $1,000.00 ^ fire and extended it7surance covsrage has been placed on the Airport Building T-170 for the Cape Fear A?teur Club, which appears adequate and was approved by the Board. -uusL Officialio?ice a.n was received from NIr. R. Eugene I3iocan, Director of Public Assistance, folloia- ing up a discussi.on of the County's Assis tance situation, taith the Chairman and AIr. IIollis, Alonclay, December 12 in Ral.eigh, to the effect that if additional State money can be secured ? for Public Assistance payments to he].p the Counties in the hurricane areas,,additional money shall 7?e provided,,to supplement the County's part. Three (3) cleclL?s ia?ere received f'rom F. E. Livingston & Compan,y, A;eilts, aggregating ?50.51 with the Central Niatual Insurance Conpaily, account of Pire clamage to the County Iiome Dairy and the same,ttuned over to the Cow7ty Auditor for creclit. . C6'?'i'n '1'17VX" Aclmo«ledgement was received from the family of the late Mr. Lverett F. Jefforcis, Jr., witll greatful appreciation for the Corr+missioizers Iiind expressioiz of sympathy in the passing of ?,Mr. JefPords, who served the County for maizy years as a lleputy Sheriff. \ L -A ri 28 I7eetiizg of December 19, 1955 - Continued A letter of thanl;s and appreciation wa.s received fY°um the International Nickel Compaiiy on behalf of its Harbor Island and ATew York OS'fice personnel to have the Chairman with them for the "Comriwlity Day" inspectio??of their Harbor Ysland Test Station ana the'Dinner at the Cape Fea.r Club on Novemher 30! V/a pon motion of??r. Trask, seconded by r1r. Broaclhurst, T1r. John Isaac Edens, 73 -year old hysically disabled County indigent citizen, suffering ?aith a heart condition, ?aas on rec- q_mmendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, granted admission.to Lhe County Home ?? s an inr?ate. t. The Cliairman brought to the attention a matter raised by James Sdalker Iiospital, that in ? most cases of still births or babies bornecl clead, at the hospital, are charity cases and ? County problems. .Tames [dalker Hospztal has a;reed to flzrnish and provicle for the burial of such cases if the County will furnish the plot for burial, which was a,;reeable and ap- `n proved Uy the Board. The County Auditor presented a statement of expenditures compared to appropriatioils for the five (5)-month period, July 1 thru ATOVember 30, 1955, and explained the sane in detail, which showed ii7 some few instances expenditures exceeded tlle appiopriations, but as a cahole / most Departments toere running along alright iaith the appropriations, The General Plind shocas allotments thru November $203,151.15 and $187,267.22 expended. The County Auditor ? further advised that income is running ahead of anticipaLion, and other receipts in line ? with that anticipated. 'The overall picture; he said,"is that the County finances are in good shape; $165,000.00 has been collectec3 thru November over the same period of last year:' The County Auditor also called to the atteiation that John,C. Gdessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium has,egpended $20,258.97 thru November out of its $30,000.00 appropriation and only $9,741.03 remaining unexpended which should carry it thru January, then some arrangements will have to ,Z?,_be made to continue its operation. ? A resolution taas pi°esented to the Board foi adoption, concerning the untimely proposed re-- moval of the ACL Railroad Administrative Offices from tnis Connnwlity, wlv.ch was read by Mr. Hall, and after certain changes be made as suggestecl, the same was postponed for redraftino. Pionthly reports for November were received from: Wilmington Housing Authority, James Walker Hospital, State Board of Public ?delfare, Census report for the C nty Home shoi?i.ng inmates preseilt on the first day of the month - 58; remaining at the end o'-TFe month 63, prisoners at the County Farm serving on the first day of the month 72, remaining at the end of the month 73. Juveniles present on the first day of the month 2; remaining at the end of the month 3. Statement.of Airport Income and Disbursements ancl Cash Heceipts for December 6, 9, and 14 were received and Piled. John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending December 16: TJhite patients 8 Nonresidents - 0 Negro " 13 Vacant beds -11 =White male 5. Tlhite femalq3; Colored male 2; 21 Colored female 1. Discharged - 0 Admitted - 1= Pirs. Virginia Burton, Likhite female, 417 South f 14th Street. ilecember 10, 1955. A copy of "IIow to Live with•I1urricanes" was received from Mr. Sack Farrell, Executive Mana- ger SENCI3A, callin; attention to page four "General Conclusions" -"Lhe preseilt total esti-_ mates compiled so fwr by General Griffin is itiore than $360,000,000.00. Additional estimaLes covering so called "hidden damages" are beiilg reported to the General almost daily." A copy of a lettei° written to Nir. R. Euoene Bro?an, Director of the State Departmeilt of Pub- f ? lic Welfare, was received from NIr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent of County l4elfare, coiicern- ing disbursements of additinual Assistance FLuids if an extra appropriation is made because 1 of the hurrieane under the present systen aclopted by the County Comuuissioners,,of"figuring our Budget due to the fact that Cowzty Nlxnds for Assistance are definitely limited and that no more can be made available for this fiscal. year. Realizing that tae are over-spending at the present time in all categories except APTD, ancl it is necessary that our Buclget be balanced prior to June 30, 1956. Agree:ing however to char{ge over to our system of figur- ing Budgets January 1, 1956 to comply with tlie State plan, with the ver,y defiiiite proviso I that some method of balancing our Budoet be worked out prior to June 30. ? A report of expenditures for tne Negro Home Demonstration Department for November in the amount of ?13.64 was received. . , 'n ? , , Notice oP interest payable to the ]3ai7k of 5dilmington on $+;200,000.00 Government Securities ?pledged by the Banle of Wilmington to s ecure deposits of County Fiands, ?oas received froru the q Bank of Nexa York. y Payment of ?5.00 Premium for surety bond for Mr. J. S. Ldilliamson, Clerk in the OfPice of . ?,f the County Auditor, was approved for payment. Vfor Upon motion of D1r. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Trask, County Uills No. 419 to 532 were approved 7pa,ymerit. The following good and lawful persons were drazan to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of crim.inal cases for the one caeek term beginning January 16, and for the two weeks civil term beginning January 23, 1956: , f?P T. J. Green, 120 Nun Street + M. Herzberg, 2417 Princess Place Drive John R. Pegg, 57 Yaupon Drive O'??G, P. A1cICeithan, 2517 Iiarrison Street C. L. D4atthews, 308 South 2nd Street Van D4illis, Rte.#. - Box 435 Re mzeth I. Padrick, 2869-G Adams Street John Verzaal, 616 South 17th Street C. L. Hinnant, 311 Market Street C. T. 131a1ce, Rte.2 - Box 211 D. Nrank Bellamy, 816 South 17th Street G. L. ftrrow, 512 Greenfield Street Talmadge White, Rte.l - Box 347 J. T. Brown, 2208 Brandon Road F. K. J. blitch, 4404 Oleander Drive R. G. Williams, 2709 South IYront Street William B. Newbold, 515 Colonial llriye Mitchell E. Hill, 151 Pinecrest Parkaay Evan D. [datts, 405 Northern Boulevard C. T. CZemmons, 1515 Qrange Street BobUie Ozment, 4201 ldrightsville Avenue R. A. ldilliams, 2717 Jacl:son Street Charles T. Bowers, 122 Tiar]cet Street E. F. Troy, 2306 Chestnut Street John M. Holt, 3615 Wilshire Boulevard R. P. MCClanuny, 1611 tlnn Street I ' , rleeting of December 19, 1955 - Continued Jury List - Continued ) . 1 : C. W. Harley, 14 Ivey Circle R. H. Hershberger, 158 Colonial Village J. T. 13enton, 10 Pinecrest Parkway ' 7..W. Copeland, Box 425 H. S. Corbiil, 1902 Nun Street Spy W. 3?'armer, 2935 Park Avenue Douglas F. Dowd, Jr., 716 Ann Street B. F. Hewlett, Rte.3 - Box 135 C. E. TlcFayden, 209 Kenwood Avenue W. C. Bigford,.416 Grace Street John J. Saunders, 622 South 3rd Street Buddie L. b'oialer, Jr., 405 North Carolina Avenue Ldingate J.. Baldwin, 2604 Princess Street Rd. W. H. Fisher, 4007 Oleander Drive James E. Stiinley, Rte.l - Box 155-B J. L. Sullivart, 123 Atorningside Drive 'Phornas E. Bessellius, Jr., 322 South 171:h Street - Jaanes A. Forbes, 4937 Pine Street Robert M. Mercer, Rte.l - Box 304 Avan Iiickrnan, 2936 Jeffersoil Street D. M. Holmes, 1502 Ann Street Herman Kalfin, 2506 Guilford Avenue R. L. Bullard, 2201 Barnett Avenue L. Markatos, 236 North 23rd Street For the two weeks term of Civil Court Ueginning January 23., 1956: William Batsun, Jr., Rte.2 - Boz 452-A . John T. Sykes, 131 Castle Hayne Road B. L. Smith, 225 Pinecrest Parl?ivay Richard S. Turner, 3906 rfarket Street Road Walter P. Sprunt, 219 Yorth 3rd Street David Raines, Rte.l - Box 526 W. C. Nichols, 116 North 16th Stree ' t C. W. Strickland, Rte.l - Box 318 A. L. Rooks, 223 South 17th Street M. P. .Le[Tis, 808 Greenfield Street . A. F. FSincannon, Rte.3 - Box 184 archie,McGirt, Rte.2 - Box 417 Aubrey V. Thompson, 414 Vun Street L. E. rlortan, 205 Grace Street R. C. Towles, 518 South Front Street R. E. Ho1t,,320 Calhowi Street Ediaard S. IY-eshwater, 4406 GreenfYeld Street K. S. Piallard, 216 South ?nd Street William S. Horrell, Rte.l - Box 11 W. FI: Crawford.. 1715 Carolina Avenue B. F. riallard, 2225 Plaza Drive John Nlitchell, Rte.7 - Box 235 Clarence W. Parker., 2818 South Wasllzngton Street Shar^lie Leonard, 216 South 8th Street Com. V. Niorgan,.Rte.1 - Box 142 John A. Smith, Rte.l - Box 489 W. T. ICraft, Jr., Rte.2 - Boz 124 Harris J. Farrow, 1808 Nuri Street A. J. Prankenstein, 3905 Pri.ncess Street Road E. J. Toomer, 1901 Princess Street I. L. Padrick, 2016 Dfetts Avenue Albert Holly, Rte.l - Box 350 C. J. Tdilson, 3914 Market Street R. H. Mahn, 202 Castle Street J. B. Mallison, 407 Central Boulevard J. J. Warters, 314 South 16th Street L. F. George, 416 Pri.ncess Street G. C. Shoaff, 1702 Oi°ange Street Robert H. Lewis, 539 Castle Piayne 8oad W. G. Butler, Ate.3 - Box 177 R. I. Gabriel, 2326 Adams Street W. D. Nelson, Jr., 211 Castle Street 3ames F. Parish, 2219 Plaza Drive Alfred L. Carter, Jr., 1738 Orange Street C. J.?Jones, Rte.l - Box 276 Charles N. Nori^is, Jr., Rte.l - Box 165 Paul Dennis Galog, Jr., Rte.l-Box 76 Charles H. Cool, Rte.l-Box 470 G. Wilson [dhite, 144 Colonial Drive L. C. I{ure, Rure Beach ' Dena Iiewett, 815 Dlarket Street fieni°y L. [dard, 110 Rutledge Drive W. H. Worrell, 4104 Peachtree Street Fred Willetts, Jr., 707 Windsor Drive Elmer B. Murray, 214 South 17th Street W. C. Blizzard, 156 Colonial Drive M. T. Gerock, Sr., 2216 Brandoiz Road Chester M. Williams, 209 Davie Drive Walter C. Powell, Rte.2-Bos 392 Thomas P. Saunders, 208 Gi^ace Street B. J. Shepard, 633 Castle Hayne Road Preston W. PSooeley, 174 Pinecrest Pkwy. Isaac Piaryland Riggs, 3304 Tlarket Street D. T. Odom, 4604 Oleander Drive Joseph J. Lindley, Sr., 124 Pinecrest Edwin H. Pai°nell, Jr., 2421 Moilroe Street. Guy R. llavis, Ji., 2912 Adams Street Horace C. Finch, Jr., 2728 Van I3ureiz Street HoUert L. Jaclcsoiz, 129 Rutledge Drive G. L. Saunders, 14 WrighLsvil.l.e Avenue Geo. W. Smith, 43 0b Pe?ehtree Street L. T. Rhodes, 35 Afontgomery Avenue . p 'T,?,,? `?" C ? OIf , , A short recess ?aas taken to enable the Boar d to accompany r3r. Poster Ediaards, Clerk of Supe- rior'Court, to iv.s Office to hear him explain the necessity for the purchase of two (2) "Cott" Defendent Index Books and to observe Lhe same and changes made in four (4) Defendent Index Books previously purchased, which will cost appronimately $600.00, which would expedite:the handling of judgments and greatly increase i,he efPiciency of the worlc. After obsei°ving the boolcs a,nd heai^ing A1r. Ldwards' request, the Board oii recorrunendation of the County Attorney, and upon motion of Nir. Broadhurst, seconded by rSr. Hall, authoi°ized an appropriation of $600.00 out of the Emergency Ftind to be transferred to the Clerk of Court Buclget under "Binders and Record Books" to meet the expense for the p urchase of tiao (2)-aeLditional Defendent Index Books and^changes foi four (4) Defendent Index Bo oks previously Purchased. bbthe interest of petitioners for relief on real estate assessinents for the year 1956, the Chairman announced that the Conunissioners iaill sit as the Board of Equalization and Review on the Eleventh Monday after the first listing day to hear coinplaints on assessments, as the Law directs. Christmas Day, DecemUer 25, 1955, falling on Sunday the following Tlonday caill be observed as a Holiday, and New Year's Day also falling on Sunday, and the follocsing Pionclay will Ue observ- ed as a Holiday, both falling on the dates of the regular weekly meetings of the Board, a re- cess was taken wztil 10:00 o'clock A.Pi., Tuesday, January 3rd, 1956. ? • $e- ? ? lerk. Wilmington, N. C., January .3, 1956. Pursuant to recess taken December 19, 1955, the,regular weeidy meetiizg o£ the I3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clocli A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman,..and Conunissioilers Raiford Traslc, J. M. Hall, Jr., Eflnest R. DIa3*han, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by tlze Reverend T. A. Greene, Jr., Pastor of Sunset Park IIaptist Church. Copies of the minutes of tlze meetii.g of December 18, 1955, haviilg previously been maii.ed to ''each member of the Board, the same were upon moti.on of Mr. Nlayhan, secotlded by hir. I3roadhurst, ` apprbved. 2(0)-' ?