1953-08-17 Regular Meeting445 . Meeting of August 10, 1953 - Continued The Chairman told the Board a]arge number of telephone calls have beeri made to the office concerning the recent postal cards and tax letters mailed to de].iquents'some being under the impression'the'matters could be handled over the phone. Ae insisted they should come to the office to straighteri out the same which would expedite the handling and assure accurate disposition of the matters in q uestion whioh met`witH £he approval of the Board. ? ' . The Chairman anriounced receipt of $36,332.08 intangible taxes from tfie State for the fiscal year ending June " 3oth,1953. ,,-?onthly reports of the Farm and Home Demonstration Agents for July were received and filed. ?¢qOLA report of airport receipts for August 3rd and 4'b11, 1953, were received and filed. '-9 a A bid was received from the Western Waterproofing Company of Charlotte, N. C., to steam cleari the exterior of - ? the Court House Annex at a bid price of $3,453.00.' 'It was decided to'have the outside trim and repairs painted first. There£ore, upon motion of'Mr. Love; seoonded'by Mr. Dsvis, instructions were given toask for bids for painting and r epairing the woodwork first. ?Upon motion of Mr. Love seconded by Mr. Davis, a request of the Sinclair Refining Company for anabatement of the ?0,? 1952 taxes on a valvation of $1'800.00 building removed from block 43 in 1951, and charged against them in error for the year 1952, was granted. Mrs. Christina-i. James, 4602 Cedar Avenue, was granted an abatement of taxes on a v&luation of $1,500.00 on house on lots 23 thru 26 Struthers Division, Harnett Townahip, and $315.00 personal property, account of no ??e?_huilding on said lots and personal property charged twice for the year'1952, clerical error and double charge. J?.-Hargatt, Wilmirigton Twonship, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $75.00 peraonal property r?7 and poll and not listed penalty criarged against lot 15, in block 8, Carolina Place, account o£ double charge on personal property brought forward from the 1951,?1ist and charged in error as not listed. It fluther appeared that he listed personal and poll regular thinking the real estate was included, but the same was left off his 1'ist in error. Jack Wamack, 1022 S. 17th Street, abatement requested by the Tax Collector on a valuation of $710.00 and poll account of 3ouble charge and clerical-err.or, was granted. A request of Lilly J. Peterson, 102 E. Community Drive, that the $6,000.00 assessment on house and lot in Block ,"'lag??9 Summer Hi11 whickii,as reduced by the Tax Assessors to $4,500.00 in 1953, be made retroactive in effect for the year 1952, was referred to the Tax Assessor for investigation andzecommendations. Mr-. Danis asked that the Hugh MacRae Plaque be installed on U.S. 74/76 at Hugh MacRae Park and that steps be ` P1,? taken to expedite the installation of thesame. The Chairman suggested it would •be best to wait tosee what will ?'°? be worked out by our cruiser in cutting trees £or the roadways thru th#ark to enable a better selection of a - location for the plaque, and it was decided to go there to look the situation over this week, With reference to a suggestion by Mr. Love to have the State Highway Cottu&sion provide a right turn on U.S. 74/76 there, it was agreed to wait until conpletion of:the roadways. The meeting then a djourned. . . ?.-. iG s-d? Clerk. , ? Wilmington, N. C., August 17, 1953. The regular meeting of the Bca rd was held this d ay at 10:00 o'clock A.M. r Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, _ T. D. Love, County Auditor and Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. K. Y. Huddle, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of Augtxst 10, 1953, having previous been mailed to eah member of the Hoard, •.- the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. State District Forester Mr. Joe Herlevich appeared toreport on his findinga and the result of interviews of applicants for the position of County Forest Ranger for New Hanover County, and submitted the names of the following applicants: . . W. Paul Tones V. E. Brown Joseph M. Shingleton - E. A. Bordeaux W. J. Batson A. E. Gregory Harry E. DeHart _ Leon E. Sullivan After discussion of the various applicants, Mr. Herlevich recommended Mr. Leon N. Sullivan, 3907 Princess Street RAad for the positiori a t a salary of $237.00 pe*month set by the State. Mr. Davis felt the salary was too low, 1_44k'S but it was exp=lained by Mr. Herlevich he would be entitled to a raise in s alary once a year for three years, • ther+pon Mr. Davis moved and it was seconded by Mr. 0'Shields and carried that the recommendation of the State ` Forester be adopted. k, Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0!Shields, the Chairman was authorized to secure appraisals on stand- ing timber in connection with the Forest Fire Protection Program. 1G e County's 1953-1954 ?dget estimates showing the amount of expense £or the County Government, its activities Au dinstitutions, in the total amount of $5,3z2,694.37 was presented to the Board by the County Auditor, and pon n motion of Mr. Davis, s econded by Mr. Love, uas tentative],y adopted and ordered placed iri the hands of the Clerk for public inspection for a period of twenty (20) days pending the adoption of the Appropriation Resolution at the regular meeting to be held Tuesday, September 8, 1953. A1].otments for Advertising, Airport, Erosion Con- trol, Legion Stadium, Iabraries and Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to be paid, if any, out of the profits to be ?• received from the ABC stores. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the following resolution fixing the 1953 tex rate at one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) on the one hundred dollar valvation of property and two 3ollars ($2.00) on each poll,-Irec- ommended by the County Auditor, was unanimously adopted: • BE IT RFSOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the following tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property in New Hanover County, for the year 1953, as prescribed and author- ized by the General and Special Acts of the Legislature, to1e as follows: PROPF.RTY POIS, Agriculture & Ecomomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0175 ? Aid to Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .0102 County Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0688 Aid to DependentChildren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0188 General F1uzd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0068 . . . . . . . .50 . J I 446 Meeting of August 17, 1953, continued- Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. . . . . . . . . . Schools Regular .1815 Schools Supplement .2000 School Books .0165 ' School Pensions .0085 5chool Junior College .0500 .4565 5chool Bonds .1939 . . . . . . . . . . . . PROPERTY .0292 .0950 .04gg .0568 .6504 John C. Wessell 7lxberculosis Sanatorium , . . . . . . . . . . .0500 Welfare Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .038? Aid tothe Permanently & Tota]ly Disabled. . . . . .'. . . . .0090 Total . . . . : . $ 1.10 POLL 1.50 2.00 Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board granted the use o£ Legion Stadium £or baseball game _??? night of August 21, 1953, between the Wilmington Lodge B.P.O. Elks and the'Arab Shrine Club to raiae funds to support their iJnder-privileged Children Program, requested by Mr. William W. Hook, General Chairman Elks- Shrine Baseball Committee. ? , Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board endorsed a request of the Navy to close the Gordon Road from its intersection with Kerr Avenue to its intersection with the Murrayville Raad, a distance of ap- proxirriately three--4uarters of a mile, to continue the construction of the new runway all of which is within the bounds of private property acquired by the Government for expansion of the Airport facilities, and upon which no houses are located. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded 6y Mr. Ir?ve, the Board accepted an offer of Mr. 0. R. Parker to purchase a pN? surplus barrack located opposite the'old hangar at ELuethenthal Airport for $100.00 on his tiid of August 17, ? 1953, subject to clearing the same with the Navy. The only other bid received was from Gene Merk for $75,00. The'Chairman presented a topographic'and aerial'map for use in the preparation of a plan to develop Htigh MacRae Park, an3 a greed on a locatiori of a roadway thru the park which wou13 necessitate the cutting of some of tkie trees £or right-of-way. Instructions were given to send a copy of the maps to the Superintendent of State Parks to assist us in planning the development of the Park and he was also requested to give consideration to the selection of a spot within the area for a baseball park. Ttie matter of some unauthorized person having dut some of the trees in the park area was referred to the Chairman to investigate. The Chairruan aske3 the Board's opinion on having the old Tide Water Power Company's electri.a railway right-of- 1q.1i, way between Wilmington and Wrightsville Sound, a distance of approximately eight miles, be made available for purchase by adjoining property owners which would add to the size of their lots, and for additional value, was ordered taken up with the State Highway Commissiolas to the feasibility of the same. Mayor pro-tem Murdock Dunn of Wrightsville Beach appeared to ask for an appropriation of $4,000.00 for their 71? i jetty improvement and repair work with asphalt material, was told by the Chairman that due to the budget hav- ` WN ing been set for this fiscal year, would have to ear-mark the item out of surplus ABC funds for next year!s budget, which met with the approval of the Board. The County Attorney then called to the a ttention the Act authorizing the'Commissioners to expand not exceeding $10,000.00 out of the AHC funds £or erosion wo'rk in the County. Fluzds derived from taxation carnot be used for this purpose. V ,?1 Due to the high cost of repairs and additional repairs that ar.e now necessary to put the old Farmall Tractor at the County Farm'in satisfactory working condition, the Chairman recommended the purchase of a new tactor with trade-in allowance on the old one. Instructions were given to secure estimates and r eport to the Board. The question of adjusting the boundary lines between the County and Gorbett Industries, Inc., on Smithts Creek `/spv..?`-")for the purpose of squaring up the land to provide a suitable site for the proposed State Highway Third Division Headquarters, shops, garages, etc., was referred to the Chairman for investigation with the parties concerned and r eport his recommendations to the Board. . A letter was received from Major General H. D. Linscott, Camp Lejeune, calling atterition to no life guard on '+'rl duty at a negro beach north of Carolina Beach where a negro Marine was recently drowned. That being a private- _ ]y owned beach, instructions were given to forward the letter to the owners or those in authority of the beach. 4 Mrs. Alice Strickland, City N,anaver of Carolina neach appeared to ask that the County clean out the drainage ditches at Carolina Beach and vicinity to take care of the water draining into the ditches from Kure and 14il- mington Beaches flooding the area. Mr. Trask recommended that they check with the State Highway Commission to see if they can do something about it by providing adequate drainage from the lake to the Sound. After lengthy discussion the Board agreed toaccept an invitation to go down and look the situation over. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, the Chairman was authorized and requested to look into tkie possibility of providing another County Commissioner's meeting room of less noise and interruptions from the street traffic and better accommodations and less.annoyance to the tax-payers and others who have business to transact with the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Love, s econded by Mr. Davis, payment of $32.32 for'a new set of dentures for Horsce V. $ol- ?Cj ton, New Hanover County inmate at the Western'North Carolina Sdnatorium, recommendation by Mrs. N. C. Shuford, Social worker at the Sanatorium, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Lovep seconded by Mr. Davis, Wilbur Bayham, Manager of the colored baseball team, was grsnt- ed use of Legion Stadium for a ball game, September 15, 1953, recommerided and urged by the Junior Chamber cf Commerce, eccount of having cancelled their game scheduled at Legion Stadium for September 7th, in order that the Junior Chmmber may sponsor a game on that date. A letter was received from Julius Jay Flamm, Attorney of Brooklyn, New York, concerning title information on -Otc the estate of William Henry Johnson, Block 226, lot 5, and referred to the Clerk for reply. The Chairman reported' that Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent, was on two weeks vacation attending annual summer training with Battery C, QSZst,AAA Bn., at Ca.mp Stewart Ga. - rfind onthly reports for Suly were received from James Walker Hoapital, Wilmington Housing Authority, Board of Health _t'j Airport, oiere received and ordered filed. A statement was received from the State Board of Public Welfare, advising that $52,274.85 State and Eederal 1,p ,funds, were sent to this County for the month of July for OAA, ADC? A;PTP and Administration. l? `'\? ? A A report on the determination by Claims Agent Joseph T. Casey, awarcling unemployment compensation benefits to Flwood Echart, wfio terminated his service as an employe of Neir Hanover Co`urity Home as night: watchman, July 30, 1953, was received and £iled. ' Upon motion of• Mr. 0'Shields', s econded by Mr, Davis, Frances G. Haines a resident of Harnett Township, was grant- I O` ed an abatement of City taxes.only on a valvation of $1,210.00 Personal Property in Harnett Township charged with City taxes in error. 44.7 1 Meeting of August 17, 1953 - Continued . ?f Lilly J. Peterson, lot 70 x 170 in Block 19 Summer Hill, house assessment of $4,500.00 set by the A5sessors for 1953, was made retroactive in effect for the year 1952 on recorrmiendation of the Tax Assessor, and abatement of taxes on a valuation o£ $1,500.00 for the year was ordered. I Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'5hields, instructions were given tc request the State Highway and Public Works Commission to make a survey of traffic conditior.s on Vance Street in Maffitt Uillage on which t?ao .. @?chools are located, and if found necessary from a stand point of safety, to reduce the speed limit to thirty- ? five (35) miles per hour. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. A3vis, County bills No. 1 to 379 iriclusive were approved for payment. ,CA motion offered by Mr. Trask to amend his motion of July 27, 19532 in sotting the values shown on tax returns reported to the State on a basis of 50%,of the amount reported to the State, be amended to read "true value". In case of disagreement inarriving at a value, an expert appraiser be called in to make an appraisal of the true value of the things in question and on his finaings to fix theassessment at 50% of its true value, the eacpense of the apPraiser to be paid by the tax-payer or the County whoever was in error in arriving at a true. value of the things in question. It was seconded b;/ hlr. Love and carried. Mr. 0'SHields voting"no", The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C,, August 24, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, County Auditor T. D. Inve and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. H. Moore, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Colored. ?.The minutes of August 17, 1953, were approved after correction was made in the last paragraph of said minutes pertaining to set4:ing the tax value§ on personal property, by striking out the words "reported to the State" after the words "true value" of said paragraph. The boundaries of the fire district areas for Wrightsbbro•and Winter Park Volunteer Fire Departments, recom- ; mended by the Volunteer Fire Snspection Committee of New Hanover County, presented to the Board by Mr. E. B. White, member of said committee, as shownon map and defined as follows, was upon motion of Mr. Davis? second- ed by Mr. Love, unanimously adopted: , --? q,A16 The Fire Station of the Wrightsboro Uolunteer Fire Department, 7nc., is located on the Wrightsboro Road near the intersection of Wrightsboro and Castle Hayne Roads, Their Fire Limits from Fire Station are as ; follows : , 1. South on Castle Hayne Road to Wilmington City Iimits at Smith Creek, a distance of 2.4 miles. 2. South and East via Gordon Road to Airport, a distance of 1.9 miles. 3. South and Faet via Gordon Road to Frison Camp, a dstance of 2 miles, Q. South and East via County Home Road to County Home, a distance of 2.5 miles. 5. South and West to end of Newton's Lane, A distance of 1.9 miles. 6. South and West to end of Victori.a Drive, a distance of 1.9 miles. 7. South and West to end of Arlington Drive, a distance of 1.9 miles. . 8. North on Castle Hayne Road (Rte.117/421) to N. C. FScperiment Station, a distance of 2.3 miles. 9. North and West on Cherry Road to six miles beyond end of hard surface a distance of 3 miles. 10. North and West on Nnek Hill to end of hard surface, a distance of 2.7 miles. 11. North and West on Oakley Road around circle, a distance of 3 miles. 12. East and North on Blue Clqy Road to house of Annie Gre;c?y a distance of 3ndles. 13- East on Black Swamp Road to intersection of Murrayville Road, a distance of 3 miles. 14. Fast on Kerr Avenue to dead-end at Airport, a distance of 1.5 miles, 15. East to end of 01d Dead-end Road via Kerr Avenue, a di.stance of 1.9 miles. ? 16.Ea5t and northeast to Dead-end at Old 5chool on Acorn Branch Road, a distance of 2 miles. The following is a 3escription of the boundaries of the area o£ the Winter Fark Volunteer Fire Department. Beginning at the Fire Station travelling west on Oleander Drive to the Cit,y Limits, 1.4 miles. Beginning at the Fire 5tation east on Oleander Drive to Pine Grove Drive to Wrightsville Avenue, west on Wrightsville Avenue to the City Limits, 1.6 miles. c. Beginning at the Fire Station east on Oleander to Pine Grove Drive northwest on Pine Grove Drive to Wrights- - ville Avenue, thence north on 45th Street and Rerr Avenue t o railroad crossingp 2.3 miles. Beginning at the Fire Station travelling north on MacMillan Avenue to end of MacMillan Avenue, .6 miles. Beginning at the Fire Station north on MacMillan Avenue to Wrightsville Avenue east on Wrightsville Avenue \ to Dixie Avenue, north on Dixie Avenue to end of Dixie Avenue, .8 miles. . \, `Beginning at Fire Station north on MacMillan to Wrightsvi 11e Avenue, east on Wrightsville Avenue to Oak Crest Drive, north on Oak Crest Drive to end, 1.4 miles, Beginning at the Fire station north on MacMillan Avenue to Wrightsville Avenue, east on Wrightsville to curve on Wrightsville Avenue, 2 miles. .? Beginning at the Fire Station east on Olean3er Drive to Water Pond, 1.9 miles. ,