1953-06-29 Special Meetingi4?? Wilmington, N. C., June 292 1953. Pursuant to recess taken June 25, 1953, the Board of County Cqmmissioners sitting as the Board of Fqualization and Review as directed by law, met this day at 1s20 P.M. Present: R.T,Horton, Chairman, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hsl J. Love, Raiford Traek and County Attorney Mar.sden Bellamy, A petition signed by 372 mmnbers of Veterans Homea, Inc., and residents of Iake Forest, asking for a re- valuation and reduction of the assessments of the real property owned in New Haxmver County by Veterans Homesp Inc., was gresente3 by Mr. Wallace C. Murchison, Attorney, who submitted for the Board's consideration a statement o£ compsrison between tax values of the Veterans Home property and three other similar propertiea in New Hamver ??County which shoued an average ratio of tax assessments to sale price of 61.20% against 75.48% for the Veterans f Homes, Inc., property, which if applied to the sales price of $1,797,000 in 1948, would produce an assessment of J1,099,764 is,Btead of $1,356,374 the preaent assessment. The Boar3 after discuasion an3 m nsideration, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, granted a 20% reduction to apply on the $1,356,374.00 assessment on Projects #31021 and 31028, Veterans Homes, Inc., groperty for the year 1953, therebq aetting the new assessment at $1,085,099.00. A request of Mr. B. H. Bridgers for a reduction of the assessment on the property of Mrs. Donald MacRae, block 154 not sulmitted in time for imvestigation amd action at this time, was at his request received for conaideration naxt r year. Neia Hanover Broadcasting Compar7, request that the $39,360.00 assessment on their property in block 191 be _? ux reduced to $24,000.00, vas declined, as it was found to be assesadd on an equal besis with other similar property. Harbor Island Service Station, Harnett township, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $500.00 _?Ct? personal property, on account of double charge for the year 1952. The same was listed by G,C.Bridges?Jr., for said year. Alfre3 Hardy,Hr., was granted an abatement of taxes on a valvation of $70.00, not listed penalty and poll.. for the year 1952, account of double charge. It appeared that he liated his taxes regular, and was also charged with the same amount of property in error as not liated. George W. Holland, Harnett townahip, was granted an abetement of poll taxes and not liated penalty charged against lot part of McClelland, for the year 1952, for the reason the same was left o£f his list by the tax listers in error and poll charged twice. A request oS H. Howard Babcock, Attorney for Mrs. Jane Pope Akers, for a reduction of the $75,905.00 assessment on 1861 acres of land Pemproke Park, to $20,000.00 and cancel the ¢2,500.00 assessment on buil3ings which have been damaged by vandals, was.declined for the reason the land was original],y assessed too low. ?p y ` N _..+* i ?? r A communication was received from the Public Housing Administration advising that the 1953 Payment in lieu of y„-n? taxes on Projects NC-31023 and NC-31024, Hillcrest and Hillcrest Extenbion xhich uas conveyed to the Wilmington ? Housing Authority March 31, 19532 w'ill be made by the Public Housing Administration for period Januar): 1, 1953, through March 31, 1953, and by the Wilmington Housing Authority for the balance of the year through December 31, 1953. . A request of Mr. Fdwin P. Blanchard for a reduction of the $400,00 assessment on five acres of land Masonboro "-T? toenship, was declined. It was found to be in line with other adjoining land. ? All of the foregoing oompl*iats on asaesements having been investigated and recommended by the Tax Assessors, were upon motion approved. Final action on the complaint of Mr. E. C. Anderson, block 114 was continued until the next meeting o£ the Board of Commissioners for the reason investigation and report is still pending with the Assessors. . The County Commissioners eitting as the Board of Fqualization and Reviex having completed the work required by 17)u``2 lav, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, adjourned for the current year. Clerk. ? . Wilmington, N. C., July 6, 1953. . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. 1 Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. Davis, fial J. Love, Raiford Trask, County Attorneq Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor T. D. Love. The meeting was opened rrith prayer by the Reverend R.R.Johnson, Pastor of Pentacostal Holiness Church. Copies o£ the minutes of ineeting of June 29, 1953, having previously been mailed to each member of the Boaid, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconde3 by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the recommendation of the Tax Assessors to reduce the $9,000,00 assessment on buildings charged against Dr. E. C. Anderson, block 114 to $7,500.00 for the year 1953, which was continued from meeting of June 25, 1953, was approved. The tank trailer the County loaned the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department several months ago to supplement ? their fire fighting equipnent, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, sold to them for use in -- ?'? connection with their fire fighting equipment at a price of $20.00. It being understood and agreed by Mr. E. 8.,, Wright, Assistant Chief, the County will be given first opportunity to re-purchase the same at the same price in the event they should decide to dispose of it in the future. , Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved and directed the payment of $2200.00 initial payment to the N?yrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Departanent on recommendation of the Fire Inspection Committee that they _. ? have acquired sufficient fire fighting equipment to meet the requirements. Also, Ogden Volunteer Fire Department b ? $50,00 for truck maintenance in accordance with the contrect. ?U Mr. Horton presented a letter from Dr. C. B. Davis, Health Officer, advising that the opinion of the State ?oard of Health is being sought to determine if mosqui4,o control is a necessary health department function, it being his opinion at present that inasmuch as mosquitos are important potential disease vectors a program for their control must be under the Health Department. Further discussion on the matter was deferred, at his request, until information on the question is received from the State Board of Health. ,