1953-08-14 Regular Meeting45e Wilmington, N. C., September 14, 1953 The regular meeting of the Board was held this date at 10:00 o'clock A,M,, Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask, County Auditor T. D. Love and Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney, Mr. T. D. Love acting as Clerk in the absence of Mr. T. K. Woody. Minutes of the last meeting were e xamined and Mr. 0'Shields asked that the next to t he last paragrep h be corrected. ? • ?:. ? ?i?Bids for the Rr?ck Quarry property owned by New Hanover County amounting to 63 Acres were opened and the follow- ing bi3s were received: P. H. Braak $5t005.00 B. N. Owens $3,565.00 ' E. B. Towles Cons. Co. $5,600.00 ,At this point, ir, 0'Shields asked if a value had been put on same by the Covnty Appraiser Mr. McGirt. Mr. NcGirt was called in and stated that he had not appraised same. He was then requested to promptly appraise and report back to the meeting, , The Meat Ordinance - Inspection Program drawn by the State Board of Health was presented by Mr. Horton. Mr. ? ?Trask moved and Mr. Davis seconded that the ordinance be adopted and same was unanimously approved. Copy of -?'?? same to be attached to the minutes, Nir. DeHart of the Volunteer Fire Department asked for clarification of pay for equipment and men used in fight- ing fires. Mr. Davis asked for consultation with Mr. Herlevich, Mr. Herlevich was called in and he and Mr. DeHart were asked to iron out their problems. ' , The meeting recessed in order that members attend a welcome ceremony in honor of PFC Carl Shepard who was a POW ,_Vhonin Korea and who had just returned to his home in Wilmington. Back to the meeting: - Then Mr. Horton gave a report on the Board Meeting held at the John Wessell T.B. Sanatorium regarding indigents entering the Hospital. It was decided that these patients be handled with the Welfare Department, and they in turn handle with the State for compensation due the County. It was also decided at this meeting that all prison labor used in the P.B. Hospital be given a medical examin- ation, and that Dr. R. B. Rodman is to examine all indigent patients, Mr. Morgan and wife were given permission to use the Nurses Home. He will be general handy man in the Hospital. The Board approved_the above three decisions. Bob Black, Register o£ Deeds head, asked the Board to make adjustments in salaries in the Register of Deeds 1 „??c? Office. He feels they have not received their share of increases. After some discussion' Mr. Davis moved c that Department Heads recommend to Mr. Horton any changes. Yir. 2rask seconded. y2?S?/IMr. Black was suthorized to proceed with the Book Binding. P?.., Mr. Horton reported that Mr. T. K. Woody, Clerk of the Board was on vacation. NcGirt was asked to appraise the City-County owned property, an3 that Mr. Horton and A1r. Benson procee3 W? ' tirith the sale of such property. After some discussion, Mr. Trask moved an3 Yir. Davis seconded that the pro- '^ perty be advertised with the appraisal values and published. It was also decided that if any pnoperty on the list was found to be suitable for a colored library, that it ' is to be set aside. At this time, Mr. MeGirt, County Appraiser returned and gave his appraisal of the Rnck Quarry property at $3500. ? ?Nr. Trask moved an3 Mr. Davis seconded that the property go to the highest bidder, which was approved. E. B. ?+i??is? Towles being the recipient, as they were the highest bidder. A letter was read, written by N?r. Louis T. Moore regarding the placing of a new flag in place of the torn one /?Wat Fort Fisher. Mr. Horton was delegated to investigate the matter and repor.t back at a future meeting. - A letter from the State Highway was read in which they are willing to approve the addition of US 73 and 76, opposite Dixie Pig #2) to Seagate Cemetery to our County Highway System as shown on map attached to their letter a.?of September8. However, they cannot see their way clear to approve the addition of the Southerland-Koonce Road from US 17 to home of Henry J. Southerland to the County Highway System, also shown on same Ettached map. A request was made by the Veterans of Foreign Wars - Manley-Reece Post #2573 of Wilmington to have their pro- ?erty here 0 £'ree of taxes. This property may be exempt pending the new Machinery Act, however, it was learn- ed this property was already exempt under law. A letter was read from Mr. J. A. West, Captain of the Sudan Drum & Bugle Corps, asking permission f6r use of the field at the Stadium for a few weeks practice. Starting datewould be September 14p and at 7:30 P.M. This - request was granted by the Board. , Mr. Horton reported that the Boolanobile for the Library would be ready for delivery the first week in October. e lettering to read, '"New Hanover County Boolanobile". , / A letter from the N. C. State Highway & Public Works Comm.ission was read, referring to our request for estabr lishing a 35 MPH speed lirnit, "Signed" and controlled in M,af£itt Village on Highway and Vance Street. Since streets in Maffitt Village are not a part of the State Highuay Syatean, they do not come un3er the jurisdiction of the Highway Commission, However, they advise they are handling further with Mr. C. E. Brown, their Div- ision Engineer in Wilmington. , , . ?a?(L Mr. 0'Shields reminded the Board regarding the Stock 5how, and urged attendance to their programs. /Mr. Horton stated that he had had numerous calls on the School Bus situation. It was the consensus?o£ opinion that the Schools would get their sche3ules straightened out. ?qa Mr. Horton read the reports from the Public Library; the Airport, and the Housing Authority. These were re- 011?ceived and filed. Discussion of vai•ious industries was to the extent that all would beireated equally in relation to their tax C? listings. . ? Acting Clerk.