1953-06-15 Regular MeetingI 428 idil.-nington, N. C., June,15, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Clzairman and Com-aissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal. J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney INarsden Bellamy. . The meeting was onened i•rith prayer by the Reverend Edwin E. 3{irton, Pastor of St. N,arks Episcopal Church, colored. The minutes of the regular meeting held June 8?h, an3 adjotu ned meeting held irith the Navy Representatives 2:30 P.M., June l, 1953, copies having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, trere upon mo- tion of Mr. Love, secor.ded by Pfir. Davis, approved. A group of property owners of East Wi]mington appeared to ask for improvements to Oak Avenue, Henry Street, Ebans and Clay Streets in Harnett Township, were given State forms on which to properly pregare their pet- .- itions £or presentation to tne Boar3 for its recommendation to the State HightiJay Commission. ' Upon motion of rfr. Trask, seconded by NIr. Davis, the Wilmington Board of Realtors were authorize3 to ap- t praise approximately 59 larcels of City-Cowlty oi:me3 land in the Gity, and approximately 29 parcels County oimed land in the County bonght in for taxes since the last appraisal was ;nade, at a fee of $4.00 per unit in a ccordance with tiieir quotations of June 11, 1953. After receiving andaccepting the aprraisals to be made, the said parcels of lan3 are to be advertised for sale and appropriate signs to be put up on the sev- eral parcels 3irec'tirig prospective buyers to negotiate t-rith .the City or County for the purchase o£ the same. - f ? A petition of the County Conmissi?ners requesting bHat a special meeting o£ the iJeialianover Coun_ty ABC Com- posite Bca rd be called before June 30, to consider certain proposed chaizges in the ABC Board a3ministration set-up in aecordance with a letter requesting the special meeting submitted by the Chairman, was approved. A letter was received from National Airlines ad-vising that it is their intention to increase their services • in 4lilmington effect=ve July 1, 1953. Advice taas received £rom the State Hithvaay and Pubiic Works Co?mnission that Pine Street, Wallace Avenue and 3+ ?a? Washburn Street i.n 4linter Park have been a3ded to our County Highvray System, a nd also approved the addition to our highway system roads in Devon Park, knotim as Jonnin(.;s Drive, Larchmont and Latimer Drives, Winston and Stratford IIoulevards, A letter was received from Mr. Tho:ias S. Rhme, Jr., Assistant District Forester advising that he was re- ?V)Y,5 cently transfer.re3 to the S-tate Fi-re Control Organization, but will continuc close worlitaith the Farm Forester. He expressed thanks to the Chairman for tlie splendid cooperation given in advancing their forest management program, and. feel that nuch good work has been 3one in our County, a very large part of:diich has been due to our cooPeration. A letter was received from John L. Fagle, Jr., Lt. JG, CEC, USN Resident D£ficer in charge o£ construction, advising that in accor3ance with our instructions given on June 5. they are plannimg to re-loclte the Butler type hangar at the end o£ a hard stand approximately 950 feet southiaest of the east end oi the existing EIW runway, and unaerstan3 that the hangar isto be at least 150 feet fro;-a the edge of the tar,iway'an3 they will so locate •.- . it. It is their intention to consult with the PiecLmont Airli.nes representatives and insofar as possible to ' make what minor changes in the hangar t1_lat they think desirable. If there are no changes in the hangar from .: , ??.?,f its present state, they witl subtait tne plans to us for c?^unent before proceeding. _ Reports for the month of 14ay were received from the followimg: Health_Deparl;ment idursing Repcirt, Board of 1,,`?'r'? HQa7th,'Iiousing Authority o£ the City of Wilmington, Cowlty Farm AL-nt and Air22it receipts and 3isbursements. IQ6 ? The following resolution was upon motion of br. Davis, secondcd by Mr. Love, adopted ttt the request of Dis- . ' trict Solicitor Clifton L. Moore: _V6t1'WHEREAS, there are such a large accutaulation o£ criminal cases on the 3oclcet of't-he Superior Court of New i Hanover County £or trial,and , 4TdEREAS, all of said cases cannot be disPosed o£ at the regixlar one week term scheciu.':ed to convene July 27, 1953, and WHEi3EAS, it is the unanimous opinion of the Board of County Commissioners oi New Hanover County that a one week term in sddition to the r egular term is necessary to dispose of the cases now on the doclcet £or trial in New Harover County, BE IT THE?,,FJRE RI'iOLVED that the Board oi County Conmissioners oi A'ew L+anover County unanimously request the HonoraUle W. A. Devin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of IJorth Carolina, to order a ' special term of the Superior CoUrt, with a Grand Jury, for Lhe trisl o£ criminal cases, to convene on July 20, 1953, and to continue for one week, and that Juage Jolm J. Burney be assignc.d to ho13 said special tex7c. . , Be it further resolved that the Clerk of the Boar3 0£ Cowity Corranissioners Ue, and he is hereby directed to _*"urnish a copy of this resolution to £he Iionorable W. A. Devin, Chief Justice o£ the Supreme,Court of ' the State of Plorth Ca.rolina, at the earliest poesible moment. .? C??N'\ The Chairman announced that suggestions arere in order for naming a Superintenderit and Matron to replace Mr. Yirby Daniels whose resigiiation as 5upcrintendent of the Courity iiome and Farm will beco:ne effective July lst. ? A communication reoeived from tho City concerning the disposition of the lease on the Cape I'ear Artillery Building, 81L; Marlcet Street, 4ras referred to the County ltttorney. Mr. Geo. H. Hu-ta£f appeared to inquire atout the status of thc'Princess Street Road ra ving, its proposed width etc., He was advised that the 1.rork was oeing held up pending the City installing the curb. It iaas supposed that the road caould be as wide as the streets, however instructioris were givcn to urge the City to push up its schedu=e an the same. Upon motion of t-ir. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board authorized calling in the Certified Public Ac- countants to c'zeck the accoiu?ts and records oi Mr. C. F. Smith, Comnty Auditor, whose resignation will be- come effective June 30, 1953, for the period from the date of the last au3it thru June 30, 1953, prepara- tory to his successor talcing over his duties Su]ar 1. Inasmuch as considerable rerairs Yrill have to be r,:a3e to the o13 Reo Truclc at the Airtort, the Bear3 voted to a3rertise for the purchase of a new 1? ton truck chassis and to apply available £unds on hand from the airpert drink conesssions on the price of the same plus trade-in allowance for tl_e old Reo truck, on spoc- ifications to be submitted to the BDard for approval. ' t , -z Meeting of June 3.5, 1953, - Continued The Chairman presented the net•r jury list tithich iaas received for checking. Instructions were given to con- tact i,adies' Clubs for a3ditional names of caomen to be ad3ed to the list. . C?/ 0.pirn? Upon motion the Boar3 approved an appIication of DDT 3usting over an eigh$ (8) acre area by airplane in the ? Sunset Park-Greenfield areas in an effort to eradicate the mosquito, Iq 42 oq In thc opinion of the County Attorney, the Comnissioners would have no legal authority to clean out or re- locate drainage ditches within the city limits of the Toian o£ Carolina Beach, requeste3 by I?irs. Alice Sd,`.r'kak kz? em4zt?, City i;anager if Carolina Beach. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, Cour.ty Biils No. 3818 to 3942 were approved for paymcnt. The regular meeting tiras then adjourned. •. ._.?... K? ? =__°r .??.- Clerk. - :.?`r.,.?,Q,nlPursuant to recess takeur_,e 1, 1953, the Board tnen met as the Board of Equalization und Review to hear ` `?? ? ? coraplaints on assessments. r The fo7lowing compla_nts having been re-checked by the Tax Assessors were considered by the Board, an3 upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by hir. Trask, approved as recommended by the Tax Assessors: ? Crest Theatre, WriE.htsville Beach - $17,000. assessment on builling reduced to $14,000.for the year 1953. - W. R. Peterson, askec that $3,700, on building on lot 2, Pt.Farm 40, Winter Pu k be reducea to ?3,100. not allotired. - Robert Lee Rouse, askecl thut ,?`j3,000. asses,ment on house located on .84 acres Yt.Farr.i 57, Winter Fark be reduccd. - tlot allowed J. T. G1zlUreth, y1,500, assessmenz on house in bloclc 105 Mi 113 G, was reduce3 to $1,200. --Ifirs. Eclna I4, Cantutell et al., reduction ot assessment on proF.erty 810 ]9arket Street, not allovted. .14rs, M. G. I,?1eTver"reduction,of ascessnzntis. on pr.operty in.blocks 187 and 195, not allowed. ? Mrs. W. G. Horne, reduction of assessment on lot 2, in block 8, xure Beach, iiot allowed. .r.- I?iss Eruna Bcllamy Wil.)_iamson, et al; buiJ.ling in block 169 assessed at $17,500. reduced to $10y000. for. the year 1953. - Helen I•.oore Baldwin; reduction of assessment on property in blocJc 469, not allowed. ?Ratherir.e L. Corbett; request £or reduction of assessiaent on property in bloclc 142, not allotae3. '. .-Geo. W. Gillett, request for reduction of assessment on building on loLs 425, 423 and L,?_!?, 1?36 Soutli Live Oal; Parkraay, to equalize with assessments on similar adjacent buildings, tiais not allaaea. , • • --- J. N. Grir.isley, request for reduction oi $4,500 assessment on house cost $10,000 to build on lot 29 Parters 1Qeclc, to one-third cost oi construction, uras declined. ? Mrs, ldill Rehder, second request for re3uction of assessment on property in blocl: /+72, was declined. ? Complaints filed by W. A. Syencer, Cape Fear Toimship, and Pembroke Jone.:, r;state in Harnett Towmshi.p, were eontinued £or further investigation. ? ,? d request of Lilly J. Peterson that the N6,000. assessment on house in blocY, 19, Summer Hill £ixed by ihe ' assessors at ?4,500 in 19LF2 £or t?e yeai 1953, be made retroac'tive for the year 1952 was declined. ? u The County Commissioners sitting as the IIoard of Equalization and Revieur then toolc a recess until Dfonday ?7ur_e 29, 1953. to Clerk. O Wilmington, N. C., June 18, 1953. Ajoint sesaion was held this day at 11:00 o'clock A,M., with the City Council, with the following present: City Council: Mayor E. L. White an3 Councilmen Gordan Doran, E,S,Capps, Dan D. Cameron, City ;4anager James R. Aenson and City Attorney W. B. -Campbell. County Commissioners: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'.Shields, Thurston C. Javis, Hal J. Love, County Attorney P•9arsden Bellamy and County Clerk Thos.K.Woody. Mapor E. L. White presided. A schedule of items paid Jointly by the City and County budgets were distributed, and discussion thereon ? deferred until both Bodies have had the opportunity to review and study same, later calling a meeting for action thereon. The City Attorney annonuced for the benefit of the County Commissioners, the retirement of the Trustees of the City of Wilmington Dnployees' Retirement System of H. E. Fales, to becorne effective June 30, 1953, and gdvised that said action would be sutmitted to the County for its action on the said soint employee. Thereupon, Chairman Horton advised that this matter had been discussed by the County group and that the retirement papers had been signed by Mr. Chas. Smith, approving the said retirement of H. E. Falea, Superintendent of the Identification Bureau. Commissioners 0'Shields stated that, while the County had not taken formal action, it is the consensus of the Board of County Commissioners that they would like to withdrav £rom herea£ter making appropriations to the Bureau of Identification, and adopting a system whereby the County may pay the City for asy services required by the Sheriff's Department at a rste to be worke3 out satisfactorily. The Cit}r Manager etated that this agreement meets with the approval of his office as xell as the Police Department. The Commissioners indicated unsnimous approval of the aforesaid arrangements. Councilman Capps move3 that the arrangement respecting the operation by the City of the Bureau of Identification be approved effective July 1s and that any services required by the County be uorked out mutually as to the charged for same. The motion was seconded by Commissioner 0'Shields and unanimously adopted. .