1953-09-08 Regular MeetingMeeting of August 31, 1953 - Contin.ued - 4 q51 ,_kk yIt was agreeable to the Board that we move the C.A.P. Building at the-Airport if it is ascertained that such authority has been given us, and that we get bids on moving the old hangar. ,??0?'1'he Chairman told the Board the old tanks at the Airport were being used in connection?rith the County drainage. The Board agreed to meet as the Board of Directors at the T. B. Hospital this afternoon. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the petty cash account for the Register of Deeds was in- y$30.00 to enable him to take care of Government papers recording which he has to wait severa ` ?lvcreased b weel:s for payment which interferes with his monthly settlement with the County Auditor. This will bring his petty cash account up to $50.00. Upon motion of Mr. 1Y'ask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mr. T. D. Piner, Harnett Township, was granted an abate- /ment of taxes on a valuation o£ $100.00 ch,arged in error for the years 1952 and 1953, on lot 100x200 feet, July 25, 1951, from W. M. Hill covering easement only over adjoining property. Miss FSnma Gac'e Hutaff uras abated taxes on a valuation o£ $600.00, Pt. Biock 2, Wrightsville Beach account oi' double charge and error for the years 1951, 1952 and 1953• The same was sold to Mrs. Fleanor Willetts in 1951, and the same list- " ed an3 taxes paid by her. Fdward Er*ans was granted anabatement of taxes on a valuation of $665.00, per- sonal property charged in error above its true 'value for the year 1952. ,,(AG?. 0'Shields suggested that we have a definite understanding with Department $eads as to any salary adjust- ment with their employes, and should get together andsettle the question on an efficiency basis. Mr. George H. Hutaff presented maps relative to certain roads on property, in Cape Fear Township. A recess was then taken until 5:00 o'clock P.M., Wednesdap, Septenber 2, 1953. X• ge ?: ?v • Clerk. , Wilmington, N. C., 5eptember 2, 1953• Pursuant to recess taken August 31, 1953, the Hoard met this day at 5:00 o'clock P.M. , Presant: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal S. Love and Raiforci Trask. .,-After a discussion with Mr.'k. R. Ballman, President of France Neckware and Garver Manu£a'cturing Company, ?? concerning their 1953 personal tax returns, the same was continued far further consideration. ? The matter of selling the sand, or all land an3 timber on the approximate 63 acre tract of County "Quarry L3.nd" at Castle Hayne, the•same was re£erred to the Chairman for investigation and with power to act. ?lessrs., R. L. Black, Register o£ Deeds; Foster Fdwards, Clerk of the Superior Court; and M. B. Register, Sheriff appeared to request the Commissioners to re-consider and re-adjust salary increases set up in the budget £or the clerks and denuties in their respective offices, for the reason some of the employes are up- I set over the variation in increases allowed. No recommendations as to salary increases were made,,how-/ ever, by the Department Heads during the preparation of the budget. Mr. Horton stated that inasmuch as the budget had been set and the efforts of the Commissioners were to eqtzalize and adiust salaries, felt they had done a good job, and therefore felt it best to leave the ques- tion o£ salary increases to remain as provided in the budget, and further consideration be given the matter Dzxt year, motion offered by Mr. Davis to re-consider the sa7.ary raises an3 xcept recommendations from the Department !?H'eads, failed for a second. The matter was £urther discussed at length, but no action was taken. _ ?.x4? Requests o£ Recorder H. Winfield Smith and Recorders Court Solicitor John M. Walker for,o£fice expenses in ?4 connection with their official duties, was referred to the County Attorney for opinion. Monday, September 7th 1953, being a legal holiday (Labor Day) and falling on the date for the next regular meeting of the Board, a recess was taken until Tuesday, September 8th, 1953, at 10:00'o'clock A.M. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., September 1953• Pursuant to recess taken Wednesday, September 2, 1953, the Board met at 10:00 otclock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Aal J. Love, . ' Raiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. S. E. Jenkins, Pastor of the Church of the Good Shephard. The mi.nutes of ineeting of August 31, 1953, copies of which were previously furnished each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. The Board by reason of the persistent opposition and unanimous dis-approval of the Local Bar Association, -46'irepresented by Mr. James B. Swails, and upon thestatement of Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, that the Microfilm Recording Machine on trial use in the Register of Deeds office, makes a poor and unsatisfactory record; upon moti-on of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, voted to discontinue the use o£ the Microfilm Sys- tem in the Register of Deeds 0£fice for the present time, and further voted not to purchase the said machine which has been on trial use for several months. ' A petition of 102 residents of the Carolina Beach Road (U.S. 421) presented by Mr. C. D. Parker, requosting the State Highway Safety Division to reduce the speed limit to 35 miles per hour over the said hip,hway from the N?affitt Village stop light thru Echo Farm, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved and referred to the State Highway Safety Division with request that a stirvey be made of the traffic condi- tions there with the view of determining and establishing a safe speed limit over the said highway thru the area in question. D1r. Berry Williams objected to setting the limit at 35 miles per hour, stating it was too slow in that area ?A,,and would unnecessarily interfere with traffic, and if put into effect, might as well put it into ef£ect in all parts of New Hrznover County. ? request of Mr. R. F. Shepard, President of Wrightsville Beach Chamber of Commerce for an appropriation of ??'? $540.00 out of the County's advertising fund, was received £or consideration along with other similar requests. /Mr. Davis brought to the attention en editorial appearing in the Saturday, September 5, issue of the Wilming- ton Morning Star stating that the $4,000.00 City-County joint appropriation for Typhus Control in the Hoard of Health Budget, on a basis of one third by the City, or $1,334.00, and two-thir3s by the County, $2,666.00, ? 181 Vf4 Meeting of September 8, 1953 - bontinued - had been cut by the County to $1,500.00. He said the man who told that LIED and should be brought before the Board. Nr, Trask said he who deliberately comes out witha lie should be barred from tk-B Board meetings. Mr. Davis strong],y resented such an untrue statement and termed the article as "low cheap stuffi cheap sarcasm". The official records reveal that $1,334•00 uas appropriateci by the City and $2666.00 by the County for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1954. ? Opening of the bids received for converting the two coal burning boilers in the Court House to oil uas contin- ? ued until 9:30 A.M,, tomorrow, September 9 when Mr. OfShields said he was not in a position to vote on the matter £or the reason he had not been advised o£ the cost, saving in fliel and efficience of the same. He U said he was not opposed to the change over, but insisted on having a complete report as to cost, saving etc., to enable him to vote intelligently. ' The following two bids for furnishing naterials, labor, tools and equipment and applying two coats of paint ?.e on all exterior trim work, necessary calking, glazing, replacir.g of deterionated exterior trim materials for the Court.House Annex, as advertised, were received: Harry Lee $ 1,200.00 Shaw Paint & Wall Paper Company 1?083.00 4' Upon motion of Air. O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Trask, the bid of the Shaw Paint & Wall Paper Company was accept- "-?i? ed they being the lowest bidders, an3 the contract was awarded to them at an3 for the sum bid of $1083.00. No objections were indicated by the Board to Gurley Bryant using Legion Stadium bn September 27, 1953, to play a thrill show, provided it does not conflict with other events scheduled. A letter of thanks was received from the Committee of the Arab Shrine Club and the IIks Lodge, for the use of Legion Stadium for their baseball game which was held on Fri3ay, August 21, 1953, sponsored for the benefit of underprivileged children, stating our cooperation aided their cause to a great degree. The Chairman presented a letter received from Mr. Thoroas W. I•forse, Superintendent of State Parks, Advising that he p].anned a trip here to look over Hugh MacRae Park and make suggestions in connection with the develop- ment of the sarie, in response to s request we made August 19, at which time we £orwarde3 to him topographic and aerial maps of the Park. Mr. Raiford Trask then announced that Mr. C. Heide Trask, State Highway and Public Works Third Division Com- missioner, would put in a ball park and two tennis courts in Hugh tdacRae Park if desired. Instructions were given to advertise for bids for the sale o£ the timber to be cut at Iiugh I4acRae Park for road right-of-way. It was also a greed that the proceeds derived therefrom to be credited to the Hugh N,acRae Park accowit for further development of the same. ? 'A letter was received from tdessrs. Harold W. Wel].s and Son, Insurance Agents, quoting an engineering inspection ? ? report on the Airport Liability Insurance, recommending an increase in the same. Also estireate of Insurance _,\?h Values of the Court House Annex $383,500.00, and old Court House at "$140,300.00 as of August 1953. In the J opinion of the Board, the amount o£ Liability Insurance on the Airport, and the Fire Coverage,on,the Court House and Annex, is adequate. • _ A request of Mr. F. G. *anor that the National Hot-Rod Racing Association of Wilmington be permitted the use ? of Legion Stadium for automobile races, 5eptember 27th, October llth and 12th, an3 November 8th, met with the approval of the Board provided the Stadium an3 grounds are insured against damage resulting from the usB.- ., And, that the grounds and/or track is put back in its original good condition and satisfactory repairs be made „ of any other damages resulting therefrom. ' Mr. Horton reported that he had taken up with the Reginal Administrator, CAA, Region 2, Fort Worth, Texas, and Eastern Airlines, the matter o£ including our airport as a mid-way fueling stop,for Eastern Airlines Jet Passeng- er Service £rom New York to i?.iami, which will be inaugurated in the near future. The Chairman presented copies of letters he had written to the Honorable Alton A. Lennon, Unite3 States Senato'r . ?j and Dr. F. M. Reichelderfer, Chief United States Weather Bureau, Washington 25, D. C., calling attentien,to the ' 96 Weather Bureau at the Airport closing its service during,the hours of 10:00 P,14,, to 6:00 A.M,, which has re- sulted in inconvenience and hardship on truck farmers, deep-sea.Pisherman and non-scheduled airlines and a • loss of revenue to the County fron the sale o£ gasoline by reason of planes formerly refueling here, flying another route that can give them the weather in advance, an3 therefore asked if it would be permissable £or the Piedmont Agent to call the Weather Observations to the Toi•rer to be put on ;t'he CAA teletype circuit as of£icial to provide i;he 24 hours;Ervice needed until this situation can be remedied. -?u No objections were indicated by the Board to the application d' George 0. Johnson for the State Permit to sell _ beer at Seabreeze, the same having been approved by the Sheriff. 1A . Monthly reports o£ theactivities of the following Departments for August were received and filed: County ? C y.?rm and County Home Agents; and Veterans' Service OiSicer, e. A report of Airport receipts £or August 31, 1953, were received and filed. ? A report was received from the Back Tax Collector showing that $2,607.50 was collected for the City, and $1,685.85 for the County, malc9ng a total of $4,293.35 back taxes collected for the month of August. 1 No objections were raised by the Board to the United States District Aigineer granting permission to Wrights- vi11e idarine Sales and Service, Inc., to dredge material an3 construct a boat shed'65x213 feet on the east side of the Inland Waterway just south of the highway bridge to Wrightsville Beach. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mr. Roy Croom physically disnbled white citizen, suffer- ing with in£ection of toes and both feet, toes having been amputed, has just been 3ischarged from the Hos- JC? pital and Dr. Futch sa3rs he must stay o££ his feet, was on recommendation of'the Supt., of Public Welfare admitted to the County Home for a period of from six to eight weeks. It was broup,ht to the attention that i£ the seats in the Stadium bchibition Building are used by the Junior __Nr Daisy Cattle Show, September lbth bhru 19th, liability for the same would be up to the partie.s giving the show. The seats are owmed by 1?ir. Jack Pate. Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Superintendent of the Stadium does not have the help to move them. With reference to the sale of the County's Castle Hayne Quarry Tract of land, the ChAirman reported pkices secured for sand from the Towles-Cline Construction Company at $3.00 per cubic yard, Sand & Gravel Company and Point Peter, ,50¢ and estimated $150.00 for entire area of sand. The Towles-Cline Company,indicated they would be interested in buying the land which has been advertised for sale on bids to be received September•.14th. The meeting then recessed until 9:30 o'clock A,M,, Wednesday? September 9th, 1953. ? Clerk. ? ?