1953-10-05 Regular Meeting 4? 6 Meeting of September 28, 1953 - Continued= " Action on salary adjustments recommended by Department Heads was deferred until a full meeting of the Board. ? Upon motion of Yir. Ih vis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved a deed prepared by the County Attorney to ? convey to E. B. Towles Construction Corpany, 63 1/3 Acrea of land more or less, ]mown as the Gregerson Land, ? or County Castle Hayne Quarry Tract-in Cape Fear Township, for the sum of $5,600.00 in accordance with bid accepted by the Oounty Coruniss_oners at meeting of September 14, 1953• The Chairman and tlie Clerk of the Board were authorized and directed to sign the same in the name of the County. 'Phe execution of deeds to be prepared by the County Attorney in.connection with the exchange of land between Mayor E. L. Whit,e and Councilman E. S. Capps, Dan Cameron, Jomes E. L Wade, City Attorney W. B. Campbell an3 City Manager Jas, R. Benson appeared and a joint discussion was held with Messrs, J. H. Quigley, Tand Appraisor, the County and Corbett Industries, Inc., to provide a site for the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its Third Division Headquarters building, garages and shops, and the transfer of the said building site to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for that purpose, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. ( Davis, approved, and the Chairman and the Clerk were authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of A the County upon reaching a mutual and ?tisfactory agreement with E. W. Godwin's Sons concerning the closing of a 40 foot street back of the property adaoining the lands in question. n. ??,y and V. M. Joyce, Aerial N?a.ppir.g of Areas, representatives, concerning the mapping and revaluation of property, -qli ?J-? The foregoing matter was discussed at length, but no action was taken. ?? The County then presented a deed to the City of Wilmington for Legion Stadium which was approved as to £orm by the City and County Attorneys. Councilman Jas. E. L. Wade moved that the deed be accepted and that any bona- f? fide cor,unittments the County has made to the Board o£ Fducation or other agencies £or any events at the Stadium be recognized, and that a list of such committmente be furnished the City, and that ?he Stadium, on behalf of the people, be.accepted from the County with thanks. His motion was seconded by Councilman E. S. Capps and unanimously carried by a unanimous vote for the members of the City Nuncil present. The methen adjourned. -- ??• b4+--.?u4. - Clerk. ? The regular weekly meeting of the Bca rd was held Wi]mington, N. C., October 5. 1953. this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, T. D. Love County Auditor, an3 14arsden Bellarqy, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend K. Y. Auddle, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. l?otiox? h1r.?04:5hie?,d5^y, 9econded by Mr, Davis, Mr. C. R. Morse, Conaolidated City-County Tax Collector, was ?? directed to make daily deposits of the County's proportionate part of all moneys collected by him or thru his office, placing the same to the cre3it of the County Auditor of New Hanover County, in one of its duly desig- nated depositories, an3 to furnish the County Auditor with a duplicate slip showing the amount so deposited, taking a rece?pt therefor. . • Mr. C. R. Morse, Taac Collector, made his report of ?ttlement of 1952 te?ces as shovm below, which was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr, 0'Shields, accepted subject to the check of the County Auditor: STATE'?i1ENT OF 1952 COUNTY TAXES CHARGED TO THE TAX COLLECTOR September 30, 1953. Listed as per Abstract Real Estate and Personal Property $ 1,091,916.27 Not Listed " " " " 5?.517.70 1,147,433.97 Less Abatements 15,270.87 11132,163.10 Listed and Collected by the Tax Collector 21535.20 Penalty Collected 3t629.00 Advertising cost collected 101.00 $ 1,138,428.30 Rea.l Estate sold for taxes ? 327216.37 Not listed property sold for taxes 8,455.16 Insolvents 1800 Polls @ $2,00 $ 3,600.00 Dogs 4 ' 396.00 Personal Property ?$10,112 Q$1.10 11.129.75 15,119.'75 Taxes prepaid 317,835.15 Discount aliowed 13779.24 Collected by the Tax Collector and deposited in the Wilmington Savings & Trust Company 703.213.46 , $ 1,138,619.63 Less overpayment J. E. Bugg $ 23.00 J. W. Jackson 4.60 27.60 • ?y 13138,592.03 County received credit should have been City: Lucille Hewlett S 45.54 V. M. Sellers 1?1.35 Geo. E. Hill 11,88 q8,77 $.11138,493.26 Over 64.96 $ 1.138.428.30 The procedure was ei;plained in detail by 14essrs. Quigley and Joyce who estimated the cost to be from k90?000.00 'to ?725?000.00 £or mapping the areas? which would require approximately 18 months to complete and tying the re- sult of their work in with County records and furnishing maps of same; an3 slightly under N150?O?.cost for reval- us'tion of the Varioua parcels? which would require from 1[? to 18 months? or an overall time for both services of approximately two years? and subsequent work to keep the same up to date??from year to year? would cost froru ?900.00 to ?$1?300.00 per year. ? Meeting of October 5, 195$ - Continued - 4q,1??The 1953 tax books were then presented to the Board by the County Auditor, and upon motion_of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, accepted and turned over to the Tax Collector for collection. -1? presenting the 1953 tax books, the County Auditor reported the valuation of property, in round figures, to be $98,000,000.00, plus ccr_porate excess of $3,000,000.00 maldng a total of approximately $101,000,000.00, as against $93,000,000.00 for last year, or a gain of approximately $42000,000.00. He also reported all tonships showed a gain with the exception o£ Federal Point which showed a loss onaccount of shrinkage in val- ue on Dow Chemical Company. Harnett Township shovred the largest gain of $1,183,000.00. - / Qn behalf of the Bm rd, the Chairman thanked the County Auditor Nr. T. D. Love, for his successful ef'Ports in preparirg the 1953 tax books ih time to meet the dead-line for delivery to the Tax Collector for collection, Mr. Love alsoadvised the Board that heras giving consideration to investing funds from prepaid taxes and and school bond money, not needed for inunediate use, in safe short-term securities, which should ;tield from two to three thousand .dollars in interest. Mr. Richard Meier and others appeared to:ask for an appropriation out of the advertisement fund, for SENCBA, ? but was told that the a dvertising flznd had not been broken down yet to meet anticipated demands and for that {?`eason his request would be deferred until that time for consideration. ?hqoy Forms for soliciting contributions from the personnel of the County Commissioners Office, setting a goal at $80.00 for.the 1953 United FSuid Campaign, was presented by the Chairman. 457 A petition submitted by Mr. L. C. Kure in behalf of the Kure Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church and others, to pave Third Avenue froLn Avenue K, to Avenue L. thence on Avenue, to Highway 421 at Kure BeaSh, as indicated by red arrows on map attached, was upon_motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. The petitioners ' to furnish.ri.ght-of-way agreement on 5tate Form R-10, required by the State Highway and Public Works Commission. The Chairman read a letter received £ron Mr. J. H. Quigley, representing the Cole-Iayer-Trumble Company of Day- "'" ton, Ohio, a dvising that in connection with their proposal, the cost for revaluation of property can be spread over a two-year period for payment, so that part of the cost would fall in one year and the balance in the . succeeding fi.scal year. , , . u ? Check for $153.16 was received from H. G. Lstimer & Son, Agents, which representa returned premiiun account of s4?14 change in rates on Community Hospital insurance policies coming up £or renewal October ].Q, 1953. A letter was receivec*rom U. S. Circuit Judge, the Honorable John J. Parker; expressing his thanks for our en- ; dorsement Co the President in his behalf, for the appointment to a post on the United States Supreme Court. The Chairman called attention to'the annual meeting of Tax Suparvisors Association at the Institute of Govern- ment at Chapel Hill on November 19, 20 and 21. ,Eommissioner Aal J. Iove and County Auditor T. D. Love, in- dicated that they willattend the meeting with the Chairman. Mr. Horton urged that other members of the Board that may find it convenient, to also attend the meeting. A request of the Nela Hanover County Ban Association to request the Chief Justice o£ the Supreme Court of North • rolina to allot four additional weeks of.C?ourt to this County in the spring, which Mr. John M. Strong, jv,? Administrative Assistant to-the Chie£ Justice?wou d be available, and out of the said four w eeks that a'two r' weeks special term of Civil Court be ordered'to begin,on March 22, 1954, and two additional weeks of Civil Court to begin on Nr2y 39 1954, in order to cooperate with the New Hanover County Bar Association in relieving the congestion of the Civil issue docket, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, granted. ,__)r,?,594Pon motion of Mr. Love,_seconded by Nir. Davis, appropriate resolutions were ordered drawn to go along with ' declaring this week °Fire Prevention Week". i Upon motion, the use of the County Commissioners off_ce was Eranted Company 2,, to receive and open bids October . (J 29, 1953, for construction of the new National Guard Armory building. ? The Chairman reported that vandals had knocked the brick out and torn down the furnace in one of the pleces at Hugh MacRae Park. The Sheriff was asked to give closer watch over that area. p)?S The Chairman announced cutting the trees off the roadways right-of-may in Hugh MacRae Park had beenstarted today. Ar. Horton told the Borard the North Carolina Fquipment Company would furnish blades for the T-14 Tractor at the Airport which could be used for land clearing etc,, at a price of $1,750.00., Mr. Davis raised the question, do we need it. Mr. Horton then suggested, if we have no need for it, to sell it. I9r. Trask then moved and ,- it was seconded by Mr. Davis and carried, that if something coul.d be found under $1,000.00 cost, we would be interested in it. , Reports from Veteran's Service Officer, Colored Home Demonstration Agent, and Q-H Clubs, and Airport receipts ?for SeptemUer were received and filed. i A report of the Back Tax Collector showing $8,056.63 was col].ected for the City and $7,315.42 for the County, making a total of $15,372.05 back taxes collected for the month of 5eptember. . ?y /A statement was received from the State Department of Public Welfare showing the amounts of money to be raised by the County for the fiscal year 1953-1954 to be as follows, £or,the purposes shown: Old Age Assistance $ 59,850.00 Aid to Dependent Children 302699.00 A.P.T.D. 10,560.00 Administration 45,558.00 ? A letter received from N,r. D. D. Baggett, Farm Agent, requesting permission to use part of his accumvlated va= cation'time beginning October 9. thru the 19th, to enable him toattend the National County Agents Convention at Philadelphia on October 11 thru the 15th, was granted. ?o bills for "?75.00 each £or autopsy on F?ldie Beal and Billie Robinson by James Walker Hospital, approved by ,?- the Coroner, were received for investigation with the Coroner. XA request of the Band Boosters Club of Nerr Hanover County High School, that a portion of the aivertising fund be turned over to them to be used for uniform maintenance and such new uniforms as are necessary, was received „ for consideration along with other organizations who have requested appropriations out of the?afivertising fund. A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mrs. 0. W. Keever, President, on behalf of the Ftosemont (;'L Garden Club and the various families living in that vicinity, Devon Park and Bryan Avenue, Harnett Township, for installation of s igns reading "Stop° and "Watch for Children°, which were recently placed there. _ p.,pt?t, Surety Bond for Ker,neth L. Hunn as a Justice of Peace, in the amount of $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corp- _ --?f' oration as surety, the said bond having been approved as to form and execution by the County Attorney and the amount thereof fixed by law, was upon motion accepted by the Board. r- 458 Meeting of October 5, 1953 - Continued - ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mrs. Minnie Davis Chadwick, SL?-year old physically disabled ^C citizen, was granted temporary admission to the County Home as a pay patient at $40.00 per month. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask,•payment of t38e00 leas 6% discount, to the Michie Company for furnishing replacement volumes 1A, 1B, and 1C to the General Statutes of North Garolina, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mr. James F. Swann, Sr., was granted an abatement of taxes -? aX on a-valuation o£ $175.00 property described as lot part Canady and 9/10 of an acre part Canady, account of double charge and error. The said property was conveyed to and listed by James F. 5wann, Jr./and in-. . cluded in 3/4 o£ an acre part Canady, Harnett Township for the year 1952. ? _ S?LTpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board adopted the recommen3ations of County Depart- ment Heads to adjust salaries of employes in their respective departments as follows: .., FOSTER EDWARDS ? ? CLERK SUPERIOR COURT: • "Acting on recommendations of the Board, I herewith submit my suggestions for raises for six (b) of my seven (7) employes. The severth, a new deputy, is not involved in this request. You will well r'emember when you first asked for my reco,-iunendations £ or salary raises, I urged ad- justments "to the Brinson level° for Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Brown, Tdrs. Walker (approximately $2,400.00 annually) and ten per cent for the rest. This recommendation puts the three ladies at the desired level, and affords them a nine per cent raise, as well as some percentage increase for the others, as follows: Name F]nnlove Present Salarv Your Prooosal 10% Mv Prooosal Less 9225.each Person Miss Ward $ 31324.00 $ 176.00 $ 332.00^ $ 307.00 Miss Devane 21724,00 Pdone 272.00 247.00 Miss Gore 2,304.00 100.00 230.00 205.00 14rs, Brown 2?244.00 280.00 224.00 199.00 Mr. Sponcler 3,404.00 450.00 340.00 315.00 Mrs. Walker 21244,00 480.00 22L•.00 199.00 - Total $1,486.00 $17622.00 $1,472.e0 ? I am, then requesting a total o£ only $1,472.00 annual]y for raises whereas you have approved • $1,486.00. Mr request is $14.00 less than your budget proposal. As you can see, I have not asked for more money, I am requesting a fair and equitable distribution ? o£ funds already allocated. _ Thank you £or your consideration of these suggestions andassuring you that I will be only too happy to discuss this matter with you or your Board at any time." , R. L. BLACft - REGISTER OF DEEDS: ? Miss McCulloch's salary be raised to $3,500.00 per year. of $120.00 per year. M. B. REGISTER -- SHERIFF: Each of the deputylclerks be given a raise ? Reco:mnend that the 10% increase allowed the Jail Department remain as set, and that all other deputies be allowe3 an increase of $15.00 per month, on a basis of the 1952-1953 salary scale. i JOHN A. WFSTBROOK ?- AIRPORT MANAGER: Recommends that Mr. George C. Farris, Dragline Operator, salary be increased from $1.60 per hour to $1.70 per hour, And, Iamar N,eClain, Janitor, Terminal Building Airport, pay be raised from 75¢ per hour to 80¢ per hour. D. D. BAGGETT ?- COUNTY AGENT: Recommends an adjustment in the salary of Mrs. Carolyn B. Bailey, the Secretary im his of£ice, from $2,364.00 annualJ?y to $2,484.00, beginning NovemUer 1, 1953. •` The City-County Ta3c Collector was present and was asked what r ecommendations he would care to make, answered that the City had made up its budget. 9? The following tentative allotffients to various organizations out of the County Advertising Flxnd, were taken ?)3!?` under considerstion for further action: SUGGESTED ALLOTI,fIINTS OUT.OF ADVERTISING FUND FOR L951 -1954 Retail Merchants Association ? 500.00 Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce 300,00 Wrightsville Beach Chamber of Commerce 300.00 Wilmington Chamber of Commerce 700.00 Azalea Festival 500.00 Ocean Highway Association 200.00 County Commissioners Convention 500.00 Band Boosters Club, New Hanover High Schoot00.00v Southeastern N.C. Beach Association 750.00. New Hanover Athletic Association 500.00 $4,550.00 The meeting then adjourned. ._.S, Clerk. ? ?