1953-07-13 Regular Meeting' 1 436 Meeting of July 6, 1953, contiriued. Remley E. Pugh, 114 Roderick Alley. M.L,RQOks,1905 Crace St. John R. Sellers,2101 &xrnett Ave. Leo Wilson, 206 Bladen St. Wellon Cox, 6 S. Lincoln St. L,C,Davis, 603 Castle Fiayne Road. K,P,Winstead, 62 Lee Drive. R,H,Davis,7 Central Boulevard. Mrs. Louise C. Taylor, % H.F,Wilder, J.E,Farr, 702 Northern Boulevard. C.R.Henderson,Rt.3, box 179. Adolph Darden,Rt.l, Castle Hayne, W. Ralph Smith,215 Kenwood Ave. Thomas R. Orrell, 318 Orange St. M.J.Jackson, 610 S. 2nd St. Lula F. Miller, Rt.3, Bor. 104. Richard I:hnett,1212 S. lOth St. May F. Taylor,14 N. 7th St. E,D,Humphres.,510 S. 2ad St. R,H,Bowden,Jr.,415 Princess St L,B,Henderson, 4305 Wrightsville Ave, Hoxard H. Everett,216 N. 6th St, F,C,Seigler,2518 Jefferson St. Mrs.Josephine S. Grimsley,2520 Adams Ernest C. Lennon`,Rt,l., Box 276, Erle W.Thomas, 46ID0 Wrightsville Ave. (has F. Furler, % Moore-Fonvielle Co. Kenneth N. Javis, 1911 Creasy Ave, For the Regular July Term, July 27, 1953: L.N.Hurrell, 3 Ct.P, Iake Village. S,A,Mi11er,Rt,3, box lOQ. Samuel G.Williams,418 Orange St. Percy Tart, Rt.3,Box 297. E,E,Lee,Jr., 251-lVan Buren St. A.N.Sell, 23 Kenwood Ave. G,M.Speaker, 4009i Cherry•Ave. Isabell Woo:bury, 514 Nun St. F,H,Thomas,309 S. 16th St. • John W. Foreman,513 S. 6th St. L.R,Rogers,319 Da.WSOn St. Manly M. Taylor, 406 Central Blvd. Mrs, Eleanor Beane, P,Q.Box 300. E,M,Lee, 2713 Washington St. F,A,Beaulieu, 2732 Harrisox St. Jesse J. Knowles, 2243 Cemellia Drive. Henry Milton, 512 Nixon Allep. The meeting then adjnrned. iC•S/i -- - - .--?v. - Clerk. Earl W.Tharp, 2914 S.Front St. J.H.Mi11er,Jr,, Rt.3p box 447. Mrs. Mergaret M.Seftonq WS&TCo. F.E.Crowell, 2319 Market St. L,P.Hinton,1919 Market St. . Mrs.Elizabeth Hutaff, 1511 Market 5t. Fdward Lee, 211 N. 22, St. W'illiam E. Justice,Rt.l, Boz 526. D.G,Campbell, 115 Stradleigh Road, J.T.Lee,1926 S. Front St. Wm.F.Jacobso 2204 Klein Road. E.N.ISinlaw,19 Morning Side Drive. Geo.W,McGee,Rt.l) Castle Hayne,' N.C. H,A,Barrington, 105 N. 7th St. J.L.Tharpe, 520 Sunset Ave. R,E.Ferrell, 2114 Barnett Ave. Joseph A. Sellers,2725 Burnett Blvd. H.C,Davis,406 Wrightsville Ave. A,N,.Lewis, 1614 Dock St. Frances H.Syimnes,7 N. Fayetteville St. Charles Jackson,1105 Orange St. Clement Byrd, 202 S. 3rd St. Mary Lo£tin Taylor,2021 Metts Ave. H,B.Peschau, Rt.2. Mrs.Helen Petalas, 1005 Market St. J:lii:, LongnacY,er, 414 Castle St.. Chas.Shepard, 209 Wright St. Isaac Pierce,3618 Princesa St. Road. Harve Lee 713 Colwell Ave. y ? F,B,Shel 12 E. ?y? Queen St. Hanson Sessoms, 119 S. 9th St. ' Jeremiah MeMillan, 820 Dawson St. : O.E,Padrick, 105 Meares St. ;r 4lilmington, N. C.o. Ju].y 13t 1953. The regulsr weekly meeting of the Board wss held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Comuissioner.s Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, cl. Raiford Trask, T. D. Love, County Auditor and Marsden Bellamy County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend George D. Carnes, Pastor of'Mt. Zion Methodist.Church, . colored. The mirrutes of ineeting of June 29, 1953, copies having been mailed to each member of the Board, were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. ' The following seale3 bids for the purchase of a 1* ton truck chasis with cab for the`AiroTt as advertsed? • were received and read: Reney-Chevrolet Company- 1953 Chevbolet Chasis and Cab as specified, and accept in trade one 1946 Reo Truck for a net difference of $1,450,00. Cape.Fear bfotor Sales: 1953 Fon3 P-500, chasais with cab, $1,820.25 less allowance for 1946 Reb Truck trade-6m 0247.25 = $1,573.00 net. I IIpon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the bid of the Raney-Chevrolet Compar?y was accepted, they ? being the lowest bidders, and'contract awarded to them to furnish one 1953 Chevrolet Truck Chassis with Cab at .- - U,? ? and for the sum of $1,450.00. Payment to be made upon delivery of the truck'in accordance with the specifications, Mr. Alan A. Marshall appeared to ask that the building assessment on the property of New Hanover Broadcasting - /Uy.:, Compar?y, block 191, assessed at $30,000.00 for the first time in 1953, be reduced to $21,000.00 which would equal 60$ of the $35,000.00 cost of construction, stating the general trend of assessments varied from 40% to 62% of cost. This request having been declined at meeting of June 29th asked that the action be re- considered, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, re-opened for further investigation. Mr. Marshall further asked that a comnittee be named to work with the Iaw Library Committee to formulate plarisp select a location and put the same in operation, stating there are $530.00 in the fund at this time. Upon motion - of Mr. O'Shields, s econded by Mr. TrasY., the Chairman was appointed to represent the Board on the Committee. Capt. Robert H. Gri:ssom appeared to ask that the deed be given for the Company I, 119 Infantry Armory site at- ? Legion Stadiwn, stating the federal funds should be available by December or Janusry 1954: 1'revious action -?? on this matter having been taken, the same was referred to the County Attorney to handle. Rebecca L. Hall, colored Home Agent, presented a report of the 8ctivities of her Departanent for June. She also told of the Q-H Club taking high honors at a meeting of the Clubs in Greensboro July 7-10th, having been awarded the coveted Loving-Gup for 1953. She was congratulated for her fine and successful efforts., Mr. Bruce Cameron app6ared to recommend that the Commissioners join the State Forest Fire Protection Service , .? for better protection an3 tfl roake possible the useof necessary equipment to provide fire lanes, general supervision and Watch-care 5ervice. The Chairman then presente3 a proposed cooperative Forest FYre Control t budget prepared by the State District Forester showing a total °cost of $15,400,6'00 'of which the County • would pay 40% or ,?"p6,160.00 snnually. Mr. Trask suggested the purchase of a plow to be attached to a tractor for cutting fire lanes-would be less expensive. The matter was taken under consideration for further investigation. ' Upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board went on record with an expression of thanks to Governor William B. Umstead for maki.ng such a fine choice in appointing Mr. Alton A. Lennon, a native son of New Ifanover County, to the high office of Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the passing of the late Willis Smith, and to•write him to that effect. And also to extend to the Aonorable Alton A. Lennon our congratulations for having received the appointment of United States Senator to represent our great State in the Congress. ' Upon motion of I+,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, instructions were given to write a letter to our Congressman ?? and Senators to protest any effort that may be made to move the US District Engineers Office from this community. , 'I ? 43? Meeting of J'uly 13, 1953, continued. A letter received from Mrs. Martha B. Keever asking that the speed limit in Devon Pzrk and Longwood, or ?aS Bryan Avenue, as it is some times called, be restricted to ten miles per hour, was referred to the 5tate Highway Safety DiQision. A letter was received from Ns. Henry C. Dockery, County Attorney of MecklBnburg County inquiring about our method of investigating and collecting for services rendered border-line cases in hospitals, who are not indigents, who are not on relief, but who proUably have no property. and who do go back to work. Was re£erred to the Chairman to advise him what we have in mind. A letter was received from the Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington advising that on July 2, the Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington, recorded with the Register of Deeds, a plat, or site plan map, `. of Maffitt Village, for the purpose of dedicating the streets and driveways in Maffitt Village to public use. An opinion of the Attorney General was received concerning questions raised by the North Carolina Sanatorium System of Chapel Hill, as to the disbursement of appropriation of the $187,500.00 Aid to County Sanatoria, Chapter 1324, Session Iaws 1953, Advising that in his opinion, among the Counties eligible, the Board of ,..-005P Directors of the North Carolina Sanatorium 5ystem, under the terms of the Act, would have to pay to each County $1,50 per day £or each medically irdigent patient coming within the terms of the Act, these payments to continue until the•fund is exhausted, at which time the functions and responsibilities of the Doard of Directors would cease. And are not authorized to pay out one-fourth of the total appropriation each quarter among the counties eligible. . ,?-A report of receipts and disbursements of the Airport for 1952-1953 was received showing $56,261.29 cash r eceipts Qplus evaluation of services to other County Departments $9,399.04, ma1ci-ng a total of $65,660.33. ExpenditUres $32,590.13. A1so receipts for June and July 3rd, 1953, were received mzd fi.led. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, Duncan Fdward McIver, oolored indigent citizen who draws $51.50 ' l?per month 5ocial Security. One leg amputeted and the other leg deforme4 w ason,r ecoimnendation of the Superintendent • of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home as a peV patient at $/+0.00 per month. •? . . In view of e ruling by the Attorney General that the Commissioners hsve the right to inves'tigate applicants for "' - State Permit to sell beer and to ob,jeCt to the issuance of such permit if desixed. It was, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, ordered, that all ep plications that may befiled with this Board in'the fhture, shall first be investigated and approved by the Sheriff before presenting to the Board for its approval. . ?W'.The matter of selling surplus potatoes produced at the County Farm was referred to Mr. Trask for checking and report back to the Board. ? ?The Chairman announced a budget meeting will be held this evening at 7:30 and urged all members of the Board -?r,`''? who can to be present. ' The Chairman reported on the three flxl.l days he and County Auditor T.D.Love spent in Raleigh checking local tax.returns against State records which will be very beneficial to us. N,r, Horton further reported $2,267,311.00 .--?? not listed motor vehicles, and our's the lowest percentage of personal propertp listing in the State. The Commissioners agreed to meet at 10:00 o'clock Tuesday morning, July 142 at John C. Wessell Tlzberculosis Sanator.iwn as it's Board of Directors. • ??,\j?`J Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Love, County bills No, 4010 to 4239 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ? ?J`T.ra•iC. ?S" . . 1J- Clerk. . O Wilmington, N. C., July 20, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. •' Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Rai£ord Trask, Ts D. Love County Auditor and Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney. - The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend George D. Carnes, Pastor oE Nt. Zion Methodist Church, colored. Copies of the minutes of July 6, 1953, having been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Ns. 0'Shields, approved. The Chairman announced receipt of $1,000,000.00 school bonds, 5eries °B" last Thursday afterno.on? same were signed ?. <'60`'- ? and forwarded to Mr. W. E. Easterling, Secretary of the Local Goverrzaent Commission at Raleigh for signature Saturday morning, for delivery to the purchasers. n.airman also announced receipt of $157.98 divident check on countp schedule insurance policy:from H.G.Ietimer The & So A petition was received from 13 property owners in Masonboro township, requesting that Bryan's Avenue and the ?S Old Brick Yard Road which runs from the Carolina Beach Highway to the River Road, a distance of approximately two miles on which twelve houses are located, be hardsurfaced, was upon motion of Nr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved, and referred to the State Highwqy and Public Works Commission for consideration. A letter was received from Mr. J. R. Benson, City Manager suggesting a flat charge of $75.00 per month to the County for the use;:of the services of the Board o£ Identification by the Sheriffs Department,'it bdng understood, he said, that this charge could be changed either up or down if conditions and expenses should indicate. It was suggested by the Commissioners that payment on a per person basis would be preferable. The matter was tabled for further study. Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor, made a report on the current cash position of the County as of June 30, 1953, ?e ??p?Ie stated that there was in the variousBank.accounts at that time the total of ,?675,755.19, of this amount .o??'Q $105,359.81 represented prepaid taxes. $335,000.00 of the total was School F?znds received from bond issue, deducting the two above named accounts from the total gives us a balance of about $235,000t@0 and this balance compares with a ba.lance of $137,000.00 on hand as of June 30, 1952. J