1953-11-02 Regular Meeting463 'Meeting of October 26, 1953 - continued - ?The Board acknowledged with thanks, an invitation from the Boar3 oF Health and Commissioners of Hurke County, to attend the dedication of the Burke County Health Center, Sunday, November 1, 1953 at 3:15 P.M.,•at the Health Center, East Concord and Chestnut Streets, Morganton, N. C. '• ?AA communication was received from Mr. J. E. Canady, Delinquent Tax Collector, returning the insolvent personal , property list submitted by Mr. C. R. Morse and accepted in his settlement of the 1952 taxes. The insolvent list which is current taxes due under the law, was turned back to the Tax Collector, Mr. C. R. Morse, for fur- ther efforts to collect the same, the Back Taac Collector to give his aooperation toward clearing the insolvent list which is an obligation of the Tax Collector. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shielda, abatements were allowed in the following cases to correct errors in assessments and double charges: ' C. C. NgKeithsn-, Block 23., Lot part 6 and 7, $2,400.00 assessment on house charged in error; 47 Acres Ydddle ? Sound, and 15 Acres Marsh, Harnett Township, charged as not-listed in the name of Idella Dixon Davis, sold to N. R. Horrell October 1951, double charge. Cancel tax in the name of Idella Dixon Davis and charge same to N. R. Horrell for the years 1952 and 7953. Norwood. E, McLemb, Lots 18 a?n -19; G7i11owdale $4,500.00 assess- ment on house reduced to $3,750.00 to equalize with adjoining property, $750.00 abatement granted for 1953. Marjorie.N. Godley, charged with Lot 59 County Club Pines as not-listed, was granted anabatement of taxes for the years 1952 and 1953 account of double charge, the same listed and taxes paid by J. R. Dobson. D. L. Edens, a resident of Harnett Township was granted anabatement of City taxes only, on poll and automobile assessea at- $/+75.00 for the year 1953, account of error. E._R._Alayhan, taYes abated on A valuation of $2,973.00 Personal property for 1953, account of clerical error. Otto_K.-Pmidg.ea, 1larnett Township, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $4,000.00 fixtures assessed in error, for 1953; and, Charles F. Green, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $13,500.00 due f,o error in listing. oq, report of receipts and disbursements was received from the Wilmington Colored Library for 5eptember, an3 re- , ?,U ort o£ rents and gasoline sales at the Airport for October 23, were received and filed. report on the employment situation in the Wilinirigton area was received from the North Carolina State IInploy- ? ent Service Division. K,?Ywq'he Pollowing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court £o^ the`trial of crinimal cases for the November Criminal Term beginning November 9, 1953: Lula Grant, 410 Grace Street Walter M. Bell) 611 So. Front St. M. T. Clayton, 306 Harnett St. Linwood Jacobs, 2724 Alonroe St. Jos. L. King, 107 Bryan Ave. Robert E. Guyton, 906 No. 4th St. R. J. Orr; Rte 1, Box 524 Robert A. Jenkina, 1415 Dock St. - Julius Padrick, 2826 Car.Bch.Rd. Leon E. Hart, Jr., 1904 Nun St. John Pulaski, 24 No. 25th St. W. L. Price, Kure Beach ' H.'I. Rhodes, 1208 50. 5th St. W. B. Mallard, 120 Ivo. 9th St. Luke Harrell, P.O.Box 120 Car. Bch. Dan Quinlivan, 1517 Nun St. • Elizabeth Date, 116 So. 5th St. B. E. Williams, 1417 Castle St. R. G. Wells, Rte 1, Box 458 Alberta L. McCoy, 14-K Iake Village A. G. Adams, 2001 Iletts Ave. R. M. Piver, 206 Kenwood Ave. J. J. Thomas, Rte 3, Box 450B Clarence B. NcCoy, 203 Central Blvd. Cornelia Brady, 408 Church St. Haywood S. Y3ng, 114 So. Sth St. E. C. Hicks, Jr., 1907 Princess St. J. 0. Fdwardq, 122 Wayne Dr. Joseph fiansley, Rte 2, Box 39 F. H. Morgan, 2868-F Jefferson St, L. H. King, 3812 Wrightsviile Ave. M. V. Bennett, 19 Wrightsville Ave. T. A. Rivenbark, 707 So. 3rd St. D. P. Harrelson, Jr., 415-B Walnut St. id. R. Zibelin, 718 Dock Street L. H. A1athexs, 409 So. 4t1'i St. Sudie R. Norriss, RFD 1,Box 165 Flmna M. Williams, 2101 Brandon Rd. George W. Rhodes, 212 S. 2nd St. N. J. Kelly, 1803 Ann St. W. H. Darden, 4-C Iiesbitt Courts Wm. S. Pullen, 2308 Chestnut St. W. T. Bordeaux, Rte 1, Box198 I. J. Eckenrod, 119 Grace St. A'argaret Winstead3 415 Dock St. Thomas Hayduke, Rte 1 ' D. T. Branch, 501 Central Rlvd. A. C. Bowers, General Delivery, Car. Bch. Andrew J. Harris, 403 Wrightsville Ave. Charles H. Mathews, Box 550, Car. Bch. The meeting was then recessed to enable the Commissioners to meet at the John C. Wessell Tliberculosis Sana- torium as its Boar3 of Directors. ? 14 -C1erk. ?? x• • ?? O Wilmington, N. C., November ?_, 1953• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Rrsiford Trask and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy, The invocation was given by the Reverend R. R. Johrson, Pastor First Pentecostal Holiness Church. Copies of the minutes of the Board of October 26, 1953, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. , A petition was filed by G. W. Fleming and C. S. Hnyal, Mildred Fleming Powell and H. E. Powell to?close and abolish Fleming Street and Second Avenue northwestwardly from the N-W Corner of Lot J/23, Block "E" and all unnamed streets northeast of and parallel with Second Avenue, Dry Dock Street and Pocomoke Highway, as shown on the'map of Flemington recorded in T?iap Book Q, Page 64 in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Han- over County. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Yx. 0'Shields „ the petition was received and it iaas or- dered that due and legal notice be.given by publication as required by statute, to all interested parties .' as well as personal notice to all persons abutting on streets sought to be closed, and that a hearing be . heldbn'said petition 10:00 o'clock A.Ni,, on December 3, 1953. The Chairman announced that fuxther routine business would be dispensed with in order to discuss the proposed 25-year County-Navy joint Airport-tise-Agbeement with the following Navy and other Government representatives and private citizens present: Mr. Joseph Norwood, Former CAA District Ehgineer N,r. R. B. Allen, CAA Representative, Atlanta, Ga. Oliver Csrter, Local Attorne*nd Former Attorney for CAB. Lt. John L. Engle, Navy Resident Airport Fngineer ?Col. Henry Iane, Senior Marine Officer Negotiator, Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. 'Col. E. N. Johnson, Cherry Point. Lt. Col. L. S. Reeves, Cherry Point. ?Lt. Col. J. R. Christianson, Cherry Point. Cecil 5mith, Civilian Attorney, Bureau o£ Yards E. E. IIeaty, Manager Beat Estate Branch, 6th Naval Base and Docks, Washington, D. C. Charleston, S. C. C. M. Thomas W. W. Knapp, CAA Control Tower, Airport. W. R. Elder, Safety Dicision CAA, Raleigh, N. C. R. B. Page, Chairman of the Aviation Committee, Wilmington John H. Farrell, Secretary 5I3JC,13A. Chamber of Coimnerce. Warren Pennington, and-other private citizens. James C. Pennington, Pennington's Flying Service ' ?OAe Chairman announced that Major A. J. Williams retired Naval Of£icer who was to be present could not attend "dri`?, on account of a previous engagement. The Chairman further urged to bear in mind that our interest in the Air- ??ort Agreement is as important to us as to the Navy, and read a resolution £rom the Aviation Co.ittee of the ?Wi]mington Chamber'o£ Commerce calling upon us to recognize and protect the rights of all persons engaged in -A I . 464 Meeting of I4ovember 2, 1953 - Continue3 - Civil Aviation in this area, which was upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, accepted for con- sideration along with the discussion of the subject matter. At the request of the Chairman, Mr. E. E. Beaty read the proposed 25-year joint-use ngreement in full, and the same was discussed in detail and objections oiere raised by the County to the terms and requirements contained ? in Articles 3 an3'5 of said agreement, as to the Navy taking over the field in cases of inere necessity, and its effect of stangling Civilian and Commercial use. A recess was then talcen until 1:40 P.M. 2•00 P.I4.: \?,Discussion was resumed and continued at great length in an ef£ort to reach a mutual agreement as to Articles - Q 3 and 5. and a committee oF Messrs. Oliver Carter, Joseph Norwood, R. B. Allen, the ChairmAn and the County Attorney were named to prepare a paragraph to amend Articles 3 and 5, that would protect and preserve Civil and Commercial Aviation use of the fie13 and bring the same back to the meeting for consideration. A recess was taken until 8:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M.: The question was £urther discussed with Col. Iane with Mr. Trask, and the Chairman present, and at 10:30 P.N., a recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.N,, Tliesday, November 3rd, 1953. ? 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, Novembei• 3, 1953, the Board met pursusnt torecess taken 10:30 P.i9., November 2nd, with all Commissioners present and the County Attorney, and the following routine business of the County was trans- . acted: 44 ? Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Nir. Davis, the following banks were designated as Depositories for County Ftixnds, ir?accordance with the Law: Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, Wilmington, N. C.) The nank of Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C." Peoples Savings Dank and Trust Company, " " Security National I3ank, Bank of Carolina Beach, Carolina Beach, N. C. ? With reference to the County Auditor's of£icial Bonds which were issued, accepted and recorded in the amount ' of $45,000.00 coverii_g him as Treasurer of County Flmds, $50,000.00 covering Sinking Phnds, which were intended T to be issued in the anounts of $50,000.00 as Treasurer of County Flznds, and $45,000.00 covering the Sinking Funde, or in other words just the reverse of the amounts accepted and recorded covering the respective trusts. The first as written and accepted being.ample coverage in the opinion of the Boai:d, was upon motion o£ Mr. l7avis, seconded by Mr. Love, iaas accepted, and any corrections, if deemed necessary, to be made neat year. A comrnunication was received from the New H+znover County Tuberculosis and Health Association announcing the -? openirg of their Christmas Seal Sale on November 16, 1953. , Upon motion, Mr. Hal J. Love was appointed County Representative on the 1954 Azalea Festival Committee. ? ? A proposal was received from Rivers and Joyce biapping Company of Greenville, N. C., submiti:ing a price of $92,500.00 for the proposed preparation of tax maps covering the present City Limits of Wilmington, Wrights- ville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach and the thickly populated Suburban Areas iaithin one-half to one mile from the indieidual city limits, or should the County desire complete mapping coverage based on ezisting records for the rural area of New Hanover County in accordance with the specifications submitted, for the addi,tional sum of $36,000.00. A total cost of $128,500.00 for the entire County. B?`? ? No objections were indicated by the Board to the linited States District Engineer granting the Wilmington Beach ?`?- Investment Company a permit to construct a£ishing pier in the Atlantic Ocean on the North side of Ocean Boule- vard.at Wilmington Beach. VAJ Reports of the County Electrical Inspector £or July and August, and report of the Veterans Service Officer for -???? October were received and filed. ? A report was received from the Back Tax Collector for September and October showing $11,944.91 collected £or the County and $12,445.29 for the City, making a total Back Taxes collected £or September and October $24,390.20. An audit report of the ABC Stores for the three months period ending September 30, 1953, prepared by J. Neve- lan3 Brand, CPA, showing 3.40% increase in liquor sales, and 34•55% in wine sales over same period last year, was received and filed. . .. .,d, Upon motion of Ns. Trask, seconded by Nir. Davis, C r?Reynolds was granted an abatement of texes on 2i acres /?(a_L of hnd, part Aerring, Harnett Township for the years 1949 thru 1953, account of double charge. The same listed and taxes paid by L. Paul Stanley; also A1ary B. Moore, charged as not-listed, tax abated on a valuation of $1,350.001 Lot 1 James and James Division,`flarnetti Township, for the year 1952, account of double charge, Same listed and paid by E. L. Mathews on an assessment o£ $900.00. With reference to request of }tatt=erine Bell for repairs to walk-way over drainage canal on Btu-nett property ? back o£ Iake Street, Winter Park, the IIoard agreed to install the pipe if she will furnish the same. - Payment o£ $681.02, five-year instu•ance premium on Conmunity Hospital and contenta?and nurses home and contents - 1?u? to H. G. Iatimer & Son, was approved. The Chairman then reported on the meeting of the Board at the T. B. Hospital last Monday, concerning the laundry ? situation there, the same is put out on bids, but could be taken care of there with additional equiFxnent. Re- ? ported six (6) vacancies. Garbage which has been boiled is sent to the Countv Fa or feeding the hogs which is all right and safe in accor3ance with 1ega1 regulations, also announced'the slaughter of a 740-pound Jersey '- C bull for fresh meat for the Countv Home. Some complaints were made about the tower clock not too easily read in the day-time, better at night. ?In fact there is no trouble with the clock after the paint marks or streaks ? have been removed from the face of the clock. Col. Iane and other Navy Representatives being present, discussion of the Airport-Use Agreement was again re- sumed after an amendment to Article 3 and 5 had been proposed that would assure a continuation of Civil Aviation at the field. Fltrther discussion followed and Mr.Trask moved that Col. Lane take the agreement back to Washington with him and have it re-written along tfie lines of amendments sugFested and bring the same back to this Board for its ?T+t??'n further consideration. His motion was not immediately secor.ded, and h1r. Love moved for adjournment, but his motion failed of a second, The Chairman then asked Mr. O'Shields, the Uice Chairman, to take the Chair, that he (Mr. Horton) may second Mr. Trask's motion. Thereupon Mr. Trask re-stated his motion and it was seconded by Mr. Horton and carried upon the affirmative vote o£ Nir. Horton, IAr. Trask and Nir, Davis, Mr. O'Shields and' Mr. Love not voting. ? 'I Meeting of November 2, 1953 - Continued - `?A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, November 16, 1953, to enable the Chairman and such other members of the Board who can, to attend the NAOAO Convention at New Orleans, Ia,, Nove?nber 9. 1953. • ? i!•?4' - = y - Clerk. Q Wilmington, N. C., November 16, 1953• Pursuant to recess taken November 2. 1953, the regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M, , Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Ernest H. Smotherman, Pastor of Seagate and Wrightsville . Methodist Churches. The Chairman announced that the meeting of the State Association o£ County Commissioners that was to be held in June at Wrightsille Beach, the date has been moved up to August 15 thru 18th, 1954• T1ze matter of secur- ing speakers for the occasion was referred to the Chairman with power to act. The Chairman and Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor reported on their trip to New Orleans in attendance upon the ?jNational Assessors Association Convention (NAOAO). A very nice meeting of 1100 in attendance to discuss p,._• •?? mutual problems. High spending now being over the hump, time to get back to one thing, uni£ormity, which is necessary for the people as well as the taxing authorities, to agree an3 get together on one mutual sys- tem, no.cramming down throat metho3. A uniform bttsis is most desirable and necessary for a satisfactory workable proposition and when once established could be easily kept up with present trend mostly,on a per- centage basis with the aid o£ an up-to-date mapping system. It was a very worthwhile and beneficial meeting. e Chairmar called attention to the annual meeting of the Tax Supervisors Association at the Institute of -1Government on November 19th thru the 21st, and urged that a s mar?y of the members attend the meeting who can find it conVenient to do so. Commissioner Hal J. Love an3 County Auditor T. D. Love indicated they would attend the meeting with the Chairman. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved payments to the County.Volunteer Fire De- a?5 partments for services rendered in October in accordance with their contracts, on approval and recommendation ?.-zj' of the Fire Inspection Committee, as follows: ? Ogden Volunteer Fire Department, for truck $50.00 iWinter Park " " ° for truck & trailer 65.00 _ - Wrightsboro " " " for truck & trailer 65.00 .-Castle Hayne " " " for trailer 15.00 " ?Seagate n. n n for trailer 15.00 / No o'jections were indicated by the Board to the.United States Distri.ct Ehgineer granting a permit to the Car- ?lina Power and Light Company to construct overhead wires across the Northeast (Cape Fear) River, approximate- -Iy 4.5 miles above Hilton Railroad Bridge, and across the Cape Fear River, approximately 15 miles up-stream of Wilmington. ? A communication was received from the State Board of Public Wel£are calling attention to a rleeting of the Fifth School for Jailers at the Snstitute of Government Aovember 17, 18 and 19th. It was egreeable to the 13oard for the Jailer to attend if the Sherif£ considers it advisable. ?A letter was received from Dr. Charles S. Sale, Secretary of the Netir Hanover County Idedical Society advising ,?CoQAdthat the County Medical Society unanimously voted to endoree a suggestion of the State Health O?ficer to de- pend upon a trained pathologist for autopsies for'the County Coroner. ? t1n invitation was received from the American Legion to attend the Axmi.stice Day Celebration an3 barbecue, Nov- mber 11, 1953,at 10:45 A.M,, at the Legion Home, / ?An invitation £or the Chairmar. to bring the greetings at the County-Wi3e 4-H Achievement 1? y Program to be ? held in the Wrightsboro School Auditoriwn, November l7th at 7:30 P.M., was received. , ??e Chairman presented an invitation from Mr. Hugh D7acRae, Co-Chairman of the Aviation Committee of the Cham- _ I'tQ ber of Commerce? on behalf of the Management of National Airlines, in the interest of good public relations, to attend the Inaugural Flight of a new Convair Plane thru Wilmington 5:20 P.M., Bluetflenthal Airport, Monday, NovemUer 16th, 1953. . ' In connection with their celebration of Optimist Week November 15 thru 21st, an invitation was received from /?? the Optimist Club to attend the dedicatior. of their new Junior Optimist Club at Front and Greenfield Streets, ??`' which will be preceded by a parade starting from Red Cross and Nutt Streets 2:00 P.M., November 21, 1953. ? It was agreeable to the Board for Hall and McChesney Company let its microfilming machine remain in the Regis- 4Juter o£ Deeds Office without obligation of cost or to purchase the same, pending any further sale proposal they would care to make, they also apologizing £or the delay in handling the matter. l WHEREaS, the Public Housing Administration, Room 358 Peachtree-Seventh Building 50 Seventh Street, Iv.E., Atlanta, Ga.' has petitione3 the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to request the State ? Highway and Public Works Commission to take over for State Msintenance, all of the Government-oianed streets and drives in Ataffitt Village lying between the Carolina Beach Rnad (US /i21). and Worth Drive, and between Winter Park-Shipyard Road and Sumter Drive, as shown on map of °Plan of Road Iayout in a Portion of Maffitt Village". (War Housing Project IvC-31027,)hereto attached, and WHE.REAS, it appears thrxt tfie adai'tion of the said s'treets siid daives to our County RAad System is for the best interest of the public generally. THEREFORE, upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by 41r. Love, the Board of County Commissioners of New Han- over County in regulat meeting assembled this 16th day of Tdovember, 1953, approved the request of the Yublic Housing Administratiori, and hereby petition the State Highway and Fublic Works Corrunission to include the said • roads and drives in our Highway System. A petition of eleven property owners requesting hard surfacing of Stokley Drive from US 74-76 to the Rogers Rnad or New Wrightsville Bettch Highway, a distance of approxiriately 2000 Feet,,on which five (5) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for consideration. r? „?ilpon motion oi Mr. Love, seconded by rlr. Davis, John Redmon 14oore 76 year-old citizen and ready to be dis- `harged from the Hospital, and no place to go, was admitted to the County Home on recou¢nendation of the lJel- v ?uy"c U fare Officer as a pay patient at $40.00 oer month. Also, George Washington Jones, colored, 94 year-old senile //` Old-Age-Assistant recipient, was admitted to tr,e County Home asa pay patient at $40.00 per month. Nonthly reports £or October,,,were received from the following and ordered filed: ?