1953-11-16 Regular Meeting'I Meeting of November 2, 1953 - Continued - `?A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, November 16, 1953, to enable the Chairman and such other members of the Board who can, to attend the NAOAO Convention at New Orleans, Ia,, Nove?nber 9. 1953. • ? i!•?4' - = y - Clerk. Q Wilmington, N. C., November 16, 1953• Pursuant to recess taken November 2. 1953, the regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M, , Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Ernest H. Smotherman, Pastor of Seagate and Wrightsville . Methodist Churches. The Chairman announced that the meeting of the State Association o£ County Commissioners that was to be held in June at Wrightsille Beach, the date has been moved up to August 15 thru 18th, 1954• T1ze matter of secur- ing speakers for the occasion was referred to the Chairman with power to act. The Chairman and Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor reported on their trip to New Orleans in attendance upon the ?jNational Assessors Association Convention (NAOAO). A very nice meeting of 1100 in attendance to discuss p,._• •?? mutual problems. High spending now being over the hump, time to get back to one thing, uni£ormity, which is necessary for the people as well as the taxing authorities, to agree an3 get together on one mutual sys- tem, no.cramming down throat metho3. A uniform bttsis is most desirable and necessary for a satisfactory workable proposition and when once established could be easily kept up with present trend mostly,on a per- centage basis with the aid o£ an up-to-date mapping system. It was a very worthwhile and beneficial meeting. e Chairmar called attention to the annual meeting of the Tax Supervisors Association at the Institute of -1Government on November 19th thru the 21st, and urged that a s mar?y of the members attend the meeting who can find it conVenient to do so. Commissioner Hal J. Love an3 County Auditor T. D. Love indicated they would attend the meeting with the Chairman. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved payments to the County.Volunteer Fire De- a?5 partments for services rendered in October in accordance with their contracts, on approval and recommendation ?.-zj' of the Fire Inspection Committee, as follows: ? Ogden Volunteer Fire Department, for truck $50.00 iWinter Park " " ° for truck & trailer 65.00 _ - Wrightsboro " " " for truck & trailer 65.00 .-Castle Hayne " " " for trailer 15.00 " ?Seagate n. n n for trailer 15.00 / No o'jections were indicated by the Board to the.United States Distri.ct Ehgineer granting a permit to the Car- ?lina Power and Light Company to construct overhead wires across the Northeast (Cape Fear) River, approximate- -Iy 4.5 miles above Hilton Railroad Bridge, and across the Cape Fear River, approximately 15 miles up-stream of Wilmington. ? A communication was received from the State Board of Public Wel£are calling attention to a rleeting of the Fifth School for Jailers at the Snstitute of Government Aovember 17, 18 and 19th. It was egreeable to the 13oard for the Jailer to attend if the Sherif£ considers it advisable. ?A letter was received from Dr. Charles S. Sale, Secretary of the Netir Hanover County Idedical Society advising ,?CoQAdthat the County Medical Society unanimously voted to endoree a suggestion of the State Health O?ficer to de- pend upon a trained pathologist for autopsies for'the County Coroner. ? t1n invitation was received from the American Legion to attend the Axmi.stice Day Celebration an3 barbecue, Nov- mber 11, 1953,at 10:45 A.M,, at the Legion Home, / ?An invitation £or the Chairmar. to bring the greetings at the County-Wi3e 4-H Achievement 1? y Program to be ? held in the Wrightsboro School Auditoriwn, November l7th at 7:30 P.M., was received. , ??e Chairman presented an invitation from Mr. Hugh D7acRae, Co-Chairman of the Aviation Committee of the Cham- _ I'tQ ber of Commerce? on behalf of the Management of National Airlines, in the interest of good public relations, to attend the Inaugural Flight of a new Convair Plane thru Wilmington 5:20 P.M., Bluetflenthal Airport, Monday, NovemUer 16th, 1953. . ' In connection with their celebration of Optimist Week November 15 thru 21st, an invitation was received from /?? the Optimist Club to attend the dedicatior. of their new Junior Optimist Club at Front and Greenfield Streets, ??`' which will be preceded by a parade starting from Red Cross and Nutt Streets 2:00 P.M., November 21, 1953. ? It was agreeable to the Board for Hall and McChesney Company let its microfilming machine remain in the Regis- 4Juter o£ Deeds Office without obligation of cost or to purchase the same, pending any further sale proposal they would care to make, they also apologizing £or the delay in handling the matter. l WHEREaS, the Public Housing Administration, Room 358 Peachtree-Seventh Building 50 Seventh Street, Iv.E., Atlanta, Ga.' has petitione3 the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to request the State ? Highway and Public Works Commission to take over for State Msintenance, all of the Government-oianed streets and drives in Ataffitt Village lying between the Carolina Beach Rnad (US /i21). and Worth Drive, and between Winter Park-Shipyard Road and Sumter Drive, as shown on map of °Plan of Road Iayout in a Portion of Maffitt Village". (War Housing Project IvC-31027,)hereto attached, and WHE.REAS, it appears thrxt tfie adai'tion of the said s'treets siid daives to our County RAad System is for the best interest of the public generally. THEREFORE, upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by 41r. Love, the Board of County Commissioners of New Han- over County in regulat meeting assembled this 16th day of Tdovember, 1953, approved the request of the Yublic Housing Administratiori, and hereby petition the State Highway and Fublic Works Corrunission to include the said • roads and drives in our Highway System. A petition of eleven property owners requesting hard surfacing of Stokley Drive from US 74-76 to the Rogers Rnad or New Wrightsville Bettch Highway, a distance of approxiriately 2000 Feet,,on which five (5) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for consideration. r? „?ilpon motion oi Mr. Love, seconded by rlr. Davis, John Redmon 14oore 76 year-old citizen and ready to be dis- `harged from the Hospital, and no place to go, was admitted to the County Home on recou¢nendation of the lJel- v ?uy"c U fare Officer as a pay patient at $40.00 oer month. Also, George Washington Jones, colored, 94 year-old senile //` Old-Age-Assistant recipient, was admitted to tr,e County Home asa pay patient at $40.00 per month. Nonthly reports £or October,,,were received from the following and ordered filed: ? ' 1+ .L ' 466 -- -j Meeting of November 16, 1953 - Continued - Airport Receipts and Disbursements, Home Demonstration Agert, Colored Home Demonstration Agent, Farm Demonsi:ra- ,?Q.? tion Agent, Board of Health, Housing Authority of the City of Wi]mington, Wi]mington Public Library and note of appreciation from Mrs, Harper, Librarian, attached, for the fine Boolanobile which went out on its first run ? November 3, 1953. _/IeZ report of expenditures for forest fire control for this Co•anty for October, was received from the I'orestry Div- ?ry ision of the State Department of Conservation arid Development, in the amount of $3,405.12 of which amount 40% is due by the County or $1,362.05, as per contract. Major items appearing in the report was for tvro Chevrolet units at a total cost o£ $3,006.31. Surety Bonds for J. H. Corbett and C. W. Wilson as Justices of the Peace, in the amount o£ $1,000.00 each with J ? the National Surety Corporation as surety. The said Bonds having been approved as to £orm an3 execution by the ? County Attorney and the amounts fixed by Iaw, were upon motion of Mr. 1^rask, seconded b;• Ns. Love, approved. hotice of formal hearing on appeal in the matter of Aid to Dependent Children filed by Sera King PArker, to be -? held in the office of County 47elfare Tuesday, November 24, 1953 at 11:00 A.M., was received. ? A statement of Budget ES;penditures £or the three months period ending September 30, 1953 was received from the County Puditor, shoiaing total budget of $5,331,124.07 out of which has been expended $1,124,00°.67, leaving an un-expended balance of $4,2071114.40. y Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconde3 by iMr. Inve, abatements to correct errors in the £ollowing tax lists were - authorized: J / ?Ai E. H. Bellamy, Lots 1 and 2 Villa View, Harnett Township $100.00, listed by Mrs. Eliza B. Williamson for the year 1953. Double charge. Hroadfoot Iron Works, Block 85, Machinery, $18,000.00 sold in August 1950, abate taxes for 1951. H. H. Stewart, Block 38, Lot 6, Carolina Beaeh, taxes abated for the years 1940 thru 1953, account o£ double charge. Same listed by Esi:ate of Dr. Pearson, as acreage. ? Upon motion of Mr. Davis, secondec,' by Mr. Love, abatement of taxes for the years shown was authorized and the tax records ordered corrected, in the followirig cases, for the reason the said property has been taken over by the Housing Authority: HTACY. DESCRiPTIOid NAi?E YEARS ABATED 24 W end 6 Leon S. Geyer 1951-1952-1953 24 SW Q --Hrs. L. James Green "." " 24 NE 2-Ptl -Scottie Lee Holden " " " 24 Pt WM 6 ^Noses Randull " " 24 Pt EM 2 Pt 3 _ Ella Hobinson " " " 24 NWJ 1 ?Hrs. Lumm.ie Shaw " " " 24 IId 1 Pt 2 -Estelle i4ack " " " 24 NE 1 ME and 1 - Joseph C. Kerr 24 Whi 6 -Herman Powell 25 N4F4 4 - Sarah H. Ha11 25 SE 4 - Hrs. Willie Johnson 25 SWi Q - Sarah Singleton 38 W end 2 ' C. W. Davis 38 Pt WP1 1 - F. E. Livingston 38 E end 1 - Rethea E. Roderick 39 M 1 Pt 3 - James Henry Brown 39 Pt EM 1J2 Ft 3 Joe Edward Brown 39 w 5 NE-' 4 SW 4 . Church o£ God • 39 EM 13 2 Chas. Crosley 39 WM 6 _ Eknma J. Ebans 1950- 39 SEQ 4 _ Bishop C. M. Grace, Tr. 39 Pt E end 2,3& Pt EM 1220 -Hrs. Alex Huggins 39 Iv'E4 4 -Hrs. Judge C. Newkirk 39 E 3) 4, 5 _ Hrs. Agnes J. Robinson 39 Ft. E 6 ?Hrs. Andrews 39 W end 3Pt 2 -Hrs. J. A. Scarborough , ?. 1?1 .v? f / . .?. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'5hields, County bills No. 1109 to 11+03 were approved for payment. The mee ing then adjourned. 1;)?j petition to close certzin streets in Flemington 5ub-division was declined as the date for the hearing has been A letter was received £rom Mr, E. S. Capps, Membership Chairman of the Y.N,C.A., calling att ? ention to its 70th ? Annual Membership Ehrollment Week? November 17th thru the _l?th? and soliciting such help we may be able to give toward ?ssing the enthusiasm about the Y.M,C.A., Service on to our constituents and employes. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., I4ovember 23, 1953. • The regular iaeekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. • Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Riiford Trask, Marsden Bellamy,County Attorney and ':. D. Love, County Au3itor. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of I4ovember 16, 1953, having previously been maile3 to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, approved. A request of Frink and Herring, Attorneys for the opponents for a continvance of the hearing in the matter of ? set for December 3, 1953, and personal notice and notice by publication has been given as required by statute, and a continuance o£ the same did not appear necessary. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the folloxing 5tate Institutions an3 Training Schools were ?J granted donations in the amounts shown below) to supplanent their Christmas ?d for the inmates in consider- -?? ation of the inmates from this County in said institutions, ard being in the same amounts as appropriated last year: _ 4, +,. Y ,