1953-06-08 Regular Meeting4-26 WiJmingtonj N. C., June 1. 1953. Pursvant to recess taken at 11:45 i:his mornirg the Board met at 2:30 P.M,, with representatives of the ??? Navy to give further consideration to the progosed agreement concerning usage, control, maintenance and occupancy of a portion of the airport by the Navy which has been pendi.ng for several months. County Commissioners present: R. T. Herton, Chairman an3 Commissi.oriers CTaud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. '. _ Navy Representatives present: Col. Z. V. Hopkins, Ylashington, D. C., Lt. Co1. L. S. Reeve, Cherry Foint; ? Major B. G. Martin, Cherry Point; Commander L. C. Lord, Bureau o£ Aeronautics, Washington, D. C.; J. 0. Frye, Civilian A3ministrative Officer, Cherry Point; E. E. Beaty, Mar.ager Heal Ns,tate Office 6th Naval Base, Charleston, S. C.; and W. P. Tienck_en, Bureau o£ Yar3s and Docks, idashington, D. C., and others. Mr, W. F. Tienclcen, Civilian Representative Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C., presented the new agree- ?ment together with a map of the airport property attached showing the area to be occupied by the Navy and the portion left for County use. The proposea agreement was read by Mr. Tieneken and discussed in ?Q detail, and a£ter certain changes to be raade in the agreement were agreed upon, the Chairman was upon motion of Nir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, authos•ized, empowered arii dix-ecte3 to sign the said eontract with the Navy covering the airport after the changes have been made and approved by the,County Attorney and the Chairman. And, £urther, that the 120 3ay option granted the Navy to execute tho contract, which time expired October 27, 1952, is hereby extended to July 29, 1953. ? In the discussion, it taas brought out that the Navy will permit Commercial and Cia?ilian use of the field with planes equipped with two-iray ra3io, but no field practice flying will be permitted, The County will have inEress and egress over the E-W runway and the portion outsi3e the County's area will not be removed but will be maintained as a, taxaway, together with the Butler Hangar will. be turned over to the County for use in connection with its proposed terminal £acilities. } The contract iaas then tuxned over to Mr. E. E. Beaty and Nir. W. P. Tiencken who will meet with the Chair- man and the County Attorney to insert the changes in the contract agreed upon preparatory to the execu- ? tion of the agreenent try the County tomorroia morning at 11:00 o'clock. - ' The meeting•then adjourned. ' Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C.? June.8, 1953. ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board v;as held at 10:00 o'clock A.M.-' Present: R. T. Norton, Chairman and Commissioners Clau3 O'Shields, Thur:,ton C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford ,., Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. V?. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reverend Fdwin E. Kirton, Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Church, colored. • ,,+.,, . ' Copi.es of the minutes of ineeting o£ June 1, 1953, having previously been furnished each memUer of the Board, ? the sane were upon motion of Mr. Love, secon3ed by Mr. 0'Shields, approved ? The following petitionf for improvetients to two roacis in Hariiett Township, prepared on Stdte form R,10- vrere presented by idrs, L. D. Ga3dy, and upon motion of N,r. Lwe, secon3ed by Mr. Davis, were approved and referred to the State Highrray a nd Public Worl:s Commission for consi3eration: ' 1, A petition of 50 property ormers asking for har3surfacing a roadway 1100 £eet in length, leading from US-74/76 (opposite Dixie Pig Ido.2 on the Wrightsville Beach Highway), to Seagate Cemetery. 2. 17 properiy otmers requesting hardsurfacing Vann Avenue in Seagate, 1200 feet irt length, which runs £rom Greenville Avenue to Bradley Creek. Bi3s for the purchase of a Boolsnobile body and chassis were received as aavertised £rora Clpe Fear h;otor Sales, Gerstenslager Company, and on Chassis only from the Raney-Chevrolet Compar?y, After careful study of the bida, it was•found that the Eaker-Boyerton Bo3y met every speci£ication and that it woulcl be to the best interest of the County to purchase the same, therefore i:he bid of the Cape Fear Dlotor Sales wds upon motion of Mr. Davis, secerded by Mr. Trask, accepte3 and the contract,awarded to them to furnish'" A model 1,7-12 Baker-Boyerton Aoolanobile l3ody mounted on,a Ford P-500 Parcel Delivery Chassis, Gross we9.ght 11,500 pounas, equipped with (6) 700 x 18-8ply tires, single front and dual rear, 3 speod Heavy Duty Transmission with steering Column Gear Shift (Chevrolet Chassis couli not meet this specification). Complete unit to be painted inside an3 outside in one color and lettered to specifications, for the sum of $4,449.49 plus 014.90 for Tinted Glass an3 $43.81 for Vacuum Booster Power Brakes, making a total of $4,50E3.20, payment for which will b e made upon delivery of the sai3 unit in Wilmington inaccoraance with the specifications, Dr. C. B. Davis, County Health Officer, Dr. J. N. Needhvr., City-County Veterinarian, Jas. R. Benson, City D'fanager and Dr. M. P. Hines, State Veterinarian were present and a joint discussion of the dog cont.rol sit- uation was had. Dr. M. P. Hines talke3 at length eatplaining the Dog Warden Law an3 the establishment of a dog poun3 and the appointment of a Dog Warden to:pick-up sl:ray.dogs, to supe'rvise'the pound and follow=up on dog bites with the view of,holding rabies to a r,!inirLum, expense to be raid out of the dog tax so Sar as . --?'? it will go. It was pointed out that the salary of a warden wov13 be from $200.00 to $2-50,00 per fioryth, plus mileage and cost and maintenance of a dog truck.' The pr•ogram could be operated un3er either the State Rabies or pog Warden Iaw. The question of City-County cooperation was discussed and Mr. Benson said he alas sol3 on the yrogram and felt it should be City-County wide, but did not feel the City's new dog pound would be adeguate to meet the needs o£ both City an3 County, but the Citp stan3s ready to cooperate and rrould 30 the best they can. The Commissioners appreciated the importance of ineeting the situation of control and took i:he matter under consideration for further study. A letter was recei-ved from Capt, S. P. Zola, District PuUlic Works OfficerJ Sixth Naval BaEp, Charleston, S. C., advising that inaccor3ance with agreement at meeting of June 1, 19537 the Navy proposed to move the _ Butler hangar from its present location at the airport and erect it on any new site, runxay or parking apron to be selected by the County in the east terminal area. cy- , The Chairman reported execution of the agreanent wiLh the Navy covering 1;he airport as authorized and 3irect- - ?? ed at meeting o£ June 1, 1953, which was upon motion of Mr. Trask,seconded by Mr. Davis, approve3. _ n The resignation of tfs?. Harry E. Fales as Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Identification who is retiring ?Qeop on account of his health as of June 30, 1953, was received and referred to the City Council to report baclc its reco^unendaticns and action to this Boar3. A copy of the resignation of Mr. C. F. Smith as County Auditor of New Hanover County, effective not later than June 30, 1953, addressed to the Honorable John J. Burney, Resident Judge of the gth Judicial District, vras presented by the Chairman. ^'M ` :.. , . ? ? ,-- ` -2- Meeting of June $, 1953, - Continued - A letter was received from the Peoples Savings and Loan Associationrequesting the County to re-locate a drain- age ditch t•rhich runs diagonally across a lot in the city limits, ormed by Alvida Chadwick an3 locute3 on the southeast corner of Princess Street Roa3 ari3 Sycamore Avenue? and cover up the present ditch to enable her to buil3 a house over t2ie same, stating a loan vras being held up for construction of the house pending relo- cation of the ditch. Inst:uctions were given to advise that the re-location of the ditch is an obligation . of the property o-vmer. ° A cory o£ a letter written by the Town of Wrightsville Beach to the US District Engineer requesting that a permit requesLed by blr. U. Lee Spence, Trustee, to dredge and fill an area for development of land immediate- ??,r ],y north and taest of Sunset Lagoon and a3joining the road to the lJrights?!ille Beach Seiaerage Plant, be de- W?`/1layed for a reasonable time until their Board of Alderman can conduct a-public hearing to enable them to ? Uproperly acquaint their citizens with the proposal, rtas receiced. ?„iThe matter of bids for moving the Butler hangar by the Tiavy, impr.ovements to the apron, and plans for the 1-?j..1P-? nei•r tenninal buil.ding taas brought up as to the appropriate time to call in an arcl-iitect with i+Ir. Westbrook to see what should be done, was continued for further study. C&C- Upon motion Imyment o£ $30.00 for the renewal o£ ten subscriptions to the County Officer hiaGaaine and metnber- ship in the National Association of County Officials was approved. __qA? No objections iaere indicated by the Board to the application of W. C. Hardwick for a State Permit to sell beer at "Hardwick Boialing Al1ey", 715 Lumi.na Avenue, Wrightsviile Beach. I K A report of the Back Tax Department for N,ay shoiring $2,013.38 collecte3 for the Cit;?, and ?:?,357.05 for the - County) making a total of $4,370.43 back taxes collected. fQ? ? A ref,ort of the eolored Home Demonstration Agent an3 Q-H Clubs, Wilmington Public Library and Boolrniobile, L'ureau of Identi£icstion, Countg Home Demonstration Agent and Assistant, for May.irere received anFTiled. `S?'?A letter was received froM the 5tatc Boar3 of Rxblic Welfare giving no.tes`on the meeting of represental:ives of the Board of Directors o£ the North Carolina Senatoria and representatives of County Senatoria, at Chapel f?,.,Hill? PSay 25, 1953, to 3iscuss the problem relating to the issuance of subsidy to County Senatoria provi3e3 by the recentlj adjourned Genersl Assembly, under Chapter 1934, Session Laws 1953. A letter was receiveu from James E. Gorham, Chief Routes & Carrier Relations Division, Bureau of Air Opera- tions, Civil Aeronautics Board, Wasnington, D. C., concernir.g Idational liirlines service out of Zdilmington, which he su;s, it is not believe3 that IQational's present service at ldilmington cou13 be foun3 inadeqve.te, under all the circurastances, and in z ddition points out that iaith National's order of Convair 340's and ita . overall equipnent program the carrier should be able to serve Wilmington with modern high speed aircraft on ,. a yeur-round basis within a reasonable time. ' , A letter received from R. M. Little, Deputy Assistant Commissioner for'ldar P]nergency Housing Nianagement, ad- vising that "Tne permanent housing units Y.noi•m as Hillcrest Project No. NC-31023 with an othertaise assessed valuatibn of 6A98,471.00, and Hillcrest ESctension iJC-31024 at $289,796,00 wore conveyed to the Housing Author- ity of the City of tdilmington as of March 31, 1953. Inasmuch as the obli.gation of Public Housiiig Administra- ? tion cases terminates as of the above 3ate of transfer o£ title, a direct payment iaill be made by the'Admin- ' istration for the period January 1, 10,53'through N.arch 31, 1953". Inasmuch as his clai;n effects the 1953 payments in lieu of taxes and the transfer was not made until after , January 1, would therefore be liable for payment Of t}lE full years taxes. The matter was referred to the • County Attorney for investigation and opiniori andieport back to the Board at a subsequent meeting. 4 w A request for an abaterient to correct the 1951 an3 1952 taxes between R. A. 3hew and 1-larjorie M. Go31ey claimed to have been charged in error aga9nst lots 1 and 11, Sheca lanci, Masonboro Toi-nlship, and a request of J. J. Taylor for an abatement o£ taxes on ten acres o£ land in Harnett Township for the years 1947 through 1952, account of double charge, in which it is claime3 that t he same was so13 to E. Norfleet, October 21, 1946, were continue3 for further investigation. ? Upon motion of i+;r. Trask, s econde3 bj 14r. Davis, aUatements tirere granted to correct errors in the follotiaing r tax lists: ` W. J. Lsngley, A'asonboro Township, abate taxes on a valuation of $50.00 for 1951 and 1952, on part of lot 5 Ahrends Farm, account o£ even exchange of property taas made betcaeen l•!. J. Langley and J. H. Davis to square theis• adjoining land in iJhich no value taas involved, but the assessment aGainst Iangley was increasc,?3 by ?50.00 in error. ' Annie E. Si.*.imons, block 36, 4dfi1, suit brought for the collection of t vices for the years 1939 through 1942, tqK0566.57. The same was ordered cancelled on recommendation of the County Attorney that Arlnie E. Simmons did •,.. , not own the property. _ W. H. Phillips was granted an abatement of taxes charged against lot Highvray 421, Federal Point Township for the years 1942 through 1951, account of error an3 3ouble charge. The same caas sold to C. C. Gray in 1941, who has paid the taxes each year on same since that time. • ? Upon motion of in's: Davis, t•tr. Jumes Hayes, 318 Davie Drive, Ydaffitt Village, was eacenpt from payment of poll •`(Ctr taxes on account o£ being blin3 an3 unable to 3o any worl; whttsoover. Discussi?n of the Au3it repart o£ the Countf for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, was again postponed to a subsequent meeting. Upon motion of N1r. Divis, County bi11s Ido. 3665 to 3817 were approved for payrient. , The meeting then adjourne3. • ??'`'r'.... ?t. 9?''?. ,Iv-• Clerk. - - O -A