1953-06-25 Regular MeetingI 430 : Joint Medting of June 18, 1953 continued.• , 1ne Budget estimates of the Cotrmninity Hospital for 1953-1954 wa-s presented the joint Boards by Administrator Whyte and Mr. Junius Council, member of the Community Aospital Board, which was received for study and action by ? the joint bodiea at a later date. Commissioner Love was eaccused from the meeting. Commissioner Horton advised that inasmuch as the Hospitai Board h04 been for some time operating without a y? quorum, suggeste3 the reappaintment of the Board of Trustees of the Community Hospital; those now serving are, ' Mr. L. D. Latta, Mr. Junius Coun dl, Dr.Leary and E.M.Butler. Suggested namea for the Board uere: Eugene Bullaxd, , Ree. John lawrence, H.M.We11s,Jr., Ed Ward, Dr. A. P. Kellp and others. /?.,nd Commissioner ?lavis moved that the joint bodies set the number of the Board at 7 members. The motion was seconded l??f by Councilman Capps and unanimously adopted, Thereupon L'ommissioner Dnvis moved that Mr, Eligene Bullard be appointed to the Board and be it's Chairman. The motion was seconded by Councilman Chpps and unanimouslp adopted, AN?{j Upon recommendation of Mayor White, Councilman Doran move3 that Dr. A. P. Kelly be appointed to the Board of Trusteea ?? of the Community Hospital. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and unanimously adopted. ? Commissioner O'Shields moved that Mr. Junius Council be reappointed to the said Board. The motion was aeconded by Councilman Capps and unanimously ddopte3, Commissioner Davis utated that he was in favor of and moved re-appoint3agi the other two members of the Board,name]y, Dr, M. N. Leary and E.M.Butler. The motion vas seconded bp Councilman Doran and unanimously adopte3. Y Upon consideration by the joint bodies, (.ouncilman Capps moved that section 1, of the By-laws of the Hospital be • amended as follovs, "that the general control of the af£airs of the hospital and the formulation of it's polocles ? as approve3 by the joint bodies, shall be veated in the Board of seven members, whoae terms of office shalJ. be fixed ,,. /? in accordance with the action of the City and County Boards fn joint session". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and unanimously adopted. /' . ,b Upon further consideration, the follouing terms were approved: ?Mr. Bigene Bullard, Chairma .Dr. M. N. Leary, ,Dr. A. P. Relly .Mr. Juniua Council ?,F. M. Butler ,E,S,L'apps from the City and 4 Years 4 Yeara 4 Years 2 years 2 years • Chaitman Horton from the County Board. Chairman Horton discussed with the Boards the feasibility of securing an "Investigator" for the Gommunity Hospital, ? or a person to make close investigation of cases entering the hospital and see that they are proper],p acreened ? before they beaome entitled to enter the said hospital, also, to assist in the collection of past due accounts. Councilman Capps and Commissioner Horton were delegate3 to make this investigation and study of the propo'sed '"Investigator° and report back for action. Fo1loWing e discuseion fleapecting a proposed re-mapping or engineering surney of the City and County, looking to a ? re-valuation program, Councilman Cameron and Commissioner OfShielde were appointed to study the mattar and bring ? back report for joint action. Chairmsn Horton advised that the County Board had refiewed the City-County list of tax Foreclosure properties, end had taken out of the properties desirable for industMal sites, and that there are approximately 80 odd piecea of property which requires re-appraisal. That,he had obtained 8n appraisal figure from the Real'Eetate Board at $4.00 per parcel xhich appeared'to .be fair and equitable, and suggested that the appraisere be authorized to proceed with the appraisals at the af4rementioned figure ani that the City and County advertise and sell to the highest bidder, or at a price not less than the appreised value the properties aforementioned. Thereupob, Councilman Doran moved that this be the prosedure respecting the tax foreclosure properties. The motion was seconded bq Commissioner 0'Shields and unanimously adopted. • Following a discussion of Legion Stadium, Commissioner O'Shielda moved that the Legion Stadium property be surveyed and mapped, and that all of the said property be conveyed to the City of Wilmington except the tract which the County ?Q desirea to reserve for poasible future military use by the National Guard; and that, if such tract is not required for auch purpose within a period of two years from July 1, 1953, that this tract also be conveyed to the City, and the City to use the property conveyed for the purpose as outlined in the 1953 Legislative Act, authorizing conveyance; it being ? understood that the County will have the right to remooe ar?y equiiment they own in the building. The motion was T-- aeconded bq Councilman Cappe abd unanimously adopted. There be ng no fluther business to come before the joint bodies, the joint meeting ad3ourned, Present: R. T. Horton, (?airman and Co?issionera Claude 0'Shields, Thurston C. Javis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and Countp Attorney Marsden Bella?qy. rk. Wilmington, N. C., June 22, 1953. This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of the Board, no quorum appeared and a recess was taken until 10:0ock A.M., ?esday,June 25, 1953. . k. Wiimington, N. C., June 25,1953. Pursuant to recess tsken Mo?ay, June 22, 1953, the Hoard met at 10:00 o'clock A.M. 1he Chairman announced that the meeting was held to act on mattere necessary to relieve the agenda to give more time for other matters and consideration of the budget next regular meeting Morday, June 29, 1953. 6? Upon motion of Nu?. Trask, seconded bg Mr. Love, the application of Mr. H. C. Rinenbark for the position of c ??Superintendent of the County Home, and his xife Mre. H,C.Rivenbark, as Matron, to?replace Mr, and Mrs. Kirby Daniels, / whose resignation will beoome e££ective.June 30, 1953, was accepted subject to a favorable pkysical eacemination. / I , ? 431 Meeting oF June 25, 1953, continued. The Chairman reported ., on his attendance upon the annusl meeting of the State Association of County Commissioners at Asheville June 22, through the 24, as s most satisfactory coverage o£ things important to us, among which were: " Lecture by Mr. Henry Lewis on 1953 Acts, amendments and repeals. Dr. Elen Winston, Welfare Administration; State Assistance to T.B.Hospitals. 1953 Sessional Iawe pertaining to the spending of money in our hands-investing'surplus funds in Government boxds, pre-numbering warrants covering payments through the Recordera Court. I3ability insurance, not needed except in certain cases when required. Election Lawe: Qualifications to vote, regiatration under the new law, voting machines an3 office holders. Asseseing new property and buildings. Health laws and Electrical Inspector's Permit for tax purposes; Conservation and Development aerial,maps. Dog vaccinetion-ownere , get no credit on taxea because of the cost of vaccination expense: Statute of limitations barring ten year old • taxes, repeal, not retroactive. Henry Lewis said delinquent taxes , two qears and over placeJn General FUnd. Ten Districts enlarged to Fourteen, six counties in Third District; only three Counties in our district repreaented at the meeting, Third District will be represented at Wrightsville Beach thia coming year, and a Iadies' program was proposed. Mrs. Horton was chosen to be Chairman of the Isdiea Entertainment Committee. With a little , personal effort it is believed next year will be the best yet held. Welfare group will call a meeting before September and will visit each county. The meeting was adjourne3 at 11:30 Wednesday morning. <z0a\` The regular meeting was then adjourned and the Board sitting as the Board of Fqvalization and Rsview con3ldered /? V the folloxing oompl&ints on assessments: E. C. Anderson, block 114 F,J3, p='esented ly Mr.G.Dudley Hwnphrey; ? oomplaine3 of assessment on building. Was referred to the Tax Assessors for recomnendation. • Andreu Howard, block 19, lot Q. taxes were cancelled for the years 1934 through 1952, charged in error. The property is ovned and the taxes paid by on same by Solomon Sternberger. 5arah Smith, block 4. Pt•E!6-W* taxes cancelled for the years 1939 t1u'ough 1952, charged in error. Sold to W.P,Farrar May 15, 1937 who has paid the taxes on same for each year since date of purchase. Martha At#inson, block 72, lots 13 and 14, Sunset Park, taxes were cancelled for the qeara 1946 through 1952. Acquired by the United States Government Juljr 1945. George E. McLsrtp, block 87, NWf4 asked for a reduction of the $4,025.00 assessment on land and bui.ldings, was ddclined because found7in line with ad3oining property. Lucille Heuett,,_block 99p asked that the assessment of $5,430.00 be reduced to $3,750.00, Was found in line with adjoining property.. and was therefore declined. Mrs, Rabert C. Grady, block 100, Pt.WMl, House and lot assesaments found in line with adjoining property, and reques?: sor reduction declined. C.T.PoWell, block 100, W end lot 6, $11,100.00, assessment was reduced to $10,500.00. 1'rs• _Maggie_Hodges, block 140, 114 south qth Street $15,150.00 assessment found in line with adjoining property. Request for reduction declined. Eliza B. Williamson, et al, block 157 47JPt.W3p 602 Market Street, request for a reduction of the $28,500.00 ' assessment on land and bui131ng declined. Foun3 to be in line with other property in that block. J,B.Abbott.. block 478, $$3,000.00 lend assessment reduced to $2,500.00 to equalize it wi'th assessments on adjoining lanas. W_,_L._Eqbanks, Jr., block 2, lots 7 and 8(:arolina Heights•$10,000.00. Assessment found to be in line with adjoining propertq. A request for a reduction to $6,800.00 was declined. Annie M. Meyland, block 144, 106 souttt 7th street, $1,250.00 assessment on house reduced to 61,025.,00. Hrs. John M. Mevland, block 144, 106 south 7th St.9 92,000.00 assessment on house reduced to $1,750.00. Lloyd M. Smith, block 43, lots 12 and 13, Sumer Hill, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $2,600.00 cherged in error on house sold to C.C.Reynolds and listed by him . for 1952. Sn1th Builders Supp],v_,Compar?y, $21,000.00 on building, machinery and equignent uhich ves reduce3 to ' $1,000.00 on building account of destruction by fire prior to Jarniary 1, 1952, was granted a refluid of taxes on a valuation of $20,000.00 paid in error for the year 1952. The 1,380.00 assessment on 10.33 gcres of land charged against J. A. Sa,ith was increased to $3,000.00 to equalize the same with assessments on ad3acent land and to correct an error, for the year 1953. W. A. McIntpre, Lumberton, N. C., asked for a refluid of taxFS paid on a valuation of $300.00 personal property exemption on household goods at Wrightsville Beach for 1952, claimed by his wife. The request was declined for the reason he claimed a personal property exemption in Robeson County £or 1952, and according to law the household is entitled to only one exemp$ion. Mr. H. R. Fhssell, Pt. Farm 53 Winter Park Heights, his request that the $300.00 assessment on land be reduced te °,6150:U0 was declined . as it was found that it ie assesaed in line with other property in that vicinity. W. A. Spencer, request for a reduction of the assessment of $1,000,00 on tracta'2 and 3 5pencer land, Cape Fear township, approximately QJ- acres, was deelined. It was found that the said land was assessed in line with surrounding lands. ' Miss Mamie Silverman, lot 34 Country Club Terrace. $6,000.00 assessment on house was reduced to $5,000.00 to equalize the assessment with that on other similar buildings. Mrs. Ary`Herring, lots 9 through 16, Atlantic Uiew, near Babies' Hospital, Wrightsville Sound. Asked for a reductio{i of assessment account of part of some of the lots were included in the right of way of the new highway. It uas found that the lots were increased in value b,y reason of the nex highway, suffi-cient to off-set aqy loss of value of lots taken by the highway. " • Seventh Day Adventiet Church, Pt. lota 5 and 6 Weeks Division, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $1,250.00 account of property used exclusively for Church purposes, and the same was ordered placed on the' - Tax Free list. ' The,foregoing complaint& and requests foE reduction of assessments having been investfgated and'reviexed ..i?auqlaby the Tax Aasessors, their recommendations as recorded in the-respbctive cases were upon motion of Mr. Trask, ? L seconded by Mr. Love, adopted. ???,The Board sitting as the Board of Fqualization and Revieu then took a recess until Monday, June 29, 1953. -Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., June 24, 1953. The regular ueekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'ShiLsIde, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellarrq. ., The meeting t+as opened with prayer by the Reverend E. R. Orr, Pastor of the Winter Park Baptist Church. ' Copies of the minutes of the joint meeting with._the.City Council Sune 16, 1953, and regular meeting of the Board June 25, 1953, having been furnished to each member of the Board, the same vere upon motion of Mr. Davis, approved. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, a request of the Board of •Fducation to increase its _?1?v?3upplemental Budget bp $40,000.00 out of State and Federal fluids already received to meet the large grouth in ?? • - enrollment and a retroactive 10% booat in teachers salaries, was granted aubject to the approvsl of eacpen ures under the eapandedt:budget by the County Auditor. Mr. Raiford Trask moved that the following resolution be adopted: Yl wBFItEAS, the local Government Wffinisaion of Torth Carolina has in£ormed the Board of Commi.ssioners that it has sold, in the manner prescribed by laa, the 01,000,000 School Building Honds, Series B. of the County of New Hanover, dated June 1, 1952, suthorized to be isaued by a bond order adopted by the Boaxd of Commissioners on the 7th day of April, 1952, and that the contract of sale contemplates that said bonds shall bear interest -A