1953-09-21 Regular MeetingI 44554 Wilmington, N. C.- 5eptember 21, 1953. The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask, County Attorney Marsden Bellaiqy and T. D. Love who acted as C]:erk in the absence,of Mr. T. K. Woocly. • ? bfinutes of the last meeting were examined after Mr, fiorton called the meeting to order. There were a few• ? minor corrections to be made. After these were made, they were approved, Mr. Horton opened bids on timber marked to be cut in Hugh 1+1acRae Park right-of-way, which includes 35,000 to 40,000 feet of pole and pulp wood timber. Bids received were: J. D. Joye S1PO50.00 Floyd M. Hufham $1,015.00 ?YOki Mr. Trask moved the highest bidder be accepted, subject to tops being removed. Mr. 0'Shields seconded. J Mrs. Juliette M. Highsmith thanYelthe Board for their vote of confidence placed in her. She then reported G on her trip to Durham, and the conversation with Nir. Pendergrass at that point. She explained the working of the DurhNn County Investigator. There was some discussion on the matter. Mrs. Highsmith requested at this time automobile allowance, and also said she would need a typist.' Mr. Horton presented an a greement with the StaLe of North Carolina Public•Welfare Department in whi'ch they G? are allowing us the item of $2,793.65 £or service and maintenance costs paid by the County for upkeep of our ?? offices. The County's part o£ this budget is only $1,148.50 more than the original budget submitted, so•we ' will get back $931•32 for rent for this office space. . `^ • Mr. Alex Lashley appeared before the Board relative to an injury that he received while employed by the Sher- iff's Department. He was requested to present in detail his injury and complaint. Mr. Horton read a letter from W. R. Johnson who is now with a mapping sesvice and vanta to locate in New Han- ? C? over County. He was advised to furnish his qualifications, and in the meantime, his letter will be consi3ered The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of civil cases for the two weeka term begiruiing October 12, 1953, and for the one week criminal term beginning october 5, 1953: First Week Civil: ? -, +? r ? w- ,,. Biggs, J. Bruce, 1511 Ann Street Birmingham, C. C., 2713 Monroe St. Branch, S. P., 1917 Idun St. Brand, R. A., 2919 Oleander Dr. Braswell, 6lalter F., 503 S. 6th St. Coley, John T., 421 S. 5th St, •? Copeland F. 1J., 607 Central Blvd. Corbett, B. A,? 218 N. 23rd St. Corley, H. D., 419 S. 16th St. Y Corrieri, Wm. J., 2007 Metts Ave. Cottle, Frank A., 317 Lalce Drice Dillon, Charley E., 2811 Washington 5t. ? Evans, W. G., 818 Dock St. Fowler, William, 2018 Barnett Ave. Garvey, E. W., 1105 S. 2nd St. ' Green, Joseph, 707 Harnett St. Grimstead, W. C., 108 West N. C. Ave. Hatcher N. W.,214i S. Sth St. Hinson, H. R.3 16 Live Oak Ave. Hobbs, Alphonsa, 217 No, Floral Pkwy. Hobbs, Maggie,Ml, 613 S. 16th St. Hurst, Pliry H., lOg S. /,th St. Jenkins, W. E., 1804 Market St. King, Clarence L., 263 Lake Forest Pkwy. '• Lambeth, A. L., 616 Greenfield St. Lanier, Luther J., 500 Park Terrace Mathis, C. N., 317 S. 17th St, nTash, H. B., 1904 Church St. Roudabush, Rbt. E., 233 Castle Hayne Rd.Rouse, Ralph Lee, 111 Walnut St. Scott, Walter F., 815 Ann St. Shaw, Curry, 515 S. 2nd St. Skipper, Van, 1142 N. 8th St. Starling, W. B.3 2727 Park Ave. Walton, Ra1ph,D., 2004 Pender Ave. Ward, James Di, 409 Bawson St: Second Week Civil: ' Ahrens, J. M.2 1022 N. 4th 5t. Brown, 0. S,3 112 N. Front St. Britt, E. C.3-811 Dock Street Broum, Robert, 1209 N. 9th St. Cleland, W. A., 2714 Van Huren St. Cook, Irene W., 178 Colonial Vlge. Creek, Wm. E., P. 0. Bx.249,Car.Bch.Davis, S. J.3 2820 Adams St. Dodd, P. R., 2107 Princess St. Fdgerton, Howard E,, 2216 %lein Rd. Edwards, E3win E., 2518 Burnett Blvd. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Nnbt.G.,A-8 Oleander,Ct. ? .Flack,.Frank A., 106 Nun St. Hare, C. D.0 1818 Perry Ave. Hewett, H. C., Rte,2, Box 339 Jones, Willie, 608 Wright;St. Lee, Wm, L. 709 Princess St. Lewis, John S., 1205 S. 6th St. - Melvin, Robt.L., Rte.l Bx.88 Montgomery, Cameron, 24.1 Castle Hayne ? , Rd.Nmbley, Stella E., 2843 S. Front St. Odum, James H., 2869-D Adams St 0'Keef, P. F., 2015 Perry Ave. Orrell, Fannie, M., 822 Grace St. Peterson, Davis, 1217 S. !?th St. Powell, 0. C., 109 Williamson Dr. Riggs, J. T.,Jr,,123 S. fith St. Riley, Darrell W., 26 N. 25th St. Simmons, A. H,, 35 Spofford Mills Smith, J. E,, 108 Penn St. Somersett, H. H,2 2005 Woolcott Ave.Somersett, ]fathleen, 1413 s, 4th St. Sowden, R. C., 61/a. S. 2nd St. Tart, Jai¢es H., Rte.3, Box 166 Whitted, Joseph W., 321 S. 4th St. Meeks, June R,, Gen.Del, Car. Bch, For the Criminal Term: . 1 Baker, Albert E., Wrightsville Bch. Batson, Wm. J., 1615 Grace St. Baxter, A]ma S., 912 Market St. Biggs, Fdward E., 19 Woodlawn Ave. Butler, W. H.) 2201 Flaza Dr, Caglz, J. M., 6 Pinecrest Pkary. Cameron, C. Fred, Bx.765, Car. Rch. Carlton, Thomas, Ql/ Red Cross St. Cartier, Bruce J., Rte.l Bx.477 Casteen, Edgar J., 206 S. Slst St. Cecil, Rowlin M., 10 Jackson Dr. Cherry, J. H.,4409 Wrightsville Ave. Crosland, James S., 2604 Cotmnunity Dr.Daughtry, J. D., 420 S. 5th St. Davis, J. M,t 7 Shipyard Walk Uuncan, C. F., 7-C Nesbitt Crt. Faullmer, Garvin D,, 402 S. 3rd St. Fennell, James L. 24 Wrightsville Ave. Garvey, J. B.) 508 Wooster St., Hardee, Albert H., 12-bi Iake Village Harrelson, C. L., Jr., 13 Iske Forest Pkwy. Henrickson, G.D., 2202 Metts Ave. King, Erby, Jr,, RRD 1-Bx 526-A King, H. H.) 110 N. 42nd St. King, Roy L., 319 Chestnut St. Knowles, Milton Ray, 103 S. 4th St. Lewis, Cl,yde D.) 2-C Iake Forest Long, Herman, 123 Dare St. McSienzie, Geo. R.,•808 Dock St. Nills, Jacob, 202 Nun St, Monroe, N. D,, 3810 Wrightsville Av e.Pearslan, Albert Lee, 1012 Princess St.Rackley, C. W.2 2412 Poplar St. 5anders, W. P., 411 N. 3rd 3t. Schutt, W. L., 306 N. 14th St. Sessions, Isaac, 308 Marstellar St. Shepard,. Willie hf., 509 S. 4th St. Shew Idalora W., 1711 Orange St. Shiver, E. H.0 801 S. wth St. Sholar, A. M., 5r.2 2712 Monroe St, Shrier, Monroe I. 106 N. 5th St. Simpson, B. T., 9208 Wrightsville Ave. ? Sistrunck, James B., 248 N. 25th St .Skipper, G. C., 314 Red Cross St. Smith, William A., P.O.Bx 3,Castle Hayne NC, Stanleyt H. C., 2311 Market St. Thompson, Robt. C., Rte.2-Box 131 Ticlm er, W. H.? 22 S. Iake Forest Winkle, Herman V. W., 1909 Ann St. Woodward, U. G., 112 Rutledge Dr. Mr. Horton stated that a Mr. Quigley representing the Cole-Layer-Trumble Compar?y of Dayton, Ohio, a valuation - C? expert compary, wants to appear before the IIoard and outline their work. • o? Mr. Horton presented a map showing lots owned by the County on Kerr Avenue at the Airport and estimated they would bring from $18,000.00 to $20,000.00. Mr. Horton was to proceed to sell these lots. • ? Another letter and map was presented that was received from the CAA, in regard to a television tower being erected in line with run-way of Airport. Mr. Horton explained that the tower was not in line and he would handle with the CAA. • ?'A letter from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau was read in regard to the 2L,-hour per day opera- ?? tion request at the Airport, Property owned by the City and County was discusse3 relatzve to sale. The figurea to be used were total ac- cumulation of taxes plus all expenses. The City to be consulted, and the property adjusted and sold. ?- ? , Meeting of September 21, 1953- Continued - 4 5 ??? g R?ports from the Wilmington Colored Library for July; Airport Report for August; Walker Nemorial Hospital for u st; and Cotmnunity Hospital for August were received and filed. ?,?. ? etitio ?oi{ admission to the County Home of Bei:tha Jones Blanks, Age 54 ?s approved. ??? Bill was approved by District Solicitor Clifton Moore for expenses derived from autopsy, removal of body and C;9904-re-burying of William S. Benson, Jr., of Wake County. Mr. Davis moved and 14r. Trask seconded that Judge J..J. Parker be endorsed for U. S. Justice for Supreme Court. Mr. Horton to send a copy to Judge Parker and letter to the President. rp? County Checks #/710 -#806 inclusive were approved for payment. f? y,i ,??5?°' Bill from Harold W. Wells & Son for Justice of Peace £or John 0'Beirne was received and ordered paid. -Acting Clerk Wilmington, N. C., September 28, 1953. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was-held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. , Present: R. T: Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask, County At- torney Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor T. D. Love. • Zhe meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. M.Mallette, Pastor of Kennsville Baptist-Church, Colored. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of September 21, 1953, having previously been furnished to each member of the • Board, the same were upon motion of h1r. 0'Shields, seconded by Trir. Davis, approved. •r.R. C ? '. ?e?;`A request of Mrs. T. D. Love, Secretary, for an appropriation of $1,000.00 to the Wilmington Merchants Association toward its annual program expense for 1953-1954 Christmas Street Lighting, billboard and other advertising, was ? upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 14r. Davis, approved for $500.00 out of the advertising fluid, the Commission- ' ers feeling such•an expenditure would be to the County's interest for advertising its resources and advantages. ..?_a?>Appropriations for future advertising was then discusses, and it was agreed upon suggestion by N?r. O'Shields, to discontinue future magazine and newspaper advertisements, the same tote taken care of out of appropriations made ` to organizations for special events toke disbursed by them to the best advantage. _ ,?A?The Chairman read a copy of a letter he had written to the President of the United States endorsing the Honorable ? John J. Parker for appointment to the high post of the Supreme Court of our United States o£ America, copies of which were sent to the Honorable John J. Parker, United States Senator Alton A. Lennon and the Board of Commissioners of Mecklenburg County, which met with the approval of the Board. Ct'A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mrs. Virginia Walsh for the cleaning of the ditches in her • neighborhood, which, she said, made a great improvement. . OP A copy o#' a letter written to the Uolunteer Fire Departments in the County by the New Hanover County Fire Inspec- tion Committeee, was received, outlining its duties as Liaison between the Rural Uolunteer Fire Departments and the Board of County Commissioners, and advised that they would,•in the near future, organize the New Hanover Rural Firemans Association, which they feel an organization o£ that kind, meeting'once a month, will Ue a great help to all of us. A copy of a letter written by Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, to Mr. B..D. Alexander, Airspace Utilization Officer, CAA, Fort Worth, Texas, acknowle3ging receipt o£ his letter of September 15th, regar3ing WMFD-TV televi- - sion tower, and advising that no objections were raised by the Commiasioners at meeting of September 21, 1953, to the erection of a 602 foot tower on the site of their existing 386 foct tower. A letter was received fa•om the State Department of Revenue requesting that they be furnished with a list of the i real and personal property valuation for all of the corporations in this County that have been oompleted. A reply to our letter concerning the natter of curtai]ment of weather service at Bluethenthal Airport was received from the 6ffi.ce of Senator Alton A. Lennon, advising that the matter ha3 tieen taken up with Dr. Reichelderfer, Chief U. S. Weather Bureau, and that we may be a ssured that everything reasonably possible will be done to assist in the matter. A letter was received from the State Aighwap and Public Works Commission concerning our request to establish a 35 AiPH speed zone from Maffitt Village thru Echo Farm, advising that upon investigation it was found that present indications are that a speed zone is not warranted. If further engineering faets are foun3 to indicate that any reduction in speed is warranted, it will be recommended that the State Highway Commission pass an ordinance £ix- ing a reduced limit within needs. A report of Airport receipts for September 22, and report of Health Department for August, were received and filed. ? etter was received from P4r. T. A. Early, Inspector of Correctinnal Institutions, cormnending the installation of ceiling suction fans in the jail, and that his inspection on September 17th, brought to light no new facts in con- nection with the jail, except that it has withstood a lot of abuse,thru the years which makes it necessary to have constantrepair service and attention from a general housekeeping standpoint. Mr. Early did insist, however, that a three-section sink, requ?red by law, be installed to replace the old one-section sink in the kitchen, and the work tables which are of rough wood construction, be replaced with at least two well built metal covered tables. No objections were indicated by the Board to the applications for State Permit to sell beer submitted by J. M,,Harvell, r "Harvell's Service Station" Skippers Corner, Castle Hayne, and D. M. DeSantir, Bob's Place Highway 17, at Seven-Mile Post. 5 The mat'Cer of correcting conditions at 42nd Street and Greenfield, Winter Park, £or the safety of school children and others catching the bus there, was referred to the Chairman to take up.with the State Highi,ray Department. o^? Surety Bond for Mr, C. R. A7orse as Tax Collector, in the amount of $37,500.00 with the National 5urety Corporation as surety for a term beginning October 1, 1953, and en3ing October 1. 1955, the said amount having been fixed by the Commissioners and the Bond approved as to form and execution by the County Attorney, was upon motion of Mr. , Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, a ccepted, and payment oF $375.00 premium for the Tax Collectors Dond, and $84.15 premium for blanket bond for his employes was authorized. Assistant Dog Catcher, bir. Alex Lashley appeared to request the County to reimburse him to the extent o£ $700.00 for Hospital and surgical expense account of injury to his spine while opening a jammed door to the dog cage mounted on a truck used to pick up atray dogs during the dog quarantine period last year, which he said rendered • him unfit to w m.k. He said his hospital bill amounted to $500.00 and surgical bill 4, ;190.00. Mr. Iashley was instructed tosecure affidavits as to the injury, treatment and diagnosis from his former employer, Sheriff , atten3ing physician, Hospital, his physician as to his physical condition before and after injury, cause of injury etc., together with ?tatement of hospital and doctor's bills for the Board's information.