1953-06-18 Regular Meeting-z Meeting of June 3.5, 1953, - Continued The Chairman presented the net•r jury list tithich iaas received for checking. Instructions were given to con- tact i,adies' Clubs for a3ditional names of caomen to be ad3ed to the list. . C?/ 0.pirn? Upon motion the Boar3 approved an appIication of DDT 3usting over an eigh$ (8) acre area by airplane in the ? Sunset Park-Greenfield areas in an effort to eradicate the mosquito, Iq 42 oq In thc opinion of the County Attorney, the Comnissioners would have no legal authority to clean out or re- locate drainage ditches within the city limits of the Toian o£ Carolina Beach, requeste3 by I?irs. Alice Sd,`.r'kak kz? em4zt?, City i;anager if Carolina Beach. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, Cour.ty Biils No. 3818 to 3942 were approved for paymcnt. The regular meeting tiras then adjourned. •. ._.?... K? ? =__°r .??.- Clerk. - :.?`r.,.?,Q,nlPursuant to recess takeur_,e 1, 1953, the Board tnen met as the Board of Equalization und Review to hear ` `?? ? ? coraplaints on assessments. r The fo7lowing compla_nts having been re-checked by the Tax Assessors were considered by the Board, an3 upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by hir. Trask, approved as recommended by the Tax Assessors: ? Crest Theatre, WriE.htsville Beach - $17,000. assessment on builling reduced to $14,000.for the year 1953. - W. R. Peterson, askec that $3,700, on building on lot 2, Pt.Farm 40, Winter Pu k be reducea to ?3,100. not allotired. - Robert Lee Rouse, askecl thut ,?`j3,000. asses,ment on house located on .84 acres Yt.Farr.i 57, Winter Fark be reduccd. - tlot allowed J. T. G1zlUreth, y1,500, assessmenz on house in bloclc 105 Mi 113 G, was reduce3 to $1,200. --Ifirs. Eclna I4, Cantutell et al., reduction ot assessment on proF.erty 810 ]9arket Street, not allovted. .14rs, M. G. I,?1eTver"reduction,of ascessnzntis. on pr.operty in.blocks 187 and 195, not allowed. ? Mrs. W. G. Horne, reduction of assessment on lot 2, in block 8, xure Beach, iiot allowed. .r.- I?iss Eruna Bcllamy Wil.)_iamson, et al; buiJ.ling in block 169 assessed at $17,500. reduced to $10y000. for. the year 1953. - Helen I•.oore Baldwin; reduction of assessment on property in blocJc 469, not allowed. ?Ratherir.e L. Corbett; request £or reduction of assessiaent on property in bloclc 142, not allotae3. '. .-Geo. W. Gillett, request for reduction of assessment on building on loLs 425, 423 and L,?_!?, 1?36 Soutli Live Oal; Parkraay, to equalize with assessments on similar adjacent buildings, tiais not allaaea. , • • --- J. N. Grir.isley, request for reduction oi $4,500 assessment on house cost $10,000 to build on lot 29 Parters 1Qeclc, to one-third cost oi construction, uras declined. ? Mrs, ldill Rehder, second request for re3uction of assessment on property in blocl: /+72, was declined. ? Complaints filed by W. A. Syencer, Cape Fear Toimship, and Pembroke Jone.:, r;state in Harnett Towmshi.p, were eontinued £or further investigation. ? ,? d request of Lilly J. Peterson that the N6,000. assessment on house in blocY, 19, Summer Hill £ixed by ihe ' assessors at ?4,500 in 19LF2 £or t?e yeai 1953, be made retroac'tive for the year 1952 was declined. ? u The County Commissioners sitting as the IIoard of Equalization and Revieur then toolc a recess until Dfonday ?7ur_e 29, 1953. to Clerk. O Wilmington, N. C., June 18, 1953. Ajoint sesaion was held this day at 11:00 o'clock A,M., with the City Council, with the following present: City Council: Mayor E. L. White an3 Councilmen Gordan Doran, E,S,Capps, Dan D. Cameron, City ;4anager James R. Aenson and City Attorney W. B. -Campbell. County Commissioners: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'.Shields, Thurston C. Javis, Hal J. Love, County Attorney P•9arsden Bellamy and County Clerk Thos.K.Woody. Mapor E. L. White presided. A schedule of items paid Jointly by the City and County budgets were distributed, and discussion thereon ? deferred until both Bodies have had the opportunity to review and study same, later calling a meeting for action thereon. The City Attorney annonuced for the benefit of the County Commissioners, the retirement of the Trustees of the City of Wilmington Dnployees' Retirement System of H. E. Fales, to becorne effective June 30, 1953, and gdvised that said action would be sutmitted to the County for its action on the said soint employee. Thereupon, Chairman Horton advised that this matter had been discussed by the County group and that the retirement papers had been signed by Mr. Chas. Smith, approving the said retirement of H. E. Falea, Superintendent of the Identification Bureau. Commissioners 0'Shields stated that, while the County had not taken formal action, it is the consensus of the Board of County Commissioners that they would like to withdrav £rom herea£ter making appropriations to the Bureau of Identification, and adopting a system whereby the County may pay the City for asy services required by the Sheriff's Department at a rste to be worke3 out satisfactorily. The Cit}r Manager etated that this agreement meets with the approval of his office as xell as the Police Department. The Commissioners indicated unsnimous approval of the aforesaid arrangements. Councilman Capps move3 that the arrangement respecting the operation by the City of the Bureau of Identification be approved effective July 1s and that any services required by the County be uorked out mutually as to the charged for same. The motion was seconded by Commissioner 0'Shields and unanimously adopted. . I 430 : Joint Medting of June 18, 1953 continued.• , 1ne Budget estimates of the Cotrmninity Hospital for 1953-1954 wa-s presented the joint Boards by Administrator Whyte and Mr. Junius Council, member of the Community Aospital Board, which was received for study and action by ? the joint bodiea at a later date. Commissioner Love was eaccused from the meeting. Commissioner Horton advised that inasmuch as the Hospitai Board h04 been for some time operating without a y? quorum, suggeste3 the reappaintment of the Board of Trustees of the Community Hospital; those now serving are, ' Mr. L. D. Latta, Mr. Junius Coun dl, Dr.Leary and E.M.Butler. Suggested namea for the Board uere: Eugene Bullaxd, , Ree. John lawrence, H.M.We11s,Jr., Ed Ward, Dr. A. P. Kellp and others. /?.,nd Commissioner ?lavis moved that the joint bodies set the number of the Board at 7 members. The motion was seconded l??f by Councilman Capps and unanimously adopted, Thereupon L'ommissioner Dnvis moved that Mr, Eligene Bullard be appointed to the Board and be it's Chairman. The motion was seconded by Councilman Chpps and unanimouslp adopted, AN?{j Upon recommendation of Mayor White, Councilman Doran move3 that Dr. A. P. Kelly be appointed to the Board of Trusteea ?? of the Community Hospital. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and unanimously adopted. ? Commissioner O'Shields moved that Mr. Junius Council be reappointed to the said Board. The motion was aeconded by Councilman Capps and unanimously ddopte3, Commissioner Davis utated that he was in favor of and moved re-appoint3agi the other two members of the Board,name]y, Dr, M. N. Leary and E.M.Butler. The motion vas seconded bp Councilman Doran and unanimously adopte3. Y Upon consideration by the joint bodies, (.ouncilman Capps moved that section 1, of the By-laws of the Hospital be • amended as follovs, "that the general control of the af£airs of the hospital and the formulation of it's polocles ? as approve3 by the joint bodies, shall be veated in the Board of seven members, whoae terms of office shalJ. be fixed ,,. /? in accordance with the action of the City and County Boards fn joint session". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and unanimously adopted. /' . ,b Upon further consideration, the follouing terms were approved: ?Mr. Bigene Bullard, Chairma .Dr. M. N. Leary, ,Dr. A. P. Relly .Mr. Juniua Council ?,F. M. Butler ,E,S,L'apps from the City and 4 Years 4 Yeara 4 Years 2 years 2 years • Chaitman Horton from the County Board. Chairman Horton discussed with the Boards the feasibility of securing an "Investigator" for the Gommunity Hospital, ? or a person to make close investigation of cases entering the hospital and see that they are proper],p acreened ? before they beaome entitled to enter the said hospital, also, to assist in the collection of past due accounts. Councilman Capps and Commissioner Horton were delegate3 to make this investigation and study of the propo'sed '"Investigator° and report back for action. Fo1loWing e discuseion fleapecting a proposed re-mapping or engineering surney of the City and County, looking to a ? re-valuation program, Councilman Cameron and Commissioner OfShielde were appointed to study the mattar and bring ? back report for joint action. Chairmsn Horton advised that the County Board had refiewed the City-County list of tax Foreclosure properties, end had taken out of the properties desirable for industMal sites, and that there are approximately 80 odd piecea of property which requires re-appraisal. That,he had obtained 8n appraisal figure from the Real'Eetate Board at $4.00 per parcel xhich appeared'to .be fair and equitable, and suggested that the appraisere be authorized to proceed with the appraisals at the af4rementioned figure ani that the City and County advertise and sell to the highest bidder, or at a price not less than the appreised value the properties aforementioned. Thereupob, Councilman Doran moved that this be the prosedure respecting the tax foreclosure properties. The motion was seconded bq Commissioner 0'Shields and unanimously adopted. • Following a discussion of Legion Stadium, Commissioner O'Shielda moved that the Legion Stadium property be surveyed and mapped, and that all of the said property be conveyed to the City of Wilmington except the tract which the County ?Q desirea to reserve for poasible future military use by the National Guard; and that, if such tract is not required for auch purpose within a period of two years from July 1, 1953, that this tract also be conveyed to the City, and the City to use the property conveyed for the purpose as outlined in the 1953 Legislative Act, authorizing conveyance; it being ? understood that the County will have the right to remooe ar?y equiiment they own in the building. The motion was T-- aeconded bq Councilman Cappe abd unanimously adopted. There be ng no fluther business to come before the joint bodies, the joint meeting ad3ourned, Present: R. T. Horton, (?airman and Co?issionera Claude 0'Shields, Thurston C. Javis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and Countp Attorney Marsden Bella?qy. rk. Wilmington, N. C., June 22, 1953. This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of the Board, no quorum appeared and a recess was taken until 10:0ock A.M., ?esday,June 25, 1953. . k. Wiimington, N. C., June 25,1953. Pursuant to recess tsken Mo?ay, June 22, 1953, the Hoard met at 10:00 o'clock A.M. 1he Chairman announced that the meeting was held to act on mattere necessary to relieve the agenda to give more time for other matters and consideration of the budget next regular meeting Morday, June 29, 1953. 6? Upon motion of Nu?. Trask, seconded bg Mr. Love, the application of Mr. H. C. Rinenbark for the position of c ??Superintendent of the County Home, and his xife Mre. H,C.Rivenbark, as Matron, to?replace Mr, and Mrs. Kirby Daniels, / whose resignation will beoome e££ective.June 30, 1953, was accepted subject to a favorable pkysical eacemination. / I ,