1953-08-10 Regular Meeting444 Wilmington, N. C., August 10, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? \ Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. K. Y. Huddle, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Churoh. Copies of the minutes of the meeting held August 3, 1953, having been previously maile3 to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. ? The Chairman presented a deed prepared by the County Attorney in accordance with the approved re-arrange- ments of the Armory site by the Adjutant General, re-locating the fence outside of the race track area, con- veying to the State of North Carolina, subject to the m nditions and restrictions therein contained, a par- cel of the Legion Stadivm land to be used for the construction of an Armory for Compary_I, 119th Infantry, ? North Carolina National Guard, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and the Chair- man and the Clerk of this Board were aut•horized an3 directed to sign the same in the name o£ the County. A request of the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsors, to use the Legion Stadivm for Ring Bro- CW-W?hers Christiana Circus on Labor'Day, September 7, 1953, they to be responsible for the conditioris of the grounds after they have been used, was upon motion of N,r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, granted, orovided there is na conflict with a previously scheduled event. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, Rebecca Green, 68 year old co zen and an OAA recipient, now at Community Hospital waiting to be discharged, ommendation o£ the'Superintendent of Ptzblic Welfare, grantQd_admission to the at $40.00 per month; if and when room is available, and provided further that ance policy she has cizth the Pilot Life Insurance Company, is changed to make extent of burial expenses if an3 when it becomea necessary. • Lored physically disabled citi- but no place to go, was on rec- County Home as a pay patient the approximate $300.00 insur- the County beneficiary to the Mr. Fd. B. Wright, Assistant Chief of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department and member of the Fire In- spection Committee of New Hanover County, appeared to ask•that the Commissioners distribute among'the County Volunteer Fire Departments on a basis of services rendered, any unused balance remaining in the appropriation for the Volunteer Fire Departments for 1952-1953, in accordance with the contract, which according to his statement of the break down would amount to $2,019.41 as of June 30, 1953. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, sec- onded by Nr. Love, it was ordered that the terms of the contract be carried out for the fiscal year 1952-1953, and to renegotiate with the Departments for the coming year 1953-1954• A letter was received from the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce concerning an inquiry from the Jacksonville, ? Florida Chamber of Commerce, as to what'has been done here toward zoning of industrial and port areas of our _? • County outside the City. The Gounty Attorney advised zoning of areas would require-legislative authority. The matter was therefore received £or further•consideration with Nir. Camak, Executive Secretary of the Wil- •mington Chamber of Commerce. • ` - ? •A letter was received £rom•Mr. C. Heide Trask, Third Division State Highway•Commissioner, requesting a list " --- S of roads in our County which we r ecommend for paving or other improvements in priority order in which we wish them considered. • • • A copy of•a letter to Mr. J. R. Ho11is, Supt., of Public Welfare, received from the Hunan Betterment Lesgue of ldorth Carolina, commending his Department for its part in the protection of the next generation from the • inheritance of inental disease and-mental deficiency. Advising that the four sterlizations which he helped to a rrange in 1952, are important steps in preventive medicine, and the three sterilizations of institution- al patients orovide a valuable supplement to these, and further advised that New Hanover Countyts eleven eugenic sterilizations per•100,000 population in 1952 was higher than the rate in 63 other counties. •' ' A letter was received from Dobbs Brothers Library Binding Company of St. Augustine, F]a., concerning record book repair work and turned over to the Registex of Deeds and the Clerk of the Superior Court for reply. A List of North Carolina Bonds, interest exempt from present Federal and North Carolina income taxes, and prin- ,,?cipal exempt from present North Carolina intangible taxes, offered for sale by Vance Securities Corporation, ry was received and filed. • • . . . . ? ? A notice of hearing before Mr. Joseph T. Casey, Deputy of the Insurance Division of the IInployment Security ' Y'\Commission of North Carolina, at the Dyployment Of£ice; 8:45 A,M., August 11, 1953, in the matter of Flwood Echert, 106 Penn Street, Wilmington, N. C., £or the purpose of determining Claimant's right to receive bene- fit under a claim filed on•August 3, 1953, was referred to the Cks irman to handle. A Notice received from•Veterans Administration, Mortgagees, requesting all tax bills on the property of Harry c jj?? C,_SEatan, lot 1, in block 2, Woo3lawn, and Charles A. Siffines, Jr., I,ot 26, in block 5 Sunset Park, be mailed -_ /?j ' to them, was ordered turned over•to the Tax Collector: `. ? Mr. Horton advised that several folks have come in to inquire or make offers to purchase City-County tax fore- ? closed•properl;y. It was decided to wsit until the appraisal of the lots, which is norr in the hands of the Local Real Estate Board; is,completed, before offering same £or sale. . The Board approved a plan submitted by the Chairrnan to provide additional space for the County Auditor by con- tinuing the County Commissioners Office thru the vault into the Princess Street corridor which will be enclosed ?Y for office space, and connecting the same with the adjoining office now used for tax machine work, thereby f?'i"` providing the three offices to be turned over for the use of the County Auditor's Department, and the County Cotmnissioners to occupy the offices now uaed by the County Auditor when he vacates the same upon completion of the work. •The Chairman advised this i.mprovement can be done at very little expense inasmuch as the plate glass would be the greatest expense, but this can be reduced to a minimum by using the glass formerly used at the airport to be cut to sizes needed. Tiiis improvement will provide three connecting of£ices and vault badl,y needed by the County Auditor. A communication was received from Mr. Joe Herlevich, District Forester, requesting a list of four or more men ' th,at would be interested in the job of full-time County Ranger for New Hanover County who would like to apply ._._ ? for this position, at a salary of $244.00 per month effective as of September 1, 1953, who can meet the fol- lowing qualificati.ons: Completed high school, resident of New Hanover County, preferaUle age between 35 and QO years, good phyaical condition, five years farm and rural experience, married, progressive, dependable, sober, have some lrnowledge of operation and maintenance of equipment, able to supervise'the work of others and get along with people. The man hired for this job will be expected to woi•k on Sunday in case of fire, also much night work will be anticipated during the fire season. The Chairman brought to the attention that operators of Warehouses are supposed to furnish a list of the names •' of the owners of commodities stored in said warehouses for tax purposes. Instructions were therefore given, ? to s ecure the lists. L_ 445 . Meeting of August 10, 1953 - Continued The Chairman told the Board a]arge number of telephone calls have beeri made to the office concerning the recent postal cards and tax letters mailed to de].iquents'some being under the impression'the'matters could be handled over the phone. Ae insisted they should come to the office to straighteri out the same which would expedite the handling and assure accurate disposition of the matters in q uestion whioh met`witH £he approval of the Board. ? ' . The Chairman anriounced receipt of $36,332.08 intangible taxes from tfie State for the fiscal year ending June " 3oth,1953. ,,-?onthly reports of the Farm and Home Demonstration Agents for July were received and filed. ?¢qOLA report of airport receipts for August 3rd and 4'b11, 1953, were received and filed. '-9 a A bid was received from the Western Waterproofing Company of Charlotte, N. C., to steam cleari the exterior of - ? the Court House Annex at a bid price of $3,453.00.' 'It was decided to'have the outside trim and repairs painted first. There£ore, upon motion of'Mr. Love; seoonded'by Mr. Dsvis, instructions were given toask for bids for painting and r epairing the woodwork first. ?Upon motion of Mr. Love seconded by Mr. Davis, a request of the Sinclair Refining Company for anabatement of the ?0,? 1952 taxes on a valvation of $1'800.00 building removed from block 43 in 1951, and charged against them in error for the year 1952, was granted. Mrs. Christina-i. James, 4602 Cedar Avenue, was granted an abatement of taxes on a v&luation of $1,500.00 on house on lots 23 thru 26 Struthers Division, Harnett Townahip, and $315.00 personal property, account of no ??e?_huilding on said lots and personal property charged twice for the year'1952, clerical error and double charge. J?.-Hargatt, Wilmirigton Twonship, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $75.00 peraonal property r?7 and poll and not listed penalty criarged against lot 15, in block 8, Carolina Place, account o£ double charge on personal property brought forward from the 1951,?1ist and charged in error as not listed. It fluther appeared that he listed personal and poll regular thinking the real estate was included, but the same was left off his 1'ist in error. Jack Wamack, 1022 S. 17th Street, abatement requested by the Tax Collector on a valuation of $710.00 and poll account of 3ouble charge and clerical-err.or, was granted. A request of Lilly J. Peterson, 102 E. Community Drive, that the $6,000.00 assessment on house and lot in Block ,"'lag??9 Summer Hi11 whickii,as reduced by the Tax Assessors to $4,500.00 in 1953, be made retroactive in effect for the year 1952, was referred to the Tax Assessor for investigation andzecommendations. Mr-. Danis asked that the Hugh MacRae Plaque be installed on U.S. 74/76 at Hugh MacRae Park and that steps be ` P1,? taken to expedite the installation of thesame. The Chairman suggested it would •be best to wait tosee what will ?'°? be worked out by our cruiser in cutting trees £or the roadways thru th#ark to enable a better selection of a - location for the plaque, and it was decided to go there to look the situation over this week, With reference to a suggestion by Mr. Love to have the State Highway Cottu&sion provide a right turn on U.S. 74/76 there, it was agreed to wait until conpletion of:the roadways. The meeting then a djourned. . . ?.-. iG s-d? Clerk. , ? Wilmington, N. C., August 17, 1953. The regular meeting of the Bca rd was held this d ay at 10:00 o'clock A.M. r Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, _ T. D. Love, County Auditor and Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. K. Y. Huddle, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of Augtxst 10, 1953, having previous been mailed to eah member of the Hoard, •.- the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. State District Forester Mr. Joe Herlevich appeared toreport on his findinga and the result of interviews of applicants for the position of County Forest Ranger for New Hanover County, and submitted the names of the following applicants: . . W. Paul Tones V. E. Brown Joseph M. Shingleton - E. A. Bordeaux W. J. Batson A. E. Gregory Harry E. DeHart _ Leon E. Sullivan After discussion of the various applicants, Mr. Herlevich recommended Mr. Leon N. Sullivan, 3907 Princess Street RAad for the positiori a t a salary of $237.00 pe*month set by the State. Mr. Davis felt the salary was too low, 1_44k'S but it was exp=lained by Mr. Herlevich he would be entitled to a raise in s alary once a year for three years, • ther+pon Mr. Davis moved and it was seconded by Mr. 0'Shields and carried that the recommendation of the State ` Forester be adopted. k, Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0!Shields, the Chairman was authorized to secure appraisals on stand- ing timber in connection with the Forest Fire Protection Program. 1G e County's 1953-1954 ?dget estimates showing the amount of expense £or the County Government, its activities Au dinstitutions, in the total amount of $5,3z2,694.37 was presented to the Board by the County Auditor, and pon n motion of Mr. Davis, s econded by Mr. Love, uas tentative],y adopted and ordered placed iri the hands of the Clerk for public inspection for a period of twenty (20) days pending the adoption of the Appropriation Resolution at the regular meeting to be held Tuesday, September 8, 1953. A1].otments for Advertising, Airport, Erosion Con- trol, Legion Stadium, Iabraries and Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to be paid, if any, out of the profits to be ?• received from the ABC stores. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the following resolution fixing the 1953 tex rate at one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) on the one hundred dollar valvation of property and two 3ollars ($2.00) on each poll,-Irec- ommended by the County Auditor, was unanimously adopted: • BE IT RFSOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the following tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property in New Hanover County, for the year 1953, as prescribed and author- ized by the General and Special Acts of the Legislature, to1e as follows: PROPF.RTY POIS, Agriculture & Ecomomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0175 ? Aid to Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .0102 County Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0688 Aid to DependentChildren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0188 General F1uzd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0068 . . . . . . . .50 . J