1953-07-06 Regular Meetingi4?? Wilmington, N. C., June 292 1953. Pursuant to recess taken June 25, 1953, the Board of County Cqmmissioners sitting as the Board of Fqualization and Review as directed by law, met this day at 1s20 P.M. Present: R.T,Horton, Chairman, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hsl J. Love, Raiford Traek and County Attorney Mar.sden Bellamy, A petition signed by 372 mmnbers of Veterans Homea, Inc., and residents of Iake Forest, asking for a re- valuation and reduction of the assessments of the real property owned in New Haxmver County by Veterans Homesp Inc., was gresente3 by Mr. Wallace C. Murchison, Attorney, who submitted for the Board's consideration a statement o£ compsrison between tax values of the Veterans Home property and three other similar propertiea in New Hamver ??County which shoued an average ratio of tax assessments to sale price of 61.20% against 75.48% for the Veterans f Homes, Inc., property, which if applied to the sales price of $1,797,000 in 1948, would produce an assessment of J1,099,764 is,Btead of $1,356,374 the preaent assessment. The Boar3 after discuasion an3 m nsideration, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, granted a 20% reduction to apply on the $1,356,374.00 assessment on Projects #31021 and 31028, Veterans Homes, Inc., groperty for the year 1953, therebq aetting the new assessment at $1,085,099.00. A request of Mr. B. H. Bridgers for a reduction of the assessment on the property of Mrs. Donald MacRae, block 154 not sulmitted in time for imvestigation amd action at this time, was at his request received for conaideration naxt r year. Neia Hanover Broadcasting Compar7, request that the $39,360.00 assessment on their property in block 191 be _? ux reduced to $24,000.00, vas declined, as it was found to be assesadd on an equal besis with other similar property. Harbor Island Service Station, Harnett township, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $500.00 _?Ct? personal property, on account of double charge for the year 1952. The same was listed by G,C.Bridges?Jr., for said year. Alfre3 Hardy,Hr., was granted an abatement of taxes on a valvation of $70.00, not listed penalty and poll.. for the year 1952, account of double charge. It appeared that he liated his taxes regular, and was also charged with the same amount of property in error as not liated. George W. Holland, Harnett townahip, was granted an abetement of poll taxes and not liated penalty charged against lot part of McClelland, for the year 1952, for the reason the same was left o£f his list by the tax listers in error and poll charged twice. A request oS H. Howard Babcock, Attorney for Mrs. Jane Pope Akers, for a reduction of the $75,905.00 assessment on 1861 acres of land Pemproke Park, to $20,000.00 and cancel the ¢2,500.00 assessment on buil3ings which have been damaged by vandals, was.declined for the reason the land was original],y assessed too low. ?p y ` N _..+* i ?? r A communication was received from the Public Housing Administration advising that the 1953 Payment in lieu of y„-n? taxes on Projects NC-31023 and NC-31024, Hillcrest and Hillcrest Extenbion xhich uas conveyed to the Wilmington ? Housing Authority March 31, 19532 w'ill be made by the Public Housing Administration for period Januar): 1, 1953, through March 31, 1953, and by the Wilmington Housing Authority for the balance of the year through December 31, 1953. . A request of Mr. Fdwin P. Blanchard for a reduction of the $400,00 assessment on five acres of land Masonboro "-T? toenship, was declined. It was found to be in line with other adjoining land. ? All of the foregoing oompl*iats on asaesements having been investigated and recommended by the Tax Assessors, were upon motion approved. Final action on the complaint of Mr. E. C. Anderson, block 114 was continued until the next meeting o£ the Board of Commissioners for the reason investigation and report is still pending with the Assessors. . The County Commissioners eitting as the Board of Fqualization and Reviex having completed the work required by 17)u``2 lav, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, adjourned for the current year. Clerk. ? . Wilmington, N. C., July 6, 1953. . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. 1 Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. Davis, fial J. Love, Raiford Trask, County Attorneq Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor T. D. Love. The meeting was opened rrith prayer by the Reverend R.R.Johnson, Pastor of Pentacostal Holiness Church. Copies o£ the minutes of ineeting of June 29, 1953, having previously been mailed to each member of the Boaid, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconde3 by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the recommendation of the Tax Assessors to reduce the $9,000,00 assessment on buildings charged against Dr. E. C. Anderson, block 114 to $7,500.00 for the year 1953, which was continued from meeting of June 25, 1953, was approved. The tank trailer the County loaned the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department several months ago to supplement ? their fire fighting equipnent, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, sold to them for use in -- ?'? connection with their fire fighting equipment at a price of $20.00. It being understood and agreed by Mr. E. 8.,, Wright, Assistant Chief, the County will be given first opportunity to re-purchase the same at the same price in the event they should decide to dispose of it in the future. , Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved and directed the payment of $2200.00 initial payment to the N?yrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Departanent on recommendation of the Fire Inspection Committee that they _. ? have acquired sufficient fire fighting equipment to meet the requirements. Also, Ogden Volunteer Fire Department b ? $50,00 for truck maintenance in accordance with the contrect. ?U Mr. Horton presented a letter from Dr. C. B. Davis, Health Officer, advising that the opinion of the State ?oard of Health is being sought to determine if mosqui4,o control is a necessary health department function, it being his opinion at present that inasmuch as mosquitos are important potential disease vectors a program for their control must be under the Health Department. Further discussion on the matter was deferred, at his request, until information on the question is received from the State Board of Health. , 'I 435 Meeting of July 6,.1953, continued, The feasibility of tying-inthe mosquito, f],p and insect extermination work with the Agricultural Group uhite fringed beetle border control progFam, which would require additional equipment and expense in man power xss discussed, and Mr. Trask suggested that ditching to drain the low areas and placSng Oil soaked bags of material in the wet areas in February and March would be best results. However no action was taken and the matter was tabled for fUrther consideration. A letter was received from the Girl Scout Council thanking the Co7mnisaloners for having th2ir Greenville Sound Camp Site cleaned off, which,helped to make.possible a better camp site for a better program, they said. A letter received from Mr. Loui.s T. Moore, Chairman of New Hanover Historical Commission, sutmitting a " proposal to request the Third Division State Highxay Commission, Mr. C. Heide Trask, to extend US 117 Highway from Wilson, which comes to a dead end stop at Third and Couan Streets, over the river road to the intersection with US 421 at the Intracoastal bridge, to give it publicity and to encourage use of this highway which runs through territory with rich historic tradition as well as to relieye traffic pressue on US 421 ° between Wilu,ington and Fort Fisher, vas referre3 to Mr. Heide Trask, Third Division State Highway Commiasioner with request that he give it consideration. , . A petition"of property owners requesting that Prince George Creek be dredged by drag-1ine operation from Scotts Hill Road to the Hlue Clay Road. Also, side drains or ditc2ies iirtthin reason, to put all adjoining lands -?-? in condition to cultivate,"was received and referred to the Chairman to have Mr. O.R,Hecht, U.S,Department of Agriculture Conservationi.st make's survey of the same and report. No otijections were irxticated by the Board to the application of the following for a state permit to sell beer at the locations shown: -John"P. Jelbee, °Auk-Auk dlub", National Guard Area, Bluethenthal Field. -Sar.iuel Thomas Rhodes, "Chic-(2iic Grill",'1404 North Qth St, , Victor Thomas, "Anchor Inn". 7-Mile Post, Sco?ts Hill RAad. fQ}?. A report on Back Taxes charged and collected for the twelve yearoperiod from 1940 through 1951, inclusive, was received and filed. A report on back taxes showing that $975.69 collected for the City, and $1,216.86 for the County, making a total of 02,192.55 back taxes collected for the month o£ June. Also, $47,058.55 collected for the City for year ending June 30, 1953, and $50,634.46 collected for the County for the year endfng June 30, 1953, making a tota.l for the-City and County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953t $97,693.01, was receined and filed. Reports of the Uet?rans!9ervice Officer, Airports Receipts and Dispursements, County Farm Agent, Home Demonstratian Agent for June were received and filed. Final report of Mr. H. E. Fales, retire3, covering the activities af the Buresu of Identification for June C?Lwas received and filed. Quotations on water softening equipment forJohn C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium and report of findings _?py were received from the Permutit Compar{y of New York City, as followet Quotation No.l. To soften all of the well water used at the hospital $1,225.00 Quotation No. 2. To soften only the water used in the hot water system 820.00 ? Upon motion flarther co nsideration and action on the foregoing matter was table3 temporary pending outcome of ?SS State Aid Proposal. , The Chairman and Nfr. T. D. iove, County Auditor, were authorized to go to Raleigh Wednesday, July 8, for such ti.me necessary to check local pe.rtnerships and oorporations tax returns for comparison with their returns made local]y. Upon motion of Mr. I.flve, secon3ed by Mr. Davis, Mr. Harry S.. Dyson, Masonboro Township, was granted an abatement of Poll taxes on account o£ double charge, and G,J.Iarson, Harnett township, was granted an abatement of $5.88 City taxes charged against his personal property in Harnett township in error, for the year 1952. , Upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconied by Mr. Davis, Ns. Hal J. Love was re-appointed to serve on the ?w;0?\Community Hospital Board as the Courity's Rapresentative. , . was agreed to kold a budget meeting next Morday, July 13, following the regu].ar meeting of the Board. ? ?,. ?.Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board voted to protest any e£fort to discontinue weather bureau reporting service at Bluethenthal Airport between the hours of 10:00 o'clock P,M., and 6:00 o'clocl: A,M., daily, and that we file a protest with our Congressman and CAA Officials to that effect. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No. 3043 to 4010 inalusive, were approved £or payment, The Chairman presented the new jury list r8vised in accordance with the law, from which the following jurors crere drawa to serve £or the one week special criminal term beginning July 20, 1953, and for the ?--{? one creek regular Jul? Criminal term July 27, 1953: For the Special Term tieginning Ju]y 20th- C,C,Carraway, 802 Dock St. DeVane, Roxie, 611 N. Sth St. Robert W. Greer, 194 Pinecrest Parkway Wm. E. Bellamy, 15 Norningside Drive. Benj. Leonard, 2211 Brandon Road. Johnnie Waddell, 515 N. 9th St. ' A. C. Burnett, 2105 Barnett St. H. W. Mi.llican, 128 Gorden Road. i7.iE:`_Mtiler, Rt. 3, box 447. ' George W. Bellois, 519 S. 3rd St, C. T. Burnett, 2509 Harrison Street, E.E,Cooper, 620 S. 3rd St, L.T.Landen, Rt.2, box 492. Robert L. Carmichael, 614 Nun St. Uester Jones, 147H. Taylor Homes. R.G.Fountain, 2722 Jackson St. James H. Fr3wards, 31R N. 3rd St. J.W,Jackson, 2407 S. Front St. R.B,Jackson, 705 S. Front St. John L. Sego, 12 S. Washington Street. Clell S. Potter, 2131 Wrigkat Street. J. B. fiuntirgton, 219 N. lbth St. J ' 1 436 Meeting of July 6, 1953, contiriued. Remley E. Pugh, 114 Roderick Alley. M.L,RQOks,1905 Crace St. John R. Sellers,2101 &xrnett Ave. Leo Wilson, 206 Bladen St. Wellon Cox, 6 S. Lincoln St. L,C,Davis, 603 Castle Fiayne Road. K,P,Winstead, 62 Lee Drive. R,H,Davis,7 Central Boulevard. Mrs. Louise C. Taylor, % H.F,Wilder, J.E,Farr, 702 Northern Boulevard. C.R.Henderson,Rt.3, box 179. Adolph Darden,Rt.l, Castle Hayne, W. Ralph Smith,215 Kenwood Ave. Thomas R. Orrell, 318 Orange St. M.J.Jackson, 610 S. 2nd St. Lula F. Miller, Rt.3, Bor. 104. Richard I:hnett,1212 S. lOth St. May F. Taylor,14 N. 7th St. E,D,Humphres.,510 S. 2ad St. R,H,Bowden,Jr.,415 Princess St L,B,Henderson, 4305 Wrightsville Ave, Hoxard H. Everett,216 N. 6th St, F,C,Seigler,2518 Jefferson St. Mrs.Josephine S. Grimsley,2520 Adams Ernest C. Lennon`,Rt,l., Box 276, Erle W.Thomas, 46ID0 Wrightsville Ave. (has F. Furler, % Moore-Fonvielle Co. Kenneth N. Javis, 1911 Creasy Ave, For the Regular July Term, July 27, 1953: L.N.Hurrell, 3 Ct.P, Iake Village. S,A,Mi11er,Rt,3, box lOQ. Samuel G.Williams,418 Orange St. Percy Tart, Rt.3,Box 297. E,E,Lee,Jr., 251-lVan Buren St. A.N.Sell, 23 Kenwood Ave. G,M.Speaker, 4009i Cherry•Ave. Isabell Woo:bury, 514 Nun St. F,H,Thomas,309 S. 16th St. • John W. Foreman,513 S. 6th St. L.R,Rogers,319 Da.WSOn St. Manly M. Taylor, 406 Central Blvd. Mrs, Eleanor Beane, P,Q.Box 300. E,M,Lee, 2713 Washington St. F,A,Beaulieu, 2732 Harrisox St. Jesse J. Knowles, 2243 Cemellia Drive. Henry Milton, 512 Nixon Allep. The meeting then adjnrned. iC•S/i -- - - .--?v. - Clerk. Earl W.Tharp, 2914 S.Front St. J.H.Mi11er,Jr,, Rt.3p box 447. Mrs. Mergaret M.Seftonq WS&TCo. F.E.Crowell, 2319 Market St. L,P.Hinton,1919 Market St. . Mrs.Elizabeth Hutaff, 1511 Market 5t. Fdward Lee, 211 N. 22, St. W'illiam E. Justice,Rt.l, Boz 526. D.G,Campbell, 115 Stradleigh Road, J.T.Lee,1926 S. Front St. Wm.F.Jacobso 2204 Klein Road. E.N.ISinlaw,19 Morning Side Drive. Geo.W,McGee,Rt.l) Castle Hayne,' N.C. H,A,Barrington, 105 N. 7th St. J.L.Tharpe, 520 Sunset Ave. R,E.Ferrell, 2114 Barnett Ave. Joseph A. Sellers,2725 Burnett Blvd. H.C,Davis,406 Wrightsville Ave. A,N,.Lewis, 1614 Dock St. Frances H.Syimnes,7 N. Fayetteville St. Charles Jackson,1105 Orange St. Clement Byrd, 202 S. 3rd St. Mary Lo£tin Taylor,2021 Metts Ave. H,B.Peschau, Rt.2. Mrs.Helen Petalas, 1005 Market St. J:lii:, LongnacY,er, 414 Castle St.. Chas.Shepard, 209 Wright St. Isaac Pierce,3618 Princesa St. Road. Harve Lee 713 Colwell Ave. y ? F,B,Shel 12 E. ?y? Queen St. Hanson Sessoms, 119 S. 9th St. ' Jeremiah MeMillan, 820 Dawson St. : O.E,Padrick, 105 Meares St. ;r 4lilmington, N. C.o. Ju].y 13t 1953. The regulsr weekly meeting of the Board wss held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Comuissioner.s Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, cl. Raiford Trask, T. D. Love, County Auditor and Marsden Bellamy County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend George D. Carnes, Pastor of'Mt. Zion Methodist.Church, . colored. The mirrutes of ineeting of June 29, 1953, copies having been mailed to each member of the Board, were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. ' The following seale3 bids for the purchase of a 1* ton truck chasis with cab for the`AiroTt as advertsed? • were received and read: Reney-Chevrolet Company- 1953 Chevbolet Chasis and Cab as specified, and accept in trade one 1946 Reo Truck for a net difference of $1,450,00. Cape.Fear bfotor Sales: 1953 Fon3 P-500, chasais with cab, $1,820.25 less allowance for 1946 Reb Truck trade-6m 0247.25 = $1,573.00 net. I IIpon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the bid of the Raney-Chevrolet Compar?y was accepted, they ? being the lowest bidders, and'contract awarded to them to furnish one 1953 Chevrolet Truck Chassis with Cab at .- - U,? ? and for the sum of $1,450.00. Payment to be made upon delivery of the truck'in accordance with the specifications, Mr. Alan A. Marshall appeared to ask that the building assessment on the property of New Hanover Broadcasting - /Uy.:, Compar?y, block 191, assessed at $30,000.00 for the first time in 1953, be reduced to $21,000.00 which would equal 60$ of the $35,000.00 cost of construction, stating the general trend of assessments varied from 40% to 62% of cost. This request having been declined at meeting of June 29th asked that the action be re- considered, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, re-opened for further investigation. Mr. Marshall further asked that a comnittee be named to work with the Iaw Library Committee to formulate plarisp select a location and put the same in operation, stating there are $530.00 in the fund at this time. Upon motion - of Mr. O'Shields, s econded by Mr. TrasY., the Chairman was appointed to represent the Board on the Committee. Capt. Robert H. Gri:ssom appeared to ask that the deed be given for the Company I, 119 Infantry Armory site at- ? Legion Stadiwn, stating the federal funds should be available by December or Janusry 1954: 1'revious action -?? on this matter having been taken, the same was referred to the County Attorney to handle. Rebecca L. Hall, colored Home Agent, presented a report of the 8ctivities of her Departanent for June. She also told of the Q-H Club taking high honors at a meeting of the Clubs in Greensboro July 7-10th, having been awarded the coveted Loving-Gup for 1953. She was congratulated for her fine and successful efforts., Mr. Bruce Cameron app6ared to recommend that the Commissioners join the State Forest Fire Protection Service , .? for better protection an3 tfl roake possible the useof necessary equipment to provide fire lanes, general supervision and Watch-care 5ervice. The Chairman then presente3 a proposed cooperative Forest FYre Control t budget prepared by the State District Forester showing a total °cost of $15,400,6'00 'of which the County • would pay 40% or ,?"p6,160.00 snnually. Mr. Trask suggested the purchase of a plow to be attached to a tractor for cutting fire lanes-would be less expensive. The matter was taken under consideration for further investigation. ' Upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board went on record with an expression of thanks to Governor William B. Umstead for maki.ng such a fine choice in appointing Mr. Alton A. Lennon, a native son of New Ifanover County, to the high office of Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the passing of the late Willis Smith, and to•write him to that effect. And also to extend to the Aonorable Alton A. Lennon our congratulations for having received the appointment of United States Senator to represent our great State in the Congress. ' Upon motion of I+,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, instructions were given to write a letter to our Congressman ?? and Senators to protest any effort that may be made to move the US District Engineers Office from this community. ,