1953-10-12 Regular MeetingWilmington, N. C., October,12, 1953• The regular week],y meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present; R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask/ Qounty Attorney Marsden Bellaff{y and County Auditor T. D. Love. ` The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Mr. S. E. Jenkins, Pastor of the Church of th'e Good Shepard. ' ' Copies of the minutes of the meeting of October 5, 1953, having been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. ? /41itYi reference to the 1952 insolvents representing $15,119•75 uncollected County taxes on po11s, dogs and per- sonal property submitted by Mr. C. R. Morse, Tax Collector, in connection w ith his settlement of 1952 taxes. It was recommended by,the Chairman that the same be turned over to the Back Tax Collector for collection, and suggested that a fee of 3% be allowed him as additional compensation for collecting the same. The matter ? was discussed, and the Board feeling that some of the accounts can be collected, upon motion of Mr. Dsvis, ? seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, ordered the same turned over to the Back Tax Collector for collection without ad- ditional compensation or fee, for making the collections. vsn/ /,CoA Dr, Fred H. Coleman, Coroner, appeared at the request of the Commissioners to ecplain why it was necessary to ,,,??incur a bill for $75.00 each for autopsy by James Walker Hospital on the bodies of Fddie Beal, recently killed by rifle shot wounds, and the body of a negro child 8illie Robinson who was brought to the hospital dead. The Coroner explained that in previous cases, the Health Department-had been requested to,per£orm autopsies, but had failed to give aqy cooperation, and in these instances he was requested and urged by the Police to secure the bullet from the bocLy oF Beal and?to ascertain the cause of 3eath of the negro child who was dead upon arrival at the Hospital. 'The report of the.Coroner was accepted, and he was instructed to call upon . the Health Depar.tment in the future for this s ervice as directed by Iaw, an3 if refused by_the Health Depart- ment to so inform the County Commissioners. .~; iss Mary C. Bradshaw appeared to request that the Old Age Assistance lien on her property at 507 Princess Street, Block 182, appearing in the nazne of her mother, Mrs. Emma Lumsden•Bradshaw, a former OAA recipient, be remooed for the reason the said property is actually hers and not her mothers property, and submitted an affidavit made by Mr. J. H. Irving Sr., the salesman thru whom 5he purchased £he property, statir.g"that the property listed in the name of Mrs. Emma Bradshaw at 507 Princess Street, was bought by her daughter Miss Mary .' ' Bradshaw who made a dosart payment of $1,000.00 to the Peoples Building Rc Loan-lssociation on November 30, 1944• ? Since that time the current monthly payments have been paid by Miss Mary Bradshaw. AtIthe time of purchase, the question arose as to whose name should be on the deed. In order to protect her mother, she and the sales- man Mr. J. H. Irving thought it best to make the deed in Mrs. Emma Bradshaw's name, due to the fact that Miss Maxy Bradshaw had been married (Married name Mrs. Leon Cash, Jr.,) or that she at some future date might re- marry, she felt that should she die, her mother would be better protected i£ the deed were in her mother's • name (Nss. Dnma Bradshaw)". Miss Mary Bradshau further stated thatshe is and has been entirely responsible for hers and her mother's financial welfare for the past fifteen years, If at all.possible she would like to change the deed to her name as it should be. Refinancing of this property is pending with another Compaqy at which time the deed could be transferred to her (1dss Mary BrAdshaw). . ? ?i . Therefore, that in the opinion of the Board, based on the statement of N,r. J. R. Hollis, Welfare Officer, that the matter had been submitted to the State, and according to s ruling of the Attorney General the County Com- missioners canrelesse the property £rom the lien, Miss Mary C. Bradshaw holds the said property in trust for ' Mrs, Emma Bradshaw,'and that Miss biary Bradshaw is the real owner of same, therefore the OAA lien docketed in the Superior Court should be released so far as it effects title.to the said property. Therefore, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by. Mr. Davis, be it resolved thAt the County Atto"rney be and he is hei'eby authorized ' and directed to release the said property from the operation of said lien. ,,,- 10_2 A petition sizbmitted by 13 property owners on State Form R-10, asking for •the grading and stabilizing a roadway from the end of the paved road at Seabreeze, Federal Point Township, to US 421, as per map attached, was upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved and referred to the State High- ?way and Public Works Commission for its consideration. A letter was received from U. S. Senator Alton A. Lennon enclosing a 3etter he received from Dr. F. W. Reichel- derfer, Chief, Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., substantiating our efforts and request to have 24-hour weather reporting service resumed at the Airport, or the reports taken by Piedmont Airlines employes, placed on the National teletypewriter ci'rcuita, i ??An invitation was received from Dr. Ellem Winston, Commissioner, 5tate Soard of Public Welfare, to attend the Thirty-Fourth Annual Public Welfare Institute to be held in Raleigh, November 5-6, 1953. r'-?1 Ale ter was received from N,rs. John M. Sutton, 1902 Church Street, requesting the Commissioners to have the weeds and undergrowth cut and cleared off the lots and driveways at Bellevue Cemetary at least twice a year. Thisbeing a private corporation is not a County obligation, however, the Commissionersare in sympathy with the request, but have no legal right to grant the relieF requested. z __-00? No objections were raised by the Board to the applications for 5tate Permits to sell beer submitted by Franklin Schell at Ocean Terrace Hotel, Wrightsville Beach, and Wade Harold Hines, Fort Fisher Restaurant, Fort isher. ? Upon motion of Mr. Dsvis, seconded by Mr. Trask, payment of Justice of the Peace bond premiwns at $10.00 each £or Mr. J. C. Long, Mr. B. J. Dillon a nd Mr. Earl A. Sandera; and Coroner's bond premium for Dr. Fred H. Coleman, were approved. ?oie A letter was received from Mr. John L. Morris, Vice President National Airlines, advising change in schedule flights at Bluethenthal Field, between November l, and 10, account of Airlines with which they have interchange agreements start operating on winter schedule November lst, and complete rearrangement of schedules become nec- essary as of that date. They are now takir_g delivery on their Convair 340 Airplar!es and have every reason to ' believe they will be able to operate their first Convair schedule thru Wilmington not later than November lOth. i ,?e/ ?"? letter was received from the White House, Washington, D. C., aclmowledging with thanks our letter ef endorse- ment of the Aonorable John J. Parker to a uost on the United States Supreme Court, advising that after more careful consideration, the President determined upon the selection of the Honorable Farl Warren for appoint- ment as Chief Justice of the Unite3 States. .?A?L?etters of invitation were received from Mr. Ben E. Douglas, Director Division of Commerce and Industry, State Department of Conservation and Development, and State Senator Mr. J. V. Whitfield, Burgau, N. C.) to attend the Development Forum to be held by the Department of Conservation and Development in the Court House Auditorium at Burgaw 7:30 P.M., 1uesday, October 13, for the Counties of New Hanover, Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Jones, Pamlico and Pender. • __-Cl?iotice of Speoial meoting of the Board of Directors of SENCBA for Thursday, Octoter 15t1'i at 8:00 P.N,,, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Wilmington, N. C., was received, 459 .F. / A I 40, r Meeting of October 12, 1953 - Continued - ? An invitation was received from the County Home Demonstration Agent to attend the Fall Achievement Day Pro- gram at Masonboro Baptist Church, [dednesday, October 21, at 8:00 P.M. , A letter was received from Mr. Theodore H. Noe advising inasmuch as the Gurrituck-Aare District Health De- pa.rtment had made it sufficiently interesting to retain him as their Sanitarian, he would not be able to ? take a position with the Local Health Department, which position he sought and had recent]y been accepted by the Board of Health, but had not entered upon his duties. " ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr, Davis, A'ew Hanover Junior High School Band, J. R: Dobson, Director, was granted an appropriation of $300.00 out of the aavertisirg fund for uniforms; fllso C,65.00 to the Daugh- ters o£ the American Revolution for purchase of page advertisement in their booklet "Wilmington Historical Colonial City", of which 7,500 copies, or a two years supply are to be published, which in;the opinion of the Board will,be to the Gounty's interest for advertising its resovrces and advantages. ? A request to appropriate $500.00 to Tileston-Sunset Park Jvnior High School for the purchase and maintenance of band uniforms, was received for consideration along with the distribution of the advertising fund. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr, t^rask, the Board approved the sale of the following parcels of.land 41 bought in by the City and County £or taxes, subject to the approval of the City, on 20 days option. Heirs to ? be given first..refusal to purchase at a price the County and City bought the same in for taxes, plus cost, interest and penalties, or at the approved appraised value if equal to the a mount the City and County has ex- pended in it, whichever is the greatest: ` - I - Block 8- Lot 1- Mercer Place Taxes $166,68 Appraisal $250.00 to W. D. Bryant for $350.00 ? Block 59 - Lots 5 and 6 " 344.18 " 300,00 " W. S. Stevens " 459.18 'Block 502- " 2 " 352.43 " 450.00 " Heirs of Helen Kellog Yarborough for 450.00 ? A letter waa received from Major L. Shackle£ord, Salvation Axviy, thanking the Commissioners for their consider- _GJ ation in waiving the taxes on the Salvation Army Station Wagon and her car, both of which are used for Salvation Ariqy work in delivering and collecting for the needy of our community,.and would appreciate consideration.of this for the next year again. IIpon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, E. L. Bost was granted an?abatement of taxes on a valua- tion of $2,850.00 charge3 against him on lot 3, in block ll,, Kure Beach as not listed for the year 1952, ac- count of double chrzrge and error. The same'is ownedp listed and taxes paid for said year by Dell Gore. The Federal-State Farm Census Report Books for 1954 were received and upon motion of Mr. Davis, mconded by Mr. O'SHields, the same were or3ered turned over to the proper o£ficial to promptly coraplete the alphabetical list- ing in the Farm Census report books from the scroll books of all land owners having three or more acres of land in ariy township naw, rather than waitin.g until taic lis'ting time. '' Monthly reports were received from the Home Demonstration Agent, Farm Agent, Wilmington Public Library and Colored Library Receipts and Disbursements, Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington and County Farm Pro- "duction P.eport and ordered filed. / la?A copy of the North Carolina Welfare Statistics showing number of persons reaeiving Old Age Assistance in July per 1,000 population, 65 years of age and over, from 1938 to 1953 was received and filed. A statement of expenditures for Forest Fire Control inaccordance with the contract for 1953-1954, shoiaing total expenditures to September 30, 1953, to be $264.65 of which amounb 40% or #105.86 i's to be paid by the ? County, was received from the State Forester and approved for payment. , Payment of $175.00 special attorneys fee to Solomon B. Sternberger, Attorney for services rendered the Defend- ? ent in the case of State vs Clarence Newkirk; charged with murder in the first degree, was upon motion of Mr. ? Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved on order of the Judge presiding, October 1953 Cr9minal Term of the ? Superior Court, TYie. mee'ting then adjourned. . Clerk. . . Wilmington, N. C,, October 19, 195?44 The regular meeting of the Hoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman, and Commissior.ers Claud O'Shields, Thurstoh C. Davis, Hal J. Iqve, Raiford Trask, County Attorney Marsden Bellazry and County Auditor T. D. Love. The meeting was opened iaith prayer Uy the Reverend G. D. Carnes, Pastor of Mt. Zion Methodist Churchi Colored. Upon motion of Mr. A3vis, seconded by Mr. Love, Tileston-Sunset Park Junior High School Band$ was granted an ? appropriation of $500.00 for uni£orms out of the advertising fund, the IIoard feeling such an expenditure will ^ be to the interest of the County for advertising its resovrces and advantages. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, the minutes of ineeting of October 12, 1953, copies of which were previously mailed to each member of the Board, was approved. ?O?'The question of responsibility to authorize autopsies in cases to determine cause of deaths, it was of the i?pinion o£ the Board, that it'is the duty of the Health Officer to first determine if such is necessary before ? action is taken by the Coroner. Differences o£ opinion having arisen between Mr. Foster Elwar3s, Clerk of the Superior Court, and Nir. H. Win- Mr1'l,field Smith, Recorder, as to their respective jurisdiction over employes of the Recorders Court in connection with the adjustment of s alaries. Nir. Fdwards appeared in the interest of c7.arifying that question inasmuch as he previously made certain recommendations as to salary adjustments of the employes in his office, two of whom have been assigned to Recorders Court work con£licting with recommendations suggested by the Recorder. In discussing the matter, the County Attorney ruled that in his opinion, Clerk of the Superior Court being ex-officio Clerk of the.Recor3ers Court, by virtue of his of£ice as Clerk of the Superior Court, has the same rights as in the Superior Court, and has the right to appoint his Clerks, and say who shall be cierk in Re- corders Court. The Commissioners have the right to set salaries, that recorimendations of the Clerk of Super- ior Court or the Recorder as to salaries of.the clerks assigned to Recorders Court work, is merely persuasive and not manditory. Mr. Smith being confined at his home sick and not able to be present, the matter was refer- red to the County Attorney, Clerk of the Superior Court and the Recorder, to get together and wrk out their problefns and report to the Board at a subsequent meeting. , A copytof a resolution from the Wrightsville Deach Parent.-Teachers Association recommending the County Commis- sioners adopt and put into effect an ordinance prohibiting the•placing of abandoned ice boxes or refrigerators r .;C ,