1953-08-24 Regular Meeting44.7 1 Meeting of August 17, 1953 - Continued . ?f Lilly J. Peterson, lot 70 x 170 in Block 19 Summer Hill, house assessment of $4,500.00 set by the A5sessors for 1953, was made retroactive in effect for the year 1952 on recorrmiendation of the Tax Assessor, and abatement of taxes on a valuation o£ $1,500.00 for the year was ordered. I Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'5hields, instructions were given tc request the State Highway and Public Works Commission to make a survey of traffic conditior.s on Vance Street in Maffitt Uillage on which t?ao .. @?chools are located, and if found necessary from a stand point of safety, to reduce the speed limit to thirty- ? five (35) miles per hour. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. A3vis, County bills No. 1 to 379 iriclusive were approved for payment. ,CA motion offered by Mr. Trask to amend his motion of July 27, 19532 in sotting the values shown on tax returns reported to the State on a basis of 50%,of the amount reported to the State, be amended to read "true value". In case of disagreement inarriving at a value, an expert appraiser be called in to make an appraisal of the true value of the things in question and on his finaings to fix theassessment at 50% of its true value, the eacpense of the apPraiser to be paid by the tax-payer or the County whoever was in error in arriving at a true. value of the things in question. It was seconded b;/ hlr. Love and carried. Mr. 0'SHields voting"no", The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C,, August 24, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, County Auditor T. D. Inve and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. H. Moore, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Colored. ?.The minutes of August 17, 1953, were approved after correction was made in the last paragraph of said minutes pertaining to set4:ing the tax value§ on personal property, by striking out the words "reported to the State" after the words "true value" of said paragraph. The boundaries of the fire district areas for Wrightsbbro•and Winter Park Volunteer Fire Departments, recom- ; mended by the Volunteer Fire Snspection Committee of New Hanover County, presented to the Board by Mr. E. B. White, member of said committee, as shownon map and defined as follows, was upon motion of Mr. Davis? second- ed by Mr. Love, unanimously adopted: , --? q,A16 The Fire Station of the Wrightsboro Uolunteer Fire Department, 7nc., is located on the Wrightsboro Road near the intersection of Wrightsboro and Castle Hayne Roads, Their Fire Limits from Fire Station are as ; follows : , 1. South on Castle Hayne Road to Wilmington City Iimits at Smith Creek, a distance of 2.4 miles. 2. South and East via Gordon Road to Airport, a distance of 1.9 miles. 3. South and Faet via Gordon Road to Frison Camp, a dstance of 2 miles, Q. South and East via County Home Road to County Home, a distance of 2.5 miles. 5. South and West to end of Newton's Lane, A distance of 1.9 miles. 6. South and West to end of Victori.a Drive, a distance of 1.9 miles. 7. South and West to end of Arlington Drive, a distance of 1.9 miles. . 8. North on Castle Hayne Road (Rte.117/421) to N. C. FScperiment Station, a distance of 2.3 miles. 9. North and West on Cherry Road to six miles beyond end of hard surface a distance of 3 miles. 10. North and West on Nnek Hill to end of hard surface, a distance of 2.7 miles. 11. North and West on Oakley Road around circle, a distance of 3 miles. 12. East and North on Blue Clqy Road to house of Annie Gre;c?y a distance of 3ndles. 13- East on Black Swamp Road to intersection of Murrayville Road, a distance of 3 miles. 14. Fast on Kerr Avenue to dead-end at Airport, a distance of 1.5 miles, 15. East to end of 01d Dead-end Road via Kerr Avenue, a di.stance of 1.9 miles. ? 16.Ea5t and northeast to Dead-end at Old 5chool on Acorn Branch Road, a distance of 2 miles. The following is a 3escription of the boundaries of the area o£ the Winter Fark Volunteer Fire Department. Beginning at the Fire Station travelling west on Oleander Drive to the Cit,y Limits, 1.4 miles. Beginning at the Fire 5tation east on Oleander Drive to Pine Grove Drive to Wrightsville Avenue, west on Wrightsville Avenue to the City Limits, 1.6 miles. c. Beginning at the Fire Station east on Oleander to Pine Grove Drive northwest on Pine Grove Drive to Wrights- - ville Avenue, thence north on 45th Street and Rerr Avenue t o railroad crossingp 2.3 miles. Beginning at the Fire Station travelling north on MacMillan Avenue to end of MacMillan Avenue, .6 miles. Beginning at the Fire Station north on MacMillan Avenue to Wrightsville Avenue east on Wrightsville Avenue \ to Dixie Avenue, north on Dixie Avenue to end of Dixie Avenue, .8 miles. . \, `Beginning at Fire Station north on MacMillan to Wrightsvi 11e Avenue, east on Wrightsville Avenue to Oak Crest Drive, north on Oak Crest Drive to end, 1.4 miles, Beginning at the Fire station north on MacMillan Avenue to Wrightsville Avenue, east on Wrightsville to curve on Wrightsville Avenue, 2 miles. .? Beginning at the Fire Station east on Olean3er Drive to Water Pond, 1.9 miles. , I „ 448 Meeting of August 24, 1953 - Continued Beginning at the Fire 5tation southeast on Pine Grove Drive to Greenville Loop Road, east on Greenville Loop Road to Dead Man's Carve, 2.3 miles, Beginning at the Fire Station east on 0leander Drive to Pine Grove Drive, southeaet on Pine Grove Drive con- necting with Carolina Beach cut-off to Masonboro Church,3 miles. Beginning at the Fire Station east on Oleander Drive to Pine Grove Drive connecting with Carolina Beach Cut- off to Masonboro Loop, 3 miles. • Beginning at the Fire Station west on Oleander Drive to 46th Street, 46th Stroet aouth to Longleaf Drive, west on Maffitt Uillage cut-off, 3 miles. I.(?,*han All,territory within these boundaries protected by this department. A request was received from the Volunteer Fire Inspection Committee of New Hanover County to inerease the ' $5,000.00 fund set up for Volunteer Fire Departments for 1952-1953 to $80000.00 for the fiscal year 1953- 1954.. Tliey were sdvised by the Ghairman that the Commissioners were in sympsthy with the request, but the 1953-1954 budget had been set up and consideration would be given to increasing the amount out o£ surplus ABC funds if availab7.e. • Upon motion of 11r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, a continuation of the-1952-1953 contract with the varioua V@?l? Volunteer Fire Departments who quality, waa unanimously adopted fbr the year 1953-1954. G?j .Messrs. Walter Hewlett, R. F. Meier and John H. Farrell, representing Southeastern North Carolina Heach As- ?- sociation, appeared to request an appropriation of $1,000.00 for their 1953-1954 Program which was received for further consideration. The Chairman told the Board that topographic and serial maps of Hugh MacRae Park had been forwarded to Mr. Thomas W. Morse, Superintendent of State Parks, for his information in assisting us in the preparation of a plan for the developnent of the park, t^he Chairman further reported that oub of the firms contacted for quotations on a tractor for the County Farm, the Orrell Fquipment Company submitted a low bid of $800.00. Other two bids received were £rom J. P. Newton $1,695.00, and R. F. Hall and Son $975.00. The Ghairman also reported progress in acquiring additional'land and adjustment of boundary lines with the „pl'?Corbett Industries, Inc., on the Castle Hayne Road and Smith Creek to provide additional and suitable land r??site for the Third Division State Highway and Hzblic Works Offices, Shops, Garages etc., on a basis o£ the Corbett Industries transferring high land plus payment of $1,000.00 in exchange for swamp land owned by the County. The number of acres in question to be determined by a svrvey to be made by the State Highway Com- mission, '-c-Upon motion the Board agreed to meet with Mrs. Alice Strickland, City Manager of Carolina Beach and other Beach officials, at 10;00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, August 26, for investigation andstudy of the drainage situation in that area. Mr. Horton reported on arrangements of date now in process for the colored baseball team at Legion Stadium in lieu of the date of September 7th, they cancelled in favor of the Junior Chamber of Commerce circus, and stated the grounds had been set up for the football season and would 'not be available for baseball unless the date can be arranged prior to September Qth. _ a Mr. 0, E. Eldridge appeared to complain of a drainage condition at the head of Greenfield Iake on the Caro- lina Beaoh Highway north of Honeycutt Oil Company and approximately quarter of a mile outside ttle City Limits, caused by stoppage o£ the drainage by acoumulated oil and g-easo, was received for investigation. Mr. Horton asked the Board's opinion on charging rent for County offices occupied by agencies other than for totally County Government usage, such as the Veterans' Service Officer, City Juvenile Court? Military Police, City-County Health Department and Welfare Department to the extent of State-Federal participation etc., to aid in the eapense £or maintenance of the offices, met with the approval of the IIoard 8nd the Chair- man was suthorized and directed to pursue the matter flzrther. yg With reference to a couple occupying living quarters in the Superintendent of Nurses Cottage at the T. B. -?? Hospital, as kind of watchman' in consideration of a place to live, requested Uy 24i.ss Elizabeth'Williams, Supt., of Nurses,will be brought up £or further consideration at the Hospital. The Chairman announced that the schedule of working hours for Court fiouse employes 7:30 A.M,, to 4:30 P.M., Y which have been observed on a trial basis since April 27, 1953, will b e t erminated and the former schedule 8:30 A.N., to 5:30 P,M., on a five-day, QO-hour.per-week basis, will be resumed and put back into effect on September 1, 1953, which met with the approval of the Board, Payment of $125.00 each to Nnbert E. Calder and Addison Hewlett, Jr., Special Attaneys appointed by the Court, for services rendered the defendent James Josey, charged with murder, August Criminal Term 1953, was + approved on order of the Honorable John J. Burney, Judge presiding. 6?11') Reports of the Grand Jury for the July and August terms 1953, were received and £iled. ? Mr. V. W. Herlevich, Consulting Forester and Iand Surveyor, was employed to make a cruise of standing timber in New Hanover County at ?$25.00 per day and expenses. Said timber to be assessed for taxes separate and -v? apart from the land in consideration of the Forest Fire Protection Program, ?y A bill of fees charged by the Coroner for period July g, to August 5th, 1953, for services rendered in view- ' ing bodies and holding inquests, uere re£erred to the Countp Attorney for opinion as to the corrections of the charges for fees made. ?A request of Recorder H. Winfield Smith for $50.00 monthly allowance, and County Solicitor John M. Walker, ?u?c £or an un-named amount, for office expense and rental in connection taith their official dities, was receiv- ? ed for consideration in next yearts budget inasmuch as the 1953-1954 budget has been set. A request of the Junior Chnmber of Commerce, sponsoring the King Brothers-Christianni Circus at Legion Stad- ,de'"'ium September 7, 1953, that the County waive its 5chedule "B" tax charge for presenting the circus for the ICSr reason the proceeds are to be used for civic improvement and charitable causes, was referred to the County Attorney for opinion. • A request of Mr. F. G. Maner to use Legion Stadium for Hot-rod autombile races September 13, or in case of rain, on the 20th, was approved provided the same meets with the schedule plana for events set-up by Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Superintendent in charge of the Stadium. A letter received from Mr, Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Fianover Hist'orical Commission, advising that it has been decided to abandon fvrther effort to have students of the grammar and High Schools given defin- - ite interesting information on a possible weekly basis concerning historical records of our City and County. Instructions were given to acknowledge receipt of the letter and turn the same over to the Board of Educa- L tion for its consideration. I 4 49' Meeting of August 24, 1953 - Continued - ? report was received'from-DT: James R. Brandori for Dr. G. R. C. Thompson, Edvising that Deputy Sheriff David W. Flxlcher who was treated by him £or injury to his hand while per£orming his duties as a deputy sheriff July 2nd, 1953, stated that the cast was removed ; the hand looks good, and was discharged on July 2Q, 1953. The report was made under the grovisions of the Worlanen's Compensation Act. A 5tate Inspection Certificate for operating a boiler at the County Home was received from the State for post- ;,.`?ing in the boiler room required by law. ??/'A report of the Tax Office showing that $1,638.98 was collected for the City and $2,361.31 for the County inak- ing a total o£ $4000.29 back taxes collected for the month of July. Notice received from Veterans Administration, Winston-Salem, N. C,, that they hold first'mortgage on lots 29 1M641and 30, Seagate, in the name of the present owner Chester Davis, formerly oumed by George C. Baltzegar, request- ing that all future notices for taxes be mailed to them, was referred to the Tax Collector. ??2Qeport on sale of aviation gasoline at the Airport for August 19th, was received and filed. •e1h5?Reports of the County Electrical Inspector £or May and June were received and filed. Four applicatiors for the Investigator-Collector for indigent and Hospital cases job, were received and order- 45,f?Ved turned over to the Civil Service Commission £or certification for employment at the meeting scheduled to be held Tuesday, August 25th. / The Board approved a revised taY abstract £orm prepared and outlined by the Chairman, that would simplify tax- V07' listing an3 eliminate a number of possible errors that have been experienced in the past, or to make such flur- , ther changes that would improve the system. The Chairman-announced that the names of persons who are due to list their personal property for taxes but have / not listed anything at all, will be turned over to the Solicitor for handling with the Grand Jury in accord- ance with the law, and others not listed in compliance with recent written request made by the Tax Supervisor to come in and discuss their returns made locally in comparison with their State returns, to be sumc,oned be- , fore the Tax Supervisor and required to list as required by 'law. 'D tl? Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by yr. 0'Shields, County bills No. 380 to 569 were approved for pa,yment. _..- ? A recess was then•taken Until 10:00 o'clock A.M., iJednesday, August 26th, 19539 to investigate the drainage situation at Carolina Beach and vicinity with the Beach Officials. 4Y- Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., August 31, 1953• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raifor3 ' Trask, County Auditor T. D. Love and Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend G. D. Carnes, Pastor o£ N,t. Zion Methodist Church, Colored. Copies of the minutea of ineeting of August 24, 1953, having previously been'furnished each member o£ the Board, the same were upon motion of,Mr. OfShields, seconded bp Mr. Davis, approved. The Chairman reported that after looking into the Carolina Beach drainage matter, the same situation exists in the lake area and reconvnended the installation of a flood gate there to prevent the water backing up, and that A"ss. Strickland the City Manager, and N,r. Hecht would meet with him this week to work out a system of control. The Chairman also reported the Civil Service Group had turned back to the Board the applications for the Hos- _,,?P??'J'pital Investigators job, for the reason they claim notice of examination of applicants was not given by ad- vertisement. Inasmuch as one o£ the applicants has been, and'is notir,'employed by the County in similar work, it would not be necessary, in the opinion of the Board, to pasa her application on to the Civil Service Group for further certification. Thereupon Mr. Davis moved and it was seconded by Mr. Trask and unanimously car- ?)ried that I?irs. Juliette M. Highsmith, experienced and presently employed in the Welfare Department, be em- ployed to fill the position as Investigator of indigent hospital cases and Collector of accounts. ? ?Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr, Davis, Mr. C. R. Morse was re-appointed Consolidated City-County Tax /??-- Collector for a term of two years, and his bond fixed at $37,500.00 each by the City and County as heretofore, subject to the approval of the City Council. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, The Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of C?n.?.tthe King-Brothers-Christianni Circus to be held at Legion Stadium September 7, 1953, were released from the payment of the Schedule "B" tax to the County to present an exhibition of the circus as scheduled, for the reason the proceeds will be used exclusively for charitable purposes. The City of Wilmington having taken similar action. It being c7:early understoo3, however, that this action in no manner, sets a precedent to " release any future event of similar purpose, £rom the payment o£ the tax. With reference to granting the Bog Scounts the use of the Keepers Lodge and premises at the old abandoned 1_02\,?10 `?iVortheast Cape Fear River Bridge at Castle Hayne, at meeting of April 132 1953, which inadvertently failed to set a time limit, the same was amended by permitting the Boy Scouts to use the said Lo3ge and Premises as long as the same is activeJ,y used by them for Scout purposes. ?D ?gQ,,The following resolution was adopted: ,R? WHEREAS, G. W. Fleming, C. S. Ftoyal and Ella K. Rnyal, his wife, and Mildred Fleming Pawell, and H. E. Powell, her husband, filed a petition with this Board on Jul.y 27, 1953 pus'suant to the provisions of subsection 153-9 (17) of the General Statutes of North Carolina, requesting this Board to order the closing of certain streets, in the subdivision of Flemington, formerly called "Pocomoke*''o'r °Poc6moke Hills", in Cape Fear Township, New Ha.nover County, North Carolina, designated as Fleming Street, Second Avenue and the unnamed streets Northeast of and parallel with said Second Avenue on a map of said subdivision recorded in Map Book Q, at Page 64, in the Registry of said County, copy of which map is attached hereto; and WHEREAS? this Board calendared the request for hearing at a meeting to be held in the Court House in Wilmington N. C., at 10:00 A.rl., on August 31, 1953, and notice o£ the time and place of said hearing was duly given in accordance with the terms of said statute by mailing notices thrreof by registered letter to all persons own- ing property adjoining said streets, or either af them, who did not join in the request for the closing there- of, namely: Mrs. Ida Lewis Pressly (Mrs. L. R. Yressly), and husband, Mrs. S. F. (Mary) Lewis, and Mr. Alec (Aleac) Malpess and wife; and by publishing notice of the request and the nature thereof an•-1 the time an3 place of the meeting thereon once a week for four weeks, on the 4th, lltht 18th, and 25th days of August, 1953T in the Wilmington Star-News, a newspaper published in said County; and